Re April 18, 1944. “Public Sales | Additional Sales Page 52nd Seo. | Saturday, April 22 4. B. at public sale at his resi. dence at Woodward, the following personal property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS-— Five-plece hreadiade set, breakiast «00K set; 2 kitchen cabinets; work table; 2 kite chien. stools; library table and thre caags; 4 ltbrary tables; 9 rocker. § abalrs: T-plece breakfast set; coal stoves: spinning wheel, 10 yards homespun nen, 2 occasionnl chairs, swivel office chair; 2 rch chalrs, Ledrocm swite; 2 double beds with spring mattresses; 2 single beds with - Monday, April 24 G. A. PIWVIROTTO Will offer at public sale at the Jus. une Lodge, located on State road [between Boalsburg and Pine Grove {madls, at Shingletown, the following {personal property: ARD | LIVESTUOK--8Ix cows, consisting {of 4 Guernseys ang 2 Holsteins, well jbred, € while-faced steers, 3 nice Holstein heifers, nearly a year old, well bred; Guernsey heifer: 4 calves; will offer lanother sow with 6 pigs; 4 Chester. white sows, 2 will farrow soon; pure Lred Chesterwhite boar, O00 shoal weighing from 60 tw 160 pounds | FARM IMPLEMENTS McCormick - Deering G-1o0ll corn husker in good condition; MoCormick«<Deering comns- bine, good coikkition; « feeling mame spreader with be spring mattresses; sideboard; desk; |sltacianent; McCormick Deering metal wardrobe: cupboard; drop leaf | stecl-wneel wagon Like new, wil table; ‘end table; 2 fern baskets; | ledders, MoeComick-Deering steed flower stands; Happy Thought brown | hay loader, practically new; John enameled kitchen range: porch gid. [Deere hay loader with ropes, in good er: 3 oll heaters: oll stove: 2.burner (condition; MceCormick«Deering slides hot plate; @ electric floor lamps: ( [aelivery hay ruke in good condition; electric table lamps; 5 oll lamps McCormick -Deering disk grain dri x12 noleum rugs; Tx10 wool rug: 'vonn beere corn binder, in good two 9x12 wool and fiber rugs; 7x10 | condition; MeCormick-Deering disk rug: 18 yards Brussels carpe three-botlom plow, In good condis 20 yards #talr and hall carpet: mat- Movormek-Deering cultipack- ZZ 3 mirrors; dishes; cooking good condition; McCormick. nails; bathroom scales; baby | as g (=100L traclor mower: lime ler; high chalr; Premier Beave | drill MoCormick «Deering disk, ia rreen and ivory cooking range; good condition; d-section MoCo doughtray; porch gate; ten 32-inch [inick«Deering tractor harrow; Mc window shades; pictures and frames: Cormick-Deering Farmall tractor G-quart joe cream freezer: hose cart; | r-4u, on rubber; McCormick-Deer - 8x10 tent: fodder shredder: on ing Farmall tector F.20 on steel porse sled: mew cattle clipper: dr iI MeCormick-Deering tractor cultiva- end bits; one-fourth horsepowe. tor In good condition; good concrete electric motor, and many other ar- |imixer, with motor; MoCormick- ticles too numerous to mention Deering electric cream separato Sale at 1 ». m. Terms Lke new. 1834 Pord dump truck & , a vith overhauled motor; McCormick. Mave, & Stover, aucis Leering hammermi cond!l- Saturday, April 22 power corn 2 hos LESTER EE. BAIRD feeder: fountain for hogs. lard kettl 40-galion Ket - of the estate late of Spring copper MoCormick milk cool : an capacity, like new {our milk ans. milk buckets ers; 160 bushels of oat County, deceased shovels, and many othe: ofier at public sal the late prem- 100 numerous to mention ses of the deced in the village | or Pleasant Cap, a complete line HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — the major items of which are as follow: Three-piece wicker li room suite PY Oi, an Lilig ute e str : cash 1 ¥ Anta Township will Executor ol Baird Centre Sale a cash by of | some on Smith, auct > at 10 m Terns Lunch will be served ving condition; imitation leat! om suite; anizat doughtray 1937 Norge refrigerator: ta curt : 2 couches, dining room sulle et. rugs. bedroom suites; 3 ranges; ewing ma- chine; elec range: electric iron electric washing machin , and many other {tems 100 numerous to men- tion good tiving tique); bles: chairs; desk: bookcase: cabin r (an- J « | Saturday, April 29 WALTER YOUNG at public sale at cast of highway, personal LIVESTCCK ofd. the other th 1 be fresh in July CUSLACLD CGOCDS-—One point electric mange, good us ne small coal stove with NK. used very little; one dining ym uite, | new: dining m rug 3x6; Bedroom rniture; mower, used eleciric chwn; garden one summer, kiichen mall cupboards and Kitchen AE Fleming, the I property Two aoe dh. Bong the lowing item main of hetfer ne Terns / : auct Sale m cash E M ’ p Smith, PUBLIC SALE CARLOAD OF South Dakota HORSES ‘At C. E. Kerstetter Sale Barn, MIFFLINBURG, PA. Thursday, April 20 at 7:30 P.M. » al mos old } HH 1 will Hot. he walter power ) summers, ker, used two MARKET QUOTATIONS | Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co, Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte Wheat {Corn Oats Barley Rye —————————————— Buckwheat — 130 Horses consist of the following: 2 sorrels, mare and gelding, 4 years old, weight 3250; 2 roan mares, 5 and 7 years, 3200: 2 blacks, mare and gelding, 5 and 6 years, 3200; 2 bays, mare and gelding, 5 and § years, pgus 3100; 2 blue roans, mare and geld. [4rg ing, 4 and 5 years, 3000; 2 grays, | and gelding, 4 and 6 years, 3000; 2 blacks, mare and gelding, 4 y i years, 2990; 125 Produce ; 24 Ae ————————————————— ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of I MERVIN ARNEY. late of Potter Township, Centre County. Pa deceased P Letters of wove estate prders he mare, 8 years, 1500; sorrel gelding, 5 years, 1450; black mare, 5 years, 1450; roan mare, 4 years, 1100, having Been granted gned, all persohis Indebt. sald estate are requested make immediate payment. and having claims Of Ajfsnatids sald estale to Wr nt the without delay for settlement BRUCE ARNEY. Administra. Centre Hall. Pa. W. HARRISON WALKER tlorney Bellefonte, Pa 20 Gentlemen, this is a good load of to horses, bought direct from the farms ready to go to work. Don't miss this sale if in need of a godbd team or single horse. Sale rain or shine John Gruenewald. M. W. BOYER, Auct. he ed to those against ane J on SERVICE MEN'S EADQUARTERS ARMY NAVY $10.00 H \ 35c¢c Visit our Service Men's Bar, for the Army and Navy. We have (we think) the finest selection of gifts and to needs for Service Men ever presented. fair, and quality high. or give as gifts. Our prices are Most all items ready to send, Shop at Bob Davis first and save, BOB DAVIS LEWISTOWN BELLEFONTE —— (Political adv. 1 REPUBLICANS VOTE FOR Mrs. Edna Kline Storch FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN ® Born and raised in Centre County (Political advt.) ® Always a Republican * Pledged to harmonious conduct of party af- fairs. ® Obligated to no faction or individuals ® Long active in Republican women’s activities Your support at the April 25th Primary will be appreciated. $1.65 B5 a ——————————— 1.30 1.29 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three | | of the Lutheran church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Musser Thursday evening, Those who attended were: Mrs, D. B. Thomas, Mrs, E. W. Hess, Mrs. Mar- |garet Kuhn, Mrs. W. E. Homan, Mrs, Sweeny, Anna Dale and Cathryn Dale. | Mrs. Edith Lucas and son Robert, ‘spent several days with relatives in Washington, D. C Mrs, Jolin Poorman and daughter spent the weekend with relatives in Bellefonte, Mrs, Stanley Sherman and son of Williamsport, spent the weekend with the former's father, Patterson and family Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Sweitzer and two sons, George Stitt and Mr. and Mrs. Warren and family of Altoona, were weekend visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stitt Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Goheen and two children of State College, were guests of Mrs. Mary 8. Goheen, Sun. day. Mr. Goheen went to Pittsburgh Monday, where he will be emploved Mr. and Mrs lly of Pompton Plains, visitors at the W. H Saturday Miss Ruth Ross of Danville, ‘the weekend with her parents, and Mrs, Charles Ross Mr. and srs, Riley Hunter and Mrs. Fred Markle Philip Williams were dinner guest Mr. and M: Paul Hunter at State College, Sunday Miss Hazel Faxon of Philadelphia spent the weekend with her parent Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faxon Mrs. Kenneth Green and two so of State College, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Balley and daughter Mr. and Mn Mothers- baugh were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mothersbaugh and fam- ily, Sunday Miss Sara Stover visited her brother and HH law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stove: and son, from Thursday until Sun- day. John Patterson, Jr. of Niagara Falls, spent his Easter vacation with his father, John D. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Snyder and family of Middle River, Md. spent the weekend with Mrs. W. A. Rockey and Mrs. Leah Wright Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coble daughter were guests of Mrs. Et Btover at Bellefonte, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corman of Bellefonte, R D.. from Saturday until Sunday Mr. and Mrs David Foster two children spent Sunday with Mrs Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson at Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Graham Harrisburg, spent the weekend with relatives Mr. and and family relatives In Mr. and Mrs Stale College, noon with | Houtz, | Mrs. Harold Young and daughter Ispent Sunday with the Cornelius Houtz family at Lemont Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nekdigh of State College, visited Mr. and Mrs George E. Meyer Sunday afternoon | Miss Amanda Haines of Aarons. Fred Bohn and fam- N. J.. were Neft pent Mi M1 { M 1 and of " Cieorge af of jetpy " ASAer- a of Mrs. Richard Lindeman spent the weekend with Meversdale Elliott Arm spent Sunday Mr. and Mn tronie of won " after. Fiibur } | ministration on the burg, spent Thursday with her cou.) Booth. ol asin, Mrs. Mary 8. Goheen Mrs. Anna Bennett of Altoona visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Hess Miss Margaret Ferree of Chester land Walter Perree of Ridley Park were callers at the John F. Kimport home, Sunday Milton E. Raup, » tudent Gettysburg College, spent the Easter season with his brother, Rev. Don. fald G. Raup Mr. and Mrs js r H at : Lee Smeltzer and soni of Pleasant Gap, Mr. and Mrs Maynard williams and son of Boals- burg. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corl and ison of State College, Cpl. Harr Gingrich of Lewistown, were dinner guests of Mrs. Ella Gingrich and daughter Kathryn, Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lukens and daughter spent Easter with relative in Philipsburg Mr. and Mrs. H H Horner of INew York City. spent the weekend jut the George Musser home Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood {Pleasant Gap, and Mrs. B. FP fof Bethesda Md. were recent calls ers of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Faxon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coble and daughter Kathryn of Bellefonte, {spent Sunday evening at the Hess- [Thompson homes { Mrs. Gerald Duck and children of Pine Grove Mills, spent Sunday with (Mrs. Harry Crummey {| Mrs. Harry Crummey accompan- {led her sister, Mrs. Ralph Tressler jot Centre Hall, R. D., called on their grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Wolle at | Aaronsburg, Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Barto and Diehl 0 {daughter of Pine Grove Mills, Mr. | and Mrs. Irvin Graham of Harris. |burg, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mothers- {baugh and family of Potters Mills, {Ethel, and Don Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham, Jr, and son were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs George Musser and family, Sunday fied H i: ; i ? i N John D. home, Mi Houserville,' and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Homan of State | (College, R. D., Mr. and Mrs. Charles | |Oraham, Sr. and Isabel, Kathryn! " BOALSBURG ————————— ——-— The Women's Missionary Soelety toona. Mrs. Shugarts suffered a stroke Sunday, Apri] 2. Bhe died Monday morning, April 10. Funeral service will be held Thursday after- noon from the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Bruner, Altoona, Miss Virginia Ann Hess spent [pull; sow witly 6 pigs, Poland Onions: |Allce McGirk, and the Misses Anna | Tuesday and Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Lonberger. | Mrs. Willlam Sheaft of Lemont, iwas a visitor at the Segner home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ausie Shutt Mrs. Minnie Conrad, and Mr, and Mrs. William McAlevy visited Fred Lose at Valley View, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. oy Mark of Slate College, and Mr. and Mrs, Richard McAlevy of Salem, N. J., were recent | Visitors at the home of Mrs. Aus | Shutt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright and daughter of Huntingdon, spent Sun- day with Mrs, W. A. Rockey and Mrs. Leah Wright, Mrs, William Markle and daughter, Miss Elesnor Markle of State College, were callers at the Rockey home Sunday afler- noon Fred Ishler weekend with hi Ishler Visitors Stover and daughter, of spent Mrs Indiana, mother Flla { Mrs, W were and Mr Altoon aly Mi the home over the weekend Mrs. John Su I'rumpower Mi John Sh Gene Charles and Mrs. Grant Charles of Colle nt H aid er Mi and Mi Mr Joan PF v Of | and Mi Al and jaltimore nd ie q wd of 1 and Miss State ‘ ———— LL —————— Milesburg Woman's tine Wig lub, Monday Mi { “ os Woman Milesburg Mrs. Eva Sower Stanley were named dent Mrs. Louis © bers of a nominating present nominations for for the ensuing 3 Mi Peter; Allen Weave; Woodring a Entertainme met ae C nigh ROs« and Mrs, Charlotte by club presi- Pelers mem- committee 0 oflcer " ' MRL $1) Wr d Mr Leamer aud nt, which a commitiece Robert Wal ¢ headed waea of John COarg Mr play pre- Daffodil grade a on t ented by of the Milesburg é Elizabeth Aun Welzler Announcement was made annual club banquet will be Penn Belle Hotel on 8. at 7 m. Person Wo atleng banquet register Immediately Grace Schenck It was reported that pupil and eighth grades Ralph Mitchell primary | 10} sChoois taugint | ’ fH that Wh held at Monday £ Ie) the tu re w J asked Mi 3 al H ‘ wilh seventh by Mrs 110 Easter favor Reed Hospital $ ( Rally to Be Held At Bellefonte Church We Would See will be theme of the Young People's Jesu the | Cliris- tian Endeavor Rally to be held in the {United Brethren church tn Belle. fonte, Priday evening, April 14. at 7:30. The service will begin with a lively song service There will be several special musical numbers, an appropriate worship service and a message by the Rev. Mr. Wilfred Monument. Following the evening meeting a hour be enjo AY same ch This ral high school Centre County organization, but u benefit of all ‘ Most of soci cd In ement of the arch Under the auspice of department of Christian Endeavor being he adolescen the the id for 31) £ Oy: wel ie » ana girs It conducted wemselves 0 Er HW ———— > Over 100 Attend Card Party Here and ns ul interesieg piritual thi to at i ivited he bridge « given for the County Library unared party benefit of the Centre by the Bellefonte Mother Club Tuesda 1 the high hool cafeteria tended by more than 100 Plzes were awarded for high score Mrs, Carl Briggs, State College Ell Risen, Mr. and Mrs. G. 1. Pur- nell, Mrs. Frank Daly Miss Man McClure Mr Philip Wion, Mr John Smith, Mrs. Harry F. Jone Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Robb, Mrs Wallace J. Ward, Mr. and Mrs Guy Stearns, William Perree, 8 D. Leit- |zell, Mrs. Blizabeth Leltzell, Mrs. C A. Torsell, Ann Marble, W. E. Bearse Mrs. Leonard Glenn, Mrs. Howard Casper, A. C. Hewitt, Mr. and Mn: R. C. Blaney, Mrs. Ruth Rote Smith, Musser W. Oettig, and F. M. Chur- chill Mr. Edward evening a NYS ¢ person to Milier, club presi- ident, thanks all those who contrib. uted In any way to the success of the party Red Cross Fund Is Nearing Goal (Continued rom pape one) Clarence Hs - - j ? Hi i ! | | | , gompan) wishing } th ] | Milesburg. Mrs. Leamer Woodring 8172 i Mrs. Jacob Friedman, | - | lany EMERGENCY OFFICE TO OPEN NEXT FARM LABOR WEEK automobile service are auired Lock Haven Has Disastrous Fire an statement of board ( of thel 1042 Po na Mart with off Jara CAeR mm prices w h C's Lad Mes 1 Ua parm thelr ment 1 od | (Continued from page one) thelr lo ¢ and Yl out, then heard the fire siren blow Raising a window, he was almost overcome by the huge column of oe NL jours from th out and returned at once ) i tprice clerk of the Bel He ran upstairs, roused Mrs, Pool price and Rationing Board and Mrs. Martin from their beds, : and all were able to get outside without being harmed, but they did not succeed In carrying out any of their belongings. Dr. Hoag suflered heavy damages in his dental office, from which could remove hoth ng Occupants of tht upper flog the bullding caped safely Three firemen slightly cut by flying glass in les of explosions, which blew ou the windows of the Newberry and were believed Ww citsed by an accumulation Other stores on the first floor the bulldings, which were ' i's [rom fire, smoke and the Bottorf Brothers 8 Hub, a men tore Shop, women Smith and Dr. M lost hicavily, all U uppiics being ruined oon after inidentified occuy apartment wi from the windos building: avercomis duplicate in 1 mall and # place of business he forms ar We } hould be filled ing sent by 10 "if 1efomt HON “Fresh Corn Off the Cob’’ NIBLETS BRAND CORN -12-0z. 14c¢ GREEN BEANS - No. 2 can 15¢ TOMATOES - - No. 2 can 12¢ Iu 8 FT wrbients on of u i a SHAFFER STORES CO. Have { vn of § | J PHILLIPS BEEF AND VEGETABLE SOUP 14c PENN-ALTO SALAD DRESSING quart size 35¢ PENN-ALTO MILK, Large size 10 cans 8%¢ i i ci 3 ‘ Me art an loo; Qel of enti Newberry's The cel building shamble eading Bnok« he llc DY KELLOGG'S Kell Rice Penn Champ Floor Wax pts. 25¢ « 45c¢ CLIMAX WALI PAPER CLEANER AUSTIN'S CARPET CLEANER DILL S DILFECTOL PARSON'S HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA PEP CeOrs tae 4 MOTHER'S OATS - PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR CALUMET BAKING POWDER SOF] SILK CAKE FLOUR DUE GINGERBREAD MIX 23c¢ “ 25¢ man 1 B timate 25¢ “ 12¢ Th women's ready damaged. Fire of the store but water through the first mediately ¢ Smart struck there 21¢ 20¢ ang nn floc A fo" 25¢ Wo ie 30c¢ owned by ¢ Bott and proprietor whic wilco ats ~ re building its. 21¢ tal oy fi Oct Smith 4 thi had delives equipment months ago into the office i- Re N1O r bs IL 1ave ul 3 JU 2-0z. bottle 10c ns burned CERTIFIED MAINE SEED POTATOES $4.50 We Carry a Full Line of HOG FEED - 16°, DAIRY FEED - CHICK STARTER - SCRATCH - IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL, GASOLINE STATIONS 7 Katadins maximum e? td during March all BRNO. Pru H 1942 w " at the Bellefonle W tioning Board returned prompts All gasoline lations GREEN M1 00 | b $4 *. 7 5 BLISS «— CHIPFFAW AS and Cobblers ‘ar Pri be fii ¢ i oul FEED — CORN, OATS, CHOP performing An Invitation to the Truck Owners of Centre County This is an invitation to attend a meeting devoted to proper care and use ol truck tires in which topics of the utmost importance to your truck or your fleet of trucks will be discussed. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE PENN BELLE HOTEL IN BELLEFONTE, TOMORROW, APRIL 14, AT 8 O'CLOCK, with a Buffet Lunch Served Immediately Afterwards. truck tires cannot be denied. That there is a serious shortage of available The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ways and means of getting longer life out of your present tires. A representative of one of the large rubber manufac- turers will be present with facts and figures gathered by his company showing just how the life of a truck tire can be extended by following a few simple rules. A member of the District O. P. A. Office in Williamsport will also discuss the latest rationing regulations and the serious tire shortage which prompted the calling of this meeting. This is your meeting and of utmost importance to you, Mr. Truck-owner. Bring as many of your drivers with you as possible because the information to be made available is important to those who actually drive the trucks. Keystone Tire Service HOME-OWNED AND OPERATED So. Potter Street Bellefonte, Pa.
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