Page Eight THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA united in marriage with Willlam H ott, who SuTyives with hit Sotlowe Bellefonte Man Writes | ing brother: —— sl ol; Ri ’ ! Bl T UAR Y eit on poi rian vi About Food in U.S. Navy both of Belle - wm fonte: Mrs. Dallas Smeltzer, Belle- - conn — fonte. R. D., and E. Paul Keller, of | John M. Fleming, gunner's mate tempt at camouflage and this am EDGAR A. BRICKLEY JCHN N. GROSS Philadelphia. An only son, Harry second class, who is serving aboard a brosta of the meat pix kers comes on at whi ag der the aus; Worl : ud John N. Gross of State College, Ott, died of influenza at Camp Coppe y © warship in the South Pacific, sliced and heated For the evening mini y vi the armed ’ Council of hurehe | : - - jenly las vok t hie home 40 R. D. died at the home of his Bethlehem, Pa., during World War | Writes interestingly about the food meal our Spam kb probably ambus- yi moi hi 00 more are | In amuel MeCrea ( ; PONE ye ns hy ee inughter, Mrs. Ida Loesch, 144 Corl|l. Mrs. Otto was a member of the being served to Uncle Sam's forces caded in a serving of spaghetti 1 t NO te io ey oe i State College, at 6:15 p. m | Reformed church, the Order of Eas- on the high seas “But 1 am over-emphasizing tack Mr Brickley had been a resi- Monday, March 27, 1944, of compli- | tern Star, the Rebekah Lodge, and John, former well known local exception and probably leaving nt of Baraboo since 1900 oing cations after several weeks illness | was an American Gold DUA: Mother, newspaperman, and son of Former under the Impression that the der . of d he \ \ Hotel. Mr. Gross was born July 21, 1862 in all of Bellefonte. Funeral services Judge and Mrs. M. Ward Fleming, of diers, sailors and marines io 1 there us ghoul Warn ¥ : P t Patt " town: hip son of ‘William were held Tuesday afternoon at the East Linn Street, enlisted in the outposts are beginning to grunt For many yeal { Wa cooked at \ m wi Wertz Gro He was home with the Rev. C. Nevin Stamm Navy about (wo vears ago. received hogs and take on th XpI lumber com lurii the winter and Mary ry; ; oof Bellefonte officiating. Interment poot training at the Great Lakes a wild boar ts Edgar Alvin Brickley, 74, died months ar dure the summer had married to Jennie Ralston who sw nad - \ : 1d was made in the Lutheran cemetery Naval Training Stat nols, t rilal her companied National Guardsmen vives with the following children : faval Training ition, Ilinols, then partial herel to Camp Douglas as cook. Surviving MIS. Estella Woomer, Mrs, Bertha | at Pleasant Gap was gunnery instructor at Bain. privilege of the sallor 0 a nL ’ \ him is his wif the former Alma Lyle, and Mrs. Ida Loesch, all of " bridge, Md. before asking for and and I say without fear « f unpre Sch t thelr marriage taking State College. He leaves the follow MRS. THOMAS HAIGH. being granted an assignment 0 sea diced contradiction that an « he J S hearts the it 0 oF y ie . mem- ing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Julie Mrs. Pearl Shope Haigh, wife of duty job is being done in ding 4 PT RVICE hor of the Church of Christ of Ro- Hines, Bellefonte; Mrs. Priscilla Mc- | Thomas Haigh, of Ringwood, N. J In John's article on food, appear. tis small portion bf Juels Ua mola. He was one of 12 children Connell, Stroudsburg; Joseph Cro and native of Bellefonte fied Wed- ing below, it will be noted that while ’ rick- Burt. Towa. He was a member of the | nesda) March 22, 1084, In Memor- ' he rides the range on food, he is me~ # COMMON source no reall n 124 Market Street, Sunbury: Third & Walnut Streets, Sunbury Fourth a 1861") y Unite wtrethren church. ial Hospital, Tuexedo, N. Y., where ticulously eful not to tread on the th atement isn werally trae streets, Sunbus Main & Market Street Middleburg 155 Fron 1 Houserville United Brethren icul careful not to tread on th : Funeral services will be held at the she had undergon: in operation of the ship's cook In fac We have fresh meat in abu thumberland; 17 Soulh Markel Street, Selinsgrove! 326 Market wile Tinita WH rey veh about ten days earlier, A daughter will i ; Paral. 4 : . raaiin 'w WO "'e Houserville United Brethren aren atx be no h everal time lan im 1 Iv t 4 - ‘ Yavin } ald 111 A + a brrer ” at 2 p. m. Thursday in harge of of Clayton 1 wid Julia Bathw asia y PAY us deepest compliment you re in in Had ! f 9 ‘N 0 P 0 | N | iy F E A T U R E S Rev. Donald B. App. p ) with Shope, she was born In Bellefonte 1g ti " \ tall All of which con A fa ¢ Hial oF Bevel tollowine it ri nm September 17, 1808, making he nder whether Joht ra Bic tt ' ent - wld n that vicinity 1 interment followin { rid on onder whether John, yea ¢, but this is ti ! Tho it Ral 1 ke cemetery age 34 year 6 months and 5 da) with the average newspaperman and not the rul It d Iv a state GOLDEN HARVEXN] GOLDEN moved uu Arabo ia } 1elel fe dvi 3 p shir al a— On July 2. 1933, she was united | thane LL EE EE the Bellefonte High School and fore her marriage was employed the offices of the warner Compan on which he is erving and that he 0 doug : a We it ud is SHREDDED does not even hint that the same Bellefonte. Surviving, in addition to Prop fel wot a a Stes Yr guru % her husband. are her parent resid Soni IS prevail gencrauy i BY po [ pu : in I A 2 Ib iar Ny ing on East Curtin street Bellefont Fhe story current In these part nt of both ki sg and a brother, J. Gilbert Shope, of @about the soldier ning out of th RE Sl, IE Cari as ¢ } Va Funeral ery ungie after eighteen month ld Saturday alternoon } ubsequent experience slightly p y 1 y 2 Widdowson Funeral Home in aggerated. It gos prove. how. 0: We CAOICU \ on = +e KRELLOGG'S \. & B. with Rev. Harry C. Sten. ever, that thing EASLronomic by i iad AE Ab Le 0 Ct re. ger. Mciating. Interment was tver foremost iy the minds of the BN i ux Th 1 be ns and 11 days. 1iriy= oo 0 in the Union cemetery, Belle- men and even their sense of humor PCIE AILEE TH “ wl ~ he was united in mar- | ted by 1 ¢q known as tl oc let reve f affected he thoughts of food Bruce Garbrick, who — The story goes that the smdler 1 rvation of Peas and ( F time ago. Surviving are a was ill and it AME Nn ary to Beets and Spinach En rt une genie | het tm spc en |] DOG FOO@ 3 sinine ) Amaizo or Qual Note that he speaks only fondn not stopping MRS. CATHERINE GERTRI DE ITRAAL Jatt! Fl homas Haigh, and the galley {or ¢ at” at odd our piece of meat whinnied at me CITRUS GARBRICK had lived in New Jersey since that of the day at night Dehvdrated ato believe it wiherine Gertrude Garbri time. Mrs. Haigh was a graduate of Ax a preface to hi mi Vie Last ; oo ont Mi vtherine CGrerirua iar ! As a prels to comments, 1 it 3) “ § kA : a blood ” : ” a . nle E Ma tin 0 nn e - a re Eg ‘ Mal } { Rockawas Funeral vie wer held . t Lhe aly? showed that hi ) { con- Wh 1 is most of \ Line { Yah and Wii m in Benner town ach rank B. McMahon, of Koch funeral home SU : tained ten per cen Tee and ninety ok ingeniou eeps A RO pp . his an ber 1. 1887. maki: hi nionte and Mrs. John F. Hou on Tuesday Fr Mi tos IVINe or cont SOR ™ the atrirnio: n hand in, of all places, tl f ; ip © time of death 8 veal 5 er. of lushit N. v. Mrs. Garbrick who died at her home i uffal that this is n fiction ) a rator! Butter ul} Jes sie lge Pig. 22 age um of St John's Ca that when the cook comes up olic Daugh- Interment © Ee. = the ladder with the familiar long Por some time past we have DG ARGO GLOSS rvives with these children: Vel ter { America, both of Be it , . square-ended can a peculiar silence Aab¥ has ba il KES 3 and Charl 11 at hon Pune! ervices will be held at 10 husband, =a ver Of Aik “I falls on the assemblage and a decided Lreakl as oilen a Ie CO : id of Jlefont 3: ™ wk thi hursd wrning at Sheaff” of Lemont, | : chill prevail But in all justi 0 Wn RD Ake iN, Waka J 1 ’ tr £4 " N # bey fa u ¢ » of Pleasant ( ivi the arch, with ' y liam dent of Pine Grove Mil the much maligned fellow who three five Limes a 3 ‘ i ! ud jchild brother y Downe: officiating nterment 3 ' ADDITIONAL DEATHS ON PAGER times a day faces the storm from a sboard oilen and is usus . : Naptha will mad in the uurch Ce si X SECOND BECTION hungry crew, I am forced t ery . ay this happens under normal circum. Canned fruit is | most nmor CAVALIERE ELBOW | Completes Recruit Training tances only about twice a week y rt Turkey and hicks ’ MRS. WILLIAM H. OTT. Blue jacket Steve BKripek, seaman “However when [resh meat is not Served requ nuy ana ny " , 11 i I Bella May Ott, wife « 1. Second cla of Moshannon, Om- available, which is sometime the had oyster i shrimp rid Lime 1-ib. cello pkg Mr Lis vii - ie ol iu deted his recruit training Tuesday case Spam becomes the backbone { The ndition r which 1 liam H tt. of West High reet piled 0G v nd! 8 ; w © he Sampson, N. Y.. Naval Train- the menu and may appea: Or SPAGHETTI her home from the effects ‘DE Station, and has been granted ferent disguise leave, Upon his return to Samps times he will be eligible ur a ie eA rl oT om Up A d chipped CD iy Woodbury's Soap 23c SUNSWEET {gnmen died Saturday, March troke suffered about a month Ott had not been In good about a vear and a half jeceased was a daughter of E & Petty officer rating ast he Navy name for this de- bably the best thing 1 ca All-American Cigarettes “¢30¢ LARGE » - - Heacy | anitely unprintable bul | immation | i I'v | { Margaret Meese Keller and orn at Pleasant Gap on Janu Cakes is familiar t your biluejacket heard anyone complaining about } 20 Mule Team Borax 15¢ i fea in « Bi here will be no scorching of fer At noon there is no at- in ry! . f RUNES making 2 m age Sal i . " hen baking them if a dish of Boraxo for the hand: 29¢ PY Car - mu nt uary 15, 1891, she was Water is placed in the oven Chick- Chick '" Dyes 3 25¢ 2 == Swe WORLD o RELIGION, | £5 E0205 fl 1% ————— . 3) Kellogg's Pep 9¢ pd For Palm Sunday . . For Easter . . for the Days After BY WW.REID ht Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 27¢ SUNMAID Weis Quality Mayonnaise Pa 25¢ SEEDLESS Wear LEVINE'S Quality Clothes ! : According to Moritz Gottlieb who in thy A . " at and — tl : CLAPP'S ecently made a 32.000 mile tour o the Pacific battlefields « behalf of . rel % ji yin Oatmeal Cereal ih 13¢ RASINS the Jewish Welfare Boas and 4 The R M Wh ' home after the war wil present 4 dist Church in india. now sper BLUE STAMPS AS to E8 NOW VALID Ul Shaflenge Wb Mic, SHRI Lo BED Bar i I A Stamps F8, GB H8 & J8 Became Valid April | or. PAE 1 Be erance of their religious views. shortly to ca : g SOLID PACK Gying logetinher SPAN, $390 Er ies ala rir || 1oTIatesvw19¢ | CLOROX BUTTER KERNEL vool suits and topcoats, ideal CORN No. ’2-an 13c : BLEACH . : : hy ; 1 ithout any regard to d 0 of viltzat into 1 } ‘ g ev Co . for the Spring days and many seasons ahead. {aith or creed radually into the CLAPI”S CHOPPED Liquid Cleaning Compound Coverts, all wool gabardines, twists and fine G. I. Sunday” is the nam ve pura 1 {1 al ¥ here the pr F 9 ‘“y Ty , hy American soldiers in the South remain a proud al eparate | : d (an 2 . worsteds. | ailored by Pac ific to the non-Sunday days when never congu | 3) induis Baby 00 \ c | o-gal ng 2 Cc religious services are held by MICHAELS : STERN Shapiaing. Wie Arave uy seh, A. Will supcryie no Situcaltiatm 10¢ boa airplane Hanover Kidney Beans nels } ci them ax Shear ; in isolated | A pledge a ala RANGER JOE COLLEGE PARK pots. Because the Japanese stage ligious intolerance, recently proposed R| Libby's Sliced Beets 15 HONEY COATED catch men off guard, and because Boston University. has aroused i Libby's Sweet Peas 14¢ there are not enough chapisins to ints " I churc f ¢ A Dromedary . ’ WHEAT reach all the men on Sunday any- hi mai i pledge Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice 13¢ . how ervices are now held on a rea Realizing 1 init ‘ . 4 . BUY WAR | = TINO day of the week—and that day be- divisible—thaf t} an W eal Campbell's Tomato Juice 8¢ CEREAI . Come G. 1. Sunda) nist meri nthe BONDS AND Wy TORCH SEO A bi Fore | eaten ai aon Rr: a RED STAMPS AS to J8 NOW VALID STAMPS 1 Pp) V BoA Primate of England and Metropoli- that I will not gi ar 10 wot | lo ok 1 O- , 4 A . “ tan. is expected to visit the United racial or religious hat at 1 wi ‘ i ceo. £ \ J States shortly after the Easter sea- .not be misled by rumors or Tel Good Luck Oleomargarine 26¢ son and to spend some weeks in con- aimed to stir up prejud ana will : Imon br Cal 2c - ferences and in speaking engage- | not spread ther about by fello Choice Alaska So , ’ , MOTHER'S ; g nd i ments across the continent. The Americans. that 1 will 1 ( Swift's Prem 35¢ 0 \ Archbishop's visit will help strength- for whatever value It may have, to ‘ . ! ] : v en relationships between his church | condemn openly and on the spot. ar Calif. Oval Sardines 14¢ and the Protestant Episcopal Church | expression. in seriousness or jest Libby's Corned Beef Hash Aa “Ib can 22¢ ) QUICK or REGULAR SIZES 8 to 20. OUALITY MEATS Ke | : phe. 30.9 ,, $1950 a Housecleaning Helps! | J| ®Yt* "AY" A 19¢ 10- 4 wt} é . : TS ; Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Expert tailor- SOILAX—Cleans painted walls. COLD CL 35¢ LAVA ol a HAMS (whole or half) Ib. ing . .. Newest styles and colors. Ye BLOT X-—Removes grease spots on iw 35¢ SOAP Nd : : wallpaper. . ___—_, * FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS * Arrow Shirts Sport Trousers ‘Foster’ Jacket BLIND X—Cleans Venetian blinds. 3 cakes 1% I ——————t —————— Haney F#t ut AR Wool Gabardine, with Zipper. | ALSO—Oil Mops, Dust Mops, Scrub Brushes, BL $2.25 $7.95 to $1 2.50 $8.95 up Step Ladders, Wallpaper Paste and Sizing. FANC Y FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES SW AN LAWRENCE PAINTS AND ENAMELS 0 Burpee’s Seeds that grow. AP Jarman Shoes Spring HATS NECKWEAR Isle of Que Potatoes pk. bag 47¢ Gorden Rakes - Spades - Fork 3 on 2Qe Por Dusit aud Went dg Mpc a New ot Yo tapnn Shoes ne A Yrs Fancy Crisp Carrots bch. Te ie dlin 2 $6.85 up $2.95 to $7.50 $1 00 iTurnips : Ib. S¢ RED CROSS (Others $2.08 Lo $5.00) (Wembly Ties LW) LEVINE’S Schaeffer Hardware Store | || rarey sicims rometees sonst + 31¢ “HA Safe Place to Shop” Bellefonte, Penna, Allegeny St, Bellefonte, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers