Pace Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 13, 1944. [Echoes From the Past Fifty evening chool wupils were in at wr were « apartn HEAR y and understand HOW TO TELL WHICH HEARING AID IS BEST FOR YOU Two Basic Types TELEPHONE TYPE: High-eficiency reception—low cost FLECTRONIC TYPE: Super-semsi tive—~many exclusive features TRY BOTH! COMPARE RESULTS! New TELEPHONE Type maamum doliar v nee high efficiency per formance. Light, compact design. Super sensitive ELECTRONIC Type in closest approach to nate ral hearing! Adjustable Tone Con trol shuts out background nomes, Have your hearing carefully tented and analyzed by our ex perenced an. We help select and adjust the hearing sd that is best for youl. All tests and demonstrations free! Call or write today. a Western Electric Hearing Aids ery BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES gives alue, con and smooth tee hm sheet Ny AUDIPHONE CO. 451 Altoona Trust Bldg. ALTOONA, PA, Phone 9010 Bend Pree Pook! Peplain Pree Test Band let of 91 difficult worded Name : | - P Ral unmad ] Adrens Tn ih Years Ago Minnie} « I had been busy for al ssroads at Pleasant Gap, and of motorists had heen and questioned by the officer 8 3/1 Mrs. H. H Millheim, VMI received a postcard from her son lehem, Mi Lioyd Boob, stating that he was in wite and Mi New Mexico but that he expected to fonte, called at to ElPaso, Texas saturday While he wa quarries at Centre Arney mati Moto week at Police the weore ere stopped Jack Citisewite Jack CGulsewite and Mrs. J. E Jean Owen of the C. A. Page evening of Norfolk of Bethe Citing « Belle home Leitzell, of Monday nig Lre I'S the Democrats ma to ratify Let there EO H. Gramley of Forty-Fort, friends and wi . Mi Ray (Oka with and hold i working at the in the court house Hall, Frank E such 54 rneus- necessary to haul on np ca Lon« non relatives of iit be utfered paling it him from th take him home DR neg v Of C¢ NAaving Dick Taylor the late John Vere vttendance wil wi QUATTY ang daughter Faster Mi and Mr Mastellar and af Bloomsburg, Mis. Mastellar's Mrs. J. N. Moyer. Jesse Peunypacker umily of Baltimore, Md. and confirmed by Sheriff Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Rachau and Mr. Foreman son Larry of Milesburg, were Dunlap at the home of Mrs, Edith t weekend formeri of Centre and has been employed at ured nu pent parent Mi and { 1 #4 Hi iy IGeTILRLLY in ' the month Foreman Bellefonte, as- Deputy Sherif] his appointment of dutie uns ilered county nece beer Delow zest: Breon uceesd Pleasant the burning of Ku Klux rosse wa Gap resident wit : He piu Gerald Mrs. Ruth called Mr VEeVEIUNE Slagle and Probst of Annie anoti Ie by Kian, The bur { ' ning only oul ch of th » y ’ 3 Pleas: Kidder Barlett, who [« ive or ! +1) en ster at ul wd been chiel yard an cation that ral eX David A ix vears h Pena ivania freight tation Bellefonte, was A. Gar- tie Mt “ william ™ i Katie jam ( tion ' ' Zali0n LI wna f nome oi clerk at vi an ; aid 5 al ed to named station a Creninger Da ] ville substantial pre tion. ted among friend and ied vid relatives ent both of ome Col mee WW. Hpned equap atest vere weekend £ parent Weaver, Br ay LL won at her home in East Rebersbury Funeral serviers wery 500 gallon wi wid wi Tuesday moming. Mrs r engine will te sadd been in heaith for POT St. John's Lutheran, Bellefonte Re Cla E A t Twenty Years Ago ad M RW My m Tuesda Cumn Ww uler L ner Dillen Marts - ¢ aM Os (E37 and on Dear ummings daugh- mary of Williamsport Mr ¢ r+. Raiph Cununings and son Methodist, Bellefonte tol of ¥ ANG Lock Have: Easter esls vilh were Lhe ans Birrl parent were A aller ; Kam inughter Reahm Jt and ) Lewis al on Saturda Hyle Wolfe arc of Aaronsburg Mi: Wolfe's parents H A Meyer Waite returned Store alter months of was employed Mr Johan Ocker and daughters Jean and Julia, of Mill- Lhe Birthday Party pent elightiul irthday party Easter Mr. and Mp» Mr Elsie home at W aura ing the winter birthda he sis- where she of Corporal Lioyd Mi at Fort Leon. Cpl. Gardner 0 het pend - Salona fe Oardanes Gardner wre daug! and ’ Cardner, stationed J ’ » 2 | 11 home on North ard Woo Missous REBERSBURG Easley Blerly home Mrs, Randal) Lock Haven, and the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lannon and family of Nittany, called at the J E. Ertk home on 8 heln, were the W. F Mr. and dine; f Of Erte unday William Martz of several days at the in-law and daughter, Mr and Mz: RW. 8mith. Mr, and Mrs Fred Luse and children Donna and Keith Centre Hall, called at home on Sunday Mr M: Tuesday busine Haven M1 any yville of hi pent SIL T uss hou of the Sn and and Mrs. J. E dinner; t Snvdertowi Wolle parent Douty al Loga gue home at Mrs. Donald visited her Russell ny Mr and Mr and Mi Homes children Shirley and ongburg, Mr. and Mz: rich, Mrs. Malvin Michael Millheim Ray nome on Mir Mr pent the home of hel Hurry Hostermi Dale Ar Franci ver and of visited Stoves i H [ ana the weeks ’ y SRInay Mr. and Mi and daughter nel, Mr. and M daughter Lor week Kreame: and were Hg Ku Nome y at the home in Lock Haven Mir Georg Monda 2 Bierl week at home in Lemont § Af C3 Corma sed Ailes T"%5 cue Miffiinburg on Easter township contributed $226 I recent Red Cross drive. 11 : wishes; to ada this amount the EEL one aiy gifts will be gratefully receive MING Le AT INS Additional] Bprin vicinity includ roan Hil from Smuiitor hased n Fo M Ab- Willan which he Mrs. Helm from the recently pur Shulte. Gie Mr Mat wit farm to Centre Hal m Jacksons the AD. bott farm: C. W. Biddle from the R W. Bierly Is al Wolle's Store Uu Bellefoute Andirew Irvin from Julian tw ton Auman farm Rolland Grenninger from Madison burg the : Voiga Walker hon COMIY vi iharey Racha fr lle 10 to Hy home In "a Ml rt hyd ft At MILOGaY v _ ! prise part day evening in honor of Miss Jean F. Hagen i present were Mrs. Guy Breon of Aaronsburg. Mr Arba Evans and Miss Ruth MeNitt of Milihelm, Mrs J Bliss Alkey and Nell Hagen Bellefonte, Mrs. J. H. Smith of Mad- isonburg, and Mrs. Homer Boone of Rebersburg her sisted nose quests of The foreign policy of the United States is hamstrung by the pressure of various minority groups Fred Craft, expect sd a furiough with hi _— " + -—e— Justice Elmer Sara and Mrs ami k Ke Luther Smith wile former Lula Dry made a business daught Mr Will t in Mr. Craft Ju { Coievii Mickey swerving a future Wallace, Pegi) ama na the very were Love Neat Connie Woll A ——— fy in Louisa’s Letter : Py ' | Dawn Wallace Joann James Fay and Jim and Harold Bowers Christie Wallace, Jean Gardner and Martha Peter Mrs Eimer Justice and daughter Ann Mrs. Jack Witmer and sons, Jack, ' s¢ Jr. and Richard of Bellefonte, Mr and Mrs. Harold Bohn and daugh- Sara Low Bhiay Janie Cardner, Lois Dale Phillip Centre Hall il for some time her brother Cieorge was gradually improving Dr. Prank D. Kern, of State Department of Bot. ad invited the Porto government that land Dear 14 Why the natural at sa does my husband hate to do me? He A courteous man and will! out of bi to be nice to other people. Le will put himself out for his children he will walk two blocks slightest favor for nn w Qa been by LO visi Rican t and colleet fungl dy Le Alswer Only God himself can explain the ways of some men. 1 knew a man once who got it Into his head that to help with any work in the house wis the sign of a hen-pecked hus band. He loved his wife and would COLLEGE PAMILY LOSES SECOND SON IN WAR Pre M1 Blats Wis Leslie | and Mi Meckley, Jr., son of Leslie BE. Meckley, of College, RB. D. 1, who last week reported to have died Ma 28 in the Algiers sector, and whe the second son of the family to | his life in World War 11, had In the service July 1942 Just two weeks ago, Mr Meckley reced nice been sinc headquarter another son Meckley, who had been killed 111 the Pas thie of duty somewhere in wihicre he wa CIrvi Fleet Pfc. Lesh 1 iu BLANCHARD wl a Mrs. I Hed Legal Notices CALTHON NOTICH fe Dorotliy RK ’ ’ ADMINISTRATRIN'S SNOT) (OCA Fi ME Wq £ » ADMINISTRATRINS NOTICH 534 YY 3 7. IMM BI MERMAN. Be frat 3 " GETTIO ey. M W ADMINISTRATRINS NOTIOL tate of ALFRED PETER KRAPE Cer Ha Borough we ar. ninmediate ie Clalme sald estalr densi ds to resent 1 Anly for . Rs. A Ma —— terre (TARA tre Hal APMEINISTRATRINS NOTH) | 2 PAUL A. VONADA Walke : nal Centre Cx Pa ead lotler i above ! wmving © ihe gned, all persons delved 1 the said sslate are Gaested Dake jmumediate payme and wmving clams or demands aga i said estate 0 present Lhe same without delay for settlement LA EE VONADA, Administee. trix. Bellefonte RD 2 MW GRITIG. attorney for estate Xi pie oof ’ oe Deen gm Thor 0 APMINISTRATRINS NOTICY Edate of HENRY HOY HOUSER e of Perguson Township, Centre County, Pa, deosased lottors of sdminstation ¢ tL a having bern granted Ww Whe under signed, oll persons indebled to the sd estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav. hg claims or demands against sald eslate 0 present the same without delay for seMiemept ft ANNA H DRIEDELDIS, Administrateix, cia Penna Pumace, Pa. BR. PAUL CAM PELL attorney for the eslale xin C EXBCUTRINS NOTE Rl a ADMINISTHATOR'S NOTICE. Fatale HARRY BB MILLER, of Miles AaAecensed In add ndstre Lion ove having been granted 0 ith indersiggned all parece to the sald estate are requested ke immediate payment ng cling or demand CVE ERT stale Lo present the same with for settlement 10 RALPH nismrator, Madison - TON & JOHNSTON xid —— of In be Township of enlale tiers on ne nidediyted delay MILLE Pa. JOHN a Llorueys Adm burg ADMININTHRATRIN'S NOTCH of FLIMER NELBON HAUGH row: Mile Centre mwlate of » dectused of Liu BhHOove 1 ed 0 Lhe indebted requested to Lhe mm 10 make mime “un LOLA M ec. §. i FL CAMPBELL COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS th norable Ivan President Judge Ox Pleas the 46th J Walker of Lhe y oof the Ini C orm mon tf the i Ger RECAPPING AND VULCANIZING NEW TIRES, TUBES WHEELS AND RIMS KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE KS. Poller Street Bellefonte, Pa Home Owned and Operated FUSION HIT RRNERRIM NI One MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. Electric Appliances Gifts - Toys Patents Fountain Service Phone Bellefonte 6851 QAO TNO I WE GH QIN JER RO INE Te and those” {rast AT FIRST WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Folley Protects You From Financial Less. See John F. Gray & Son General Insurances Phone 497-J Bellefonte, Pa. ie - - f r~ - ny Milk Coolers AVAILABLE AT ONCE! In Electric: Gasoline Driven, or Ice Cooled Cabinets, HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & ALTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, PA. A —— C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY \d \d WAGNER'S QUALITY FLOUR A Hard Wheat Pal. Viour WAGNER'S OUR BEST FLOUR 50-50 Blend WAGNER'S VERY BEST FLOUR Winter Wheat | + \i 16°% Dairy Feed Pig Me al Egy Mash Chick Starter WOT, Wa | rr’ My » Feed Feed Wagne Wagne Dealers in All Kinds of Grains 4 \L BELLEFONTE, PA. —— J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County Fw. LL. Temple Court KEICHLINE Phone 2521 have given her his last dime, but he | I'he Bellefonte Elks lodge named following officers to serve dur- the ensuing year Arthur © Li ng ter Connie Lou of State Coliege, Betty. Sondra, Shirley, and Laura Oardner. Gifts were received, Games were played and refreshments were out of his way to mall a letter for WOuld let her cook, wash dishes and his mother or even an in<law, he!DUrse babies all at the same time will wait out in the sun to give an| because of his hen-pecked complex. Estate of WILLARD C. HARTER Inte of Marion Township, Centre County, Pa, deoshsed. a I VB old neighbor a ride in the car but if} I say. “John, will you bring me a! tablet frem the store, which has no| | telephone, when you come home?” he not only refuses but blows up and | lectures me on not getting wimt 1 want when I am up town, Now, the store is Jess than a block from his office and the tablet is 0 be used Dale, exalted ruler: Walter W. Gher. rity, leading knight. Charles Schiow, lecturing knight; John G. Love, loyal knight, and Ceorge W. Reese, ther Club officers named were ident, PF. BE. Naginey; secretary a a, While Stains en Furniture urer, Oeorge W. Reese: trustees, Mr Take three cloths, dip one in ker Naginey, John CG. Love, W. W. Gher- osene and rub the spot well. Then rity, Park Homan and Ray ©. Noll. quickly take another cloth dipped In Claude Berry, of Blanchard, suf. alcohol and rub quickly. Teo much for doing work that helps him, [fered severe burns of one hand and alcohol will destroy the varnish. | Judging from this episode, 1 guess forearm when steam from the radia. | Then moisten the third cloth withivoy think we get along very badly | lor of his car jetted up his sleeve furniture polish and rub thorough-| but as n matter of fact, we get along when he removed the radiator eap {ly very nicely. I enjoy doing things for | Mr. Berry had just returned home| Se Hs? | im. 1 shop for him if he wants me from a trip to Beech Creek and on’ Linolewmn Varnish | tO, 1 refuse Invitations that do not the way the radiator froze, causing| To make a vamish for linoleum, | '0elude him, not grudgingly, but be- [the water to boll, Without thinking melt x small amount of glue in al “use ] wish to do so. For this rea- 'of the probable consequences he re« pint of water, Have the son, 1 find his attitude ju this mat moved the radiator cap while thete clean and dry. If applied with a ter very puzzling. (was steam pressure in the cooling paint brush at night It should be| Can you explain it to me? |system. perfectly dry by morning. | wire. served, Everyone returned home wishing the little girls many more happy birthdays. a WS ——— ————— —- n 's Wl v | I don't know why your a Brg eng A Re oad should feel as he does about doing | unde , all persons indebied to | things for you, done the disagreeable things of the ' household so long that he has got presen . ten used to It and expects you to ae ho wel pent 10 GERTRUDE save him In every way. On thie other B hand, he may hate to do those ® things for anyone but flels that he! a cannot give vent to his feelings to i anyone but you Baiste of IDA MAY OROE, late of Some business men who Dave to! Snow Shoe Township, Contre County, | be polite all day come home at night | P%. deceased. l and take out their pent-up feelings batten, Of administration. a La on thelr families, so perhaps your Simon the National Defense program began in 1990, the Bell Ssstem telephones in service hase & sed by over 11; million, Bat there's ne more new oquipment new. The Army and Navy have fest call on that, That's why we cans KH chvibian orders ss fast an we'd lke, Ax we serape the bottom of the barrel, we've tring hard to make what we have do the best possible job by in THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PINNAYLVANIA * Stretching seitehboords to make room for move lines ond cols, * Making former one ports limes seree two or more families, * Reconditioning all service. while facilities and putting them to use. Nobody likes to stand in Bur it's different when line forms behind our fight. ing men. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers