Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA r LINN’S HISTORY I. (Continuing Milesburg Borough) Milesburg Methodist Church. —A class was formed at Milesburg about the vear 1818. Thomas B. Taylor | now living in Milesburg, is the oldest member of the church, hav- ing joined in 1824. He came Milesburg in 19. and remembers that the Milesburg Methodist Epis- copal class held regular meetings at that time school house that stood the canal bank Methodist ings there the ieader Archie McMullin WAS assistant he office he held 1866. The log a when was erected trustees were Charle B. Taylor, a: Union Sabbath Baptists and to} 18 hn in a log upon what is He wa had I about hip of ucceede \ fs ace the anda Methodist by th year wis Bair a founded Among class leaders in the chur Isaac Lee, Archie McMulll Webber, C. G lyman Brooks, William Day Rhineheart, J. F. Weavel bald Pathurst, J. T. Luca Twitmire, C. 1 TT. Tavior. The ( to the Bellefonte Ci when it charge the preacher Samuel Ellis Barnes, David rest A 3 Rhoade Brent Guyver I's Ham Butler, 8S church now 1} Nn wert David Chandler idson John Grreenougn |) wa leaders are and Lyman are B. B. Ei A. Shrove: Orvis, F. CG Mark Lyman T of the Su: average pastor An oraer Bellefonte wT o Ider 1868, Rev. William Prideaux a season as stated supply, ar ing 1868 was O. Wright, 1 alled to be Degan d dur- C.Y. WAGNER & COMPANY * 00 WAGNER'S QUALITY FLOUR A Hard Wheat Pat, Flour "ee WAGNER'S OUR BEST FLOUR 4-50 Blend L Aaad WAGNER'S VERY BEST FLOUR Winter Wheat "000 Wagner's 167 Dairy Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower Wagner's Scratch Feed Wagner's Chick Feed Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman’s Dog Feed 000 Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA. W. B The membership in In 1876 the Thomas, appointed 1871 188] was membership was Since 1868 the admissions have numbered 71. In 1881 the trustees were 8. T. Shugert, Frank MeCoy, | Elias Zimmerman, William Robi- | son, Michael Lebkicher, David Fu- rey. The church is now free of debt and owns besides a church edifice, | onage, which was left by Alexander as a legacy. W. Thomas is superintendent of the School. Rev. W. O. Wright, obtained his college de- t Lafavette and his theolo- education at Princeton, grad- from the former in 1857 and 1 the latter in 1863. He was born in Ireland, and came to America in 1848. He entered the ministry stated supply at Philipsburg, Centre | County, and Kyvlertown, Clearfield Count which churches he served a ich from May 17, 1863, to June 15, 1864. Upon the latter date he was ordained pastor both chur- by Hunting Presbyter: Philipsburg. In 1868, vas released his own request I'henceforward until Apr. 5, 1868, tated supply at Miles- three other congregn- date la named he the churches at Shoe,, and Mo- then he has re- of the three con- 54, "a , o BL James B Sunday the pastor, ree a ICs wh } i of don April, the he at he acted a and for tions. Upon as chosen Milesburg, non the for Snow Since in charge tions Milesbur frame the partly that chools first school tructure and burying IS€ Was a to old indeed teachers in iy in school nreser inunediate suc- Hurd, Mrs. Damp- Mrs. McKean In i thelr man Ry the premises F. weaver were There was a further delay, ever nti July. 1860, when made with A C 4 tory $20 nan ac wa Ww) The Potters Mills school on Th were Miss Porter, Mr. Breon Beverly Brown, Merian Nancy Bhaffer an Mr William Judy of Lock Have: home of ¥ weekend mother Mill Rossman Move: Mr Shope, Mrs ersbaugh Movies were enjoyed by the chil- dren at the Potters Mills school on Friday The titles were Winter Winderland, Huckleberry Finn and “Colonial Children Larry Burd and. Nora Snare of New Jersey, visited the Potters Mill cl on Thursday and Pri- day Mr Guerrier and at the arl Smith ver the The Potters Mrs helped at the this week were Gleser Mrs Confer, Mrs Mrs. Muth. "ho chool Mrs wilbur Acker and ) 1001 — a ——— Penn State Plans Spring Weekend The annual Spring Week-end pro. gran of the SBchoonl of Home Economic at the Pennsylvania State College will be held on Fri- day and Saturday April 13-14 Using the theme, “Children and Youth in Our Homes.” the pro- gram will combine the Freshunan Week-end Leaders’ Cone ference, the meeting of the Home Economics Alumni Association, high school and parents’ visiting days and also bring to the campus other Pennsylvania homemakers Exhibitions, demonstrations, tours n series of talks, and other activities to Interest visitors has been planned for the program Guest speaker for the Spring Weekend will be Dr. Ethel Waring | professor of child development and | family relationships at Corneil Uni. versity. Widely known as a child | psychologist, she has worked with hundreds of parents’ groups in solv. ing familly problems —_— A———— Want pet, Apt. Find it in the CD i throughout | State | would annual | General State— From Page (Continue the Board of signed to serve flood control the Federal Last fall, November the to conerete One Engineers, as the basis for a program financed by | government | however, after the 1960, clvie leader valley, combining | immediate tep toward Was ie flood | of their effort tion on some curbing the went tl government at Harrisbur They appealed directly to Gov. John 8. Fine to provide fund the state to bulld at least dams recommended by ens tar First get ac | floods 13) from one of the the Arm) ineet and to t Fork provide of pre mum expenditure Governon Fine w provide the fund Ke, Was the project General dam as the ure tection inable in originally Wi Luri us consideration Senator State alc been di umes me He stood Secre , Milo true retainin ha everal budget lature g | ter N to con 81! control Branch as The ram recommended after possible lod eers their atl is located abx mouth of mended earth the Wash Machines Faster With Equipment ne | B f » ‘ ’ f A f f ante THE Orrick CA “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relished By the Wisest Men.’ BOALSBURG Overheard in The Centre County Hospital Operating Room uffering on the he An ola 1 r Believe It Or Not Too Bad, Scotty Ki ~ Brotherly Love ps { rd Have Mere \ Hospital Jargon NEW GAv- Soil Will Puddle If Plowed Too Wet GODS WITH International Wn | {md} fo § m oD (OVENANT HIS PEOPLE School 1951 sunday April 15 for Text (;enesh f 15 ¥ I-19 In Summer Plank toans are best. We are squipped te handle amy worthwhile \ COMPARY Amount of Note — PERSONAL LOANS lezn for any purpose OUP RATES WITH THOSF CHARGED BY OTHERS Twelve Monthly Proceeds to Borrower Fayments of L » $ 683 M hl $13.28 $200 $17.87 BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY (The Friendly Bank) "ROCKET" ENGINE And the { milking A Use the | the (100 nantie the oak the equip: hour Us temperat Alter rinse thoroughly in rees. Do equipment Immediately before milking assemble and sanitize When milking machines for In the above manner will last longer milkstone non-existent, better qua equipmen degrees 115 de- not a tore the Im semoie Ae Care rubber will be lity in milk will re it A 1 idde trouble will De decrease Tomatoes Look Like Good Crop For 1951 Tomatoe rop to grow Casing and the ports Assistant | D. Delong appear to thi be a gO year for both pro open market County Agent He suggests that letermining whether to crop, growers study the | well and plan carefully In the first place, growers re Clah before grow thi situation mist he familiar with the growing of the | crop. They need soll in condition [soll which has consistently pro- | duced good yields of high quality The soll must be well drained and | fertilized enough to grow the crop | Another very important factor ! the labor situation. The labor supply | avaliable to the grower during the picking season must be considered In making plans The average yield In Pennsyls vania for canhouse tomatoes for 1050 was about 8 tons per acre, one of the highest average yields on record. High yields of high quality Are necessary to make money dhove, Ndemohile Super “BE” 4.Door Sedan. * Hydra Marie vive sptional at avira cost. | gui pment, acesssarion, and trim lnsrated spbioct to change without notice TOP "ROCKET" BUY OF THEM ALL! SEE YOU New advances make Oldimobile’s “Rocke!™ sven more sconomical for 19511 Try it yourself! (0LOSHOBILF Meet the newest nese car on the road! Meet Oldemolsile’s — . and check its major advance. trinmphant Soper "85" ments! Appearance is new! Striking new style marks the with Super "88"! Body is new! Bigger, wider, roomier wonderful new visibility! Chassis is new! Brilliantly engi. R NEAREST PHONE 4595 OR VISIT OLDSMOBILE A GENERAL MOTORS Vault neered for complete riding comfort! Drive is nese Vdamohile Hydea- Matic Drive® is even easier to operate! Engine is nee! Oldsmobsile’s famous “Rocket™ brings vou new thrill. ing action, new gasoline savings! See the Super “88” in our showroom! Meet the nev all time high in Oldsmobile value! DEALER FORESMAN MOTOR CO. Willowbank and Myrtle Sts. ¢
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers