¥ November 4, 1043, REBERSBURG “ Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Hubler of Wilkinsburg, spent the weekend vis- iting among relatives in Rebersburg and Millhelm. » Mrs, Arthur Beal and two daugh- fers. Patti and Donna, of New Flor. ence, and Mr. and Mri. Wayne Waener of Lewistown, were weekend sisitors with the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Moyer. CMr. and Mrs. BE. H Hosterman were weskend nuests at the home of the former's b other, Samuel Hos- ttrman and wile at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Weaver of Lewistown, s-n-in-law and daugh- ter, Entign and Mrs. Ritenhour of N-w York visited the former's mo- ther, M:s Jda Weaver, Sunda) Mrs Ella Dishl accompanied Mr and Mrs. Pred Bender of State Col- lege. to Mifflinburg, R. D.. last Wed- flesday. where she is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Smith who Is ll Mrs. John Ocker and daughters, Jean and Julia of Millheim, spent Bunday with the former's parents, Mr. and M:s. W. F. Bierly Barry Burd was taken to the Gels- finger’ Hospital on Monday for ob- servation and treatment, Lt. Kenneth Haines burg. spent the weekend mother, Mrs. M. C. Haines Mrs. Lester Guisewite and child- ren of Aaronsburg, visited her par ents, Mr. and M's. Charles Garrett, last Tuesday. Mrs. John Deye and children of Lemont, visited her par- ents on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Duck and two daughters of Mifflinburg, Mrs Blakeley of New York and Mrs. Lizsie Royer of Clintondale, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Alice Crouse. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harer of Wil- Pamsport, visited at the W. M. Tar- bert home on Sunday. They were accompanied home by her mother, who expects to spend the winter at thelr home. Ammon Weaver, Mr. and Mrs Phelps Weaver and children, Mr and Mrs. Frank Eckert of Montgom- ery, called at the C. J. Weaver home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Myles Breon were guests at a birthday dinner at the home of their son, Paul at Centre Hall, Sunday. The dinner was in celebration of the latter's daughter Nancy's fourth bl:thday Miss Betty Smith, Helen Briton and two friends of Enola, spent last Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Winters, Mrs Nita Bierly and son Darryl Mrs Roy Brungart. daughter Marjorie and son Rodney, spent Sunday at the L. L. Meek home in Willlams- port Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Weaver of Roading, visited his parents, Mr and M:s. GC: J. Weaver, Sr. several days this week. Mr. and Mrs William Hosterman, son John and daughter Betty of Washington, D. C.. spent several tays the past week with Mrs. Hos- terman’s parents, Mr. and Mis W. J. Kreider. Miss Betty retirned to Penn State to resume her studies, Mrs. Blanche Smifl of Harrisbu'g, goent several days at her home here th's week. Pfe. Kenneth Breon returned on Tuesday to Camp Bowie, Texas, af- ter spending a furlough at his home hore. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jurison and gon Fddie of Willlamsport, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Jackson's pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wolf. Mrs. Paul Dinges and child- ren. Reggle and Larry of Baltimore, sisited at the parental home several days last week. Capt. Woodrow Bierly eof Camp Cooke, Col.: Lt. Eugene Blerly of Cochran Pleld. Ga: W. O and Mrs Paul Blerly. of Baltimore Md.; Mr and Mrs Stanley Bierly and son Harris- with his oO Curtis of Millhelm; Mr. and Mrs, 8, J. Gray and daughter Susan of 8 ate College, and Mrs Charles Kreamer and daughter Mary Ann of Harrisburg, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Blerly. Capt. Blerly Is spending this week ‘at his parental home, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Zlegler and son Bobby, were Saturday supper guests at the Gale Swartz home In Millheim. Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Hoy and niece, baby June Hoy of Pleasant Gap, called at the home of the lat. ter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Miller, Sunday. E'don Ilgen, who is employed In Washington, D. C.. Is spending seve eral weeks with his family Lt. Bernard Confer of Camp Sel- bert, Ala, Mrs. Harry Confer of Millheim, Mrs. Doyle Confer and Miss Barbara Fetterolf of Spring Mills, called at the homes of C. M. Bierly and 8. A. Bierly, Bunday R. W. Bierly and family visited Mrs. Bierly’s mother, Mrs Sue Cable at Millheim, Sunda) John Cooner of Fort Meade, Md, and wife of Philadelphia, spent sev- eral days at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Maude Winters Mr. and Mrs. Lewls Reshim and family were guests at a birthday din. ner at the Daniel Reahm home at Aaronsburg on Sunday. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Reahm’s birth- day Rev. Roy Limbert and family of Dover, called at the 8. A. Bierly home on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blass of Elvs- burg, Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Cassel- berry and daughter Josephme of Mt, Carmel, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs, Frank Kreamer, Sunday Word has been received by rela- tives that Cpl. Melvin Blight bas been transferied from Ephrata, Wash... to the Army Air Base at Ardmore, Okla A delegation of men attended the Albright Brotherhood bauguet at Lewistown last Thursday ovening Mrs. Joe Ondrey and tnree chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. John Musser and two children, and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Musser of Boalsourg, were Sunday dinner guests at the Roy Gentzel home. Mrs, Gentzel accom- panied the latter to their home for a visit Freda Holdren was a weekend visitor with Josephine Hosterman at Millheim Betty Confer was taken to the Centre County Hospital for observa- tion and treatment on Wednesday night Mrs. Mary Heller went ty Canton Ohio, last Thursday to spend the winter with her son, Charles and wife. Eltner Swope of Jacksonville, call- ed on Mr CC. Smull on Sunday The Mission Band of the Evan. gelical chureh held a Hallowe'en party in the bank building «n Thurs- day evening. Randall Bowersox and lamily of Aaronsbury, visited st the Carlos Tyson home on Seturday. Adam Reh, who is employed at Mechanicsburg, spent the weekend at his home in East Rebersburg Mr. and Mrs Walter Cummings and daughter Rosemary of Wil. Hamsport, were weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cummings. The freshman and sophomore classes of MTHS held a ‘Hallowe'en party in the P. C. Bierly garage on Friday evening Mr and Mra John Relan accom- panied Mr. and Mrs John Homan of Millheim, to Williamsport on Sunday The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid and Ladies’ Sunday school class gave a stirprite birthday party in honor of Mrs. Roy Arbogast at her home on Monday evening Mrs. oi. B. Leathers called at the home of Mr. and M+s. Joe Buller in Moose Run on Sunday. Mrs. Orvis Watson and daughter vigited with M8 Mary Kelly and family in Bellefonte on Wednesday Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dreese and familv of New york. spent ‘he week- end with home folks Mrs. Edith Burd called at the Eleie purd home. and also at the Emma Watson home. Joanne Rhouds was & Sunday vis- Kor at the Bugene Lucas home in Milesburg. Carolyn Stemm called on friends at this place on Sunday cvening. Howard Burd of Milesburg, was a caller in our vicinity on Saturday. Mrs Emma Watson and Jon Riwads took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Watzon and son in Miles. burg. Sunday Charles Lucas called at the Mil- ford Burd home at Pleasant Gap re. cently. Mrs. Orvis Watson and two chile dren and Mrs. Olive Rhoads spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheesley at Howard. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucas called at the home of Mrs. Nannie Lucas | and the Mr. ahd Mrs. Fitzgerald family on Sunday evening. JOSEPHTHAL & CO. Members of THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE THE NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE ——————————— Investment Service for Attorneys and Others Revresenting Estates This Service Includes: @® APPRAIBALS of securities for tax inheri- tance purposes. ® INFORMATION regarding securities of ex- tinct and obsolete companies, ® TRANSFERS of securities into estates for & liquidation or retention. ® ANALYSIS of securities ® INVESTMENT SUGGESTIONS for flidu- claries, Incuiries Invited 8Y%2 EAST MAIN STREET WOOLWORTH BUILDING TELEPHONE LOCK HAVEN 2018 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Thre UNIONVILLE ——————————— Methodist Church: Prayer servioe this Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bullock at 7:80. Sunday school on Sunday moming at the usual time; Youth Fellowship In the evening at 6:30, and regular preaching service in the morning at 10:45, immediately fol- lowing the Sunday school. Presbyterdan Church sei vices this Sunday evening at 7:30, with ser- mon by the pastor, Rev. H. E. Oak- waod. Free Methodist Church: Svecial evangelistic services each night this week and continuing over (he week- end. Services at 7:30 p. m. and all are invited to attend Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Juohes were Mis. John King, Paul Jones, and Mrs. J. C Lelteell of Tyrone, and Mrs. Susie Wiser and granddsugh- ter Patsy Wiser, of Port Maltllda Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Jones on Sunday were Mr. Kenzie Williams of Dix Run, and Mr. Marion Bennett of Port Matilda Thomas M. McClellan of Altoona spent last Sunday visiting with daughter and husband, Mr Mrs. Harry P. Jones of thi; place Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parsons and daughter Joanne, returned to thelr hame in Morgantown, W. Va having spent the greater part of last week visiting with his mother, Mrs Julia Parsons and other relatives in the community Arthur Solt of Williamsport a weekend guest of his niece husband, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam cas and children Mrs. Paul Holt and littls son Lee of Lewistown, spent Saturday after. noon visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs. E. L. Parsons, Mr. Holt having come up for the day to hunt in and about his home at Jullan Mr. and M:s. John Haler of Phil- adelphia, spent a couples days the fore part of this week with his ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Talhelm, and enjoyed a hunt the hills around the community his and afer was and Lu- over Recent news from the former pas- tor of the Methodist church, Cant M. F. Kerstetter, who is a chaplain in the U. 8. Air Forces, Is now at an embarkation camp and expecting to be sent ove. seas very soon. His wife and two children expect to lo- cate in Willlamsport during his ab- ence Charles Rowan of Bellwood, spent Sunday calling on friends and rela- tives In and about the community Mis. Newton Fisher and two sons of Midland. Pa recent guest Was a of hier parents Mr. and Mr J R Williams, and with his parents, Mr and Mrs, J. Harold pisher. Upon hey return home, she Was accom panied by Mrs. Harold Fishery who pent several days visiting at thelr home. Miss Nell Willams had as her guest over the past weekend, her friends, Miss Jane Cowell of State College, who is a teacher inn the Pine Grove Mills schools, where Miss Nell teaches: She showed some of her choice pletures which they had taken at thelr summer camp in New York, on the screen, and whieh was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were there ’ Mrs. J R Willlamg entertained the members of the Wi<Mo-Ma-Bis club at her home last Friday eve- ming and they all enjoyed the pig- tures on the screen by Miss Jane Cowell of Btate College comsunity outing in the coming wm of the lust Saturday. Not have reported rabb.ts squirrels The sportsmen of the are enjoying the words sinee the hunting season many turkeys very few been and and Since Nov. Ist was the end of the rebate period all county, poor and borough taxes in the community, and since our items did not get published last week advising of this fact we ate taking the lb- erly of extending perisg 10 the end of this week. Any pfrsous who have not pald thelr 1843 taxes date will still be granted this 5 rebate on all taxes to the end of this week, Don't let it slip by that time 5% on 5 wie Lo M: Ww of & and Mrs. O B tli making sales thelr bouschold goods prior cating their home in the near fu- ture. They sill have for sale g sew. ing machine, in good condition, cur and drapes, di mall book wt basket, wash ruboer + ing chairs, settee, swing and many o ticles t ous to mention and look the things ove be mething th vo been wanting Hock are wi: tion of Yi to tally Des cass ¥ rock. carpets, WO DUNST ~ Call at their home OfTe May ther ar re } Have OLE Guests at the Mrs. J. B. Blere Mis. CR their daughter son. and Mrs, Mary and son Jack, all of Altoona We are giad to good friend and citizen been 11] (or home of Mi: Sunday and were Steven- Ritter on friend that our WwW. Holt time past and able 10 lumber condition and health learn OG who has OTe i very much to look alter day We trust con ue to regain 0s u improved his Wb his improve goog go out each may may hw ul sual SNYDERTOWN and Mrs. Max Markle of Belle visitors he M fonte, were Sunday Elmer Stover home Sunday visitors Hasgen home were LeRoy Mayes and family, Maxine and Hilton of Avis, Mrs. George Berry and daughter Sylvia Ann of Avis, Mrs. Chailes Poters and son Jackie, and Mrs. Dorse Peters, all of Flemington: Mrs Alva Peters and chikiren, Anna Mae and Nevin, of Beech Creek, and Mr. ang Mrs Samuel Dickay of Lock Haven William Krape of town and friend, Miss Marie S8howers of Nittany, were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mia, Claude Gin. gety and family in Linden Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wellaes SNOW Mr. and the Hall Mr. and from at t the W. W Mr. and Mrs at and RRS Moving last week were Mrs. Joe Bradley {rom house to Brick Row, and rs. George Calderwood Windy Hill to the Kelly anartment Beaver of Bellefonte, Mrs Lesher Mrs. “Bun” is visiting her aunt, Heshley and family Mis. Thomas Caldwell and daugh- ter Eleanor. son Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horner of Clymer, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis Charles Weaver Mrs. Albert Morris, daughter Polly Ann and son, Sgt. Jue Morris, Mrs. John Marshall, daughter Jean and granddaughter Mary Elizabeth of Beccaria, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Masshall Mr. and Mrs. James Oswald of Mr. HK M. Waliger of vere Saturday callers in Belle family and Clintoniale at the Glenn Wallzer hom fonte Mr. and Mis LeRoy Polers anc son Billy of Lotk Haven Thursday afte: poon caller: WwW. W Haag. n home. Mr home {rom the navy [0 everal days and is visiting {friends and reia- tives His mother, Mra. Charles Pet- ers of Beeth Creek, and daughter of Mr and Mrs W. W., Haagen of this place, has been very Ill and in a serious condition M:s Ellery Krape and daughter Mis. Harry Walleer, were Mondas afternoon vistery with the formers sister, Mrs. Hattie Pmerick at lhe County Home in Bellefonte SHOE Milealnirg. visited Wednesday night with Mrs Oswalde sister, Mrs Cisude Irwin snd Tamily Mrs Elizabeth Bergen ant daugh- ter Genevieve of Manson, spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Bergen's daugh- ter. Mrs. Ira Hall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson and daughters. Mr. and Mrs _Aloert Kes- ter of West Decatur, weie Sunday night dinper guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wenrick Mr. and Mrs Clayton Poorman and daughter. Mrs Gladys Tressler and son of Pleasant Oad, called at the home of Mr ang Mis. E M France, Saturday evening Mr. and Moe. HL Dial of Chi- ongo. Hl. are visiting thelr daugh- ter. Lee Anna, at the Walker-Gilli- land home at the Peters Is SCOTIA By H. M. Williams) | Last Saturday was the first day of small game season and there was quite » number of hunters seen in thig section, tut none that we saw had any birds, most all having cot. tontalls. All that we talked to said ‘that the game seemed to Le staying tight to thelr post and we supposed ithat this was on sccoun. of the weather as it rained about all fore- noon. ' i Well, uncle again, this time it is a girl born on Bunday morning to ‘Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck of Scotia. {This Is the first girl in ‘he family, {the other two being boys. Mrs, Beck is a niece of the writer which makes jo great uncle again. { Visitors at cur home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, James A. Young land four children of Bush Addition, Bellefonte, who cane up to have ‘dinner with dad and mother, and ; — - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ghaner and son ‘of Stormstown. We still’ have that question to Answer many times as we meet peo- [Ple: What are they doing at Scotia? The answer fs still--nothing Last Satuniay we attended the sale of Mrs Robert Gray at Storms- (town, ang there were many antiques sold, bringing good prices, as the majority of the people wee in the (mood to buy antiques. While there ‘we et one of the staf of the Cen tre Democrat and he has known us for quite a number of years. And when we came to settle for what we bought, the clerk asked, who is Charles Williams. 1 said that is me Now, Paul. you know thal name is inot Charles, but that mistake we will have to blame on Jack, the auc tioneer; and we know that Paul wil’ ‘do better the next time ———— Ln: My Nefanss RAanas now! BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Are Best emembered WITH FLOWERS Wood tills po ring’s Floral Gardens Bellefonte, Pa. ee ———aae were BOALSBURG Recent guests of Mr. and M's. E W. Calietibach wore Miss Elsie Hard ng. Mv. and Mrs. John Hurr, Miss Blbth Hurry and Mos Geoige Witter of Willamsport Dr. and Mis. PF. English of State College; have moved to tae Fisher apa Lent Mr. and M » of Woodyeres!, William Kellerman sport Bunday wilh thelr son-la-law ang daughter, Mr and Mrs. Israel Reitz A R. Lee ls visiting hi Mrs. Ezra Bie n, at Columbus Mis. John BE. Horner soont day at the Guy Couch home at Alevy's Fort Mrs: J. O. Norris « the weekend wih Nell B. Fisher Mr, and Mrs family of Nottinghun Johnson's parents M Charles Ross, Inst week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mis. Elmer daughter Nancy of sipper guns ol herles BULL, Sui Paul Emerick of Camp Perry, Prier Mis: Eming Right Monday. Har Ho pet S al home Paul daughter, (8) Sun- Mc Altoona Jater, yi spent h Mrs Warren Johnson visited and Snuvel: Buively Altoona Mi ung id Cox of Greensburg recent vis to; with relatd Seaman 1 ¢ Dick Walle and Mi Waile and da Molly, ang Mr Frank Wiis ne i t th He Thursday Mi Bunday evening wilh Houtz a! Pleasant Gap Pile. Blair E. Keller of Camp Wa eres, Ca Pvt cMahon Kel- w L La gale Bliel Thompeon nm of visited ony on and i MM Waller Bik San Fran Neldigh LX § filian Holl Refeimed of West Busqueiann ans Guild 1 1 institute formed clhiwrch in Cente D.elbeib, i thu ! Hn, attended LD Regional Wom wl Re - al the Hall Milesburg. spent Sunday evening at the Bamuel Blover hone Tussey Rebekah jodge entertained with a Hallowe'en party Salurday evening. Prize winners were Paul Kellerman, Sr, Montgomery Hubler, Nancy Bradford, Jerry Ri nel Juan Hess, Billy Paterson and Robert Nevill, Mrs. Robert Temple is spending the week with her paients, Mr!and Mrs. William Fravel at Philipsburg Mrs. James Horner weekend In Washington Mr. and Mr Bellefonte Himamnmey Sunday sont the DC Ralph Dale and and Mr. and ol Cerin t the 1 K on Mrs Hall LB of {ow oe spent “ Mr and Mu Kenneth Thomas spent Baturday evening Job EE Hare: Mis. Ralph Tress) Ceowre Hai, R withy the Cruminey Mu auger Corman a iree Sunday Harry wnG Kien NOE ¢ Of Lod Mi Joble and K = Mis ned Norman Mr font BD wid ¥. aid M CU (IRY Pi aon Mims * Willian Lutes of ( Johnston, 1 Lacs { Bund: motive! LAAN ANBCT re oves [oper M Shingiclown Qt on ¥ and Mis ’ ada 3 ie M Vi Robert at Hwy JULIAN {ar the game at one turks Jack Fleshe ’ 4 $ Charles shoal his Jul Chinas One 8 stands Alexander and mn that kev in sell of sesson Huis winging near is Como epat of each lor SAY driense. On he wa Gistrs hy Ar% ve end ted work the of t to a landing bam to ciinale Bn on ae Propo. Ly » Weador he ee ¥ gun nig of the flock TRA Ku Bones of Port Matilde, was 8 welcome visito: among friends at'd relatives in town he werk- end Katie hia mans Rr over rd time ale greatast knew It reas thls thai her WTS 0 vicinity jue to the fact Bu band was one » the turkey hun Julinn ever is told that cn many an occasion he shot birds with; one shot And that just a turkey story ang Mrs. Robert Swishe i family of Clea field, made a series of showt visity among [nends and relatives in town over the weekend Mrs. Esther Sones has just tu. ned from a short visit with daughter, Josephine who Buffalo, N. ¥Y lewis Gill and Bernard Williams of Chester, sre hunier visitors an this vicinity at the poesent time They are both old hand: at the art of securing game and should aid greatly in solving Clhies'ers meat shortage Hubert Alexander has just retarm- sd home from the Navy with 4 med. ical discharge. We are al glag to have him home again but are sorry for his condition physically. He will resume hig former position us drafts. man for the Sutton Engineering Co at Beliefonte ter we i= not Ns and fees her lives in ens i Px alion he dix. Gne Dear ry Cale- fully he continued on his way. Aller commideting his business In Philine- ted route decided same tae inspect Mire he rw ang field Lo Ha iNig ao he ounted Know - to the Dear Lilie sani 1 do and fart thet We id not sex ing Harold the second Ume [ con trem or vou} was not niers noi dell ium He es at stary in ¥ ton in The other nt A S001 oimmunits Linest ery had the pood Griune i a lurker the first day of ssason Hut corild not retrieve it without the ol hb Don Wilson A Kner, who resides on property ont isles this mi tune 0 the {act that the turkey not tied gely. However, the ! statement was not confirmed Ernest Mr. and Mrs Blawg Fink were {lore at the home of Mr and Clifford Spackman on Sunday Mrs N R. Stiver, accompanied by her sons, Eimer and Samuel and daughte:s Beatrice and Helene, mo- tored to Altoona on a business and shopping trip last week. They en- joyrd the rip in Sam's new oar Mrs. Julia Chronister Krider has relumed to New York after a short visit sith her parents, Mr and Mis Aer helper we ( Mix ' Hetty Chronister Dig you know that the Julian Methodist church was erected in the vear of 1876 and that the membor- ship numbered thirty-five? The class leader of that time was Levi Woom- er. and the preacher was the Rov Cambridge Graham. The United Brethren church was built im the {ail of 1868 at dhe cost, of M500, as compared to the cost! sof the Methodist church, whizh wis $3000 The membership of the Breth- ren church in 1871 was ag low as five members. The tiustees were James Morley aud John C aig RUNVILLE Rev. and Ms. Courtney, Mrs Maury Bennett, Mrs, Esther Herrald and Mrs Sallie Ful attended a meeting at the Free Meilhodist church at Unionvilie last Friday eve« ning Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vargo and two children of Baitimore, are vis- fing at the home of Mr and Ms Emest Fye. Mr. Vargo is hunting for a few days Mr. and Me William Jodon of Bellefonte, were supper guests at the Ernest Fye home Oa Sunday evening, and alse ealied at the home of Mrs. Sallie Friel ‘he same tune. Sunday guests at the Sallte Friel home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoo- ver of Woolrich, and Ha. vey Fetzer of Beliefonte. "Mis. Sallie Priel celobrated her 84th biithday on Sunday. She re- ceived 31 blithday cards. Mis. Alice Rodgers went to Wash fgton. D C. with her son Fidel last Monday to spend the winter months. « Mrs. Rosie Walker, who has been oh (he sick lial is yome better at this writing. a § Seitoo! next Sunday mone at $:30: preaching serivee ot 40:30; Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Bernard Williams, Lewis Gl and Charles Bpackman were visitors st the home of Mr and Mrs. O D Spackman over the weekend. Spack- mans are making spate in their meat house to store the wild game for these three visitors until they return to Chester It is interesting to know that the PINE GROVE MILLS Farmer P. Waldo Corl, agent for of small game from the well known Hoflman's hybrid seed corn and hunting grounds \ other gesin, Is obcuiatineg among Miss Catharine Dunlap Is a sure our farmers (or 1944 01der gleal patient at the Centre County Mrs. Harry Gearhart and two Hospital end reported wo be doe daughters recently closed their home ing nieely fr hwy operation. Her on Bast Muin street and went te many friends trust she to Baltimore; to spend the winter with improve Mr. Gearhart, where y' Al ed, wWwe'en Robe t 1 Corl, who was In Wain. a large ing sta U8 army camp in Mismi, es were on hand First trie was Mia. last: week was transferred lo awarded to M Madaline Davis; California. His wile return Ww her Ind prize to Pru) Stephens Beason hame here recently al refreshmet ved at a Fa: mers Bas<il Fra Jolin Tre the and Harold Glenn were amo bidders met Thursds ut " i ms n fr olLbinurs he Cironge Wie party Uk Tuesday night crowd Of ROUGS sod wlan ~ Hie B wh 4] Were 1k CGironinges Lhe Fara Evey faim i Crrandr ee) guite UpP-lD-tdals LEARNS £4 new furn Burkett Mrs Monday Hosgd la) (41 Hon A Lee fro ning FL POTTERS MILLS We A Come Ave of Ab- Lester E LITT ter Mis LE NITTANY \v ¥ H AXA IN Mrs. Anna Clark visited ast Sun- day evening with Mrs William D xeon st Jacksonville Mr. and Mis Clair Lyons Miers. William {Lyons of Howard D. A. McDowell and son AxCmann at the nome on and wife were 0 ser the Who Was William visited C. A Dols: Sunday visitors at on Dome were Pherag Bok and family of N Robe:t Laubach of Mary Dulien an of Lock Haven Wy Pioealo a and Gloria Dullen of Josephing of Nittany town ed Murs evening visi tod home of haiomes nt Paul Ros and Dean Smith nt the workend at men al weekend and Mr » = = =a _— ol he upper w Ciark Sunday visitors M1 Mis. On Last Harter home Rone Pelmiee anid daugniey Lewistown and Mr: and Donnie Royey were of Shivery 10ite its but 11 is far ¥ to other forms of gov ernment and will, in time, prove the of the world FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Emnbarvass wearers of false teeth have embarrassment because dropped, slippeti orf wal. fust ile wrong time Do not n fear of thi» happening to you prinkle a liltle FPASTEETH, the [noa-acid) powder on Tour holds false teeth more firmly feel more comfortable Does not Checks “plate odor” {des ture breath) Get PASTEETH at any Gru ssore id Mrs visited Earl Hatter and the Ralph Ishier Hublersburg on Sunday Democracy MIpeTrIor ome al al- ternoon Mr Betts and Mis and Ear] Harter Ji Sunday afternoon at Harter home in Jersey Shoe 4H Club News: The Jacksonviile and Howard 4-H Club meeting was held last Motwday evening at the Grange Hall in Jacksonville, Those present were: Paul. Lloyd, Harold Rogers. Homer, Henry Weight, Mel- vin Harter and Gienn Ely. This was our last mecting this fall. Mr. Els was around last Monday judging pigs, heile:s and capons i Willard Harter spent Victos of real Our aa ea bt te a at GREAT PROPHETIC Evangelistic Campaign wee AL the Unionville Free Methodist Church NOW r CLOSING WIT SERVICES ON SUNDAY Great Crowds! Great Interest! Great Messages! SPECIAL SUBJECTS: SATURDAY — 7:30 P.M. ‘RUSSIA and ARMAGEDDON’ Will Russia Make Separate Peace? Will Russia Help Us Pight Japan? Will We Have 00.A. M. “THE BRIDE BEAUTIFUL” Everybody is talking about it, Can We Trust Joseph Stalin? Fight Russia? SUNDAY 11 » SUNDAY — FINAL M yOING : T3130. M. ESSAGE of a Creat Meeting. Don’t Miss It! ON THREE GREAT fe | < » . tw BESKIN 75,5 5 MASS MEETING—SUNDAY AT3 P.M. SUBJECT: “STORY OF MY LIFE” in Russia, Germiny and America, and HOW and WHY 1 LEFT THE JEWISH FAITH AND WHY I BECAME A CHRISTIAN SEE... Him in His Rabbinical Robes, the Phylactarries, Scrolls, Curios, and the Sacerdotal Robe with the “Hem of the Garment” Such as Christ Wore, ele, Hear Him Sing Hebrew Songs. Chance of a Lifetime . . . You'll never be the same after hearing this ! The Free Methodict Church was founded in 1860 as a fundamental Biblical srganization for the proms. tion of scriptural Heliness and for the propogation of vital Christianity. We have no fads, ne exagger. ated notions, just plain old fashioned Christians stiri ing to serve God and our fellow men here below, and siming te make Heaven sur eternal home. We are the newly appointed pastor for Unionville and surreunding territory. We are here te serve you. REY. DAVID E. JOSEPH, Phone Bellefonte $495. Residence: Unionville, Pa.
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