November A, 1943. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Pama Three BOALSBURG “held their annual meeting Thursday ev ning at the home of Mr. and Ms, Edgar Hess. Those present were: J D. Mayes of Milton, John W. Hess, F. A. Hileman and J W Allison of Altoona; 8 M. Hess and L. BE. Glad- felter of State College, R. D., Rwed- Jodon and son, Fred Witmer, Hu- bert Rossman, John Mokle, Willlem Mokle of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stitt atcend- ed the funeral of the formers broth. er, Howard Stitt in Altoona, Satu: day afternoen. Mrs. 8. M. Hess and Phyllis of Upper Branch road, J. W. Allison, FP. A. Hileman and John W. Hess of Alteona, Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Reed of State College, R. D and Mr. and Mrs, Gray Reed of Altoona were recent callers with M Jennie Fortney daughter Miss Beulah Fortney Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrign* and The thier Huntingdon spent Sur.- Chris oay evening with Mrs. W. A. Rockey std Mrs Leah Wright Paul Sunday A. Pennsylvania Furnace Mr Cooper of Wilkes Barre Robert Horner, at the W. E. Homan home ITACE I ( h om Mrs. Optll ell ts Grace Roth, My. and Mra. Thomas ro iy ahs vf EL Cumberland, Md. and har, Hartman, Mrs. John Poorman, Mrs. p..4 Ross and two childre John Bechtel. Mrs. Paul Hom: a wna hile Mrs. Lester Witherite MIs. Robert yO a, visitors Barger and Mrs. Harry Reits re Sey AL The Woman's Missionary Soc clety of the Lutheran church met at the home of Miss Anna Dale, Thursday evening. The members present were Mrs. D. B. Thomas, Mrs. Margaret Kuhn and Misses Anna Sweeney and Cathryn Dale, Winnie Thomas was a vi itor at the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Merle Houser and family and Mrs. Rov Markle and son of State College, Ronald Shilling of Linden Hall and Willis Houtz George Fortney, Mrs, John Kerstet- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Forey 0" Boalshurg. were recent callers at the George Markle home Howard Swank *iddle River, Md nd with the former's P. LL. Swank, In Soring Mills spent home The theran 8 nual dinner was daughter Mrs of week. Mrs two the mother P. 1 Sunday and son spent and Crusaders School | Thur slay mn eld thelr dinner evening da ug of tien Endea church wreh. The § ine, Mrs Williams Opal Neff John Cooner of and Willard were cated Thuraday Ro { ani Mr 1 of Glen. Mn wd ¥ Raun Mrs Mrs han, in Wak were Mr with itherite \ddiem nie Witherite at Julis th G. 1 and dau E Meyer and son Robert ccompanie Pfc. Wiha vho had sj pent nome, ww? spent the ucas )1 Wednesday uests of Mr. and Bethesda, Md ; and over night fue C. Ketchar They also uf . 5. Peake and thx at Bethesda, M4 thetr home were recent Mrs spent Roy Clemente Sunday evenly home, Sauers § way Williams nd Mrs. T. E College spent Sur he Lmcas home rior py pid of the Refn chur i Coxey home in Green Mrs. O. F. Smith return home Thursday wee with the family in Lewistown from line after spending Howard ins the rch Belle Lonbherper of Aberdee: Weel AE0, TI, Mrs . at an and three id Charles and dau Joa dinner guests ol foo Bat at State College Bandav The diner wee In honor “ 1 Mrs. Fo-rer fauline were FAILS Young, Satarday Mrs. Ethel Weber returned to her home in Tyrone Sunday, after visit- | jihday of Mrs. Charies RE Mrs. 8. A. Reitz WwW. V. Woomer of Saunders Mr Mrs. Samuel r and p is spending several day sons spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs Zion Pic son, SAA and ‘Local War Fund Nearing Goal Leland Ba Wis. visited Houtz home Recent vis nley and Mr. and Mrs ney were: Mr. and Mrs of Pine Grove M Hiram Lee eglah Madi- Wilbur ghman of “at the Saturday itors of Miss Sara Don- George Fort- John Keller Mr. and Mr College, Miss Mrs Elizabeth A Charles Montague by this attment Contingerd Mom page one) is of State is approximate. Milesburg neatls Tey Liv Stover visited at Houtz home at Houserville fro day until Saturday Billy Patterson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Homan Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coble and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr L ae mon at Bellefonte Miss Ella Bottorf of I a recent visitor with Anna Sweeney T. B. Segner of Baltimore Mrs. T. B. Segner and f: \ Mrs. Harry E. Kline of BpesH t Sunday eve g egner home Mr. and Mrs ) daughter of Potters Mills itors at the John Hess hom: Mr. and Mrs. William Lookpart Vandergrift visited Mr. and Mr Paul Kellerman Priday The Civic Club neld thei monthly meeting Priday evening. The mest. ing was in charge of the President Mrs. George Mothersbaugh Otner members present were: Mises Alina Lale, Gussie Murray, Mes. BH. M Hosterman, Mrs Mra recpivead i : i urged to come nk before the nder Welfare iw received that time pgencies receiving the Bellefonte Com- Fund the fast fol emont, was Miss her cousi and year Md, and Centre Com-~ t ine Boy $4 857.97 $4371.02 Association $308.01 Scouts, $566.3 860580. AM Centre-Clearfield $323.57: Salvation sociated Charities, fre Company, John Meeker and wern ViS~ Fire church Lozen C Om E $420.47; Crippled Chikiren Army. $303.38; Ax $4046; Milesburg $121.33 BE a ES war Penn: vania women! Join Pennsylvania's John Hubls- Own WAC Company! Go yore Charles Faxon and Mrs. Virginia Dearest U. 8. Aimy Recruiting Sia- M. Muvers ! now! Mrs. W. A. Rockey, Mrs Lesh Wright and Mr. and Mire Balyb Rockey spent Sunday aftercoa of the Willard Rockey home at Pelers burg. Mr. and Mrz daughter spent Mrs. Lukens’ sister, Mrs “Thomas at Williamsport The Buck Harbar Hun ot LOO, Y= This is your to on BE SESEN modern advances along with ends with them all for getting begins and things about EE Ee” If a newspaper came out with the t-uth. the whole trith and nothing but the truth, the editor would need a double suit of armor Despite the system individuals saying niece our Arthur Lakes the weekend and with Harry Club UNIONVILLE FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV. DAVID E JOSEPH, Minister Residence—{Unionville Tele, Bellefonte 6495 PREACHING A CHANGELESS CHRIST TO A CHANGELESS WORLD Sunday School 9:30 A M. Francis Smith, Supt Morning Worship 10:45 o'clock Theme: Hindrances to Growth in the Sanctified. Service 645 P. M. Miss Young Peoples’ Louise Smith, President Evening Prayer Servite 7:30 o'clock WE WELCOME YOU TO CORDIAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Back row--left to right: State College: Harry Sprankle, risburg: Charles F. Scheid, Lock ingdon: Kenneth C. Walter Samuel Tomlinson, Bellefonte left to right CGashaw Shaw, | Bellefonte Jeft t John Second row Lester J Jane B Smith lege Blafr First row Bi Hefonte Clair Parsons aston right: Cli Halenda Belle 0 ) Oil bury * " ” » Airport Has High Record For Safety (Continged Prom page ome) Poets Corner A WHIMSY FAIRY Tals ad to Ala neuish & Fairy 8 Muncy Mounts Fairies By an But it wa Of these optics of m t Droved fo be lust some old guy could not say Dine out the sky tree from hey seemed kept put oil guy he be searchi ing ail around, kept muttering was talking to th to teri ne me YW have my wo way " Knew 3 would break my silence To bid the time of day So 1 greeted them, "Good morning, It's a little hazy and we have had a heavy dew." I know he replied. and my mind is hary too For last night I found a note that somebody wrote And hid it on this mountain So 1 quickly shifted my ear a0 1 could more clearly hear The tale this old guy was recountin’ - Me and old Mog, aod, Was up here hunting foxes we found body wrote, And hid it in two ron boxes They hid 4t under a pitch pine tree, P'wite as thick gs my leg bove Lhe Ries, that's hound dan of a And this not that some {And they plled rocks around it; It. was peculiar, wo, 111 tell you, {The way they strapped and bound it [The boxes were neatly Srapped, : : 3 ! | { i i And tightly leather, [And under the Hid the note was hid, Under two hooves, a horn, and fern like feather. And It made me cower, godly hour "Twas past the hour of midnight | And under that could holy see, By Hiting the M4, I saw they were held by two devils sn Sonstiucied oatches, {Fo a= I knelt. I Shought I amelt, The fumes of burning matches, And 1t filled me with dread, and my | heart was like lead, And my soul was torn with grief. | ‘My breath was stilled, my blood was chilled, And 1 shook Mike sn aspen leal. Boyd Williams Indiana Haven; Bellefonte; J James Frederick Clalr dellefonte Md A. Blaine ford with rawhide ‘twas an un- | pitch pine tree, ij the beam of the Beacon Light | And as those straps! undid, and was | JULIAN Visitors at the home of Mr. and Ms C M Myers over the weekend were Mrs. James Hunter and sons, James, Jr. and Ditk, of Wilkins. burg, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Myers of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs, William Books and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Books of Altoona, and Ronnie Crain of Port Matilda, It sound: lke old times to hear of so many visitors a. the Myers farm as that was the favo ite spot all the wing ofl gen of thiyx community when tu Myer; family wag yong oy ’ Vie ci Ive meal n board « mananger ueces Har. } Stanford Hunt- uly ine Grove Mil y ald elect Lemont: CW. Taylor Walter A. Brocato, Lawrence, Mas David F. Lenker James G. Thompson, president and general manager Hall Browne, Carlisle Robert A. Danemark. "Belle fonts Artz and fami Sea B eee NJ 4 ™ x tats ’ v a ret CAA Lynwood K Thomas Donov wu Berkstresser, B Warner, Lem Irving Be! Lemon’: John Schreek, quite a and Mr of Ariz na Mever Art Inspect lefonts Shirey, 1 Bel liefonte Belle- awn jefor kvill kville McCoy A Club Contributes To Organization " " . " Pe En: ei 3 "a ' th fiend 10 make a bimpies on & thimble. Cgilection of funny books for the ORVISTON me ame sla ti hospital « Be © 1k Devwmber 4 yada | ' § a were B98 DCAY present al Sunday wm of Lewis, fesw PUr- Mrs 4 | 4 and Rhoads of Camp Ed. nours and John few and baby Mrs sen a wife and Mrs Ha David Kath Ver were Eup. Confer, on the weekend wi Shank Mr Lock Haven, 0 relative My. and Decatur man Confer home Kenneth Walker for New Cumberiand inthe U. 8 Army Foster Walker moved his family to Flemington, on Monday Mr. and Mr: Charles Heverly of Lock Haven, spent Sunday with Mrs Bertha Condo Mr and Mrs Charles Batler of Jersey Shore, spent Sunflay with Mr and Mrs. CG. F. Butler Reuben Packer fs confined to kis home with a sore throat Ellis Haines returned to “amp Bartley. Texas. where he is stationed Miss Martha and Erma Hathes and oir] friend visited with friends In Orviston Bunfay Shirley Quick spent’ the weekend with her school friend Anna AMG o' Lock Haven The CE Societies of Centre Conn. tv held their convention at Pleasant Cap in the M. E church on Sawur- day. There wa: a pood number of the Orviston folks present wnd all reported a very interesting day and evening SNYDERTOWN Mr. and Mrs. H M. Walizer of Clintondale, spent last week at the Nevin Stover home, the alter hav. ing a cataract removed from the left eve at the Centre County Hospital Sunday visitors at the W. WwW. Haagen home were Glenn Berry, daughtr M's. Cyrus Haagen and son Glenn, all of Lock Hagen, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dreese and son Donnie of Lemont Rev. and Mrs were Friday visitors of Emerick at the Bellefonte Mrs. Clair Hines and son Thomas Andrew, are spending several weeks with Mre Hines sister, Mrs. Bernice 3 and Mrs. Kenneth Shad ent the weekend here Mrs C spen B Page of thy West Sunday at Shev. left Thursday induction on for ard botled ge 134 rained sirytil ¢ ret 11] mia OTrOugR o ASSURES //. SUCCESS "YOUR NEWEST FROCK NuUBONE fo Woven Wire Stay in control undations feature the exclusive permitting grace‘ul movement while retaining complete figure the thrill individual you experience the direction To know distinctive poise of NuBONE n smartness of its any fully of and style mst CALY comfort as well as the moder molded silhouette A kille ere a obligat : oorastiere ia in )] wl gladly and without demonstrate to you the exclusive features of NUBONE as they apply to vour individual figure re- quirements attendance NuBONE CORSET SHOP PEACOCK KIDDIES SHOP 19 W. High St Bellefonte, Penna. aa a at aa & a ad THE TEXAS LUNCH Now Open at New Location, West High Street, Bellefonte Mrs, Hattie County Home in beens ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stover of Pleasant Gap. were Tuesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eq Dor. man. Mr and Mrs Harold Wetsei and! daughter Janet of Salona, All new furniture and equipment. We are now able to offer you a wider variety of well prepared food ver home in modern surroundings. Mr, and Mrs David E. Btraesser Coakley at Coleville. The former has, spent | Saturday evening at the Nevin Sto«* i William Haagen UNIONVILLE ————— Methodist Chu this Thursday e of Mr. and Mn; Run All kindly meet P. m. when provided Bund morning at 9: int evening at the regular preaching 7:30, with sermon ty Rev. W. A. Bnyder Free Methodint service Friday Bunday morning at 9 rey Pp. mm vith f reh: Prayer service vening at J. E. Carper of Persons attenc the ch transportation wil sSCHno) KE outh Fellowship 5:30, I« LEAH Lhe home Dix ng will abt Neue Arcii a f.a9 at he INCARY he owed by Chur evening in the local " school on Bur 30, It ing ‘ church Moy OWE Lh Wr preact Vie Lise rmon by Hey ion township old ns yet that got a gets his turkey Rano and Ceorge hag not he had it tied, 50 it. He usually first day of the where hw shot at the Mf. and Altoona ner M: A writ on Jast Poorman of “i week visiting moun Alda Btere loved the ¥ it with A They the Woods 1 Woo yun POTTERS MILLS E. Smith, wii visited over relatives in Shiokshinny Bdwa'd Snook ang family moved from the Blauser apartment on Tuesday inte the Mrs Jor Oonfer ise, Mr. Ben B dren, e ang tw eckend wi ie Ww Hom we home of } G. H. MeCormi MceOormick Palmer Miss Ca _ Bellefonte on RBunday took din- ner at the Mr. Charles Jodon home Mrs. Laura McCormick and Miss Mce- Tiaskey remained for a visit of a few va at the Jodon home Among our lucky hun Merrill Decker and Harn Each having shot 3 wild turkey Decker and wife entertained turkey dinner Sunday evening Mr and Mrs. E 8 Brown, George Luse, Centre Hall; Ray Decker, wife and gon of Spring Mills, R Mr and Mrs. G. H. MeCor sci Ms. Board Honors H. J. Hartranft Oonttwust from pape one with hereby to take proper notice of the termination of this service and fo recount to the community some McClar 81 rofine a vs ol ana mn.Cx of the major contributions made by.h providing buliding and has been responsible more han any other indivigusl for the successful conclusion ‘of this project worked earnes or 1} +1 ly for 8 n for the Cis- ation of good the adminis~ interests tab toe es wriods of tress with uUn- Mirpone ang onergy o- of a compieie abd ade- svem President of the Board he has nuaily provided soung ang in- ational leadership “Therefore, in consideration of and many other fine contribu- and accomplishments, be "ee that we, the members of the onte School Board who have with Mr. Hartranfi do here. bY express our he sarifelt appreciation for the gplendid services rendered by him, that we do her commend him the community or his in- valuable contribution to the devel- opment of our edupational system, and that we express to him our sin- cere best wishes for hiz continued personal well-being and happiness.™ thee Lon solved Belief served $4 i“ fur to women urgently of Pennsylvania, you're needed in the WAC. Join Pennsvivania’s Own WAC Company ~mow! GO to the nearest U 8S Army Recruiting Station. a We feel sure that the sverage American is ready to back up the boys on the front and if It takes weavier taxation, let's have it. RR A sian SBE When The Frost Is On The Pumpkin It's Time To Prepare FOR WINTER WARM MORNING HEATERS Answer Your Problem Remember It's Easy to Buy Because were recent visitors of their daughe tor, Mrs HARRY COMNDROS, Proprietor Creek. the latter having been ill but ng. : Wg Glenn Rogers and daughter Charles Peters of Beech! fn somewhat improved at this writ. It's Easy to Pay The Claster Way CLASTER'S High St.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers