IEEE EERE EE) ’ * » » . * * PIE oo JUN KEEP FAITH 0 by buying WAR RONDS Ens unasns @He Cenire Democraf ry MEAN MORE THAN A XU: GOOD INVESTMENT). A ———— A TOD » VOLUME 63. NUMBER 25. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1944, A _— * SU BSC RIPTION—$1.50 E R YE AR, 11 Countians On asualty Lists 4 Killed, 1 Missing and parjment Announce: Wounded in F RN ce, Joy h e aver the con of United N with annou week by Centre The week killed, one mis The dead a 8/8gt. Mich rence, died in Cf Cl Ail Col Eliied Willa Casualties 3: | Cpl. William F. Leathers, Mt Killed in France Eagle pride my ree . Cpl. Edwin M. Lambert, Bellefonte, Missing in France - » Pre. James OO, Workman, Mingoville, Wounded Second Time In France Fuel and Supply Co. To Open Tomorrow The Bellefonte Company will 0 Beptember |, It terdany the Kofm The street Years as one supply houses SOME YEATs MO of the property Fuel and Bupply for business on announ manager og ve Max wan new establishment on Duniap Bellefonte, gperated for many of Bellefonte's leading but was discontinued Since the purchase by Kofmans, the buildings have been repaired, the ping and other facilities restored to good condition ang the entire prop- erty has been made ready for busi- ness A —————— Wounded Soldier Arrives In States Sgt. Maurice B. Beeger, son of Mr. | and Mrs. George Seeger, of Miles. burg, who was seriously wounded in action In Prance July 11, arrived in the United States Friday and Is now at a government hospital on Island In a telegram received by his parents early this week he stated that he was getting slong fine and expected to be transferred shortly. | - tMmorrow | els, 6 Wounded, War De- Clarence Soldier Dies in Colorado, S. Aug f a ALO Jind LT MISSng Edwi awin No na M. Ls Deel Au © SHOE wounded Wi IBUSt § was time in France Ru ance rill R. Davi France July James © on A second rsimai who the Robert E State Co led In Fr Me ied in Paul indeed second Bellefonte Stone: Wi LH] Robert Ga na y indeed in Rutus G. Decker wounded in Fran July N/Sgt, Barnyak Dies Michael Mrs Staff Sergeant on of Mi Bar vak Field Ce Barny John iK B ISTRY ickiey ald of Clarence Hos) | zsimmons B PAR ! AVENGED OF GAPT. SPANGLER “We Got Squad That Got Captain--And They're Not Prisoners,” Lt. Writes ——— with the gredtest of a few moments personally had our the {1 that got “I can sav that within men and | ae we "nt J UE . they are wt not Fdwea the + told her { Pra Edw hin Jacksoyg nd Mr R Si H Belief ng. tr Spangi mat f Captain first to et Fra (31 Rae] ip . complished succe ately for us who Jack was Ki field wrote Was the ter full remained a Ereat hero praised officer led it he fine the back and different hospitals nths He | and now in i hopes to id outfit ire Garfield told of pleasu he having a ringside seat for the It had its he said 8. “1 saw men I men die-all for rpose of making that wonder - intry of ours a peaceful place wrote mnglar to his near ful the re had In rrentest ow one earth and it il ed to Hece points good one Saw ive ne He stated that if home the will the back we than people work sooner Rood much keep up all be home HNK SCRAP COLLECTION HERE TOMORROW Proceeds of Local Collec tion to Go to Honor Roll Fund ———————— A townwide drive, the proceeds of you which are to go to the Honor Roll] Pund, will be held In Bellefonte to- (Friday) with trucks beginning Am With the erection of two new pan- in recent weeks, and with ex- penses incurred in getting the roll up to date, exhausted, officials sald Bellefonte’s quota for the current scrap drive jg 12'% pounds per per son, and It is pointed out that those having relatives in the service can pay fitting tribute to them by col lecting every scrap of paper and every tin ean for tomorrow's round. | up Paper is so vitally needed that if quotas are not met over the coun- (Continued on page Three) “that Helen, Louise. Shs borough | their rounds at 9 | Valley View, [telegram from the War Department the fund has become ARI AGK J GiRL CARNIVAL 6-Year-Old Mi ileshurg Child Dies at Near- by Home WAS OLDEST CHILD IN FAMILY OF. FIVE Was About to Take Merry- Go-Round Ride; Father in Service ise Cirubb aged 6 of Pyt the Gldest daughte of Cirubb who Is Leer: at { Leonard wil luesday pecom Mu Nn len randimothes f Milesburs thi ound held Wee) f he Chool § Cariy a 0d thu ii : to ol ¢ ttl Wwe night anid SOE GOATd the re preparing Ie companions merry-go-roun »i i* Re Nn ied 1 ig f » SO Grubb. Surv pareiils are i sisters, George, Patricia, Donald and Donga, all at home and all younger | ‘attended first grade of the Milestrirg schools last year } oe held at Rev. Hewes W stor of we Milesbure ch, officiating It made he Myer Juffalo Run Valley. The oes had not aepet Lor. right 4 gements the * FALL FROM FATAL TO GR Thelma L. Ww arner, 14, Dies of Head Injuries at Williamsport La than 24 h from her b Tuesday evening Warner, 14 daughter Mrs. Lemuel Warner College Bellefonte student, died of he wan Will near State Hig? School ad injuries at the Williamsport Hospital. Her death Was attributed to a cerebral hemor. rhage sible fracture of the skull Ite girl Sat uncie and C. Yost, She health when slw Williamsport on August Iv to visit her sunt, Mr. and Mr B apparently was in good set out on her bi nm an errand for her aunt and the bicycle was In good condi tion. It was not known how the cident happened or what caused her fall Twa milk bottles she WAS carrying were not broken when relatives reached her a few mine utes after the mishap whic; oc- curred about a block from the Yost home The girl was conscious when aid reached her and handed relatives the money 11¢ Was 10 use at the store before ghe lapsed into uncon- sciousness. The accident happened | about 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, and she died about 2:20 p. m. Wednesday Thelma L. Warner was born at Willlamasport, February 2¢. 1830, a daughter of Lemuel (Continued on page Three) Soldier turns to Duty and Mrs. Paul N. Eckley of Monday received a went Ww irday cycle « “ lo "Missing! Mr stating that their soh, Saft Sgt Malcolm K. Eckley, who was report. ed missing In action June 25, had re. turned to duty August 15 The telegram Informing his par- ents that the county man Wis miss. ing was received by his parents July 8 On August 21, he infantile for 8 oes PRT via and Vivian ed | Local Couple to Observe 59th Wedding Anniversary A prominent Bellefonte couple, Mr. | and Mi P. Bible of East Curtin street, tomorrow (Friday) will quietly their 50th wedding | anniver: with a family gathering at thelr cottage in Hecla Gap I'he only out-of-town guest at the anniversary party will be Mrs, Bib- Miss Alice Bible, of West- Conn, who has been a house the Bible hom several Others who are expected Ww will be couple's sons-in- law and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. R R. Blair, of College, and Mr and Mr of Bellefonte Mr other daughter Mrs of Allen- town make the rip The couple narried in 8 John's Episcopal chureh, Bellefonte on September 1, 1885 with Hey Mr. Bonnell Lock Haven Ej werforming the ceremony Al time Bt John's church was without and the Lock Haven Clergymu called here for the ceremon Mr. and Mrs. Bible ha thelr marr the exception which Tine Philadelphl M Bible { {dence In Philadelp the manufacture hobb lat painting make hand jewelry, bric- for which there Her work well the eant Despite ndvul and Mrs, Hite Live Jive tivities falling sight Curtd wi Ce Orge the ' t Observe pastor ol HT "ry Nnscopal churel | that i reclor AI Was le niece fleld Ve { for guest at weeks ittend Lhe State Louis Schad and Mrs. Bible's Robert 8B will er turned | I na oda painted rays, costume P. Bible Cieorue former widely known a-brac and other item educator and Chautauqua lecturer, is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Bible and was bors: in Bellefonte 86 ago. His father lost his life in battle of Chan. cellorsville the Civil War Mi Bible, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Benjemin Bradley, wa born in England and to Belle with her far + demati un Cal the during ure Calne no on nw Wa til nua hadd f ’ " fonte paren Ago willie ie ———————— ———— ——— ——— Da -¢2 GHILD DIES HERE, BOARD ELECTS SUSPECT POLIO TWO TEACHERS Shoe Infant Sue- Miss Havnes cumbs Less Than 24 Hours retary; Mr After Becoming Ill to Teach 6th Grade SHOW Named Sec Jovee Kine BULLETIN Officials of the State Department of Health at Harrisburg sald s== terday that in view of the possi. ble infectious nature of the dis. ease which proved fatal to the Roberts child, the Roberts home at Snow Shoe will placed under “observation quarantine” for a period of fourteen days. The notice, it was reported, will be posted by officials from the De partments district office in Al toona. be fans tg) A Hobert Jack and Snow Shoe County Friday, ii aged J mony Anes Reilly died a i ’ Hospital here at 5:35 0 post gradust 1 Belle- may have we fo Jism of | fomte High Until’ recently 4 Jee employed ab the Farm tons “Henk. A Relnarg (Ceontinwnd on poor Fla) - - ~ poss 3 0 BoO00S a i the child Jeath Tue physician Oy several ho Te his Miss Eller aid that while the gid 1 Sem BTavely wis admitted to the noon that da hi ew se unt when pital rapaciy ww Army Nurse . Ww tual Dn ared Lake proved nesative on page Bia) hid ay i id Mlure meningit ntinged that “i Os ing test for Two Named to County Re-Employment Board esmit { | Hurwitz of College. have been appointed Belle font State As Te. . f mpi ment conumitieems for Boards of ) it has been announced director of Selective pective Draft omimunities by the Service Mr nave wiale Rhinesmit}) RASUTITIWO and Mr duties Hurwitz | in ren- eplacement in or In ar al, MTY uy ilisfactorily com- d of active ¢ De ) May 1, 190, © atisfactorily completes 1 ing and ser the Selective Service Service Act of 1980 Ary the committee order to omplilance Assist any mplete the Jering thelr ing man wh ole HY Ta? pirted any pwr ac LA Mirtam J. Fickes, ANC Lieut. Fickes, daughter of Mr Mrs. J T. PFickes, of Howard graduate of Newport High School and Prospect Heights Hospital the Bchool {f Nursin class of present Lieut. Fickes et hi Nursing Corps Jul orities eelved her bask Watertown Camp readin’ stationead at Wales 28 NEN CALLED FR MOUTON Another Group to Leave For Physical Examina- tion Same Day any per traini under raining and When neces men, a wit, the uweh ISS resating f "ni § Vice ATM . COUre : 1936 win Arm) She law person | hall ' listed In the 18 1843 res raining Pine Y and Is Jind Station proper auth » . Bellefonte Woman Hurt In Collision of Bellefonte, suf- fered lacerations under the right {eye and a bruise on the forehead, | and two cars were damaged to the extent of $10 in an accident at {the corner of Prazier and Beaver State College, at 2:30 p. m. Mondas I'he accident happened when Miss Virginia 8olt of South Spring street Bellefonte, gperator of a truck trav cling north on Frasier street, col. Hded with a car driven by Mrs. Mary Bell of Clarksville, Pa., who was [traveling east on Beaver avenue | Miss Solt, who was accompanied | {by her mother, was driving against 2 of Bellefonte yesterday announced traffic on a one-way street and fail | that Thursday, September 7, 4 group to stop at the intersection, Chief | of 21 men from the area served by John R. Juba, who investigated the !that board will go to Harrisburg for accident, sald | pre- «induction examination, ang the Damage to the Bell car amounted | same day 28 others will go to Har. | to $100 and to the Solt car, $60. Mrs. | risburg for induction into the arm | Bell of Green county, Is visiting her ed forces father, Charles A. Kern of 906 West! The two groups will travel to Har. | Beaver avenue, State College risburg In separate busses ang the me—— one earrying (Oe pre-<indu tion quota Youth Hurt in Fall also will take a group from the At School Building mate College Draft Board Prankiin Clemson, 11, son of Mr. In addition to the 27 who are 0 {be inducted, the board spokesman | and Mrs. Daniel Clemson, of Nort Water street, Bellefonte, suffered iflered 4, Mrs. Lee Solt [said 10 others reported for imme. | he Idiate induction through July and August, Those scheduled for induction are: Ofcials of Local Draft Board No $ is" nih | Youth Injured In Local Schools 10 h Open Wednesda y Officials Prepare for Return of Approximat. ely 1400 Pupils; Announce Schedule Foi Opening Day. GRAND JURY RETURNS FC Ut B h( riminal C ases Are List- ed For Trial in Sep- tember re THREE DEFENDANTS | ¢ ENTER GUILTY PLEAS The ume Be th y nell lefonte publi Wor on Wednesgd s determined cation at a ministrative nave peen busily Grand Jurors Recommend Repairs, Improvements at Court House, Jail Super-Fort Gunner Fults (Continued u page Sis) > Local Sportsmen Plan Meeting Here Appointee ’ he Beliefonte Sportsmen's As- sociation will meet at the local high { school cafeteria on Thursday even. ! absent WAS en ¢ ing. Beptember 14 ey ins will be of 6 series | oom 9 a be pha dan Blieat. Md, planned for this 1a Randolph ; ws n that ar Thompson, of State College, an em- a gle ploye of the Btate Oame Commiss- b nm. will present of wildlife film. Ralston ent] urned bout L region Gage Commis) Alexandria, has wl. 10 speak on the Commission The committees Poorman ryrie four Tas O00 rection Pack several reels Derr. who will talk tha v Atter Whe ' Das pian the evening and a lar Refreshimet are presigent ] H ~ several at ut is hoped for Ticket obtained I Pp Alps LIwWens will be served ix " ) PT " " | “ Hubert Ross DeHaa Flectri . A Kline Hardw Ale Announcement REGIGTRATION OF cc ——— Soviet f« Traveling Registrars To 0 0° Tour County Between Sept. 6 and 25 chairmag wir 1) Mrs. Elizabeth « Robison Wi ment Axe Mann Child Is Struck by Car of ti of and Mr aaeiphia istered willl of the Wome become In ass commander I am firmly ture x mitte the who are Hot opportunity baiiot In th through a tration das) iy between November of held Sentember number to 1 1 ids great the combined prof Pennsy promise and tance of the n and tl Will te u" t »N Bia Wai eon Ivana we (Continged on Pape Four) * SCRAP COLLECTION J. ABNER NOL AT SPRING MILLS DIES AT HOME Paper, Tin Cans to Be Cols Was One of Founders of lected in Area on Whiterock Quarries, Saturday Water Company abhie AVY wil ons for registr enrollments tras receive personal atl change and take care of other technical detalls Cotinis or QO P. McCord Harry Keeley and Fred CC Mensch nounce Registrars will be on hand In these districts of the county accord. ing to the following schedules Por Millheim borough Penn Haines. Miles and Gregg townships (Continued on Page Sie) A pplicat ns party Fail From Tree Eugene Qenteel, 10, son and Mrs. Eugene Centael, Lamb street, Bellefonte, suffered a! severe lacers 8 the top of his head when he from a tree In an orchard located at the extreme end of the same street, at 6 p. m. Friday The child, who remained uncon scious for a time, Inter was able to walk back to the home of his par- ents about two blocks away, He was taken to the Centre County Hos pital where several stitciies were re of Mr THe Arst fall coliection o all of East kinds of paper, old books and tin cans will be made in Spring Mills and Oregg township on Saturday September 2 Residents are asked to have paper i tied In bundles and ali material] On Thanksgiving Daj Rog ¥ placed in front of their properties | Noll and Sis brother the Inte W. H Saturday morning. Collection will| Noll of Pleasant Gap, opened the be made somet that day. In case |W: H. Noll and Brother general of rain the ection will be made | *tore in Pleasant Gap. In the inter on the following Monday vening 62 years the store hay oper ated continuously in the same loca This collection, a8 were those held | Lion in the spring. is sponsored by the Mr. Noll and his brother were Lhe founders of Whiterock Quarries and the Pleasant Gap Water Company A number of years ago Oey pur chased and gave to the community a tract of land In the center of Pleasant Oap which Is known as nave The brothers also doe the land on which th Please t rep Fire Company bullling is ated. Por a number of years Abner Toll (Continued from page Three) ! J Abner Noll aped 80, promis resident and businessman of | ant Gap, died at his home there 43 o¢iock Saturday aften August 36, 1044. aller a seven weeks Hines leas at on Mr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers