Page Two TIE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PR, | | ARTHA | PORT MATILDA JULIAN | Loganton Man Hepored Iman Badge for actua} participation [cently ! M | Pvl. Harry J. Brooks, of Logwadan, | in combat with the. enemy. while { partment I'he old schoo] bell at Sugar Grove (R. D. 1) Rev. Alec Robison of Port Matilda, has been cited hy his regiment of (serving on the Fifth Army from ip try soldier wh 1s being heard again Black Ouk Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nevin of [preached a very able sermon in the the rd “Marine Infantry Division | Italy. Standards for the Dadge are! ing ability in 81001 is closed and the pupils are! Kans returned home after attend- [Julian M, E. church on Sunday and awarded thie Combat Infantry~ (high, The decoration, which was re- | bads being hauled to Sugar Grove ing the funeral of Mrs. Nevin's fa- | morning Mrs. Ralph MeGrew and three I, Arm u Mr. and Mi Gilbert Mattern of sons visited last week wit m Long Island, N. Y.. who have been ther, Mrs. Burt at Uly | with Mr. and spending thelr vacation at their I ning brought her motl along | MM Cerin Other visitors parental homes here, returned ©iome Le pend the winte with yet at th ome Wel \ and Mrs W._ on Monday Re y ory weds, Paul Shoenfelt Mis. Hazel Dando transacted bus presae { port Matil- [iness in Altoona on Wednesday last C. Hall of | Mrs. Russel Fulgar of Mul Hall Jang Shell of [gnent several days visiting with he George Shell | nother M1 Nora. Bregn Those who visited and were enter tained Ww dinner at the home of Mi and Mrs, E. B. Williams on Friday last were Mis. H A Lang Mrs ‘James NcMahon, Miss Busan Wal lace Miss Lilllan Brownlee Mi Mildred Long and Beulah Swope, all of Altoona b ; Miss Grace Kelloway, a student of . pit a 4 % § rope y Yip Ck fd of! " i eT 5 A l { Ie wie Transyivania Bible 8chool is 4 Wy i Mia a , } , Ti. TATLAKIE & PROG TA 0, visiting at the home of Mr. and M: i TOG i Je i ry a oa BE ‘ 1 4 ’ ‘ \ Richards of this Plat ] $< ’ ele / You'll find a tempting A. O Myers and daughter A ; po Ah ait y: of delicious, fresh baked goods a hn v no 1 &« ] I8. O 3 : v 3 : “ . Mrs. John Fetcho and son Alexis, of i Ja t your AXP Food Store Fo Or a sna Aliport, called at the home of Mi J ; 1 pi 3 I i 3 RSA 3 . and Mrs, E B. Willlams on Sunday uy 2 . Rr I / biai dB 4 be... A meal , . r a bar uet—It Wfternoon gyers is an aunt of > ’ g a ki ; 2d me - Vor “ ! wo Nit My¢ An aunt ea 3 i “ al : he time to turn tc ) ALP daked Goods. rs. Willing ‘ TR white # . ye , . : arv rich 8 rer Nir. Mildew Grew. after. Spend v AT i cl h ’ Try Marvel “Enriched Bread, two weeks wits his step-daughter 3 ) £4 NN & “an, a, : 5% 1 ; Marvel Variety Bre ads and Kol is Mi Olive Green of Lock mven ¥ 4 3 , 5 3 hE . 5 z } d | turned to his home Mr. and Mi iy ‘ J * .3 ] g d OE . and Jane Parker Donuts +% + 21) emmagy Miedy sean [3A , ; “a 4 | Dated *“Fresh’” Daily . .. and Mrs. Thomas Turner and ltt) b, Sonn i ast i a i eam, . rand-tasting Jane Parker cake... John Frederick, spent the past oN a = Fu . 7 # and any ot} ’ 1 1 week visiting with her mother, M; \ Sixt PY) : | > wll 5, i and many other items. All baked Lamp of Altoona “e LY A g BD cl . in A&P’s own modern bakeries . Mi Bana Holt, Mis. James id | 4 g a ig y ) REY ge [1¢ ; on-auality noredien Reese, Mus. Norton Hosband and ¥ i o, ' ' i BE = . © made of top jGaanty Ingredients Mrs, C. C. Sprow spent Friday last : 7h a i i 9 N ) | oy . nA 3 rushec d to you extra fresh. vill and were en- wr ut the ome of |B SSEECRERSEEREE Si ch SEE SEEN | SS “ ; a a and often. i Ak &P Ba ke -priced to please your hv SLISIOUS MILLHEIM were entered in the amen CE SE EAGER Se DONUTS... oo 160 | sum MTL LOAF . . .. 36c/||| ROLLS ..... 1s | i Bn | grey nol... 280 | FAMILY DREAD .. 2°25 19 | RE BREAD LC 12 MUNICIPAL SE an | COFFEE © Ei Ge || BREAKFAST ROLLS | LAYER CAKE . LATe | nher Paul Lukas Carl Stevens Rajah Hceney 2 “Address Unknown | Zi” = oe Sn SH Baan shorteninr BR Ann Page Mscaren! sa 10¢3 a I a i 0 EE sr 7 "« | Nectar Tea Balls ~ . . 19! “sommes |p Sin py Ak Ewin te §Daily Dog Meat ooo Ann Page Mustard. .. a 14: } Hire's Root Ezer Extract Chas. Starrett The Mills Bros (Boggs Twp , ghd whim » ia . v " CUA BAS 2 TER ' Vera Vague Mrs. Herbert Chapman is off duty gy. “a IE Holsum Peanut Crunzh...... YWhitehous ~™ Milk iby 5S Sic " IL present cue to lung 80 orfze. vi le Drew Rice of Axemant " ri Gi wr Ww Vitamin U Agded ans Cowboy Canteen | ni « weedy recon cases and 50% 10urh alee for his et. rabbi Gerber's Baby F ocus “Chopped — 2 ily re visitors at th eo 843) hy 3 8 {. varvin guns Richard eT a Stuart Mr ul Ay ; 4 x nner ® 3 Wy atin Rami al Boscul Coffee Ludul ‘ TE a Ann Pag oe White Vinegar: Quant 1 2¢ “The Whistler” tarted I at Howard on MARRAT QU OZATIONY N. B. C. Graham Crachira een Ric ¥ d Hel Co 13 ected ly wy © Y. Wine Colonial Cyster Crackers bh 8 Suitana Peanut Butter vy 43¢ WEDNESDAY NIGH] ONLY tate ‘ were visitors at the Bugs 35 Sunn field Corn Flakes : erm ay Tad ERE : UALITY MEATS An Page Beans +2 4:21 “Gaslight” {zie sera ee "sven iter 2 QUALITY MEALS Sunnyfield Rice Puffs > 11¢ ALWAYS THE FINEST FRESH FULLY DRESSED SELECTED SHORTS : ‘ ke = ry i “ eX : ot : Chickens ond and Feet OF Lb 4%; A&P Matches Eu a & Bus, 25¢c GROUND BEEF | Hamburger ...+ 25¢ | Sweetheart Soap ...2= 13c¢c ERESH T-LH C Pork Sausage . = 40¢ | Ultra Refined Clorex . .%: 19¢ BREAST — wm - NECK — GRADES AA & A SEASON AL Stewing Lamb = 17¢ FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES WORKERS Lebanon “i . . » 37¢ CARPENTERS - PAINTERS - FARMERS BUILDING TRADESMEN MEATLESS MEALS POT ATO ES Ror PR. é Se LE YOU A SEASONAL WORKER looking for a good paying ier! Umno ; Fall and Winter? If so Tita n . ” # % po : CABBAGE , iy 1. 29 all ar i J eeds you . . , Titan ug Fresh | Fuket gg gm Ss gently needs men to help turn out vital war supplies in ita new plant. Apply immediately to the Titan Metal Manufacturing Co. Haddock Fill ets tb. 35¢ ‘ | in Bellefonte, or see the Titan representative when he comes Fresh Dressed : CAULIFLOWER IVR Pad 33¢ 7 your town, : Blue Pike "sa salt 39¢ WEET P TAT F "iy 56 HOURS WORK-68 HOURS PAY-PLUS BONUS Frosh Droued S 0 0 S 3: + 20¢ Mackerel .....+ 19¢ ag Th be * | YELLOW ONIONS :: 49 The United States Employment Service Cod Fil lets Lb. 39¢ : "- an Er Califortia ads | \ Titan Metal Manufacturing Co, Butterfish cou Sy ORANGE wil, EE De ~~ 320 BELLEFONTE, PA. J Fresh Pan ___)| | whiting... 15: | Apples 4 - 25¢ Peppers 2 ~ 19¢ + Dont Ever sims Ww ¥ 4 “ting part ye Melntosh Green
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers