Page Eight THE CENTRE Di MOCR AT, BELLEFONTE, PA. March 15. 1951 ———— - I — . - _— ——— ————— | : 4 ‘ ¢ . | Journalism— I eachers Given— was accepted from Kurtz Bro of | armed forces, in June pita tae Convention held in Atlantic City | Clearfield ere were two other A ; i Bip . . ; . this month. A shortage of substitute i (Continued from Page One id i ve A rts A leave of absence “ gra eo } 54 y : i at 1 The Sehool (Continued from Page One) | mun ' 1 Fg } bidder Cambosco wa ow bidder : . 3 each wir felt he senoo ‘ WLANE ry 1300] Mi eno | f Ieoris ‘ p 4 p A for sciences sli X } y() ; arly RT hy ree: i ¥ Donald ean hel db ix ed il and 1 now | 4 0 a ‘ ‘ . ¢ a chitecture typical of professor in the Scho f 3 | he boar coepted ith regret | Mis sarbara Hoy was named to th Itrniitis Ihe ’ : ; : as e——re tL 2 War peri and | 0 tion at Penn State, ha Oe ed a the resignation of © ene Se position! of secretary in the office of has foots ‘ Td f N Y t \ , ¢ peu re onded ver lowly Ww ha A ‘ 1 ‘ P | +11 [| | of m ¢ al (aT * LE] ar j! “A 6 MRS. LOTTIE B. WALLACE Mi Lottie B. Walla { eg] >b R u or 7 Ares . \ A X Cun i at 1¢ home in Mil bure at 10 three great grandchildre: gel rockernofl residence N A bia oi ’ ERA ! i | $1 join nel 1S DA TN a member ol onerated rom $2803.50 ym Mo Mar 2 S ember I the St cornet Of W IsHOoD and Sorin onday | Ro bet i for a year David a 31 al Jane ! n i i h many f1 4 MY ral sr will § 1d + v ‘a Mar 1 1000 14 arrie 08 Neral Service i De € \ fait) enresented | 1ellefonte Wallace, who rvive i er he etzier i on elle hurche he Bellefonte | \ niehter 1 D Tek FIT OT ¢ fonte at 2 m “1'id Ait D hool built in 1041 y the Cen CGRugiiesl A : + IIR Lad | Ui i | | . N ' off ty tT , p Philadelnh irvive rence &. Arnoi ! : { i lLibrar \ will Be t le inn the Ut \ OY I Wallace Ww a member of ial Will DE mad ne ul m The library vhic . the lex) st ‘hiireh Ler ‘riends man \ t the f the ilesbur ne erian ch : rena nay A home { the entre ounty Histo 01 A ( d ff t y < [ i 1b { ! f [ ¢ { | « A AI { [ MIE Ey i A vit ( fy Just as surely as 2 and 2 make 1 so do the fine quality foods and low everyday prices at vour friendly Weis Market add up to better, more economical eating for vou and your family. High In Quality Low In Price | vl # WEIS PAL ME ATS WEIS COFFEES a Ef SMOKED HAMS isis + B5e ous a) CHUCK ROASTS «cone +69 Unionville. survive will he her Al ordi both employment and Bag 7 7 cs a rs all was ¢ member of the ! the tuhiman funeral home At 2 3 education a ii oy i ting a " lean F reshly Ground ethodist Church of Unionville p.m. Frid: with the Rev. Donfua | 40500 eadir ndustrie { SLICED BAC Fh uneral services were held at the 3. Miller officiating rial will Be lef nte the Titar Met 1 Com- ON Fas c HAMBURG 4 8 0 ry E Vowler and the | fonte the w arner 1 3 . Ya Tan ’ Yh on LEADE Now Is The Time Rib End 45¢ Loose v. OH Shellhaas officiating | (Cory yy | temationally known makers of rol R re Order Your PORK LOIN ROASTS .. PORK SAUSAGE ‘meters 1 Samuel M tin | HL East . - ‘ AE the ‘ton Bt ‘ 1-1b familton Avenue. State College. | Mppinen Engl Ba Rs. PLIIAETTSY 3 REED HamiRog Avenue, Site Colles, eer A i £ 79c EASTER Sea Foods For Your Lenten Meals irs. Elizabeth M. Reed her Presbyterian Chur Hed at | vaXlafonta : resident tha cowl Pollock Fillets Ih. 25¢ Haddock Fillets Roth To hg 218 A ES SAY eID na aurday, Mar. yom whi Bellefonte derives it HOTEL and Cod Fillets Ib. 33¢ W hiting Fillets ers. e at | # Dr. 3 . : RESTAURANT HAM Lobster Tails ih, 95¢ Gulf Shrimp 1-1h 81 Chesapeake Bay Oysters Stewing pt goo . Frying pt 79¢ C High Quality Low Price Canned Gpods * Baking Needs 4X SUGAR rir 3% 19 Tomato Juice wr 280 | Wensimgswe ove se " ’ ag Gold Medal Vanilla Substitute 3-02 bot 13 Libby S Beets abil 2 Cam 23c Hipolite Rorsanallon. Gems ar 25¢ p del Monte 20-01 Marshmallow Fluff Ta-er har 20¢ Pineap pie Chun o Tid Bi 3c Sane: or Crcaldl Vou 37 Carruth Mciatis Interment | § Bs - i | iver MRS. ANNA SHOWERS w made the P Hall Go y depe ! Evap oe Milk Weis Qualit 3 Tall 38¢c Hershey's Baking Chocolate ook 4]c M1 \TINA ve f Bellefonte 'eler Lie } ) t al els uality Cans Boyle's 1 ome DDITIONAL DEATHS ON PAG ‘ eople ! it a : 5-1b bag . 10-1b bag Weis Best Pastry Flour " ‘ $ k = fe ; cause ma From California 5 o1 Pillsbury Pie Crust oe pht 17¢ an s Honore: Fa 2 a tha ’ ard Sliced or Halves an Cc . Shots phd ” ( D Jeff rie ‘ fio! lof ‘ ' ore { ry we. [ 4 Morton's Salt Cucumber Dills Dells Brand 1.1 33c : Dromedary Gingerbread Mix gr ne "7 Swansdown Coke Mixes Del Monte Catsup Het 2lc Rershiey Semi-Sweet Dainties re og Crisco and Spry You get long wear and wuaon Hore 3g Vas = [JETS SAN PRODUCE Em 2 2c | ICEBERG LETTUCE 2-19 neat appearance with RED SOUR BHERRIES 2:45 | SNIONS Swi” San]Se ’ All Good Seedless Grapes 2 tame ap 5+ 29c¢ Workman's brand clothes ron Houts = "272% BORDERS iL 3.20. Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 2 16-02. cans Jie BECUZ ALL WORKMAN'S BRAND WORK CLOTHES Kretschmer's Wheat Germ Cereal 12-03 jar 29¢ Fancy Southern ARE MADE OF THE FINEST HARD-WEARING CLOTH Cut-Rite Wax Paper '* Troll 25¢ p C 0 C 0 A N U T S YAMS a phe ~ ] AND EVERY GARMENT IS SANFORIZED; WON"I Paes Suter fgg Dyes 5 2 29c 3m 29c Yummies Dog Candy rhe 25¢ A eo Better Buys In Candy | o Pantry Shelf Values ® Values In Juices | Whole Kernel Golden Memphis Belle Unsw i eel 2.-35¢ fod Sanforized OVERALLS from $2 89 rs A fet Bi TT Eh KERNEL CORN GRAPEF RYT i Sanforized WORK SHIRTS from $1.59 we 950 BUTTER KERNEL PEAS 2 / 39¢ Newsne orl c ‘or ing or Frving nsweelened WESSON OIL =o 44c BLENDED JyijcE Celle Pks Chocolate wo “25 Swing To HURRY TO HOUTS, GW A Hershey Kisses nargpge| KING SYRUP mn 3c | emp CHOICE WHITE MEAT SHRINK MORE THAN 1 Cans \ NY ee Shoe Ww hn My-T-Fine 8 Easter Ld PUDDINGS Ohosalate . Lemon Pkes Cc TOMORROW! : - Chivlate 1 wis BY ree 27¢ Stratford Farms utterscot , aie van .»93¢| PRESERVES wi: 16¢ [reun | Warkmolion fp S| Br CHIPS 23c SPECIAL PRICE ON PHILCO | ein, Tapioca ws FLOOR MODEL REFRIGERATORS: PREM DOG MEAL ons 2 70c; T SWIFT'NING gar TI : | Gerber's Clapp's Brand-new Refrigerators! CHOPPED HAM BABY FOODS BABY FOODS ‘ | Strained Chopped Strained Chopped CORNED BEEF 40 39c 2' 29¢ [4% 39¢ 2" 29¢ This otter good for a limited time . . . | America’s Favorite Deodorizing Bon Ami New Sudsy Octagon REGULAR $199.95 Bleach - Disinfectant | DIAL SOAP CLEANSER CLEANSER $ w CLOROX |(2::27¢:2%:37¢| cn aw 175 A “i: 29¢ [BORK Sy St HURRY TO HOUTS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers