Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. CENTRE HALL NEWS ! Vednesda t Musser and daughter, on Rock Spring ted on ments were set with Mt Mu 1 1504 Goodhart Harry Billy Potter | With'R urned to for a weekend : Monday from the or ’ N 16111 tal wu ee ) guest of M1! i |! tal where 41 Mrs. Ralph Isabel, of Saturday Mrs. F Potter his aunt Easter were her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John a 1 Garver of Centre Hall R i M1 rry Chatham of Fleming- Ira Whitem ng son i | visiti M1 Oak Hall vening ved during the soclal and der Sharer of Centre her home Centre County un lerwent an tomy NL Ol thie Inst parent Cieorge Rim Martin vas called home illness of her Avis, Mrs itbstituted for Mis f «town relatives and ho attended the funeral of Wednesday Mary Kennedy Bruce Mi Robert Si and Mrs. Edward Wil John, Mr. and Mi Mrs. Scott William 1 Of Bee Hye in it friend Mervin Jternoon vader of week Mr. and Refresh Hall, on push Jacob — ta a Benford White Hopkinsville, visiting through April until May | {with her mother, Mrs. Sallle Ruble Mrs. White Ix the former Katharine Ruble { Mr Creek, Mrs Charl 8 of and son Ky., an Richard Mann of who had been Addition, has moved in her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. E bert for the duration, Mr: husband is a seaman second class and is now with the Navy on a test ruse M1 Clarence lazer Riegel, Mi Eunice Blaze Jack Riegel called or Mi Clifford Hipple LaPorte in Pittsburg {teachers of Ple. Riegel Mr. and Mi of Shinglehouse, vis fay until Monday Mr. and Mi Jeech with Lim- Spurgeon Hennigh ited Om Thu evening with he parent ner Chat h Creek. xander, Croodhart Chester bran Hall Pr tter High Mrs. W | Lair, Th rs, Rice Petterolf, sons . visited on Saturday oil's sister I in Plea: ant Gap » Centre Hall 4-H Club met me of Lynn Miller near Cen- 1 Monda illlam Luse, J Evelyn Ro) Aarer n nald, Eugene, Har- Marlin Wolfe, Robert Yo kers, Paul Zubler, and Ray Sharer R » he ex ar RHO HEEL Jee a WM. B. RANKIN AGENCY | MARY M. RANKIN, Agent. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider’'s Exchange Building BELLEFONTE, PA. SRLS TRSARED JRE JIT OO TES JR Jee I... a ————_, s Let Me Represent You! It is your opportunity to have an or- dinary working-man represent you in Gen- eral Assembly. For twenty-six years there has not been a Representative elected from Bellefonte or Bald Eagle Valley. My exper- ience in every walk of life fits me to serve you. Having sons in the service, you may be assured 1 will promote legislation beneficial to your family and mine. HARRY F. JONES Candidate for Representative for General Assembly store. Johnstown been employed hie itinue his Base. Mrs. Walley is a niece W.F.Kellerand ¥ V here R300m (00d - and Mr Alfred Alexander rmerily of Mileaburg, are oc he apartment in Centre Hotel vacated by Mr. and Mrs Runkle Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Leister and daughter Janet, drove to Chester on Saturday. They returned on Sunday bringing with them Mrs. Domer Smeltzer and daughter Nancy, who pent the winter with her bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Robert Mushlit, Mrs, Smeltzer and daughter will continue to live here while her husband, Pic, Smelitzer is in training at Camp Hood, Texas Mr. and Mrs. John Schaeffer, chil- dren Nancy and Ronald, spent Eas- ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. E. Aley In Jacksonville Mrs. James Guisewite of Old Fort, is a surgical patient in the Centre County Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oarbrick, sons {Lester and Dennis, Mr, and Mrs {Harry Cummings, Mrs. Agnes SL {Plerre, daughters Marjorie and | Betty, and Chester Faust were Eas- Hall Bruce the had {ter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. {Paul Wasson, near State College. | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grove of | Bellefonte, have moved into part of worked for Col. Theodore Boal on tiers in Halfmoon Valley. {Mrs. Howard Durst's home, teaching In Mann's ipying Sunday | Mr: who Falls, Emmett Brooks have been where Mr. Brooks | have returned to thelr Mr. Brooks, who brought returned to Niagara day Mr. and Hving in Niu emp 10s ed home here them her Falls on Sun- Mrs. Meade daughter Shirley of weekend guests of Gardner Grove Miss Cora Luse of Easter with her Luse Rev, angl Mir J. J. Glenn Quentin ang ughter Jo Carliske were overnight guest Saturday of Mr. and Mr | Goodhart, filled the ap Presbhyter Young Altoona, Mr. and Mrs Altoona, mother, Mrs. Agnes | dn ephine Cilenn pointments 11 charge on Sunda r Club C Homat ne and son of Le- Wednesday with Centre H Dr. Myrtie All excoal 3 ner of the 8. 8 Gripsholm, wi speak at 7:3 Reformed Charge Holy Communion, #:00 ol. 10:00. Spring Mills Holy Comm Runkie of Mill Farmer Sunday Schools To Convene at Howard will be training at the t f Monument Howard and adjoining rural istrict Eve trict is Romola Areas Comprise School of | d the di meeting urged to attend thi BOALSBURG MAN IS AWARDED PURPLE HEART a member stationed overseas Italy on No- Pt Norman Callahan of the Infantry who was wounded in vember 20. 1043. has been awarded the Purple Heart it was learned by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan, 8r., of Boalsburg Ple. Callahan, who was in three different hospitals in North Africa until February 15, was injured in the hips, one leg below the knee, and had a lung punctured. After recu- perating in a rest camp he returned to service in Italy On April 24, 1042, Pfc. Callahan was inducted into the service, He was stationed at Fort George O Meade, Md, Camp Wheeler, Oa, Camp Devens, Mass., Pine Camp, N. Y. and at Camp Pickett, Va, before going overseas In June, 1943. He took part in the invasion of Sicily. |" Before his induction he attended the Harris Township schools, He {his estate in Boalsburg, and wiso in and were pent and son Bud.| Biggraphical Sketches Members of the Bar nr (Continyed from page ome) work wag in the Grand Arm Republic and is associati as serving on Bellefont Board for many vears Beaver's active thie Lh eral ganizing and Curtin Memorial and was indefatigable In 1896 he formed with W. Harrison vient 114 1910 t of Fortney & 1 DD. Paul Fortney. He I. PALL FVORTNEY of Bellefonte, admitted en admitted 1910 10 ALFRED FON of State College, TOSEPH MM yOX porn 1788 in Philadelphia AUSTIN ©O born 1834 in Lamar Centre County FURNT Fownship IAMES C. FURST of Bellefonte, admitlied 100 former President-Jodge of this district AUSTIN O. FURST of Bellefonle, admitted 1942 J. WESLEY GEFHART Born 1838 in Millheim 3s MUSSER W. GETTIG Bellefonte, admitted 1932 SAMUEL MH. GETTIG Born 1863 in Miles Township id Penn's Valley family, ! was educated at Danville C Indiana read law with J Meyer, and was admitted to our in 1803. For a few Years he acied chief law-clerk for the firm of Orvis Bower & Orvis and then practiced alone for a while, He was a member of Co. B. NGP., and enlisted with that company for the duration of the Spanish-American War He returned from the war to Belie- fonte to resume a private practive until 1905, when he formed the part. nership of Gettig, Bower & Zerby with John J. Bower and William D Zerby, which later became the firm of Gettig & Bower. An active and successful practitioner, he was most highly esteemed by his associates He was a lawyer sincerely devoled to his profession who definitely re- fused nomination office. He died in 1033 DELAUNE GRAY Born 1840 in Patton Township His ancestors were of the first set. He was educated at the Bellefonte Academy, Of an « Hege Calviy | Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller and Mr. Washington, D. C.. where he served | read law with H. N. McAllister, and land Mrs. E. W. Miller called on Bun- as chauffeur and butler. He was em- was admitted to our Bar in 1862 {day afternoon to see Mr. and Mrs. ployed by Mrs. Mary Kidder Stuart |During his John Neese in Millhelm. Mrs. Annie Pragier and daughter Ida, Mr. and Mrs. D, 8. Daup and son Bill, Daniel Daup and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Frazier were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frazier, near Centre Hall, on her farms, by Charles Begner jas a painter, and at the Cross Roads Restaurant in Boalsburg. Four other sons and a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Callahan are in the gervice, They are 8/8gt. Eilwood course of reading he joined the emergency police force formed In Bellefonte during the first year of the Civil War. In 1862 he en. listed in Co. ¥. of the 23rd regiment, from which service he returned, en feebled by his war experiences, to his practice in Bellefonte. He died at the early age of 27. 5. DURBIN GRAY Born 1843 in Patton Township A younger brother of Delaune Gray, he was educated at Dickinson read law with Austin O. [irs and wes admitted to our Bar for any political | April 13, 1944 step-up pep By with a Studebaker 2 Spring OF YOUR SAVINGS WAR BONDS IN KEEP YO WITH 57 UR CAR UP UDEBAKER S. H. POORMAN GARAGE WILLIAM | mn 18 GRAY # in Patton Town Bellefonte MAINTAIN GOOD LAWN KEEP UF THE HOM] Io FRONT Wanted! Men and V/omen Who Are Hard of Hearing ng test thered hard. try the sy u * simple are temnorarile enter V4 BARGAIN PRICES THAT NAY NEVER HAPPEN AGAI = | -“ J. C. West High Street J. HM Here's the reason for this gr event: | am a draftee. physical examination. into Service soon. ‘al money-sav- | passed my I expect to be called ng ARMSTRONG'S NLAID LINOLEUM Every vard identified by the name on the back. Here's assurance of top style and quality, Cover vour floors, stairs, tables, counters. We still have metal or plastic binding for every job. Bring room measurements, Can be installed dry or cement. Marbles or patterns. SN -y hl * ) ( Standard Guage Bgimre Yard Buy your Paint now. Luster-Quick Enamel floor finishes, porch and deck enamel, bargain prices. — on — CLINEFELTER FLOOR COVERING SPECIALIST Bellefonte, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers