April 13, 1944. A — —— — THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three ——— “We Travel the C ountry Army Style’ ’; (By Jack Kirkpatrick) One afternoon when I made the the Battery area the B. C. saw me walking around and called me in. I was a little worried because couldn't think of anything done or anything I hadn't done so } ordered, but rather ner- vously It's funny the way you Ret guilty feeling in the army even | when vou know there {Ss no reason | i] reported a il much you just can't called in for any other reason. Any- | I reported and anxiously await-| B. C's. first words, He looked | worried and tired and this] me curious, but with extreme he pulled himself erect and on the old hard front, He gazed in his hand to me, in to the papers, then rkpatrick, what do you ut chemistry?” 1 thought night, what now! ‘Sir, 1 know less chemistry than anything else world, Why, Sir?’ matter,” he replied, “I am go- end you to chemical wariere hool, but you won't| { to know anything about che the old one, two forced wal ag the rather madi eflort i vsell rood wd aloud Ie No don’t worry Was and in, however, I wa: I'm radx orry to to chool it 1 want H He looked desperate for a wille miled like the cat that mouse I can't then he poKe vou ther t and end tne I'm sorry 0 ri he promi id him ome ed and I tried way 1 ommended by m n't Kirkpatrick want two nen I can 1 promised" broke in, “Sir. r I counted I know they won't Sir? I'm “Well we [0g me wend from the passing, so I Kirkpe!t- g- who to and man were end Chemi trick, re m. Monday : I have and you helped Yes Sir na faced again really pped exit it through mj to Mom and Service Club to had letter the co between wa really than me but a patient camp and worse treatment up fine and was and soldier Friday night found me on ua surprise and I knew that M t and wonder where always told her would be unabl had come Wit" I found a soldier sad news and about trolled mil aud ni tund Wailer wa ui Lar Con towarfl me smiling. It was Mar- knew rules « walked on the walk direction and ther started my to hav She guard 84 eo rolng In my bout faced and he appeared trip d her mind a nd reversed her dire Needless to say I The Captain n tion walked silent t time i ruarding It doubly his life husba ost No wecure n he afore-mentioned did steal 8:00 teacher would keep us after | We put up with this treatment be- cause no K. P. or guard duty | weekends off while no : home. That night under a big Geor-! a) gla moon and brilliant stars I walk-! mistake of being the only man in|ed silently and thoughtfully and im- | agined a dainty blue dress funny feather hat tripping again, War and life are what you make them and just once shouldn't wreck the whole defense plan and I took report for Monday finally came off for Headquarters to I guess you get bawled out so Chemical Warfare School. I entered | \ imagine being [the office and inquired as to where! he school was, The Cpl. in charge said, “What's your name, soldier?” I replied “John A. Kirkpatrick ASN 33760419." There was a pause as the | glanced over the list of names, then he said, “Oh, you're not going to that school. You have been re- lleved.” This, I thought to myself, is too much, No Radio School and now no Chemical Warfare School, It looks like I might be forced to work for a living and go pack on the line Despite these thoughts running through my cranium I managed to ay, “There must be some mistake I wa to report here thi morning Why was 1 relieved? Then I did receive a pleasant sur- prise tood speechle: with Joy as the Cj aid, “Kirkpatrick, your commanded by Major AAATC to relieve you from you to radio meant Cpl ordered hool and send Poor “old man 0 take someone else off i hool but Hot Had 1 think I but | 0 sCi radio vi coming 1 taken IU Xperience chool ne duty for ten week: proven to be a prof- imilar to tougher and and on top of the had Morse code that would | driven me crazy had I rraduated when I did. Even then of di-dah happy and our names were called roll we would unconsciously di-dah-di-dit” instead of wire ave Us Were wnen mare te n permitte to any farthe roy h uliding than we were choo] yard and paper To make had slipped of us RO the front wrmitted to go into up cigarette ruarded f th Ol ne of cours guard p ar allowed any we answered a barrage of roll-call } wa seounted for every to escape evervone were p talking laugh- a little would or pend from 6:45 Li D0 instead of We boys had to be good or else chool and made it all worth I did have a few pleasant memor- s of Radio School though the most pleasant was a cherubic looking creat even in a helmet) that stood about 410" and answered to the name of “Dinney” when called \ but “Pvt. Beward referred to by Tittle one atu ure fe Hows when hort ibject was ift to the Army and school me or vice-versa week aw pint-sized patriot line, sleeping adopted whole ten ut this never vy side in n theory or beat it me so {i happening dynamo on theory t I never after the the but avorite pastime helmet sailing acre by first flicking it head. then booting hi five G. 1 hilariously 4 and led away ms Area my with from size Wp from PRESTON NOMINATE (JACK FROST) FOR Political advt) A. FROST Subject to Approval of REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED lean Volers at April 26th, 1044 f the and a along | 1/ beside me, then swinging about on | I had the about-face to trip back with me; | Ly a edb 44 A EN — Ta { ——— ponent G4 Undergoes O BE peration QM. C/e Anthony Boscaino Bos Jami A Sgt. Donald C. Monsell Bellefonte, | uperating race belie sphere omewners ire BROTHER AND SISTER IN SERVICE Marian M. Monsell oe Little Sketches of Life From The Big Canvass of Air Warfare | By Kenneth 1. Dixon repair shog Water street. He chinist course at School and accepted t at Cleveland and store on 8 a 10-week Tyrone position in Ohio, where shoe a % took i ime § ) 4 Lt camp, Lieut. Ed- “year-old navigator tationed the at » yelled ther day a ward A. Gray Slon ua B-28 Maraude: he h Sardinia AW SOMEGIH elore o1 af rent | y " IRMA re *3} ow plan remained uniil a mont} "Pair of Old Pals Pi. Edgar GG. Kostanbauter (right) Pvi. Ralph GG. MeMullin Pvt K i ’ inbauter Ku tanbay Ray Mor Mu irom Newark CR Ianounoe iL runne; ‘and T- rphiys tall gull Mrs Edgar High ed a M treet Bellefon electric te, was Induct the Glenn From tn Ft me an ian at rtin pl in Baltimore New Cumberland he was Eustis, Va ant ent and while there he THE POET'S CORNER pleted a He way radio Edwards to the Ant oirse i telephone and sent to Camp YOU NEED TO PRAY i«Alreraft School Corporal Clyde 1. Loover After three months’ training he was M., 116th Inf, Eng Fort Dix N. J. In Decem- | solemn though nto ber of 1943 he landed in England poem You where he tationed at the present which was received ume parents, Mr. and Mrs Pvt Sr. of Pine Glen. Corporal Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McMullin entered the armed Mar of East Bishop street, Bellefonte, 142. and has been in England wns Inducted March 1, 1943, into the September of the same year De Arr) From New Cumberland he tember 1, 141, he was m uried to was sent to Fort Lewis, Washington (the former Emma Jane McCullough State, where he was placed: in the of Pine Glen, and the couple have a Quartermaster's Corps Because of | 15-mx nths-old baby girl named a broken ankle. for the last five Nancy. Corporal Hoover also has months he has been in sevéral hos. | three brothers in service, They are pitals in that State. Several weeks Staff-8gt. Harold Hoover, of the Alr {ago he was again sent to Fort Lewis Corps Communications Headqguar- {where he is now stationed at the |lers, Chicago; Corporal Willard Hoo. j reception center ver, stationed in England, and Pvt | Pvt. MeMullin is married to the Donald Hoover, at Camp Walters, {former Anne Btere, of Milesburg Texas. About a month ago Clyde and {They have a son, Robert Lynn Willard met in England and spent ! : several days together, after having been separated for two years Pollowing is the poem written by BRING IN YOUR SOLDIER | Corporal Clyde Hoover PHOTON! When your soul Is all sickness, And you have lost your way, ther and Pp na verse Need Pray recently by h Clyde Hoover Hoover h 21 since ent to in entitled to wd Ralph G. McMullin son of TY ICE a MS — — If you have some Centre county relatives in the armed forces whose photograph has not been published in this newspaper, we invite you to bring the photo to this office, together with facts concerning his military service Keep in mind that the larger He will lighten all your burdens And tell you right from wrong, When your burdens get too heavy For you to longer bear, Just take them all to Jesus, For He will answer prayer, sharp for best results. The photographs || o, ,o\0 vour voice to Jesus, will be returned Lo you on request And get the word well sent; ! alte we've had the engravings Por if Pn be mad a you 4 CLYDE. A SINNER'S WORLD Pvt ana Ma- in following was written by I. Weaver, s { Mr Alvah H. Weaver, of Port R. D 1. Pvt. Weaver was in. March 20, 1043, and has served in the armed forces for over a year. His address is Pvt, Wesley 1 Weaver, Hq. Co. 18-X. APO 109, C/o postman ter, Shreveport, La Here we are in wid of Nouhing to guide me the God has left in I am walting each day for a visit God has promised to pay He has come in the Spirit me did call, But me a poor sinner i face to the wall {I have said things thai God's feelings | But the day is coming when these | things will need healing {A slip of my tongue has been a curse | word, ] {SUI all of these things God has! heard. i I have turned to God and for some thing I ask, Even though it is a small task ] I have sald I knew were wrong, But Jesus corrects me from His Heavenly Throne, tilda ducted this old but in light and on turned my have hurt | Waukee ( Hobert P. Lindsey od ! 1 { BURSTS AND DUDS OMcial Report Al in a Comma n is a B-24 A PET. shooting year ty by And every five 100 hi ME with chool day ¥ ha been name really Abraham Abraham but definitely nm Abraham While the British still use the word, and although It spread to American troops in Tunisia and held on through Sicily, it’s no longer con- sidered proper to refer to a German as Jerry “We call them Krauts now.” sald Pie. Carl Pllueger, Mil- That sounds better to our ears. ‘Jerry’ sounds too much like the name of a friend ‘Kraut’ gets our ideas across better” A Prayer Dear Lord Lest | continue My placement way Help me to remember Somewhere out there A man died for me today As long as there be war, 1 then must Ask and answer Am 1 worth dying for? i Lo plain Lincoln the Army Lincoln comma i comma Lincoln comma INSANE or It's AN Yours i A writer suggests that the Anglo. Americans tell Spain that unless he | Stalin would then say, “Well, boys, when 1 reach the German borders Thi ii neth L from the The hospital arm A Boy and a Dog at Anzio try ast { story Krn- « cod there week looking the boy to speak unan interes Dixon wa Anzio Hea neat sem ao ul the a wn to wil and remain lent King asked mbled through ( ot chaplain walk with 1 aAywood ty. 1 aog abou ie Lhe around in ni ting Parka but ween | 1a POGHE § designed which usually I Know That M3 AN EASTER INTERLUDE ON THE BATTLEFIELD OF CASSINO DeCAame mia- i the troops A few The ! yies w from Painesville, Ohio, sang minut Int i} guns roared Redeemer Liveth Blanchard Men Meet At Front Again After Twice in Hospital On Pacific Coast ng men { the Navy wank = of Charlies H il Cl Robert of int deny I iv a letier \ of Donald On won vd She Lindsey, son ‘alter Lindsey Samuel Driver Warren Driver | on different yess Fra of wi A — Makes Hitler Grin Same Trouble MacNaughton 1! the pevine with General Rommel had -_ ge mss A —— Mor Vistary: Buy Ranns YOUR NEIGHBORS NEED YOUR [DIE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Round up your idle electric appliances . .. regord- less of age or condition . . . take them Jo your Electrical Dealer and Swap them for War Stamps Here's a chance for those idle paid in War Stamps for the electric appliances to go back appliances vou bring wn. to work. Your neighbors need them. Rush every old or extra clec- tric appliance to your nearest Electric Dealer. If they are too large to carry, phone him. He ‘will put them in working order and make them available to your neighbors. You will be } West Penn Power Company does wot buy wsed electric appli- lances for resale, but is glad to assist the Electric Appliance Dealers in this Wartime Swap Program. ¥ govt J eet In the Swing of ihe swaP Plat “4 WEST PENN POWER COMPA) Li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers