April 13, 1944. aw THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five LOCALS / 4 --Mrs. Charles Brachbill on Pri- | day returned to her home on South Spring street after spending several weeks in Philadelphia. —Mr. and Mrs. Vito Pera and fam- fly, of East Curtin street, spent the Easter holidays with relatives and friends at Johnsonburg. ~~Miss Martha Barnhart, of Wil- lHamsport, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Clara Barnhart and family, residing north of town —~Irvin Noll, of Lansdowne, spent part of last week in Bellefonte with his mother, Mrs. James Seibert and Mr. Seibert, at their home on Pine street, Miss Lydia Jones, of Youngwood, is spending two weeks in Bellefonte with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West, of East Linn street, Mrs. Benjamin Bradley, of North Allegheny street, last Wednesday went to East Aurora, N. Y., to be with her mother, Mrs. Emma Eyer who is ill. Mrs. Eleanor OGarbrick, of East Bishop street, spent the weekend in Marietta, Ohio, with her husband Cpl. Elmer Garbrick, of Camp Mc- Cain, Miss, Miss Dorothy Stevens, music in- structor in the Ralston schools, spent the Easter holdiays with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stevens, of East Curtin street. ~The Gerald Fetterolf family last week moved from the Clair Tressler house at Pleasant Gap to the ten- ant house on the Thomas Beaver farm on East Bisho street —Miss Mary Robb, of Somerville N. J.. and Miss Leila Robb, of Ard- more; spent the Easter holidays in Bellefonte with their parents, Mi and Mrs. N. E. Robb, of East Curtin street, Mrs. Freda Bingaman, of East Curtin street, last Wednesday went to . Washington, D. C.,, to join her husband, T§ George Bingaman, of Camp Davis, N. C, for the Easter SefRson. ~Kenneth Hollabaugh, seaman second class, stationed at Boston Mass, spent the Easter season in Bellefonte with his mother, Mrs Anna Hollabaugh and family, of Bush Addition. . «Pvt. Chester Nefl, stationed at Camp Shenango, Meadville, Pa., his wife and their daughter, Ermalee, of Meadville, spent the Easter season with Pvt. Nefl's parents, Mr. and Mis. .B. FP. Neff, at State College Mr and Mrs, O. A Kine, Mrs Clhatk “Carson, William Royer and Mes. Russell Brown, all of East Bish- op: street, went to Buffalo, N. Y, last Thursday to attend The faneral of a relative, Mrs. Elizabeth Show ers. —W. J. White, of Milesburg, and his grandchildren, Bobby and Shir- ley White, of Julian, R. D., Were business visitors in Bellefonte, Sat- usday. Mr. White last Tuesday mov- ed from his farm near Julian to Milesburg, leaving his son, Stellard White, to take charge of the farm, “Staff Sergeant Joseph Dawson of Biloxi, Miss. arrived in Belle- forte last Thursday for a visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Russell Young, of Axemann, and with other reladives in this area Upon leaving here Apri 18, Sgt Dawson will report for duty at ta Ana, Calif, —~Edster guests of Mr. and Mrs J; D. Thomas, of Thomas street, in- chided their son-in-law and daugh- ter. Mo and Mrs, John Holland and daughters, Jean and Anne, of Wil- lMamsport. Other guests at the Thom- as home for a family dinner, Priday were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomas and daughter, Shirley, of Bellefonte —8gt. and Mrs. William Moerseh= bacher and son, Billy, of Rockford 1. arrived here last week for a visit with their respective parents Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Moerschbacher, of Mingoville, and Dr. and Mrs, R. L Capers. of East Curtin street. Mrs Moersehbacher and son will remain at the Capers home here for the time being Mr. and Mrs. Albert King five-months-old son, Frederick, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., returned