THE CENTRE DEMO( LRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 13, Brighten Up Your Home for Spring! Of course, vou're not geing to buy new Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, ete, unless you can’t get along and live efficiently, pleasantly, without them. We can make everything look like new and save you money, by using some of the follow. ing items during the housecleaning season POWDER-ENE for keeping rugs and Kill carpets clean. Ready to use, les. Clean: you add nothing holstery., Easy as KEYSPRAY moths, and relusters dusting carpet beet. up- £1.00 25¢ 3-1b pkg. Applying Brush $1.50 $5.00 Quart Gallon BLIND-X cleaning venetian No water! No No drying! Sunshine Polish oil base. C 1 plano leather upholstery Quart 5c asing Only tested polish for " sed mo floors, 1b an be u blinds bing! furniture, auto BUBBLE RUB Buttle Upholstery shampoo cleans upholstered furniture 0 covered with velours, rayons, FURNIT NE silks, whipcord or tapestry ( Also for dfapes, carpets, auto upholstery. Cleans and odorizes Cleans furni- planos, base rene%s radios, ream beautifie and de- ture, woodwork el Quart 3% Bottle 10 FREE! FREE! FREE! “How to Take Care of Your Rugs and Carpets.” A litt klet ] ve valuable to you. Ask for one BRACHBILL'S SPRING STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA ! 2 Milesburg Brothers | in Army, 2 in Navy (Continued from pape ed at New London months and was t Roosevelt Air Field Before one) stationed Don't Neglect FALSE TEETH. Dx on Slipy HOUSE CLEANING SALE Trade in Your Old Worn Living Room Suit as Part Payment. Large Selection of Living Room Suites at MONEY-SAVING PRICES Bed Room Suites More comfort Serfa box now and save, Maple, Walnut, Mahogany) while you rest with our new springs and mattresses. Buy STORAGE winter CLOSETS—Safe storage for your clothes. DINETTE SETS-—Upholstered chairs, and oak . .. chrome chairs. maple Occasional Chairs High-Back Rockers Easy Chairs Platform Rockers Desks - Pictures - Mirrors Decorate your home with M-TONE Many new beautiful colors — Additional Locals | Miss Stella Cooney phia, an Easter guest father, Martin Cooney and atl thelr home on West Bishop «Miss Loulse Torsell, daughter of Mrs. Ella Torsell, of South Water { street, recently accepted a position in the Katz store on South Alle tgheny street Te Philadel of her of wi Wi street wliiiial runmage Young Women's Guild of the fonte Presbyterian church held on Saturday afternoon, al a place to be announced Pfc. Clarence Young, at Orlando, Florida arr last Wednesday furlough with hi apartment in the C building Mi field, spent husband's Belle will May 6 later stationéd ived pend a wile at rider Ex here to thelr hange ock of Clears Easter Sunday with her parent Mr Mr J M. Rothrock, at their home near the airport, The younger Mr. Rothrock is with the Red Cross at Alken, 8 George Rothe and ith Mr: » children in Howa and ford Pletcl accepted | Wa » County A Slenger, student nurse port Hospital, and Flora at Dickinson June msport, spent Bellefonte with at William Stenger the Rocker Wednesd Nos ‘TRO obser amner treet wast veterans at vation taken pital of Brook on East Linn street visiting his al of the apart. Waite also Is pares nts family, srle of the be 15-day | Seaman Richard Anderson, | Qregon, is day furlough at the home on South Miss adelphia, of Fort spending a pooh on JE Taw n Spring street Marion Bassinger, of Phil cadnie to Bellefonte for an Easter visit with friends and was a guest at the Brockerhoff Hotel «Mrs, Mary Dry, of North Thom- as shreet, and Mrs, Jane Kern, of Bast Howard street, pent the week- end in Gettysburg with Mi Mit Melvin Dry Mr. and Mi of Williamsport, | Pvt {Btevens and George Cwpeneto and thelr daughter Miss Madeline Carpeneto, of Wash ington, D. C., spent Easter in Belle- fonte with Mr. Carpenelo’'s mother Mrs. Louis Carpencto and family South Allegh treet Mrs A Milley hte of North treet Easter weekend with Mus, Milles daughter Heverly en Cieorge Ruth spent the Ravenna, Ohio on-in-law and Mrs. R. Cameron x Spri and fam- Pile. George E. Miller Hotveze, Texas, departed Sunday resume his duties there after spend ; a 10-day furlough with his wile former Eleanor Keeler t I dfathe: of C 4 to Charle Molly Harrisburg, spent the Eas- gason in Bellefonte ax guests of Me( and family ister, Mi Richard J Bertrat { Spring 3 ed ervice and oa mM ordered report on April for assignment. Mi Bertram | ’ ¥ | thn TY fray two other sons | the armed 10r¢ daughter *, Of HN-iaw Curtin street Pat McGroarty lelian ner-i Creek OLA Pass exam who Lt. Re Sat been tly urd to Burnsid newspaper rr —— a — = sr. and Mrs prank wien. of West Celebration Is Bish D ] Ensign treet Beaver he and West Co ra Delall ate thi cepal eo been liv with thelr son and Mr. and Mrs. Phil- East Bishop street moved Into thelr Cadillac building Mr and the Baum treet 4 wughter-in-law Bickett. of Wednesday } eased CGontz, Mr moved into Allegheny ert H ! | House { Cole listed In the indergoing Williams - to word re- Pvt. George Mr Mr tationed In Ru Miles April are now Camp Pea ordi Mrs and yo parents on now and ww ngiand M Curtin od hey right W. Harte: street Vonada, of East 10 [ASL WeeK Tesign- position as school board sec retary here week departed for Williamsburg, Va. to be with her husband, who is in the service at Camp Peary. Mrs. Vonada has ac- cepted a secretarial position at Wil lam and Mary College, Williams burg. and also expects to study at that institution. Before (her mar- riage Mrs. Vonada was Elizabeth Smith, of Milesburg Lt and Mrs. Phillip Cronemilie: of Philadelphia, are the parents of their first child, a daughter weigh- ing 8 pounds, eight ounces, born on March 30 at St Agnes Hospital! Philadelphia, Mrs. Cronemiller Is early thi the former Virginia Sones, formerly of Bellefonte It. Cronemiller, a Planned For 1945 ed Mm R poge rmeriy and Capt James Harris, | Revol \ ty revi d erected 17M Lown ira i John Dunlop. In Uw IR ener Belle wa Oy following 17 the same etic In § fonte Por year nmaster built Res hese three x who who towns of Cur 1 f the ifference cia of inhabitant Bellefonte and u the other growing central Pennsylvania. Roland tin. Col. James Duniop David Ir vine, william Lamb, John OG. Low rev. Benjamin Patton, William Pet. rikin, Robert T. Stewart, in addition to John Dunlop and James Harr were all men of education, a certain amount of culture, and of undoubt- ed ability, who came to this section not primarily to farm but to trans. act businesses of varied nature These last named persons were the principal inhabitants of Belle. fonte prior to the erection of Cen- tre county in 1800, In the 15 Years succeeding the formation of the county so many men of outstanding bility eame to make their homes in| the little town that it immediately | took an important piace in central | Pennsylvania, and became well known throughout the entire settled portion of the Commonwealth FFA to Hold Dance tween the came to formed 10% ‘Re Von; board and as ing cepled Was in h ta Willian husband A 4 Lit Mr, and and amp *¥ McClellan ! Donna and 18 Git Hea 5 he leflice ised Nal gi vamping of Tax Records Planned (Continued rom page One) retary olf waretary K gin Ad 05 sed Lhe sgiwu Bupervi Stock was a Mi Vi Beatty Smit} named as temporary secretary piace. Mrs, Vanada burg, Va Who ix I Liu proposed Lo Princopal £ el to be with hes armed forces budget fo: Wi reviewed Final adopt y made al 1 board dei: VFW Auxiliary Installs Officers tary the Auxiliary ana is the Departmen Headquarter r of 1 boll by hal silverware | Aged Man's Body Hangs Inductee i Dein Found in Stream (Continued frum page one) with whom FRIDAY & SATURDAY AWE WILL BE A ‘HOLIDAY: EVERYONE WIL] HL WATCH FOR DETAILS > 48 MAM BELL EYOrN TE Ba 2 -TWO - 2 SMASH HITS ! W 7IHEATRE WD — FRIDAY and SATURDAY — THOSE BOWERY BLOCK BUSTERS ARE BACK...! EE ————————— fast SIDE KIDS SEND You SOLID! a MONDAY "and TUESDAY - —— AND HIT 0) IT'S FUN LADEN COMEDY EX( FEATI HOKI ITEMENT SET TO MUSK A LARS RING THE NATION'S FAVORITE M AND ROMANTIC HILARITY CRA ADO MMED {f JAMMANS MELODY IN A FRANK ALBERTSON LOR GHA a ITHENE BEY AN oe Ltrrn H IANDOLIPH “O MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" With ROY ACLUFF & HIS NTAIN BOYS & GIRLS Flus THE RADIO ROGUES TENNESSEE RAMBLERS \HERY FPAFPPY CHESHIRE SMOKY MO Fi Also-FRANK BUCK-in-"TIGER FANGS” EXCITING "BRING -EM-BACK-ALIVE JUNGLE ADVENTURE SENSATION WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY SET JOR A FIESTA OF MISKAL FIN AND ACTION Frets (OWRBOYS STYLE ITS A TEN-GALLON HATFL} COMEDY HIT TUNES IN ROY'S GIANT GOOD NFIGHBOR “HOW ROY (KING OF COWBOYS) ROGERS “HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER” RUTH TERRY BIG BOY WILLIAMS BOB NOLAN & THY OF THE PFIONLERS Also-Joe E. Brown-in—"CASANOVA IN BURLESQUE" FRIDAY GH Ti AND iN ir SONS CELEBRATE '= ry i FRI. SATURDAY | 2 \ LLEFONTE'S LL LP : - 2 TUESDAY It's Packed Brimful of Toe- Tingling MERLE GiorGs Song Hits! OBERON - SANDERS CENTURY TEYOR ow Electric Supply Co. Bellefonte State College igraduate of the University of Penn. sylvania Medical School, Philadel. phia, Is now In the Navy and Is com- {pleting a special course at the Naval | Medic al Center at Bethesda, Md {Mis father, Carl Cronemiller, of (Bellefonte, will go to Philadelphia | [to bring It and Mrs. Cronemiller! {and the youngster to Bellefonte this | weekend. From here LL. Cronemiller will go to the west coast to report for duty with the Pacific fleet, while | Mrs. Cronemiller and daughter will o' to her mother's home in Jullan! cult to complete. Everybody plans: few accomplish, or the time being Here On April 14 P A round and square dance spot | sored by the Bellefonte Chapter, Fi | ture Parmers of America, will be | held In the Spring street gymnasium | on Friday night, April 14, from 8 to] 12 o'clock Admission will be 24 cents a pers son or 42 cents a couple, tax in- cluded. Soft drinks will be avall- able, -. It Is easy to plan but more dim. fio] TOMMY DORSEY & HIS BAND! abe WAS sen CHAS, WINNINGER GLORIA LENA DE HAY EN HORNE ROCHESTER MAZEL NANCY SCOTT WALKER BEN BLUE _ with SIRCEDRIC HARDWICKE ia Fe fiat a UREGAR oy 1, A ms at i wig i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers