Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h, may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, he Centr emocral FUEL GOES A | " ny " | WHERE THE An Army Trans. | poms burns 33.000 gallons of fael oll a day | | | i= | VOLUME 63. NUMBER 15. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, HONE ce 1914, we we) SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. Board 2 Lists 116 Men For €’h ysicals April Contingent Dividea April 13; 60 Scheduled for April Board No. 2. of Belle name Lox yesterday released the men who ore eduled to report f pre-indu Altoon ass wil meen tion hvsical exami at "Receives Air Medal Staff Sergeant George A Bellefonte relat t sive A | : : h, iil Derg Wagner on of Mr. and Mr CY Wagner, of Willowbank street, Belle fonte, on March 25 was awarded the Air Medal by Licut. General ard F. Harman, commanding the U 8 | Army Forces in the South Pacific area. for outstanding service as an serial gunner from Angust “33 to) September 1043, with the 13th AAF In the South Pacific Sgt. Wagner is a waist gunne: B-25 Liber r bomber He entered the aerwel preuan Warner LL) 1042 service unary Mas ray LO OVETrseas GuLy Wagner H Jellefonte TONER INSTALLED = AS ELKS RULER: Degree Team Here for Ceremony; To Elect Club Officers Altoona Toner wa nstaiied 1 Bellefonte EW : neq MOIGAa at the clup home 7 degree team § headed by Willi nigat High street Altoona Yate Hi vi Bellel icceed as head Elks Club Other i teemed ling Miller: esteems ard L. Heve knight, W. F ry lend n william H tional conver ot tiler, Jol pott tian Harman C. Corma 17 Yeager, and T. R: Rush Elks Club ta be chose: Monday night, April 17 Following the instaliation mony a hot Junch Was served social hour enjoyed Smullton Soldier tar ira Pr Ralph hay esglire 1. Malcoin (irover ner gua Vv heduled meeting "we officer are al a reguing cere and a Missing In Italy Mrs. Ellen Wolfe, of Monday night received a message from the War Department inform. ing her that ber sory Plo. Lester Wolfe, Is missing In action in Italy Pie. Wolfe is believed to have been on duty as an infantry scout when Inst gecounted for The missing soldier Is about 23 years old. He has three brothers in the service. They are: Roy, Clar- ence and Cloyd. Their father, the late George Wolle, died spme weeks , and it is believed that word of death had pot reached Lester before he became lost in action Smuliton, his car left the highway on Willow- tn | CAI for all Aged Man’s Body Found In Stream Dissovery Solves Strange Absence of in a . Ripka, 72, of Spring Mills: investiga tion Reveals No Evidence of Foul Play. LAE NAN TL War Department Reports Death of Pvt. Robert yatery of the th ceks' SpFing W. Schriver, 24 Oe a wan La HAD BEEN SERVING IN INFANTRY, UNIT o nn 1 nto Two Groups; 26 to Go on Mill Deo the or examinatio feet icnael Lu I hn P. Lambert mm W. Coble Fravel M. Butl Yeage! Dubb \ Gardner, Howard John J. Bere Philip ‘ivde W. B ve ! Bellefonte A immer Bom TOO} Wa ang thin Was Former Employe of Aircraft Co. at Lock Haven Piper ack H Paul M Henry C Mir ni ed 578 400 cane mine dence: of Investigat acu me #1 1Dsenee Bas ham “SLHOOLPUPLS VF. AUXILIARY REVAMP No [AX REGORL 5 PLANNED School Board Moves For Complete Study of Re- cording LOCAL LEGION FOOTBALL PTA to Hold School Clinie This Spring i System BUYS DUMMIES of ince RECEIVE AWARDS, INSTALLS OFFICERS = Legion and VFW Present President-Elect Mrs. Rella Medals and Prizes for Jones Appoints Com- War Loan Work mittees for Year AR CRASHES AS = = DRIVER SLEEPS Ravmond Brooks, 17, of jm Bellefonte, Escapes Ser- ious Injury in Wreck who exXoelifg i f BE] Milesburg Service Bh ho CEIHME ak Station | Is Robbed po campaign was a of th the rew Dubbs Charles Ecketiroth commander AE. ofr. Just Ly of Miles | Willis HH. Gelasinger, adjutant he burg between noon Sunday and 8 ao | VFW representatives were John gent into m. Monday is being investigateq by Brym commanaer fillard Nefl, post in State Police at Rockview sub-sta mmander - nd wil home at tion ww’ og The ecent th War bet} officer ou he, Senin Carle, . RX ANG WO The sere isla A pin to retiring | president prison, vie Ores. arevented A 17-year-old Bellefonte youth narrowly esenped serous Injury or! death early Monday moming when insuflieg Jones LE eion bank street reportedly : t heel, and era rete when hed unaor 0 Bulle erre- Cu COTM rt family WDA! commanae? Ome. FOOMm William Awmm in Hov. Sorin ir A Mary Ut od on Page Fou Mothers Club to Hear Address on Reading bat Red Cross to Hold Wir Ronn Ml ngin kt Annual Meeting pr... site will be a feature Oak Hall Couple . Married 50 Years i Mrs W Sunday ng ann for friend diam A Fe celebrated ve AY THe Sere J.. in Apri Veal mn 1804, mr The annual meeting of thelr mar- They Mare 17 there ever the Bells Mot w American 1 Leil 21.1) in nN bh or ran began A. Ol rsGay © ram will begin at he entertainment the direction of nd Mre. Martin ude narration by MTAMINDE momen their children. Each member ed to bring a baby otaph o past herself! to be used In another part attend I the entertainment program inton «< Hall On esided nwa) oncrete x 1906 prog Mr i - Kauffman il members of : wed D ince At t) eeting the The the following childre: A Laven E. Perree, teacher in Chester John nd The Margaret Perree. a teacher at Mar. chairman { the ned | cus Hook; Walter L. Perree, teache All division chairthen at thi n Ridley Park, and William C. Fer. wesent a report ree, manager of the Kessinger Auto wor r the Supply in Bellefonte ] vited to officers of the renting ear will Sommerviiie : nominating com m rashed head- com? 1 it fe 3 ha ve \ ete Ave W vertu 5 a8 2. halt phot » ’ a | hatterec VOR . the nee. wa N : store ie Was driven back into fv 4 ’ ’ is. the front of the car - i — Ye = Police n-tpnysician f réctyy the tas Ww be made 1 A TeView { si the school yinate ail possible duplication ir keeping oo). rectrth The commits sid the dations are designed in saan 4 gd mas nit tax tha deter afingrd a Page F Pleasant Gap Boy Struck by Truck The driver jess than Pleasant Guy ceiving preliminar the office of a Pleasant the boy w w Centre County H AN X-ray examination dislocation. He is now ment at his parental home The youth's father Red who | 2a Red Cross Nel tationed at Castle Hot ATK 1 within ’ , Alter re ment al Lee ’ twisted bad! wreckage rame ° damaged Sunday Schools to Hold Meeting i in Apri the ference fog in county the taf! Schoo) Two Milesburg Brothers were amie ted fon I panning con Sab. iehool tader IE As Centre Counts Bunday met recently nierence will be held Sune 16. beginning at 2 pm John's Evangelical church corner of Beaver avenue and Bur. rowe State College. Rev. Mii ton BR. Vogel Is host pastor. Dr. Wal. ter M. Myers, secretary of the State Sunday Bchool Association, will ad- dress the conference and ater Jead it as plans are developed to further Sabbath School work In Centre county This Is part of the program look ing toward the realization of the county's goal for this year to “Make Centre County a Banner County in Sunday School Work.” as well as an opportunity for county workers, to benefit by the experiences and wid. | : er knowledge of professional work- Me Pree ‘Sheckler ers on the state staff, | Honors between the (wo aor] The conference is arranged fpecl- armed forces are divided equally in and the As distri w of Lion The co aay. April in the St t “OC street v James’ C. Sheckler, Pir. 2/e LL. Charles L. Sheckler Baltimore, Md. He was on active 14, 1042, at Baltimore. He was sent | | duty on aPC boat on the east to Camp Blanding, Fla, where he county officers and the family of Oentre County | const for six months and then was trained with the 120th Infantry, Af- district prefidents, but other district oner Charles Sheckler and Mrs. | transferred to the Pacific where ter eight months of training there officers are especially welcomed and Sheckler ’ Mileshithg. who have he has been on oe It is open to all Sabbath School two. sons In Army and two in Before entering the workers of members, [the Navy. one a, ‘0 Wviors enisring. the Follow! Eh panference the Ips iy orn Railroad. ular business session for! Linn Sheckler, Pir. 2/¢, enlisted! Pe. Bruce (Continued on page Siz) in the Navy January 10, 1042, at ducted ie 1 w the inArmy — Two i in Navy. PPI Linn Sheckler, Pir. 2/0 Pvt Shebicter 5° married 10 the he [former Ruby L. Davidson and they have one son, Bruce, Jr. Before en- Annual Pre- ¢ recom. ‘RED CROSS DISASTER Celebration Is Planned In 1915 Local Historian Launches Move For Sesqui- Centennial Observance of Bellefonte's Founding. ¢ RED GRUGS FUND 5 NEARING GOA Contributions in Belle fonte Area Only $1,770 ['nder Quota 00K HAVEN HAS DISASTROUS he Newberry Store Destroy- ed, Other Buildings Dam- S250.000 loss be ntribute #4 An : £8, aged: he Kelle wd hall the Rinella a coe In fiom which Newherry story DEAE were bulging # p— of rus arumants overs ym rs Rlignbett Walks TE 118 : 5 | Probst. Mrs Mary I Martin Srv eae »4859 Mrs. Jack O. Pool and the demt \ vi Vi 1 Moers fice of Dr MR Hu To Be Named for Centre County Newman to Direct Music at Service Newman Milesburg. | chorus wor) "no ™ Chorus, will direct muse choir in evangelistic meetings Milesburg Preshwterian church rl 23 10 May 5 Mr. Newman’: understand enthusiasm qualify important features of the service and the objects to he attained thiz union effort sponsored I» six churches in this area The committee in charge fied by his post with is attending responsibil. Chen calist of pearing wane wel gueniy Metal Mak and an the A asin RAIN ing him for these Furey Takes Special Course at Pittsburgh Gray Furey. of Mechanicsburg is grati- newly elected football coach of the willing acceptance of the Bellefonte High School, took advan. tage of the Easter holidays to attend thes. Mr. Newman's experience as a Clark Shaughnessy 's coaching school churchman enables him to coordi at the University of Pittsburgh ‘nate his department of effort with Thursday to Saturday inclusive [that of the visiting messenger, Di Shaughnessy is the originator of | Joseph A. Speer, who has been en the “T offensive.” § somewhat com. ganged to preach each evening plicated football tactic used with A great sucoess by the Chicago Bears | professional team. and Purey was GROUP TO MEET initiated Into the inner secrets of the in the Wm — ri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers