A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week |; =1 =======| The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County Jesse | WR cook ia i b) oe NewS SECTION Cre nire [% moc “hap | Items WITH our army alr force bombing | VOLUME 63. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1944, NUMBER 15 | Bucharest and Budapest while the Russians are smashing towards the loesti old fields, Hitler’ 3 TE Tn | : IN OR OUT? wo en et ont 200 Tenant Suffers Burns oi | {4 °F Dr. M.E. Swartz, Methodist "."" front but al Red White and Sn As Flames Sweep Home [I 4 18 ° Church Leader Dies; Was 'HE Fuchirer h ; ew Lhe ong: "Ti the Satellites Go On At Juniata On Sunday A i | SL mn Native of Pine Grove Mills ets Wy OR MAYB : he i1 +1 4 | b ~ ; ——————— Sati os anit Blues! Pennsylvania Railroad Worker Has Narrow \ : LER PE Graduate of First Three-Year Class of Belle- “IN ANY cvent the Axis Satellites Escape When Trapped on Second Floor / fonte High School; Served as Super- MlcHean EXIICBION: OR Apartment While Asleep ! : oi intendent of Conference against you ¢ ) \ wri ' x $ : ‘ » " Ss " a oR he alxsend hi wile an Nit firs } RIN m. Mi . . ‘ ¢ : » It Loy Mor: J Swartz, tury from Dickin SNOW or no snow Spring is really voung baby who were visiting rela- hippo 1 wnkened i x } 4 a. { 4 ; native of Cent ount aiid a man Drew University at les in Brooklyn--fo he tiv in Huntingdon, W » Grove, "Nelghlx neighbor.” She of | the y p . oF I of innumerable accomplishments in Master of Art foreman of the westbound fireman wh ckly 1 MIM in : ! a Methodist church work ied Sunday College and he of the Pennsylvania railroad, suc i in getting the flam } fy . : ; 3 Be ; oo in York follo to sleep Saturday night on the der control » ’ oR i a was 76 1 [ was damaged Hey at his home in Juniata he building. whi s awakened some time during (4 the extent of about $1500. was the 4 » ha 1h \ Grove wal i Kissed her ice and disappeared with her pocketbock containing $50. Some . i. ow | / " A 3 people will do ANYTHING for mon- After calling for ald, Mi Grove shortly alter the arrival 7 am ] } 4 er dashed through the flames to the Rl pi prep school w q i ; : : : hall and made hi way to the street Th ause of i has not yet 4 5 a matric lat y h He, the Tow napkin r lapkins: are now being Bit or burns of the » maa " . RoGP r burns of Ui inated on u was g spital morning to find flames 4,01 rick dwelling owned by EA 5 - Now 1 swell shruary 17, 1868, and wi ducated iden MOVIE REVIEW all directions and cul- null. who lives ot we first floor He : 3 § , ’ in t Arst three-yveat g to be Lees is means of escape » time but got home g with which he Need another vear inception Doctor Swart wife, the former NM made smalie fith the size POT" |q4..c ang forearm n tl 1d the fy tions vou wet these days © : . : % n hall and t : : was 1 iy'l Annie Whippo, wi , : home with her aged AND with th hortage linen ! {ne nearby where the fire SO acute, a u 1 n ; ol Unive . : ' b ) a pastorate was the combined st ————————————— - WOULD comfort, has to « Lin at a a ees A ———— ! : i Falrview-Marysvill ] . 4 ells wit his own towels linen, writing ¥ 3 ‘ . Cc Aide pavers, fr mie mio 7 16 Billion Goal Set 3 o amet Sprimienten | Nittany Track 4p er to the hotel pr ielor from Lh . \ : y opewell,” Shippensburg. Patton * a neighborhood Congressman Heroism Medal For Fifth War Loan 9 > » ARUDERS Ni phens ar Pa dh Team Training - Ry and York prior wo 1017 "when he wa QUIZ KIDS Harvey Fishman, 13 oi . . ; ' : JBL ia : od i Conference | — and Ruthie Duskin, 9, told Boston Blair County Man Commended I Se aL I ol , Bureau of Public Relations U. 8. War Department uperintendent the Harrisburg Strength Will Be Concentra- wewspapermen they wete “engaged.” . 1 " asked to loan the government $6.- SEE T 5 ’ » £9 "re is } acterigti istrict for the first tim "allowing . i wpa er 1¢ nt ey v we ngaged. by Pastor and Congrega- 000:000,000 between June 3%.aud Jois SEE THIS BOMB BARBER POLE? Here is a characteristic , iv F ted Almost Completely And we thought the Quiz Kid nev : ‘ BR te task thm Yeomans 1 3 000.000.0( \ scene at the Warhawk Barber Shop on an island base somewhere in dy : i . all the answers! tion of Church 8 to meet the record $16 A ad f > i in successive order, secretary of th in the Sprints goal set for the country’s fifth war the South Pacific. It affords tonsorial service for an entire Army Washington area ii , A DEAN at the University. of r» Blai ee farmer. | 1080 Air Force squadron. The barber is Corporal orge Longfellow, | movement, secretary of anntvivania chime } 2 need the J air unty truck farmer, : m mend relar : rack Coach . ! PF vo 1 Co gh used o 4 ragner. of Eldorado! Secretary Morgenthau in announ-| *R. D, 1, St. Joseph, Michigan. His customer is Corporal Robert W. |vania district in the inter-church pecun the tas Tsstliasn cad | { gay en Denis : en neighbor's cing details of the mammoth fin- Morgan, Los Angeles, California. A bomb, properly p ed, serves |¥orld movement and editor of the giuie try win for the outdo ICEL CREAM MusU3 n rg od gas from drowning at the risk « wing operation recalled that in- Washington Christia: ¢ : : ge » ’ po as an attractive sign in front of the shop. : : awarded a ¢ als subscribed $5,309,000,000 Washington ross bv ation of the January-February fourth In 1826 he » THE Los Angeles police dept. has , ’ of Whadict | WAr loan and added. “We are a started a course In public SPEAKINg| muri 1 the eflorie made ne the ing more than ever betore because | B@llefonte Man's Missing Lad Found |: x for its patrolmen. Never can tell! community : wccessful., he is inlthe treasury must borrow a great Hi . > rs later he returned to Harrisburg orion red wen ther talet wut jurking y _— \ ieal of wy this vear to keep t for his second tWO-VEar 1erm as SUD | eur sp when there's a alent scout IUTKIDg. | porn” carmerie weal for bras. deal of money this year to keep he | Car Hits Woman Safe in Mountains two-year term as sup- | pi going.” “We will need more erintenident of the Central Pennsy h ITALY, Texas (see—Texas is even ery ur going eg nos s— i VAdiE Comlonrte ‘lable. Other il y than twice as much as we can ex- . Vania TLeeTIN Jot ¢ ME Cs sig enough to hold jtaly) he ne T™ chil _— "HH “1 6% op i nel N . dpe . : % gain y + . Jone of M Ca vi prio’ old 1 iy) AS &, 1 The child. Margaret Anne Clifford, | oct to get in taxe ne declared. Involved in Accident at Lock Searching Party Find Boy rom 1932 until he retired in 1939, | C0 Co) ather-draft inductee. He's only i= a daughter of Mr seph Clif- he served as Dastor of the Nes v 100Wn hila a daughter of Mrs. Joseph Cl ati H rect . ste since . : he served as pastor of the Newberry ‘ years old but has three children! soprd reside in a second floor |y ut CEG: Sia. oN $23 , Haven; Penalized Who Had Been Lost Church in ‘Willlamanort McCown J 10ru ! En “ January have exceeded 23.000, - BUCH I Wakamspors y 3 ORE oming a father at the age of fif- _.artmer y " taener hams ab : : 9 Wo merly competed pecoine o ‘iantiv liking it! Jn Fane Oo. ae Wagne; Sy At 000,000 “with the critical phases of £20 for 24 Hours Honored by Dickinson Ren a bh a See 9014 ndale avenue in Eldorado.|ine war still ahead of u pe— . In addition to the degree: and broad jum: SPEAKING of children, Henry JO dilora, 1s in the ( iid, ————————————— Monday's Lock Haven Express se Pour-year-old Donald Cus { tained before the turn of N= the football ier Kaiser denies that it was his pep atilending my t school Neil Shay, 28 i liefor wa “hambersbus was found lat " _. a3 pie y py tall: for speeding up production thatiat whinglon ¥ Moth r Finds Bab break away produced one set of quadruplets and yuring the hig Mare € . vy afternoon at a hearing at poll unty, nearly 24 hours after : Former Treasurer SA Ri one trio of triplets within 24 hoursise aargaret nne tumbled into the 5 h d c b us or reckless ng and going andere nto the tangled us . I the dist N +1 Ton » a (Th o p A 4 " " n 8 JANA at the Sloane Hospital in New York | stream which runs behind the Wag-| mot ere mn ri throug! red ligh iday evening brush of Sever tountal from a Dies Suddenly stays will be NOW that Charley Chaplin has ber barn. The mother had allowed a 7 — : when his car struck and inpred Mr cal ir whery fami ¥ 1 gM Namsport and Phil Jones Drexel wright, of been acquitted of violating the Mann the little girl to accompany Mr. and! Second Time in Three Years Blanche Morris, of Main street an Easter reunio ak 3 \ 1 Hill telephone Act-and Wayne Lonergan escaped Mrs, Wagner tp the barn f Couple Have Similar ! Shay who was traveling east ou! She child, bis clothes wel, aud AOC Haven Man, 79, Was ay — a the hot seat with a 20-vear to lille The child disappeared and In » i" Main street, told police he stopped Nit Lands and arms badly scratched Former Slate Insurance lrw . . : 150 YEARS: “ : hy : nt o ‘qv Wl = Ex rience as soon as he could find rking by bers. was found or n old log- “ | 0 SERVICE MEN This corner second a suggestion sentence, we can go back to the few moments was swept down “Xpe a on as i RIG Hind A parking - atl an oud 0p | END CHESS GAM) 1. T1 Mitchel efor " - ! by J. Thomas Mitchell Ii 17 “the meaning ih wanna send your boy to college and 18 a good bet In Yeo Of i Cecil Deutschie, Wii- front pages again and read what's stream. The water flowed so swiftly a———— place, after hitting the woman, and ging road near Woodland, a Mifflin Inspector a, i cooking with the war that Mr. Wagner was forced to run hen Mrs. Gladys Barto, wife of | When he finally arrived at the inter. county rural settiement, by two high ———— ! is 3 75 vards or more below the spot aymond Barto, Williamsburg, Blair | seclion of Main and Vesper street choo! Boys 0 were rejoining the arry G. Shearer, 79. former reas. where the child had fallen in to ty, Saturday morning found her Where the accident occurred, he search for missing boy at the yres the City of Lock Haven and ently make her rescue certain. He waded ; ks-old son dead in his crib, | found Mrs. Morris being placed in {Or MADY years a Blate insurance ir 0 } 1 | ae | wn the ocd such infortun a taxi Between and er H 5 4 spector, died suddenly vv rtain deat! en for the mother ir h The police had | n fur } tl ouring u inderbrush {f Sand moming of & heart attack the Mercy hos- | pa yea license number th vhich i broad mountains near n- home. 214 North Vesper street ’ le opliance of he ward Barto. died of if. | struck Mrs. Morris As soon as they | wood ims mmtingdor unt Mrs. Shearer is a patient tl . Aka J : y : 4 gi i =k NIKE JOB COVETR ring nol focation it having been fot with | learned the identit { th river at the Li Donal as found som xk Haven Hospital with Ay Aun Ba i called poli authorities : n mil from where he became hip and during her absence fro nniversar GOEBEBELS announ German mother who dren will get the - into the icy water and snatched il efled r. Wagner 1 ri ly face buried in a pillow. The minor injurie : hands and one! ther stated that she cared for the lefont find out whether or not Scparaied from his brother Eugene home a neighbor, Miss Hattie Poor knee infant at about 4 a. m. and gave him | the Car was at hom he car was Lun r.. abou m. Sunday man, had been coming in to prepare On Palm Sunday following th bottle. She went back to bed and | © wi u ont i nd § ; meals. When she came to the fivorces on services, Rev. B. L. Stenger, pastor | Was up again at 7:30 a. m. The baby nome on Thursday she found Mr : eh Mrs. Mar- of the Fifty-eighth Street Methodist | would only sleep when lying on his in Shearer on a couch. He complained |'3¢ WAJES In Fe Ta aT Hisreh 11 Ar fox or se fOOPY rel stomach 8 the wother ad am [#1 : | R " Peoria, Ill, She Siiureh, call d MEA Agnes R ya, Jotuas aM Boy 8 moth ; : “ Pi | was still missing of the impending induction into the over him. When she called him to wi en the gan e sis and rained d both trained by congregation. congratulated him and) some manner the infant ned breakfast he falled to respond ans ae fas in Meyer Va. her husband to ignore her at the presented the cross. He also made | head and when the mother went to and he agreed to come | Af he found him Hn nscious Bhe wh Ee oo hn he a t 10 a. m. she found him dead. '0 Lock Haven for a hearing Satur wn the t wothers did not re. CAlied a physician, but he was Gead| = **= Jb (Hy HE i presem afternoon Morris, who is tum after wmlf -hou when the doctor arrived. Mr. Shear. #7 arieili was al home a half -hous taut 4 of the avem so nobody we] forgot to " nl s A trae § nia of feeling cold and she put a blanket PWRCE Quring he Du r aris inner tabi and vice-verss an announcement concerning the ef- him a forts made to have the Carnegie The child who was found dead ind the . rv Rat 3 ! treated at th CATE started lokine . " : wil sh UY survivor medal awarded to Mr. Wagner labout three years ago died of a - r “ ‘| | arent tat we for them 1e onl irvi ospital Py wl ¢ whose y _— -— - pi } ntusions ag \ nd ( | heart condition, it was said Incerations 1 Eugene alone in the a —_- Wo if rs i ration as crossing Main street | dense trdess the kinyha Am ue 25 years. Of course none of them SHE LIKED IT, TOO The parents and a sister, Carrol when pit Se anierush of wy gg Lock Haven Man Is ed a schoo LO carry out contract Sk : IMae, 2, survive incoherent from [fright hen he - ed to Camp Polk 4 wi n ms geons believe that + wv fg Her first week in this country Miss ; > recovered his voice Eugene said they Struck by Automobile euvers with the mored Divi- will return Odette Hector, of Costa Rica, ate J h became separated while walking to- Enchimn Yom 4 is atetage al TT |] . e ss —————— gion when he wrot 0 the case | BLAMES Lo LARIES onls . cake becatise : . ose Intorre Head ward a mountain stream ¢ o . - sion n he wi : be. ne ‘ LOW SA! ARIE " Ri bce cream and cake a on ok | Appliance Dealers Pay Pp $ had Fry th ain Saeam ome 200, Harry W. Shaffer, 72. of Lock Ha-! The two Army men have start entered the Ix wo B ’ y Roar Bo po ae A cotlld ft on A ut in ot $35 St Local Moose Lodge psi th the cabin ven, suffered a severe laceration of a sex hid game J partment of education and psychol- enough English to Mase Ge a ,000 Al ar amps . - ——— the scalp and shock after be was finish in less tim r ogy at the Pennsylvania State Col- restaurants. Miss Hector afer en- ! = 5 k ked down by r driven bs Rad i ’ " " , ’ : Sy Joseph Intorr { State College 14 : nocked down by a car driven by the first LOAN FUND AIDS 800 eRe blames lo alaries for the rolle t the Pennsylvania State e118 4 " | wl Hs was G * onl : leg yam Ww SAlpis “2h ed a . ’ w Results to the end of March In \ pplicants Get Edward L. Taylor, at 8:40 p. m. Wed- . I'he Estelle H. Hetzel Loan | OFFICER ca ’ for ti man alr forces % required ) up with t fitwafle | rok ————————————————— Dp Polk of will lv ———— " y ) 1 Was elecled ge not ¢ Belle. — “ w——— o welt of 1ihlie hool ‘ollege ry - » . " ! po - - » . % y ¢ Waftime exod is of publi schoo College to study dairy manufactur- the Swap Campaign which appliance fonte Moose loda at the anbual Permission to Drive nesday of last week FIRST OF 115 KIND established at the Pennsylvania teachers into other professions ing {dealers are now conducting in the meeting of h organization last oe) Mr. Shaffer was leaving the First The newly-established acronauti- State College in 1940 {territory served by West Penn, have wednesday nie Mr. Intorre suc-! Corp. Grant E Shannot | Pri Evangelical church to get into a taxi cal engineering curriculum at the been utilized by more {been very gratifying, according 0 ceeds Willlam H. Brouse. of Belle y Re ry ATA TAUES BA “on the opposite side of the street’ pennsvivania Stat College is the! dent « than $100 Mr. MacDonald, district MADAGET fonts lam HS " “IV. E. Bell, of the Ple nt Gap de- when he was struck He was taken o rk wy el 3 “ry re. Yarn Ly Yuan $1 2 hb ML. 8 ' fonte tail of State sor THR y irs ull-fledged aviation course to rrowed by students is BIOGRAPHI AL KET HE for the company. The $35000 paid A tall of State Motor Police, examined ¢, the Lock Haven Hospital in the " och x. TAaarRAN HOG : horrefl 3 kh ’ p " Others named at the session were: 22 applicants for automobile driver's | De offered in Pennsylvania standing out in War Stamps to patriotic citi- Edward C. Brown, Bellefonte junior | license at Lock Haven last Wed ambulance, Mr. Taylor immediately > \ MAS "HEL zens who are cooperating in this J "™'" idiom dE ha hh ly £ Ai aven last Wednes- reported the accident to t lice (By J. THOMAS MITCHELL) 1 pe g governor, George Miley, State Col- day and passed 14 of them. The new Kcident to the poli homefront plan represents an esti- {| Mr. Shaffer has been superinten- $ MEER _ " : . ES "pe * lege, prelate; W. B. Port, Bellefonte, drivers are: Randall J. Vonada, Aar-! le . § ‘ 3 1 W onada, Of THE LIVES OF TH EM EMBERS OF fH E BAR mated total of slightly mare than 6 treasurer; Mr, Brouse, trustee for ofsburg: Bruse Rossman, Millheim: dent of the .Rvangelical Sunda OF CENTRE COUNTY 000 idle appliances turned In thee Years " fg ” school for more than 40 years and E RE COUNTY Dealers were plea With the re- tl v a i Mi fotos, Stieguie to Brust Pieter, Salons, R D.. Claude |). 51d, an office in the Central Penn- HISTORY OF SCOTI A sponse to their call for discarded ap- ternational convention, Mr Rupert, Beech Creek. R. D.lyivania Conference of that denom- ROBERT G. DURHAM EDWARD V. EVERMART pliances and urge more people to Dou. Alternate delegate to the in- [Harry T. Campbell, Flemington. ination. He was & former officer in Born 1522 in Lamar Township, Born 1814 in Philadelphia comb their closets, garages, base- SH LN ater Rar: Hazel Haji Saas Donel p the Retail Business Men's Associa By Harry M. Williams Centre County He came to Bellefonte in 1836 and Ments and attics for out-of-service ip Ja SOTEATY OF re Nee Shafte w en B ae Domai F tion of the state : : He was educated at the local became one of the owners and edi-| electric equipment, and-—regardless! Officers will be installed April 19 3 wn alter 4 el] ond il- — schools, read law in Lock Haven, tors of the “Centre Democrat” of their condition—exchange them I' 1s planned to have an installing “SW °C Mest ‘ Re yard MOMILESBURG AND WINGATE Many a rough time was had in thejaflairs, and when one of these came to Bellefonte and was admitted While acting In this capacity he for War Stamps at their nearest officer from another lodge officiate we Nn, J. Lester Myers, anid CONTRIBUTE TO RED CROSS old band hall over the carpenter dances was on you could near them to our Bar in 1844. He became inter- | read law with John Blanchard and participating dealer's store. These At the exercises Fo shop. One incident that some didnt until the wee hours of the morning ested In outside matters and soon wag admitted to our Bar in 1841, |labor-saving devices are then re-| The lodge voted to give $100 to the att | Contributions totaling $220.75 were forget for some time happened in Aaron Delige, Sr, was their fiddler moved to the West. He returned to Shortly after his admittance, having paired and offered for resale to war- Bellefonte Parent-Teacher Associa FIREMEN AT COLLEGE he received in the Red Cross War Fund about 1897 or 1808. A festival was and furnished most all music for Bellefonte after the outbreak of the sold his interest in the paper, he busy families who are unable to pur- tion for the milk fund. It also gave, HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET drives in Milesburg and Wingate, held in the band hall and there was the dances, and Aaron could call the Civil War and ran, unsuccessfully, returned to Philadelphia. There he chase new equipment due to wartime $75 to the Junior department of the a |sccording to reports by Mrs. Leamer a hot time there that evening. The dances as well as he could fddie for District Attorney on the Repub- became interested in military affairs, restrictions. Delietogie Woman's Club Sor the The Alpha Fire Company of State Woodring, chairman of the Miles- colored population decided to attend] There was an exciting incident on lean ticket. He soon thereafter re- attaining the rank of colonel in one| Heading the list of uhearthed ap- purchase Of kit bags for service men. !College held its annual banquet at'burg area, and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell, 'and run things to suit themselves, Christmas Day in 1885, when the turned to his western home and all of the local regiments, In later years pilances are electric irons with a to-| The lodge has applied to the War the Elks Home last Tuesday night solicitor in the Wingate region bu later found out differently. 'Irish and negroes were practically trace is lost as to his future move- he visited Bellefonte on several oc-|tal of 2.274 turned in, stated Mr. Production Board for permission to ments, casions and Was a speaker at some begin repairs to the home which GRATZ ETTING lof our commemorations of the day. . |Qewalt. Mrs, William Rachau, Mrs. Born 1785 in Phildelphia He died in 1854 ket, for electric irons are practically | wri John Henry Frisell, perennial C. W. Blair, Ms. Frank " H none-existent. Major appliances will await the decision of the gOV- toastmaster at Alpha festivities con- Mable Yeager, and Mrs, ¢ was a descendant of the well M. WARD FLEMING which were “swapped” include 350 ernmental agency ducted the brief program. Tribute ver, and total contribu were ; | argument with some time. Some of the battlers were had prepared pretty well marked up, as stones for the “invasion.” land clubs were flying in all direc. EE 1H well known Gratz families of that| of Bellefonte, admitted 1908, a washers refrigerators 100 - was APPro x city, who were great speculators in former President Judge ranges. Jon ast Yo {COMPLETE COURSE IN a Saal wna wingate contributions received land throughout central Pennsyl- | of this district. - - PRESERVATION OF FOOD vania, and much interested in the : | ; not ha iron business of this commonwesith. | DAVID F. FORTNEY TIME MARCHES ON | Seventy-eight women home eco- by solicitors He read law In his native city and! Born 1843 in Potter Township Twenty-six years ago the class of | nomics spegialists have completed a / canvass are asked Was admitted to that Bar, He moved| He completed his education at the| IS I0veviod 11:00 da The bes | two-day refresher course on food| Fire Chief Albert Kerstetter pre- with any of the chairmen to Bellefonte In 1818, where he was pine Grove Mills Academy, started rvati t the Pennsylvania sented certifica «tors. readmitted, to represent his father,’ is teach school, but joined the 148th Kinning of World War II, the total Drege College h n ih whi a aw a Huta who was the Philadelphia agent oF Regiment during the Civil War. Af. invested in War Bands vy groups The students, mainly teachers in! pleted the fire school training Just | most of our iron companies. jter the war he came to Bellefonte, S10 OE Googe ve Pennayl:| service and home economics women summed. They were Boyd Way, Etting was appointed deputy At-iread law with John H. Orvis, [In business, used the course to keep Richard OW, Charles Stewart, Her. torney General in the first year of | was admitted to our Bar in 1869, He $300,000. his admittance here and, as such, was active In Democratic politics, | : HH § 5 : il 2882 fr £5 il 3% sk : f id ] : | H Eid i gEd:8 i i i i i gf fig § i { HH £5 LE]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers