Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 13, 1944, : | | They'll Learn About Tanks From a Wae ‘HISTORY OF SCOTIA 2 @he Centre Democrat, | RECENT [pret Te (Conia om sets oo | THE Fo 5 ! | : Bad 4 nA he had just got a new jug and asked a WEDDINGS ||| 0 EN i ann a FFICE CAT i 3 Ltd h i ¥) istall them off for a few minutes but A AL i Pie! ithey told him that they didn’t want . ; ei { i / “ Neese-Styers | : A & ¢ po Phe | {any watered stock. Aaron remarked, A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Carrie Elizabeth Styers daughter hy 2 2 Va o he Tig Hh ge : i yi Is Relished by the Wisest Men” x L 1 4 4 4 : ah h 18aYe LO Gis oul ae of Mr, and Mrs. Ira Lingle, of Spring x foils 3 y | Sawn uk ” 1 : ure stuf! Mills, R. D., became the bride of | HN i : The colored populati { Beotls Henry F. Neese, son of Frank Neese, | TN : ; { ' we colored population of Beotia In Taxee The ol Siorh 11s. at a TeIiOny per- | 4 p Fit a al one time numbered about sixty No Taxes There formed a Rv: 4 bs Justice of the aT Roy RL wr Not all of them worked at the mines fe was Rs RB lot. of BOI ng Mills : : " Some worked around among the He stopped re re iding at j : : EP a § age farmers in this vicinity such as the [ seek a taxis bride father * Ph A NT ry y Meek Matterns, Grays an her I'o rest Betor WALKER BROTHERS. ...cotvvtttttnssennnss Proprietors He nai i Goo ing. tE es ; dy, iia ” id we 2 | These people had drifted into Pat- A. C. DERR Editor Wagner—Balr ; » i oy J gud ton loys np [3 fore 8 ota existed PAUL M DUBBS.....oootcsssssnssssnned Associate Editor A dna Bair. daughter Mi . eg . 3 » J ; nd a 1 the: ine 0} Pag up the " 3 ! : ih ‘ rity o hem wved Bootis CECIL A. WALKER. . Jusiness Manager I R m n 0 ia a PUHETIM gener; ISSUED WEEKLY EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Entered in the Postofice at Bellefonte, Pa., as Second-class Matter TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $150 per year 2.00 per year 1 advance advance } AQYA Auman-—Bronder he 1 Fit y : StL fe siaves, and our The date your subscription expires is plainly printed on the label ing I Brondery { Pit Vetu Sp RA... your name. All credits iven by a change on the date of | J r D. Aun { orin § i A pe y ry mean nad, issue of each month / r unle pon sj} 1 Reon Avil 2 1G k gr ¥ d 4 & CIRILY Wilh my father, 1 have seen date on you eld lat ’ Matter Centre Der week. Advertisis All reading notices mae { . iN J 1 ntly wi hs § 3 7 . co ' ; Legal notices ar 1 tat ivertisements 1 $ : 1 ) ¢ ; ! J 4 Fea : She Wid me not 1 do tha ue, Frans he might kill me old her if h y, Is Subscribers changing postoffice addre and not notifying us. are labl ter more thas ony corviee a & 3 J i ie desis y old her Sill I nt for same o : or PY All subscriptior father until the blood » ad rr ( It of this fs . CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES FACH WEEK A model for Instruction in the operation of planetary gears in tanks is given its finishing touches by Pyt. Eloise Sanchez in the workshop of the instructional aids division of the Armored Schoul at Fort Know, Kentucky. Member American Press National Edit Well Qualified w SAUL'S EARLY PREACHING International Sunday School Lesson for April 16, 1944 I ed { walked al i —————————— \ y F 10 City : Walley Goodhart ! { { walked nly a * . » i EN TEX In Ix t Lie } ! ME. vena | E 4 N $y . A y ' . . \ [| GOLDEN TEX m 1 JN : argare ginia viv x | came to a cab Classified Ad—1944 Style ashamed of the gospel; for it Is |Crilcy in R A daughter of Mi {i Mrs. 8. M. , ’ » 1 knocked w door a an oid ’ Mby.. 7 Te ; the power of God unto salvation Hie tes | hed ‘ at of town. and ti { Thai me to Oras 1] comer a i TAIT i i respor to every on t believeth i af A Ww gr : tn Hf 1 k gm ol Ly es. Ob 3 h . x z ¢ ’ . ' & , Wu } ’ i i | : : - Romans 1 17, p its evil § es AlN rt of Centre H bhocame 1 ted my story Ww him H id 1 . tat ped ; : Isn't It Fun? Lesson Text: Acts 9: 19-30; 11-19-26. > i After the inten ter) Sunday, we res nsid-1* y ord Re dout i ' med : ’ g et id BY - Final bi eration of the life of Paul. The vis-'! Htat). ou. i 8 Nete 1aiby R ! Farr, Pre teria \ \ . eled all night and part of the nex : inal Alibi fon on the road to ad eS ol k } \ A ot pial the preser | ' y ’ a WAS red aid down It i wione 1 ! fer changed this id Pharisee, the t hi a he he gh Rr ol ' tH ud tar t " ‘ : W ind fell a When 1 t mpile ‘Gone H § rible persecutor \ Hever nt i i Win ¢ of thei harls ackbur: tert i ) y . a humble, contrit Christ Following his stay of a year or 50 . : a —.r- Hies a v ! 1 i ’ nen we Ss 9D X Dri " i , a ori ” the Jew y Tr, $ 1ve J : ¢ Ae * ried Apple es in the deserts o ersi Sa re ' , » Bhim ru Ie BH ; ue ina A in Holli- 4! Pi turned to Damascus, with the foun-' = ~“" ° t OF rT: . h the sei ly Bp t : phi { late Win. ‘Billie dation of his theology ly tl 1 ; . 1 ‘ y ' out and began preach he g SPE 0 ir thie § thd casdan not . pi 4 ‘ mals ~ ™ bominate. dried soDIE Dh of Jesus so vigorously that the Jews “V0 articulurly to Ah Kinds a . hen the 1 pened nu , 1 like good meat there plotted to kill : ‘ . LR 2 enon 43 To & svtitiote that's O ant: s disciples Sq : § : - 5 . wa . (To be continued) ES a J] . . I olf t gr : wrents of the VEY: 'y been aesarea ana re Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cowen, of 243 rar Tage he iy . ‘ 3 nc on w gre y herd a——— But of aii poor grub beneath the sk new faith. a : rion Corhellus Int0 East Bishop street, Bellefonte rie wagon . PINE GROVE MILLS MAN : wilh : ; had been § nounce the marriage of their daugh- / ! -~What are ths 1 ve CITED FOR WAR WORK Naturally, knowing Saul's rep . ‘ . Pa t y t the ¢ p tion as a persecutor of believers, *a : va OB ve by hoi I ap oa mans lL w dala } Sal wet 80 of tha } wil I | . Ts TH Konler fo fT OW We were suspicious, fearing that he was 4 Jews. The 1salem Christians 7 wadding took of parm Lt. Don Kepler of J. W. K only seeking to entrap them hy 4 bas, hearing of this, stepped | and vouched for hi nest pose, Saul, who neve half-way ! ing his new faith in suct ous fashion that the Jew ru 21 te of t i y Ry . . nd there the files de salem, as in Dama 8 nlott 7 Barn Rr IE | Ant nd wa " . " — ‘ . » 4 -~ . v , Fo ght 5cix 2 Ac ' ; u Rade ul —————————— M———————— luded In his of- assassinate him and, once agals he mpressed with the activity there ,j,ting bureau we Nationa] 1 i WI Gr ficial report a commendation of the Th re ft ty i, a id Sk pa Sool fon SEE | CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL | fot Tome mit . vers nd ’ . 4 vig where he continued vision of Lt. Keple » Ld * (yates, Nittany that Peter had Welker—Cawen Last Time Around parret window hung Saul remained in ' ot know but the next we |} r of hit b of man | th par Lin LTV $ y Tu ’ . Fllwood i ——————————— —————————— ten years or more later needs Jarnabas set it for Tw LA Xi and M Welk Are Te Monday of In the Book of A ip y kt ¢ ¢ 8 i dif y Erthast Hi " Fy . 4 tala ‘ma } wiv well-organised and telling the story of Saul's conver- these ye Saul i been wail setts street, Elwood Cit : fontds Ris PB Sault y goad nducted he Navy alr chief an- - r - tnpecked husband, and although one knee meak Into roRtam auDeared last werk I Am ea 1 periend : . 0 . ’ _ i 0 $f : * wi y ’ ‘4 fe ‘ . sion and hk experiences | n ha) metin juestio ’ ¢ : "WW ’ : irs 1 | vt roll i ving nagy ’ « bi v wife back home, giving cus and Jerusalem, reve: in ing wh but, neve : nae? re B 1 4 v A WwW p Vion . waning ] more 1 ¢ er mis point of time to recour we early ing a period of preparation by work \ ar Staliafarnt Stary iia Under ple irse of train- spread of the Christian faith it in Cilicia for Wider and n “ : ’ ) “ m— Orsi orm i g for vy flier each man | The persecution which followed ter mi n which he w to un- * iy wh i dre elt ; v i A : Robert Regel, Pleasant taught hon to survive under the Stephen's death resulted in adher- gertake y , March 18 at 4 oclock LJ Argec: Mrs. J er J. She G Robert Robinson St ‘ol- most advers title conditions. Pi ents of the new faith « d It wa t Anti . , he prm W " . ho 8 nia . a : A ‘ { ‘ A i v ) MIs. Raiph Po 1 A ne 1 1 i t jots are true tee n methods that abroad,” the disciples fleeing to var- “Christians” was first applied to the HEHEHE Tremp Bilbo th Tamas Hanks . - ries | TDI should 166% hen foroed to land fous cities, incl Antioch, whe: ‘ Je This 1 shag LA " y : ' they preached the Survive on Announce Engagement ever, at this time y . Sorbo Yn. ep dd "y tame p tis, Ho i, 1 2: Gera id and Sea sler deserib . . their missionary effo: LEY oe ‘n'S, ML CS RORSOR " trial tor Te) Sh A F how men lived on wild berries, ani- ore . Steven Ri rate, “speaking the | d to hone ; , i the Wi) re Li wa : n ee ARF " 1 bewe ‘ ’ sday of last week Birt EAH t Mir. ar ! ma wl fish when lost after crash MONA of 1 3 | ty Road, Bris. save only to the Jews . . Pa : 4 , Antioch, in A Aa ieaal oti ACAICANA but till he i at Penn Our own idea is that the vast ma- val Institute, is used In trothal of their daughter Mary Jane ing of bor Ras performed well. founded three cent programs throughout thes mou tron ox EY ee | What mast of our industrialists have the Orontes River. It g i ! ! } " " ! ; Expl \ ne Brindl elle. nt wh, Momo Kes neh L. Royer, Army BEI ved the nation; that both labor city in the world, with a population good thing could come from that And matron of honor, and the other . : vi While a student at Penn State, /Ar Corps, Langley Field, Virginia. and industry have been Injured by of half a million, and the terminal city. The prol _ that He erkebore W Va at * af a " bbw : Kepler played varsity baseball, later Ar Pe Heh ye Rin ete Sse 01 Ure Groups, of rich, caravans fr I + and ntiles, per @ in derision, frst L FE ens . | oy 1 aH b iniant se tate A Bbenibs 4 hak itn Ltolning independe CAINS ough. Ve daughters of Mr. and Mr teh - India. It was modern for its day, began using the rm "C Ans” | 0 on OOoRtbAng. TT ww ride | fant AAT end dons ! harles y Paki ny gy "Prior Pgh Ry and Is a junior at the Univer-| The croms-channel invasion of having a splendid and adequate for th ving In the new “alth. 1 ad charming th a. io gl Had foil in 1 fartin trance into the Navy, he was playing = of Tennesse: Knoxville. She is Europe will require the blood of { charming | i ue suit Admi | Tuesda {| discharged i Martin A A Ry oh i.e A graduate of Virginia Intermont many brave American soldiers. They EE ———, ’ ve rida meell MeKivi Spr | Salzman, On minor league teams. Lt. Kepler uo. nrc) and Bluff City High will fieht for thek , . . ’ bm : "” ‘aw B das — . carhations Eha | Mi State Coll graduated from Penn State in 1931. hool cotinine y . : } COMIN: SEH OA Rated As World 4% ’ v ¥ o Bl . n "lms iM rime vel 3 Discharge 1 Fred D. Houser mi ——— kt aT. 4 oo . Royes i the son Gf some of us complain about discom- withou (HOOT ; la nth nded the lege of Mat 1} wed rea A Mrs. Pear] E. Hackman of Madison forts on the homme front. Ek. aaa A Som 2 h pi ve Wednesday of last week. ‘1361 fant daughter. State Coll : : Greatest Athlete Vivo Sam te Teacher sed: Mrs. Jatmes Guiswhite. | Ms. Leomiard EB Tremler cud mnie: | C.. of C:' Announces a—— Colle A ernst Ye Admitted " SUE 3 itr i yg a : {lf : » A - - T : Bast Texas State Teachers College, Centre Hall; Blair Bumbarger, Belle- daughter, Bellefonte, R. D. 1; David hi A wiiter in & recent lasue of ~Sj: 0 Continue Work at Jie Has been teaching In the Lib. | fonte Pressler, Penna Purnace; Richard Ho days For 1944 magazine of nationwide distribution : k di——— ’ ii Aol ' y bridegroom | Discharged Mi Roy C. Ripka 'J Luce], Pittsburgh: Miss Gloria ’ or recently declared Lionel Pretoria Scotia After War pu ate K Lo hi degroom 8 ind Infant daughter, Pine Grove Stover Misa Beven closing dates in observanocd A a duate of Vrone i School wer, Rebersburg; Ida Cor Conacher as the World's Greate Miutile Ml = ng. High Mills; William Witmyer, Bellefonte; man, Bellefonte, R. D. 1 of holidays have been set by the Re- asa of 1936. Prior to entering the p 7 [ f/ wr) Athlete ! re ning of the Scotia ore wis ice. October 16 1042 he was em- | Mrs. Boyd Willias, Lemont Sunday il ion \ of the Bellefonte ») NAS ’ \Y/ Centre county interest in the mat ine not solely a War-emergency tht ) h : 4 : ay. Chamber of Commerce, 1% was an- ma . li SATO ’ : n ddletonr > e 4 Birth: a daughter to Mr. and Mr A a ; ter Is aroused because of the fact ! re but is destined to be a con Ploved al Middietasy, Ya H 3 Rufus Williams, Julian, R. D Admitted » William Krape, How- nounced this week. that Conacher was once a student at tinuing operation in peace time y , fh wittien Wricht / ard, RR D. 2: James H. Mitchell The holidays are Memorial Day, the Bellefonte Academy. He attend wding to a statement made by gS po) of Gout 10 ha Lif Thursday of last week. State College. R. D. 1 May 30; Independence Day, July 4; ed the local preparatory schoo] In official of the company which last Fechnical Institute, Glendal Primm Admitted Mrs Isabel McCool Discharged : Mrs, Walter Simonds, Labor Day, September 4 Armistice 1923 and became a powerful factor Week was granted $500000 by the on Pebruary 8 1944, at the Lubbock Bellefonte, R. D. 1 State College. | Day, November 11: Thanksgiving, in the success of the Academy ele- Defense Plant Corporation, a sub- Army Alr Fleld, Lubbock, Texas, he yoharged Mrs. Earl Gehret, Births: a daughter to Mr. and November 30: Ohristmas, December ven, although he knew more about sidiary of the wconstruction Pin. received his pilots’. Wnga and Was pajefonte, R. D; Carl Ream, Pleas- | Mrs, Prank J. Tressler, State Col- 25: New Year's January 1. the Canadian than the American ance Corporation Cpmmissionsd 48 £Ad J eek tant ant Gap lege, R. D. 1; a son to Rev. and Stores and business places will ob- | version of that game Present plans eal the erection TOHowing the ceremony a Fecepllon| Admitted Thursday and discharg- Mrs. Ronald GO. Roup, Boalsburg. [serve Wednesday afternoon closing ‘ i resent plans call for the erection ..4 dinner was served at the Of- od Saturday: Mike Jurkovich, Belle - There were 42 patients in the hos- during June, July, and August. The | Conacher entered the Academy at Of modern mining butidings, inclod- ficers Club. The happy couple Is re- | fone, R. D. 1. {pital at the beginning of this week. half holidays will not be observed | the sugg of the athletic direc. hh. Bee ope, ar siding at 2705 Duncan street, Col-| me M am .- ! “i the Wednesdays belore holidays, tor of one of the leading American 28°. OICe DI « Wash mt *lumbia, 8. C es universities, to complete credity re. fort facilities for employes, a three —., | After a breakfast held at the Brock: 1043, will return to his duties at Pol- | War of Be war Ahere are Americans quired to gain aftuitkion into a uni- or win Hoag and a De Capello—Osman, |erhoft Hotel for the wedding party Joksville Field, New Bern, N. C. | yhose main interest Is in the pen- | versity. Bince his Academy days he| The operation is sponsore en - yom h- and members of the couple's fami- | | nant races, has received letters from 25 univer- War Produltion Board for the De- _— ry Saruh 10ults < aE Sigh ha they left on a a days’ | Heads Committee i sities and has beén rated tops In all fense Plant Corporation. Temporary | ©" pl foto and Plo. Walter B. | wedding trip to New York Oity. The| Bellefonte Chamber of Commerce | branches of sports offices have been opened a 106 West Capello, USMC, son of Mrs. Kate bride, Who was escorted to the altar 0fMials announced this week that He has suffered forty fractures |BeAYer avenue, State Co As ANd capello, of Steelton, were married at [by her father, wore an ivory satin William W. Sieg, of Bellefonte, has and nearly 500 stitches have been re. Permanent offices are to be estabs yy "uier Saturday morning in the gown with val lace edging a sweet. |boen named chairman of the County | ,. {lished near the mining operation. | ittee 1 Economic Develop | If your - [Maha tn, ssf hung. quired ] t rat he Bellefonte Evangelical church with | heart neckline, tapering sleeves and Comm or and i 10 Close tlie aa erations Yet! Production of ore Is expected 10 pov 1H. Jucobs officiating, Russell long bodice. She wore ® half-hat of ment, He succeeds Armstrong L.| beew par i ah. Ime book, published by the tol, Tenn. hs nounced the be. graduate of the Alreraft Engle career, Con-| i cher FoR ghey football, PWR Within three or {our mOnths. | g),eetz of Steelton gave a 15-minute | satin caught at the sides with small Praficls of Wellefonte, who recently = Lusbert's Iron. Tonle lacrosse, hockey, boxing and wrest-| “Pd When ore once more begins oun recital before the ceremony (grange blossoms and from whieh resifined from the post. ling, and did enough work on the MOVInE from the tract, Scotia Willlang played the traditional wedding (hung a finger. Hip veil of tulle. She - track and field to show that he could Dave the distinction of furnishing marches, Miss Gertrude Osman of carried an arm bouquet of snapdrag- have excelled there, (iron ore for every war in the na peilefonte, sister of the bride, and ons and papler whites centered with | tion's history. | Arthur Capello of Harrisburg, bro- an orchid. The bride has been eme Df Qanncher Coach Carl Snavely, § wddial |ther of the bridegroom, attended iat the Alr De. | one-time football coach at the Acad-| The speeches of politicians abound them. William for the past years and ex , had this to say: “He wag the in general terms and equivocal | and William of Bteelton, bro- | pects to continue her work Ple, ones “prospect for All- phrases. _- ther of the were ushers. | bello, ; who: entered service in hE bd Ld
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