Page Six by THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. November 16, 1944 OBITUARY ci oe | cember 31, 1028. Born December 5, 1867 in Bellefonte was a son of David and Jane Powell Rothrock, He married on March 16, 18986, to Elizabeth Garne; who sur- with one ister, Mrs, Kate Marshall, of City, Okla- homa, and one brother, Frank Roth- Bellefonte. He fa mem- the Methodist Fu- » were veld at the home evening with Rev. WE fficiating Interment afternoon in the nonsbhurg a LEROY B. MACKEY Leroy B. Mackey, a native of Milesburg, Centre county, died at his home in Altoona early Saturday W® morning. after an illness of a year Mary and a half, He was Miles- | Vive burg on February 28 on of Martin H and Sara Swanger 1 Mackey, and went to Altoona as a Fock, of child. He was a contractor bey of pation, Leroy B. Mackey i his own lumbe) { and in his business life active in busine years ago. He et erection of i son, Martin H him in busine vived by his wi 11 X { Raymond Cralg (Freet) Mackey ne : f oples’ Ni nal Bank daughters, Martin al ! A LL treet. State C at ome: Mrs Si Wicd Nn, found dead in hi y ut 9:30 Richmond 1944. A sisters h oy CGroodtell Tayiar, 'l he Dorm 1870. Oklahoma Was cnurcen tab! neral Service bl i Saturday Watkin made Sunday eum in Ca was fam- WILLIAM CHALOT roomer at the above South ollege wa WILLIAM FP. ROTHIOUK William Powell Roth former Burges a former trustee at his lome al nue, State College November Of State of Penn 323 Falrmou ave 10 D.m i MRS. DANIEL H., MINNICK 1844, all M Mary Matild Minnick years' illne wit nesday everal condition. Deceased, wl uated from the School gineering at Penn State jowed his profession of years throughout States, South America He served / ing been May te re the throughout Col College He was } Borough Co 1932, to Decembe; president of that 1935. He lege fron incu RECAPPING AND MRS. CHRISTOPHER COWHER VULCANIZING | vn came cower. vite o Port Matil NEW TIRES, TUBES und WHEELS AND RIMS KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE 8. Potter Street Bellefonte, Pa Home Owned and Operated her Cowher NGAKAY 1044, a © MIRRORING OER ee MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. Electric Appliances Gifts - Toys Patents Fountain Service Phone Bellefonte 6951 a THIS Is THE SIGN of a local, independent business built on experience, knowledge, skilled service and products of quality. “U. S.” TRANSPORTATION MAINTENANCE HELPS TRUCK OWNERS SAVE TIRES Here is a plan that can help every truck operator in this town get more mileage from his tires, cut his operating costs and re- duce road delays due to tire failure. Read what truckers all over the country are saying about it. One says, “With road delays cut to a minimum we've saved manpower and salaries.” An- other, “This plan has enabled us to cut tire costs at least 257.” Regardless of whether you operate 3 trucks or 300 or more, “US.” Transportation Maintenance can help you save truck tire dollars and truck tire miles. Call us today for full details. Bellefonte Sunoco Service TELEPHONE 2919 ALLEGHENY & BISHOP STS, DISTRIBUTOR FOR UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY MRS. JASPER GRAMLEY Mrs. Jasper Gramley, a resident of Kaneville, Ill, died at her home on Friday, November 10, 1044, after a several months’ (lines: Born in! Miles township, Centre county, May 21, 1863, she was a daughter of Syl-| vester and Sydney Gramley Her first husband, Adam Auman, preced- ed her in death some years ago She is survived by her second hus- band and two children, Mrs. A, 8 Kinklebleck, Lewisburg, and C. J Auman, of Pittsburgh: also a half brother, Edward Hoy, of Hublers- burg. Services were held from the Strunk funeral home at Miffiinburg Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. Rev Rearick officiated Interment was made at Miffiinburg MRS. MARY CATHERINYG STRAWMIRE Mir Mary C. Strawmire, 84 of the residents of Juniata and a native of Centre county, died Thursday November 6, 1944, In Mer Hospital, Altcona afte i long ilines Mrs. Su born at Nigh Bank a daughter of Patrick and Brideet Daley Kelly Her husband, Patrick Strawmire, 1981, 1} | n wna inkle one oldest AWIre near Bellefonte aieg tep-children Margaret Spr CHRISTMAS REGULATIONS AT LOCAL POSTOFFICE Shortage of tran: it and persom th Oriation, ex 1] makes mt packages and Chr juip- imper- Sima be malled early, Acling Post. B. Bower advise i Bel following sfonte oilice erve He ule MAIL EARLY of the : nould be malied December 9, pref yf November id cards not preferably in December SERVICE HOURS. To fa rly mailing the Bellefonts ve the following schedule December cher 18 December { velop a Get Decembe; «cent rate, if undel at ellefonite Bellefon leaves JULIAN { man winter has been making ADPEArance known When you kK about and see him sitting the house tops and on the pump- vou Vilies Galle Dondo and wife, Mrs. Don- mother, Mrs. Lancaster and two brothers from Mt. Union, spent Sun- home of the former Hazel Dondo, and her Mrs. Marcella Beals day at the mother, Mrs grandmother of this piace Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morrison of Wilkinsburg, and Mr. and Mrs Andrews and son Ronald, of Union. pent Saturday evening at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. E. B. Williams. They also went to the home of Mr. and Mrs 8 E Willams in Dix Run on Sun- day and partook of a sumptious din- ner Quite a number of our young folks have secured employment at the Ti tan Metal plant in Bellefonte Mrs. James Reese, Mrs. C. C Hprow and Mrs. Golda Hansome, of Unionville, made a trip to Harris. burg, leaving here on Thursday eve ning and returning on Saturday af- ternoon. They visited with the for. met’'s niece, Mrs, Sener of that place Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Nearhoo! of Tyrone called at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. | | Williams, on Tuesday of last week | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Markle and | | daughters of Pleasant Gap, spent [Bunday at the parential home of Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Willlams, | | Mrs. Nora Breon has retumed to {her home after spending some time | with her daughter and husband in | Mill Hall, but at the present time is visiting with her step daughter, Mr, ville [and Mrs. John Shope of Bellefonte, (And Mrs. Charley Lucas, Mr andl There was supposed (0 be & street I meeting In Julian on Saturday eve. | ning conducted by the Pilgrim Holl. : i Fred [daughter Joanne, Mr. and Mrs, Clair St, John's Evangelical & Reformed C. Nevin Stamm, pastor Church 8chool 9:30, superinten- dents Ralph Owens and Glenn Au- miller Thank offering service at 10:41. Sermon by the pastor Advent Church Rev. L. F. Sheetz 9:30 a. m. Sunday preaching service; 6:30 p. m. Christ. lan Endeavor: 7:30 revival services These services will continue for al least another week Pastor 10:45 school - First Evangelical Church H. Halbert The service 9 the service of hip Jacobs, pastor 30 to 10:15 Sermon by 10:20 to 11 the church Edward Teaman, supt, in 6:30 p m Evangelical hip with er meet 30 unified wor: the pastor at study charge the hip. 7:30 wor pastol Prax Youth Fellow ermon by the fohn's Lutheran, Bellefonte ciarence Aru come ang Lord Milesburg Presbyterian Charge Howard E. Oakwood, m Port Matilda: Bible y y n morning worsinip a HH inister school at 10 Wo o'clock ville: Evening worship at 7:30 Bible study class Montay at 7:30 Mile Bible school at $30 a. m Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m, Union Wednesday at burs anksgiving service 39 p. m Pleasant View Union Chapel Rev. 1 Sheetz, pas i, 6:30 p 1:30 even- Lor " ‘or evening ttended Christian & Missionary Allirnce Rev. Kenneth £7 fn, pastor G. TV. 8 STUDENTS 70 PRESENT PLAY Huckleberry Fin i lay Huck Finn an Tom Sawyer and the Duke King and Aunt Sally Phelps ir 34 dramat tie » Sr tTet 4H about ang the Nanager are (race Belly Haus ge Hoslerm Harter. The publi ited Sc inefler mel. Geo STATE TREASURER REPORTS SPECIAL ASSISTANCE GIVEN In the twenty counties eastern nnsylvania Region 4 of the Scranton, $736 41870 In sictance fishursed tw ged and Bling Ald to Dependent Children ring ive i October accord- ing to OG. Harold Wagner Treasurer, For a total of $736647 50 was distributed in thi to recipients in these Classifica- PETOoOne re A Pension ving nd for month September ares tion Centre county residents in the groups receiving Special Ascistance were pald a total of $24.504.10 in Oc. tober divided as follows: Aged, $15.- 968 90: Blind, $1,770; Ald to Depen- dent Children $6765.20. September payments Gere totaled $24,108.50 During the week just closed direct relief payments In Centre county aggregated $443.30. Payments for the previous week totaled $450.10, ae cording to Mr. Wagner RE — a —— MRS. EDITH BURD IS | HONORED ON BIRTHDAY A surprise party was held at the Milford Burd home near Bellefonte, ' Saturday evening, November 11, In honor of Mrs, Burd's birthday i Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. | Ellis Pownell and daughter, Mrs, Hile, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brooks) and som Harold and daughter Aud- | rey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burd, Mr | Mrs. C.J. Wert and son Bobble Bhawley and son Harold, Mr, and Mrs. Daryl Emenhiser, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs, Mr. and Mm, Wynn Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Murn Walker, Mrs, Vivian Cole and daushter Joy, Mrs, Ruth Moyer and son ‘Wayne, State WARNS AGAINST PARCELING OUT OF GERMAN LANDS nllie will Ie seed of future proposal to parcel German nation Professor GG, J Biante Victorious dragon adopt BOWL wars” i § “the they out any parts of the among themselves, wurfi of the Pennsylvania College warned today Professor Wurfl, former German Imperial army officer whote son | overseas with the U. 8. Army recommended that the commission England tie United and jae of German people, ne Al Reich be composed of Btate Risin The masse explained Hitler only be fens nada Fores rulejy by Cermany follow leader uch a se if coniusion coercion. Democracy, he believes, could be t ise RECENT WEDDINGS stere—Houek Kreidler— Barns NOVEMBER 17 &¢ ¥ - SEES SCARCITY OF CHICKENS AND TURKEYS will becau ate. market will BY ready for and all military J<Oemana hey me! - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Elizabeth H. Sloop. et al, 10 Hay W. Mattern, Jr. ot ux. of Bellefonte tract in Bellefonte, North Ward, $1 Homer D. Decker, et al, to Joseph R. Bammes, el ux, of Bellefonte in Spring Twp, $1 Olive M. Hosterman Gerald Piller, of Brunswick tract in Huston Twp. 81350 Charles PF. Schad, et al, to Wilbur Bauchman, of Bellefonte, tract In Spring Twp. 81 Michare] Debrasky M. Conaway, ef ux by execr., to Me el ux, to Chas of Bnow Ehoe, !traet in Snow LO0e Twp, $250 Cecelia Miller, by execr, to Fran ces Krout, of Bellefonte, R. D. 3, tract in Bellefonte, $1 J. A. Bliger, to Mahlon R. Hag- erty, Sr. of Philipsburg, tract in Rush Twp, $1. ste in MP — —— Soldier Transferred Pri. Max Bryan, who was station ed at Truax Feld, Madison, Wis, was recently transferred to Chante Field, 11 t. Bryan, a son of Mr and Mrs. Mac Brown, Sr, of North Penn street, Bellefonte, i studying | radio mechianle work A,” Broken Cork If a cork breaks and falls inside ——— CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL | IN THE WEEK'S NEWS (aa Let Us Have Monday of Last Week Admitted Willis Helchel ania Iran Miss A te College ry Discharged Bellefonte Lucas, Bell Shawls Fast Week Wednesday ‘ M “1 LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" MES, C.D. WELLE FT WORTH As Pictured Mars > we § nd * 8 w al dow » Tre persons dost 14 te 18 average in a few mew the ATYDS Yitamie Candy Reducing Plan oly 225 i : 4 ONRY BALK will the very Soest bua J PARRISH DRUG STORE Your Tires Recapped We have a large stock of Grade 1 Passenger, Truck and Implement Tires HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY BTORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, PA. WE MAKE KEYS Ma / of Last { Werk C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY * LJ burda WALGNER'S QUALITY FLOUR A Hard Wheat Pat. Flour sunda WAGNER'S CUR BEST FLOUR 50-50 Blend WAGNER'S VERY BEST FLOUR Winter Wheat + * Chick Starter Wagner's Calf Meal Eshelman’s Dog Feed dvdes Crean \& Ld ONAR cy Dealers in All Kinds of Grains i \d BELLEFONTE, PA. $00 other MOKARCH FOODS»! bust ae Coodll \ On Your Shopping List! Yes « bread comes first Because now, more than ever, basic to a good, people these days. nourishing diet. MORNINGSTAR'S Enriched Bread — always a fine food — now has added value in the form of vitamin and min- eral factors. Each loaf supplies gener. ous amounts of vitamin Bl, vitamin iron, protein and food. MORNINGSTAR'S Enriched Bread really brims with good things including smooth, appetizing, delicious B2, niacin, energy. flavor. with most bread is Easy to buy, unrationed, plentiful, MORNINGSTAR'S Enriched Bread is one of the NO-POINT FOODS your grocer is featuring these days. Put it on the table every mealtime — and you'll be putting extra nutrition inte your family’s meals. Use MORNING- STAR'S ENRICHED BREAD for toast, sandwiches, casseroles, puddings. See how it helps you plan economical, point. saving menus, Ask your grocer today for . ... MORNINGSTAR'S ENRICHED BREAD. orningstar ENRICHED BREAD ns mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers