& FAW CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BE M1 A A ——— OY EE Page Twn tr — BOALSBURG | } night. We were infeed glad t him aver the weekend He must | law, grandmother, Mrs Annie Guise. a help to walk, [mel Frank Yarger Mise the weekend port, Is ana son-«in enlty | use the cane ag Mrs. Benjamin Hum. | her Floyd Sheesley visited relatives In 5 and town since last Friday of last for a few days CGieorge Michaels wns the guest of Mr week Carl Bodh of C amp Fe and arrived at the home M1 Lodie Boob, Bal Frma CGuisewite of William home for her summer vaca few week; thie Mir were 0 f his of church with these members of present Miss Anna Dale, Mrs. Frank White, Mrs. Wilbur Houtz, Mrs Wert Bohn, Mrs. BE. 1. 8potts, Mrs Fred Mackereth, Mrs. Fred Markle, | Mrs. Philip Williams and Miss Em- ma Eliza Stuart. There were eight town of lewis and Mrs, C ver th daughter Mr. and Mrs. James Orris hd M: and Mrs, Richard Orris son Johnstown, visited James Orris’ aunts, Mrs. P. L. Swank and Miss June Orris, Sunday afternoon Miss Rachael Segner is spending her vacation with friends at Noxen and in Stroudsburg guests Rev, and Mrs. T. G. Jones and Jack Hancock of Altoona, is visit- daughter Nancy, spent the weekend ing his grandfather A. J Addle- with friends at Strawberry Ridge man Mr and Mrs. Willlam 8 and Rev three daughters of Akron, O. visit- daughter ed My mother Mrs. Sara and Mr Sweet warriors Harold M " ed spent, the tion of a nt home of | mother and Rushed From A&P Bakeries to You! You're alwavs sure of getting really fresh baked goods when vou hay them at vour A&P Super Market! All our haked by A&P's own master bakers... .and rushed to you at peak of fresh- 47c¢ . 26¢C 20 + 19c¢ = 10c¢ 15¢C 36¢C 26¢c 19c 29c FOR VICTORY James Fisher and Adelaide of Johnstown and Mrs. Harry Fisher of Mark spent Sunday with Bloom family Mr. and Markle of Boalsburg Bloom home Sunday and Mrs weet Sweet 5 recently Fisher Oo mtingdon the G 11 "uy weekend th the for v's M F1 Mis wlers at were the “oven treasures” are th me el Jternoon Sgt. John Smith of Camp Polk a 15-day furlough his mother Mildred B.. Smith Weekend 1 at the Smith home were nd Mrs. Howard Peck and two {f Lewistown, and Mr, and Glenn and son and of Lock Haven Alfred Hershberger and Mr Fry of of Mr. and and son, Sunday of Bellefonte he GM n is spending ith hi wife and with Golden Fudge Layer Cake i Coffee Cake | Family Bread * Parvel Rolls = 11c: Jane Parker Donuts Sugar Nut Loaf Fudge Squares 35c/| Jelly Rolis . Pecan Rings . . 25c| Fruit Buns Raisin Bread 11c| Pound Cake nes and Mrs | Iree Sons stow? were guest Tank White Wilford Fisher t the weekend ORANGE PINEAPPLE NRICHED SLICE D nd daughter George Jorda n home nd Mrs Jesse Jordar Mr. and Mrs Waldo Co | rirginia Rudy and W Junday FF. Kimport of State the home and son State CM ing wi ind Mrs Maggie Ett K. and Ja over & Plain lege 6 Sugared of Mr: evening sller at 8mi th, Sunday Immes aft frnoon and three Pkg. . is EC {ue 6 a fl .- AT THEIR TENDER, DELI! ehouse Mill Tall 51 (ans ms CUS BEST } R 1 ay 21¢ Qts. Dos EQes . ow A Ann Page Cold Medal Flour LLanhecon Meats Spot Remover Mason Jars Sunnyfield Wheat Flakes phils - a Sunnyfield Corn Flakes Pillsbury Flour Staley’s Cube Sani-Flush Parkay Oleo N. B. C. Shredded Wheat Towels.....a"™ 37¢ | Colonial FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES 27¢ O'CLOCK 2 Ue 21c¢ RE RED CIRCLE Vigorows Salad Oil. . ce v au Penn Cialey's Cream Corn S:arch Starch [:elo Water Softener Feacon Zero M.'” herry Ann and Raymond Addie : : ; rt I. B. C. Ritz Cra a pautjan L | R:-d Cross Paper {iram Lee of State College, visit. 3 ideal for broiling. frying and roasting Fully Dressed f | niece i eOrge 1 } : - Bus them | « . >a ting. they A T 14 vy nit he | — 92 4 look sppetiring Lb. . Head and Feeg OF gq \ CUT-UP CHICKENS ee) Breasts iy Legs... .... Rr Wings ........ PEACHES. . iver Naat! Sweet Potatoes dACKS eCKS — 3 Gizzards & Hearts = comatoes «3 = 20¢ lemons = -47¢ : Watormelois Fred Potatoes EN EEEEE Ee Red Malaga Grapes FLOUR BEANS COCOA om PICKLES kers UNICIPA M MILLHEIM — NEW SHOW TIME — Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 P. M. ADMISSION 4c & 350 ats vel ie / Charles Wright faster than one large bird 3 aries righ Are camping at reek with 1 and family, who Whippie Darr — : : - Apr nd family David ger and Ams HOT or ICED A&P COFFEE FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY August IX a AI OA a "BETWEEN TWO WORLDS" Tohn Garfield, Creenstreet, Eleanor Parker gi yt - Sydney SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY August 19) noe Drama ) 19c . 33¢ s. 2DC 22¢ 35¢ “TAMPICO” A Fox Picture tot Mclagier LATEST NEWS Selected Shorts end W ney BOKAR G ound Beef Hamburger Smoked Bacon Leg 0’Lamb Roast Lamb Ros — - —————— -— WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY August BEST OF AND THE BEST! "BUFFALO BILL” In Technicolor) Mit Fdegar Anthony Quinn Whale or Fierce Grades AA LA Grades AMARA Square (ut Bone In THE THF WEST we T AT ITS OUR OW] NECTAR MAYFAIR der Roasts . 23; rs. Hiram Lee at Thomas Buchanar hell Mrs. Harr m Wee Mr. and fs SUFNYFIELD FAMILY 25.1%, Sack “> 17 501 Jars You'll find the pick of the catch . . , quality ocean and lake fish at prices that will amaze you. Get some today! FRESH FISH Dressed Butterfish > 29¢ Dressed Blue Pike + 37¢ Round Whiting tw. 18¢ Pressed Croaliers + 33¢ Dressed Sea Trout + 19¢ Round Mackerel + 15c¢ FISH OUTSTANDING VALUE FOR DELICIOUS, NOURISHING MEALS fl 0 hi 2 al Walter Korman David Bi and Mrs. Cal stamm pent Friday evening wit Mr and Mrs. Earl Lutz at Centr Hall Mr a yoer You don't hove to RATION FENCING ANN PAGE EOSTON STYLE mw =m Bohn and Plains, N. J Bohn a d were guests and Mrs. Pred RE BE B® BR B® B» «family of Pompton and Mr. and Mrs. James son of Englewood, N. J of Mr, and Mrs. W. H Nef and daughters, Thursday. Sunday visit- ors at the Neff home were Mr, and Mrs. George Bolin of Lemont, and Mrs. Anna Yarnell of Lewistown Mrs. William Geist of Warriors Mark, and Mrs. Carrie Wilson of Arden. Del, called on Mrs. G. M Bloom. Saturday afternoon Misses Barbara Ann Houtz and Joan Hess are spending a week with the State College Drum and Bugle Corps at a camp near Colyer Mrs. W. E Kline and daughter, Mrs. James Callahan, Jr, spent Friday at the DB. Thomas home Mr. and Mrs. Grant Charles of State College, and Mr. and Mrs Gene Charles and daughter of Bal- timore, visited Mrs, WwW. H. Stover and Miss Patty Kline on Sunday afternoon 2.» 33¢C Pint Jars Swoet 2 WHEATIES:. ... .....3 NUTLEY OLEO......2 PEANUT BUTTER.... Sultara 2 “ HW Jar ELECTRIC FENCER All the fence you need easily set up, quickly moved--a boy can do it. World's largest selling Elec tric Pencer, 5-Year Service Guar. antee, Immediate Delivery, See SCHAEFFER'S HARDWARE BELLEFONTE, PA, star cl ——— WOODWARD Mrs. Carrie Fultz arrived home from Northumberland on Sunday, after having enjoved a week's vaca. | tion with relatives there Since the first week In July Mrs. | |C. E. Kreamer's large dahlias have been in bloom. One kind, the Amelia 10 1-4 Inches in! Erhart, measures SOAP FLAKES diameter. They are gorgeous flowers and can be best appreciated when seen, Es nit ds Hal 1904: 23¢ Large Cakes Med. Cake LIFEBUOY Soap Regular 20¢ Cakes LUX TOILET SOAP 3 ie 20¢ SPRY SHORTENING Lib. 24¢ » 3b. * Jar SOA? POWDER 2 290:2 5196
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