‘ Page Two YHE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, BELLEFONTE, PA. January 18, 1945 To Prosecute Health |g: as masks were used on ‘hiree o¢-!position of the capital stock. The AMERICAN HOME SECTION | street, with Mrs Helen Oarner asl gave a mont interesting talk on her | me g od pl : or mart ine iy When : : nowt most of | caslons The report was prepared trust department had an active year HE ARS TALK ON ALASKA co-hostess, Mrs, Edward Plerce andj trip to Alaska and the Canadian | idual { i i i t ¢ PAT : ’ Law Violators and submitted to Council by B. A. as new estates, trusts, and gunrdian- | a n.Nhb { Mrs, Henry Houser were members] Rockies pe Doll, Undine chief ships were placed on the books. The AmeHe an Home Section of , of ie program committee . a trom page One | In a letter to council the Teen- M. K. Robb was born in Bellefonte the Bellefonte Woman's Club met| Miss Corn Pinder, home eCONOM = What mont of ns i Age Club reported that it would be and wos gmduated from the public Monday afternoon At the rome of | los extension representative of Pern when we talk abon are never followed up with unable to accept Council's offer of chools here. and thereafter he at- Mrs, W. Leslie, Thomas on Thomas State Coliege, showed wlides and'iy a larger income i Fes | oe Wi ape the Phoenix Mill building as g club tended the University of Pennsyl- ings no lobger have any 0 ree, The headquarters because of the expense vania, Wharton School where he Dis cor Sad Shand he ET of getting the bullding ready for majored in finance Upon gradua- more warnings unless Coun cll takes a we. Council voted to rent the build- tion he became associated In 1020 tars SU Arnings the Sus. with the Irving Trust Company, 1 ‘qo cop IDE, formerly occupied by : | ‘ A rl ; a. i i / / . 7 “enfor quenanna Paving Materials Com- Wall Street, New York City, where % / WANT BE pany, to the Titan Metal Company he worked in the credit department rh ’ for use as an storage space He was there for nine years and be- \ ’ v — . Wid) 74 Belle hp ol wrt showed 8 oars CAME A credit analyst in both the ’ ; A - i rs in ob- The POUCE Jer Vonsione 9 domestic and foreign offices. On : : . ow ri ‘1l]den vestigi 1011 - ” ) , tagged, 7 accident InvVesUZAUOES ¢ june 1, 1088, Mr. Robb was elected 4 ( ; { drunk and disorderly p | Arrests lor . \ Trus ser of the Bellefonte Trust , port > Trust OfMeer of the nt cPort: conduct, 1 transient lodged In the cru CM oud BLM (fing Plan Thrifty Nourishing Meals INTS aghinst 10CK-uP. 1 confidential reporis, C0 = go . puis y the president and has ; ' LS RIA 0 tion against oF STo7 50 from Deeters and tagstant to the president and hs WITH NON-RATIONED tur : retained these two positions up to . . 1 market fee the present time. He is married and $2 10 ir ‘ ‘ . y / in your he special committee presented pag one child Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! # 2p Save, cash in y the annual report of the dog law en- . » used fats here forcement officer, showing 614 hours . . | i” n . 7 _ 7 RE RI ry of duty during which 203 dogs were Name Chairmen a Yo n, : «Sed uy 7 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co apprenended a In Polio Drive SS 1) : - - Council voted to co-operate awa | ] ernmet in the - Smit foam na : LET'S WORK TOGETHER IO KyYey traller camp at the g , : > ’ a Lralle Gi : po FEICES DOWN ALY Stores are coopera. | ld to relieve t housing Cards are malled out om me 4 | llefonte, at he water mittee headquarters to hundred ! i \ £8 by posting ceiling pr ‘ plain view | in Beliefont Ana a : individuals, and the committee sug- : customers DON'T PAY MORE THAN committee was delegated Shiri 1. In vegetable dinners Council's agent in transacting busi- , that each person receiving 3. As fresh fruit desserts CEILING PRICY y Cot { nt | Fd . . 7 ~ 1 AE : ~ and s matters ween u TouLstl colin card \ wl he ma 1 2. As Julees and whole fruit for break fant 4 In cooked vegetable side dishes chairman imp begR cg : 50 LB. BAG n CALIFORNIA NAVEL ANN PAGE George A. Miller =i tocar i "fie conminis § 8 o “Digs af Ravenna, 0. “Sum wn muvmiee | | B Oranges 2 ee n= 49c ys Pork &Beans: oor vans on we Di | Me Cot 35 80K YaEsas 2 Preserves... 29¢ iE FANCY Ube. gt SUNNYFIELD FAMILS Lettuce "sae 2+ 23C 4 Peanut Butter.. 43; GRAPEFRUIT PENNA. BLUFF LABELED CALIFORNIA 4 POTATOES . . i: 59 LEMONS = 39c[j Juice «owe, 2128, AS. NW Ti NAS “5% SENNYFIELD Biitiee 2. ~ 17c CARROTS..2 -- 17c! Rice...... i 19¢ a ———— ————— pr— — SUNNYFIELD HT | CaLIFORIA # PeaBeans...2 . 19 Judge W. H. Kelier PECANS | WALN UTS FANN FAG MUNICIPAL | 57 Tol Sle, 45¢ | Spaghetti. MILLHEIM BL. ity: pinte iat trom pues ves 5 ~ NEW SHOW TIME — otsmen for hy YON} DEFOR COIL Wy Gewerfioy M LT —— + Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 P. M. . He ADMISSION Ide & 35¢ Mahlon K. Robb Naf an . od : Five In im ———————————— ‘ Bo” ’ ovember 1925. and beeame iresl- Groun INRATIONED FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Heads Trust Co. at jue o RAR Tern a Hamburg . Bw 27¢ A BAKED GOODS WARS ed logie Lemont Boalsbu Penns) % x RTT te] - (JRnuary ilu a : the hig! oy Rogers + ob Nolan | pry ct tne bak are 3. 8. unt, On Apel 5. Toke ee” Kee it’ = 4 Meat Loaves wo 39 i DONUTS oo 15¢ sans of the Pioners ’ san of the board: M. 1: Roth wa in L en! I's | Dale Evans * Jean Porter | president and trust officer; ©. v. Centre Count Court und to the cit: a 2a . SAN FERNANDO | “fi, iii FO wi: le brotner, the late vars Harn Tg Fresh Beef Tongues . vo» 33¢ [ BREAKFAST ROLLS 17¢ VALLEY tn vases TVs, a. OO de Grr F0o0 § Fresh Pork Sausage i: =~ 4lc Marble Coffee Ring 24c MUSICAL COMEDY AND Asurer and at. trust gifieer. = uou0 mon COLOR CARTOON nt annual ro it made to We udu and lod boyhood i p Em I Tf he I deenheem than FEBS 303 A ) nm remo NOT SANDWICH i Chocolate SATURDAY NiGu ; | 1% fs " pa ; oe a port ne : ; ’ , | ———— | RATIONED ROLLS Pig 10¢ PAE 8 ier sane wr bang Benny Goodman and His Band iva gma, ton pa | rms, of ul war” mek E48, dp Fortified | SHAD wy Jack Oakie ba hg FANEEITIe! wr 30, 194 owed total resowur oaimrdine sdk Ht wa 4 ™ Py y R > y SWEET AND xeeeding $3 000000 and total Je tomar) ade b “riley With 48 ©. 8. P. Units of FROZEN FROZEN h, B R L A D ment woul Py ment woul LOWDOWN Shih feures wer bigher hah oh lS Vitamin D Roe .. = 23¢ Buck . = 13¢ && = 11e EST NEWS ISSUE My jrevions rebor. nf Gal As | FER PINT i \ Laat ‘ neral | through he COURtry -. . FROZEN ELECTED SHOKTS among banks the continued et Ae Then Kills Self y : : i i Crs Halibut Steaks - 42 - Adm. 1 Show Only i IIIT IY I ———, paid UNH 2 WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY ment bonds which showed : FROZEN Promptly at TP. M. & 9:30 P. M. tant showing little change from the when bot previous vear. On May 1, 1944, the tried to act Jellefonte Trust Company together ge pulled THE TABLE GRADE od Fillets 32 a7 ® Holsum P’nut Crunch ': 30 Technicolor Drama were well réceived by the general gnee, ang shot 0 her gir] once MARGARINE 0 sum nu runc ¢ public as they are now based on the phefore leavis r his own hame He activity in the use of the bank facil. wae vin na cot re when he a- WILSON [EFEESImAE Sas tim a i» 43¢ | nO showed a continued increase OVEr coigitersd over y ‘ Pkes. FROZEN Kremel Desserts a on Ts 4c oe es a. Dressed Whiting - 16¢ ili P we 14 to the stockholders. The Bal- curred about 1.3 a.m. a ohysicta sso iY Mexene Chili owder ne 14¢C ance of earnings was transferred 0 goo called for the two girls and thes " individed profits strengthening the as,"tiled for the two girie and they Cut-Rite Wax Paper . i 15c¢ room wit ' girls when range first flowrithed the revols r but ashe Had me u Mrs, wher f KARO 24t stantial Increase (rom he prev . ACK ful] of bee ne or 4 nnn In nn mr R . edfish Fillets. = 35¢ ren 5 Adults $1.10 wit te other two Bellefonte banks threatened FROZEN ar tory of a ami ! f i Abed wh Rane ZAK Ew oy previous vears and the regular dive by the bla * POINTS PER LEB about the same ime they arris ARNOUR'S oiildren were in b d when the i t of the shois were rad The | t 's sister attempted tn wren! the gun BLUE LABEL 1 » . from him a fired it a TWO COMPLETE SHOW INU year Loans remained ly con marry Vis NU-MAID | Re Se Bisex orezs : Borax»: 15¢c Boraxo 2/:.29c¢ DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S institut activity charges which jets at ib Pan Whiting . 10c¢ Educator Crax ..... ii 24c idend plus $1.00 extra per share was Following the st “- the hespital, Strange fired th ONLY 3 Hi shot which snull~d out his lle ; The married sistey wa in te op RATION POINTS " 65 the girl 8t i PER CAN » Strange was single. having never ENE a JT HINO Government Approved Steel Toes married. He owned his own home p Pi and Nved by himself near ‘He Mor RELIABLE, cut risdale company block. The Way $ $ $ home, where the girls lived, is lo. 9, 3.99 4.45 5.00 oated near the Cunard slope, near i C Lit eg TIT Lb Oak Grove, about a mile from the Strange home, Mr Way Is working in Buffalo, N. Y IONA,, cut For Men and Women ‘Would Establish G iB HIGH SHOES AND OXFORDS i 8 go Children’s Home’ reen eans . » - (Continued from page One) " " N' Over a Hundred Pairs in Stock ‘this week with Miss Rithraey. Red WHITE HOUSE OR MUSSELMAN'S Cross nurse; Miss Slagle, state heal. nurse, and Mrs. Catharine Rogers 23 u er Witter, Bellefonte school nurse. In n charge of the testing Mrs. Mary Heverly, Home nursing | {ehalrman, reported a class In nurs- {ing will open In the high school, J Bellefonte, ot the second semester, {In charge of Mrs, Witter, An adult | | class Is planned in Bellefonte later {in the year with Miss Rimmey In charge WP i hJ AJ i Bellefonte's Complete Family Shoe Store Americanism: Quoting sn exert on the reasons for the Nezl offensive when te exoert hasn't been closer © CE ESE ¢ than 2000 miles to the front, FE SE ¢ HRs ET + SR
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