to their home there Monday after spending the Easter seasen in Belle. fonte with Mrs. King's parents, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Cowher and fam- fly at their home on East Logan street. Mrs. King is the former Margaret Cowher of Bellefonte -Mr. and Mrs R. E. Long, Philadelphia. spent the weekend Bellefonte with, Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Montgomery, at their apartment on West High street, Upon their return to Phila deiphia, they were accompanied by Mrs. Montgomery who will be their guest, for a brief visit. Mrs, Long Js the former Marie Montgomery «Pvt, Frank Pennington, who is stationed at a camp in Arkansas and his wife w is employed in New Cumberlant!, left here Tues- day alter spending a week or more in Bellefonte with the latter's moth. San- and of in ont sisters, Mrs. Leslie Polliard and Miss Lillian Penning ton. Mrs. Pennington accompanied her husband on the return trip to Arkansas and expects 10 be with him there indefinitely. «Prof. L. E. Baird, of the Lewis town public schools, spent part of last week in Pleasant Gap and Belle , making arrangements for the shle of honsehold goods owne mother, the jate Mrs. Anna Pleasant Gap on Satur- Cpl. Pat Torsell, of Sioux Falls, 8. D., is spending a 15-day furlough with his mother, Mrs, Mary Torsell, of North Thomas street, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Alexander during the weekend returned to their home on East Curtin street from a several weeks’ visit In Florida, Mr, and Mrs, Sabert Ramsey, of Altoona, were Easter guests of the latter's brother and sister, Newton Dunlap and Miss Margaret Dunlap, of Thomas street Miss Mary O'Hara, a student at Mercyhurst College, Erie, spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Hara, of North Spring street M. E. Baudis, of Owego, N. Y., was a caller at our office on Satur- day, while in Centre county for a few days visit with his mother, Mrs Lloyd Spotts, of Unlonville, Mrs, Carl Berberich, of Chevy Chase Md. arrived in Bellefonte last Wednesday to spend two weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. L, McGin- ley, Sr., of North Thomas street Mrs. Nellie Klinger, of East Bishop street, last week went to Evansville, Ind., where she spent the Easter season with her husband, Pfc Donald Klinger, of Camp Forrest, Tenn Mrs. Mary Gray, of West street, and Mrs. Mary PFauble, of North Allegheny street, spent the Easter season in Lancaster with the former's son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gray -Mr. and Mrs. John Weber and children, Kathleen, Peggy and Ma- kata, of Montoursville, spent the Easter season in Milesburg with Mrs Weber's parents, Mr, and Mr Charles Sheckler, of Milesburg ~Mrs. Louise T. Manchester dur- ing the weekend retumed to the apartment of her mother, Mrs. Hugh Taylor, on North Allegheny street, after spending ten days with friends in New York and Philadelphia. Edward Calhoun, of Northum- berland, new director of the Amer- ican Legion and Bellefonte High School bands, last week arrived in Bellefonte and has assumed the du- of his new position. He is re- siding at the Penn Belle Hotel Miss Rebecca Troupe, of Hat boro, and Miss Anna Mary Troupe, nurse at St. Christophers Child- ren’s Hospital, Philadelphia, spent the Easter season in Bellefonte with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Troupe, of South Thomas street -~ Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs E: E. Widdowson, of North Allegheny street, included Mr. and Mrs, Wil- bur Widdowson and children, Haye old and Joan, of Indiana, Pa: Mr and Mrs. Ralph Widdowson and three children, of Hershey, and Lt and Mrs. Carl Widdowson and two children, of Pittsburgh COuests at High ties the home of Mrs. Gilbert Alkey, of Curtin, on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garman and daughter, Gloria Dawn, of Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CGingher, of Clearfield; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mr. and Mrs Mac Bryan and daughter, Dolly Ann of Bellefonte -Mrs. Hannah Way and daugh- ter, Miriam, and Miss Marjorie Wag- ner, all of Muiesburg, spent Easter with Mrs. Ways mother, Mrs. Orrie Holt, in Unjonville. It was Mrs. Way's first visit home since she suffered a {ractured hip in a fall late in 1942 Mrs. Way is now able to get about with the ald of crutches. Terrill Lucas arrived in Belle foute, Monday, to spend a ten-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lucas, of Beaver and Hoy Row. Terzill has just complet- ed his boot training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station in Ill- nols, and at the expiration of his furlough will report there for as- sighment Mr Ne | il and A daughter born Sunday morn- ing in Germantown Hospital to Lt and Mrs. William J Watson, has been named Barbara Fleming Wat- son. The little girl, first child In the family, weighed nine pounds at birth. Mrs. Watson is the former Winifred Fleming, daughter of for- mer Judge and Mrs. M. Ward Flem- ing, of East Linn street. Lt Watson is stationed New Orleans, La The American Home Depart- ment of the Bellelonte Woman s Club will hold a card party on Mon- day afternoon, April 17, at the home of Mrs. W. Harrison Walker, on East Linn street, with Mrs, W. J. Emer. ick as co-hostess, Proceeds of the party will go toward the fund for the copsiruetion of a compuunity de hydrator. All members wishing to attend the party age asked to call Mrs. W. Harrison Walker, Dial 3141 at their earliest convenience Major Austin Purst, member of the general staff of the 6th Alr Force stationed In the Panama Canal Zooe, Mrs. Purst, and their seven-months- old son, Austin O,, and Mrs. Purst's father, Francis Watkins, of Camp Hill, arrived in Bellefonte, Monday, for a several weeks' visit with Major Furst’s parents, former Judge and Mrs. James © Purst, of West Linn street. Major Purst recently arriv- od by plane in Washington, D. C from Panama, and expects soon to be reassigned to duty in the Canal Zone. It is his first visit home since | November 1042. Mrs, Purst and young son have been residing with the for. mer s father, Mr. Watkins, at Camp | HL, during Major Purst’s absence, ~Clarence Beightol, of the U. 8. Navy, chief engineer aboard a mers chantman, early this week returned 'o Newport News, Va, after a several days’ visit with his wife, the former the outbreak of the war, recently re. from a trip to the Maditer- | Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Fred Herman, of East Curtin street, included their daughter.in- law, Mrs. Joseph Herman, of Norris- town After spending several days in Bellefonte with her aunt, Miss Sarah Boalich, of North Spring street, Miss Helen Klase last week returnd to her home at Cranford, N. J. Mrs. Betty Jane Fleck, of North Penn street, last week went to Mont- gomery, Alabama, for an indefinite visit with her husband, Lt. William Fleck, who Is stationed there Lt. (jg) Michael Hazel, of Wash- ington, D, ©, spent Easter in Belle- fonte with his brother and sisters in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Hazel, of East Bishop street, and with other relatives in Bellefonte, ' Easter guests of Miss Agnes Shields at her home on East Logan street included her sister, Miss The- resa Shields, director of nurses at {the Lock Haven Hospital, and her cousin, Miss Anne of Al toona Mrs Snyder Lyman Smith and daugh- ter, Ruth, of East Curtin street, who recently sold thelr home here to Ralph Dale, of East Bishop street, last Thursday moved to State Col- lege where they will make their fu- ture home Mrs Mr. and East Linn Dyersburg of of to Jane Houser, daughter Mrs. Clark A, Alkey treet, last week went Tenn. for a ten-day visit with her husband, C Ellis Houser, who is stationed in a military camp near Dyersburg pl The monthly meeting of the lo- cal chapter W. C. T. U in the organization's rooms in Pet. riken Hall West High street, on Wednesday afternoon, April 19, at 2:30 o'clock. All members are urged to attend the session Mrs. Ethel McCoy and Amy Jane, who recently their home on Willowbank Budd Benner mo of the new apartments Arcade building, West The Benner family has the former McCoy home George P. White, of Kellogg, Idaho, called at our office on Satur- day while In Centre county on a thirty-day visit with his parents, Mr. and M: Henry White, of Cane tre Hall Mr. White enliste the Army Reserve Corps advantage of furlou ing called Mrs. Jack Gingher and two chil- dren are making plans to from the Carson-Gingher East Bishop. street, in the Berardi left last week Mrs. Carson Irwin to be witli her daughter Mr. and Brown Pvt will be held daugh- sold street Oo into ane in the Bush High street moved ter have ved nto tity 13 for move soon home on nN apartment building. Mr. Ginghet to enter militar expects sons Lo SOT vioe 0 go to in-law and Russell Don tat A M2 ALON to Fort the Dix weekend Mr parent Haupt Dr MOE Sis Bellelont father ther Theo We recently received from Earl “Besdek” Kline, of Chicago, former well known Bellefonte resident, a sheaf of bulleting such as United Nations bombers drop over enemy oo War resident HUHNE INnVason ousting the his war ef- pinted In German. Some an soldiers d countries {8 No asking enemy na fort and Are ¥ . | 2 Wpeless hese bulletine » text explains of All Anny a Germ will serve as a pa outpost mrantee the bearer transport to the nearest camp Additional Leeals on Page 4 Work Wanted WANTED Ps safe How M Pa D Help Wanted WANTED--A boy Maye 1H wW.rH WAN IED Realtex Agen Howie with line of slips 10m Red] BUR, Harrisburg A srl for light ho cieaning een « Lewis Orvis Harve; Phone 580 ME —————— —————————— WANTED--Man to dgive truck and work 1h nk yess Essential wa ek. Good salary See Jake Kod Jake Kofma:s Junk Yard Wiggate, Pa Dial Bellefonle nal rid WANTED keeping: 1 wi Wages te. Pa Qe Beliefon 4 a — ——— ourework for on will not pay 8s than $10 a week. | my washing and iran done at the ty Bteain Endy Cir! pregfersad ho hie hind rome experience in driving a ow Colonel OO. Decker, 212 Bast Linn St Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 2042 LL for good gt — Waomag ocompanjon my . mother who is in health nition womld be in a trally located residence At State College. Position would regujre mod. erate amount of*housckeepifiy work and considerable tact and ability to understand an elderly person ul ume would he required except f thiee wooka anptinily, pald vacatio Applicant must have good familie background and should be under 50 Immediate compensation and future benefity will He Made absolutely ac. {ceptable to the right person ite {al once stating full detalls regard- jing yourself and your teleph number If avaliable to lof Centre Democrat, WANTED + Housekeeper and companion to live with elderly woman. Must be able to drive edr, do market. ing and cook meals, : Nice, modetn home. $20 por week. ‘ Mrs. Arthur Thomes WADDLE, PA, Phone State College 3:91 b 5 w oR Sl es con | | waANTED--Man #0 out white pine | paper wood. Easy cutting, no peel- ing; good pay, O. W. Houts Lambe: Co. Phone 708, State College out WANTED--Men to cut paper wood. Easy cutting, no peels ing, good pay: cabinag furnished, © W. Houts Lumber Co Phone 703 State College grr white pine WANTED--Men to. cut paper wood, mine props, logs, mill work. Con- tract or by the hour. Houses and cabins suitable for family use for rent at Job, Inquire of G. W. Holt & Son, Fleming, Pa 10 Sales Mart PARMERS Penns Valley Bales Barn, Centre Hall, Pa., holds sale every Tuesday. Bring your poultry, you can except good prices 8 T. Relgel, owner. mansaer 1=tf The Clinwn Auction, Mill Hall, Pa. offers you an op- portunity to dispose of your lve- stock and poultry by competitive bidding, every Monday Get your check as soon ag sale is made No sale, no commission. Joe Bechdel, tf FARM ERS a | Articles for Sale FOR SALE--<1940 mileage. Phone Ford 614 deluxe Millheim Boome loo FOR SALE Irm C Per Harpste Pa FOR SALE-1936 Chevrolet ¢ ood 0Ont FOR SALE--15 scale (now Pa SALE 'OR hy | Adolph Pe ey FOR SALE--Round extens ood now Sou Water POR SALE -- truck John MeClusick 1630 good condi FOR SALE -Stove wood. two mi west of Jullar ' : Route 220. O Ww FOR “3 HALE Hard coal, all nad PN fa < : feat " Lost Clarence, Pn FOR SALE-Ostifiod White Rural Seed DOLa boes, gown in Potier eounty Phone 17904 Centre Hall John Riney x15 POR SALB--8eed polal Michigan rusactte, Sebago © tabdin. 81.50 bushe H A On State College, Po x17 OA ¢ year Ka shyt POR wah Arthu Lon SALE «ood Hin Ota Lon L$ Cart Bells Phone Z FOR SAlLE--Cornfodder POR SALE One tandem drive © ' gd pas Bydiawui deal machine servi Pa od yo3e { Kolm Belirfoule POR SALE sie with ult ol ¢ MMs, Pa. “% POR SALE--One Moosier corn plants i good working CONGILION ire "and Poland suckiil Parm. Howard R any Uardens £ Pig D2 xib5 FOR SALE--Pommtors One year ree moved from certified Busselt seed AlsO grade 2 eating phiatoes. #1 busahe Fiank A Brooks axa" New road east f Pliesant Ca 15 POR SALE--1008 V-tag yard dump body 1930 Fo rutk, 2.90rd dump body, 2vpeed Poth tricks have new motor Na Davidaon Oscebon M Phone 3834 Dial : Ford truck POR SALE ilo & KEectrie Shop Milihe Pa where It Bas Just been Complies ly reconditioned. Reason for selling { purchased a G.0ah size Pran Macintire, Brookney, Ma xi PURIAL VAULTS Be sure It ia a Dunlap reinforeed concrete burial ait whe you must choose one Made by Dunlap Brothers for the past twenty years and sold direct to you, Dell anywhere in Oentre Soaps hone Bellefonte 506 2" or 2788 45 4 COMIC DUYERS —« Don'¥ be mis edd by attractive prices, when »o few pennies can make the difference of so many dolla. “You dont only want day old chicka, you want chick. ena™ Buy Sig. robust chicks from mountain rm mountain bred, | blood-tested Ww Hampshire Had | breeders. 100, $1200: 50, M50; 25, 18250, ¢. 0. d. Invest wisely, It takes [the same feed and labor for aap. i tmaht OF SUOCEEs. Mountain Matohery, Selonk, Pa. x18 = CHICK SPECIAL Por limited time only on Chicks first ——— w—— $1405 Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Rock JH. Reds or Heavy Mixed live stock and | | ments, y CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week. That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- Considering its low cost and the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com- partment has become so amazingly popular, munity Bargain Counter, RATES Advertisements issue, and of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents 15 cents for each additional Insertion first advertising sale or rent. KEYED ADS of the advertiser, SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to The Centre Dem- itled .t0 a 25-word ad- the privilege wry t ent ocrat whose subscription is pald up to date, is vertisement in these columns one time, free of charge. subscriber will be charged the regular advertising rate can be used six times a year at different intervals Otherwise This for Where advertises ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged. REAL ESTATE-A stralght one cent a word is charged for real estate All advertisements that request replies to be malled to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise- Please do not call at the office for information concerning such advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted Wo divulge the name What a Satisfied Patron Thinks ! I'he Centre Dem Gentlemen vertisement I sold the And n Centre C her an Lilie the Wanted to Buy ad Iu ! r Pe ; : mes JM FOR BALE--Niagara 0 duster In A.) oy Lior Sse wi re + FING Price $100. ww aANTED Por war effort Amandus Kasagy Beisasinio Pa. zie Der. Maadnditim Eg POR SALE 8x clover assed $28 Dbushe Al BOR LOSS J. & Pa MoCOalel DE “ “Gy Abert N 28s 4 » Pai a a bushels Home grown 43 cron. recleansd some White Rurs PK Cer er B of South Fa. Phone & Judk at reed Yard, food Have axl -) POR SALE-I1833 Studebaker sedan FOR SALE « ha oe 4 € Ay aM H Pp a wu ber CX State College POR BALD . ¢ r Loe Be FOR SALE mix O43 Eiectrie $25 bushe bell, Pena Furnace, Pa College 3770 FOR SALE ———— - - - ie BALF feed ai White Ru certified sare of O00 ng potatoes. als me. nonYferroum medals. Bobersaal's QOoal Vesper al EE e Live Stock for Sale ¢ of mixed baled mick, Cer Hal AP y r Phu tye POR SALE Rebuilt Pordson t*aclor Oliver two«botiom plow 4 1) or Enjoy Fresh £3, with ‘mer: portanie shower: 5 8 POTATO CHIPS barre seeds: seed potatoes: fert ALL THE TIME Iper. water hath for eanning anal) sth: dress ahirt see 14; DOYS su - POTATO CHIPS a 88 15 miscellaneous (tems WH Dom Made In Bellefonte R. Whitacre, State College Phone State College 3008 Get Them at Your Grocers - So ——————— CHICK BUYERS Yes, there is a difference, a great difference, when you get big, ro- bust Mountain Range chicks that will live ano grow into profit makers. Why gamble for a few nonles when you can buy the st for so little, We Specialize in NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS 100 for $10.00 — 50 for $5.50 Superior Quality 100 for $12.00 — 50 for $6.50 C. 0. D. All Blood Tested Our chicks are hatched better Invest wisely and be sure, Get iad A WW charges nt Co low. Cone M. Bitner, Bidg., Lock x31 are Earl Lai Trust Have! 4 you need credil m purpose, investigate cooperative credit aseo~ Geo, Mothers. fiiton E Stover, ton Credit Belietonie iu Poultry for Sale BALE. 26 laying New H TOO Repairing Keep your ine Dart v Dogs, Pets, Etc. FOR ALE Bat rahi Miscellaneous FTO Ferry Real Estate for Sale FOR A ¥ Vt Announcements TEIRITAINMEN A ¢ Apartments for Rent of 1 Farms For Rent. FOR BRENT - A farm Sor share ol Cant HO acres Crop state of fertility. 18 Dhature acres | ANNOUNCING ] THE OPENING OF |James Foust Garage Church Street Garden Plots for Rent FOR RENT we FA CENTRE HALL | Re pairs 4:36 P made from wr 1TR4 M. to 10 FHONE M For Sale or Rent ALE OR EN , APES DE TING EN, CHICKS OF KNOWN QUALITY : Pm » | ¥ 4 M r 14.4 RENT A * waled o0 8S earer Salon W £ Mi Rn sng inning) Ea Ra aE Money to Loan For Any WR other 1 O00 taxes oon) amount CASH Neen hel SEED POTATOES Grown From Certified NETTURES COBBLERS SEBAGO AND R. RUSSETS Pullet Black Mir Heavy Puliet At Our Storage 1 Mile West of Penna. Furnace, Route 45 E. E. Ellenberger PENNA. FURNACE Phone 13R12, Warrders Mark Baby Chicks From Blood Tested Breeders New Hampshire Reds - Barred Rocks « White Rocks and Rock-Hampshire Cross PRICES ON Mo 1 As Hatched... $2.75 $4.75 $8.50 90% Cockerels .. 2.75 4.75 8.50 90% Pullets.. .. 3.50 6.50 12.00 TWIN HATCHERY AND POULTRY FARM Box. 2, MeAlistorville, Pa. '® HECLA POULTRY FARM : BELLEFONTE, PA. Tel. Daytime—Zion 2321 Nite—Bellefonte 6180
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