Page Four ° THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 2, 1043 REBERSBURG Mr. and Mrs, Cloyd Shaffer 1ssing, Mrs. Jack Miller and daugh- ter Linda of New Oxford, Miss Loris Blerly of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. Bugene Lee and sons, Donald, David and Dick of State College, were weekend guests at the 8. A. Blerly home. Thursday callers at the same home were: Mrs. John Corman, Mrs Woodrow Corman and son Jack, Mrs. Mac Wheeland and Miss Cora | Shaffer of Zion Mr. and Mrs Leon Aley tors at the home of Mrs Breon 5 Sgt Alr Base at Pocatello, Idaho, a week's furlough at the his mother, Mrs. Maude Mr. and Mrs the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Jackson at Vandergrift, during the past week. Their son, Glenn Wert, who is in an army camp in Missourt, spent several days at the heme at the same time Mr. and Mrs. Orien Relish of Stroudsburg, were Friday night vis- ftors at the Paul Hackman after attending the funeral of Dutrow at Centre Hall. Other tives from Rebersburg who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Bair and family, Mr. and Murs Paul Wert and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hackman C. H Gramley Forty-For spent several days at the home his sister, Mrs. Ada Hubler Mrs. Cora Hech of Loganton a Sunday visitor at the home ( granddsughter, Mrs. Donald and family On August Car Tyson contribution of $116.50 purchase a nev wishes to expre ciation for this ar rances and to thank all 80 generously contributed this splendid gi Mr. and Mr: spent Winters home, John reia- f Of was friend him with 1943 wagered 21 s of M1 108 ter wheel rememe- who toward those ft Harry Waite o anton, were Saturday supper at the C. J. Weaver, Jr. home Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Esterline Legal Notices EXEC t TRIX = NOT I E In the matter of the es Charles M. Thompson College Borough, deceased Letiers te estate having undersigned fhe said estate : fate payment, 1s claims or demands Ws ald present the same without delay for settlement to MARTHA ( FHOMPSON Executrix. 108 Bouth street St ate Cx Lege Pa vis Harvey for Bellefonte, Pa attorne; ¢ — x40 ORPHANS’ « OURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The Trustee Estates of Andrew J. Shivery and Jane W. Shivery, both late of Spring Township, Centre County, Pa., will expose to public sale, on the first of the premises hereinafter de- scribed Allegheny Bellefonte Centre County, Pa SATURDAY, SEPTE] at 12:30 p. m., the f« real estate The first stake 100 feet west int jlegheny feet § indersigned Oi extension of [34 8 located on the Street of the into Township MBER Howil uowing erseciic Allegheny westerly 200 feel thence southerly terly 200 f JANE The second a point 150 feet west Allegheny Ave : thence 50 feet nce Locust Alley: feet, thence ¢ place of begl The third thereof point 200 feet nort west corner of the srsection of Allegheny Street extended and Ave. thence north a distance of 50 feet: thence wes vy 200 feet to Lo- cust Alley: thence southerly 50 feet; thence easterly 200 feet to the place of beginning The fourth beginning at a point 250 feet north of the north- west corner of the intersection of Allegheny street extended and 5th Ave.: thence northerly 50 thence westerly 200 feet to Locust Alley: thence southerly 50 feet; thence easterly 200 feet to the place of beginning The fifth thereof, beginning at a point 300 feet north of the north- west corner of the intersection of Allegheny Street extended and 5th Ave.. thence northerly 685 feet; thence weste 200 feet to Locust Alley: thence southerly 695 feet; thence easterly 200 feet to the place of beginning Having thereon erected a two story double frame dwelling house. The above described premises being the same which were seize i and possess ed by Andrew J. Shivery, Sr, at the time of his death The undersigned, estate of Jane W Spring Township, Centre County, Pa. will immediately thereafter ex- pose to public sale, on the premises, ai0NE corner intersection of Street extended and 5th along Allegheny westerly 200 feet thence scout! ster 200 § riy eet t Hang ie oY oii thereof feet: srly riy 5s trustee of the Shivery, late of of Mrs Hanover, Mrs. Alan Rank of Wyom- Mary and son | Blaine of Howard, were Sunday vis- Edith | of Mt | week at Gravel Guy Winters of the Army | home of Paul Wert visited at| Jackson the following tract of land, having | erected thereon a two frame house, and which premises are described as follows Beginning at the northwest cor- ner of the intersection of Allegheny story single | | Corn {Oats i Barley Street extended and 5th Ave; thence Rye | north 50 feet to a stake; thence in a! Buckwheat westerly direction 200 feet to Locust! Alley; Sth Ave: thence Easterly along 5th Ave, 20357 feet to the place of be- ginning. Terms of Bale: 25% of the pur- chase price at the time property is declared sold and the balance upon confirmation and delivery of deed therefor ANDREW J. S8HIVERY, Jr, Trustee. MAYES & STOVER, Auctioneers, M. W. GETTIC, Esq., Attorney for Estates. thence southerly 87.97 feet to] : Additional Locals mm — Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Buckingham, of New York City, spent several days last week with Mr, and Mrs. E. E Widdowson, of North Allegheny street Patty Weaver, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Edgar Weaver, of the Hev- erly apartments spent last week in Altoona as a guest of Miss Joan Whitehead Miss returned Elizabeth Weaver and Mrs Heller were Sunday evening callers in Sugar Valley Mr. and Mrs. Charles and daughter, Mary Ann of Harris- burg, spent the weekend with Mrs Kreamer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C | M. Blerly A son | Kenneth Kreamer was born to Mr, and Mrs Swartz at the Centre { County Hospital Tuesday He has been named David Eugene Mi | Swartz Is In the armed forces Mrs. H. G. Hubler Mrs, Bertha Hamilton and Mrs. Elizabeth Heath Lebanon, are spending this Spring lodge Hartle recently home from a week's visit with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hunter, In Edge- wood, Pittsburgh Miss York City Catherine Margaret Noonan, of New arrived in Bellefonte on Mrs. Paul Stover and Tuesday for a Labor Day visit with Loganton visited Mrs. her sister, Miss Geraldine Noonan, mother, Elizabeth of East Bishop street Weaver, Bunday Thomas B. Hamilton, of New The Y. P. M. C. of the } York City, spent t week visiting church was entertained by his brother, J. Clarence Hamilton Mrs. Francis Wert of Bellefonte, and with his brother- corn roast last Tues in-law and Mr, and Mrs. | Mrs, Rose Cranley ret M. Broderick State College week from Lock Dr. and R 1 preparations for Curtin last her household the engagement near future abeth. to Rob Pvt. J. Edward NR Ru Ala i of West ough at the ! Mrs. Tammie visited her parent A. B. Wolfe, ti Glenn Weav the Reformed Mr. and family of Stover's Mur angelical Mr. and iner and la it a lay evening irned last Haven to begin the publi of furnishing the ister of Mi treet of Ah~ Capers sale week in East nounced ughter, V of thelr irginia Eliz aman, U rein an Hoover ker pending his fur- son of John Ci narent of Hartlet Mi Fdwir : Mr. and Mr: ghter, Patt returned last Week 3 y veek tO thelr ome in Nias alter rofl nh street Jottort and a Miesd Full: h her Bickett They Philip Fara weeks’ visit Mrs. WW ) apartments ) will ne h accompanied by Mi lin & Marshal lickett and » Il'ommy East carrie 0 were guests until ! A three Mr. and wh Andrews ho James B me Craig, Jr. son of and Mr James B. Cralg, of Mri uriin street been grant- weeker with + . yrry y y ¥ weekend with the form m wl honorable harge from th and © bac rip- A n ug Cumming: Mr. and Mrs lebersburg Nominale Edward Miller - For Treasurer were Tuesday visitors at the 8Sholl- Diehl home The Sunshine class formed Sunday school weiner roast gt (Ho of the held a avel Re- corm Spring st the Wom meeting A. E Lim- of Bellefonte t home of Mr Mrs. John Homan Joan of Millheim ¥ 4 [37 ng ak Uk Mr. and daughter urday evening John Reish home Mrs. Eugenie Beaver and my of Lemont, ~ spent the with her parents, Mr W. Blerly She was home by her brothers, Bobby Blerly, who will days in Lemont Mrs. Helen Shultz, Mrs, Ellen Bierly, Mrs. Alverta Brungart, Mrs Meyer Brungart and son Nelson and daughters Loretta and Vivian, and Mrs. Roy Brungart and son Rodney, were Thursday business visitors in Lock Haven Kathryn Bierly and Gloria Stover were recent visitors in Beilefonte Miss Joyce Kreamer of Carlisle, was a Thursday supper guest at the C. M. Blerly home. Bunday visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs and daughter Susan ge, and Mr. and Mrs.! Stanley Bierly and son Curtis of Millheim. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krea- mer called at the same home on Sat- urday Richard Berkstresser was recently promoted to corporal after two weeks of army training at Rome, N. Y., and has been transferred to Caldwell, N J and were Sat the visitor at son Tom- weekend and Mrs. R accompanied Harold and spend a few His term as Sheriff of Cen- tre County is outstanding for the intimate understanding of those whom he is forced to contact by nature and oath of his office ; problems made more difficult as a result of the ser- fous crime wave experienced in Centre County during the first two years of his term. His economical administra- tion of the finances of that of- fice speaks for itself, as exam- ination of the annual Co. audit will reveal. If elected to the office of Treasurer, the func- tions of which are the collect- ing, safeguarding and distrib- ‘ating of the county's funds, the same painstaking and careful procedure, so charac- who Ine. Flour Mi, Beliefoute teristic of his past, will pre-| 1.20 vail, - sins Mm ——— MARKET QUOTATIONS Correclted Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner Wartime travelling restric- isonally contacting each voter] RHEUMATISM and he asks for the vote and | Suflerms from Wa Pala Gasomtors | SUPPOTL of all regardless of La. wd ties | Whether he is fortunate to pc "EW TABLETS, speak with them or not. 2nd Place on the Ballot. Price 0c and $1.30 por box ot drngwiots (Pol. Adv) ow AG. Lusbert, BD. Conte, P| os — a. lr LAititutatt imonweaith at Harrisburg, Pa. tions prevent him from per-| | Mr. and Mrs. William Bweltzer, of East High street, and Mr. and {Mrs, William Sharp, of Coleville, spent last week visiting in Buffalo, N.Y, and in Niagara Falls, N, Y. Mrs. Ford Henry returned her home Monday from Chicago, Ill., where she and Mrs of Milesburg, had been spending the past month, Mrs in Chicago for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Frand Godshall on Sunday returned to their home in Camden, N. J, after thelr customary summer visit in Bellefonte with Mrs Godshall's mother, Mrs. Michael Lamb of North Allegheny street Daniel O'Leary, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. O'Leary, of North Penn street, left last Tuesday for Aspin- will where he became a patient in the Veterans Hospital. Danlel was recently discharged from Army ser- vice because of a physical disability Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heaton, of Lemoyne, spent last Wednesday in ellefonte on a business mission I'he Heatons lived in Milesburg un- til several months when Mr Heaton accepted a position as guard at the White Hill Industrial School Mr. and Mra. Clarence Smith of Johnstown, arrived here last week for a v with the former's brother and sl “law Mr Mrs Morton and family, of North § t. They also visited Mr other brothers, W. H. Smith, both of Bellefonte of the Bellefonte with sister Mrs College REO ixit ter4in and Smith LI Smith and of State Zion road ] Jack White Cpl. Guy Dur in Buffalo, N. Y.. with an antl- raft unit his mother, Mrs Dunklebarger of Niagara Falls rived here Thursday for a visit with relatives and The Dunklebarger family sided Bellefonte and omimunity home Mrs. Dunk in iklebarger, station od and i Y Hh 31 and daughters Edith week in Philadel panied to Mins ank Daly } and Mary part of last Thes spent the were ne To 8 om s4y 8 F BUN also were accomps who went to Sil to make his home ¥ SIO0D Md Announ of the eng 1. Keeler Harry V cement has been gement of Miss Kat dau er of Mr. and Keeler of Bellefonte Johnson of of Quitman graduate of the High School and since beens employed as a Midistown Afr- he was empl irt house and nal Bank Bele vith al ight Mrs to Mrs Ga BOT a at the Joh fivision nos Gap the wedding Miss Ann Grove, student at Car- negie Tech, Pittsburgh, returned to { her studies there Friday after spend. ling the suminer vacation in Belle fonte at the home of her grand- her, Mrs. D. A. Grove on East street Other guests at the residence include Miss Betty 10 last week was graduated e Coliege, at who will depart Grove. N. C a teaching roe, of Cas dying for the Wittenberg M3. b Saturday fo where she has accepted ition, and Paul Mors tonia, N. C. who is stu Lutheran L! college A Grov weekend he vi or we. who qaupioved at Middle- pos Jible-~ Schad home on East was of a Inst night in honor of George P. Bible, who Hith wedding anni- SATy Among those present for the anniversary dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Blair, of State College Miss Jane Walker, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert 8. Walker, of Allen- town, who Is a guest at the Bible- Schad home. and Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Bradley, of Bellefonte. Mr and Mrs. Robert Walker had planned to be here but were unable to make the trip. Before his retirement Mr Bible was widely known throughout the country as a Chautauqua speak- er and writer, while Mrs. Bible for muny years has engaged in decora- tive painting. a hobby she continues up to the present time aire! thie dinner and Mrs their H BOER family Mr observed ver The Japanese are great casts LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF REGISTRATION UNDER FICTITIOUS NAMES ACT Notice is hereby given that on Sat- urday, the 4th day of September, 1943. a Certificate of Registration under the Fictitious Names Act and still winning victories via the Tokyo broad- its amendments, will be filed in the Office of the Prothonotary of Centre County, at Bellefonte, Pa. and the Office of the Secretary of the Com- ior a business which will be conducted under the name of Emerald Coal Company for the mining, marketing and shipping of bituminous coal. The office of sald Company to be) in the | County of Centre, and the opera- {tions of said Company to be located located at Bellefonte, Pa, {in Burnside Township, Centre Coun- ty, Pennsylvania: that the names | {and addresses of all persons owning g jor interested in said business are) {Hugh B. Taylor, Bellefonte, Pa, and {Prances D. Eby, Springfield, Dela-| ware County, Pa. This notice is giv-| jen in pursuance of Act. No, 327 of the Acts of the Legislature of the | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, said’ ‘Act was approved by the Governor | of Pennsylvania on May 28, 1043, HUGH B. TAYLOR, Bellefonte, Pa FRANCES D. EBY, Bpringfield. Pa. ARTHUR ©. DALE, Attorney for Emerald Coal Company, Rooms 7-8 Tempie Court, Bellefonte, Pa. ———— to | ] Joseph Boldin | Boldin will remain | Seeks Election | As Commissioner Andy Dubbs, of Union Town- ship, Releases Statement to County Voters Andrew (Andy) Dubbs, of Union township, In announcing his candi dacy for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner, yesterday released the following statement for the consideration of the voters of Centre county | “Because of my work and because of the shortage of gasoline, I will be unable to get In Wwuch with many | Republican voters before the pri- marie Beptember 14 Consequently 1 take this means of § MN few facts about myself and my can- Ving you didacy I have Republi Deen An aclive worker in y all my life and Whe d born county Lhe an pat up unt this ume bave never for any 1avor Walker to fath my Civil { Cent in return. | wa hap thi I i inte Ceorge War WES 4 Hall in wii mod Dubly hit in the eT ~ it. Ralph Dubbs na t battle ring operation a Barage and repal Miiesin UDETVISOr « 2U east of mn MwWers 1 wa construct water sanitary Belielion DOr iy pres ent treat » High- na - LEERY nly 3 Criminal Cases Scheduled ‘enfte ged from pepe one) were : was injured Grover C. Weaver, of Centre Hall, ipleading guilty to an assault and batlery charge preferred by his wife was placed on probation the comin Of to pas ries BY 2 f gulity heard M Frederick Brown, ! NE escaped Rockview fugitive, who was sentenced to serve § to 10 years In the Western Penitentiary in Pitts burgh, His case Is reviewed more {fully elsewhere In this issue, | { property, {Grand Jury recommended a umber {dining rooms at Alter an inspection of the county Monday afternoon, the Including the fol renovation of the cleaning and painting of and painting of outside of bullding: replastering of wall around Jud yard; repairing and re- painting of Jall porch; new mat- tresses in men’s cell block; repaint- ing of the men's and the women's the County Home and repainting of all the offices on the first floor of the Court House - of Improvements, lowing: complete Jalil block entire jall wey HONORED ON BATH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY prominent! resident township, was al his home on his family him cele- which fell sons, their husband linger of amber of Christ Hartle Drifting C pleasantly of OOper urpried al noon when gathered Ww help 85th birthday 30th. His five one daughter, her Mrs. Elizabeth CO] and a Arge n grandchildren were All arrived laden good things including chicken, ptato sal- macaroni Daked Deans ners coke, etc 0 remuuscing { experiences and the Ww the Sunday member brate his on August wives: a sister Drifting present with 10 eat ad salad sauer Kraut and wel » day wa pent on past event all present enjoye fullest During the noon presented with several other gifs and cards served any Mr. Hartle purse as meal was well as Supper He is gets a nice war ng one also #1 JOY gO0d heanilh and around as years younger PLEASANT VALLEY (Boges Twp.) ng and jlaughte other Per guest Mrs. Theodore r McCul Mill Hall th his parents Richn visitors at t Mr Mrs. Clalr nda Em- Chas « Harvey mT Mr: Annie Heaton at Ande M1 Homer Senora rt Rudy Byer Elia May Weaver were nd Mr. and Richne; cOar ines ner spent But Mrs the from | Visiting Ralph Davis furlough army Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chapman iwete Lock Haven shoppers on Sat- iT 8 Year Widay alternoon Mrs aie at Mr. and atlended Ralph McCartney Ear] Runkle's afternoon thie on Baturday — (BELLEFONTE EAA AERA RARER AREA RARER EEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY WREATH! ’ wink pOBRY READ That Triple-Action Trio The Three Mesquiteers RIDERS OF THE RIO GRANDE PFEFFER BRENNER Rav aaa Te Ee EE EE EE ER EE EE EE EE ER EE EE EE RE RE EE EEE ER EE EEE Monday—Door Prize Nite The Special New Monday Nite Attraction Been Waiting For! Special Reasons Why Yeur Entire Family Will Want To Be Here! JOAN WOODBURY HERE COMES A Small Time Guy With Big-Time Ideas! Rt Admission Prices You've (25) EDDIE QUILLAN « + +» DIFFERENT « « « AND EXCITING! IT'S NEW Regular CHILDREN: lle (Tax Included) BARRA SRRARNARR ERR ERE RN NF SATURDAY ONLY Continuous From 2:00 P. M. - ROMANCE and ADVENTURE! ACTION asd THRILLS! we hn CHARLES STARRETT TI — Arthur Hunnicutt ALSO— i A Picture You Should See! REPORT FROM THE ALEUTIANS ~All in Technicolor! — tee err EE EE ESE EEE La EE EE EE EE ES EEE ES EE ES EE REE EE EE rast te EE RE EE RE EEE EEE EEE EE Eh Twenty-five MAXIE ROSENBLOOM KELLY FIOHM FHL WO4 AVIML V ADULTS: 39¢ ISEOMEd AVIADAE LV-ATINVA Sib abhi ihibih Abba thhhhibbb abet Almost Wrecked Stanley Ridges FALSE FACES With Rex Willians Janet Shaw grrr ETRE Tuesday and Wednesday Saas EE le SS SE REE Eh Rl hth hh hh hh hh hh SS Next Thursday Thru Saturday IT'S A GREAT LIFE Funniest of All the Blondie Hits! Also—COLT COMRADES xx A Fun and Song Jamboree RIO RITA With John Carroll FREER ERRREEE HI: 2233323832333 30 RRR RRRRRRRE 111838 L Ee Alaa Rall a Pleasant View Unlon Chapel The and Harvest Home at the Pleasant View north of Bellefonte tember school Bupt. Worship and he vice Rachau of Mil the ye 3p church history Ars clerk. Christian Endeay THAT'S GAY .. DARING DIFFERENT! an L] 2p follow William Ie Charge Is AS m Has m in burg for Ly the will be read Liu or, 6 program for the homecoming service Lo be held Union Chapel Bunday Aang of William | Al Lis » in charge of the Mrs, Olive Rhoads evening Harvest Hom y % in ol vi Advent gre CHinrge Bep Bunday Hom erit re PP | § ‘ — FRIDAY and SATURDAY IT'LL TAKE YOU TO A WORLD STORY LAUGHTER! THAT JOLTED AMERICA INTO A WAVE OF From Gypey Rose Lee's sen- sational best seller, String Muiders,”’ comes the screen's most glamorous Chriller-Chiller midst laughter, love and music! Hunt Stri tal wibcry | LESQUE will MICHAEL O"SHEA vo. ond ¢ large cost of Fon Makers ond Glemonr gals! FER ERERREREREEES SPECIAL FUN AND MELODY-PACKED LABOR DAY MIDNITE SHOW - SPECIAL ADDED ENTERTAINMENT “Community Sing” Snappy. Patriotic Tunes Our Gang Farm Hands’ i Three Stooge Comedy “Higher Than a Kite” Lew Lehr “Jungle Land’ starring ANN MILLER ROCHESTER * JOHN HUBBARD ond - Freddy Mortin and His Orchestre DOORS OPEN SUNDAY NITE AT 12:01 A. M. Tickets Now on Sale! FRE dE EE EE EE EE EE EE EEE — MONDAY and TUESDAY — ARERERRRRRRLANSR ARRAN RARARARERRRRRSR RENAN, - - A GRAND NEW THRILL-TEAM! AND rr rE EE EE EE EE RE PISS SOUTER CRISPI SCS aa eae lata sR ERR Ee EE EE EE “: WEDNZESOAY ond THURSDAY ae ERE EREEES FREER RRLRARRALLARKREK [LR LRRR Q RRLRCRRRRRRE CRARRACARARRRRRRRRRS KAS ARCAARAROACRARARRAAAARRKRRRONRAALALRAR RR 6 n ¥ AARRRE ARO RES sgCcoog0ER soo Rs hel 5 8 8 400 st & 8
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