Page Six — : TIE CENTRE DEMGURAY, BECLEFUNTE, IA. November 16: 1944 To Vote Again : Hh S00 bia the ney clestor 2 less ny iting the monumen- Qelhanl Bogrd Soldier Vote To Be 6th War Loan wu For President pe io the other electors while) on January 6. 1046, the two Holds Session Tallied Wednesday Drive to Begin » $0 (yy) (Continued jrom page One) (Continged rom page one) 11 ‘anti rom on n £1 tied, | € Iu Pi at { meet i faint (Continued J tr page One) : ¢ , AF ! { } { i ed from page One) of presidential elector 1 a8 many electors as there are were placed in a locked ballot box man--E bonds, $34,000; others to in Wort i wi y Now Many Wear ' oder N i re N ez § { y ' woh al vilbur Sten ‘ \ 1 il law den Of : \ | Cy r appeared before a hea red -” 3 Cpt ' } { { 4 Bh many, electors ue there ate Set | AY ceeiony Toor. cach state The cutoral yes ot seve 865 ADDCATOS before he board ‘as Which i kept in the vault of the dividuais, 814000 corporations, 4.4310 FALSE TEET } | | \ { n ni Ll ’ “Ya. ’ { . } ) slots mi ongr A I resident the residls pra onre Wh dl { enor cla I'reasures fice. The keys to the 000; total $52,000 A swap " yk s “a Perma 10n } { The federal la 1 ballot box are in the Fir National BPRING MILLS H J Erd : bile g 4 With More Como ' O1eiu I or the annua nior Ball | TIT And thst iy a i electors of eac) Lat TN | { t i \ Hi Link Wii mii (ESA Ii i 11 : . : y A . Bank, Bellelon i ang 1 ructl chairmat FE bond §15.000 . % ’ t MDE I — { 1 st of re that thw } reles onl » £of and cast their ballot A ! | | | £135 ‘11 rd unanimously rant- to the thre a $12.000 A , A Alii: ) y | il Line 1 ) 10) ’ 4 4 Y Monday after the CO Wed i | ! lect 4x ent t y v 4 A reg OMI Ong ' NOL Hal $27.000 i \ ' Ret i \ . A is 11 McCord, Harry Leeler d ¢ day In December : ATi Tu V o A 5 Tae total county qu 1 |} i and nel 3! i } ‘ will be Decemb i i ( 4 Hi hief $750,000 other t ‘ph fi ’ m Li itl Auxilia Harry Bure All four must be pre : tien ste in anda { | elect ¢ ' al BY ERT V ¢ i : ndividual £600.000 tor for P Ro 2 Hairmman © LU nt to obted Fie y $ 12 0 clog LL ernment w an elect appearance empowered to from the LIN mit the name . WAPNER BROS Aflicient en, There ave) oon c bring a POs a ; a Eo te. airman. $1,000 gi Z Or SeqQsons ¢ NITE State College's | NITE | e el : rt at thi where i ol be He ie BE} man, $15.00. : : NOV. Thanksgiving Eve | NOV. a a os Se a lana.” |] Thonksgiving Do \/ 22nd Sneak Pre-Yue 22nd tig 3 4 fc ¥ 0 wes [ ed p he pin oN y dl gion I to. ft on Hugi W ¥ Y ul neea some “TOGETHER AGAIN STARRING IRENF He CHARLES . DUNNE CHARLES COLBURN BOYER Kiwanis Hear Re. caiman of November 7, 18 vad. Any mitked $9 or “13 ; Guest Speaker Iy to explain the having been too late to be counted.’ q,, . WwW O 0 D R i 5 G S . . . here's what “Show Business” expert re- hon otos ola thi d= {checking names on the outer hy F. Bu F) viewer in MOTION PICTURE HERALD has W r' people’ ing. GoLLo UR, With Tesbeet 10 IRe dbs [Veloies, Will Sake etrémn at WO) sures: b. § man, § FLORAL GARDENS to say about . .. “TOGETHER AGAIN" ED Aravind argon nee. If 3t develops that a person ™. Mrs. | 5 Just make Phone 2125 Bellefonte Phone 2015 ANNOUNCING Es | |B Grand Opening CETL ED ERE —.. | Bellefonte Food Marke R. Weaver BOX OFFICE OPENS 11:20 » icin % a ten Formerly