Methodist Church next Youth Fellowship in the evening 6:30. day Conference servi 10:45 a. Mrs, charge of centl tribu ing the month of March tribu a very good village. thank the est and work Samuel] Brugger with home on Sunday furlough with his Mrs, Jar his brother, fonte, ents, of this place A the was } one of G Anyo their by cal & Son in the boro boroug beautiful April 13, 1944, THE CENTRE DEMOCR AT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Pann RE ———— UNIONVILLE Sunday school Mi Lowi: 9:30, and of Altoona, al with pare No preaching service this S8un- K Bi ey as the pastor is away attending Guest this week. Preaching ars. J Sunday, April 23 at honor Watson and spent waster nt: and Sunday morning at hey M1 Ux at the home of Mi: B. Stert Easter of the birthday Charlotte were and her husband, Stevo: On next m John ce in of daughter daughter Mis. C. R Cruest at the Mi John weekend Mr risburg Mr Mr has ive Stere, who had the Red Cross d re- y, wishes to thank all who con- ted to this worthy cause dur- The con which | from little also wishes to for thelr inter effort who has been Merchant Marine, arrived to spend a 30-day parents, Mr. and C. K. Brugger of this place mes Stere of Wilkinsburg, and Marion Stere of Belle- Easter with their par- and Mrs. Harry M Son ol M1 the home of 'alhelm her brother Phil Hafler over were totaled $148.60, M1 amount Mrs, Stere solicitors in: this tions nd of ip oul Basil Robison of pent the Easter season Mr. and Mrs M son of this place Mrs. Estella Parson been employed in State here for a Her and Mi Clair Parsons near Belietor Easter Sunday with her Mi nd Mrs. Charl Bellefon called | relatives in ‘the communit Joa the who it her home now definite Mr. and children time n of ite, spent Mr Stere large moving v h recently dining up along the W. Holt & Son who is hy may ob off ¢ an : aay Wh n M1 Ignway by driver roo! M Robert icked burg i ne moving ling at the one in { CG hh and an 0 ing the same We death of passe Friday very services were home clock paste which and fente. burg! mains bu in the township are extended relati of sa Cut ed ti K (C willl ¥. a NY. and her hu Holts the rermain w am | were sorry Hov d away ¥ evening short time CPAs on Mor in charge r of the Meth a Mrs. Germain American The body wi 1 for cremation ried in the Oak Ridge A av day ev of Ret thelr prog this lina not far tax t : i i mmi friends in weir hours ¢ for dis; ition and sale. We A is ves and dne an of -to% we {une hat w Beent Mrs. Hamil aster of nd M Fairm niece and a worth of TESTED BY TIME AND THOUSANDS ™ The famou forld’s Ton 14s 2 Easter holidays with well known z by A thousands and praisir pent Wd is 2 lose Me tier of Jam {sited past and who 1 with hi ig it so highly, its future and mily and Mrs are is amply assured a satisfied Says cause any wr ning iy. My go. Since being conditions have World's Tonic is skillfully blended in & sanitary, up-to-date and : laboralory nie Name) but as a achic. Get Drug Store or felt of ork to breath and un i stomach bothered me a u World Tol I relieved of constipation thes 0 greatly im proved out of USM : Laken Ham: pathies clentific » World not id splendid Caution: Use World's Toni (J-44) Altoona children | Sunday Mrs oO und Sunday their another and and past ind wile Huar- orning with his N Rob- | £1 pent 10 make 1 | some College, will has 15 in- family and Schaeller of and will el- ar pare le daughter the ns this ister Andrew THIS IS THE SIGN of a local, independent business built on ex- Pevienice, knowledge, skilled service and products of quality. URE! J You CAN KEEP YOUR CAR ROLLING FOR THE DURATION your tires are worn smooth and you're worrying about rel they'll carry ary you through until you ean buy new tires again . . . here's the answer to your problem. Bring us worn casings just as soon as the 8 wear smooth. xpert workmen using the best recapping materials can buy will put new treads on your tires that will m a new lease on life— keep them rolling for thous ves and thousands of extra miles, THIS SIMPLE 2.8TEF PLAN SAVES TIRE MILES Bellefonte Sunoco Service TELEPHONE 2019 All Sun Oil Co. Stations DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALLEGHENY & BISHOP ST5. UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY A ville nung Lhe I purebred & ur Crue Ho marx old | ARM 80. tiny 80 HOUSEHOLD board hello $00 Ke cot back gear alr necth: Lory Le ne welling « yh a5 1 Mayes & Btover, " LIVESTOOK wrk Bb } ARM PUBLIC SALES | ———————————— Friday, April 14 CHARLES EE. DIXON offer at’ public sale on the d between Tyrone and one mile north of Gravierviii I 14 miles northwest of Ty following personal property AVESTOCK 16 head of Holtseins, 1 Brown nde Holstehr 4 heifer naseys and ! steers bull; 3 head of years old; 1 roan, and a roan 12 years old MACHINERY John gon; John Deere corn work Deere planter [144 ut grain nes; 2 spring 30 feet; manure spreader; spreader 6 ten-gal milk buckets; apple tree sprayer: 3 chur butchering outfit ACRE FARM « At the ind place the farm new house of se sniences “and sale LOCK tain horses 8 e 0 in wi Joh n g-foot maciu silo 10 by oorn ail Tes, a ven includin outhulldings, al CONY and barn y offered Term noon Saturday, April 15 RALPH R. MILLER r of Harry foliow] POOLS, Pu ite lumber 11 Kinds and Car des | TA Or sepOwer 3) ft ie 20«f00t a nd Mu tile « mith t but Le ack of all 1 copper Kinds ke nd including tractor plow power lawn mower tools farm 2 Ford urndture of useful many numeruos WwW mention m Terms cash attlorn Friday, April 21 MRS w. MEESE rat b Soult 8 Mor tony Battery t, Bellefonte, the CHOOS range Kit or table. porch airs odd chalrs; HIBDS, ang many « Friday, April 21 Gt HARNER Yi « ale on f itheast owihg items of personal Three head roan hore, gray borse mare, weight ol ees proud 3 ats MACHINERY MoCo Boney Jot moe grain dariil, ure SPT ender fang roller 2 pin bob sie hay ladders. upright «row marker on W% grain cradle single trees ’ harness collars Ik strainer and m whe and manure forks; fF and hammers Is; 2-hole ver and Bmothy bushels corn ears, t 50 bushels or more } clover aced potatoes. 20 Katanhdina Ww oth articles nention it 18 © CAA Rubles, bushels potato oo 1 ooxing 3 toes, mm to or «honk noun auct Saturday, April 22 DR and ETHEL V. RICHARDS yulkdic sale Martha Purnace ng equipment ARVEL cylinder boring max ylone generator welding atl tUng torches. large drill press COMPreasor i Inder. piston aligning Jigs Ww rod Dearing machine charger resnore, ide and outside micrometers, ot of auto parts Sale at 12 o'clock noon REAL: ESTATE Pollowing garage equipment the consisting of garmge mer the gar and uw f Os tate Tern per cent at time of sale and bal * delivery of deed aucts upon tractor buck Cirazier- fone, catlie Bw iss, 3 grade Purebred i year: Deere binder; v tooth silo All. ay Wn | but. same | containing rOOm. one uding ’ 3 hay adder set stone oorn and double trees and IX cans 100 Bushel seed crates mere wd bat wrenches and Terms cash 11d real and combined with one acre of round will be offered for sale Ww le xi6 - H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 - Real Estate Sales A SPECIALTY | Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your property. Past have proven experiences that public sales of real estate demand higher prices, A number of Farms and several Residences will be offered of public sale In the near future Watch for Dates! I x12 | mowing { I I t ator; r or 1thr | Yeary pounds each fa gar } will Pa Saturday, April 22 R. KR. RANDOLPH offer for sale at Pine Grove Mills the following personal property * HOUSEHOLD GOODS — 6 dining oon chaldrs, 2 carpets; 0 washstands, rugs; 2 extension tables; machines; 2 wood beds; wardrobe, 2 spool beds; good as new; sulle; cook stove, woodon settee, rocking chairs; Vi rik irensers 3 1eatrolns, ving room } work tables; r settee; 0 yoard, corner cupboard; porch swing: 0x18 rug: 9x12 sot dishes; studio couch; leath- chair leather rocking chalr: tabblos: 4 fron beds, and othe: not mentioned { at 1 pp. m. sharp Har puter, ues, t sink; | leath- side. * WE ( ary articles Sale H. L thie Friday, April 28 , WwW. R. STONER { offer at publi { between Boalsburg the following teu sale alon and of Poti Person I e Two wsprrel 1 ) i i Cuernsey oow yy time of sale with mon Lhe i bull I ud old FARM MACHINERY 1 Conk Wagon wil box, Conklin vith ladders: Syracuse walking spike harrow dump raxe COT I n wayo t plow Pp ¥ 1 role pt Au ment 430 ii be ngelical WON noon. Terms served } church Smith, auct i Saturday, MES. EMRO } POCHIPRA : personal Fo C b | | Brazil, {employed PY 11043 ther. Murs at State College writing desk, 'o and ice refriger- in the I Saturday Jones’ ute F Graham, Murs Station I AWArae bey te a BOALSBURG (From week) CGioheen has returned South America, where he an engineer since May He spent Friday with his mo- Mrs. Mary 8, Goheen, Sunday, Goheen wag the guest of Mi Mrs. R. A. Goheen and family last RA from ws wid The Junior Guild of hurch will hold their annual sale if Easter flowers, Friday, April 1, Saturday, April 8 from 1 to 7, 0, 0. F. store room Rev. and Mrs. T. G. Jone and laughter Nancy, spent Priday and with relatives in Hazle- They were accompanied by Rey uncle, David Jones, who af spending several nonths ) Jones family will visit re n Audenreid and Plymouth The Daughters of Ri he Lutheran Sunday school riday evening at the Frank me. Those present were the r Mrs. Frank White and Ruth Bleich, Hester ier, Loraine Witmer and Rev Donald G. Raup Don Graham sj Mr. and Mrs Harrisburg Mr mily the Reformed On er elatly 8 ith class met Whits teach- Ethel Cnr anda weekend Irvin Graham al went the art and Mr of Pine Cearhart cama Great Lakes Naval Hlinots, were mpson hx Harry Gear Grove Mill ana and Ed- 2nd class of Trainin visitor at the after. he Tesyg-The me fund o0on Mis HR it Pe L, Monda; Callah Heart Shut Norman the P 1043, He was Africa eeth knocked oul, one jung red, both hip hit eg below the kuce wepital until Febru a Wrpie 29. Italy North ne wi 0 DOspitals n allahan had Dung and in Uv Now I» aly. Plc. Cal- of Mi Mr ol Boalsburg on-in ana ~law of allnhan nd Pl ngland, unp Gordon Hohenbe co 1942 ent then Camp Deven NY He anc Alriine COR slove 2 Kitchen VE A : GOODE i “HOU pail HOL D caw Charies Leon JOE, A and farm cian tock Up sale as ad benz ae H Harpsler, auct THURSDAY, APRIL. 1 Wagner wil offer at saae at Robert + oe C wale wh POSTPONED The i le of Oy f the alc? E I i b. household goods at Ww late Mrs Jessie M Diets ff Cobur schedule rda Apri 15 ha been toned until further notice, auc oneers Mayes & Sk repot ied » Week SATURDAY will offer ward FOO property at 1 » SBnyde mile cast ver APRIL 2 J. B. Ard public sale at Wood i Une tuone hid Suding some personal the late Dr. Ard. Sale Mayes & Stover, aust MONDAY, APRIL. 24 A Pivir will offer at public sale at the Ju ne Lodge. located on State road between Boalsburg and Pine Grove Milla, at Shingletown livestock farm implements Sale at 1! o'clock sharp. Terma cash EM nith, suet, HM LL Albright. clerk FRIDAY, APRIL 3--W n 1H y public of m Lf and Bio sale along livestock and’ some between Boalsburg and implegents Bale al 13.30 E M Bmith, act WITRDAY APRIL 2-9 Beck will offer at public sale of his farm, one mile west of Mack. eyviiie, on the Pahing Creek ros hold goods, carpenter tool Wl garden tools Included in Lhe Ns are a number of antique Fins and china and some Wilton rugs All goods when purchased was of best quality and I» In ex- cellent condition. This ts a clean Up sade and begineg at Hi May - & Btover, aucta or Route 2322 farm HOOT r Boge HOA Le iV Ba CLIFF 3 MILLION POUNDS OF WOOL IN PENNSYLVANIA Approximately 1,000,000 pounds of wool, most of it consigned for army blankets, will be sheared from Penn- sylvania sheep In the next seven weeks, according to W. B. Connell, in charge of livestock extension for the Pennsylvania State College. who outlined methods to make the clip most profitable. Virtually all the medium wool pro- duced in the state will be marketed through the 31 sheep and wool grow- ers’ association pools, which last year handled more than 600,000 pounds for 4600 growers, Connell says that sheepmen will ‘have a better product for market if | : ; i : : | they follow these precautions from! [the time of shearing until they pool | thelr wool: IL. Make certain the wool is dry| before shearing. Moisture content Is considered in grading and thus af fects prices, 2. Shear only on a clean floor, 3. Before rolling the wool, remove all dunglocks fram the fleece, Roll fleeces with the skin side out, and He with paper twine. 4 Pack separately all in the tion Plc in Harris ‘Reformed church College, Pers ai) entered HEH New to Fort Gearge to Camp Wheeles Mass he was sent 0 and then to Camp Was sent overseas landed in ivasion. Before Callahan township, and was er 1 oe r Pia SCY naed al Wig employed ails time id his lnduction by Begner as ! Red at Wie | awrant in Boalsburg Mr. and Mi: Ralpn Dale Belie{onis were visitors K. Dale me, Bus There will ervice at 6 o'clock In v painter gawn Comma the Boalsburg ter Sunday Ross of State the W E oe a Mr. and Mrs. Baril were visilow at Homan home, Wedntiesd Mrs. Anna Meyer winter with hoy daughter, Mr al Centre Hall, home Monday Mrs, Margaret her home Mo! Reitz home, evera]l weeks Sgt. Lester Sil, Okla Mr. and Mm and family, Monda) Mr. and Mrs M B State College, spent Sur with Mrs. Edith Lucas Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Homan spent Tuesday with the David Homan family at Mackeyvilie Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gill of ant Gap, spent Friday evening the latter Mrs. Ausie Mr. and Paul Durner family of spent Frida with Mr Durer Gingricl with |! wile wDO Is a Leach in Lewistown Mrs. Harry Chatdam of Lock Haven. spent the weekend with Mr Mrs. Frank White and family and Mrs. Danlel Mothe: and family were dim ent and Mrs, Charles thee indielt WARS a supper Ele Charlies Graham Weaver of day evening sister, Mis Huntingdon and Mrs. John and family, and or and Mr baugh of Mr Sunday Mr daug! er gu Cearhar obie and Mrs Mr spent Sund Ethel Stover at Bellefonte Mrs. Robert Hunter of State Col lege, spent the weekend at the Riley Hunter home. Sunday evening Mrs Philip Williams nd Mrs, Robert Hunter visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markle Mr. and Mrs. William Caledonia, Ohio, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Ausie Shutt Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gladfelter, Sr. Sgt Lester Cladfelter, Paul Klinger and Jack Gladfelter were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Hess, Salurday Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Stover and son Philip, and Mrs. Emma Brouse and ter with Ay McAlevy of {spent Sunday evening with the Les- ter Brouse family at Tusseyville, Mr. and Mrs. Car! Wagner of Mil- roy, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John PF, Kimport, Cpl. Harry GCingrich of Camp (Hood, Texas, is spending a 14-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Ella Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gladfelter and | sons, Sgt. Lester Gladfelter, Paul Klinger and Jack Oladfelter spent! Sussing swenling with Mr. and Mrs. | Harry | Paul Kellerman and son accom- scher home in Long Island, Mrs, Iva Beemer of State College, and mother, Mrs, Clara Wallace of Clark Summit, spent Sunday eve- ning at the Charles Segner home, ————————— Centre C Woodrin Philipsburg Ethel W Benner, etl Bellefonte John C Ciraunley, Haine Charles ¥ thur tract In Poller John C Myers, et Huston Willlam owens rwp Harry L ering B burg Btate $1 ux Qiu REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Har! Bax tract In Btate Coll H. Crain Port Ma 3) Crain, « Port Mati 3 CG. Cran Matilda —— w—— OK John Or iida, Ww ''H Mal McC t al 0 Budd C i | rain I'wp 1x, to 8. Ward ( in Port $1 ain ux $4500 Orndor!, et 1 1, Milli £202 el a wean tract "J Twp Allison, « DD. Jeflre Andrew ux, Julian Twp., $1 Bah Aaron £2,000 Hockm Watson in Pl me ours GIRL “LITTLE SCOUTS MEET AT HOUSE tract piendid as- Rossman unping” at There register - held each Hall building reported the Pleasant Gap, Gap Woe Derr Fire- altler- College {Ann Wetgler, with the Kistaries ul M Alier Miley POWs n “C Friday night Liu meeting ry wu A) Tne Meetings ar were 20 of wre d present f ] i ' ni Ralston 3 v the Let Us Have Your Tires Recapped We have a large stock of Grade | Passenger, Truck and Implement Tires HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, WE MAKE KEYS HERE | meet PA. A CANDIDATE For REARS “3 SENERESEEE | a— en, ns Re-Election AS REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY H. WALLIN ’ «} 1 wr . d Republican since terested much assistance boyhood, always In my to irs—giving of financial party aff: time and party. of Philipsburg yedrs— SIX Ves —Was Borough ( served a Member yuncil 3s WUIZess for for AT'S. Was a candidal fon Representative in the sembly, when the incumbent Democrat. Although unsuccess- supported the winning Nomi Kenneth (G. Haines itil he resigned to enlist the U. S Navy in 1942. was Hee, 111 Lid candidate In 1942, conducted aggressive campaign and won the election against strong Democratic opposi- tion Was elected as d an Served in House of Representa- tives during the 1943 Session. Was present at every session during the entire period, never being absent for one hour, voted on all bills, resolutions and motions. —Always mindful of the interest of my constituents, regardless of ered courteousiy and : . 1 at every piece 01 mail that ny desk. appointed and am now serving as an Auxiliary Member of the Joint State Government (Commission, which is required to report to the 1945 Session, —W as Have friendly relations wit h the Governor's office and the heads of all Departments ~Have the friendship and esteem sf the Administration and my col- leagues in the House. d -Am better able because of my experience, contacts and acquaint- ances to represent all the people of Centre County. Desire to continue supporting Legislation beneficial to all men and women in the ser- vice of our country. —Am asking for a second term, which in the past has always been conceded. The records will show that previous members have served two terms or more. NOMINATE JH WALLIN [] THIRD PLACE ON BALLOT
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