Page Sty THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 13, 1944. - — “ ” . -_ : [ profession as a druggist following and one son, Joseph, in the U, 8. ers, of Newport News Va. and Don | his graduation from the Philadel Army. Until becoming {11 Mr Moser! ald and Peter t home, Also urviv-| Important Meeting vear phia College of Pharmacy and had been employed by the Warner ing are seven grandchildren and the In Milesbur Church and ar mbracing relstration atriot 7 araaoHBead Tis ¢ strict 4 ; g ‘ moi Wi : i i ’ N ’ ISR 8 FEEL . ’ , ii Science, and forty-nine years ago Company for 36 vears, enterine the following brothe: Lie ister Alrs 9 ipl ! g expected ¢ t Ie ¢ ention on came to Philipsburg with the Criss- employ of that company upon com- Bertha lo snl V1 M ¥ } i wr that th } ‘ nerated dur. 8 " # R » A dq drips pi A eho } nM ’ } } insm nos i Wil distin ne man Drug store, Later he became ing to Bellefonte, He was a member Sharpless, of DuBoi Mr George p S piv a ing the nes Ww 5 effort tions will be held before May 25 a a. — R partne und on Marchi kos My. of 8t, Jonn's Catholic church, Pu- Mock. of Hi psbur M1 Walter L bn ter evar tks this nine: wuss. Hd ey : la be ie May Bh } rown purchasec Mr. Steel Criss- neral services will be held at 10 Reese, of Castleford 1aho, and ¢ ort 4 t fn Ale for to weed JAMES J. HESS ton, N. Y. Military funeral services man's interest, and the business be- o'clock this Thursday morning at St Hee of t the Tn ak om x my Fe . Belieton 4 eh prod James J. Hess, two-year-old son were conducted from his late home came known as the Brown Drug John's Catholic church, Bellefonte, membe . ons id a will ed tis of Mr. and Mrs. William Hess, died in Unionville on Monday evening, in store, The funeral will take place with Rt. Rev. William E. Downes of - Martha i | servi vere held a the t Sa Et > oui oan | at his home in Niagara Falls, N. Y., charge of the Rev, D. A. Bower, Jr, this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the ficiating. Interment will he made in at the home uesday afternoon ADH. Si-hiay 5. Musly wi Sunday Schools to YY Thursday, April 6, 1044. Mrs. Hess pastor of the Methodist church of family home in charge of his pas- the Catholic cemetery ith Rev. O. Lee Gords | the direction of is the Yormer Sally Gilliland of State | nionville, and interment was made tor, Rev, John FP. Stamm, with bur- Matilda off inting Inter o ; hi ; § twig A & shaelon Hold Meeting mn April Milesburg Service in he \ idee y Ty ' "ry | — vad 1 i +3011 y 1 College Funeral services were held in the Oa Rid metery Union {a1 in the Philipsburg cemetery Q EVE RINE nade i t) William : i ) : . at the Koch funeral home, State township et en BRS, SALLIE EVE WINTERS artha i “rv A edul (Continued from Dogs one) Station is Robbed V Rm Mrs. Sallie Eve Winters, widow of | Ma! } { | N h . hele College, Sunday afternoon MitS, IDA DAY LIGHTNER the late William Adam Winters, died . - i 4 duds. , ud Ba. a1 hte - Et ——— a {| MRS. ELIZABETH SHOWERS Mrs. Ida Day Lightner, of 281 East gt 12:15 p. m. Saturday April 8. ath th ene i , Te t they ‘ Sontinued from page one) MRS. BLANCHE M. WEAVER | Funeral ervl A were held Friday Wheeling street Washington, Pa. 1044, at the home of her daughter, | J ‘ y " 4 of tance o " 5 ior pos iy 1 ; Ua i \ in toteh with ih Mrs. Blanche M. Weaver, widow of at Buffalo, N. Y., for Mrs. Elizabeth wife of the late James H Lightne: Mrs. Willard Burd, in Rebersburg, ! RECENT vi MOH ed | Y nn president of distri N fos bs. af alka ‘ ye " Ra J. Willls Weaver, died in the Nason Showers, of Buffalo, a native of and mother of Ralph H. Lightner of after an {liness with a complication | ( " 3 § ' f : 10 j spital, Roaring Spring, Saturday Bellefonte who died Wednesday, Bellefonte, died at 4 a. m. Monday, of diseases. She was a daughter of woming at 6:15 o'clock, Mrs. Wea- April 5, 1944. Interment took place April 10, 1944. She is survived by her genry and Eva Frankenberger Rein- EDDINGS or was the daughter of Robert F.'in Buffalo. Mrs. Showers, who was mother, Mrs. Sarah B. Day, and a hart and was born in Haines town- id Bethesda (Conley) Holmes and in her late seventies, was born in sister, Mi: Laura Day, both of gin on May 11, 1867 making her « born at Centre Hall, Centre Bellefont a daughter of Harricon Wa hington a brother Edward B. soe at time of death 76 vears, 10 nty. She had peen a guest in the and Ellen Gentzel Kline. Her hus- of Charlestown, W. Va., and WO months and 27 day On July 26 Dobson resbyterian home, Hollidaysburg band, Elmer Shower preceded her sons in addition to the son living | 1801, she was united in marriage r the past six years. Services and in death. Robert Kline of East Bish- Bellefonte. They are Edward H. and yh william Adam Winters, now terment were held an Johnstown op street, 1s ¢ urviving brother in Raymond H of Washington, Pa. geceased. Surviving, in addition tol! viingoviu i J ‘ i— addition to the following h Wf-br = Fou rrandehildren also survive the daughter at whose home she won, son of Mi 1 } 4 . thers and half-sister: O, line p— at \ Paul Winter i Reb | DOI | { near M : . MRS. NANA N. McCAUSLAND y y Miork CRIROH \ , died, is a son, Paul inters, of Reb-| 0 . IR NANA . Va and l sor 1 MES. LYDIA A. HOOVER ersburg. Funeral services were held |W! mirried oy Mo ERVICE Aly » rie N usle 18 Nefonte R y x ON . . J . . a : * : . Mrs. Nana Norris McCausland was RBellefor and iHiam yer i Mi Lvdia A. Hoover widow of Tuesday morning at the home, with ' wi nd dead in her apartment Wed- Niagara Fall David K. Hoover, formerly o « Rev. J. 8. Shannon of Millhelm sday morning, April 5, in Philips. was a toon died in ha Masonic hon Tat ficiating. Interment was made in RY 0/'a corgnary geet OR he M anna Klik . Elizabethtown Sunday afternoon. Evangelical-Lutheran cemetery as born on tober 4, atl Showers family hr ' bo he . ; AY \ nba . y : . 3 " . { She w wn in Fillmore Centre Rebersburs Mir winter wa , . y » woodland, the daughter of Charles gireet Bellef Ne 1 So ih fatale, " REDE eh ders wad Cor. Alle gheny & Bishop Streets F. and Margaret Norris Albert. Un- pufralo about 40 vears age ts ¢ wi ; ee : orsage of white rose i } hy nl eo til the time of her marriage in 1811 er of William and Mary Crust, Sur- = S—— a . Pin ny wedding BELLEFONTE, PA. fb . (3 ansaid. she y ‘fs . viving are one son, Jesse C. Hoover MRS. N r EF KAN a Hedy av oh to Thomas G. McCausland, she V MRS. ETTA SHUGARTS nd one granddaughter iss Vivian 1 x RY Jane ga waced in the nursing profession . p N p Badman. ads av in iid bo et Mrs. Mary Jane Kane, « Loops =~ ngaged in the nursing R: I en vrs. | Shugal wife of Harry pdmonson. of Altoona: two brothers . y Jah Jh Re a I ) Mr. McCausland and their DIY «ap ts. of Altoor ted Mor A " \ Thon Crust ¢ JuIg, Gis iaaeniy at 8:90 p.m ple departed « wie! hone iid, Thomas G., Jr, both preceded m ing at 9:20 | 1 Al- pn Ire if F ” BE" ate nk: he y - mos EARLY JUNE in death. Mrs. McCa . pips, L ng t of lifelong member of the Pr yter-: ot Cont : . ' 9 “ i . t fore at the / homas home in MN \ h t dAouat.! ol A and v orl. of Pleasant { . \ : a } Farmer Girl n church, which she | d devol- omg ' f y HIMO Run vale) : n ad ‘ y ' y, " faith a0 + Adi # Mu ver \'§ a men r of th ihew +" v ’ i ¢ Live ) { or Big Tup L \ and ervea alll T ey She wa feed 2 A pr nt aing ol an W§ - . A ———— m know of it owen ' Steg laced a beautiful memorial window the chancel of her 1 in 1942 | . ra in bot aatidbwiis a Reith M1 . memory of her hus {i and n runt n —— ; JOHN PERRY BELRY s ng townshij n May 0. 1882 ; SN un wy vi a ps THE BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS his will now become rther mem- : " “Eh \ John Perry Beery. retired | t tim : : { M vi wial to her gracious spi Funeral , , o 4 ' " : Cat Ke $ MAN aI fathe { Mi Pai + Year 10 months and 27 a: ) ! er tn far! Se ; A 4 B OPEN-RETTLE Giant ervices, conducted by her pastor te Colleas’ and Mi fTsC Mack, of State Coll Min Edward Kane, mm : iin Sng y RENDERED Size the Rev. Charles W clay Wee H Boalsbu wo brotl ETS it the hom { his « ter, 245 her In 4 Surviving are a foster , Le. be, EA ' ( neld from the chureh : ‘ Rast jt State Coll lnughter at home Lim Wag Tia 4 wd PURE FOR , bry ply 1 treet on Friday. Interment was made in nton J Toile i it 12 midnight Monday, Ap 10, brotl pmely: 'Wesle the Philipsburg eemete er e was pn membe : tions. Born lefonte, “'% th y LARD ERED , HOWARD K. GERMAIN ecretary of the Woraen's Chri x jamin 4nd Susie Blosser burg. MYA. lane lof some years as, Blue wool Sun : Howard K. German, forme: { tian Temperance nioy I nes a] BE wi) a reas a on 80 ‘th : at Be Lie for » i ‘ ‘ J 1.1b priut 1 "ec Mald 15-1. pug c East Orange, N J born + Bellefonte 1878, at New Hartford ay a8 His ne " OE J Seg A Fy Te on rthern 3 is " I serving a y de wer {8 ndas afternoon at the u a ys ‘ gor 7 STRING on Friday, April 7 m to R rN Y riculturs rea nt his ret Welzler Memorial Chapel! in Mil b : QUAKER MAID or AMALZO main oved OCH vd a - . vent 5 1 an infant grew up there uci WILBUR B. BROWN ' or " ys iy he ey fin re Y . n § TAB E Green ’ ” law and v itted to the bar af rilbur Beers Brown, Philipsburgs © St College, where he assisted officiating termen R. 4 made in Fy arid Be couple will L or Was Ko. 2 cams ce in mari am ost a i COIR= inti] the time of his death. T t ry. 5 two years ago | p : SYRUP p lod he was superintendent family, he was married DILL of the week M : Jrown w bx m at Jer- . tondfs 3 \ hari A. Myers, farmer residing the White tou ‘ nd : n . Senate Document Room for veral spy Shore lovember 2. 1867. a soi = Ins i Dora Woodard wh a "near Martha, died at 10:45 p. m. that post e then {orm 2 14h. jars 2 Cc vears at the State Capitol! in ¥. of exander Wilson ) f and es Wi one daughter, Mrs. Mack Saturday. April 8, 1944. at hic hom Wii ! 411s “mt py Fancy PN " N. Y. At the outbreak of World Wa: riot TOY y y map. Funeral services will be held at the } ult of cerebral Hiemor- ' ' ¢ ' P CW. Brandei-0L Jar c : od wins ' . ck home at 2:30 p. m. Thursday ,, PAs’ sh pe i nd ther LvDes ( School. He prac ter for many years. During i Tie CHARLES A. MYERS 1. Mr. Germain entered the service riaee to Miss Sara Tyson took place “O58 : ¥ ; flored {ive hours eat arge of Prof. John Henry Friz- ¢ af the United States Marine Cory wil 1 R) it the ron n sinh Le § \ Alc ny yers w n of Peter ab : tae tha wat Se ranved 1 Now York jew 3 : 1} a ... 211 and Rev. Otis Castieberry ay ria " Dz tas Alter De war ne mos i: UU with Re ree I i mil "1 : nica in : ft | nang i ty where he had offices at No. 2 41 the therat it of tir n at Kylertown on September 18 iss A i r ir ! where he had office at No. 2 3 the Lutheran cour, ofcating | jo inl bom at Rleiown on September 18 ac sary Bam. dau of Mr SOAP 1 interested In Gnancing real " ’ n {win ‘1 rown and ] h f i. for mat 1 th 63 vear 8 months and 20 y jo! ' Shp yor , “LOW i POINT” FOODS te operations in ew York and ler ) Brow? t { Phil- resider 0 sllefonte, died at his days. In 1907 he was united In mar- New Jer By For § h i ipsburg: Jean, wif { arvey Jm- home ¢ orth Thomas street at riage with Myra Chronister, wh at ; ere : form x o 3 cakes 20c¢ FOR PROCESSED FOODS, ty of Vict Use Blue Tokens and Blue Stamps AS to K before he acted as Settiement Oficer holt { viestown, and Lt ) 3 April 10, 1044, of died seven years ago. On July 30 of the Essex Title Guarantee and prnest Brown yf the U. 8. Navy, complications after a nine months’ 1842, he married Mary Gumaer, wi Trust Company of Montclair, N. J. Princeton, N. J. Mrs. Brown sur- iliness. He was a son of Antonio and survives with the following children ' He is survived by his wife, the for- vives. together with nine grandchil- Stelia Spinet Moseri and was born of the first union: Richard, of Bal- or off>intis At. Pr. Vai mer Mark K. Buck formerly of Un- dren, as well as two sisters, Miss in Italy on December 26. 1872, mak- timore, Md.; Andrew, of Julian: Mrs tendants w ere Miss Mi y iemin LIFEBUOY Campbell's Tomato Juice 14-02 Cam 8c J jonville; a sister, Mrs. Willlam E. Hattie Brown and Mrs. H. B. Straw, ing his age at time of death 71 years, Martha Weaver, of DuBals; Phul, of 4 i nite bridesmaid Beeney, of Rochester, N. Y.. and one both of Jersey Shore. Sixty-five 3 months and 14 days. Surviving are Philipsburg: Mrs. Bertha Peterson nt J tar ulii f 1 y hic : 23 cans brother, James F. Germain of Brigh- year y Mr. Brown entered his his wile the former Lucy Furrie, of Port Matilda; Miss Amanda My. g n | iw . SOAP Solid Pack Tomatoes 2 19¢ p =m Ee ——————— a re te S— SC : : Butter Kernel Corn #2can 13¢ rap Age of 3 cakes 20¢ Libby's Sliced Beets 16-01 jor | 4¢ FIRST NATIONAL BANK NG i : LAVA wiih pinging Je FARMERS NATIONAL BANK ore ss SOAP §'rdecf the Form Auparogus “2 Ie po ony Hanover Kidney Beans 10¢ BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY font and. Mc and Mis. Mair 3 ws 1%e BELLEFONTE, PENNSYLVANIA Bett i te ——————— FOR MEATS, FATS, Etc, IVORY Use Red Tokens and Red Stamps AS to M8 SOAP Good Luck Oleomargarine 26¢ After continued and most thorough consideration, and in fairness to all of our depositors, the above hanks, in wi . : Libby's Vienna Sausage a 13¢ company with most progressive banks throughout the country, have adopted a schedule of checking account } treet. M i A ige. cakes 29c Swift's Prem an 35¢ activity charges, effective as of May 1, 1914, 5 | and It EB ig [ad Calif. Oval Sardines " 14¢ ACTIVITY CHARGE SCHEDULE The reasons for this action are many and varied. The principal reasons are: n West Hixt street. Mr Mi med. cake Ge The large amount of deposit balances that must, under the (Cost of Regular Checking and Special y i» X ” gist for the 4 ¢ ¥ 2 Guest Cakes 9¢ Citrus Marmalade law, be kept with the Federal Reserve Bank, or approved i . legal depositories, the additional balances that must be ( hecking Accounts Compared Nabisco Shredded Wheot maintained in the large city correspondent banks in order ve 8 Wns —————— — COFFEES AT N . Ri k : abi itz Crackers to care for the exchange promptly, collection, and other W ith Cost of Post Office School Pupils THEIR EST b sco C needs of our depositors, and the cash that must be kept on Money Orders: Receive Awards Hershey's Cocoa Butter Soap — hand for payroll needs, the cashing of checks, ete, which — BREAKFAST Hershey's Cocoon aggregate approximately one-third of deposit balances vriting your is far more easier and cheaper than (Continued rom ’ 2 The imperative necessity under existing World War condi. ying money orders or registering letters Compare the fol- 3 rie Ad Auman and Ja / HOUR i i) bag ¥ Zero Cleaning Fluid ove) dhe AWArds were provided n i = lowing o . yet ow £ Arey rilere ’ 3 re : tions of investing a very large part of deposits in | } charges for t Office Money Orders with our Service Ly the Legion and VFW posts . Barrington Hall Instant Coffee Government obligations, which currently carry the lowest yt During the drive. Bellefonte ele WEIS interest rates in our country’s history HSI Ary Al iin. Din ME u total of LEADER 1h. bat 2 From § 01 $ 250 Cents $4550 in bonds and stamps, while Popular Brands Cigarettes The ever increasing Federal, State, County and other taxe . the senior and junior high pupils RAN hef B .Ar-Dee Victo Dinner : From. ¢§ 351.1 $5.40 Cents old about $27,000, or an APProxi- HOTEL & RESTAURANT Chef Boy ry f i kinds bank re required ay, and which ar of various kinds banks are req 0 pa ch are From § 3 $ 10.00 Cents mate total of $31.550. To add to the COFFEE 1h. bat 26¢c Shredded Ralston already unprecedented in character and amount, to which | ampalgn the management of the must be added the large charges for examinations by the Prom $10.01 $ 20.00 Cents Plaza theatre granted free movie Chunky Nut Peanut Butter several Supervising Agencies, and the annual charge for From $2001 $ 10.00 Cents {tickets to all pupils who purchased deposit insurance by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor. From $40.01 $ 60.00 Cents | bond during the last week of the r L tt poration. From $60.01 to § 80.00 Cents | rave . The lack of desirable commercial loans as a consequence of Prom 30am $100.00 Cents ‘ | NURSES" ALUMNI IN QUALITY MEATS current economic conditions, and the low rates of interest ANNUAL MEETING | { v y — received on loans secured by marketable collateral Por example, n $100.00 Post Office Money Order The annual meeting of the Centre costs 37 cents as compared with our per item charge County Hospital Nurses’ Alumpae The competition of banks with the numerous Federal lend. of 3 cents for regular checking account customers Association was held Monday eve- | COLD CUTS Florida Valencia—200 Sine -— ing agencies, which lean on more liberal terms than are or 5 cents for special checking account customers ning in the boardroom of the hos. | Oranges . doz. 39¢ possible for banks. pital, with the annual luncheon dis. | Florida - pensed with because of war condi. | frui The constantly rising costs of carrying on the varied ac. tions | 35¢ Ib. Grape it-70's .... Te tivities of banks, in the nature of additional personnel, in- A small charge will be madle for each check drawn against or Reports of various activities chair. | Calif. Navel-220's rednan in. salaries ath wader: the aunt uf "oa l deposited to the account. To off-set the cost of this charge, a men were heard and approved and f do 9%¢ ges, cost of bookkeeping a credit of 10 cents per $100.00 of minimum Balance will be al. plang were made for the May meet- | Oranges in z. 3 accounting machines and equipment generally. lowed. In most Instances, if a sufficient minimum balance Is ing, with Mrs. David Washburn be- | H Crisp Tender Calif, ing named head of a committee to | AM EN DS We are sure every depositor wants the bank in which he carries carried, no activity charge will be made prepare the program Carrots rr. 2 bchs 13¢ his nceount to be able to operate at a reasonable profit, and if S——————————— Calif. Paseal there Is anything about the Activity Charge Plan that you do Twa Kew Inspection Siation 25¢ Ib. not understand, any officer of the bank will be glad to explain The chairman of the War Prioe | it to you upon request and Rationing Board of the Wil. Certified SEED POTATOES More detailed information regarding the ac- Hamufor: Distct, ofios hes ams Kathdins 100 | a Jaks Fetamimud 3 wan depositors that accounts be cone ti vity charge hed le is av ailable in pam ph- Re aS, ditional Wvek tre FRESH FISH AND b Sk $4.85 They are: Dan Grove Motors, Belle OYSTERS Whether your balances are large or small, we want your account, let form at the | ive se ar di for Victory: Buy Bonds.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers