Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Local Physician (Continued f*om page one) anesthetics. And just Just as swiftly the ¢ One did whe leg ampuld cleansed the lacerations the fractured arm for the head wounds minute later that lad in the hospital tent. Next he was placed on y and to the general tospital--and he living, improving steadily afternoon flown Japs shoot to Such is the work done by men who have greatest t men | CRINE Aner: even women this They ney thing: abd amputat are while formed unit, Hunter ne; ot ing about Hospital in Swamp neacetime 1 Year's as a + in war work, He's that erican you couldn't Keep out tion In ‘mes neh aR theese Ye type of An of ac- i ’ reve he Serve Nao Frivoelity At Al ATHLETES FOOT GERM To Kill It, You Must Reach it 1 ‘ oe At arus tore ot with Reach sWenty UNICIPAL M MILLHEIM w— NEW SHOW TIME — Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 FP. ML ADMISSION—14c & 15¢ FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY September 8th WILLIAM BOYD as Hop-Along Cassidy, in RIDERS OF THE DEADLINE “Wells Fargo” Sport Reel Cartoon SATURDAY NIGHT (September Sth) Gall Patrick John Hubbard UP IN MABLE’'S ROOM A laugh riot ©... Youll aujoy this Comedy ! Latest News Issue Selected Shorts ONLY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (September 13th) Just the type entertainment the Doctor ordered ! MICKEY ROONEY LEWIS STONE FAX HOLDEN ANDY HARDY’S BLOND TROUBLE FINEST SELECTED SHORTS | { Dushkin of Chicago tonelll Active in Burma Ci0t Mie feel 8 There's strictly priceless lean put splints on a fracture and Dey McClellan home, — under "Sometimes, —— Carl An- and Supply, tors, The neavy GI their Ung wear GI wilsts they're Capt of Cambritige, Mass Johnson of Ft and two Indian de hustle around in 106s much too large for but waterproof, They UlUsers simple feminine frivilous; ob and nothing on the Maj, Harris 1Urse In fact women portable doesnt 154 none of we except Seagraves It's A ind, theyre often under stand up better, The wear by their eniisted tech- both on the perimeter; table aga of Ma) one of the i nen outer hospitals Harris’ portable great Lorie ol the por flicers and limbed the DUD. range thelr ia y Of muddy tumbliz down the " woods were full PRLIOLS It Was the sick and ital and keep ung soldiers, One 1 flashlights, Ma) men cared for 32 dawn lay down for In came Ameri- went back to Work they received or- » march at 10 0 - a night's work. Follows Russian Mea One (RAW) +1 for Instance an Le operated i after procaine solution is injected ® at the shoulder inte the nerves leading to the injured portion. Nat- 1 knowledge of an- ™i No Toxie After Effect wounded men ight of Jap gunner ing plain {f bearers braving rifle fire to bring able hospitals interesting fire through them back to the port highly Intal of casual but and portable tents Out vere rarefull and the battalion ell at headq 200 potentially where theyre aiming shooting for keeps stations him arters. Ahead of him yards, are his technie- ans, called “ald men They've Qiad ix months’ training. as have hose pital technicians, and know how to give plasma how to use the morphine syrettes. They Irgeon wrhapes hilood orders to apply splints if {there's any possibility of a fracture Bold Jeeps Carry Injured An Injured man can take sulfa jdrugs in tablet form at ance—if not, da I knocked out too badly. When he's! know it, get to him with morphine | ‘to deaden the pain, plasma to take | up the effect of shock, splints if | necessary-—-and then get him back | to the portable hospital Often his commdes carry him Often American soldiers boldly drive joaps up thers nnd hurry wounded man away under fire ieltared by trees apd bushes, natives will hire out tq serve as litter bearers, the | man--the oxcart., Jeeps get stuck in| the mud Litter bearers have diffi. culty and the, trail is long. A pair of oxen plods lowly yet guialy throu mud and water, jungle and Eice paddy, the nabive driver sitting on the whiffletree, the wounded lving in the cart It works—but Maj. Melvin Schud- mac, White Castle, La the Army surgeon attached to Col. Hunter's command, swears itll drive aim nuts if the war doesn't end soon One native owng the ¢art, ane other the oxen,” he explains, “apd they hire a third man to drive hen we send an armed guard along, after one patient was killed by a Jap sulper a8 he lay on We cart Well, 1 get the cart. Then 1 get man with the oxen, Then the driver. By the time 1 get the driver wie oxen have gona I find tham and the driver gone. I get them Ww gether and can't When 1 go for the driver, cart owner all ever get em on We hed the the find the guard him I return to ‘ond Owner oxen have disappeared i 1 all together at the same I'll h ALCOM impossible time hous pli Pals Save Hit Soldier Id like to tell of a enlisted men those who the mountain with Ma) who've never faltered they ve been under fire In conclusion group of cane over Harris and Since March hardsiuips, pressure One of them, T 5 Louis of Helena, Cal. isii't here day recently he saw g « hit, went after him got him. Two of Barl Larson Harcour Dick Tavier., Boonsville, Ark t out ang got hu Dack t Barbery now. One mracde get and a Jap bul- BOALSBURG James Bwank and son Jame iteg Par- L Swank fi BOT Adam Shares Ceara aid Dent the wo Ret with Mrs Garber ab Ripe Cro ve Mills Ms anc Mz 4 Snyde: Mon ang daush id Das and Woniate Mr Bobby Ray lege William Parks of Balt. allers with Mr Markie and daugty- dson th #1 Oh uesdng from and Ma. DG spetk Thursday In relatives Mis Heverly of lege the weekend Charlies Montague Mrs William Thompson and granddaughter. Betsy Hess, spent Wednesday at the Harry Coble home at State Callege Mrs CE Hewitt and and Walter of Altoona, spent Tues day with Mrs. Margaret Kulin They were accompanied home by Mrs. Clara Stover, who hag spent some time ore with Mrs. Kubn Miss Pearl Way of Williamsport, is sending this week at the Rod. Wi son with Daup at Altoona State Col with Mrs spen aeT sons, David T's Haeel Thompeon and wife and children spett Wednesday with relatives and friends at Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fisher and daughter of Huntingdon, spent Sun. at the Wisher.lewic Home, Mr. and Mr. Bavd Way and chil- { hit, however, the ald man’s job is 10 dren of State College, spent Mone day evening st toe sdacy Macs an home Plc. Carl Waltz completed a course in electrical | York City and is now spending a 12- day furlough with his wife and three sons at their Home In Shingletown, (C., after his furlough. Cpl. Chatles Wert Bohn is {hospital al Camp since July 15. Rn cans. have resorted to the oldest tered ervion, Nav 1 form of transportation known lo the Infantry. Crowell, of engineering In New | He will report to Fort Jackson, 8 Additional Locals | Milesburg Mrs. D Roy Hall Of weekend with Tyrone Mis spent the The Misses Lucas, Marilyn and Beverly Rote, all of Bellefonte spent weekend at Atlantie City, N. J Miss Mitchell, of North Boring street spent the weekend with her beother and sister-in-law Mr, and Mes. Josephs Mit family In Lewistown Miss Margaret York City, is here Visit with her sister NO al the home on East Bishop Mr. and My daughters have cle in Milesburg for the winter and ‘ occupying one of the Stutzman a uments on West Cuftin street Lee Davies tioned at Fort Riley, Kan day for his new DOSt al wn, § C niter A ten<da with O!s family on Blanc! Pvt. Charies Taylor 1 of Mi and Mrs. J E Taylor Buffalo Run, is spending a 13-day fwriough with his the former Evelyn Wright sll, ab his home Cpl Betty Rau Evope Cirace viel] and New week Noon for a two Miss Geraldine Heezer- treet Clifford Quick and edd thelr home jad Pvt who wa wife ahd parents been In ie South Paclf past 28 months, is here | a B-day al We home of | and Mrs. Homer J tL Bishop street, Mrs, Annie Oswalt £ J Altoona, came to Bellefonte by Tuesday morning, and spent wit} and frends here in Mie Mis. Oswalt for eslded lo Snow 8h Mrs. Anna Beene; Virgink =lonte Ms parent Young the day relatives nig MIT daughter Heel with Mrs. Bert ter, M Joht Fleckenst hear id Pendle y ia Valentine s reet Ania Haupt property In B Addition wtich they © regently pag Mine wa ' the Harry Huse weet ery Bais Ywg yea Mrs. William Billy, of Niagara Pall the weekend with the r. Mi John Dean street. and upon Wels the were ACCUM Pade Swellzer's tep-daugliter who had been visiting William Sweitzer, for the wer ka Mri. 8 R Richardson Mary Kav ang Stevie ave been making thelr home ‘ former's mother Mr Barriart of Pleasant View, leit Wednesday for Harrisburg har husband wha | Before bel g transferred to Harr burg. Mr. Richardson was a member of the State Police at Rockview Mrs Samuel Rumberger of Norv; Allegheny street has resign ed her rosition in the offices of County Treasurer Edward R. Miller and Jury Commissioner Mrs. Mary Heverly of Bellefonte, has been ten. tatively employed as her successor Mrs. Heverly has not reached any decision as to whether she will with. draw from Ger post on the Jury Commission, it is reported Sweiteer ren +h stationed there Among the out.of in Bellefonte Bunday for the Ra- mer-McCay wedding in the Belle- fonte Reformed church were Ms and Mra, C. P. Ramer, parents of the bridegroom, of Tusseyville, Mr and Mrs. J. 8. Ramer and two chile dren, of BetYienda, Md: Mrs. John Viasic and daughter, Miss Isabelle, of Ambridge; Miss Dorothy Bubb, of Jersey Shore. Mrs. Robert Wetzel, of Centre Hall, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred | Relish, of Lansdowne, and Mrs. Ed. ward Bovd, of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Bovd is remaining in Bellefonte this week As the guest of Mrs Ethel Wetzel MeCoy, of the Busy Arcade apart ments wdiise Tanner O'Donnell, of East hop street, ho since May | has been suff tion of «flown guests from the Jew i vi. Seite Hospltal . ce that a permanent cure. will from an Infec-! BF. i | Bre # ov ® A : . FRESH FRUI and VEGETABLE VALUES «AT _YOUR Harvest time is here and see our “Victory Garden The selection is big fruits and vegetables, SUPER MARKETS Canning Supplies MASOK JARS Pts. 50¢ Qts. 5G¢ Daz. Daz. Jelly Glasses "= 25¢ 25¢ Texwax ..2 25¢ Tin Cans. ... Jar Lids os; 2 "= 17¢ Mason Caps " 17¢ Jar Rings. .2"* 9¢ Fruit Pectin. 13¢ Kon Bu Yellow Onions Sweet Potatoes ' aD Watermelons «ic: Cantaloupes Bartlett Dears "sun 2. Lo i Peppers Peaches A&P SUPER [AARKET Come In fresh and vour ALP has a bumper crop on hand. ” meeting place for nutrit prices are right, it's a ous, and 4 . 25g: 2: 21¢ 3 2% A&P Coffee .:2% 3: 59¢ Ann Page Grape Jam "“ . ... Ann Page Beans Ann Page Macaroni -.0.. . Feas:i.%:3le : iE Whitehouse Milk «~ °: Double Your dexo Shortening “=: Keyko Oleo ded Spic White Shoe Cleaner . . Big 20 ar d C es Rearchlight Cu in. Box | Ultra Refined Clorox . . . Northern Toilet Tissue . WOMAN'S DAY & SEPTEMBER ISSUE ¢ ON SALE NOW! 2 = Sle 21c . 45: 29¢ | . 35 2c OCTAGON | SUPER SUDS | SOAP GRAINS = 23 2 so ™ MAYFAIR TALN “0. 39% | CLEANSER Bu Sie | D cues S¢ 3 5 $d OCTAGON 2% 3 22¢ 6 20 | OCTAGON 19 WHITE TOILET SOAP 6 Rolle 28¢ 2 Cans Q¢ kg. & 8B large Box Quart , * ® Bottle OCTAGON Ann Page Salad Qil wre «even ™ 294 Ranger Joe—Honey Flavored Wheat Cereal oi Boxes. DES | Sunnyfield Corn Flakes. . . ..... * 114 Kraft Macaroni Dinner .......11¢ Kellogg's ~ Shredded Wheat ..'""* 10¢ A&P BAKED GOODS “DATED” DAILY FOR FRESHNESS White Layer Cake 47¢ Coffee Cake... Mar vel Bread... 11c Donuts: oo. 190° 5160 Rolls..;:. » 10¢™."11¢c Rye Bread .. ...%.12¢ Family Bread 2 i 19¢ ‘Fudge Squares .. 35¢ Vanilla 17¢ Nultana, Climax Old Dutch Harvest Moon Whole Unpealed Apricots ** ** 26¢ Wall Paper Cleaner * 23¢ Cleanser Colonial Baker Maid SABENCE une wo roe sine Te ig N. RC Sky Flake Wafers. .'™ 21¢ LAUNDRY SOAP 3 cue 14¢ PALMALIVE 3u.20c 2%219¢ MEAT DEPT. VALUES Hamburger °° 25¢ Smoked Bacon 2S¢ Leg O’ Lamb iv. « 35¢ Stewing Lamba: nos »6.176 Chickens mime # . = 49¢ Lard O38 .... 0 2 we 33 Lebanon = 30 w 37¢ Sea Trout oe we = 190 CodFillets ©. ...+39¢ ioe da UH, 204 Bath Sire
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