Page Two 1951 CENTRE HALL The W.CTU THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 1 aie BUSH HOLLOW | Pine Grove Mills Che Grutre Bemarat Sunday School as usual next Sun- Al FOUNDED 1827 lday at 9:30 am. We were glad for | comn ~ the 68 present last Bunday but hope Published avery Thursday morning by {for a larger attendance this week. | Light CENTRE DEMOCRAT, INC, West Hig! Bellefonte, Pa, | Preaching ervice following the | Haupt Sunday 8chool; also Young Peo John Associate Editor Manager 1 \ Y 1 i Top R el, N : K, MITE Mrs, James Law ] Jimmy and | Sia M I i mith Mi | Robby of Lock Haven, hi | i a dinner with Mr. and Mr h Me Wert, In the afternoon ti e andl { the Laws and Mi Kenneth Wer | and daughter Mary Ann Bellefonte where the ere | guests o and Mr Ralph 1 and Bob- ost oi Mi. ! 7 “H Potter called rt) nniversary of Harry Mi Het | Sunday afternoon to see celebrated last Mi pis | Mr Ralph Musser at th nis 1 i Eister | at Rock Spring u ai to, uve. Mr. and Mrs. D \n Eugene | pring Mills, 4 } Mr. and Mr Centre all Harry G. MeClena- | entre Ha if Centre Hall RD. | Mr Larry Rubi day dinner of | ville, Ind., who « Harry MeClenahan her parents, Mr week at the home laney on Mol rhomas Delaney near | them until Friday ‘re Mi Henry Zerby on the nursing vin and Kermit, of | there while her John Delaney | Larry Rubri Hall and enridge, Ming Mt d Bruce « Sunday Mrs. George Mrs Rimmey He re John wl Sunda John B daughter Mrs Wetzel for will meet atl Pringle and home of Mrs. Robert Rho y who brought Thursday eveni A} 9. Mel me, took Mrs. J, F bers note change in dat along to Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Roy | of 1 week stay vington, visited rec Mr. and Mrs. Ira Elster CQ. Goodhart and Cly yv Lee, of Sunbury es at Centre Hill of Cen Mrs. Daniel Bol \ on mday dinner Akron where Lee Cole, and Pearl Cole Mrs. Donald worked at working in change Mr. and Linden Hall, wei day evening Whiteman Mr Har Ln Mrs Kryder i i Bank Vir. and Thursday { AV, ( Is at his hon Mrs. Ell called on Sun and Mr Sunday Garnder Weaver, Wanda Mr. and Mi I I beginni inns ‘ait ji x. J . y he * Denny and Jeffries, of M he Res spencer sang with | (1-4 oR oo arrester rhe M eting will b he h | M A: Oui tui aay Sch and Mrs. Hob X pre hy 2 iss me » of C¢ ¢e H el J nt 1 by series £3117 Hox Mi Wil I wr J , : ’ ‘ ¢ Reber to the Womat I i 4 Nortl \ orm FT ’ y v tra dy Badd ! ! : " p ke { ity Reformed last Wednesd charge of Mi Bradford Onl meeting Miss Jenni : I ‘ n Spencer Mrs Bradford M . Mar { § Berwick where they vi Mrs, Joh nart I I t y Y ford, Mr iru I Slack, Mi Harry Mrs. John Delane Mrs. CW. B se, Mrs. Will a m and ’ . v Bias oer Jennie Thon heir farm home which | Mrs. Charles Kret 4 woak who was hurl non! \ . (———— — Sp | bought. The Trostles moved [to Hyner in Su | | i a FE Den a | J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY Mr. Clyde Duty I r. Blazer plans to retur: le, Mi ttorf : Ail called at hi ip ™y EE doi % | one 115% i0% Blreet, WILLIAM CECIL A "ACN ELT MONEE] [ples Meeting at 7 p.m. followed by | Bdward the regular evening sen Re | VIVAI EIvVIices are now in progre | with the Rev. Conrad wife, of M1 FATIH Arent Prof yop) | — — ———————— ! Elwood Ind., as the 2 out and enjoy these {evening at 7:30 pm The Rev, and Mi panied by Mr. and Mi Marti Spots and Philip made a trip Selinsgrove last Mondn Mi Myrile King days last week thi nome Howard and Hall niest Ol Runkle. The Spring Mill M and Mr ee WALKER Ld ase re ime and worker service eacy he visit er | Vrs. Wallace Ww Com called children Cieor eck Ce and Li Mi Mrs. W Mike anda Fisher accon Terms of Bubseription advance within Centre County, Ps. ce outside of Centre County, Ps. post office at Bellefonte, Ps. I Near $1.50 per year payable $2.00 per year . +. payable In advar Entered as second class matter at the ime guest i anda pent Martin 8S any ——— SMULLTON f Of | nt The Rs entertained Roy revival frvice nia id SUDSLItU Le School the the Spout (ieor; Grovi Pu burg Bunday ited One of the Oldest Agencies In Centre County FDW. | Temple Court KFEICHLINE Phone 2521 RIPPLE READING TREAT WITH BALTIMORE AMERICAN w B. M White er home near Lin-| Mr. and Mr. Lyon | e Mrs ted n the 4-H Club should be pre aazines w REPRESENTING Thursday, Miss Helen Miller v Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Hall, of Wil- | at the Vernon Garb | ; | Fuchiy moaRazioe of tr The Martin Steel Products Corp. NE OF UE I EO on Ay v8Y With eo! a Lock H ABC, means Aided By Classifi P Re und} of METAL an pre ¢ ere ¥ vi iM map! . " . ” if Farm” iller, Mr 4 ne trow, Miss Bertha DAIRY BARNS thryn Breon, M GRAIN BINS Mrs. Bertha Ba Garis, Mrs. R “Pioneers in the Desigr brication Buildings EXCLUSIVELY for HAYMAKERS CORN (CR Lhe HLM —— Fs \ old Durst, Robert Rh ry Dutrow M Badger: Barn For furthe ( leaner ind Barn Ventilating Fans y and call or see d prices USSER PHONE MILLHEIM 1ZRI12 Mrs. Ker Saturday she spent a week Ca EE ar ais me re nen ee 0 | con FRANKLIN SPRING MILLS, PA wad - DR. A. F. PRATT, Optometrist Opposite Post Office at REBERSBURG PHONE 26-R-11 OFFICE DAYS—Tuesday and Saturday, 10 A. M. te 8 P.M. NOT needed, but will be made (and kept) Appointment for anyone who wishes to avoid long He gets a picture of the weather by Long Distance Yeu w's weather is on the wires today for the fore ch guard this Nation's shores Today the largest Long Distance network of its kind them prings detailed weather charts isobar around the clock These charts are sent by a system known facsimile” from the Weather Analysis Center in Wash ington, D.C. There, an electric eye as 1s i turns on a special drum. The signal waves produced go out over thou scans the weather “picture” sands of miles of wire to military installations throughout the country where the picture is automatically reproduced, This weather network was de signed and completed in less than two years. It's another demonstration of the importance of Long Distance to the security of our Nation To help speed your Long Distance call, please give the operator the out-of-town telephone number The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania ‘ n Centre County Hospital on aturday Axil 1. weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounce and ha wenn named William Harold Mi Kerlin is the former Phylli Witmer ghter of Mr. and Mrs ial Witmer of State College hile Mr. Kerlin is the son of Mr ane! MY W.. WW. Kerlin of Centre Hal CHURCH SERVICES | United Rrethren pastor. Spring ip service, 9:15 church 10:00. Centre Hall-Chureh 10.00, worship service. 11:00 Bethesda — Worship service, 2:00 | Tusseyville-~Church school 10.00; | revival service, 7:30 | Evangel E. D. Bpencer Waorsh chonl Rev Mills chool Evangelical Reformed: Rev. 1. EB Bair, pastor Trinity — Church school, 9:30, worship service, 9:30 W's the new Ford Victoria It's sedan-snug ond convertible-smart, with beoutiful new styling inside and out! And it offers new Automatic Ride Control . . . Double- Seo! King-Size Brokes . . . ond new Fordo- matic* drive! I's a V-8 Powerhouse Optional 0! erive cont To feel the power of Ford's V-8 you'd never believe it's so savingfull Ford's Automatic Mileage Maker squeezes the lost ounce of power out of every drop of gas —————— A ————————————— is SA AUTHORIZED DEALER BARNETT MOTORS, INC. 316 W. High St. Phone 2423
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