March 15, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three Y A R N E L L Reminds Domestics of Concrete Mixer Truck) JACKSONVILLE Philipsburg Mine The following persons called on Mis, Madeline Lindsay and little AND LITTLE NITTANY { [ . ». | . . | Social Security Law |Domaged in Accident | Undergoes Ins | Sunday to see Homer B. Walker | daughter, of Woolrich, spent the Maid 00k and other house-| Damage totaling approximately | i f erLion re | We recently returned to his home | evening of Thursday at the Larry |DolG work whose Jobs now ens | ga 500 resulted when a concrete Sunday Bchool tl Pp t pectio ( J n Pr ‘ from the Philipsburg State Hos« | McCloskey home. Mi Lindsey .- ttle them to old-age and survivors | prick owned by ©O. W. Houts and Sunday. at 9:30 | Dita], Mr. and Mi Roy Wert and | pects to leave Clinton County for \ \ otection, will need uc-| gan of State College overturned on 7:30. The combine { child, of Lemont Ralph Walker | Kentucky this week, 50 as to be near | COUbL num card Irvin H. Allen | poute 322 on the B8Bky Top Moun. | ArG an Jack JESUS FACES DEATH | disciples inquired as to the possibils | ad family, of Runville, Miss Ger- | her husband, Joe, a member of the f the Williamsport Social | vain at 1:30 p. m. Friday. The driver, the Lenten Quiet h— lity of their guilt. Tt reveals, at least, | dine Snyder and girl friend, of | National Guard in training there. |Beeurity offi remind | Robert B. Gilmore, was not injured, Ih thie EE International Sunday School Lesson | that none of them, up to this time, | State College, and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Albert Putt returned home ‘overed by new law are do- Police sald the mccldent happen ( ire T for March 18, 1951. | had suspected the insincerity of Foner Fetzer from the Centre County Hospital meat vho work in one home on "ren the truck's drive hat medita d———— | Judas | L. Edward McCloskey was among one day last week, bringing home least 24 days and earn as much, uv, while ascending the mountain Memory Selection; “Not what I | There are tw) viewpoints on Judas t number attending the E. M. her new-born daughter, Cora Ma) ! 0 In a alendar quarter his broke the hydraull brake line, | will, but what thou wilt"—-Mark one holds him up as the arch- | Irvin sale at the Branch on Friday Mrs. Ray Shawley, Mrs. Chester | Tid, 10r exam who works two nowing the truck to back down the 14: 36 | traitor in the world's history. The rs. Charles Anderson is ill and | Coakley, Mi Kenneth Robinson, | “04¥5 for one e nployer, 151 ountdin . { Rev. R. C. Gillie explains his at- |" the doctor's care. Mrs. Ruby and Mrs. LL. & McCloskey, all em overed 11 h Mh ny 1 The truck, which was loaded with Lesson Text: Mark 14: 22-26, 32-36 | | No man can live constant. | tiehner, a good nel hbor, was call- | ployees at the Mill Hall Sylvan opt] PET CRG uarter concrete, backed through a guar ~ Iv with a very good person who n on Mondal be with her plant, mixed bu and ples : Application y ig BEurity [ il and olled over We come now to the last twenty- | |,ves him. and give in return neith- ichard Haagen and Bobby, and | When they drove 711 org | card rf juplics of lost card hat 4 ! four hours of the earthly life of |.» cympathy nor lovalty, without | Edward Robinson, of Wickeliff, 0, Friday evening. They 1» rt t H4 Bute Alou office How's this for & definition Jesus. Earlier, he had sent Pe ter | coming in time to feel hatred. It|were home for and spent | had a jolly tin usquehanni | B iiding : Sow i a ear loaf on ath. and John into Jerusalem to make |: impossible to go on receiving [the time sawing lumber Mr. and Mi st office,” | lege-D arrangements for observing the | ),ve and playing the hypocrite and : rpo I'h returned to thelr | tended chur Passover meal — the last meal hej romain indifferent. Thus, in t} hot in Sund: Sunday evenin } 0 y . . would eat with his disciples before | vaar of his life, Judas fon I of wild geese wi ported seeing and greeting his crucifixion Jesus Kk that Ju- | jesus changed slowly to and [on Friday evenin nding its way | friends she had not seen In year CENTRE Cou NTY BU DGET das wis plotting wit Us enemie dislike, and, at last, t kis | to tl r northern home A birthday dinner was prepared therefore, he did not let this disci- | hatred. He felt himself to be an al rarnell - ntea i anv 1 and served on Sunday v Mr. and ple know in advance where they | most ruined man. His bubble d | scer vi ich as the "W Mrs. Wilbur Emel r the aged NOTICE would gather for tl wwening rst Rock ieil's Rock } father of Wilbur, Samuel When the disciples gathered u 1 the othe: ! the New {= | TEN at x Olow., and ine Those ALEC Ng ANC Olering re ray " that the Commissioners of Centre County will take final the upper room of th { We | 150k finds Juds in to be mos WHEVLS SOW. SON fthaut oan, RLISIOND We Es J. er the adoption of the Proposed Budget for the year 1851 on the mother of John Mark, there Was! ypderstandabl A growing dis- | De visited bY modern m as EE RUG = i ; v eb Tateh at 3 k A M. at the Commissioners Office, Court again a disgraceful dissension trust f the methods by which | travel thers are be { by Ripka, of near Bellefonte: Mr. and Ly } i ) ; Ad mong them as to who should have | jesus wi king to bring in his| the hiking method. After being 1 Mr Paul Bennett and daughter the seats of honor, which spirit| kingdom and a growing impa cee | Strained by the re winte »,0f Runville; Algert and Richa BUDGET SUMMARY, 185) Jesus rebuked by assun the role | with him for refusing to adopt oth- H Ir VOuL matrot taki Youn of Bellefonte Mi and Mi Estimated Receipts of a servant and washing the dis-| or and al and rational! preliminary hike it them for Blain J. McClellan, Bellefonte: Mi ciples’ feet, Eating and drinking with wave no reason to think! th pring hiking season and Mrs. Herbert Wagner and di them, he established the precedent | that Judas iscipleship wi ; ghter Wd Sheri 2,000.00 for the Lord's Supver, which is ob-| mockpry from the ning t ii AINRITro ‘agner, of iro) NONOLATY nce $.906.5 M 4 ; Ac urate Breedin served by his followers today, ir baby 1 uite s mucl y nonset Mrs. Fred Hng left Sunday r of Will y 5500.00 ito werd 1 Cc qg ; 1.500.00 memory of his life and sacrificial cerity in it as had ans of the others | Judas, having gone, Jesus told nis [OF JACKIE fo be Eb he we Recorder of ; 400000 § 3850000 Dricigniers of How Records Important much #1 dough! a $ 10,500.00 death During the eating Jesus astonished his intimate associates by that one of them would betray In dismay each inquired if it possibly be he. Apparently ) | alone did Jesus indicate who betrayer was and shortly ter, in a quiet tone, instructed . to proceed with his nefarious plans It may seem strange that all « 1,600.00 1.600 00 2¢ 000 00 31 480.15 24 840 00 OLIVER FARM MACHINERY 0255.5 Yes, we have it. Come In and let us show you the newest Howing the La ! at ry thi : h what 14,720.00 models of went out to the Garden of Geth- a er Universal Susie \Walehin abi ARALITE 1,745.00 OLIVER TRACTORS, 66, 77 and 88 one to pray. After a pe of | FEOIF ul NEC. One Ang Bl Haw Cwlimabrn 13,300 00 OLIVER PLOWS, 2 aad 3 bettem . rajer to Cod, he was! IETS AIL Or OU JH ANAS 2.9% 00 OLIVER HARROWS ! y: "Not my will but thine | SUBRIS. Oe I C&C Sham Deed 14.485 00 OLIVER MANURE SPREADERS Mhrough prayer. he was Wa a EB ol EC warm €ibion SAE $10 00 OLIVER COMBINES trengthened to f BAD AN 101 SR, A Ry a Tou i.e We $4 "295 4 SINGLE ROW CORN PICKERS take without a murm that Ceris thal logges Nn Lest cra EL . We also have a full line of Goodrich Tires and Dela~al milking equipment, Open evenings, Diehl & Yearick Phone Millheim 26-R-25 or 130-R-4 REBERSBURG, PA. Lovel to look at i | i ‘ ¥ x | One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County