+ KEEP FAITH 0 i wifh us = by buying : I ETT REE 2 4 rere BR WAR BOPOS he Centre Democrat G00D INVESTMENT )/ VOLUME 64. NUMBER 3. BELLEFONTE, PA., THU RSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1945 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. Casualty Reports 10 List 7 flountians || Pvt. Harold K. Decker, gium on Christmas urtin, Killed in Bel- Pfc. Irvin Shoe- % maker Missing in Actio "ive Wounded World War 11 the As another week of drew to a close vesterday, ualty lists for Centre County vealed one man killed: five and one missing in action Pvt. Harold K. Decker, 30, of near Curtin, married and the father three children, was killed on Christ- mas day in Belgium Pfc. Irvin F. Shoemaker, 23, Pleasant Gap. ha $s been missing Cas- es wounded Ol of in “Missing | n Action Cpl. David Luoeas Cpl. Lucas, 21, has been in action in Belgium since ber 7, according to a War ment message received week by his Mr Walker, of Howard, R. D The county soldier enter in January 1943 and was seas In August 1944. He Ww in the field artillery. Three brothers are in i.e armed a Car Plunges Into Milesburg Building missing Decem- sister, sent One man was injured and éon- siderable damage resulted Friday when a coupe operated by David Evans, service station onerator of Milesburg, skidded on the | high- a and ran into the ) stoffice bullding owned om als o of Miles burg Bud McMullin passen car, suffered the back of the head Which Tre- quired several stitches to close was taken to the Centre Hospital by Flight Officer K Watson of Milesburg, who is on furlough. Mr. McMullin was able to return home after being Bricks were torn away large ole in the building center door to the wv iso a large lass hattered by impact rear fender, a per severe laceration Counts ennetl aome plate nd The ang rear Mis wa the right side the coupe were damaged Adams, postmist who building at the Judge Walker To Speak on Delinquency ress time wa An interesting a gram has been planned f evening, January 23, at 7 in the high school cafeteria Honorable Ivan Walker, president judge of the Centre courts will speak to Bellefonte Par- ent-Teachers’ Association on Juve- nile Delinquency This is Tuesday 10 o'clock when OUnts the a serious problem country today and one which can- not be ignored. Every parent and every teacher is urged to He present to hear this informative addre in our He { Keeler nd instructive pro- action Belgium since December 24, 1944 “tr, The wounded Sgt. John H Hublersburg on Christmas Day Pfc. Fred C. Hendershot, of Pros- sertown, Bellefonte, slightly wounded on Leyte in the Philippines on Nov- ember 22 Pvt. W. Eugene Dando, 27, wounded in the European area T 5 Samuel M. Egler, 20, College, wounded in Belgium Harold Blazer, 18, Radar- man 3¢ wounded in the South Pacific in are Hoy, 21, formerly of wounded in Belgium Julian, of State LeRoy inriel eriousisy Pvt. Decker Killed Kenneth Decker father of three killed in action in nristmas Da Depart ment tie accora- Message wife, the Hocken- Monda Fl rence of Howard Dec) 5 his © Margar: t R. D and hs » from thre three on to eignt old Garman road” between good for on Decembe; December 28 home called 1 to be He was Continued on § - a wisi sible SGT. JOHN H. HOY Wounded in Belgium Eberhart and Keeler Form Partnership Walter R two plumber An have Eberhart ane well kr nounced t formed a be known a The firm will tilding on South hah the past 17 Eberhart plumbing shor Mr. Eberhart has been in tt plumbing bus In Bellefonte » past 19 years, while Mr, Keeler has been engaged in that trade for 27 year He lecrmed the business under late Albert Schad of Bellefonte, by whom was em- ployed for many years The new firm announces that it is prepared to maintain and keep in repair all types of heating and plumbing/systems and that wien the war ends it will have available a wide selection of standard makes of plumbing and heating fixtures and equipment { H. Clair Bellefonte that partnershi Eberhart located OWt iis week they whic: will Keeler the b upied f¢ De w vear ter r pa by th 'p ) iness for the a ne JUDGE W. H. KELLER DIES SUDDENLY President Judge of Super- ior Court Succumbs at Lancaster Judge William Heustis Keller, of Lancaster, president judge of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, and native of Bellefonte, died Tuesday night at his home in Lancaster. The 75-year-old jurist, brother of the late Judge Harry Keller, Belle- fonte, became {ll while shoveling snow. He entered the house and told fils wife he wasn't feeling well, The judge died several minutes later, Judge Keller was born in Belle fonte, where his father, the late Danijel 8, Keller was a prominent attorney. He attended the Belle. fonte public schools and after grad. nating from Columbia University, Washington, D. C. (now the George Washington University, he engaged in private law practice in Lancaster, In 1915 he was appointed first NAME CHAIRMEN IN POLIO DRIVE 11. handling . would ' repeatedly to correct ROSES ATIONS OF ALTH LAWS Charges Filed Against Eating Places Is Order of Council | | 3) iaring that De as Issued at than piece Health Officer W. WwW regular meeting of Counchli night declared that in order to make health certificates effective it will be necessary for Council t¢ name & borough physician Painting a gruesome conditions a they exist Bellefonte eating places, the Health Officer declared that health certifi- cates lssued now 10 persons food in eating places, are y worthless as a 0 health walth certificates present are litt of paper le more Borough Bickett, at a Monday 0 picture of in some as entire] We publi If the borough designated a phy- sician, the Healt: Officer explained, all persons employed in handling food in eating places would be ex- amined by him and the examination include a Wasserman test Under present conditions he point- ed out, the applicant for a health certificate not given an examina- tion health certificates juarad tl and are is- routing r certificates | the certificates are uU ns fer would the cent and six montl posed system the siderably higher, Wasserman test might be as $7.50 officer sald Bickett, reported that offend- aurants have the pro- Ie charge a COn- Since for a uigh a the Mr ing rest been warned unsanitary anda conditions, but that ued on page Two RE ef ttu—— - Missionary Speaker At Club Meeting Miss lois Biair, daughter of Dr William Blair, of State College, wi10 recently returned from South Amer- ica where she served as a missionary, was the speaker at 2 meeting of the Linn Mission Circle of the Belle- fonte Presbyterian church held last Wednesdny night at the home of Miss Bernice Coaltley, in Coleville Miss Blair returned to the United States to take a special course of in- struction In Philadelphia, after which she expects to resume her missionary duties, The speaker related in detail some of the customs and tol of Ne spir- itual life of residents of some of the northern lamis ih South America Thirteen members of the group wefe present and Mrs. John Covey, pres- ident, was in charge of the business meeting MAHLON K. ROBB HEADS TRUST CD. Elected President to Suc- ceed Father; N. E. Robb Named Chairman N. E. Robb, president, announces that at the annual meeting of the Stockholders held on Tuesday, all of the present Board of Directors com- posed of Prancis H. Crawford, W. J Emerick, A. L. Franels, G. E. Me- Clellan, N. E. Robb, J. 8. Sommer- ville, J. H. Turner, C. Y. Wagner, and M. L. Wetzler, were re-elected At the reorganization meeting of the Board of Directors of the Belle- fonte Trust Company held the same day, the board re-elected the same officers for the coming year. N. E. Robb, president, resigned as presi- dent and director, and the board elected Mahlon K. Robb to succeed him as president and director. M. K. Robb resigned his title of assist- ant to the president. The board of directors elected N. Robb to a newly created office of chairman of the board of directors unhealthful Contin for the coming year. The present (Continued from page Two) msm ——— — County Quota $6,000; Coin | Wingate Soldier Cards Should be Sent to Local Chairmen The Centre County infantile par- alysis campaign committee, with the | help of one of the largest campaign | committees ever assembled In “ithe | Mile of Dimes” drive in Centre county, predicts a substantial in- crease in contributions to help fight polio, The Centre county quota this year is 86.000, one thousand dollars more than last year’s quota, The 1944 quota was exceeded, contribu- tions totaling $5451.43, 50 per cent of which was sent to the National Foundation and 50 per cent was res tained by the county chapter The drives are conducted to main- tain the chapter's many services to, children and victims polio, Workers have been chosen to so leit through industry, men's organ izations and auxiliaries, women’s clubs and schools throughout the adults, of the county. (Continued on page Two) (Continued on page Two) | Wounded in France Mr. and Mrs, . Pred Fisher, of Wingate, yesterday afternoon re- telegram | Game Warden Urges Aid in Feeding of Deer Herds Centre since wildlife In worst winter graphically hy Thomas Mosier, ol Bellefonte, v spoke at the lunech- con and meeting of Kiwani Club Penn Tues- I'he nt ol county Lhe 1936 wn viewed Game W pli iraen ho the local Wt Lhe Belle Hotel non seem if the weeks EETIOUS,’ Deer at the present Lime Mecient but for tvo more will be declared, time out to om soft maple hrush food for the to have u [oOo now thelr Warden sportsmen down in the aeer continue condition Mosier to take and to provide urgina Aspen wood heras It is impo sufficient cory Corn | ctically ho woods through the pointed out that brush makes tural food, and has the that it doesn't have 10 woods ible for for deer.” to provide he declar- sree, and anyhow it sible to get it Into deep snow ed is pra the He an ideal ni adavantiage carried Into the The mission ha ing small game ing to distribute places are invited to call at the Warden's home to obtal upplies warden Mosier declared that the present winter shows all Indications of being as severe the memorable one of 1936, which ended with dis- astrous floods in the spring. In that he recalled, game officials pull- be the Com- provided corn for feed- and persons wish- corn to feeding speaker declared as year GEORGE A. MILLER DIES AT RAVENNA Former Prominent Local Business Man; Funeral Saturday George A. Miller, for nearly hall | a century a prominent Bellefonte business man, died at the Ordnance Company Hospital at Ravenna, O, at 2:50 o'clock yesterday 1 3 after a ie! Hliness with Uremic POISOLANE Mr. Miller, 3410 for about (wo years had resided in Ravenna, where he was employMd as a storekeeper by the Atlas Powder Company, spent the Christmas season at hix home in Bellefonte and was In unusually good health at that time, He became ill quite suddenly Priday night and on Saturda®, wae sdmitied to he G4 hospital. There his nized as or condition was recog- being serious and his wife and daughter, who reside on Nofth Spring street, Bellefonte, were sum- moned to Ravenna, Saturday night They were with aim until his death The body will arrive in Bellefonte sometime today and will be taken to the family residence on North Bpring street where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon with Rev, Harry © Sten- ger Jr. pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be made in the Union cemetery, Belle- fonte, Mr. Miller was a lifelong member of the Methodist church Jonathen and Deceased was a son of and Harriet Toot Miller born in Bellefonte on February 1874. making his age at UUme death 70 years, 11 months days. In 1802 he and Qis brother, the late Harvey Miller, entered the tin- ning and hardware + business In Bellefonte, their shop being located in the rooms now occupied by the Central Pennsylvania Gas Company Continued on page Two) UBERCULIN TESTS MADE IN SCHOOL. Bad W eather Forces Post- ponement of Remain- der Until April Because of hazardous driving con- ditions resulting from snow Mon- day and Tuesday, the remainder of the tuberculin tests being conducted in this area under the sponsorsiip of the Bellefonte tuberculosis com- mittee, has been postponed until April, when school children not giv-| J | len the test Monday and Tuesday will be treated. The tests are conducted by Dr. E E. Phillips, of Harrisburg. who is as- | sisted locally by Miss Mary Siegal, | state nurse; Miss Bertha Rimmey, Red Cross nurse, and Mrs, Robert | Witter, Bellefonte school nurse, Tests have been completed of pu- pils In the Beliefonte public and parochial schools, the Yocum, Bush Addition, Coleville, Valley View, Howard, Blanchard, and the Knox schools, Dr. Phillips and Oils aides were td the of 87 de Etream, near venkened hy into the stream and die The oficial said that on Bundn nd William T. OBrien of Pvt. John Eiwer WEVIewW sub-gintion nad several the § hod ies r out of Philipsburg wrvetion, hue Cold Jones, sis he a delle onte nooth, the Tee uo ‘olics iy at other i ga rajrond on 3 haa i Over nny garoline track « Lo he oor On the total of 48 fra els He =a ong epr rin omen nding counted slong th the ‘mountainsides the first time in hi he discovered that 1d down well packed two feel of snow were able to move unless frightened off Wa Aid thi Consist five Or lee slong i thnt r st ont [47] perience had tram throueh and that they fround east) the path 1 fom path the he raen Ol rx of mixed ice The speaker Cieoree 1 ana snow who =» introduced Purn« piso ome of his experiences in tr foxes, rabbits and skunk: New members Introd E. Rumberger, club president, we CC. C. Brown and Colonel C3. Decker both of Bellefonte, and C. W. Rob. mm who recently moved to Belle. ionte alter several vears of uy the armeg pcheon were of the Harr Rev. Earl Bellefonte by related apping ' wed hn M ri service foroes, Guests at Pr. C. R ishurg Kiwanis Ormston United the Phillips Club pastor of Brethren ana the church PRISON FUGINE SENTENCED HERE Clinton, Blair C ounties to File Charges For Car Thefts 19, Clinton county man who last Tuesday momning es- caped from Rockview penitentiary and who was apprehended in Ty- Edward Rupert, peared before Judge Ivan Walker at & special session. of court and heard his origina] sentence of 2 16 § years imposed as a penalty brief freedom He was taken 10 the Western State Penitentiary at Pitishurg Satur day. by Centre County Sheriff John Galaldn, I he was caning. tro. charged ’ N Aor Nis the Commissioners’ yA gi EY hie ‘Clrectly oe ein the eft of an auto. mobile If Tyrone and another in Lock Haven during the tUme Rupert was at large, will be filed against him, Thew charges stand against his record for disposition before he will be released from prison it was reported Upon leaving the institution last Tuesday, Rupert waded through ueavy snow to Shiloh, hitch-hiking to State College, and then to Tyrone In Tyrone he stole a car owned by D. W. Rice, of that city, and drove to Bellefonte, where his girl declined to have anything to do with him. He then drove to Mill Hall where 2 abandoned the car when its fuel supply was exhausted. Hitch-hiking was into Lock Haven he took another ear ment of which was parked in front of tae prehended when he restaurant for junch. Blair and Clin- ton county authorities will file formal charges of car thelt against Rupert wernt Into a > First Nationel Bank Re-Elects Officers pl pliers and directors of the fonte rat bois at the annual or ganization meeting (ied at the bank- ne house on January 9. fficers re-elected were: Newell B i) president; Henry 8. Linn, vice president; Louls 8 Schad, cashier; (R. Linn Krape, assistant cashier; Charles Scott, trust officer, and | James C. Furst, secretary, Directors retained for another term were: Mr. Linn, Mr, Purst, Thomas B. Beaver, L. Frank Mayes, Paul M. Corman, John i Hen. ry A. Brockerhofl and Mr, The president reported a Rng: fer to surplus of $25000 and $6,018 to] undivided profits. Bellefonte Exceeds War r Bond Quota oO Bellefonte topped its 6th War Loan ampaign quotas by substantial margins, the local War Finance, The Bellefonte quota was $190,000 Mr, of all types quota of E and sales were ANNOUNCE NEW ~ OISTEM FOR PERSIA AK s County Mails Forms For Reporting Tax- able Personal Property Me Commissi county annour in handiin fort mers of Centre Ice Lhe new procequre persona; roperty lax 1840 ast 8 week i hd citizens throughout Centre been receiving from the missioner office a form on they are relurn thelr property taxable These forms are in ( omplete th ning and ners variou county Com- whic rsona 1045 nave 10 for the ip truztions for filling returning to ! office m who formg will note given on the forms have personal property taxable {for 1945, forms 10 be signed and returned 10 the office. All stocks and bonds taxable in the State of Penn- hould be returned Any mortgages, etc. held, are taxable. The value of stocks and bonds must be given, as near as possible, as of January 1. 1945. All banks will be glad to furnih infor- mation as 10 the value of stock Ame may be sec the C missioners’ office The Commissioners are checking ie records in both the Prothono- tary’s office and the Recorder's of- fice for any judgments or mortgages that have not been returned here tofore. and, if they are not returned for the year 1845, the taxpayer will be charged with this tax for the cur- rent year These forms are to be a Justice of the Peace, me All All pers have these the insiruc- Lon If you no are yivanig Judgments or ired {rom me ia a sworn to or if re- fired directly to the Comimission- , Tone 14 hours later, on Friday ap. €1% Office in person, the clerk will notarige the same. All forms are to be returned by Pebruary 10 1945. In case there are anv persons who have got received forms they can be se cured from ihe Commissioners’ ol- fior, as the jotal Assessors do not have them. Kindly advise the Com- missioners and they will he mailed promptly a a properiy lax office but is A WOULD ESTABLISH CHILDREN'S HOME Red Cross Group to Take Initial Steps Toward C ounty Project lector at the same tl are paid steps ward the establish- a children’s home in Centre county are to be taken by the nurs- Initia) of Lock Haven Moose Home He drove ing activities committee of the Belie- and 8 the machine to Tyrone, and was ap- fonte Red Cross, following a meet. ing held last Wednesday afternoon in the nursing headquarters in Pet. rikin Hall, Bellefonte. The mecting was in charge of Mrs, George B Tompson chairman The matter of a children’s home wat discussed at length and the con- census of opinion seemed to favor the establishment af such an insti- tution. The committee is to make a further study of the matter and re. port in more detail ab a firture cate Miss Rimmey, chapter nurse, gave the following report for the month of December: Total of 84 visits: 3 maternity, 57 morbidity, 18 health, and 6 school visits: taught § classes in home nursing. The class at Hub- lersburg is completed and the class at Howard hag’ 28 junior and sopho- mores of the Howard High School The tubsreulin testing of borough and county school children began (Continued on page Two wn —— al ds Catholic Bazaar February 8 to 10 The annual bazasr of St John's] Catholle church, Bellefonte, will be | held in the school hall on East Bishop atrest, February 8. 9, and 10. sctontitng 10 announcement this week by Rev. E. J. Waters, gen eral chairman, wit] work, cakes gro- other items such _gf! Eiki \ and her sister man of an Shoots Girls, Then Kills Self 56-Year-Old Morrisdale Man, Spurned by Sis- ters, Found Dead at Home; Victims Recov- ering at Philipsburg Hospital William GG. Strange, a 56-year-old man, shol and wonnaoed women who spurned his marriage anc Monday, at Morrisdale, a Clear! county mining town yond the Centre The young vi be assassin’s bullets are sister Dulien, 21, Virginia Both are now patients in ipsburg Btate Hospils condition was stated to be ginia shot in May va Vie ) DronoOsa Pproposa en kilied three mi ocounly |i f tims of ( Dullen Phil- thelr anda 19 1 cre 2ood ih Of LD alk men the other an Dr shooting one end the known by ! went Lo his own he wok his 16-gauge ed it, and by means of a necktie and piece of string and wo girl nettle me oO blonde Strange wZeke, w» nickna home 9 O14 fixed around ni fired (he gun, blowing the righ of his face and the top of hi off with a pumpkin ball State Police officers field and Clearfield Coun Dr. E. 8. Erhard investigated the 3 stated that Strange had been drink- ing Strange reportedly Lowell Way GAP DISTRIBUTES hooked rom Clear- ty Coroner girl Wounded Veteran Arrives Home Co ——————— , James ©, Workman 11 Agencies Participate in $1,061.84 Allocation This Week Canscks were mailed Mon day io 1 participating agencies in , Pleas ant Gap Welfare Drive, = whi h ix taled $1061 848, of which all wa cash exoeplt $200 in pledges, i} nounced by Roy H. Adame, chair- the drive committee Par- ticipating agencies will recel Lpro-agta share of dhe Lote) exoem, i] such Inslance: in suich the donor {specified that their contribution " igivefh in full to a single {specific agencies The total distr | Ucipating agencies is as { Centre Counts Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Crippled Children Sox Salvation Army Pleasant Oap playground Centre County Librar YMC A Emergency Pund Pleasant Gap Fire Co Ambulance Pund Administration The balance from pledges pledges come in The committee wishes those wij0o contributed as well as solicitors their time Woman's Club To Meet at Cafeteria A regular meeting of the Belie- fonte Woman's Club will be held at 6:30 p. m. Monday, Janusry 22, at the high school cafeteria. Each member is asked to bring a covered dish and table service for one A tureen supper, sponsored by the Junior Section, will be served, with the Junior Section providing meat loa, rolls, and butter. After the sup- per a hort business meeting will be held with Mrs. Harry Jones, presi- dent, in charge Entertainment will include a spec- ager bution to the par- ollow: ype - il Hospital 37 151.56 53.00 68.95 s1.N 5 71 25 B6 25 B6 60 00 290.46 1028 aue will organizations be mailed as to thank to the fund who gave of ‘jal musical program by the Titan | Chorus under the direction of Prank | Gally, of State College. Miss Kath- iryn ‘Burkett, chairman of the pro- gram committee, will be in charge jot afTAngements. Buy sore War Bonds to help speed Viton! Owen Workn 28 liam Workman Mingoville, who arrived unannounced and unexpectedly at his home there Monday mori Last word rela- had rv 44 James sO { will ww. nan DNR 10 HONGR BOARD MEMBERS * Mecting For Local Grom: Will Be Held Jan, 2 in Bellefonte A er SOV held in next t volunteer members ¢ Rationing Board Williamsport OPA third anniversar board organizat {ive relives jes of the OCR. Toe meeting for Spring Mills, State Philipsburg Boards the Brotkerhoff Hotel 630 o'tlhock Wednesda January 24. Professor C Dean, Lock Haven Tea will be the speaker. Six other meeting bers throughout the dist been scheduled as follows January 16, Penn Lee Hotel Shamokin, Jan- uary 17. Hotel Lewistn Lewis burg. January 18, Williamsport lo- cal, industrial Central District Truck Tire, and Montgomery Boards at Larry's Creek Fish and Game Club; January 18, at the same for Renovo, Lock Haven Shore, and Wellsborg Board The three meetings in the wes section of the district will be held January 22, Bradford: January 23, St. Marys: January 24, Bellefonte, with Mayor Hugh Ryan of Bradford, District Attorney Edward J. Blatt of Elk tounty, and C. M. Sullivan Dean, Lock Haven State Teachers College, as speakers Joseph L. Ray, Williamsport OPA district director, will be chairman of the meetings Ter mace Jersey tern a 1945 Dog Licenses Here Dog licenses for 1845 are now avail- able at the offices of the County Treasurer. The fee is $1.10 for a male or spayed animal, or $2.10 for a female. An extra charge of three cents is made if the loenses are to "be wiissioct “ Soldiers Need now > i: -) 55 Hi g 135% isp 2 g ? ; 3 388 CEH Fi urniture to Brighten Bare ‘Barracks’ Bellefonte has a chance to put out in thelr work, keep at their tasks (the “Welcome” mat to the Army- steadily, and get along well with the committees of the Ott ast 10 1 SaTt Segment of the civilian workers, But they dont work Army i g gait HHH : s g
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