THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Noveniber 11. Conservation Association’ on or be- {should arrange an appointment with fore November 30, Farmers desiring Mr. Potter and bring necessary pros help to making out the application including welghts. 1943, Maes rene for the Well, boys member the plate of and girls good old dave when steak was routine? who can re. Most after fu resent Spender M ginner addr cream is eligible to this subsidy but the report must be filed in the office of the Centre County . Agriculture nothing but practice CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY a WAR FUND DRIVE HERE EXCEEDS $532 QUOTA The National War Fund Drive went over the top in Centre Hall by nearly three hundred dollars because Coach Edgar Miller's Red Lions out-ran and out-smarted Coach Roy Jamison's Blue Lions as the race drew to a close here Sat- urday night. No, the typesetter has not mixed this account with a junior high sports column. The Lions Club in Centre Hall, local sponsors of this War Fund Drive, was organised in the traditional high-school-maga- zine-campaign manner, even down to a pseudo-thermometer in the First National Bank building to reg- | ister the rising mercury in red or blue as one team or the other forg- ed ahead And what's more, the week's con- tributions totalled $812.25 in cash! Centre Hall's quota was $532 High scorer for the red team was George Sweeney with colleetions amounting to more than one hun- dred dollars to his credit. Dr. H FP Casper distinguished himself on the blue team by collecting $72. Other leading scorers were Carl Burkhol- der. Paul Breon and P. P. Hen- shall A crowd of spectators had gath- ered for the finals Saturday night ot midnight at the bank building Coach Miller paced the floar; Coach Jamison tore his hair. Both had had their henchmen combing the crowd for hours on the chance that some contributor had been missed or someone wanted to increase his contribution. Then on the stroke of twelve, Referee Kerlin and Lines man Keener tallied the scores and announced the results: Red, $421.75 Blue, £390.50 Snoils for the victors in this will be a ham and egg supper mired and served to the winning Millerites by the outdone Jamison- men. Coach Miller and his men have overlooked only one thing in this contest, all the good cooks arn on their side! case pre- CHURCH SERVICES The Rev. W. K. Hos- terman, pastor: Tusseyville Ch: Service 9:00: Sunday School 10:90 Ilemont Church Service 11:00 Sunday School 10:00; Spring Mills Church Service 2:00; Sunday Schoo: Locust Grove Evangelistic Service 7:30; Sunday School 9:30 Lutheran: The Rev. C. C pastor, Centre Hall Church Ser. vice 7:30 Sunday School 9:30 Spring Mills Cht Service 10:30 Sunday School 9:30 Thus: Church Service 9:00; Sunday Sc 10:00 Methodist: The Rev. C. M mond. Pastor. Centre Hall Ct} Service 9:30; Sunday School Sprucetown Church Service Sunday School 9:45 Presbyterian: The Rev. H M Shaeffer, supply pastor. Centre Hall Church Service 9:30; Sunday School 10:30; Pine Grove Church Service 7:30: Sunday School $:30; Lemont Church Service 11:00; Sunday School 10:00 Reformed The Rev. D. R. Keener pastor. Centre Hall Church Service 7:30; Sunday School 8:30; Spring Mills Communion 10:30 Sunday School 9:30: Farmers Mills Church Serviec 8:00; Sunday School 10:00 Evangelical ireh Otto irch wyville hool Ham- hurch 10:30 10:45, AND PERSONALS. Society LOCALS The Lutheran Missionary : Group B. met at the home of M.: J. Harold Durst Tuesday evenin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leightley and daughters, Joanne and Garl, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell In Boalsburg Mr. and Mrs. A. E Limbert spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann in Beech Creek Mrs. Windom E. Bartges from Millheim was an overnight guest on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schlegel from Fleetwood visited their daugh- ter, Mrs. Delas R. Keener and fam- fly from Friday until Sunday. Mrs. Keener and daughter Sandra re- turned home with them on Sunday for a two-weeks" visit. The Friendship Bible Class of the Reformed Sunday School will have # Penny-a-Dip supper Saturday evening, November 13, from 5 to 8 o'clock in the basement of the church Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhoades attended the County Christian En- deavor Convention on Saturday in the Pleasant Gap Methodist church. At this time Mr. Rhoades was re- elected county president Miss Mary Delaney and room- mate, from Geisinger Memorial Hospital in Danville, spent Sunday afternoon and evening here with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Delaney Miss Catharine Hoffman, Secre- tary at the Evangelical Home in Lewisburg, was an overnight guest Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhoades. About fifteen members and six guests from Lemont attended a meeting of the Evangelical Miss- lonary Society Thursday evening in the church. Mrs. Kenneth Wert gave & Paper prooucis demonstration st this meeting. Mrs. Sparr Wert and Mrs. P. F Bower from Aaronsburg called Fri- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller. Paul Houser from Lemont and NOTICE I WILL OPEN A BARBER SHOP in the FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Centre Hall, Pa. Wed., Nov. 17 Your patronage will be appreciated. Tom Foss mm a) | Edgar Miller attended a Chevrolet {from dealers’ convention in Pittsburgh on Monday and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miller enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neff Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Neff, and Mrs Mary Nef! to Sunday supper Mrs. Margaret Godshall spent. the weekend with friends in Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Frank enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frank and Marie Novasel from Bellefonte and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Frank to dinner on Sunday Misses Amanda and Cora Anronsburg called at Savilla Kryder Halnes the homes of Mrs and |W. W. Kerlin on Priday : Biddle and Miss Eleanor Bellefonte called Sun the Robert Rhoade Donald Musser from day evening at home Lt. and Mrs. John Spyker spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week here with Mr. and Mrs. C. A Spyker and family. Lt. Spyker has just completed officers’ training at Camp Davis, 8. C., and, after a ten day furlough. was Camp Stewart, Ga. Mrs. Spyker is employ- York Rev. W. R. Vogel College Evangelical addressed the Fall Institute County W. C. T. U. in the Presby- terian church here Friday evening The local W. C. T. U. served vege- tale soup and coffee to about thirty-five persons who brought a box lunch for their supper. Special music at these sessions included solos by Miss Ruth Billow and Mrs Harry Potter, and a duet by Misse Jane and Martha Spyker Peace” is to be the World Community held on Armis- 2:30 o'clock in sent tw ed in The State from the church of the the to be (today) at Day program tice Day the Lutheran Mrs. W. FP. Keller entertained the local W. C. T. U. on last Wednes- day evening Mrs. Harry Potter and Mrs. John B. Wert, Jr. presented # skit at this meeting, which was the annual dues’ social. These other members were present: Mrs. P. P Henshall Mrs. W. A Alexander Mrs. Lovan Smith. Mrs. Philip Brad- ford. Mrs. J B. Wert, Sr. Mrs. Ken- neth Wert, Mrs. Harold Bohn and Mrs. F. V. Goodhart Mrs. Grace Deitzel. Mrs. Keller's sister from Johnstown, attended as a guest The Ald SBo- ciety evening at the home of Mrs. Philip Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cummings from Rebersburg were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cummings Leister, daughter of Mr. and spent the week church Presbyterian Ladies will meet Friday Janet Mr ine Let ister guests La turkey inner Friday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. B Gorder Grove of Cen- tre Hall: Rev. and Mrs. Delas R Keener and daughter Sandra, Mr and Mrs. Guyer W. Grove, Ruby Steryl. Lucille and Kitty, Mrs. Don- ald T. Weaver and daughter Wanda Miss Carriebelle Emerick. Mrs, ida Weaver and daughter Evelyn, all of Centre Hall: Mr. and Mrs Robert E. Myers and son Barry, of Spring on A class in sored by surgical dressings the Red Cross, will begin here in the community soon accord- ing to Mrs. F. V. Goodhart, local chairman of the project. Red Cross Knit tr 8 and sewing will also be lable here this winter Any woman interested in making the sur- gical dressings should contact Mrs George Vogt, Mrs. George Stover or Mrs. Goodhart. The class will meet one evening a week Miss Laura Runkle returned to her home from Geissinger Hospital last week Pon - William Miller from Altoona was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Anna Bartholomew and family. Mrs. Alda Bloom accompanied him to Altoona to spend the week there Mrs. D. M. Bradford went to Lock Haven on Priday to care for her grandchildren there while her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McClellan, went to Camp Jackson, 8. C.. to visit Pvt. Harold Bradford. Mrs. Harold Bradford, who has spent several weeks at Co- lumbia, 8. C., since her husband is stationed nearby. will return home with Mr. and Mrs. McCielian this week Two Centre Hall boys are now lo- cated at the Norfolk, Va.. Naval Base. Ernest A. Frank Jr. S1-c will sail on the new U. 8 8. Hornet. aircraft carrier, when it is compieted. and Floyd Vogt, 81-¢ has been assigned to the U. 8. 8. Laming. a destroyer escort The Community Thanksgiving Ser- vice for Centre Hall will be held Wednesday evening, November M4. in the Lutheran church with the Rav. C. M. Hammond delivering the ser- mon. The Spring Mills service wit be held at the same time in the Methodist Church. The Rev. De'as R. Keener will preach the sermon. The Rev. and Mrs. W. K. Hos- terman attended the Wikipmaport & District Evangelical Ministeriura Tuesday at Madisonburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna and daughters entertained Mr. and Mrs Ernest Wagner and son Larry to dinner last Wednesday evening. In the evening they called on the Rov and Mrs. John Harkins in State Col- lege Mrs. William Hanna spent Tues- day in McAllisterville with Mr. and | Mrs. Gervin Shaeffer. ] Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poss from | Pleasant Gap, had supper Monday ‘evening with her mother, Mrs. Busan | { Emery. i Misses Rosella Homan and Jean | 8mith spent the weekend with Mr | : (and Mrs. Cameron Long in Howar ! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Emery, daugl:- (ter Lucille and son Wayne, were | weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. | Sr A | Elenker in Lock Haven. Mr. and Mrs. FP. K. Prank, Mr, ard Mrs. E. E. Zettle, and Andrew Zel'ls attended the funeral of Williara Zettle in Penn Hall on Baturday, i Miss Pauline Burkholder from Harrisburg, vacationing last wepks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Joh Burkholder, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben 8. Rickert and daughter, and Thursday with M and Mrs. Roy 8. Jamison and family Mrs. Vernon Garbrick is under observation at Geissinger Hospital in Danville where she was admitted last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stover from Yeagertown called at the Searson home here on Sunday Misses Betty and Sarah Slack, Ne! lle Knarr, Eunice Blazer and Bett) Searson from Harrisburg, spent the weekend here with thelr parents Mrs. Kenneth Wert entertained these guests to a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of her daughter Ruth: Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wert Sr Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wert Jr. and daughter Jeanne and Mr. and Mn Ralph Dale and son Jack Bobby Wert from Bellefonte wa a weekend guest of his cousins, Roa- ald and Donald Breon Miss Janet Runkle, entertained the Evangelical Young People Missionary Circle Tuesday evening Harvey Flink and his mother, Mrs Mary Flink., were guests of Mr. an | Mrs. WW. Kerlin and family a! dinner on Sunday Mrs Smith spent weeks recently in Shamokin Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kerstetter from Port Carbon, spent last Wednesda and Thursday here visiting with Mr and Mrs. John Rishel. Samuel Gin- grich and other friends Mrs. John Rudy Lutheran Missionary A last Wednesday evening. These members attended: Mrs. F K. Prank Mrs. J. B Wert, Jr Mrs. Aboce exander, Mrs Mary Flink, Mrs Mark, Mrs. Arch Mover, Mrs Lee and Mrs. 8S W Mrs Strunk attended as a guest Foss from Pi a barber room of Sarah entertained the Society Group Smith Thomas plans to open the ie CREAN shop her unoccupied the National Bank bullding Wednes November 17 At the presen Foss is employed in Harrisburg he formerly operated a shoo Pleasant Gap. Mr Poss served hi apprenticeship In Centre Haul une late Frank P. Geary the beginning in 1913 SENIOR CLASS TO PRESENT "DON'T TAKE MY PENNY” Dont Take Mj nny.” a comedy by Anne Coulter Mar- HE the Centre Frida three. ember th Dec a mad with a CGoodart Nor- man, Adon sane man Porter. a publicity Foust, Penny, a pretty little miss Farn Hanna: Caleb, her absorbed father, Ardell Gross; Mark, her farm minded brother, Willlam Reese: Mavis, her attractive sister. Edna Rimmey. Lydia, her busy mother Evelyn Rover: Joanna, her loyal girl friend, Beulah Bradford: Kerry. hor resourceful boy friend. Jack Brouse Greg. his pal with ideas, Paul Brad- ford Jr: Gram. just hersell, Betis Kline: Monsieur Henri, Pranch de- signer, John Wyland: models, Alta Miller Esther Blazer Minerva Nef! Phyllis Grove. Lois Ross. Helen Wi! kins and Jean Bartholomew. delivery boys, Warren Faust and Harry Bur ris Jr. Harrison Day. a young au- thor, Donald Ross The committee on costumes ard stage accessories include Jean Bar tholomew, Lois Ross. Helen Wilkin and Esther Blazer William Reese heads a committee on stage furniture and settings. in- cluding these other members: Don. ald Ross, Harry Burris, Jr, and Ar- dell Cross FARMERS ASKED TO MAKE APPLICATIONS FOR SUBSIDIES Harry Potter, local Farm Conser- vation chairman, was asked at a meeting of the County War Pood Administration on Monday evening, to help {farmers in this community in filling out their application for pay. ment in the milk subsidy program Anyone selling milk, buller. or Ar M MILLHEIM L ~ NEW SHOW TIME Show Time—7:10 and 9:00 P. M. Admission lle and 30¢ FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY iNav. 12th) “Hoppy"” Willlamr Boyd bucks the Rebels of the Open Range “LOST CANYON" Also-—Added Comedy: “THE DEVIL WITH HITLER" SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Nov. 13th) | The mest unusual Jove story In : years and years! " endadd da FERRARA VW “THE CONSTANT NYMPH" Chas. Boyer Joan Pontaine Chas. Coburn : WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY (Two Nights—Nov. 17-18) ! 48 Stars in a Great Screen Story . “STAGE DOOR CANTEEN“ — Cm BONDS! CAMPBELL'S TOMATO ANN PAGE BOSTON STYLE CUT GREEN GiBB'S ova ANN PAGE ELBOW KARO BLUE LABEL FRESH LOOSE PORK BEANS SYRUP SOUP ..... A&P CREAM STYLE GOLDEN SWEET CORN... BEANS MACARONI . a 0 (Type 2) SAUSAGE . dus? Lb. 8 Treyhe Best] | =AsP (34: and JANE PARKER DONUTS | Callow Aud Jus, O Clock, roused to LT] Paitker b and! “ries melt this 25 11 10 10 25 25° 35° AAFP Coles think. Ty right to ARF Stores. n Sour favorite and donuts ure and Jane Purker Th fard)y in Circle or Bakar flavor peak Your for your coffee Donuts—piuln or They're rushed Nery Hed sugared freak good thes Why nut combination to mouth! one of America’s favor Donuts are Atierica Each chiles pot, al the “re America's from try SUGARED HALF and HALF He food cn wnhinations’ America’s tavorites! ALY Cofteop ight superh blends is CUSTOM GROUND moment son buy Lai gost buys of these will be Fane sellin AV Bak ng slmost or 0 196 D4 14g Other Fresh Baked Goods! 99c¢ 43c 25c¢ Sandwich Rolls . »:. 9c¢ Marvel Bost« Brown Bread Sliced. Enriched, FAMILY lane Pur Delicious SMart Nuted ker Fruit Cakes . . White Layer Cake : oa Oh the Da Crunch Ring . Right with 1) te iriched i ih Loat 15c DILICIOUS CRYSTAL GRAPE JAM 2-1b. Jar 41c Buy a Quantity at this new low price! CABBAG 25¢ 29¢ sis 270 Rome ar Staaman APPLES Calif. Emperor GRAPES Crisp Pascal 3 2 § CELERY 2 FOR Golden Pre. Washed SWEET POTATOES 19¢ KRAUT n Heal House Purple Top TURNIPS . . 4 Canadian Loaf 1.4 LETTUCE .. 2 23c - 23¢ RUTABAGAS 6 -- — EB FRESH POLLOCK STEAKS 25c i t— TASTY FRESH WHITING 10c ———————_ FRESH STEWING OYSTERS Fink 59c¢ Frying Pint. . Small Legs of « Grades ANA & © LAMB .. Shot'der Roast «= Grades AN & A VEAL Fresh Ground BEEF Sliced Grade “A” BACO Wilson's Unrationed Bracing - Beverage 35 23 25 39 C C C C Point Free Poultry! Fresh dressed, drawn head and feet on, for roasting or frying. CHICKENS ws 45¢ Fresh Dressed, Drawn, Heads and Feet On NUTLEY OLED CORN STARCH 7... dexo SHORTENING DIAMORD SALT "0, IONA TOMATOES BAKER MAID SALTIRES OCTAGON CLEANSER ARGO GLOSS STARCH CIGARETTES 2 bs sige oer Fhe { ans . 2, ih 3 rhe Pop pkg. Ine Brands Tax OLLED OAT 3le i5¢ Iie Ne. 2 (8g 29¢ Can fg 8c 15¢ Se IN RE SE RR aa a RIES A SE X 0% x on 5
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