Page Two E——— CENTRE HALL Mr. and Mrs. John H. Knarr re- | turned to their home Monday after a two-months' vacation iri places of interest in FI Knarrs visited Goodhart in Pi Mrs. P, P. Henshall Beach, H. J. Lambe: Lambert in Lakew Mrs, Frank Wil On the way hom Baltimore, Md i sisters, Mu Wade Edward Frank Mr. and Mr of Penn's Cave day with Mi mert in R The Woma Trinity Ref Mrs. John Del evening. Dev of Mrs. Paul Bruce Ripka tertainment the social } were: Mi Mrs. D M Reese Mrs John Martz 0. W Booze Bair, Mrs, Harry Fred Slack Mrs. William Clarence Blazer Forty-nine study cla § home last Tue Rev. John Nees the cla whi Book of Hebre the i Sunday ana Potter Mill of Lewistown ning with } ster. Mrs at the S Harry is on a fornia there ¢ is sponse take Mr ployed the Bell Mr Eleanor ter remaine family for teacher fonte wher Home They wer: office the court structive by Judge The Grou of the Luth Mrs. J gfterncon sion genting ge of M present Mr En Alexanc 8 W trow the | | tainment and Mrs. Fred Lutz had the enter- Refreshments were serwed during the social hour, Present were M1 Durst, Mi Lutz, Mrs, Harry McClenanhan, Mr Bruce Runkle M1 Jack McClenahan, Mrs. Do- mer Smeltzer, Mrs. George Sharer Mi W. A. Alexander, Mrs. Clyde Dutrow and Mrs, Elmer Bloom Marchie Winn of Claremont visiting with Mr, and Mrs Grove of near Centre Hall and Mrs. George McCormick d on Saturday and Mrs. A. E M1 John Cit Philadelphia, the weekend and Mr were with her Reeder Joan, Patty and Hall RD, were Mr. and Mrs. James Ree- pring Mills Leister and Ray Du- Sunday Mr Paul Tommy and Mrs a quilting Samuel Bitner Leister attended home of Mrs, John Neff of \ ‘entre Hall one afternoon la Mrs. George McCormick Frank Palmer called on ernoon to see Mr. and Faust in Potter: t McCormick rollege it the home of Mr. and | 8g Mrs. Gardner Grove last week were Newt Hockman, of Zion: Mr. and M1 Nevin Hockman State College Mrs. Frank were Kathryn John- Potters Mill Mr ie Ci lie Dianne, of Belle- id Dur 1 jest f Mr. an George MeCormick were Mr Mr Charles Jodon, Isabel Deanne, and Van, of Belle- vy aller it the nd Mrs Hugh Ralston in Lin 11 were Mr. and Mrs. Russel) { George f Tussevville ¢ Blazer Centre Prank Shutt, of Lin- sald Qr Donald St Sunday supp Samuel Bit. ner lege, were hool in Monda Blaine Leister had llers from Lewistow: ter Mr Eugene DR. A. F. PRATT, Optometrist Opposite Post Office at REBERSBURG PHONF DAYS<Tuesday and v OFFICE rece A but will w-R-11 Saturday, 0A M to 8 P.M. be made ‘and kept) avoid long walting J Victor Deep Freeze RADIO MILLHEIM, PA PLENTY OF "WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES | REFRIGERATION — Levan’s Electrical Shop Open Monday, Wednese Fr FREE PARKING Goulds Water Systems WIRING SERVICE PHONE 17-R-2 or 383-R-2 day and Saturday evenings evening to see | Mingle if Aarons. | iturilo and vis~ | William B. | N Sharer evening with | Taylor in| Mills, | home of | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ), 1961 Leister, Mrs, Ei ter, Jean Mrs, James last Friday with her and Mrs, Frank Ishler Mr, and Mi George Heckman entertained at their home near Cen tre Hall on Sunday, Mr. and Mi Lawrence Hogget and Lawrence, Mi and Mrs. Lee Lingle, of Baltimore and Mr, and Mt Warren H { of State College. Mrs, Warren Dec irl Goss and daughes Searson was a visi parents, Mi in Bellefonte | kbr called at the Heckman home inls { the evening | Sunday guest at Mr. and M: | George Sharer were Mr, and Mr Dahl Smeltzer, of Pleasant Gap Afternoon callers were Mi 3 | er niece, Mr Robert Stover, and on, Donald, Stover, of Mill Hall Mrs. Gervin