SHOW STARTS AT 12:00 meml when 1 n { are are importar ( Hs . “.” CORMAN'S FOOD MARKET Read the Classified af . ‘ > a - 4 ~ Jicto { ABIL LALLLALA LALLA ALAA ——————————— President W . High Rep 1 Il nt | Oe TE SAMA AAMAS SA AAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SERVKE SELF-SERVICE DELIVERY U. 8 Senator W. B. Ring. Owner hal 2825 Grover | Supreme ( ourt Det 67 AUNT JEMIMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR et ' MAPLE SYRUP Superior Court SCOTT CO. TOMATO SOUP CORN MEAL BUCKWHEAT FLOUR SALT It's Not LL» Too Early To Think of Budiey General CITRON, RAISINS, CURRANTS, BLACK WALNUT MEATS, I > i Ped PECAN MEATS, CANDIED CHERRIES, PINEAPPLE, ETC. FHA AAAAAAAALAAAAAAARARARAAARA AAMAS FAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAMAMIAAMAAMAAAAA AMAA State Treasurer eha—————— ¥ a —————— el -— — Christmas! | Qo 2 ir JY oh. 1 an fl maa ee]. CTABON ERT Yi a .. hn | POTATOES | CLEANSER hh fang SHOP EARLY ! f a || co TT o2¢ pk. [25 AVOID CROWDS ! 7 A BE Good Luck Oleo Ih. 26¢ | Birthday Party A-1 Solution are complete in everv department, especially : : a or 12 “i LA Fresh Grapefruit y . : 9 3 jor 25c¢ the va y , Alexander ! oar ch F rng appar | whi \ has many beautiful and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ed- : 4 [ar lexande ) toon he leay . elections for the entire family . of Sigg mnie "ony let 8 » Extra Large Cauliflower 4 39¢c Fitter ™Mailip B., from the South Pa- Finest Selection of Ladics’ Coats $16.90 up ever Those. present were. Mrs Emperor Grapes Sarah Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- . rar Alexander and son James, Mr Beautiful Dresses - - - - - - - $3 90 up and Mrs Philip Alexander, Wesle Iceberg Lettuce [Mra. Austin Luss And sor Eugene, Mixed Nuts - FINEST ASSORTMENT RAYON UNDERWEAR Janet Alexander, Doiaig und mud. Sweet Potatoes an Ores, raid, rla an AND HOSIERY — AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT and Dujares. | Serail, See ad e aroe son Barry rem Cas Leg-O-Lamb fa Children’s Department stock was never more complete. BRONCHIAL Ib. 41¢ Country Lard, bulk We have the finest selection of Snow Suits, Legging Sets, Dresses, etc. Make the kiddies happy while shopping. | Chuck Beef Roasts [|Skinless Weiners Let them enjoy themselves in our Toyland. 9 COUGHS! or Bronchial Irvitations Due to Colds Ih. 27¢ Fresh Ground Beef | Buckley's Famous "CANADIOL” | Mixture Acts Like 3 Flash | Pork Liver Full Line of Fish and Oysters fpend a few cents today al any drug sore for a hottie —————— —— : v i ey's CANADIOL Misture ’ (iriple Buting), Take a couple of | Ib. 2le | sips at bedtime. Fool ia instant | pawerful effective action spread thry | - m m — —— 1 | throat, head and bronchial tubes, It | — - — ——————————— $ %® i {starts at once 10 loosen up thick, | choking phlegm, soothe raw mem. vanes “abd ike pranlee il || ‘We Have Not Made Any Changes in Personnel or Service. ufferers from those persistent, Crider’s Exchange Building Bellefonte, Penna. Pane an ia WE | Our Shelves and Other Departments Are Very Well Stocked. Joy's brings quick and effective ro gt. Don't walt—get Buckley x Can ETT TTT TT TTT TTTY . I] fal gs we ey ' MARTHA IMRA AMAA MAN | White Bros. Drug Store nly
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