THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. mw | ' : z | Too much time ls wasted upon Hitler knows that the fate of Ger«|l Religion has rarely been helped | The vast majority of the people] non-essentials. Did you ever attend many for a thousand years has been |by the professional religlonists who (in Centre county have no ides of | a committee meeting? {determined by his rascality [have litte understanding of life [sacrifice in connection with war —————————————— 5 1 51 FAO AAA ” November 4, 1943.; ——— The } Arrives | good id. when peace wher swap of ope of the wor CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY a=fnk - Re —— CHURCH SERVICES First National Bank building, Sat- Pg; nw h h | ational Ban 1 ng, Bi Prizes Awarded Evangelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos- urday afternoon, November 6 terman, pastor. Bethesda—PForeign, Miss Pauline Burkholder of Har- In Parade Here Missions service, 9:00. Centre Hall |risburg, is spending this week with —— Foreign Missions service, 10:30; Sun- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (Continued from page ome) day school, 9:30. Locust Grove-- Burkholder rison, Bellefonte, $1 in trade; Tom- Sunday school, 1:30; Rally service,! Mr and Mrs. Ralph Dale and son My Davis, Blanchard $t., bottle of 2:30; evangelistic service, 7:30. The! yuck of Bellefonte, ang Mr. and Mrs. | tonic; Mrs. Richard Mabus, E. High y Rev, R. L. Freas of Howard will George Rimmey were Sunday dinner St, newspaper subscription; Wil- pd e Ly 7 speak at the Rally day service, guests of Luther Dale and daughter lard F. Wian, R. D. 2, pocket knife; 13) Lutheran: The Rev, C. C. Otto, in Boalsburg. Shirley Barnes, E. Lamb 8t., room , pastor. Centre Hall-Church Ser-| Miss Laura Runkle went to Geis- Of wall paper; John Warner, E. Linn vice, 10:30; Sunday school, 9:30. j,00r Memorial Hospital on Sunday St. cook book; Mrs. Gene Gentzel Farmers Mills—Church service, 9:00; for observation and treatment E. Lamb St. bottle tonic: Ruth he : . Sunday school, 10:00, Georges Val- . . 0 White, Armor St. bottle tonic . Ws been tremendous. transporiation and pack Jey—Church service, 7:30 Sunday Pvt. John C. Rowe, a student at fel ANE hi jitie ton} Dane ing facilities have been taxcd to the limit < 4 * {the University of Pennsylvania, and o Atha a. bo Rverything possible is being done to rush Maine tatoos lo our stores IH you caponmt ohial 80-1b. bags of Maine Potatoes in ALP Super at the present tiene brave sour order school 9:30 his fiancee. Miss Elizabeth J Shut-| onic; Robert Billett, Pine St, girls’ fast fruit or juice and dinner dessert. it will be filled Methodist tleworth, a student in music at|dress; Peggy Rockey, E. Lamb St, mond, pastor Trenton State Teachers’ College |drplane kit; Don Houser, Coleville B' ie 15 Lb | I i ‘ : ow Price! Penna. Potatoes O.. . . .".. 49¢ ce Pascal Celery Ci... 2». 27¢| DANISH as¢a e ery 1642's» oth Cc of service, 7:30; Trenton, N. J. spent the weekend | REWsPaper subseription ; Sylvia Barr, Sprucetown-— here with Mr. and Mrs. J. William Bishop St, box candy. Joseph An- New Crop Spinach . 21c| ror kau Sunday school Bradford. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs derson, 8. Spring St, halr cut; Apples “0... 19¢ 1 HO Church service Bradford, daughter Joyce, and their| Pearl Fye, Bellefonte, 35 basket of Staymans « « 10:00 guests were entertained to dinner at candy; Joan Rhoads, Milesburg, oil Fame.-Red Tokay: oN > SN > REN a Ra a a a EE NAN N Se Be sure to visit the fresh fruit and vegeteb'e danand for “Home Siorage” Maine Pot toss You'll think it's mid-summer, we have so many offer. department of your ALP Super Market. nN SOR Aes S\N _ - [| : The Rev. C. M. Ham- ings for your salads, vegetable dishes, break not Centre Hall-—-Church Sunday school, 9:30 Church service, 10:45 9:45. Spring Mills 9:00: Sunday school, REE —_— a Se New a The Rev. D. R. Keener, _ pastor. Centre Hall—Church service, non Boozer and family in State Coj- race, carton cigarettes; Margaret 6:00: Sunday school, 10:00. Tussey- lege Smith, E. High 8t., sack flour; Rob- ville — Communion service, 10:30; The Youth Fellowship of the Re- ®t MeGroarty, W.. Curtin St, can Sunday school, 9:30 hurch will meet Sunday|©f paint; Sandra BlackIord, Rey- Farmers Mills The NOS Ave. card table; Patly Burnes, Wants will be the E. Park Ave. State College, sack of jon with Miss Ruth flour; Mary Thomas, E. Beaver St can syrup. Mary Jane Eby, Pleasant Gap, dog harness: Beverly Cain W Linn St. hunter's cap Janet Blankley, Valley View, bos. > SCE Dorothy Colpetzer, Penn % 3 4 Sr at hotel; Norman Ishle: dinner at hotel: John Purple Top o.v » Lbs. NR os a ta FRR HI ANN aa formed c¢ evening at Peace Youth topic for discuss 1 J. Zubler ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Blaze: Centre Hall, R. D. have announced the engagement of their daughte Miss ice Blazer, to Cpl Jack Ladies Bible the Re- Riegel, s a and Mi 8 1 formed Sunday school at ner home! et Riegel, Centre Hall t evening ket frul Miss Blazer and ? St. dinner §0-L, Bag Clarence entertained Blagey Reformed the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shan-| change; Tommy Hil, Halfinoon Ter. class ol snd Emperors FOR ALL. WHEN YOU UNITED WAR FUND ciasy of the both graduates of Hall- valley View Potter High School tended Thompeon in Harrisburg and at ployed at the New Cumber tioned with t Lowry Field No date has ding rent LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meeker granddaughter of Pine Glen and Mrs. Bruce Knarr, daughter Jo- ephine, and Mr. and MI Knarr spent the weekend | cabin in the Allegh Mot The date for the Centr senior class Dilay from December 3 ! eny 75 mem Mbers of ti church with a a A social the ch ¢ d hel tended day evening in class from the Bu tributed to the commiliee ir ud nt in menses didi vod nday ente Mrs Bruce chairman, Bob Wetzel Kimbrell Mrs. Jesse Bish Mrs. Charles Duck { were weekend guests of ryn Breon and Mrs. Mazi Breon and two sons Mr their guests were entert Sunday supper at the home of Mr and Mrs. Claude Wert, near Tussey- ville, Mrs. Sparr Wert at the Claude Kath Lee. Mrs Lee and ained of Aaronsburg, Wert 11 home On called nome on Sunday Misses Ellen jam Brooks of Harrisburg, weekend here with their pareats Miss Betty Searson who came home Wednesday, returned u Harrisburg Alma Rickert members of the Ladies’ Ald Society at her ! Thursday afternoon: Mr Daup, Miss Ida Frazier, Hosterman and Mrs. Cha and a guest, Mrs evening Bradford and Mir spent the ill last work in Mrs these On =f ome Daniel 8S Mrs W. K A. Mil ler, wil liam Ston- er Mrs. Kenneth Wert will give a demonstration of the American Pa- per Products, for which she is the agent, at a meeting of the Evangel ical Missionary Society in the Sun- day school room of the church this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kryder Sunbury. spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Savilla Kryder. Mr. and Mis. Irvin Stover of Yesa- gertown, were Sunday supver guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Searson and Mr. and Mrs. James Searson. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben 3 Rickert of and daughter Mary Ann, spent Sun- day in Winfield with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hess. Virginia, 3-year-old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hess, a guest for a week of her grandparents Mr and Mrs. M. A. Burkholder, accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Rickert to her home The Cleaners Evangelical Sunday school class held a Hallowe'en party jast Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Geoige Sweeney These members were present: Mrs Stewart Hosterman, Miss Bernice Frazier, Mrs. W. K. Hosterman, Mrs. John Schaeffer, Mrs. Harold Stitzer, Mrs A. E. Limbert, Mrs. Willian Hanna Mrs. Alma Rickert, Mrs. ¢. A. Mil- ler and Mrs. Reuben Rickert Mrs Edward Houtz and Mrs Robert Frazier were guests. Mrs Stitzer and Mrs. Hanng were in charge of the eritertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 8 Jamison, two daughters, Mrs. Frank P. Geary and the Rev. Delas R. Keener spent Saturday near Mifflinbuig at the home of Mrs. Kathryn Jamison and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Jamison. The men spent the day hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burris enter tained these guests in honor of their daughter Thelma's birthday at a party Friday evening: Ruth Spyker, Clara Lou Wetzel Miriam and Anna Foust, Connie Brooks, Jean Grove, Eva. Mabel and Sylvia Horner, Em- ma Jean Brouse, Gloria Brooks Betty Bweeney. Marjorie Emery, Margaret and Thelma Spotts, Jean Bloom, Alverta Homan, Agnes De- laney, Rosella Homan, Herbert Ral- ston, Willlam Puff, Donald Ross, Randall Miller, Glenn Petterolf, Richard Brooks, Glenn Shank, Jo-| sph Rimmey, Guy Homan, William Homan, Charles Bloom, Miles .. Brown King,! meet home of Mrs hool will t Breon enter. parity on in honos children, Robert Gary Or. Robe hildren at a Oct. 26, thdays of heir and Robert, Ji Rhoad tonald Stover wig. Robert Garver, Clifford Meyer, Mary Kay Burkholder, Josephine Knarr Jane Guarbrick, Miriam Nand Hosterman, Barbera nna Jean simpson Tyrone, of Mr. and Mrs 8S day. On Saturday Mr tnam Charles y Salona on and ertained the me Tuesday unice Blarer was home {rom burg for the weekend 1¢ Centre of : he WOT ‘resbyteriarg arg eveni nk: churche on Armistice noon { a program Day at 2:30 in the the Lutheran chur entitled “World Com- munity Day for Peace. Miss Betty Sweeney was a Sunday dinner quest of Miss Eleanor Potter at the P. V r » and Mrs. Harry W. Potter at- the annua] banquet of the onte chapter of Eastern Star Wedne evening Miss Anng Wilt of Franklin, was a guest of Mrs. Anna Bartholomew and family from Thursday until 4 LeInoo Vice 3s day Mrs. Anna Bartholomew enters these friends of her daugh- ter, Jean, to dinner last Tuesday evening: Mi Adaline Goodbart, Beulah Bradford, Fern Hanna and Lois Ros Ralph Hess of Allentown, and son Bob of Winfield, were guests Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben 8 Rickert The men came here to spend the day hunting Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wert Sr entertained these guests to dinner Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs, John B. Wert, Jr, and daughter Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale and son Jack of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Ken~ neth Wert and daughters, Mary Ann and Ruth Progress Grange will present a Victory program #t the regular meeting Friday evening, Nov. 12, in the form of moving pictures on Food Production.” The Rev. W. K. Hosterman at- tended a meeting of the College Township Ministerium at the Meth- odist parsonage in Pleasan: Gap on Monday afternoon The Rev. A F. Bierly of ton, preached the sermon at the homecoming service at Zion Hill Evangelical church Sunday after. noon, The evening service was in the form of an old hymn sing. Locust Grove Evangelical] church will hold a rally, service Sunday af- ternoon, November 7 at 2:30 o'clock with the Rev, R. L. Freas of How- ard, delivering the addre:s. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormick of State College, Miss Elien Brad- ford of Harflsburg, and Woodrow Bradford of York, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Brad- ford. Woodrow Bradford left on Tuesday morning for the New Cum-, berland army induction center, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Bradford en- tertained these guests to dinner on Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. D.| M. Bradford, Miss Wilma McKeever, Woodrow and Paul Bradford, Jr More than a hundred persons ate tended the regional] meeting of the Women's Guild of the Reformed church last Thursday. Mengel of Reading, addressed the afternoon session on the subject, tained £5 day of Logan- “Thy Will Be Done.” Miss Elizabeth Rutley of Lewistown, conducted the devotions. Mrs. Willlam P. Campbell sang “How Beautiful Upon the Mountalns™ as a soprano =olo with Mrs. Delas R. Keener at the organ. Mrs. D. M. Bradiord, president, welcomed the group at the morning session. The Rev. and Mis, Walter Glenn and children of Balladasburg, visit- ed friends in Spring Mills and Cen- Donald Homan Mr. and Mrs. Danlel tre Hall on Monday and Tuesday. Bloom, and Mrs. Ernest Homan, Miss Emma Jean Brouse of Pot- | ters Mills, spent the weekend with! Miss, Thelma Burris at the home of | her parents, The Helping Hand clas of the | Lutheran Sunday school will hold a jood sale in the empty room of the as——— A knowledge of the past helps n- | go. ‘derstand the probable course of the | future if it will do you any good. a AL We wonder what Lief Ericson | thinks of the land that he visited ; Something like 900 years ago. was an legl + hunting St Cham e as Widmann E CGoodhart home, ] ‘er; Eddie Rockey, inear Julian, celebrated Mrs. Jesse! local Gulld|of World War 1. whe Pine St quart ice Donald Fanning WwW. Water St quart ce cream Ruth Ann Sha E. Lamb St Revalon set James Walizer, Thomas 8 10 hot dogs. Mahlon Schiegel E. Logan St Ht cleaned: James Miller, E High St Ht cleaned ¢ Janice Kraus E. High St pair rubber heels L. Kuisely, cream Freddie Gentzel, E. Lamb St. bot. Andrew Thal 3rd, E. How- ard St. candie holder Janet Al- terio, BE. Logan 8t. gallon oll; Ethel Delalio, N. Thomas St shampoo wave: Nancy Davis, RD. |, can . Philip Young, 8. Al- Rev wot Allan th Bt. enamel cleaner Frye, Beliefon‘e black- ynthia Scott E. Curtin Angelos Lucile Ann N. Allegheny St bar- hop prize Mae Zimmorman, Bumside St. music shop piize; Helen Thal E. Howard St. can ofl; Donald Orr 3 Heloise 1 prise, taproom; Thom- Bishop St. sham- ap wave: Kenneth Whitehill, hop 8. can anfli-freeze. Mary 1 Cunningham, Bellefonte, {eed prize: Shirley Johnstonbaugh, Bellefonte, gaiage prize Richard King. Colevilie, boyy’ shirt: Logan Russell Hill, E. Curtin St tommy gun: Patsy Hoy, Bishop 8t. 3 pair girls* hose Christine Emeahiner Pine St. pen light; Bue Bmith, Blanchard 8t. lamp; Beatrice Rockey, Howard, R. D. 2, compact: Pranklin Hoy, E. Bishop 8t.. basket groceries; Margaret Pow- ers Howard, R D 2 EWADRDeT subscription: Robert Davis, Coleville pair full-lashioned hose, Howard J wilson. 8. Allegheny St. bank; Hal Harman, R. D 1. game; Alida Jane Dean, St Paul St. vase: Jolin Al- terio, E Logan 8t. basket groceries; Sara Lee. Bellefonte, jar mayon- naise: Barbara Ann Bigelow, Bishop St. girls’ slip; LeMoyne Corman N. Allegheny St. hand bag. Shirley Kissell, E. Bishop 8t., girls’ pajamas; Lois Steele, Pine St, house slip- pers. Richard Meckes, W. Logan St sack flour; Stanley Geldman, Pet- rikin Hall, oven set: Janice Ann Gingher. E "Bishop Bt, bowl set; Shirley Dickson, Willowbank St box candy. Nancy Lou Smith, Bush Addition. face powder: Sarah Belle Sunday. E Logan 8. bedroom slip- pers: Nancy and Susan Royer, 8 Water St. mirror. Thomas Gingher WwW. Linn St, te; Lois A. Gordon, Halfmoon Ter. race, quart joe cream; Timmy Waite, N. Allegheny St. belt; Molly L Rossman, Willowbank St, $1 in trade: Ronny Corman, N. Allegheny St. $1 in trade: James Quici, Belle- forte, sack flour; Mr. smd Mre A 8 McCool. Howard. RK. D. 2. make- up kit: Kenneth Lambe i, Quaker Rill. pair brush; Joan Royer, 8 Water St. shampoo and wave. Willis Lucas. BR. D. 2. gallon oil; James Toner, N. Allegheny St. 5 quarts oil: Margaret O'Hara, N. Spring St, change of oil: Kathryn Whipple, N Spring St. ear lubrication; Donald Corl, Pike St. cigarettes; Joseph Farfaro, Bellefonte, man’s prize; Mrs. Lucille McGovern, E Howard St, cigarettes; Shirley Chandler, Penn 8t. fire extinguish N. Allegheny 8t, suit cleaned. Richard Chandler, Penn St. dress cleaned; LaVetin Burris. R. D. 3. garment cleaned; gnd Barbara Popson, E. Bishop St, garment cleaned. We LOK and fab: ic cleaner on Ene, ber Bett) Doo tore Couple Observe 50th Anniversary Alfred Spotts, of their 50th last week. presented Mr. and Mw wedding anniversary Friends and neighbors them with giffs. i Alfred Bpotis and the former Miss Cora Jane Miller, of Mifflinhurg, were married at the Milesburg Meth. odist parsonage Oct. 25, 1893, by Rev. Mr. Warren, then pastor of the ichurch. All their married life has been spent in the vieinity of Julian. | Mr. and Mrs. Spotts have two sons, John E. of Pine Hall, veteran en- listed in the Sea-Bees, and Hred iLeo, at home. i KARD BLUE LAZEL | BOND BRAND DILL WHITE HOUSE EVAP PICKLES 2%°'31c hsm cane fp KIBELED DOG BISCUIT 39¢ ... Brand ct Fresh Daily! Sliced, Enriched, A&P FAMILY BREAD 2 | DATE FILLED COFFEE CAKE . - 25¢ 20-01. Loaves 17 ORANGE SHERBET LAYER | DATED, SUGARED CAKE . ..43c| DONUTS > 15¢ — nc pe —— A&P Corn Niblets Corn Tomato Soup Mayfair Tea Sparkle Ann Page Beans Cream Drops ..25.. Cigarettes ici Sliced Bacon Mello Wheat Shredded Wheat KOW! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3: 59¢ lona Brand [OMATOES x: 196 Golden Sweet Cream Style = ® ® Whole Grains of Golden Com ® = CAMPBELL Selilorions § A A with fime Sri seg molars Pee able bu'ter take E.tra Fine Quality— Orange Pekoe Chocolate Ice Cream Powder Boston ! 11/5 0", Stye B® ® 8 Glass van 120 MERE 26-01. Pkgs. Ann aes ELBOW MACARONI 3+ 25¢ Diamond Crystal SALT 11c Plain er lodized Grade "A" Sunnyfield, Lb. 39 Siar, Certified & Premium H 8.01. 2 Pigs. 25¢ Ann Page Pure Wheat Farina Fivine Strained Baby Foods ... ~ 7c Swnnyfield Cake Flour . . i: 18c Bouillon Cubes 100% Pure Hydrogenated dexo Sim Boscwul 2 23¢ Coffee . . . 33c Honey Flavored Wheat Cereal Ranger Joe 2 "+ 25c Macaroni . . . . Sc Borax ...... nx 15¢ # on Pkg Tin 7¢ Kine 63c FRESH BLUE FIN HERRING FILLETS i» 29¢C Fiesh Dressed ~ For rawsting er fring, drawn, head & fret on CHICKENS +45; 5 Pkg. Waldorf Toilet TISSUE ¢ Col. Baker Maid SALTINES 0 "29: I-LE. 16¢ Lb. rea +» 400 GROUND BEEF . . ..- 25¢ SMOKED SQUARES -21¢ PORK SAUSAGE « 37¢ VEAL SHLDR. ROAST - 23¢ LEGO’ LAMB. . .. - 35¢ LAMB SHLDR. "=. w« 29c FOW Frech Dressed, Drawn, Fresh Loose Lb. FLOATING SOAP wi 290 Beonamy Before clesning as wound, wash your hands thoroughly with soap end water. With a clesn cloth or piece of cotton and alcohol, wipe! of wound outward, A mild tincture of lodine may then be applied to the wound and to an area about one Inch around it, An applicator cah be made with cotton | wrapped on the end of a Meothgtek) jor match stick, f RINSO | CLOROX N. B.C. A ion CRACKERS 2330 Argo Gloss STARCH 3m 18¢ “SOAP POWDER Gund aut 9c Package 23c¢ Pint Bottle ........10¢ R MAR EPARTIMENT RES
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