WHERE THE FUEL GOES BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911. be Cenlre Democral E22 S Bride and Groom of 50 Years [Q 211 TaBe Called [T SHILTZ IN W Apia AS Council Sets Tax ForPhysieal Exam VISNGATER EE_— Ss JOM. Rate At 13 Mills BOMBING RA REC Continue Last Year's Schedule, But Esti- mated Income Shows Borrowing of $13,- Former Centre Democrat Employe Unaccounted dent Asphyxiated at Wilkinsburg Home el for 100; Budget Adopted. For Since March 2 FUNERAL TO BE in 1943 RECEIVED HONOR al Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal- lous of gasoline an holr, VOLUME 63. NUMBER 12. L y L Will Go to Altoona April 20 and 21; 63 Men From Board 2 to Leave Bellefonte for Navy Service, March 31, With 211 Cent and meeting Monday nigl the millage current lax Lhe 11 mili rposes a 152 Board either men exami No. 1, 11¢ Arm d 33 were listed a 114 March 11 Were ' } wel pu id nai us n pugs F Line ANUNcL n ’ Oi wr) otal saline } 1944 budge! Umated expenditure i expendit compared for of $50. 38% 6. In order to balance 1044 bring estimated re Lhe estimated take Nav Ia IA “a showing « of $54,358 7 £54 estimate Bellefonte Soldier Has Gruesome Job at Front Tragedy Discovered When Couple Fails to Attend Celebration ed Missions year's res Were vice 0g with . day EXPOSE that veas Walter F Harold E. Mowery Earl Markle, Bellefonie I'he 63 men {rom Board 2 wted Navy follow: Houser the bal rie! of ryt w—— ang ell Now a Major y gusd idee EXPECT vice or declared 4-F, it oved Us passed the vy "e ‘ I'han 20 moming of this week, They are Council had Miree men who Nuy Over Germany Dippery, State Colleg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel | view of the FOR ACHIEVEMENT HELD AT SNOW SHOE et, or Inited we BE pre-induction physicals volunteered re ——— Centre Hall, and Lt ugene Shultz, heavy bomber : : ‘a tls thi Soma . Wo wt Wood ot 40 | get He - - Al Lie was report Had Participated in More iil for immediate ser and left Mon- { equa) me ni® U who will | re Phin - ie Wi be March 31 | y Ic a ind into the ing ul nee in from fines wis estimated Neal, Bellefonte Peters, Howard Rook, Milroy ; non, Williamsport «(Clar- Laurence Wesley C Daniel W Ha Ie y oeipts from roid eter 1 ence) R $1.600 colecied Hlefonts Balash Clarence M. Conaway, Snow nn G. Coakley, Bellefonts Clarence Walter Hutton Haven (Philipsburg Blair K. Warrender Matilda) Shoe “li 1 TC 3 How $13.400 Ire Port A} i 0 H M : i ! / : ar at a wis « Last year Cowl LeMPOrar Tyrone to oereqg lipsburg) Wade, Philipsburg W. Hassinger i E. Myers, Philipsburg Barnhart Belle{c orman J. Bell, Philly uvld T. Hadden wanda, N. Y. (PI 8S. Delalio yHipsbury Bellefonte Nefonte GOOUNTESIN == Prepare Plans For 5th War Loan at Session Held in Altoona HOLD AUTOPSY IN ATH OF MINER Inquest Reveals Clair W. Boob, Osceola Mills, Died of Natural Causes ony Major George PF, Curtin {or permissior - —— — {rom idewal) { his property on South Al Tickets On Sale for street, recommende » request LF denied on Bellefonte Fish Fry ua: ue proposal 4 not with the general trend of mal ickets are now on sale for the ing borough sidewalks Bellefonte Sportsmen's Association jentrances fish fry Ww be held on Tuesday, April | i - ’ a sepe J Lalli oper wRY Wie oO LU ment o gheny Pyl. Charles Anderson It. i i of Lock Haven Vi the War Department telegriun dure J eral 5 eo ere held M Chin Jd War Faumauce Con 1 William H. Thompson, Philipsburg. ing the weekend alte for Clalr W Boob mWitles members from six Central Emre 8 Kochik Philadeliphin.] He enlisted in tite Air Porces early | 48-year-old resident of Btumptosn Peunsyivania counties met at the (Clarence) Jin 1942. ang alter receiving training | Oscegly: Mills, RD. who diode Jin Alto Hotel Altogus, Monday fv a Tevaew ir 3 4. In tee Bellefonte High School | a Continged MOA nuteoes of-Bir veses, Yu, oun. day night st the Philipstirg Stale of the 4th War missioned o first Heulenant and was Hospital Lon Drive recently completeg and cafeteria, NV was announced yester- | Olle Gl INT inesy wolive an. Ab oat i lsection, which has been working : made chief pliot of a Flying Forl-| Ap sutopsy was performed at the '0 Make plans for Succeeding drive ABOUT 300 ATTEND GETS HEAVY TERM spital Monday morning to estab. Ar this year Six counties repre- purchased at the Thomas Cigar SIV 1 DEE Soh ! par! ast fall he amd vi ew i the ofl { deat} Mr. Bogb mied at he session were Centre Store. at the Sam Poorman Garage the Maliag campaig: flew their piane, a brand ne OTL die ! corel hemorrhage 29 Aambria, Hunti ear- or from committee members. No haries B. Ander Tickets at B85 cents each may be hand-in-hand with the regimental UNDINE BANQUET rf pe soi Members And Guests En- Benner Township at i nb og m Sion ve ! " # ‘ . A 4 “y hr . v i pra al h Ke 0.1 Tow umast rs " w dinner. which man territory the plane A adi tered five before while W c Wolf tive mana fF 4 i gl p. m., will be Game (Continued on Pepe Sia, in "wi Pits n and roen y A Wi nan nmitt Warden Thomas Mosier of Belle. tertained at 45th An- Pleads Guilty to Stat- Ross Buller. of Bellefonte Man nual Event Here utory Rape ‘ iy : Eugene Shultz i who § rM i Curtin 3D probably one of the youngest men in the U. 8 Army to receive the renk of Major He entered the ice In Jane«| gary 1941 when Battery B.. Belle (Continged on [ace Pour) rm YP —-— Bellefonte 8. Who In - s— Shawley Edmund J. Parks, Philipsburg | | rank dead an ae aa DOGn cemeter SETV Two) 0" page Entertainment March Under Direction of Mrs. Alberta Krader IN mov « » of the activities of the } Commission. The public cordially invited to attend the 7 A ‘omnunitiee chairmen Progarm, rection of Reeder Jodon: ticket sales, Les- lie Thomas ArTAngements red Witmer and Rev. W. C. Thompson and publicity, Wilbur Badger tsa nl s————— VALLEY FORGE CARAVAN TO SALUTE BELLEFONTE Court Files Ruling In Divorce Case al progran Mi feature of Bellefonte Parent : ton in the Bellefonte suditoriun on March 28 Thx promplly at 7 Wion is program The musical be KYP pupils of the clementar ac- consist of the following thi Rhythm Band, first and grades, Dale building. tau Miss Crider and Mm Mice Cat 5 ETRE Spring 5 Wr gar Was teacher Vocal Dolore treet Folk Dancl four, Bis M1 anb——— : McDowell and Mi Ue Decks 4 Duet, “1 Cant Do the Su ) : Norma Pier and Geral rig} tlie seventh grade he Play DY grace Ole 10 3 | BH05 Deck ii Te a . i BE DEMONSTRATED Decker "ia ow 1 rade of Soring M —— urth street Miss Underwood at Abid ish Culturist, will show Are be a : p wre rape. Orville Harris Hock - of Benner townsl Ir't Were of on OS ndation the divor COraon an Rie tis : itu 1a ay } h : bade i , proceeding ‘ . a : e a 1 MET wife, 1 Mon- | approving Samuel F bel Gordot According to the opinion Cordon made an application for divorce on the grounds desertion and lowing a hearing before ma appointed by the court ry mendation granted wa Mr Common versed Lhe program (Continsed on Pape Fz) sentenced to od Western r WAS ii CAsed wa : 1805, at Wingate, Centre county He as a son of Daniel and Ellzabet Bechdol Boob. His widow, the for. mer Gertrude Sankey, and the fol r children survive him old, Osceola Mills: Jack, with 8 Arm in It Maxine ’ org October 4 Np Stolen Car Recovered A sedan owned bv H. R. “Ike bert of State College, parked Recreation Hall State College wa 9:50 p. m. Baturday and by members of the State bor police force on Bur Gordon lege Plea ourt whi ! y R . om ower plant at 10:20 Pp. m. the same nin wt 1 the chairmar : £4) Clie cdeciied he ) Erages numbers fol near Bellefonte is 10 be saluted by and Ita “Valley Porge Caravan cording Ww announcement made week This new broadcast-—music comments--~will take place April 15, from 10:05 p. m m Philadel ation f . QO an attorney ul admitied leit 14-year-old Benne: March 14. The wpe automati- uch relation He lo provide hin Qa n ter ahg served olie De Among the speaker ’ t {tovnship girl on Rev. Willian clon char ' Bt Joh Cat olen at recovered om- SOOO be w als ght i iy Deitric Der ¥ College Wg on we rect ust the ( AAT . —_— 14 te Stauffer Cars ow ree aT 44 orced his th ai ‘ ———— — Farmers Attend Mechanics’ School . pe : f ae 3 Al n Lelhimas Judge osm of the ite, ved ons Walker Township dd, woman, Furthe ‘ . . Ca 4 ntence ~~ - i (Conlinged Pape Fowr reviewed OockEernl : - LA a hy Hock the court found : : YOU SLT Lhe 4 LIS good ¢ Gordon st former resides Bellefonte in Al HOW ’ Lycomis M1 emplo Gordo t Rockview Baud mitted ti fession atiied Liat i man Clear $400 in Home Talent Play Here Join Probe Into Killing of Fish In state . it y Wa ‘ Mov fiw : ’ this of Lhe week il i AIL A] a ust i Pish Cot of A. Prem ) je Commi "eek the f dent] Me frou Board : | re " aed t Am n bureau Health Ww aid aAliitar engl Department brace tion g : oi SETHE I We WAS fish polluted walter help the cause of the ue pir Saturday Is Last Day to Register rue Ike Iie Court House will be open un- tl 5 p. m. Saturday, March 25. for registration of voters, for correcting volers addresses and for transact ing other matters pertaining to reg- stration, it was announced yester. day Saturday Is the last day for regis tering In time to vole at the Primary election - ims Ws a——— Special 10OF Meeting A special meeting of the Belle. | fonte 100F Club will be held In the | lodge hall at 8 o'clogk this Thurs-| day night. All members are urged to he present. * ne called at the absence of ommitied the crime Me home talent plas own st Monday night High School bn Drama Section of the Belle- fonte Woman's Club, netted $40 club oMicials snnounesd this week parents and he proceeds will go 0 the Salva - - — PREPARE PROGRAM tion Army, with 20 per t to be retained for Salvation Army work in this vicinity Members of the Drama Section express thelr thanks 10 all who aided In making the play A Succes Ou produced a the Bellefonte WH auditorium the cen | Titan Chorus To Appear at Howard i6 Boys And Girls to Par- ticipate; Vito A. Fera is Director Ihe program for the concert to be, The Titan Male Chorus will pre- presented Ly the American Legion sent a recital an Thursday, March Band and the Bellefonte High 23 at 8 p. m. in the high school aud- School Band In the high school aud- itorium at Howard. Admission will orlum Sunday afternoon at 3 o'- be 15 cents for children and 25 cents clock, was announced by Samuel D. for adults Rhnesmith, chairman of the bands. | It Is requested that children be Beventy-six boys and girls will take accompanied by thelr parents. Fol- part in the program under the di-|lowing the recital there will be a rection of Vito Pera. {short business meeting of the Par- Three members of the band, Prank | *0t-Teacher Association Hartranft, Kenneth Widdowson, and | | N——— Samuel D. Rhinesmith IT, will con- | Wounded In Aethon duct marches ns a feature of the | Pvt. Bheridan M. Carréll, of Os program The program will be a farewell [tion In the Mediterranean war area, performance in Bellefonte for Mr. | his mother, Mrs. Carroll, has Fern whose resignation as director |been notified by the War (Continued on page Sia) ment, " ceola Mills, has been wounded in ao | Instructor Deroy Fye demonstrates the props adjustment of Shown above | Kenneth Vonada, Deroy Fye (Instructor), J. Adam Pravel, Melvin Deering 10.20 tractor, man (supervisor), Donal Shuey, Motitlay evening, March 13, mark. ed the final Meeting of the Walker Township farm machinery repair course, held twice weekly for, the [past twelve weeks In Stitzer's Gar. (age at Hublersburg. The course was conducted under the authority of the Rural War Pro. | duction Training Program. The gram in Centre county Is responsi. ble to William Tucker. The local a. from left to right the Are: Fra valves in the ‘ormibck Joe Lannen, Blair Ingram, vel, Nevin Lee, Robert Cor. Johnson, teachers Sketch “Lost Pencil au : Bishop street Mrs. Williams, lead) er Meeting To Be Held At Gentzel Farm Monday, March {| Plano solo 0 Mrs. Lowix wife 2% of pastor of the AME churcl Old Ametican Dances grade under Mrs. Krade: demots A brief business session will follow farm of ithe program. The public js cordially aviation {invited to atiend : = A arm tralio Bat Dei, Pe Monday morning otek KACCOMGINgG R. C Blaney This demonstrat moged to shaw Lh ment and setling planting of peas Jor canning crop | Uncle Sam has more or less of an- also the adjustment tractor plows other new headache for everybody and other types of cultivation equip- | NOW Lhat the income tax excitement ment {is ob gm end. This time it bs the post- | Mr. Blaney points out that there Rrabs at your has been an increase !n the acreage in Centre county in rajsing peas for The cost of airmail stamps, post- the canbery, and that since many (age for local mall, and of many growers Are new in the ralsing of [other postal services will Increase, canning crops, the problem of ma- (ext Bunty [chinery adjustment & exceedingly All first class mall--scaled letlers important. He sald also that mam {hereafter will be three cents. Post. farm people have problems in ad- (age on letters within the city Is justing tector plows, and it is hoped 'ralsed from two to three cents this demonstration will help those Insurance rates on Paros) post are {raised 100 per cent | Parcel post rates are mised about Higher Postal Rates Effective March 26 {just Lhe
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