———— (RED. wih FAITH wom @he Cenire Democr cnn JB WAR BONDS - TT VOLUME 64. NUMBER 2. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1945 SUBSCRIPTION~—$1.50 PER YEAR. 6 County Men Listed As PRISONER Wedded Sixty Years Plan Trailer City Ww Ssssnnas # asualties on War Fronts (AUGHT AFTER &8 : RE At Hughes Field 3 Men Killed; 6 %, unded; 6 Missing in Ac- vio is a prisoner of war in Gi BR tf BER ne n | La Government May Establish Camp of 60 tion; 1 Prison™e of War. Many Result ey gs a gh Trailers to House Needed War Workers Irom Recent Ger %) Prive in Belgium. |. 50 Bow Rilled 17 : re in Bellefonte. _ tvs. Thon spurned By Girl Here 4 : : bid Pine Hall last Thursds fved - c i Tha am .b ot, vounded In Belgium on, wir pepar telegrem informe After Braving Deep hs J % ba : Hhighe Dellfornt a Pvt, Dona of y Snow, ( old . blossom nto a large trallie; ty to The tralles Con Ns ) Ey? ’ 4 hou WHI WOTK( f Pi i ed, would be provided "TOURS B. E. VALLEY (3 under wey waterialize me | government, which Ho IN 2 STOLEN CARS | that Freedom Ends in Tyrone not ne Restaurant; Offers No Resistance Dulidin Belle- | snowi ot Bloom, 21 Pvt. Ross. who was with the § ; js : . 3 j 1 “q it i A i Hii : - —— ——————— n, both of enth Armored Division entered th ! now 1 from Nn jow ‘ : a { al : elie field ha “0 er tal th service on March 11, 1941. He train- | + tenid ¢ i Lesa morning 5 g Jv ! ! nits and | ed at Camp Polk, La.; Camp Rucker, | Tommed nile tion into the ie cam . tim It Al \ 14 | i of [recdcm hi ' {Of p f . tat the 1 Beunin CG Camp | Sy ag wa n desert!’ ! Lik int asi ! ad . : ion of approa 4] tradiers on in California before go- | m # Ek} el f | a : 4 pn : we site, 3 hem large ones & about five montis a a I dh . § : malier He The ould have Ply Hall privat tt | Rupert rave i fee { 3 : 5 a cal from 2 to € jer YOORe rs DU talp} Iker, {arn is 1 fides Ihe traller cui 2 «Interesting Session of December 18 Ferguson Owns iP. at. the of | trun, | Stille 4 > od oShme ; 3 p TR . I] (our In plots ant tree's, mith each | Hollidayshurg PCA Held 34 i . . I vid ’y OWa3 . nterin oy \ ni {0 a aia : 1§ i go A va a ££. : $i : trisd r ha } oN i it jor - . fc. Har y oh paren h sur {1 bv twoiby h irl, Sourned, he d B a ening or 1 5 purpoue at Pleasant Gap brothers, Samuel Sullivan RB as ward ck Haven but the ; a 4 i . ri t d b nuected wit las Har William Ros and ¢ | r Di ran } in Mill Hall, « : ; id i a Eh roug or and j - \ Satcke Arctitg Margaret Ro i fig ~2iked from there to 1.4 IV ron Three Local Men Who Entered ’ festaurymh on \. ne 1 ; wl Fo re dtr, A vy a ‘ . : On Was nuLiped: Ih (2e o P. In. clipck ME. 5 R M FAYLO Army Together, Are All Missing * #5. ANI MUS. ABRAHAM TAYLOR : 4 KIrenl- is cre ma el : . : Jia am 1 la 4 : ! eal-grandso Donald CR the , ; : ’ ai men who enter-| field artillery and were gent to Camp ih p : tise i. : A £ I i e Lhe same ruber, Oklahom Later thes " i Ey y 4 4 ’ 4 i i : t nn od trained at tl me camps, t to the field artillery ob- A tnss mp mw tail Son \ ' thie WETS] together and winx servation school t Ft Bill. Okla- a . Si , ' Wii ‘ AL. : nvill Ie vi Jar Jared nost of their army | ¥ } n Augu 1944 e i 4 funter . y Wa Dor Wl Ha he same outfits, are all listed ¢ verseas, arriving in England missing in action in Belgium since ere Pic. Flack was In t h . . aes y hospital . p ir + . ’ ’ 188 y ': ir Jecember 17, the beginning of the for a thort time for medical treat- f N d Y t of t Preshyvter red 4 ierinan breakthiroug i. according to ment, but within two weeks of lls he en tae York lal i 9 r Departinent telegrams received arrival in that country had rejoined Cit od Mrs Stella tl wa Ferg give Moh 8) his outfit on the continent. The men | - 4 : the: 7 ro v sonido Brads ‘Kiwanis Speaker Sa yi tors ad i es All the men were se rh tin an erved in France, Belgium, Holland ” p thistle wr) oe vd A po ng < . i a R Bh h ire H bservation Batialion of the field and Germany. and were transferred ug ; ph 2 Shan % "on a a amas 1921 F reezing C ostly , But ev White of Bellefon wrtiller: into Belgium only a short time be- ry ‘ Rige, ANg her uss FlGYed h whi Abin ia BA ve to count the votes includi They are Sore Riels’ ad e Ari Fo sand Vilkinsburg potherithe fomily moved to the Julisn Will be Popular I i is Meinding Pa 1d 1 n 4 § iy 4 wa 3 Aki dua a A—————— gH wif Her r Mav Neder init “ they He resided : . 8 t : 1 M a3e Coal vt. Donald L. Bloom, 21. son of laction. Relatives here know tat i ! grahic-caughtor. Mrs. Max [eden | Vici loo; mmm | Ms yurg, They later reporie i ; (Mr. and Mrs, Willlam C. Bloom, of | Bloom and Preon were together | Assigned by Supreme tee ona ler btuband, of Lark Ye Since The post-war objective of man; i Pas Nicodemus of Blak S/SGT. PAUL ROGUS | Pleasant View, just north of Belie- | most of the time, and It is believed C to in Mati R grandson, Willan Be | Mr Taylor was 70 rears old on la hotsewife—io own a home Irees-| nty, and 8 T. Bloug of Cam- Killed in Asiatic Area « |fonte, | Plack alse was sith the sroup. | ourt Preside { aig wile, of Balltmore, Md! 8 October 30. and his wife will ob- {ing unit for storthg foods, may be bria county, had beg re-elected ——— T/5 Charles BR. Breon, husband of | Pvt. Blaom, in a letier writien on! Bribery Trial Realy {a a Beerigon, C4 Uses Laerve ber 77th birthday on Febwu- pleasant to contemplate bt it i a Matty A. Corman of Borg Mill IMrs. Virginia G roc, ols - i : gy TEE ne ME ADE are ¢ Bash memoers of the honor- | costly | metd H 1000 SOTAgE, BC-1 LL for Cen aORML =} YR 1 3 a re n sms eum, < Ain Degen 3h wrt wg lure he 1 t M Join Saeekler ond 000, JAK led couple enjoy excellent henith, As r™ Prot Gerald Stout of { Giector Or I 7 ps. 8 pic. Donald J. Flack. 2 ' hat he “id been th & hooital| Judes Ivan Walker. of Centre of, T-vey are members of the Unionville | Penn State, who spoke at the feg-|TePort cowering the activities of 4 ie Mn Finck 21, Son Of fents that he Gad been in g hospital | ounty, has been specially assigned) Ho A A A gD tatuths 4 Nn 8, spoke at ‘4 Continued on puge Pour Ruth K. Flack of North Spring [in England carly in Decamber uy. Chie! Justice Maxey of the Petin- In all, th : j« | Free Methodist church ulsr meeting and luncheon of the a Bellelonte, formerly of Half- that had rel ¥ 1 sas bel 4 | . . Yellofonte Kivanis Chub at the hat he had rejoined his outfit In vivgnia Supreme Court, Philadel » | Deli : on Terrace Belgium. He added that be still had {phis. to preside in Blair count Peun Belle Hotel Tuesday noo Schaeffer Elected h fer ntered the evere cold 4 ahh ort in Lhe on { Harry Wolfbery Prof. Stout, sho ha been stud . Ia Bloom attended the Spring who | Mmrgec =ith or ier na ing food -Treering costs for som F resident of Logans township chools and for wyeral embracery of jurors nn that count) years and VIO built a large hone aL Contingsd on page Fou ong w The case is scheduled to £0 to trial made freeing unit in tHe bDasement For the fourth oonsecutive ved {Monday moming in Hollidaysburg of his home deciared that under Coaarles A. Schaeffer was TAT " y , . 4 : ordinary conditions it cos's approxi- president of the Logan Tire Com Judge Walke assignment cam . . ’ nar Ay 2-Year-Old Girl af - Wa eat io ” e 8 ” \ IN \ | mately 10 cenis a ind 0 soreipany Bellefonte, at the annual of ne Court for a } re © ny he COrTIL : FOR 17TH ig » n frozen food for a rear v } TOU iganimtion meeting of 1 » pre A . . Is Bitten By Dog th ts 10 4 add the storage cos rigingl laa week = 0 wet a fale trial in Blair county! Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pleasant Gap W om an price of the food you can see What] oy je. glocted me - y ’ rom St Su’ Sorel 8 yn ! ; om rrol Poormai aged 2 yea wanse of the condition of the pub. » ys : : - {reeging definitely is not an MOI charles Jodon cretary i pei P 0 AMPA N pox Suma od 4 Leister Honored at Writes of Life in St. [ica method.” the speaker said Jr.. treasurer, ai . dha . ph. 8 AWA Ie ming resulting from of CF Janen, J 1 HH doorman, of moor delle - eared is YP , . : » eo predicted, However, that home y het ilins Shoema Postman, of Hailmgon Hl, Be | K appeared in Altoohia newspaper Turkey Dinner Petersburg, Fla. He p os ne} lef, Ouilins 8 ) f Was GOH § . " charged . {reezing nit how every indication ¢) 1 AS vice presidet 1 : . 5 . a Az hte ny 4 . a. for D. Thomas store on We High : proaching tw rors during U . AA ‘ ! wing nterestis etter [Of DeOUMINE extremely POPU AT after Herbert Auman, Sr i " > " " » J na ‘ : i wu : _ : ’ " a « that sera . . " . " street, last Wednesday evenin Annual Drive for Funds: ..: tria1 of former Mavor Charles | : ah | Aeon re at” Peters, {De War and said that perhaps in the ly, ine bosrq of trustees for a tr ha Witte zirl an ¢ mothet / A ivliiindil aml « Of Ms, | R 1red ies el ourse of time ti t of operation ’ Ha ae iat b and her mother hag » » » » » rn 4 fF Al , ' course of tin the COS 0} year term. and Herman Hazel r . * Rthodes. of toons 3 Che es Of VY t a N { ’ ¢ “tit tcl WR vit 4 ave JATI UALS al m, § man tore and Carrol, see-| 1iinked With President’s |E. Rhodes, of Altooha, on charg a tus - Fas written Jan stilt B . 8 nd that tain Eh misdemeanor in office rtle MARAIVY would De reduced and Net CENA named to the board of control ) » L 8} ar yr { : _ A) . x : AL» I. 1 t+» her arms around i : : " . .. inherent weaknesses In al types of ve al ev Tierner wer . Birthday ( elebration Tie case originally wa cheduled 1 ars thelr Te nt Ap wil er 5 is "Y Sand abt Pr TT. Love and Harvey T ¥ . : : } ) her on the face v : " time ‘ ‘ roeen o0d storage mighl Ves en as delegate and alternate 0. 8 - . {0 have ROC on rial Yesteraay . nang ) une in t soulh y ‘DET \ KF knocking her to the floor. Then the , cone actively he state convention PVT. CLYDE T. McCLOSKEY ing ! ] ) The annual drive for funds to morning but a postponement wa sharles A. Leister A Mrs agargel writes interesting. spectively, to the sta ) "n 2 . ) " Seti t " Speaking of mmunity freezing and Lo pokey and John Kline fight infantile paralysis will be held granted at the request of Deputy ity. and Miss Hettie Daup of ot 3 x Cetitre countians she PERRIN OF # and Loren Ro ¢ & ! ’ Wounded In France og bit her on the other side of the Mrs. Poorman took her daugh- ‘ pe! eahmant where U individual rents n nd alternate * » hee rom wy clan January 14 through January 31, in! Attorney General Harry A. Estep il. were married at the po " h y | south and tells rg - hart ke Bf bid a $36 wee ey Sega and ” ver. " ha reared Vee. | Contre county as in the nation in| Pittsburgh attorney, wi Bs AP- | ¢ 1 ood is % { | somethl { the livia nditions | Oe Or NG R HE Jnr Eirespecuivedy, Ww IEC, conver : : where the wound ere treated, Yes- . ing ‘ oiAmad am + Hh “ Windber Girl Named bmg t he Re mn —ena - ard to the 13th annual celebration of the!pointed last month to assist the! tn vahaelical oh samt nd the various R in Yat Continued on page Pour tion \ hy ol : i President's birthday it was an- | Blalr counts District Attorney hu ) : _ _ gi _ 4 ealin atisfactorily The vic- ’ . To School Faculty tims pe Ath 1 .'q " ol fy nounced yesterday by Mrs, Balser | the prosecution of Wolfberg, Bern hes ent 1 \ rr on . B oka dies y y a shah feb ¢ 0 : : Herod. lard Wh . “a toe hextes Ey : $ HE CWS a in Holland Weir, ul A a, Saupe direc- ard Wayne and Charles E. Rhode Potters Mills « ing which th r-| Dear Editor Industries And Employees uy The dog is a stray one which has" 97 LEUHE COREE pi Leister was I ng © Above is my address, as per prom. . : been befriended by Pennsylvania Infantile paralysis during ; 1944 il ness in the Seven Mountal jee. and also the ny Jot - $600,072.75 During Bond Drive Railroad employes. It has no home, Struck the United States the heave. Safety Patrol Fi ms 1903 they purchase v TAP ADC ter which I hope will be Interest- si according to report gl yor x Jeuis Jot ho Kaw Je Shown in Co. Sches!s ince that time Taave HH | ing to you and your readers. It has Employes of Centre County industries and the industries them: > eT Ct In ee ha ne. : ” A we helt main vocation They « 0 been delayed somewhat by the good selves achieved a8 most commendable record during the Sixth War i " mis a n : BE YO y! re ¢ sometime soon t : r He ' tun of a : 4 : be 3 oy v ro ) Recommends $25,000 ltoday's children, the President of] A numbsr of Centre county 8chool| pu ch ed home 3 thet at for ne + Soting a Democrat, ev. Loan Campaign In December, a survey yesterday revealed : * the United States has given permis« children early this week saw De- wim + ’ Mr nd M ¥ kx Gard , : Workers in industry during the campaign purchased a total of For County Hospital sion for the use of his birthday in|partment of Revenue motion pic. 170 8 Move and Mrs.| State College. Who arrived here n| 3397547.38 in bonds, and the industriés Purchiited an additional tote | January 1945 as an occasion to raise tures on school safety patrols, pre-| C750 MA. A : 1 | Not ¢ College. Who arrived here in| of $302525.00, making a grand total of $600,072.75—or a substantial por Governor Edward Martin recom- | funds In the conquest of a disease sented by Pvt McKenna of the Samuel Bi nes h of Ce tre 1 - : oi nah ara hom xe ad tion of the entire county quota of £1.950.000 for the drive. The Indus- mended that the Centre County wich in threatening one threatens State Police and OCeorge Lotw, uf fre, he ie RG xs TH: al rh “y re - hn i Y re trial figures are exclusive of those from the Philipsburg area whicl ipplies | Hospital be given an appropriation qn the Department of Revenue ahd three great-grandachidare avin Pet alia On the: way were not avallable yesterday ¢ additional lof 825000 for the 1045-1047 blen=! The funds raised in this cam-! The films were brought Der hose attending the anbiversa donk. Wake trait. was wrecked—17 In the following table the first column of figures represents cot eating plant of | nium In his budget message deliver- | paign In previous years have ampli- |larough the efforts of Sheriff John Kathering were: Mr. and Mrs. Bit-| =o Coo oem which they| PARY purchases; the second column, employe purchases, and the thir liding, and di-led to the General Assembly lastified for polio victims and thelr par- | Galalda, who Is arranging for a re- |e Mrs. Spurgeon Heunigh, Mr emerged alive, but badly shocked column the total purchases by employes and company ing Principal 10! week ents. the meaning of such words as/turn of the films in April for pre and Mis Ort ve Ruby q eryl Lue shaken ang bruised with two of | Company Employe 1 1 ibplies for. “The executive recommended that hope” “rehabilitation” and the sentation In other schools as Sid Hathe Grove a and My Me. Gardner's sibs Broken. He has . - ’ ; ola Dain neec- all state-alded medical and surgical pest me are ven through! On Monday the films were shown Dona SAvey an GRugater r are still | hospitals receive the same amount rele mecinal eate. geen at Hublersburg; Tuesday st Howard Maude, and Daniel Deup, Sr. all of a a Maa Srcont i Metal Mig. Company $100,000.00 $123,051.00 7 - w coming bien « they | y Centre Hall: Mrs. Robert Myers and | “V9 . heim Hosdery . . The report of 1 Callector George | re _ A ah ig um "ap Tm No preventive or cure lias yet been nl Pont Mata ng Jeserdny a OTS Barry and Dennis, Mrs. Ellen! ®ased out of the experience, and, 10. west Penn Power Oo 11.000.00 52575. M. Brown showed total collections! — BE found—there Is only treatment. Ad. |lhe Be on oe High School apd 8) echman and Mr and Mrs Boyd (Meke a long story short, has been guuon Engineering Co 10,000.00 11.425 00 during the mont { S00456 leav-' Maybe the German offensive ji [equate treatment and care for the | Brow Shi lust : patrols Stover, all of Spring Mills under medical care ever since, un- : 2.200.00 00 2,600.00 i Maybe the German offens “oll oolio patient is costly, and the after] T9€ pictures illustrate how patrols dood pid able to leave her bed part of the 2.500 00 Nei care is continued for months and|'e Organized and how they oper ; time, and not as well yet as she | 575.00 in Many cases years [ate Buy War Bonds and keep em should be after & mobth and a half | 100.00 y : NE — _ ol . : Purther, while everyone afflicted of doctor's attention and sunshine. : i 2275.00 4 vith Infantile paraly i nssured | ye : a We have had delightful weather) . : 600.00 Income of Library At Pre-War et ee it ae Deep Snow Threatens County : Bellefonte oe 2% ment, at the » tl there is go= . + . : Foe Level In Face of Increased Costs —— Deer Herds With Starvation pel Compas ® nse ember ing an uncollet balance of 7. convince some Americans that 510.53 Yar 5 not over ; ———————————— In the face of constantly rising (the institution In the various Centre county wildlife, particular. the county, snow averages about O . costs and a shortagh of help, the rooms there are hundreds of voi-| Philip Ray Elected | 1y deer, are threatened with Sarva: wo feet in depth, while In maby | gs i Sage Tye Centre County Library in Bellefonte [umes piled high on tables because | tion within the next few weeks un-| places drifts up to dix feel have " reports a steady increase in the de? | there is no room on ie shelves for War Fund President less there Is a substantial thew or|been messured. Al one point snow " rire Ml ihe ve Ni te! mand for books ‘I thelr proper storage, . These books | unless food Is provided for them, it has drifted to a depth of nearly The Alyse Fire Company, Sta The expanding service is being are In great demand and conse- Phillp B. Ray, of Bellefonte, was wa, reported yesterday by Game |soven feet College, received a call at 9:56 a. m. accomplished under many handl- quently brary assistants lose much |tiected president of the Bellefonte | worden Thomas Mosler, of Belle-| In order to prevent wholesale caps because of the fact. that the [valuable time In seeking volunes| Community War Fund for 1045 at deals of deer through starvation, income of the library has not In- [from among the piles, the annual organization meeting of creased In proportion to increased | It is explained that funds are not|that group in ihe Court Room here maintenance costs and the vast |ayailable for the construction of | Monday night, : growth of circulation, officials re- [additional shelf space. Lighting In! John Curtin, Jr, #88 named vice port iio Hbrazy toonis Gobalat Gf the fi- president. Oatolrh Wale wap As a result, sgme badly needed je- | lumination provided in (he bullding|ed second vice president; pairs to the bDullding and to the (when it wos used ss # residence. | Mattern was chosen treasurer, and Bookmobile which distributes vols fashigned Mary Harvey Scott was elected sec . Ghana umes to the varlous brasich stations retary. e Oll Comphig...... ito t“wough the county, have iad to be volume \ BR Toon cosnniisivstivhavusisin postponed In addition, the nerease of the . y ny " J sein i Cine a number of books at the Lirary has , 8 g EL —— seriously cramped stomage space at ¢ ae or aa Ae re a STHO0000 & Was i
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