November 16, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PX. 19 4 PUBLIC SALES THURSDAY, NOV Corman will y Tuesday, Nov. 21 on his farm, two miles 5 ! Bellefonte. ’ ha stat \igh R. A. DERR way leading ¢hinery and o'clock noon I'ern Smith, auct THU RSDAY, NOV Gey I! offer at offer ated FRIDAY, NOV Ye t Bib BE : wie sie 00 Wednesday, Nov. 22 (CHARLES POL NI Monday, Nov. 27 PALL W sTAMM Friday, Nov. 17 HARRY KELLER Wednesday, Nov. 29 CHAS A. LEINSTER FARM DMPLEMEN H H cle Saturday, Nov. 18 HF LEATHER CENTRE HALL MASE nln dese Saturday, Nov. 18 HH} HARFPSTLS . Y ’ be of BOUSEIOLL te of M H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE uD PINE GROVE MILLS, FA LF 4 D e will | angelical | oH General Auctioneer hurel entre Ha) on We hu wn) CALL STATE COLLEGE, mas to will have charge of the Nunemaker will eid In the Ey eryice. Rey Elmer £rmon Real Estate Sales un unity Thanksgiving ser A SPECIALTY | vice will be held in the hur Spring Milk Why not have the benent of |... i Bw competitive bidding In the sale of your property, preact ia .# ng. MN W K. Hosterman of Centre will be harge DONT oigy (ENPS TINT Watch for Dates! Wanda Stiver wa her friend, ¥ Norman Stiver has a bumper tur-| Mr and Mrs WOR Hal RD Lutheran Wednesday qovember 22 al 7:30 Rev Hall SNYDERTOWN at 9:30 Modern Etiquette PINE GROVE MILLS ANSWERS REBERSBURG BLANCHARD Modern Etiquette Wore fie M SNOW SHOE Rebersburg Church Get: $1000 Bequest MARTHA Ri Dutch Dairy Here Discontinues Service Word Stands Philipsburg . from arthriti peedy recover Mrs. ' ramley passe WAY The Dutch Dalry June of Altoona nn r I in Kanevill 11. last ted In Mr. and Mrs Myers farm ila he dy ws brought | RW t In Temple Court Maurer of this | Mifflinburg whet mn | services. Sou Allegheny d by the Penn- were conducte y Tutsday. Burial doors last Thursday night, and it is away made in Mifflinburg cemetery Gramiey was the grandmother of Mra. John Weaver of Rebersburg room om lewis Q buildin street closed ia empoye by n \ reported that the restaurant and its art Sir WwW. Scott equipment are now for sale FVOCATION the Reports are that the business was ' out and a native of ils valley closed becouse of the inability of the bet te M. Arnold M. W. Breon accom- owners to obtain sufficient help. Mr! LINEALLY. in a manner descend panied by Mrs C 8 Hosterman and | Faweett’s plans for the 'mmedinte ing in a direct line from an ance Nancy Breon of Centre Hall, called! future are indefinite tor. “The prince is lneally descend wae at the H. O Yearick home at Mill . . - ing from the conqueror on Sunday aftarnoon, | Brass Fancels ABORIGINAL: first; original | Miss Alma Corman, Mr, and Mrs Brass faucets can be kept from original inhabitant of any land James Corman and children Joyce looking water spotied, if, after you may well be doubted whe'hes ind Jimmy, called at the Irvin clean them, a little fumiture polish free Is an aboriginal of these i Schwenk home In Williamsport on i8 applied. The soll In the polish '1ands “Darwin Saturday Mr. Schwenk is a hospital | prevents chemical action from! EVICTION forefble expuldion patient at this time | Wiashing water the act of turning out, “His radical | Mrs Ralph R Suet und daugh- | === . speech was followed by his eviction ter Virginia, of State College, were from the club” HYDE'S {Baturday visitors at the home of | PERMANENT PROCRASTINATE: te put oft Mra. M. C/ Haines. Sunday guests at WAVE 9; [from day W day; to delay. “1 pro- Wie same home were Mr, and Mrs Ba * tpphere wiih Parmmoest ~ 59 crastinnte more ian 1 did twenty | Fs gy POTATO CHIPS IJ R Bergey of Mexico, Mr. and Mrs dll ion. euriers, years ago “-Bwint Made In Bellefonte [8 LL. Mubler and Mrs. Ada Hubler tts ay thampan end wave et Ta - Get Them at Your Grocers of Millheim | ASOT Communion services will be held | in the local Lutheran church next| Ye Amami a Raliroand Co } Sunday guest | Mrs reinia Maeckley, at ar forth Ihe evocation rdale farm w spirit rop. Me can take care of large Enjoy Fresh. POTATO CHIPS ALL THE Time sess —————— : This country WAS two tasks: to) fiotishe war If possible, and w abol- | —— — depressions, ible. o- Page Five FXECL TORS Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE I PROCLAMATION UICK REL I1ZF FROM Distress Arising from 70 ACH ULCERS 10 EXCESS ACID eBook Tells of Home Treatment that t Help or it Will Cos 8 You Nothing LARD ’ Liemseh Esvens Ack . Upset Stomach, Heartburn, Sleeplesamess, ole. eas Acid * Message » tree HOW MANY ANSWERS TO THIS AD? ovious: Xe the only servant who will do so much for so little these days is electricity, We're glad that electricity is able to work around the clock in war plants and still stay on the job in your home. We're proud that you pay low pre-war wages for its services! That's news in wartime. It's possible only because of sound business manage. ment-——and because your friends and neigh bots in this company know their business, * Hear Nelson Fddy in "The Electric Houwr™ every Wednesdays night, 10.30, entire Columbia network, West Penn Power Co. | 91 AT wr a i 1 AR ——
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