Where the Fuel Goes - A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph, may use 200 gal- fons of gasoline an hour, be Centre Democraf ——————— 4 FUEL GOES —_- i WHERE THE An Army Trans port burns 331.000 gallons of fuel of) s day. VOLUME 63. NUMBER 31. BELLEFONTE, PA,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1944, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. ounty War Toll For Week [RE d And 5Wounded | - > % / % Is 4 K Ive “ 3. om Bellefonte Area, 1 From Spring Mills, Lose Lives ALL FALL IN BATTLE IN FRENCH INVASION Casualty List Compiled From War Department Messages, Letters is re telegrams relative t during ne "n dis nave lost ince ti lose men their Have been PYOC, HAROLD WW. WAITYF Killed July 5, near Cherbourg. Cars Collide Near pie. P College; Damage $40 ONNCLED TR EXANATON = 4 Group to Go to Harris- burg Monday in Spec- ally Chartered Bus YPal i¥ oe i x | mont} al Benning, Ga 3 months at Camp Blanding, Fila. and | underwent other training at Camp Porrest, Tenn, and Camp Atterbury. Ind For pen Nineteen men ¥ v 100] Pwalt Board ¢ been notified i Wf Bells ime he was assigned to the that 1944 el Hoe and was In M slinged Drug Addict Is Arrested at College al Waite in Medical Unit tc on Page SMa, band of tu a medical battle f employe ir Cherbourg Titan Jette re Frank Belle elved me ’ ney 0 Ww ote Mrs ishop street Company, he to hi + wi wife and nother f Wie ) on July 2 letters, re 19 ie t } not taken but hat D-Day now Near a It Is believed he may assisting In transporting evacuation ald e naa invasion large city he wa ’ France tt have been A Me- | pi learned om notified Beler of been res will be | and will be taken by a United States m Bcranton inded men to hos- near Cherbourg Waite entered the 20. 1942, and New Cumberland was gent Camp Blanding, Fla. for basic training in the Medical Corps. On March 1 19043 he was transferred to Nash ville, Tenn, and on August 12. 1943 * to Los Angeles, Cal, Later Continued on Page Four) tals Pi October - 8 he nrobation Kentuck: ition his probation office Philadel w reived th im Army from tn on od the instit at L.C v 0 fin rd Ns ant ’ ) { i eg Warr nat n AEA into Marshal is sent © SGT. JON G. DROGAN Wounded in Normandy Fighting PVT, JOSEPH BENZIE Wounded in European War Area i PFC. NELSON © Loses Life In Invasion LUCAS Action 22 In August Call For State College State College ad : q 0 groun Yan #4 ation COUNTY MAN SEES SAIPAN BATTLE Coast Guardsman's Ship in 2 Air Raids With- in 72 Hours hey watched the bloody m ringside hat. Saipan fre seal a I. CGreer McKinje raf day 'e Mr He Wade 5 Ma 1 8 Coast Gua: shipmats the contr najor stryw y 1300 miles from (Continned om Page Four) 3-Year-Oid Child Swallows Safety Pin (i ” er Re of Howard ne Stet ¢ aked 3 VOArs Mrs D 10 a Edwin Satur the Wil. wallow her home daughter Stet day nig! Hamsport ed and R was admitted pital safety pin at believed that pin first lodged in the girl's throat, but since her admission to the hospital it has gone into her stomach. according to reports. It is not known at this time whether it will be necessary to pers form an operation to remove the object Her condition is described being satisfactory The child's father Rev. Stetser, is pastor of the Pligrim Holiness church at Summit Hill, and is em- ployed at the Sylvania Electric Pro {ducts plant In Mill Hall 1 : ho after she an pen It th “ie ns pr iI TEN Jr ANN GRANGE FAIR Association Completes All Plans For Event at Centre Hal PROGRAM INCLUDES NEW FEATURES rn A 13800.acre tract in Centre and Clinton cluding virtually all of far-famed Fishing Creek gap and 18 of the cottages situated in that picturesque fishing area, was sold by the Roche Pittsburgh Coal Company, of Indiana Pa. to Byen & Rugh., lumbermen from western Pennsylvania Included in the purchase is Witmer Steel sawmill near Lamar, which has been operated by the for ‘mer owners to turn out as high as 12.000 board feet of lumber a day Purchasers of the tract which ajual to more than 21 square miles in area, are J W. Byers, of Ligon- ier, and Kenneth Rugh, of Bolivar Mr. Byers entered the lumbering Business in 1920 and has been ac- tively engaged in that work ever since. He will be charge of the lumbering operations in the Fish- ing reek area. Rugh is engaged in the brick industry at Bolivar The tremendous area one of Wreest lumbering operations in the fecent history of Centre and Clinton gopnties sprawls over a consider- able section of the eastern part of this county. The tract extends along both sides of the Madisonburg road Crosses the mountain vorth to point near Nittany, extends east near Lamar and passes through both sides of Pishing Creek gap from the west end of Federal Fish Hatchery at Lamar to Booneville In the area are the following val- evs and landmarks known to hun- dreds of hunters and fishermen who have combed the region in quest of game and fish Big Kettle, Little Kettle, Big Rag Valley. Little Rag Valiey, Bear Run Ve Little Bear Run Valley, Mosgui Hollow and Cherry Run The fate of the BELLEFONTE MAN REPORTED MISSING of timberland cotinties, In- recently r and 3 Lo Wide Variety of Amuse- ment and Entertainment to be Provided the He Tents for Grange Falr camp are being erected this week at Crange Park. The camp this year promises to be one of the best in recent Years M. A. Burkholder, superintendent gates announces that the park will be open to campers Al noon on Thursday, August 24 New campers who wish choose from available locations, may do so on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 22 and 23 from 2:00 to 8:00 m., when the secre- tary will be at headquarters on the f grounds alr is of in tn P wish to have ap should ar- and delivery of Nefl, fore- Mr. Nell who set locations tents with Harry of the ground crew Grange Park every week day m. to § m. or may be reached by telephone at Centre Hall 179 -R-40 Campers Individuals their own tents range their man at frye for A to from 7 A » P the visitors will provided V.A busy and daily ample entertainment them Concession MANARET AUMAn promises gay and (Continued on Page Four) ’ for n Paralysis Case Is Reported at College tr 18 cottages built Richard Lee four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Eugene F. lee of Adams avenue, State College, the reported Centre county person " infantile paralysis dur- epidemic in the in Gelsinger hospital, Dan- His case is said to be of a mild type and no permanent lll SSe0ts [are anticipated il on Tom Vane ays ater Waa and three oO the hospital None of the fam. ily had been away from State Col lege and the source of the infec. unknown first tn ¢ Ing current tate, ia vilie Believed to be Casualty of French Invasion to ’ ss wr is Fred Philip Bonchack, motor ma chinist mate, third class U 8 N R son of Mrs Mary Madruski Bon- chack of Bellefonte. R D 3 He missing fn action following per- formance of his duty in the service of his country.” gram from the Navy received mother Salvage Collection Nets Paper, Rags, Tin ted 16. of of « The salvage coliection condu } Beliefonte last Friday netted B00 { 000 pound oof of rags Department ast Thurs 1 i pounds paper yy morning indication of mentioned In believed that participating invasior The seaman service in July, 1943 the Great Lakes Naval Training in Illinois where he quali- fied as a naval machinist and was assigned sea duty immediatels following his boot training. The last jetter received by his mother written on June 10 Machinist Mate Bonchack attend- his and 150 pounds reported in can day No wa it WHA ficiais his whereabouts the teiegram but young man the Normandy Local salvage leaders ask house. make a special effort dur- ming few weeks to save all cans. On a siding near the Gam- bie mill is a railroad car half full of cans and officials hope to collect suf. to All the car in the near holders t is noaers is the ing the ¢ in tin the vt sen entered Ald yas eounty Asien ficient to ratte ture CELEBRATE BOND SALES VICTORY Local West Penn Em- ployes Win Contest in 5th War Loan Drive Station to he played football during the 1041- 1042 seasons Two brothers are in the service. They are Mike, station- ed In France, and Joe, in Virginia County Native Dies After Fall at Butler A fall] from a buliding he was painting in Butler, Monday. proved fatal to Cameron Stover, of Butler, native of Unionville, who died in a Butier hospital at 2 a. mm Tuesday as the result of his injuries Deceased, a brother of Scott Sto ver, Mrs. Alice O'Leary, Nora Btover, all of Bellefonte, was aged 50 years And was a son of the late J. Pall and Anna Stover, Sur- viving are his wife: three daughters, Oletha, of Indianapolis, Ind ; Fran- ces, of Butler, and Nora, at home; and a son, Cameron, Jr. who Is now in a hospital In Italy recovering Mitchell, president of the West con serious wounds received In Penn Company. The Nittany district paste. Another son. Russell Stover, includes Bellefonte and State Colsf wa, killed while serving with the lege and the areas served by these ned forces in Africa in June, offices 1043 Al Lois, head of all war bond sales, Additional survivors in addition in the West Penn System, explained ¢, the two local sisters and brother, that although the quotas were sel) .aude a brother, John Stover, of unusually high, the local district awa pPuneral services will be held bought 167 pet cent of its allotment today in Butler, with interment in J. E. Fife, of Ridgway MADAKer | hat ity : of the Keystone division, congratu > Altoona Girls Are In celebration of winning op place in the West Penn Power Com- pany contest in the 5th War Loan drive, approximately 55 empioyes of the State College-Bellefonte district and thelr guests from neighboring areas banqueted at Nittany Country | Club last Wednesday evening A framed plaque commending the employes for their Industry and satrifices in purchasing war bonds and signed by General Dwight D Eisenhower, was presented to Jo- seph Forster, who had charge of the contest in the Nittany district. The presentation was made by H L : (Continued on Page Three) Miss Dalsy Keichline, nurse in Saturda the Bellefonte public scheol system, | who afer iand Mrs. Victor Watson, teacher of | y Hfonte iclared that no definite decision as the (dw 22 Fwed Philip Bonchack 1s] [introduced A. L according to a tele- | was ed the Bellefonte High School where | nnd originally leased from the and Pittsburgh Compan) according to the all the on Rochester Is uncertain The ol transfer of and Rugh The camps Include “Hatetoleaveit large and modern- ly equipped establishment owned by the Titan Metal Company of Belle and others, owned principally ts of Bellefonte and Lock reports cluded the Byers f r sale tract In en ne to by reside: Haven The t new owners of the tract de tr ) the future status of the cottages has been made at this Ume but where there a belief that 3 GFT DPLOMA ROM FRE SCH Presentation of Diplomas and Awards Made by Undine Company Thirty-six ‘members Bellefonte and Snow Shoe fire schools who re. cently compieted an 18-weekcourse were with certificates at graduation exercises and a banquet sponsored by the Undine Fire Com- pany Bellefonte, Saturday ing at the Brockerhofl Hotel bers of both classes friends were present Charles 8 Saxion., president Undine fire company, was structor of both classes, He was as sisted by B. A Doll, chief of the same company. Both men were pre sented with two war bonds from members of each class in apprecia- tion for their efforts and time spent during the courses. The Bellefonte course was held Monday nights and the Snow Shoe course every Pride) night. Arthur Boob, chief the Logan company. who aided with the Snow Shoe class, received a war bond in appreciation for his ser. vices Undine smsrtainment “committee Francis ter, who in tum introduced Rt William E Downes speaker of evening In presenting the diplomas Mr Saxion thanked all those who took the courses and announced that ter members reached perfect marks and else is the of presented of even. Mem. their wives and of the in- of the Home from Invasion Joseph A. Spritzer. EM 2 c, of the U. 8 Coast Guard, has arrived in $13,600 Acres in Fishing reek Gap Region Sold 8 Largest Lumbering Operation In Recent History of County Be- gins on Tract Comprising 21 Square Miles; 18 Summer Cottage Sites, Sawmill at Lamar Included in Purchase (0 BY $125,000 Centre Is One of Only in State to Exceed E bond Assignment ut four “BEST RECORD TO DATE” AIKENS SAYS Nearly All of 9 Local Dis- tricts Meet Big Quotas > YJ ease in 'h continued as The an area David ¥ miles Creek tals ained sale { residence al Lama cf rs! The 1 sould Gag hl ¢ PORSCHE including bulldings and tivation Mr. Bixel YEArs has Rochester and who Know and every cluded the rangers SOmMe an who for been and cCarelager Pittsburg! ) boundary every acre of 4 ' I and acviso ire As ~ ie E54 > in retained hy Ager ing operations } Ld § Estimates of time it will timber | years be required | Grand Ju toastmas. | Rev. | i Crimina {later Bellefonte after spending 17 months | in overseas duty. having participated in the D-Day invasion during which his ship was lost. He has been on active duty in North Africa and saw action in the invasion of Bicily Italy. and France. He is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Melvin Williams of the Penn Belle apartments The Spritzer family is well rep- resented in the armed forces. Thom. as, EM 2 ¢, Wok part in the invasion of the Marshall Islands and of Rol | Island in the South Pacific and re. | : and Miss | ] | COUNTY 0 mains on active duty Plc in that area Stephen saw action in Sicily Italy and the Anzio beachhead At the expiration of his present 30-day leave, Joseph will receive assignment to & new post LMEN FLECT OFFICERS Group Seeks to Have Mo- tor Fund Monies Reserved For Road Use Only The Centre County Division, As- man wrote to his wife sociated Petroleum Pennsylvania, mat Industries Friday of the county The oll men of this county have |gekiey, continued been solidly organised for several years as a unit of the state-wide organisation.” stated OG. DD. Krum. rine, chairman of the county group, “We have always acted in the inter. est of our automotive customers who bring ! | | | of Hublersburg, that due to censorship at the no information could be given Nittany Lion Inn, State College, to! put it elect officers and discuss problems ng need for his family of special interest to highway users | The Hublersburg private, who was ] | the task Others will f ‘ timat Still olhers the area is large enough 1 jumberir the time iF ed of marketable timber timber in another RTOwT markets Mr. Byer bering operatio a “clean sweepn words. the area is not th Ig operations ino one section ha 1 VO de general » of (Conlinued on pape Fig) Young far for trees So ing Port Matilda Girl Hit By Batted Ball 1# as possibl future to be denuded Three princip are available valleys WE we M gl ol wa 4 a ter and hemlock i and tall olhe (Continued on page Four RRS DRY =e wa noe ide Miss game be i” Ww me oark A foul ard Bundas nm baad % net on™ FOR SEPTEMBER - Her condition yesterday was sald by her mother to be excellent and ry-to-Meet -Aug-+IE salen oul of danger. seed ing 0 Ih am physicia dad ‘ the face - ] 5 he Pvt Jan Meade MA f 3 we "5 ust 28: Criminal Court September 11 Lad | Aline "8 vera a wit Just . September court were drawn rors - Pvt. Martin L. Solt Wounded In Action Commissioners , 400 Grand ry convene ! Monday wi Mond 1 ie Civil Monday. September Following are the chosen 0 serve yet r nl 18 name ine to Frid teh {rom Maz street Hity he va ow vi Ww GRAND JURORS (Meet Monday, August 2% C. W. Bauder Boob. Aaronsburg Bellefonte: Pred burg. Lawrence | J. Arthur Du ter P. Feller h Philipst Powelton H. E Heberling Late Johnson, Bellefonte. R Kalin, State College Chester Lighine 2 William C Mattern Burrowe State ( H nfinyed ther re El streel Bells. £ on pape Two © 17YEARAOLES MAY ENTER AR FORCES Enlistments Being Ac- cepted for Combat Crews, Legion Head Reports AITO Mon} D Stat MAape Philipst (Continged on Pape Four) ——— Sgt. Malcolm Eckley Believed Safe in France Staff Sgt. Mal of 1 £ Bos i Max 20 joward D Harm IR. Dk Headquarters roes at Washingt reopened an exilim fone fon of th Armes Ase ARE. Belief that Eckley, 22 Commissioner and Mrs Eckiey of Valley View though reported missing in action was contained in a letter received recently from a Hublersburg soldier rook Mr. and Mrs. Eckley were notified |. y the War Department on July 8 that their son, a Jeft walst gunnes aboard a B-17 Flying Portress had been missing since June 25 Late last week Pvt Russell Heck who lives im E County Paul N safe al- nr . boys for r » I 8) iv Wh {ve tty som OTmer 17-year-old Combat Crews ist, American been t drive the Air Fore Brooks-Doll Re Aung : add In the program, Charles A. Eck. } commander yer and Legion ES is i P lefonte, ha pon to post said ves. Forces is the onlj he which = cat of his he passes the gqual- ifoation is placed Ar Force E ted Reserve, subject to ra upon feaching his birth aay If he is attending school =f time of Nis 18th birthday, be will be given a deferment to finish the semmesler Upon receiving eall to active duty, the reservist js sent to an Army Arr {Foroe Basic Traini Center for that even if he hasnt Written 1 be | asic training eS eclaion will be leve his family have no cause OF | cnnde as to whether he will become worry. 1 know he cant write ‘a gunner, navigator, pilot, bombard- a ra as # Tbe a ler or trained for some other posi Chum?” an expression English chil Eanfinta - Hass Sours dren use in seeking chewing gum . from American men in the aimed) Red Cross Nwwe on Vacation forces. He 18 believed to be down, Mis Bertha Rimmey, looal Red over France since he was reported Cross purse, will begin her annual missing over that country vacation August Sth expecting to be I. away from her duties until Septem BRICK PLANT WORKER ber Sth. During her absence, Mrs INJURED BY vEWICLE Merri Hagen, a former Red Cross nurse, will take her place, main- Smith Richards, 17. son of Mr | taining the same office hours, § to Mrs. Boyd Richards of Julian, 7:30 a m and 102 p.m slightly injured last Wednesday toll The Arm) specific unit 17-year-old man own volition If Alr N is Arm enler 3 he the in nls Po. vt pf is underftood that there is to worry same air base as 1 am unable to tell very much about Mac except stationed at the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers