SAREE ES 8) KEEP FAITH WIR GS Lt by buying : £% WAR BONDS | . NUMBER 3: {re Memocraf ot soe RSTONNAN REE SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. Romance Blooms VOLUME 63, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1944, » Sutton Receives “1 Chief Solves Reynolds Mansion Robbery, and Explains All (??) “Killed in France Big 1 T > Local Engineering Plant. A busine Bellefonte's was major tries for will go other ind 3 The contr matel, Titan Met Engineering fonte ' closed product 8 Killed in Action Ple. Paul W re M Mills Fran with Warriors Mark Man Killed In France of Charles } } ley, Warr Matk 4) France June 23. 1944. He wa TY - ing in the Es Iv. A telegram from further aformatin pe 800N as rece He had pn nary 8, 1044 Eng land 1942. He Boalsburg Soldier Is Slightly Wounded Member of WAL Kathrys 8 WAC (80 Injured by her nn shonsce College informe pects vania Pie. 8 Htate graduated 1940 pr Colles Og an Order Ine ture 3 Mammoth Machines Involves About $ chines will be made at the Mahlon ‘iy a nop-comm Smith pA ingate immgsters who W. Fred orner of ransacked tevnolds man Allegheny and weeks left of Lwo ago their the to Manufac- for New Titan $46, 000), Stry solved had ef of in Po I nig for vllation nt being home vhether buliding cupleg He mami 1 gisor and machine which before y rtuall vil " y world ill the Vv every pro ais der thei: and other had beer About Dukemar ace pl otified Chie! Cpl. Russell E. Poorman t once 0 the jound a side of 10-hor $0 ately ) i ed been tod had ent hide aw ny Lem The bought Laen That The INVASION AREA S-Sget. John W. Waite, Lost Life in Infantry Duty July 19 WAS HOME ON LEAVE LAST CHRISTMAS Survivors Include Parents and 2 Sisters; Was Leg- ion, VFW Member n WW. Waite, 23 and Mr: ACC me 99 “rly prods rd who recovered A man and Chief w the youngsters are uvenile Slafl B« Ory | Ww Wait ac- ) rd - Dep he parent Tuesday were given, He been in France artmem = SAW ACTION ON FRENCH BEACH Joseph Waite, Bellefonte, Arrives Home; Ship Hit Torpedo NOSE Arizona and a Phillips, Kan Sgt. Weinstein Wins Essay Contest Award part OPA Dist teer War members at nists ITUnAndgi Miami Beacl Air Bervice Command in November Sat. Weinstein former managing with him a editor of the Centre Dally Times, Admiral H isisoned officer in sonal Parse of tie Bite Publie Telntions’ Je Omfice and editor of the weekly base service In The Post. He In the tion of paper he Beach MP PES Of GUNTY hu band of the former Thomazine loading Curtis HEARD IN COURT "Tr AR |; vo rete ASH Sentence on Various to Harris- harges burg for Induction, Mon- n : ped truck Lhe day, August 14 n of the craft and split it In amidship, akied fron ‘th re rrying the irvivors from N in ted Harrisbur 4 It Is af t bas Base of teered fon vice in the 1942 brought home unit citation from Vien K. Hewitt with a per : W. A Burke, sei Ltn the assembly and Opera pontoon cRuMEwAYs [or heavy squipment "nn int ng | ; § hed Bervics Sea Bee to begin mee and an inter- the sting sidelight ia that nearly all of the huge castings for the three ma. Hed ug - aston Group to Go tern por two in the Page Seven - BAND CONCERT TONIGHT American Legion wd the Bellefonte | Band will play a risburg rt in front of the Legion Home io East Howard street, tonight (TY ig! Mh onda Monday das The public nyited tet not Known the combined he service nee final de Har + ined si the con- ti} urs- bh ve on ate Kerstette: of nd d Hugh Sha of Bn OPA Workers Recognized for Meritorious Work er of tty Officer alt h lun- State Colle Al gervice | eer board bers present al the State Callege Two Pedestrians Lt body Moore Wi State Hospi 8h flepped 11 ww hap ub i. aw sion training at Camp Atterbury erseas 0 received additional Forrest, Tenn, and Camp ARD PINS AND CERTIFICATES £227 11d Haver Hig in War Effort ployec at the 4 H na | eal 4 {ig Boinx and was em hipyards at : parent Rtales Pa entered | to Bre Survivir in addition lo the par ett ! America AWAIT from Price t Direc oh williams. #t home. and M office to 52 volun- f Lock Haven Bat Walle was a» American Legios reir Fo vine the 0H and Rationing Board a meeting in UO Soarks bw te Coie Price inst Fri board panel Bia oard | “Writes About D- -Doy Beliel i nele and the ie Merit fed to volun- pane] mem - ous RERT boarg ICentingnd on pape Teo) A ———— & Injured by Car 4 of Clarence w Bhoe Were Satur uck by walking acr Bnow Shoe Hesse MOOT Sm aay CAT the and _ were bel weer ~s brush bum taken to the Philip tal for treatment treated al Druis and Anthony A G. Boscaine, description | hi barge coast of Prance on D and of the subsequent the Normandy beachhes i*tter wTIN ION QM 3 James am war 2 physic feels vasion neared the Da June 6 fight Ab ’ rans said the car approaching when they oO ing out into the highway driver also sald he falled to in time to 1 the mis accident was investigated the Yleasant Gap moon Motor Po- and MLA BD Bot ang 0 his 1a Hall et. all pares Mr Mrs Boscalin of Terrace Bellefonte. The received early this vho Wil bb» i» & member of couple ave The members of station of the State T ter was week The wal man tember ey COuy Boob. ( tlany Brookes, Vi william Glasgow D.. Spurgeon Wil Shingieh Pa nes Buflalo, N ‘Tamer Pine Eugene Rus James Mitchell ’. David ennsylvania Furnace Brean, Rebersburg Cu Aaronsburg ate College State Col ad} Ouse i EIR FE 5 PRR a Sage Henry Caivin Me it RD Robert Bleiger Ar "TN Myron Becker, St Allen Zeller, Ji lege Morton Joseph Grossman Btate College John Gerard Zom, Jinirton Alan Edmund Fisher pittsburgh: Willlam Franklin Bon. er lose friend peared testify man’s integrity, his scholastic nments, and his general char. Continnad on Page Bip) —————a—— "Old Eagle Chapel” at Curtin To Hold Annual Home-Coming Curtin ¢ wi ( Method Valley, and o of the State of Pennsylvania, will observe ts annual Homecoming and Anni- VOrsary Sunday. August 20. according to the pastor, Rev. Roy A Gon The Curtin first organized As a part of the Northumberiand cir. eunit of the Baltimore Distric, dates back to the early history of our country, George Washington serving his first term of office when this so. clely was organized In 1791. Prior to ireh. oldest oldest In the Bervice Society this time, when the first preacher | was assigned to this circuit, the Cur- tin Church, the people met together and held religious services under the leadership of certain devout men in) the community, meeting in the homes of the people. The first preacher assigned to this church, which was part of a large circuit, was Richard Pariot, followed by Lewis Browning These men also | preached at meeting places on the Branch of the Susquehanna, | Flom) Wilkes-Barre to Northumber- | , up the West Branch to White | he Bald Eagle | Jerse [bulld a mill son, Spring Milis, R. D William Lawrence Weaver Aaronsburg. Are thur Eugene Spicer, Bellefonte, R D.. Harry Steward Ellenberger. Pine Grove Mills: Stuart Willlam Win. gard, Coburn; Clifford Roy Heck man, Spring Mills Hole, thence what is now -— Shore, Lock Haven, and up the Bald Eagle Creek to Milesbury. Bellefonte Woman Falls Into Stream thence through Buffalo Valley, Penns Valley. and back to Northumberland It took four weeks, the circuit rider preaching several times each day Mrs. J. Harry Eberhart, of East and often traveling all night, © Curtin street. had a narrow escape reach all of the preaching points from death by drowning early Pri. on this circuit day evening when she fell into the In 1787, Phillip Antes moved 10 ial] race of the former Gamble Mill Curtin, and immediately began 10 property on West Lamb street which was known as Mrs Eberhart was walking to Antes Mill, This revered man opened | Thomas street where she intended his home to the ploneer circuit rid. to visit with friends, when she stop. ped along the race to see trout In Anniversary of Mr. a the water. In so doing she lost her Heckart, of Millheim balance and fell into the stream. | 1804 at the home of Deer to ers of the Methodist Church, and permitted preaching services to be held In his mill. In the year 1808, this same gentleman and his wife Rendered helpless by the fall, her Penns Susannah, deeded a fourth acre of predicament was seen by a passing stead), ground to six members of the Curtin motorist who rescued her from the riage by Society, who were 10 be ita trus- stream and summoned the Widdow. | tees, to bulld thereon a house of son ambulance worship Jor the use of the members| Mrs. Eberhart was Shits So of the M ist Episcopal Church. | Centre County Hospital w In 1872, the church was rebuilt | was found SEE Pontinned on Page Seven) Celebrate Golden Anniversary craft Excerpt low gOINE to write You " things that happened over here | don't know whether they'll pass the censor or not. but here goes. In sev. eral places the otgsor cut 3 tions of the letter) As You aiready know we on the morning of D-Day neared the beach we passed a ship that had just been sunk, hit by a mine, and her bow was sticking up out of the water. 1 guess 1 was too much excited to realise the danger of these mines at the time We hit the beach a few minutes later “Everything seamed to be darned quiet. One of the boys had just made the remark that he wondered why there was no Action or any Jerries wed on pope Seven —— Port Matilde Man Gets FSA Appointment OG. Ernest Ardery. of Port Ma tilda, for the past four months as sociate Parm Security Administra. tion supervisor in the Bellefonte of - invasion letter fol I'm few por aT In As we Contin 3 : in 1026 built, Miliheim : THEE HE i is included Anthony G.} Soldier and Girl, nounce Intention to Wed ' » Perform Ceremony. A romance which ripened Centre county max al a special here Monday morning an defendant announced her inter tion of marrying a man th whom she had shared some of the county bastille The man in the Army corporal, whe earlier had pleaded guilty battery charge fall reacheg session of whet wi Lhe Cant auit and the pris added ner{orm tt defend appe pleaded nolo « char® wan = CS WOUNDED IN EUROPEAN WAR One Seriously Ill After Accident in Corsica; Other in France gic Paul BE Pusher, wa ftously fll as the result of an acci- dental injury received on July 38 in the North Afriean area. Pwvi Fisher | Alr on wai is believed (0 have been 5! Corsica. with Ary and it is possible that he INE at a ground crew member tives said Mr. and Mr Wingate, were ' Pic. Russell wounded The fathers { brothe Pvt th Lhe rei SOT Paul Fisher (Continued on pape Fix) Whipple's Dam Pike Commits Hori-Kari La! ahi bia ares t State Colin at that Aas ied oyuing Mr Jose nt Elirabet Pent Joe were MIrRe amazed pike had nto the boat Young Reiff grad jering fish and the rest rowed the pike The fia 14 inches In the strange incident. Miss Poorma brought it © Bellefonte Whipple's Dam pike are thelr wariness and to be caught lures PLAN CONVENTION SABBATH SCHOOLS To Be Held November 9 in Church of Christ, Philipsburg The advancing of plans for the | fall convention of the Centre County Sabbath School Association pled the major attention of the held "nes IY ) Prox noted for : for thelr refusal wdinary fAshing .joounty staff as it met Sunday after. noon, August 8 In the Methodist « church at Bellefonte The convention js definitely dated for Thursday. November § Appearing in Court, | and they were not’ | spent a short furlough at his homes SKILLED IN In Bellefonte Jail An. Ask Judge to = 100 MARINE RETURNS HOME I). Rhodes Jravery Pfe. Oscar Cited For (;uadalcanal. at Club to Conduct Registration Canvass PINE GROVE MAN KILLED IN FRANCE Andrew H. Dean, 33, Loses Life in Battle for Cherbourg A Centre county soldier, member {of the 19th Division. Jost his life In the tattle for Cherbourg He Is Pie. Andrew Harold Dean, 33 som of Mr and Mrs. Jesse W Dean. of Pine Grove Mills, who was ! killed In action In France on July 5. according 10 the telegram receive ed by his parents Sunday morning. The ast jetter received by Mr and Mra, Dean was one dated Juns 17 in which he sald he was very busy to sorry. He Pfc. in Pine Grove Mills early In Jane that training on May 13 1943. he was sent on maneuvers to Tennes. (Oonitnued on page ows)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers