THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELUEFONTE, PA. September 14, 1944. BOALSBUR Recent visitors at the GG. M. Bloom home were: Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Fish- er of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs, F. P Fisher, Jr.. of Grand Rapids, Mic) Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Morrison of Wil- Hamsburg, and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Rider of Gatesburg Frank Bailey, BM of Essing- ton, spent a few davs last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry C Batley Pfc. Robert W. Balley of Lakeland, Fla. Sgt. Samuel Balley and wife and daughter of Fort Ben- ning, Ga., are spending their { loughs with their parents, Mr Mrs. Harry C. Bailey Misses Grace Bitner and Rowe of State College, and Blanche Rowe Philadelphia recent callers at home of Margaret Kuhn Mrs. Nell B sister, Mrs. J. O from Thursday Miss Beulah F wedding of Miss and Charles 1 Methodist churel noon at State Mr. and Mi Millheim, and ‘harles State Colleg and Mrs. John Stover were recent visitors Mrs. W, H. Stover Mrs. Joan Willams and turned to their home Sat the Centre County Hospital A children’ arty the Christian Citizen ment the Reformed given Thursday evenin church. Those who [ Mrs. Cora Gentz Mrs. H ¥ lewis Barbara Wink, Nancy Jone Dora Mae Kline, Patricia Dougl Joyce Gentzel, Patty Mark, Patricia Cain Jerry Rishel Jack Kline, Lewis Rishel, Howard Wink Bobby Ris! Walter Cain, and PI y St Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wagner roy, were callers ! John F. Kim Recent kie home were rs Mrs, Leroy Klinger B. B. Lonberger Boal Harry Shilling Linden gene and Vera Davi liam “Fetzer of Wingate Markle of State Colleg Mrs. Guy Williams and and Mrs. Jared ter of Lemont Bellefonte Mrs. Russell ! Indiana, visiti parents Mr Mr We day Mr. and Lee Hughes mington Charles at Sunday Mrs. Cora Gross and Miss Nell Peters of Lewistown, spent the weekend with Mrs OG. M. Bloom Callers at the Bloom home. Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. James Gray and daughter Ruth Am Robe Rend and daughter Ma Ellen of C, Dalsy Mis were Mi i the Fisher visited her Norris Altoona until Monday attended th E nt ortney Dorotay Horrocks Saturday College Howard Bricker: Mr. and Mr of Grant Mr " Oni of ¢ and Alt home of of al the irda i SUDO! h in dl} of attended wer A 1 +141 Hal ot : callers at Mr Eu- daug Wire Ours Hall and Wil Mrs. Sara Mr: and family, Mr and daugs- Bayletts « ison ¢ Grove Roy and are Mr. and and Mrs and Mrs End (eorge Roy Nef! at Fair at Mr tiie home sister Storms monthly meetir Dale 'n Dale hoe GSE G Mrs. Edith Lucas and son Robert accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, T. E Sauers and son of State College, en- a drive Sunday afternoon and Mrs. C. G and Mrs College, were Misses Ellen Joyed Mr ant Gap, State with Dale Class No chool day evening D. G. Raup, present: M1 Carl Hasek of recent callers and Cathryn 9 of the Lutheran Sun- held thelr meeting Fri- at the home of Mrs with these members Riley Hunter, Mrs. W E. Homan, Mrs. Leah Wright, Mrs’ (8 A. Reitz, Mrs. Mae Bool, Mrs any | Guy Clark. Plans were made for the class to serve the lunch Paul Sunday of Pennsylvania Fur- nace, and Ralph Meek of Warriors Mark, were callers the W E. Homan Mir Harr thelr parents Mr and Mrs Elizabeth, N. J Mrs. Martha called on friends recent au home Mrs spent Granam of weekend with Irvin the and sburg Henry Marsh of Mrs. Elmer Houtz Gross of Belle- Monday af- and fonte ter Pvt. John E. Homer and wife pent Saturday with relatives in Mc- Alevys Fort and Saulsburg. Saturday event the Horners were guests of {Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rishe] at Le- I mont Mrs, W Callahan Friday at rs. H. D spent w T guest Sunday Mrs. Robert liam Ross of noon ng ng A wv 5 Kline and Mrs. Jame: Thursday and Thomas home of State Col- evening with Jr spent *D.B Bottor{ Monday Hess Whiteman was a C. A. Bonine J y up- the fam- Mrs. Wil- were ree Ross and Philipsburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Margaret Kuhn and Mr George Mothersbaugh t Ross cent Ross Rue Mz: Mrs the visitors a of pass with his E. Ho spent a three-day mer Camp Lee and Mrs. T. G. Jone Nancy, returned spending their Hazletor ana their vacation at to wi reiatives and Camp Mensch Mil FIELD SCOUT EXECUTIVE ACCEPTS NEW PROMOTION It been announced that as of 1st, Karl F. Disque, for- Scout Executive of the Council, Boy Scout: America, has accepted a transfer position to the Colonial Drake wil, Boys Scot of America ith headquarters at Oil City, Pa Mr. Disque began his Scouting 1942, serv. Work in this area in June Executive with as Field Scout he lox Council, covering Mifflin, Huntingdon and Centre Mr. Disque was active In camp work, having been to a great extent responsible for the operation ‘of the Seven Mountains Boy Scout Camp with Charles M. Dannenberg in 143 and with John 8. Charlton Camp Director, in this past sea. has September rly Field Valley 1" nur Jt ng t al Juniata counties new position he will be k Pa. being stricts in that tan Co Yo foil in ful area cil Clarion in nave HE and Valley Coun- know Mr years wish SCL Juniata come have 14 past we new - Prexy is Veteran at the Pe wr iH n Anis Guadalcanal mer State nave ch ] A heir class president A 4 a # a aS a ANNOUNCEMENT — ON —— STORE HOURS The following Bellefonte Furniture Stores will continue to Close Wed- nesday afternoons each week until December 1st. BRAC rv. BILL'S DeHAAS E ECTRIC (CO. Dale of Pleas- | PLEASANT GAP { Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodkey under-| Dean Knoffsinger wag home from went an appendectomy at the Cen-| Camp Meade, for a weekend visit tre County Hospital] Monday of last! with his parents, Mr. gnd Mrs. Wil- woek {liam Knoffsinger Mrs. Melvin Burris wag taken to] Schools opened last Tuesday with | the Centre County Hospital ast a large attendance, Mrs, Earl Rim- {Wednesday and underwent an oper- | mey, who had been teaching in Cole- allon the following day [ ville was transferred the Horn- Mrs, Martha Watkins returned to) town school her home at White Haven, after! Last Tuesday spending nearly three weeks at the pital night at Noll-Melroy home, helping to care! regular meeting for Mr. Noll during his last illness. array of home Ray Meiroy peturned to Harris- and fruits whicss had been donated burg. Tuerday of last week after iby the members was on display being home nearly two weeks due to They were given to the hospital the his father-in-law, Abner Noll's ill- {following day | ne nd The small son Among those from a dis was brought home attended the funeral of the County Hospital Abner Noll on Aug. 29 were ago after Qaving one of hi Mrs. Homer T. Ramsey moved erson of Harrisburg, Myrl Moyer has been a patient in Kermit Noll of the Centre County Hospital for the and Mrs, J few week John, Phyllis The oMm board o of Palmerton church held their Melroy of New at the church Paul Lohr, Donald We ry beth Bomboy, Mi Sarah Martz M1 | Berwick, and Mrs. Grace Glick the Camp Hill, Rq McGraw and Carl da Anderson ae State Department Harrisburg Mr Edna Nol} Garden Club at her nt say evening Mrs, Harry Bilger was hostes r bridge club Thursday Lo evening was hos- the Woman's Club and wonderful canned vegetables "n f N i iea'h Snare Centre week: eve of Elmer from the about wilo J { ana tance Inte Mr and son Em Mr. and Mrs Shore, Prof and children Albert Paul Mr and My Lohr, Mrs. Eliza - two re Jersey Roc Jey Thomas Mt Jer . pa ' regular Mondny ) note M E meeting night death of and inl Mir the and “') last Are son LE the died at Bat 0 Freeman laird, who Centre County Hospital a week ago and who w ! in the Lutheran Tuesday Mrs. Baird been In very poor healisy for several years ar then fell and broke her hip re- which hastened her going We extend our sSmeesthy to t family fally to her blind husband, whom i beyond words Albert Brungart ter family of I= \y laid 1 cemetery ast ns ut of re had entertained the home last Wed - cently sincere i on eve |e and CHIH 0 to her death Hosterman, who ha United States service in Haw almost four years, is spend- 5 furlougsy with Mrs. Mary Hosterman and on Monday mother. small brother and Mrs. Wertz the Henry Noll and gart homes, and called Melroy home Mrs HT home in Harrisburg last a week's the home Mrs. Margaret Armstrong and her daughter Margaret of State College | visited friends here Sunday Samuel Weaver wife of Belle- were ne Melroy Jugene been loss n Mr: her n the entertained ail fo si and Aaronsburg ni 1 101 1x first ing his frst ther mo- Co- with si Kenneth Zerby and ter Nancy, of Joanstown, h spending the pa week former parents, Mr Frank Irvin. Mr. Zerby a weekend recently and Mrs. Ward Shower Kauflms Mr Bette She daughter Harn and Mr Joseph Owens attended th Horace Kauffman Thursda Mrs. John Hockman Mrs. Harry Corman Wednesday evening with daugh- been . With Mr here burn t his ter he and the Albert Brun- ut Nol IE In LVe few spent day! the and at Was 10 over Ar ) ow Mi Ramsey returned to her wer week after Noli-Melroy Ida and Mrs neral late {ome Mr and Mr. and Zion, sj the Joseph Owens Albert Besecker week alter An et ana M * ISL a of x 4 of and wit at fonte callers Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs lege t! ' ned camp Philip Pale of State Saturday afternoon Noll-Melroy last Cx spent ! a 1e home he UNIONVILLE hn Methodist Chur« { Thursday evening at which will be held ular monthly business meeting the Official Board a meeting « Board Education Sunday moming at the In Youth Fellowship in the eve. at 6:30 followed by the preaching service with sermon Rev. D. A Sower Free Methodist Church: Prayer lie Hoit. A iservice Friday evening Sunday Mred as Lthere la some Tsthoo!” SUNARY MOMming i tie reg. DUSINess 10 transect uiar followed by the Wright POR “wr Aa Mrs FP in Miller this anc Prayer 7:30 e service 3 en We Aarri with Almeda Bauder N ved Ow wer brother Mr close of ie reg her sisters Btere Mr Mr. J : Ar H F 3 Rise and the of Hort time chool ial The Bible membe ume as ning reg- ular by the pastor Wiki IM I in e evening {Ma M good attendance js de. important | : al the home hour reg {f Beliefonis n visiting in the iad vice alter: oy nd relatives Newton - { Mrs August it wit 8 ! J R. Williams 29 Beattie Ar win or visited ' Mrs. Grace Fe Miss Kate § 8 E Cary f el ; CG. W. Holt an with Mrs B E. an Ceargranna, eft inst fo y Canads Tax New the community 1944 sche Ist - or time ana LEE will stationed n California be 4 1) n 3 We Pa ke before October far off ml 5 be a that additional one-half of be m of tian nf : 8 penalty Also het Jol me ‘ will date an added after ne cent there. get 1 the will added each mt} ner after until State tax all paid munity free : paid Let our make ) and i Lax on OY ie inside is getiir cont which Improves and g A BUSH HOLLOW of paint outside next the appearance wel- Mr. and Mrs ver daughters visited Pas Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bush and family visited with wer father. Wil- JACKSONVILLE Ham Watson and family, Labor Day Mr. and Mrs Howard Stover and Mr And Mrs Geonge Talbert and aes Dorothy Krape of Bellefonte daughter Wanda, and Mrs. Verna visited the Eisenhauers on Wednes- Barner, all of Altoona, and Thelma gay evening Huey 3t Philadelphia, Lem the Billy Ripka accompanied Mi. and H sh hom Inst wirsday Mrs. Dean Rogers and Jovee to the! 4 : f The latter two ladies also visited West End Fair Saturday night with Mrs. Harold Watson that day ] Miss Mae Baney visited the E P| Mr. and Mrs. Willard Corman and | Lucas home last Thursday (family, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Corman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spotts and nd 300, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Deck- family, Mrs Edna Spotts, Mr. and er of Bellefonte, were last week vis- | |Mrs. Roy Spotts and family and 'lors at the Deamer Ertiey home Mrs. DH. Custer, all visited the, Mrs. George I. Swope and Mrs. | Marlin Moore home at Martha on! Prank Eisenhauer visited in Miles | | Baturday evening. The Moore fam- burg Sunday afternoon | {lly expect to move to Millmont this| Mrs. Winfield Dietz accompanied | | week (Mrs. Maude Weaver and James | Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Watson and |Carner of Hublersburg, to Clearfield daughter Bara, and Mr. and Mrs. [to see the ladies’ brother, Ward {John Shawley “visited the Edward Dietz, who Is confined to his bed Bush home last y evening due to a paralytic stroke. His old Mr. and Mrs. Miles Resides and|friends wish him a speedy recovery, tf 1 Come ou 0 Bunday at 9.30 come, Preaching ning ot 7.30. ir tor, Rev. Daniels Sunday m We rvice Choo) You'll be in the the A Spotts and home folks Jose ph e with harge of ELECTRIC WOLF'S | family spent Bunday with her sister, (Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Summers and family at Wingate Sunday visitors at the Roy Spots {home were Rev. and Mrs. Daniels land family, Mrs. Edna Spotts, Mr and Mrs. Martin Spotts and fam. iy Mr. and Mra. Willard Weaver and nephew, all of Port Matilda, visited |Baturday at the Martin Spotts | home. |" Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bus and : | daughters visited his parents on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Aley and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the William Ripka home in Spring Mills. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaeffer and children of Centre Hall, Mrs. Jack Mabus of Bellefonte, spent Sunday of Lamar. Kathryn Cona with her Mir ceived grandson Whitman France man ana I un Mrs and brother second child In the family ther he ents My the nia of Caldwell Jersey and Mrs ast ‘week NJ days | In rth vi vi 1 ast N Pittsburgh gues night nome Lae 1 L) Kenzie hospita spending i by ndasy home 8 al J R Faery t and word on aged visited since a Lancaster, sited Harold C Bide last Volfe aaun member A dren. Budd in Zieg ald Beevers {after ape 00 18 n-Age Club nt the 3 My Ie .ewl Brack: noni a Li Tee George Walle re-} Mr Friday that their College Lawrence Di Pleasant killed in action In!Cummings August 7th. Cpl. Whit 25. was the sor Mr Lance Whitman Cuba survived by his and He { it the Henninger Helen al Mrs last Cpl way (Continued from page one) allied IAW ahamns of Cent an ; d wide Sunday Winkilehiec were HEn family me on and Mr son Harold of Bunday visito M1 Mr Lemont at the and girls of "Nn aimost tally rite q ( } hn Mr ‘ her of Bkidmore Thon burg Marjorie sity and Pp of : parent Wa His former Jessie Walle at the home of he entered the Mr: aa £ al the " ter mis a sister the meeting mo and ni [o ih here L0r DAY ervice wi Hosterman M1 New frye Sumner thelr d hier and their children of sited at the siome of Mi W. J. Kreider a short time Roy Kreider ni Lu ir jie prim pare: Week 7 McKinne Evangel Was (ye i Melntosh is Tope Mcl Organized Wi 4 hitler oning mem “ rs Of 1001 claw Faurteen f pe | 4 § YU / meri grandmother Official GIRL SCOUT SHOES ~ by BUSTER BROWN Sundny Ars, Willare Ethel of Mill Hal Jimmy anc wr ang Kid YEAGER’S Bellefonte's Home Shoe Store JUST RECEIVED! New Shipment ‘Streit’ Chairs THATS BECAUSE STREIT PATENTED FEATURES FORM A POCKET INTO WHICH YOUR BODY FITS NATURALLY/ NOW YOU SEE WHY IT'S CALLED THE "SLUMBER" CHAIR / you 8er/ | NEVER KNEW THAT ANYTHING COULD BE SO { # a" 9-00 Tapestries - Mohair - Damask (with ottoman) New Fabrics Include: If you have been waiting to buy a comfortable, durable, good-looking chair for your home, here is your opportunity. Like all good furniture, the quantity is limited, so may we suggest that you make your selection now, so that you may have first choice of this new shipment, RACHBILL “ A FURNITURE STORE OF QUALITY FOR OVER A CENTURY" So. Spring Street VAT et A Elects Officers of teen ack Organized Teen-Age part with have "th y Irpoce wild their mane & ob brite AOD. fare ' 34% oe nfter of teen-agers inng
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