SchaefTer, Mr Har old Green and Melissa, of V Y. were weekend wisitor wd Mr Earl Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stover Yeagertown, and Mr. and Mr Knarr and son, John were Su | Searson {i Mr. and Mi Dan | Miffiinburg see Mr. and Mrs. M Mi Donna Luse {the Thompson Busines | Harri burg, spent the weekend parent Mr. and Mi Sunday | nday called Qed d Mr. and Mrs. John Wert went I kt Have Saturday | their grandsor | was il t the h { Mrs. Jame Ted Bradford Kathrine, of Lorrain week with e Mr radford. Mr. Brad! family hom over turned Wedne y with |} Ralph Dale n Mr Paul Centre Hall last Mrs. William Bro and Devotior Mrs. Donald | Crozier. Mr had { the entertainment The hold a bake sale in Harry ahan's shop on Saturday | March 24. Refreshment ed during the ! ere Mr Homa Mr Ww arren Fa jet Mrs. Robert ker, Mrs. Gilera Luse, Mr liam McClen Dutrow The Tusseyvyill reanized at the Rimmey near €ent The foll resident president Callaha } Hall Garden and Fl the organizer for the ciud The Mar Hall and | be $347 04, wi the amount coll nouse-to-house v Ane to 811495; the di ban hurches, $30 ‘Lutherar formed $10, and Presbyteriat organization Progres Grange eastern Star, $5. Centre Hall 0.835. P.O. of A. $2 Americal Legion, $10. and the Woman's Club $10. The high $1097. and 8th grade. $4.5 6th, $755: 3rd and 4th. $830. an chool ontr. bute ood! Delius / | ICE CREAM COCOANUT FUDGE ECLAIRS Alternate layers of Breyers Fresh Cocoanut lea Croom ond rich, creamy chocolate fudge, topped with shredded cocoanut, Made better it naturally tastes better, For Information, write or phone Breyer ioe Cream Co, Williamsport, Wmspt. 2.0773 Somme di EB man, | 5th and | Ist md. £0.50 { tow hit | | Pot- | SMULLTON Last Tuesday while Mr Lida ages full of hols | Mover was out hanging the wash on | had any the line she heard a flock of wild | Robin ing by, winging their way unny South, This usually a sign of an approaching cold | pell, and, sure enough, the week- nd wa very cold. On Saturday | and Sunday marning the mercury read 17 degrees above zero { A birthday party was held at the | #0 thome of Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Day Inst Wednesday evening in honor of Bobby Ray Moyer's first birth day. We wish darling Bobby many py birthday Present were Mi: Mrs. Leroy Day, Larry and Eu M1 Violet Lau Krea Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mover thelr active sor ( YY Ray t hr $5.44 T™ iy $ Centre and Plu Giron of $90.4 { tomatos cream, cake and ot} refre were served bby Ray helped next Unday B. Chur 30 am 10 pn 30 ¢ am. The | Remember Kreamer SCOTIA NEWS By IH. M. Williams He ne time lived It Hicks property had purchased quite years ago, and Game ater moved with his brother and mother to Bellwood later year made hi ster. Mrs. Annie were held noo Hail passed nuary jxter Mire that fan Belires the hil knocking 2 the H trick starts SERVICES tt hill loaded > the ir ick bout within ot 1 that lead trol the ard CHURCH with ¢ ost con of through RUNVILLE - YOUR trained week and . Ral] Howell while at WOK jast beet fT duty since William Watson was taker ntre County Hospital last Sat] ng for treatment, and | condition is not so good at thi A morni ng | inn Purl received word that be | : ecame 8 “Creat Orand Pap Bethesd Rk 2:70. again down in Baltimore, Md., when | the stork left a baby girl, Charlotte last Wednesday morning at a hos- | hospital there, Mother and danghter are doing fine Remember the Samuel Shirk Sale | Mar. 22, when the ladies of the | BUSH HOLLOW on School next BE. U. B. Church will serve the sunday 0 a.m. Preaching ser. refreshiients, Samuel Shirk will | | vice will folk the Bunday Schon! be ready to move into his house | Young People's meetis it 7 pm. here after his sale. He sold the farm | wit be followe evangelistic ser. to Thomas Meyers, of Runville vice In chargé of the Rev. Fisher Sgt. J. J. McCliney, of Camp astor. Remembe ming Breckenridge, Ky. returned home [vival with the Rev. and Mm fast Sunday t6 spend a ten-day | Conrad as the workers, Apr jeave with his wife and son n Mr. and Mrs, J. Justice, of Cres- Mr. william Watson, of Chestnut | son, visited with Mrs Fred With. © Grove, father of BEd Bush of this | erite over the weekend. place, is a patient in the Centre Mr. Callie Woodring who is In | County Hospital. We all hope he the Centre County Home is feel. will soon be able to return to his | ing better at this writing. home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witherite and The Earl Weston family are driv. | Mr. and Mrs. Ted Witherite visited ing another ear which they pur- | at the Milligan Lucas home at Un. chased Inst week 'jonville last week. Mr. Lucas has Dennis Watson was a caller at | not be feeling well, the Bd Bush hme Bunday morn-{ The stork left at 10 pound, 11 ng ounce baby boy at the Centre Mary Resides is working at the County Hospital for Mr. and Mrs, Boone home in Central City | William Howell. Mother and son are Bunday visitors at the home of getting along fine. the Rev. Fisher were Mrs, Paul! E. BR. Hancock and his house- Bechdel and Sandra, and Mr, and keeper, of Philipsburg, visited at Mrs. William Fisher and Ronald. | John Purl’s home last Sunday af- ternoon Come out to Sunda Exactly That “Pa”, sald the boy, looking up Mert: “I'd like to get a divoree, from his book, “what does a man's 1 don't [pette’r hall mean?” a "a aq Jon put “Usually, my son,” replied wel Tok Cert “Why don't you sue him father from behind his evening pa. for Inecompatiodityr) | per, she means exactly what she' Mert: “T , If I could cateh says.’ him at it" ——— WATER ST. The Eentre Bemorcrat FOUNDED 1827 Published every Thursday morning by CENTRE DEMOCRAT, INC, 115% West High Street, Bellefonte, Pa NSELI WALKER Business Manager WILLIAM M M MO Editor “2 Terms of Subscription $1.50 per year . payable in advance within Centre County, Pa $2.00 per year . payable in advance outside of Centre County, Ps. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Bellefonte, Pa, WINGATE PINE GLEN ( ie Fisher hi I'ntil 56 or BO —— Small Electric Appliances VOSS KELVINATOR: PHILCO, GIFTS «- TOYS - PATENTS — Fountain Service — BENDIX, IRONRITE, MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. h— sd PERSONAL LOANS | Bank loans are best. We are equipped to handie any worthwhile loan for any purpose COMPARE OUR RATES WITH THOSE CHARGED BY OTHERS Twelve Monthly Payments of Amount of Note Proceeds to Barrower sie On $100 00 $ 883 $156.00 $150 00 $13.25 $212.00 $200 00 817 BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY (The Friendly Bank) Went trom rings aid white sidewall tire if avaliable, 81 srt set Stave on first cost! Save on operating cost! 1951 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V-8 A new type V-8...ond a rea! buy! A gasoline economy stand-out! Conserves power! No bulging bulk! Sparkling performance every mile! S. H. Poorman THRIFTY ONE FOR'S) __AND FOR YEARS TO COME! Dronarative aid o her sgroiliontions subi te Ching wi Thoul ni-, See the top value of the top 4 lowest price cars! 51 Studebaker Motor Co. BELLEFONTE, PA, STATE COLLEGE, PA, -
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