mae J i KUDETYILOre yo p50 EDW. L. KEICHLINE ; Temple Court Phone 2521 Ford's "Fashion Cor” beauty is beovty built to lost. New “Bok Veteran \f! : : 0. . } | Bromel” colors ore “baked on” 10 keep thelr hatre. Ford's new Ce "Lenury Lownge” Interiors are upholstered with long wearing Civili Fordarah Fabrics! These fabrics, The off Ford's interior appoint. Interest on Temporary Loans - o——— ments, are "Custom-Keyed” to exterior colors! And in Ford's Tax Refund : i 951 roomy interior you rest comfortably with J oe | TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES \ 19% 565 0 SEE N new Automatic Ride Control eutomatically Unappropriated Balance 36.900.12 : odinting your ride to every rood condition, Std L a —— kag y oo Come in. a4 a s$2MascI 02 TR ¥ } { Liquid Fuel Tix corregiing error between 1920 and 1939-1 mill levy bonis Westinghouse REFRIGERATORS IPATED REVENUE AND CASH 11,300.11 ’) 7 I \ | I Estimated Fxpenditures : } , ) I $ 28.000.00 ) x 1 Balan 3.30011 31 In weed LIQUID FUEL TAX FUND and loaded with ‘GO ! . 5 a | i RE we Estimated Expenditures Both Ford's V-B and Six engines give you road ruling get-away, {aintens { Bri $ A500 ond eye-opening economy. Both are equipped with Ford's fuel roperty Mas 10.000 0 saving Automatic Mileage Maker . @ combination ignition, sn corburetion, ond combustion system thet squeezes the last ounce TV FIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 14.000 00 of power out of every drop of fuel and gives you high com. pression performance with reguor gos. And Fords famous The proposed budget is available for public inspection in the office V:8, teamed with Fordomotic® Drive, gives you the finest, the County Commi pers at the Court Mouse, Bellefonte, Pa most Rexible evtomatic driving ever! _ O. P. McCORD ’ p : g HARRY V. KEELER $0ptioncl on V-8 models of axire cod FRED C MENSCH CENTRE COUNTY INSTITUTION DISTRICT BUDGET Take notice that the Institution Board of Centre County will take action for the adoption of the Proposed Budget for the year 1831 on the 30th day of March, 1851, at 10 o'clock A. M., ot the Commissioners’ Of- | fice, Court House, Bellefonte, Pa BUDGET SUMMARY, Wa) Estimated Receipts | Taxes from prior years $ 15.0000 | Current Revenue 6 mill levy 78.888 10 ™ | 5 H i The only decision you'll make when vou see the great 195) | Miscellaneous Sources 11.200 00 ‘ Re v Westinghouse Refrigerator line, = which model best fits your Fa : fal vg kitchen! Every model is a standout for style valu Total Current Revenue $103,088.10 foate Rvety On a COLDER COI D ra . a res SYeryY one wv ou . » . Cash in Bank January 2, 1051 69.380 58 i 1, Th ——— the right cold for every food keeping compartment. Come in Total Anticipated Revenue and Cash $1T2.408 08 | today . . . choose your 1951 Westinghouse Refrigerator. You'll N wd Bape ! enjoy years and years of extra value . . . extro satisfaction’ ’ stima Ctpendttured You CAN PAY MORE BUT YOU CAN T BUY BETTER THAN General Administration ' County Home ‘ Fansite ing Maintenance In Institutions Not Operated by Institution District J GIANT. SIZID FREEZE CHEST TRIPLEPLATID SHELVES Other Porms of Care for Adults ‘re , CONVENIENT BUTTER KEEFER 00 xeerers and Shelves dae Child Welfare i ROAST.ONMP MEAT KEEPER The-Door Miscellaneous Expenditures i " " I EXTRALARGE MUMIDRAWER PORCELAN FOOD LINER TEST DRIVE” IT AT YOUR FORD DEALERS BASY-TO.USE 3-way Door Handle Total Estimated Expenditures 106,318.04 ——— i ——r—— en a : Unappropriated Balance : 06.150.4 EE Beater in| voweawsesure.w us Westinghouse the So Sroponed budget is avullatie for (bl hahatiit Yhe ii of DeHAAS NITTANY BARNETT MOTORS, INC. EAA, ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRIC CO. 316 W. High St. Phone 2423 Bellefonte, Pa. | ATTe5T Water © Armatrong LLEFONTE STATE COLLEGE Chief Clerk Dated: March 6, 1981 . A eee ee——
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