A Where the Fuel Goes cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, HEAVY BOMBER he Cenfre Democval WHERE THE An Army Trans. port burns 32,000 gallons of fuel oil a day. FUEL GOES VOLUME 62. NUMBER 44. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDA Y, NOVEMBER 4, 1943. — SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. lose Coat Feature » Mrs. Ward for Register; Corman Defeats Wettstein Loses to Sheriff; In an election ber of unusually marked by a num- close contests for some offices, and by equally easy victories in others, Centre countians on Tuesday chose the following of- WAR FUND DRIVE NOW UNDER WAY 17 Agencies Participate in Campaign; Solicitors Canvass County Centre county on Monday ed its National War Fund campaign with district and town solicitors porting ready response to the drive slogan “Give Once For All” to the 17 agencies participating In the State Coliege district solic- itors received final instructions at a rally in Wditarium Manday night Co launch- ree. Schwab A mty Chairman Russell BE. Clark gave final instructions te solicitor who in State College were led by the various block-leaders. Dean R Warnock told of the War Fund work, and three members {f the Army Air Force unit at the College who have been outstanding at fund rallies in northern tier counties topped off the rally with ; it of their experiences They are Sergeants Car son and John A. Travers {Continued on page Seven) of nn accour ton Wil- vho saw McCord, Keeler, Hipple Elected. tests lection x 4 - = = Judge | | | Cong. Proth, { ! { i | | Ly VOTING PRECINCTS dag —eprejen Wa—I2PYoH dayg—anym “Wa —uIpsITIy WA] — UT EWLIO0 | WAU 1 s \ (GGalaida in Race For Bellefonte Boro-—-N. W Belle‘onte Boro-—-8, W Bellefonte Boro--W. W Centre Hall Boro Howard Boro Milesburg Boro Millheim Boro Port Matilda Boro Philipsburg--1st Ward Philipsburg--2nd ward Philipsburg--3rd Ward South Philipsburg Snow Shoe Borough State College East Div State College West Div State College-—-North Div Unionville Boro Benner Twp —N. P Benner Twp-—8. P Boggs Twp.—N. P Boggs Twp —E. P loges Twp. —W. P Burnside Twp College Twp Curtin Twp Curtin Twp Ferguson Twp Ferguson Twp Ferguson Twp Gregg Twp N Gregg Twp. —E Ciregg Twp Halnes Twp Haines Twp Hallmoon Harrls Twp. E Harris Twp. —-W Howard Twp Huston Twp Liberty Twp Liberty Twp Marion Twp “ he Mlies Twp vote of any of Miles Twp : es Ans Patton Twp Harry V. Keeler 4 Republican mem- Hipple, Demo- Page Mx) ficials to conduct the county ernment for the next four years, ac- cording to the unofficial newspaper tabulation Sherifl Bellefonte Prothonotary Axemann RgOV~ John “Jerry” Galaida, of Bond Treasurer Edward Bellefonte Reg Mills Recorder Milesburg Commissioner Philipsburg: Harry fonte, and Ch f | ister: Harry A Corman, Spring Leamer R. Woodring Me ‘Cord ] Belle . elle Hipple e arles onte Belle Union part Hughes, Mile ty Victor Auditor: James fonte Howard township, and J Rebersburg Coroner burg Surveyor J Martha Furnace All t paliican R M N S ut Thompson 60 41 29 6 trolled by he offices will be con with the ex Register, the present Democt incumbent, Hairy A. C been elected for a second margin of 899 voles over cille 8. Ward, of Bel lefon publican nomines O. P. McCord will of the incoming board sioner virtue of polled the larg four candidates will be other and Chatles F Ww f Hm od Twp HAT Rs the Lo PL — 3 orman having term by a Mr Lu- the Re- —- BER E P WwW. P 2:8 be the chairman EP M. P -W. P of by his J en pe. CF - v e § the Penn Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp Rush Twp w ue N.P 8 P Ww. P N.P ber Prmtivaed om 0% 8 «3 “RIE Local Youthis Fatally Wounded by Brother itonald Hoover, 8, of Bellefonte, R. D. 2, Dies After| Being Shot Through Grandmother. Shot through the abdomen Mon- day night while he and a younger brother were playing with a revolver at the home of their grandmother, in Morrisdale, Ronald FP. Hoover, ag- ed 8B son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoover, of Bush Addition, Bellefonte, died at 11 a. m. Tuesday morning in the Benson Sanitarium, Philipsburg The youth, a pupil in the Belle- fonte Parochial school, and his mother and brothers were visiting Mrs. Hoover's mother, Mrs. Jane Gilday. in Morrisdale, when the ac- cident happened Ronald and his brother, Pat, aged 4, had been playing with toy guns, it is reported, and in the course of their play found a loaded revolver in the drawer of a desk It is believed that while Pat was handling the weapon it discharged Rush Twp. —E. P Rush Twp.—-8. P Rush Twp —W. P Snow Shoe Twp —E. P Snow Shoe Twp -W. P Spring Twp. -—-N. P Spring Twp 8. P Spring Twp. —-W. P Taylor Twp Union Twp.. Walker Twp —E P. Walker TWE. -M. P.. Walker fap. 1 Pp. Worth Twp..... Total. . Wt wd = 5 3 _—. wd wd GS w- —-—aoaang er tlh il ow On La Yl 08 Uh wy R42 Abdomen While Visiting 2E3BBRNs 678 51487416 6232 6886 5308 7794 Ma jority 1544 2270 “@ — - - x 8 » Register Record. | | 1 WI] —UTUWIO)) 503 417 162 104 197 169 106 110 165 179 203 265 207 119 176 70 SgsangEvngns 33 me 2238 2 sails ld 8 34 1 5 5 ( Commissioners dag —pao)OK UNOFFICIAL TABULATION OF VOTES CAST AT TUESDAY'S ELECTION Caroner { Auditors WA(J——UOSTE doy —I1PR — — —— i a 3 3 seupBes 3 rT the bullet striking his older brother in the abdomen and penetrating the stomach and liver The Hoover family has resided in Bush Addition for the past two years, going there from Milesburg where they resided for a time while Mr. Hoover, who is now employed by the Titan Metal Company, conducted the Clover Farm store in Milesburg The vouth is survived by his par- ents, Harvey and Marcella Gilday Hoover, both of whom are natives of the Morrisdale area. and by three brothers, Richard, Dean and Pat, all at home Puneral services will be held at 9 o'clock Pridav morning at the Mor- risdale Catholic church. with the Rev. Father Kronz, of Morrisdale, officiating. Interment will be made in the church cemetery COMPANY REPORTS DEER RUNS LENG ON DIST PROBLEM OF CURTIN STREE to ~ Wounded 8 Point Buck Warner Co. to Buy $32 000 Collector for Narrowly Misses Running Into Pedestrian No. 3 Kiln Appropriation of $32000 for the purchase of a centrifugal “ust col- lector for the No. 3 kiln at the Belle. fonte plant, was announced by John Curtin, Jr, vice president of the | Warmer Company. Monday night, in An eight-point buck, apparentle wounded about the head or chest, ran the entire length of Curtin street Sunday afternoon and disappeared across the fields to the northwest of Bellefonte OSCEOLA MILLS SOLDIER KILLED Father Receives Notice of Son’s Death in North Africa Word was received in Mills on Priday of the death of Pvt Jack Vroman, 40-year-old son of Frederick B. Vroman, Sr. of that place. Pvt. Vroman's death occur- red September 26 in Algeria, North Africa. Mr. Vroman received a telegram from the War Department and a letter from his son's commanding officer advising him of the death. No details were given. The deceased was born and raised in Osceola Mills, He was emploved at Prank Albert's coal stripping at New Carden before being called to service. He went overseas last Jan- uary and was a private in an army engineer detachment stationed in North Africa, In addition to his father he is survived by the following four bro- thers: Frederick, Jr., of Osceola Mills; Kenneth, of Houtzdale: Burton, of Philipsburg, and Pfc. Chalmers, who is also with the army in North Af- rica. sisson MI ———— Garden Club to Meet The Bellefonte Garden Club will hold its annuai luncheon and busi- ness meeting at the Penn Belle Ho- tel on Tuesday, November § at 1 p. m. The entertainment will be fur- nished by the Rev. Foster Piper, of Milesburg, who will show natural- color pictures of some of his travels, Reservations should be made before Saturday night with members of the committee, JeeMen's gloves make an ideal Christmas gift. Pair $395. Wolf Farniture Company. . a letter to Bellefonte Borough Coun- cil The new collector is of the same itype which is now in successful op- eration on kiln No. 2, it was report- ted. The device is to be ordered im- mediately upon receiving the neces sary priority from Washington, the letter set forth In making the announcement Mr. Curtin reviewed steps taken in the past to eliminate lime dust. At pres- ent there are in operation dust col. lectors powered by motors totaling 2:30 p. m. by Mina Jane McGroarty, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGroarty, and Barbara Fritch- man, both of West Curlin street, and other youngsters in that vicin- ity. The deer came out of a small wookls north of West Curtin street, ran through the Rebecca Mull prop- erty and came out on dhe street There the deer skirted along the lawns, crossed Allegheny street and continued its swift dash up the street SUNDAY SCHOOLS AN GONVENTION Program to o be Held No- vember 11 at State Col- The buck was first sighted about Osceola : lege Church The completion of plans for the seventy-fifth annual convention of the Centre County Sabbath School Association was the item of major importance and consideration as the county staff met in its regular monthly session on Sunday after- noon, October 31 in the Methodist church at Bellefonte The fall convention will be held in the Faith Reformed church, State College, Thursday, November 11, be- ginning with registration of dele- gates at 9 a. m. Full morning, after noon and evening sessions are plan- 235 horsepower. After the new col- lector is in operation, the plant will have motors totaling 340 horsepower in almost continuous use in that work, the company reports Following is the text of the let- ter; October 28, 1043 Mr. Walter Eberhart, Chairman, Bellefonte Borough Council i Dust Committee, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Eberhart. We have endeavored to cooperate’ with you as chairman of ‘he Belle- fonte Borough Council Dust Com- {Continued on Page Eight) Mrs. Wilbur Baney was in the act of stepping down from the front porch of her home on East Curtin street when the buck ran in front of her, so close that if she had taken another step it would have struck her. Then the animal ran across the iCharles Wagner property and oon tinued on eastward, passing the Tai- ibott, Quigley and Schwartz homes and disappearing over the fields be- yond. Many residents of the street (saw the animal during its flight Those who saw the deer Said ils head was flecked with blood-stained foam, leading to the belief that the ‘animal had been wounded in the ned. The program, built upon the! (Continued on hin Seven) RE Former Houserville ‘Man Reported Missing. Gives Blonde Hair Pie. Charles A. Smith, who for the past five years has made his For War Effort home with Lewis W. Baylets of i Houserville, has been reported miss | A golden-haired Moshannon girl, Gets Purple Heart Medal ing in action, according to a War nine-year-old, came to a Bellefonte Staff Sergeant Mathias Maurer, Department telegram received by a beauty salon Monday morning {0 son of Mrs. Mary Maurer of Phil-| friend. Miss Doris Yarnell, of Spring | have her long tresses cut, { ipsburg, has been decorated with Mills It was no vain reson which the Army's Purple Heart medal. The The telegram that Pvt.| prompted the little girl's act. She decoration was awarded for wounds chest, throat or mouth. The animal was described as be ing full grown and according to some persons, believeg to have » Moshannon Girl is Pt. McCoy mountain before it came! down the mountain, swam the creek | ‘and entered the borough. stated Smith, an army paratrooper serving | read, recently, where the Priez In- received in action near Soputa, dur-| in the North African theatre of op- | strument Division of the Bendix Av ing the New Cuinea campaign, on’ tion since September 15, but gave needed blonde hair in the manufac- | promoted from Sergeant to Bta no further details. | ture of bomb sights and other pre- Sergeant last month. His aewly won Pvt. 8mith entered the armed cision instruments they are making decoration, the Purple medal, forces on June 9, 1041. He took pre- for the war effort. ithe plece of purple with the liminary training at Camp Wheeler! So the girl, Myra Borger, daugh- white edges. and Va. and was stationed at Fort ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borger, pin he sent home Benning, Ga., and in South Carolina | wrote into the company, sending a —_— before being “sent overseas, He ar- sample of her hair. It was found to. Kodak finishing rived in England in June, 1042, and, be suitable and as a resuit her 24. M4. photograph was sent to North Africa shortly af-| inch tresses were cut and prepared William J. Sager, ter the Allied invasion of November | for shipment. 7 (Continued on Page Ms) . been shot or chased by dogs on the | metal IN PARADE HERE: 500 Mummers, J Musical Organizations in Hal- lowe'en Fete Three Bellefonte “musioal organi- zations and approximately 500 mum- mers took part in a Hallowe'en pa- rade Friday night sponsored by the Bellefonte Chamber of Commerce The marchers, including two-year. old youngsters, were awarded 105 tickets, entitling them to jrizes do- nated by Bellefonte merchants. Val. ue of prizes ranged from 50 cents to $5. officials said ! All kinds of costumes, including several “Pistol Packin’ Mammas™ Were Seen and one pony appeared in the parade. Musical organizations taking part in the parade were the Bellefonte High School Band, the VFW Fife and Drum Corps and the American Legion Junior Band Those who were awarded prizes were as follows | Janet Rockey, Lamb 8t. week's movie ticket: Bruce Ceary Brown, Willowbank St, week's movie ticket; | Sally Perks, W. Beaver 8t. bedroom | slippers; Clifford Bickel, Bellefonte, | $1 in trade; Ruth M. Eby, Pleasant Gap, box candy: Walter Claude, W.| Curtin St. toy gun: Martha Mor. {Continned on page Two) Complete Plans For “This Is the Army” | Preparations are complete for Bellefonte's gala first night premiere of “This Is The Army.” the popular Irving Berlin firm being shown here Friday night for the Army Emer- gency Relief The picture, which is In beauti- (ful technicolor, will make its ap-| [pearance at the Plaza theatre. The (that night at 8 o'clock. The show (will start at 8:30 p. m. The Ameri (will be from the Ametican Legion. H PRIZES AWARDED sy 15 NAMED HEALTH OFFICER ‘ang women Succeeds Ww. W W. Bickett; Council Studies Post- War Projects Karl E Kusse, secretary of Bellefonte Chamber of was unanimously elected Borough Health officer 0 succeed W. W. Bickett, resigned, at a regular meet- ing of Bellefonte Council at the Lo-~ | gan House Monday night. Two Brothers Die As Home Burns ‘Pine Glen Mother Col lapses After Carrying Sons Out of Flaming Building; Home Is Burned to Ground. The heroic effort of a 18-year-old Pine Glen mother to save two small children from death when the family home burned about noon Friday, proved fruitless when one of the children smothered other died ag the result The mother escaped but not serious burns Victims ¢ old Etter: Robert Mr Glen Returnin after a br opened the frame struc ¢ ner the traged Jr Sneddon Mrs aged 5 mo Etter: and arold Etter g irc fA DEIghLor Ie Bence Mrs coor ture w \lled with smoke stairs of his grabbed children collapsed Help summoned by neighbor, Roy Mc C ai mother and her ch ipsburg Stale Haspits was pronounced rival at that inst m. He is reported 10 have « inhaling smoke The older boy di that afternoon burn: Mrs burned about the and whose clot! ed, was I iidren id vere Ai Cited for Gallantry Plc. Allen J. Fye, Jr Continued on pape Biz) To Dedicate Honor Roll At Clarence Impressive Ceremonies Scheduled at Unveiling of Tribute to Men and Women of East Precinct of { War 1, will be dedicated ¥ the | with the {| Rhinesmith, of Bellefonte the | Cemmerce, | i Kusse's | Legion Junior Bang election is effective as of November! 1. and the post will carry a monthly salary of $25 Mr. Bickett re¢ently accepted em- agara Falls, lished his N. YY. and has estab- | ner,” furled and the plague is being un Snow Shoe Township An honor roll erected for men and women of the Bast Precinct of BSnow Shoe township who are serving in World War 11 andl for those who served in World atl impres- sive ceremonies 10 be held ence on Sunday alternoon The roll at the time of dedication will contain the names of 240 men from the preei et wh in the armed fc and names of 52 who were in the armed forces during World War 1 The program will begin at 2 p.m introduction of Samuel B Dist ict Commander of the American Legi as toastmaster Michael Koshko, of Clarence, will introduce the master After an invocation by Rev. J W | Palty, of Clarence, the American of Bellefonte will play “The Star Spangled Ban- while three flags are being up- at Clar- | are now trv act VOR ES } = {veiled | ployment in a defense plant at Ni-| Walker, residence there. There were six other applications for the | vacancy here in addition to Mr. Kusse. Council pointed out that Kusse's election may not be of a permanent inature since the State Department of Health may change requirements after the war or may combine the borough post with a countywide of- The movement for the eniarge- Speakers will include Judge Ivan John G. Love and the Rev Mr. Waters. all of Beliofonte: D Emmert Brumbaugh, newly-elected member of Congress Music will be provided during the at Clarence i, Phill 1 Legion program by i *» VFW File and Junior Bs Drum Co Cecil service will conclod h deceased comrades benediction bY Rev. Ralph Schis of Snow Shoe F Americar by The ” alt ior ad ollowing is a brief h ¢ of Clarence istory of ihe and of the in- sirdes which gave birth to the town. The town and the other sec- tions of the East Precinct have con- tributed most heavily in manpower to the armed forces of United tates E RE Clarence had its B. Crider n sawmill, school office beginning when 1871 erected house, store eight dwellings near where the J H. France Refrac- tories brick yard now stands. The foundations of several of thy houses could be seen for years in what is now the late George Mizerak and John Basalla fields. Four years af- ter the village and mill came into existence, a forest fire sw*pt down the Piney Run hollow from direction of Snow Shoe, and ocom- pletely destroyed the village A short time fire Crider built sawmill (Contineed a steam lumber and ang the after Mr al he the another on Pape Seven; GAP TO SPONSOR ment of the Bellefonte airport gain. | ed impetus at the session when the special! ‘Council directed that committee conduct a survey to de- termine what facilities {Continued »% paps Six) Youth Is Mibu Injured Playing Ball Richard Boyd. 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boyd of Milesburg, re- ceived injuries 10 one of his shoul ders about 5 p. m. Sunday while playing football with several com- panions, The youth was taken te the Cen- tre County Hospital where he re {ceived treatment for a possible frac- ture of the left clavicle. He return- ed to his home the same day. Armistice Services Scheduled d for 1Ma.m. WELFARE DRIVE | Interorganization Council re neces! Announces Plan For Cam- paign in Spring At its regular monthly held on Monday night the Interor- ganization Council of Pleasant Gap’ agreed unanimously to sponsor a welfare drive to aid those deserving enterprises which serve the com- munity. Following the meeting, the Coun- cil released the following statement in regard to its decision “For many years Pleasant Gap has been solicited for financial sup- | port to other welfare funds, because 3 meeting | SUBMITS FINAL WAR LOAN REPORT County Exceeds $2,549,650 Total Quota as Well as ‘E’ Bond Allocation The official results of the Third | War Loan drive in Centre county in | September, released by the Treasury ‘Department this week through County Chairman Claude O. Aikens of State Oollege, shows that the | county exceaded not only its total [quota of 82548650 of all types of bonds, but also the $887.000 quota | for the popular priced E Series bonds Final figures credit the county with total sales during th» drive of ;
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