o. "KEEP FAITH Wilh US == iby buying WAR BONDS do sp———-— »” er EE SERA RAR ATR AR Cenire Democraf WAR BONDS MEAN MORE THAN A GOOD INVESTMENT VOLUME 63. NUMBER 37 BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1944, wees BUBSCRIPTION—S1. 50 PER YEAR. Two Killed, Two MISSING M N Wounded In War |SPRESUMED 10 BE DEAD War Dept. Announces De- cision in Cpl. Fet- Pfe. George H. Emel, Bellefonte and Pri Robert Ross, Linden Hall, Fighting In France jor y Leen slightly Wounded rs Wou in| py ren radorf. 25 OL ance adeora M1 ni M1 H. Orndort Woodward Vik igntly inded France on Augu 24 ‘ate lL.ost Lives In Two county old killed and two the fighting in War Department messages re < this week by relatiy % Killed in cetion i > War Depa me Pie. George E 1. if } le- : ins V “ Hho are fonte, who lost h iif n July ) nao radu { Penn High and Pvt. Rober oe Hall, v 10 died infantry forces Woaour. Pic. Orren Woodward 1 Led vind . ; en Smead 34 of Belief South Pacific on August 15, 1943, . TR Lo | BH 5 : 1 of $1 . fa y ; Nos umed to be dead, according Department on of zer Ci LOST YEAR AGO IN NEW GUINEA AREA ise wo according sage parent tment re the school in Parents Receive Reviewing Last Flight of Plane {or East TViCe seven Penn or Jed ar 8S. Orndord in jurie IL. william H. Felzer, previously rted missing in action in the Wilose a8 on sligh Message Ie Mr { the street of a let Missing’ Soldier is Dead. \ his parents Fetzer west High } the | Mi apat und Charl 100} 0 ment orth the transport dioman y €Netny ill, New west of Lae Lawrence . 8. Alice O'Leary, of Bellefonte, who two { the United told Mr S0n on § riday 16 lant " nner Cruinea street Ao States from Fetzer that tWO day ’ flight on Penn Weeks re uwrnedg to New Culles he saw hist ju before | et Dad and gel ready for a if elebiralion on uled Nw Yeu was the $30 1 However, he was sent out from my sion on Sunday, and did n dds | back.” Pvt. O'Leary The Bellefont the plane on which family of si was known to have enemy fire Pvt. O'leary said SAW tran two ' ¢ which sched - and Sunday on a na ot Come fing that aboard by Lurcay eve aim pay Ple. 17 TT 3 grounded on Orren 5. Orndorf. 1941 sen sald, add he Was M been riddled that th hip go Gown members ball He expressed a Le- me WLIO SAW ut Ort port nd wa ew ¥ Mute company raciiute ‘ontinged on Page Fowr) Loses Life in France Robert Hos n Charis 10 Mr. and Hal killed in action while ving the Infant: in France ris wife Mrs. Helen Kisler Ross, of i Philipsburg. was informed by the | OS Ross, 28 PE in. France on June 10, & few days! after tie D-Day Invasion, and had been in a hospital in England from then until at : mis July The p i Te fved fre the County sole: f parents 28 ir Lack on 2. Pvt WOMAN'S CLUB: : Year; First Meeting Planned Alexan "Brown Bellefonte Woman's the foll wing ust of mmittee member Mi Edward RR. Miller Mr { Silamumn Beeler 0 A Kine nd received M ang 1 wea N. Mey MeCicHian, Ala. Yom &w! tzenciiip: Mrs. E Keith Ande REE) BOTHER DE si [THIN 2 DAYS c. going Overse Prior to enteri employed at ery, Bellefon After his Defen € halrmar Morris Levine Mrs. Edg Educat) pou die of am Murs f the ler president Wi one writt # which he ub duty ince Ross entered Mittees & ened t Alice hairma Nevin B Pile. Ar George HH. Emel the my on 41 er wil underwent invasion infantry mvasion Survi ents ter ier Elwood Johnson James Decker, Mr Mrs. Prod Lucas Mrs. Ralph © Wendell Bearce ail from the early days of the Strokes Fatal to Toner J. \ikey, 65, And Benjamin Aikey, 70 Blaney Mrs Mr Wagner hairman Edear 4 nan € Belle. Rankin, chairman Mrs ue ¢ bi nd o I Belle Bre ywn Mrs. James Logan tonite ale n two dava thi House eek : I" Kes 6) Mis Mary Taylor f Bellefonte TRIE ARY= 57 = 2dr Charlie and Sar Miss Man Alexander Budget vd Septem- Snow Shoe Womon Injured In Texas ’ daug North aay FA Mrs. Alice Breon wife of Ta Rufus M. Breon, of Bellefonte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J 1 ley of Snow Shoe, Was seo V jured last week when sha Ly a two-ton Army ruck Helghts, El Paso Texas Te accident appened state rond near the Logan Com- Camp when Mrs. Breon and Mrs beell J. E Day were walking along the State Hichiway De- highway toward home The truck here for some hit Mrs. Bréon, throwing her several suffered on feet into tae alr. The driver of the first {lines he truck did not realize he had struck relatives sald the woman and continued on his The mother of the two men, Mrs, | Way. Mrs. Day's screams brought the Harriet Leal ers Alkey, who resides | truck back with her son-in-law and daughter, Mrs. Breon wis put on a stretch- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson on | er and rushed to the William Beau- North Spring street Bellefonte, is mont Military Hospital by an Army 89 years of Rue Their father was! ambulance where {it was found she (Continued On Page pour) ind sustained bruises of the face, arms, back and legs, and several Mrs. W.C. Thompson { brokdn bones. She Is expected to be Fractures Leg in Fall — [ the Titan Metal plant before going | Mrs. Willlam C. Thompson, wife!y, Texas to join her husband who of the pastor of the Bellefonte Pres- | | is stationed there, byterian church, suffered a come. Killed In Accident Wd fracture of the right leg, be- ———— | Poi the le and knee, aout Julian Girl Suffers George W. Parks, 84, of Woody- 12:40 o'clock Priday afternoon in «| crest, was killed in a construction full while descending the stairway | Injury While Playing Lula Belle Hazel, | accident last Wednesday at the New from the third floor of the Presby- | Kensington plant of the Aluminum | terian Manse on North Allegheny | in | daughter Medical ald was summoned and | | Hazel, of Julian, R. D. 2, was admit Pf and Drad- in hit in Logan 30 Tons of Dynamite Use dk to Loosen Approximately 200,000 Tons of Stone WA Mt hunter and Nn, was employ - ears by the Company tot of VIIA ’ 31 Onjes 0 . 175 der was used former ( . } 1 the Wartier Company W Furnace quarry nea; Near 200,000 one of the al Approximately mite distri each about on Priday by at the Union Tyrone dislodge tons of limestone largest blasts ever by the company All the explosives the same time thr control operated by a tioned some distance from quarry. When the plunger which set off the blast was thrust down, spe tators report there was a sharp re- port. The earth trembled, and the bottom of Le QUAarry seemed heave upward at the same time the back wall, in which the explosives had been plactd, rose upward and (Continued on Page Four) } 30 throug! {eet [17] on the Army ite) ane Cypsum Alkery had the ational en jamin td tment no pany empl xt the rage year he Lroke Iw September 1 was Lhe had in his lifetime Yad in sat ane time were ugh workman fired at central sta. ie to Mrs, Breon is a former resident ~~ State College Man oi its PU ——— aged 11 years, | Company of America. Mr, Parks, | street formerly an employe of John W.| Henszey of State College, made his Mrs, Thompson was taken in the ted to the Centre County Hospital, | home at the James Tracey farm Widdowson ambulance to the Centre near Woodycrest | County hospital where her condition Puneral services were held at the | yesterday was reported to be sat- Koch funeral Opme, Btate College, Isfactory, Monday morning. Rev. BE BE. Korte,!| Mm. Thompson was carrying a student pastor of the State College piece of furniture down the stalrw Lutheran chureh officiated at the and fell or arte. to moll services and interment took place in| forward, believing she had reached Boalsbwsg. hae the bottom of the steps. Tuesday night, suff sible fracture of the while playing. The little girl was playing base- ball with some companions and it is believed she was struck In the face by a or by a bat, Her cone dition yesterday was reported to be satisfactory. from wm pos Ww received | weeks Letter « \PPOINTMENTSFOR = 5 while i Commitfens “Named” For Temas 3 [a patient there for over two months. | of Bellefonte und was employed at of Mr, and Mrs, Howard | County Cattle Poisoned By Eating Green Corn Several coatt C Junty Ores le throughout the mielr lives and become (ll recent eating green corn, it wis revealed vesterdoy A herd of 20 cattle, including ii mich cows and 9 young cattle owns «d by J.T. Delaney of Centre Hall, were poisoned last week after being turned into a field of green corm. Dr Samuel B. Guss, Bellefonte veterin- attended the herd, and all of recov although four of ported Lo na beg have Jost have from in an them red Ne COWS were Ie riously iil The cow Ve in Nittany have been tions mmenting upon lared that it is because of the summer, other deaths in olher se Dr ndition that weather during ae the be ~ ary Cluss ( aed Heved Valley died! {from the poison and there the sap dice in corn stalks formal and toxic effect After the dried, Ge cattle removed Dr. Guss sad that It require a short time for attle to effects of the poison. He instance where cows had been in a carnfield an hour before were stricken. Tb sald often is fatal, and urged farm- erg not to take chan with sick pasturing them in 1 where green corn The veterinanian Gf green coin on sJdnar to Hine u from eating affects the results and corn ears is not Lrong who eat It have nat It has a upon cattle talk declared and ears Deen the danger of poisoning is Only OW ae related an uly they POISON Ww 1 by will available the effects y Somewhat suid cath wy t The and a Kind of jJaun- declared ine Conta BOUan grass liver ae pasGnh 2, DROWNS Falls Into Stream While Attending Picnic of Garagemen two-year-old Chiid, attend Haven Park ATE Sundasy Hollidaysburg picnd at Elk Port Matilda, was afternoon when he shallow of Balad which Row i Park A i ing & Near a pol r LTeek of the ¢ Lragedy from the of men were Dut no one saw In falling down ment it is believed struck a stone SOTSC IOUS ast wip leg a group horseshoes child's accident creek embank- that Gis head rendering him un- pine 1p Te - happened wil Point where pitching the the before Oe AO down In waler Victim of the outing accident was Jeflory Charles Lingenfelter, neph- ew of J. M Lingenfelter, of Bell fonte, and son of Charles and Ida Stewart Lingenfelter, of Hollidays- iid his father were roup allending a pion of the Lingen- inte Al the burg. The ch and SIMONE a § : 863% fmpsoyes in Belle garage LET ERrage ang after tet in the Doon. iA is teport- Youngs wits playing about on the lawn of the park while men in We oup pit EE. horseshoes and d “the m. when the grip was called to herd the childs absence was No- ticed His father found him in the creek a few moments ater The boy was rushéd to the office Tyrone physician where 8 pul was used a fruitiess effort resuscitation It la believed the y Was when he was lifted from the stresan he Was funeral home laken erment aead the Chass ang later for in addition to one taken to in Tyrone Hollida VivVilig oy ystnirg i Ler : 4 J Sur Wat : Si Janet wr Char investigated that an in- certl- ted from Center ountsy Corot Sheckler of Milesburg tl and ruled ot be neces 1 had resul w tragedy t 5 £5 I} Quest wolia 1! 18 that deat Six From College Enter Armed Forces Local Draft Board left for Harris- to enter the we Six men from N 1, State Col burg Tuesday morning AFIDe services as NI juota from the Siale They bum. Prank 1 George Thomas George J Decker old Harpster, Pennsylvania Furnace and Joseph Shoemaker Penne! vania Purnace On September 7. three men from the State College board volunteered for immediate induction following their pre<induction physical exam- nations. They were William Allen State College: Roger Johnson, Le- mont; and Louis Krout, Bellefonte, RD lege College area Bellefonte Bellefonte, R D Bellefonte: Har- Chaplin A —————— Charles Fromm Is Named Court Crier Judge Ivan Walker has appointed Charles A. Fromm, of Bellefonte, as Centre County Court Crier to suec- | coed the late D. Paul Portney of Bellefonte, who had held that posi- tion since Judge Walker's election Mr. Fromm began the duties of his position Monday morning with the pening of September court. BHA ALUMNT TO MEET A meeting of the Bellefonte High School Alumni Association for the purpose of completing plans for al Christmas dance, will be held in the high school building at 7:30 p. m. | Wednesday, September 20, It was | announced yesterday by Miss Ann | Penny, president of the assoefstion. All members and former graduates (of the high school are urged to at. temd were wb Aly » Hi RETURNS HOME AT ELK HAVEN FROM PACIFIC (pl. Kenneth Hoag Served Year Aboard Arm) Ship Hospital A Bellet le turned to Lhe YERIs LIP ss 8 Le Afny ship | him sha i the Bo mn recently re- man wh United States alter a nnician aboarc an rau it with f 1 He Wal al SIO ith Pacific and commented of that ompmrativel safe large section Wow iat age travel The service Hoag, cor Mr We ' Kennet son man » poral techni and Mr Frank Linn street Cpl. Hoag, graduate of the Bell fonte High School of the Phil- adslphiy Coliege of Pharmacy in 1909, was engaged in pharmasoceuti- cal work at Harrisburg area in March, 1843, when he entered the army. He was immediately assigned to similar work in the service and fer training at Camp Robinsos Ark. Camp Pstrick Henry, Va Camp Btoneman, Osl was a Bn r Hoag ang ify and inhieqg to a ship hospital Army ship usus] differ : Navy LAI that the Army Vessels are liners and other types of craft made over to serve as hospital ships. They are fd psinted white, a» are Navy hos- Ape nor Ae wey huve many of the other facilities oH the wiar Navy ships of thal type Continged on Pose Min) = — Bompitals from hospital in rey Memorial Services Held at Mt. Eagle An inspiring and comforiing mem- orial service in memory of Corporal William F. Leathers, who gave his life in the Invasion of France, was held Sunday afternoon in the Ken- nedy Methodist church of which he was a member The address was made by the Rev Roy A Goss, who spoke highly of the esteem with which Cpl Leathers was held by all who knew him. and urged those present to remain loval and worthy of the principles for which he gave his life Music was furnished by Fred Pletcher and Chester Neff, and Miss Mary Virginia Stoltz. Miss Alma Pletcher and Mrs. Charles Beightol Mrs. David Holter was planist A large delegation from the Belle- fonte Veterans of Foreign Wars of which the deceased was a member were present, along with a delegation September | of about 35 members of the Odd Fellows Praternity of Howard, to were Stanley G. Boob, Co- | which he belonged The veterans organization had charge of the military ritual of the sMIrvice Philipsburg Soldier Killed In Action Mrs Edna Wood of Phillipsburg this week received a telegram from | the War Department her husband, Pvt 22, md been killed in action August 12 in France Walter was the son of Mrs. Harry Relckary of Locust street, Philips burg, and the late Prederick Wood His wife js the former Edna Selv- ridge of Houtzdale. They have a tvo-year-old son, Harry Claude He had beefs in service 14 months | and went overseas in January, wis a member of an antisairtraft | unit and moved into Normandy in {July following the first invasion of | Prance Before entéiting the service, Wal- {ter was employed at the Lee Metal Products Company ms MI ——— ‘Undergoes Treatment For Leg Fracture stating that | Monroe Shaffer. 63, of Lisbon, O., was admitted to the Centre County {Hospital last © Thu for treat ment of a fracture of right leg between the ankle and knee, re. ceived several days earlier, Walter J. Wood, | He | COUNTYCOURT Complete Plans CONCLUDES; 4 ~~ For V-Day Here CASES TRIED sgade metieions series to pears toca Chairman; College Announces Plans kor: | VRnhCs Two. Criminal, Two Civil (Cases Heard; One Man Plans for the obser Maa Youd Day in Bellefonte Pleads Guilty mt Sh of Commerce, Friday night TWO DEFENDA NTS Samuel D. Rhinesmith DRAW JAIL master of ceremonies for Lhe ——————— TERMS | cciebration Upon receipt of official Jurors Summoned F orton that the war in Euro} Next Week Notified Not to Appear were the local nlivued # Page Vow) i ended al warming ch as fire istria) | be bang Pubic Homer Rodeheaver To Appear Sept. 26 irens, alr raid Lies, an The American i wemble atl on Wilks d church breil sounGec . will Two criminal cases and two civil went Ww trial here early this the Centre County Court cleared the docket of cases scheduled for the regular Beptember Court A defendant in 8 criminal case en- tered a plea of guilty and was sen- enced Al the conclusion criminal docket called for Jurors summoned to appear for ser- | in civil court next week have (a been notified that thelr services will not be required, since all cases ready for trial have been disposed of Dewey Sherry, of Milesburg, went on trial before a jury on & charge of {. & b and aduitry. The jury found him guilty of latter count Sherry directed Lo pay a fine $100 and undergo onment in the County day: Roy Yingling ship, entered plea of not guilty a charge of larceny by ballee ury verdict of not guilty was return ed, but Yingling and the prosecutor in the case, Bidney Neidigh Ferguson township, were pay the Costs basis Lee tered ooie Diamond hort CRAM . Werk as the high religious sel Belle! ase arr of the light Judge Ivan Walker we trial of gome civil « Allg vice m. and } If 1 noti tilities comes the ana the costs impris- for Wi of | son town | throug! the event | ‘ Loney A | ternoon, stores al beg 1 : 4 n of Pergu { “ t Rodeteaver 0 n HCE 3 remail it thw 1 ] f | also © Cha directed 10 Har 1345 PUPILS I 0A SHO following nber officials PF Ha a half and hal Williams gulity ADO Was Lynch, of a ples of violation the OOsts and port er motor sentenced 10 pay undergo 30 da imprisonment in the county He was chargeg with operating a motor vehicle aftr his revoked In the civil sction in ejectment ‘ betyesn whe oP rig Paint, Board Authorizes Addi- an arry Cantar , dele at, 81 . - | a . the g atiist” wd jury returned a verdict in favor of | onal First Grade; | SEY er Mm the regarding ownership : 4 FE lee rbUnTY pie, the Sener ol Rainn property in Rush town - | Norse Named 3 Hee a it Pa C i . hip i . “Tre case of J. Frank Krumrine iment in the . HSANE wah Ru Fame ve. Robert H James and Esther 1 1345 pupils > ' we LA n hh FL , James was called for trial and after over } A hin documentary evidence had been pre- | Bupervising Earl K ¢§ u 3 1 Br sented and legal aspects of the case | reported in ple of e { school board esr tus : ingly tel The grade Cho em ; SCHOOL HEALTH SE x RULES STRESSED = ; of Mr. Stock 0 a "w au Heense had Ackley wile iM 1 MRLds ol gus hy nM Gehesver Totél school enr llefonte schoo increase H Pri 13 ncipas an gl & PegUAr (Continged on Pape Four) Monday a that expected y sh this because of and termed the d State Outlines Methods of being mua pe tad Controlling Contag- " ious Diseases first With the opening State Department out essential orities Carry the rh school ens marked war oO w a VEar tablishme; grade larg: PUL Was pray we te - Ti AGE CLUB SESE ADI OES UR the points “of of Health rhool auth- at» DeJESEATry precau- CHhool it 1s located in the Spr - Toi |_| mory) bullding and that spread of con | will be taken from ea h « condi ile linton Sw artz Heads tions. The first duty of every school | ®t three ud on pao ¥ Gg bil New Group; Hope to hen of ach Individual chil3. Une] Obtain Club Rooms Officers elect d leen<Age 1 der the existing conditions spe nll Mothers’ Club to wie should be mad: of child : | * HiIouk £ Oo Meet Here Tonight Jaw yd during uy Bre who Is under par Both and! health suthorities agree that school the Bells vi nos : on Swarty, presioent Helen Berardis esident. John O'Hara is not the place for a sick child, not]! The first fall meeting of only from the standpoint of public |fonte Mothers’ Club will be held wealth, but also from the standpoint | Thursday, September 14. at 6 p. ma. ViOe of education at the home of Mrs. Paul M. Dubbs, | tary and Dale Pritcha The health regulatic provide | East Curtin street, in th form of ire: Mrs Henry Fraser under Section X Every teacher |covered dis supper the club's advisor principal, superintendent or other Each member ne Rules already sdopted person Or persons in charge of any|rolis, butter and and which will be supplem public, private, parochial, Sunday tableware Mrs Mr formal constitution or other school or college shall im- | Charles Kelier Jacobi lows: n moking | mediately exclude any child or other { Friedman will be co- drinking, mn person showing an unusual skin {influence of alcohol in shorts or slscks The club operate on tribu eruption, swelling about the neck | suggesting mumps, soreness of the Clark Named Head i ' tions made by various cit of Lewistown Union civic vrganiration and m such {throat or having symptoms of | (Continued on Page Four) contributions are needed, mnoe tae group hopes to establish: club rooms —— ss — AS SUN a5 a sullable location =» Lions Club S¢ DNSOrs tionist in the Bellefonte theatres, |. o.." omeers will appreciate any Sale at Centre Halllvas elected president of Local Un a AONE Br Ls sine coarturs i 4 | fon No. 636, with headquarters in| to | The 14 Club. of Centre Hall, is | Lewistown, of the International Al- Teenagers in many parts of the sponsoring & public sale of new and [lance of Theatrical Stage Employes ,, 5 gtates, recognizing that while | second hand merchandise to be held snd owag Elche Sassine nes “lehildren have theif playgrounds and 4 i ber 30 at I8lOrs o We n 5 Ah ot a [hturaay evening, Renee adn an affiliate of the American ther recreational facilities, and that o'clock on Orange i (Continued on page Three) E M. “Jack” Smith will be the Pederation of Labor ———————— ments. concerning. the sale will De Marine Is Held Car Badly Damaged In Crash with Deer A solled uniform was sufficient A car belonging to Frank Homan out prevent Lh tagious disease or infect few pupils! ms 1 {f the Ere. » wi (Continnsd on § {0 any se hood lub 3 A5 JTGLOW nal His - asked LE Lr overed Russell alg ie dish Hill Mir hostecse " one admitle ZENS Bled We At a recent meeting held in Lew istown, Bawver W. Clark, a projec reason for State College Police Chief John R. Juba 0 question a young Marine fie saw loitering on a State Four Stores Here To Continue Holidays Four Bellefonte stores are to cone i about 10 o'clock and killed a deer on
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers