THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. RD 3 ipsburs Cl . N E G R 0 Vi E M | L LS Donald © ward Allen E. Hewitt, Bellefonte Franklin W. G Emmett A, Witmer, Bellefonte RD | J 1 Charles Garity Chester W. Behers of Gra) ville, | John A. Dale Donald A. Wion, Hartford, Com Lee OO. Gunter Wiliam: Aire een Thursds of the has emb arked in the farming voca- Y. (Philipsburg) (Belle Kenneth A. Witmer Abd children tion on a big scale and Is tilling the Jack L. Felo Samuel K Shree ellefont day wis niso a farewell party vid and Anna three JOE€ is Oscar Gilliland farm it State College Alte winter with om 1's. Roy Ripka are I'vrone { & fin Goheen and daughter Wyse have returned t Balleyville Pape Two © April 13, 1944, Fla Ceorge C Roosevelt Morris, Snow 8h Ww Harold, who is Rupert and childeen, Elizabeth and the leaving Thursday, April 13, for the Judy Mae, Mr. and Mps, Merril Beech An enjoyable evening was Friese and children, Catherine, Mer- Anril p Dad by all, and the following per-~ ril wi liam and Donna Rae, John y were present Leroy Ru pert Lyo Mr and Mre. Joshua pafsipiat Edward, Russe Da- and oh jidren, Mary Lou, Ror and Mr. and Mrs Harold Robert, al) of Beech Creek (Mieming Birthday Supper for Mr. Rupert's Musser Philipsburg tH la + BY 4 A birthday 1D of Joshua Rupert of son neld at Wome Navy a, Joseph Har pster evemng fonte) Brugger, St I 4 Sever Case 67th birth been housed up for em - Petersburg, James E weeks pending the —— A —— the friends in Harrisbu ‘ girl Mrs. Belle tre Com M 3 tn immer home in 8 and — EH kD * * SHARE AND PLAY SQUARE] her was a visitor the home Johnston share of I Annie Kod the past weekend at ister, Mr Martha \ 14! geting Wy pr College merchant vid Fye IS assisting ° ¢ farm with the CPIBNTY [ty boven) BUY NO-POINT LOW-POINT sg FOODS gh There is enough food for all if we Share and Play Square with the available supplies. One way to do this is to buy NO-POINT LOW-POINT FOODS, We have a good selection of these «see them-see how many points you can save. Know wo, that | you will be helping our boys on | the fightung front! H... welcome news! Larger Guantues of Nectar Tea and Our Own are once more available for your enjoyment! Now you can again serve your favorite tea frequendy . .. and have a second cup, too’ HUBLERSBURG kK Yonada wer ot the Nectar and Our Own are fragrance, flavorful, completely satisfying teas... blended, packed and sold exclusively by A&P. They brag you real tea goodness for less than you'd EH A NAY " ONAL Ye pay for other brands of comparable quality. Don't forget FAVORITE FULL-FLAYORED AND THRIFTY ~ A&P has been famous for fine tea at 2 saving soce 18%9, 26¢ 9 15¢ 1.29 3 % 63c L 2 Ann Page Baking Powder . . White House Evaporated Milk . . . Salad Oil NU MAID Ann Page Peanut Butter Ann Page Beans ve. 15¢ i oat Mello Wheat :10¢ Gold Meds {ARYEST MO (ZA 12¢ Sor . 10 2. 85¢ CAKE | DONUTS 4 45¢ | . un 25¢ i Marve! Bread Margarine . 200 | wwe | ewcno Flour. weekend with h testi roi DINNER FAMILY COFFEE | + ected Shoe xengiilier apis th . i ROLLS CAKE a : Crisco . . k 3 68¢ ve. Oe . anes 17€ 22¢ BREAD A&P Fresh Boston Style 18.01. Peg. 1-Lb. ~ Carton 25-1b. Sac . ng dexo... I-LB. JAR Board Lists 116 Men For Physicals Fruits Flerida 23¢ | Oranges 1761 a ease s™ Point Free Excellent Quality, Fancy Tomatoes . . . . Long Clean Crisp Carrots Ch 3-19¢ Grapefruit = “aun D290 SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR ...... 5" 26¢ COFFEE ., .... Lh 33e 30¢ And Vegetables! niinsrd from page Re) 43¢ 21¢ 45¢ PANCAKE FLOUR KE LLOGG'S KRUMBLES KELLOGG'S New Crop Spring Spinach. .....2= Peana, Blue Label Potatoes . . ite. Beech € n. Bellefonte Powelton Won Hogi | ROR wu ile ALL BRAN 10a IERIE sgl | GENERAL MILLS BISQUICK ™ 17¢, “* 30¢ ATLANTIC PEAS rorsr vex | T0NA TOMATOES ...... IONA WHITE CREAM STYLE CORN TRUE BLUE WHOLE BEETS ALP . SPINACH .. CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP. .... SUNRRITE CLEANSER ...oom: on. 38 WRIGHT'S SILVER CREAM ..... tor 19¢ ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER BEACON ZERO....."™ 15¢ Save Waste Paper! Meats! - 330 Picnics "= 29¢ | Chickens - 55¢| Hams = - 54¢ n -36¢ Hams CE ~37¢ A&P Fish Features! Dressed Bluefin Only Herring ..... = 10¢c Frosh Butterfish . .. = 20c Fine Quality A&P Smoked Skinned Hams... Sunnyfield Grade A Bacon. - 39¢ Fresh, Fully Dressed, Head and Feel OF PEANUT CRUNCH. EDUCATOR CRA: wermaemis STALEY'S CREAM CORN STARCH . CLEANER OR WAX... TI ATS ces N. B C SKYFLAKE WAFFERS unineme CUTRITE WAX PAPER ... BROADCAST POTTED MEAT ... ARMOUR'S TREET , $i OLD brTCn \. CLEANSER .. CLIMAX WALLPAPER CLEANER ... Whoe or Butt End 1-ib » » Phe Sheed "oe Neo. 2 Can Ne 2 ‘Osan ilc Whale UNICIPA MILLHEM SHOW TIME — 7:00 and SW PM 11h Piece * Pky « NEW Show Time- ih Ready Pha Whole or “ ” and Si 195-14 Bu E a Roll Admission 14 Ne 1 7%» ¢ "Can 18¢ % FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Hh Jory Can 12.00 Can 2 for Seon 25¢ dar Dressed Mackerel « 10¢, Fresh Blue | RIE » x 2.00. «i> 25C Roy Roger sally Payne CERRY sons of the Pioneer ROMANCE ON | Fest 0 seorish. soween cc THE RANGE | iin fimo, Sancr Si SPORT REEL IRL LL LIE : ¥ : SAREE i» bison, Port Port M Julian ock. Niagara Fall (COMEDY Matilda hock. ) - Buy More Bonds! d R Biddle, Bellefonte RD 2 ward M. Moore, Fleming CARTOON Willian ole SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Cleaning and Save Lux ANilllam Powell HEAVENLY Hedy Lamar aul A Coder. Bellefonte RD 2 Melvin E Hoover, Pine Cien Merrill H Moore RD Leonard B Cuppies Port Matilda Osceola Mills Ultra Refined Clorox ..... Ahern Window ~~ Quart Bottle 19¢ With WHITE SAIL! Flakes 23: 2-19¢ RD 1 Thomas E. Tres Md (Bellefonte) James A. Meckiey, Julian RD ) Russell K Hartsock, Julian RD 1} Raymond O. Turik, Osceola Mills Alvin R. Watson, Julian RD | Melvin B. Martin, Moshannon James 8. King. Philipsburg Gerald K. Kline, Bellefonte RD 1 Willard T Royer, Milesburg Paul Whitman Houck, Bellefonte Joseph Biggans, Clarence. Raymond C. English, Bellefonte RD 2 Richard T Heaton. Bellefonte i Raymond N. Parkes, Philipsburg. | Edward J. Puhalla, Clarence | Don R. Myers, Julian, | Robert L. Hosband, Port Matilda | RD 1 | BODY A MGM Picture ler Baltimore Rinso . 23c: 2~19¢ Toilet Soap 3~20¢ Soap . even 3~200 Spot Remover: 196 mtattd S0ap . . 6: 3 OWNED AND OPERATED Y THE TREAT ATCANTI0 AND’ PACIFIC TEA COMPANY La leaner. . . . = 10¢ Ammonia 9¢ Dry Cleaner © 49¢ Alse Finest Selected Shorts 32.01 WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY "nn BW April 10th) Robert Taylor Susan Peters Robert Benchley SONG OF RUSSIA A flaming love story of an Amer. lean and Russian Lass! sig James BR. Boseaino, Jr. Bellefonte George BE. McCliney, Bellefonte PRR PE td Sl Tl ai J - di spn howe PN. !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers