April 12, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. age Three » SCOTIA | WINGATE 50 YEARS AGO: Pp 0 R T M AT { L DA Inger, PH c: ve is rw! Penn State To— Last Friday we had the pris | HAT NEON-I am going wl Methodist Church Edifice Re-opened; ol a ster Mus rr, State College; M Ji : we Pr o Paps On lege of meeting len { om oint out to you that I have #4] Officers of Lady Emily Rebekah | Smith, Mi : : iv } who spme years ago was our paper | Kittl n't you dare drown ‘em. | * Lodge, 452, were installed In the | Pansy Willa azel Moersbacher, | | hi $ A Sra president of tern Electric Com- boy when we lived on Pin treet { will hold vou responsible. If Estimated Cost Is Put At $15 000 | Lodge Rooms, 100F Hall, Wedns and Jack Willian ittended the ar " —- oe 4 ‘ = I 1 intil j rement in 1947 in Bellefonte. We knew then | you drown them He will send the ’ day evening by District Deputy | nual Jackson rao ; inner | 4" - ‘ a \ nati of Mount he wa as little Billy Shope, but now he | lot of them to haunt you in the Carrie Woodring and staff, Visitors | held in ti theran Ch h of V ar a y L11 of duated from the lege in 1908 is known as the Re illiam | nig is terrible that you hate I'his 1s an eventful week for the Fount” w. Crider is nursing a| were present from Altoona, State | Pleasan aj tuart dhe \ pending a " ayard D. Kunkle, Detroit, Mich Shope, pastor of the Bald Eagle | poor Kittie You must treat them | Methodist congregation [ Belle-| bealed wrist { College, and Pine Grove Milk Mr. and Mi Mortor ain and! AL LU H bid Annan | Ce - pres ) neral Motor charge of the Baptist Church ashamed to be hate-!fonte. The re opening of the edifice wlph Mallory, the photographer | Present were Maude Ewing, Warden is now serving as substitute mall il oor kitties. You are an old | took place last Sunday morning and | in Philadelphia this week on a | of Rebekah Assembly of Pennsyl- | carrier on the R mt « the | witch and vou are wicked of heart a large attendance more than filled | busines trip vania, Past District Deputies Am} Port Matilda postofli R and I don't think you feed kittie the bullding to hear Bishop Fow aa ia a tie Kerstetter State College Grace Shope is the son of at ! hey like t live and play. Didn't ler. The expense of remodeling the| ™ ah Mi G. Murray Andrev Smith Anna German Altoona William Shope | ) bellefont vou pli \ ny were a kid? | edifice was $15,000 and that amount | iladelphia, are guest | Marie Alexander. Maude Cow and he also is ¢ rand f lum=- | 1'1 ol you for cruel an-iwa subscribed with little fl | Port Matilda OfMicer inst berman W. R. Shoi of hon imals ar or cat fou can be This Thursday the new pipe orga C. M. McCurdy, of the | were Noble Grand Beatrice Street, Bellefonte arrested ye Know reat em as | secured through the efor ( rs.| Mi National Bank, has returned | drew Noble Grand Supportie: Last Thursd: vening a birt ) would 1 treq i Ol inn Ii will be formally | m Gettysburg where he spent the | Marie Alexander, Bertha William party was held at the | ¢ i I yi ! v you jailed wove | pi n the net ion. The | E ecason with friends at his! Viee-Grand France weay and Mrs. Adolph Reed i ! f | ny kitti u ] vourself and 111i vas first bullt in 1875 at al old home Grand Supporter Je Adolph's birthday. Useful gifts we t never mind drowning them. ;cost of $25.000. At present the local| pu. op payard has accepted the | Verna Wiser; Warden ss the Baltimore Mutual vicinity received and a lunch wie erve 1 vicked devil m good | Methodist CONgrega [ Conductor Stell Present wer V1 nda vil Wi to my kitt n they fon‘'t have about 00 member len Chaplain, Margaret ford Reed r. and M tar ¢ 10 it in t id In winter- | School of over 500 Guardian Irene Weller Markle f State Colle a ¢ time either y . 2h i ’ Mi 5 i a student a Guardian Mary Walke: Mr » Stual toot Ir O THE FARMER-—-Well, T sug " bus i By bt Dl East rwn ' pent her Easter wa-| Gertrude Bulich. Retiring Mrs rt nd t f et rid of those goats uj rand ; Te Jer Pd atio vith her rothe ohn 1 Grand wi Hele1 Moose Run. Thuse gow wbiley,’ "3 : sgl Members of installing ] | | Marie Alexander Hazel Robi Lilllam Spotts, Jessie Lyken Bennett, Bertha Alilam Cowher Mae Rs Spe tafl w was presented by Almeda Alexa lishment at Mi wley Noble rand Beatri nae: shop Street made swe commit 1 y ments Sick, Mary Wagner, employed in a 4 Woodring lara ay Enter . nd ' y ' e4 : v ; 2x indicated he Lewisburg, on Monday ; ph Yds 1ond ring Eri IM Fal A J n 4 " ! ) ive h indicated he tainmen rri ooarin & y Robert Ler gw | vi vi turn to 1 « for the a buzzsaw which sev- wet ohm ¢ ! » A Alu ' Y > 4 ampus for th WwW : Bish Wo A g ‘ agner picked up adnussion a mal a : Iked tr Pha bs tent ne | Bertha Willi ni nana WRIKEC { Lhe eliepnone 2 Lock Haven : Wo ’ we im Hazel Stiver WY Wiser ummoned a doctor H The Lodge Dairymen Buy Ayrshires walked home an kah degree Age roon 20 YEARS AGO: Logan Hose Company Seeks Aid of Borough Council For New Pumper ore Strawberries Bette! Strawberries / Er 2 / lp f eek LY Prior Ovinion __" ane on rd 2 LR HE RR ELE ERE STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM gm Small Electric Appliances VOSS KELVINATOR: PHILCO, GIFTS - TOYS - PATENTS — Fountain Service — BENDIX, IRONRITE, MELROY'S | .uoz: Beef ue oe ttf rim, Coie ie Som Sed of Bo America’s Largest and Finest Pleasant Gap, Pa. | the top of the cover,| CLG SL Sor ommander Wal | 5°00 healt . I ot | dik oe. olor. RUNVILLE Low-Priced Car! Meyer nd family. of Mt OLIVER FARM MACHINERY every. bulaing. fo be Known as | Eagle. moved to the Thomas Meyer Yes, we have it. Come in and let us show you the newest wi . nile. of Balle models of } al amily 1} propert) OLIVER TRACTORS, 66, 77 and 88 sine the same name. A | last tay which 1 vacated bs OLIVER PLOWS, 2 and 3 bottom vs ir. |! e rs. Marlin Pisher hag OLIVER HARROWS " Faves’ in iesday, who moved with Mi OLIVER MANURE SPREADERS hres] | will ‘ nfer. ote OLIVER COMBINES : n mi e prof Mr rothy { Zio SINGLE ROW CORN PICKERS SO ] \ yo ted with } and Mrs. Samuel We also have a full line of Goodrich Tires and Dela~al a bl now i i William Watsor was brought milking equipment, Open evenings ! ounty ! ' ro he wpital last Pri. al his sn . > i ¥ mn : 18% "ne H : Diehl & Yearick winning: from Tawist | Dennis Watson, and is improving Phone Millhelm 26-R-25 or 130-R-4 Sunda | nicely : Y , BURG ' | t the I { wat number of our Grapge memb- REDERSBURG, Fe } tims n attended the Grange meeling Pleasant Gap last Jriday eve- - ] } y J The Stvisline De ning when the 3d and 4th degrees th | a—— Continue of Pom a " ot »e . Ar ase oni grap grein fv men had reached thelers by the Logan Grange degree Reedsville whet the | team, Apr. 3 f approachir ars caused John Purl attended the annual ) TUN © e side of the | Fire Insurance Agents meeting held Yes AR E T Yes FINE T for a considerable distance | at Lamar in the new Nitany Grange F 4 ® * 0 rr ® 00 re they crashed into a telephone | Hall, No. 334. All enjoyed the time Strange to say, Haag escaped |and a good dinner was served. | and the facts speak for themselves and here are the plain-spoken reasons no injury whatever ut his! E R Hancock and his house-| companion was less fortunate as| keeper, of Philipsburg, visited with [he sustained a number of lacera-|John Purl last Sunday | W's LONGEST in the low-price field, a full 197% inches of spirited FISHER BODY QUALITY, renowned for solid end lasting good: tions and bruises that required at-! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Purl and tention at the hospital after the | Mary. of Willlamsport, visited with | action ond cleon, fweeping lines. It's HEAVIEST in the low price ness. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE, smooth ond gliding. | men had been brought to Bellefonte | thelr father last Sunday afternoon field, a staunch and solid 3140 pounds in the model! illustrated. VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE ECONOMY, spirited performance of by another party Samuel Is to be promoted soon to| . " : a . the presidency of the foundry firm.| It has the WIDEST TREAD in the low-price field, a rood taming lowest cost. PANORAMIC VISIBILITY, with a big curved wind. Toner Watson and family, of at h A i N > o | Montoursville, visited With Dennis 58% inches between centers of the rear wheels. Longer, heavier, shield ond large window oreo. JUMBO -DRUM BRAKES, biggest Watson Sunday, where his father is] with wider tread . . . that's the measure of Chevrolet's rock-solid in Chevrolet's field. SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL, with Bellefonte postal employees will staying at present ! THE DAVID J JEFFRIES g0 On a 44 hour week, starting on| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese, of | value . . . big in looks, big in handling and riding ease, big in shielded instrument lights. POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANS. r July 1, In accordance with a law | Wingate, visited at Dennis Watson's | ‘hugging performance. Why settle for less than a Chevrolet billion-mile-proved, combined with 105-h passed by Congress. The new hours | Saturday to see William Watson who | road-hugging p y ’ MISSION, te-p ’ 05-h.p. volve-in- FUNERAL HOME will help to relieve unemployment, |is recuperating nicely | + + + when Chevrolet is the lowest priced line in the low-price field. head engine optional on De Luxe models of extra cost, at least on a small scale, as it may Samuel Shirk’'s bullding project CENTRE HALL be necessary to employ more clerks | is looking up in fine shape Good reasons why MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! and carriers on the substitute list Farmers are busy plowing and A oablegram was received in|getting ready for spring planting . Bellefonte Tuesday morning an-|and planting is going on In many “The Country Funeral Home Serving You in Time of Need” nouncing the arrival In Hamburg, | gardens . Germany, of Messrs. Jacob Shook be) y P. Bieg, who are mak. What has become of n th . y Attendant Phone 37 and william n e dis Lad ing an industrial tour of that coun- | asters that were to strike the U. 8. fon try In the interests of the Tial|if the national debt got three. 127 S. Potter St. Phone 4791 Belle te, Pa, Metal Mfg. Company fourths of its present sized’ Sidney Weller, a former guard at Rockview Prison, has accepted a position in the Zeller Drug Store
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers