Page Tres : September 2 | 1943. UNIONVILLE Methodist Church: Sunday school; on Sunday morning: Youth Fellow-| ship in the evening at 6:30, imme- diately followed by the preaching service at 7:30, with sermon by the week are thelr pastor, Rev. W. A Free Methodist service Friday school Sunday morning clock Rev. H. C. Jacobs of the Free Methodist church left the fore part of this week for Warren, Pa, where! he is attending the annual confer-| ence of their church this week, Mrs. Harvey Ble of Palisade Park, N. Y.. was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. H M. Miles. Upon her return to her home she was accompanied far as Harrisburg by her aunt, | Mrs. Miles, who spent some time visiting with her sister and husband there, Mr. and Mrs. Will Malone Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keatley and daughter were visiting last week for several days with his mother, Mrs. | Margaret Keatley. They returned to their home in Alexandria, Va. on Friday Miss Grace Moore, who makes her home with Mr, and Mrs. Edward] Flick, is visiting for a couple weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William Brower near Pittsburgh, and assisting them in moving Mrs. Reuben Comly and little son returned to their home here on Sun- day from the Philipsburg hospital where the little son was born Miss Nora Stover of Bellefonte, spent several days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Sue McEwen, doing their fall canning and corn drying Mrs. J. B. Stere returned to her home on Sunday after a week's visit with her daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs. C. R. Stevenson of Altoona Mrs. Hazel Barton and her mother, Mrs. John Hoff of Tyrone, left last Friday for Chicago, Il where they visited for several days over the weekend with the former's son, Edward Barton, who is station- ed at Great Lakes, Ill, Naval Train- ing Station Snyder: Church evening ut Sunday! 9:30 0'- | LS evening 6th, is in the Monday, September Labor Day and our community will be opened In the forenoon until 12 o'clock and then will be closed the remainder of the day. Do your necessary shopping in the forenoon for our merchants are taking a half holiday The schools of the open another term on Tuesday morning, September Tth, with Char- lotte Stere as teacher in the primary school and Reish in the grammar school Miss Kathleen Homan spent the past weekend visiting with in the vicinity of Bellefonte Frank Stere has purchased the Mary McClellan property and ex- pects to move about the first of Qc- tober. He is vacating the J. R. Wil- liams property which will be for rent or sale Mr. G. W. Bullock, former station agent here and resident of the com- munity for many years, is consider- | Next stores borough will Russell friends ing selling his property here. What 'norey Chili, N. Y.. he expects to do when it is sold has their vacation visiting friends and | not as yet been decided | Miss Kate Smith spent several days last week visiting with her sis- | ' [families who are residents of Phila- Prayer 1 IMrs, Leon Durst ' Philadelphia. | Lucille and graff, 'C. McElwain, {wife spent a {lous { Bruss, home he will have a longer time to] ————— BOALSBURG THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. | 1Homspay, NOV 4-—-Earl A Ross will offer at public sale on his | farm, along the State Highway leading from Boalsburg, Pa. 0 the Will Coxey, Mrs. Dorothy Hemp- stead and Missy Margaret Olson of Bellefonte, Mrs. Ruth Talbot and {two daughters of York, and Miss El- eanor Dale of Woodsdale, were visit- ors at the Dale-McGirk home Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Baird of Nor- ter and husband, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Bechtol of Howard. Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Williams over the past two daughters and delphia, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nason and son and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Durst and children. ristown, anndunce the birth of a Miss Nell Williams returned to her daughter, Tuesday, August 24. The home here last week after having baby has been named Diane Lee. spent a couple weeks visiting with|Mrs. Baird Is the former Evelyn her sisters and families, Mr, and|Houtz, daughter of Mr Mrs. Mrs. Charles Nason and Mr. and | Wilbur Houty and familles of{ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitehill of Lemont, and Mr. and Mrs, Orvis Mrs. Clark Willams entertained Poorman and son of Wyandotte, some of the young folks of the com-|Mich., spent Monday evening with munity at her home one evening last | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spotts, Sat- week in the form of a weiner roast |Wday Mr. and Mrs. Poorman re- in the old tree stump in front of her turned to their home. They were ac- home. Those present were: Misses|COmpanied by the latter's parents, Ruth Annette Upde-|Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitehill her nieces of Willlamsport,] Misses Mary Relish and Beulah Miss Margaret Alexander and Mir-|Fortney of Boalsburg, and Edward lam Snoke of Union township, Alice Moore of State College, were callers Reish, Ida Mae Barton, Ann McEl-|at the George Fortney home Sunday wain, Nell Willlams, Mrs. Charles|alternoon Nason, Mrs. G. W. Bullock, Mrs. L.| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Temple spent Ruth Parsons, Mar-|Sunday evening with the former's garet Brugger, Mrs. J. C. Stere. A|gisters, the Misses Mary Jane and very delightful evening was spent by | Bertha Temple, at Petersburg all Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gulser and Stafl-Sergeant James E. Bruss and | children, Joyce nd DB bby, were the fifteen-day furlough'iguests of Mr Mrs. Sheldon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.|Clapper, Sunday Bruss of Union township. He was| ,,. and Mrs. L. N. Snyder and Salled home on account of the Ser=| children of Middle River, Md., are illness of his brother, Lester | citing Mrs. W. A. Rockey and Mrs who was a patient in they ean Wright Centre County Hospital with lockjaw | ps. and oT Wie ROW ery mich Mproved. | Huntingdon announce the birth of a hey left on Wednesday fo =! son Til The w Yo i dolph Field, Texas, where Sgt. Bruss 56D, August 31, The baby has been has 1 tationed f me tir named John Levi. Paul Durner is a 14s been statione some time AS been stationed ior some lim ison of Mr. and Mrs. John Durner We : Mr. and Mrs. James Bohn and son the Englewood, spent Friday at the friends and relatives visiting them, |W. H. Neff home or know of anything happening! Sgt. Robert Ross of Camp Dix, N which is unusual or might be inter-|J. and Mrs. Ross of Philipsburg, esting to your friends at a distance, spent Saturday and Sunday with the would hand the same in to the writ- former's parents, Mr and Mrs er of this column by Monday eve-|Charles Ross ning of each week. Your friends and} Mrs. H. D relatives who receive the paper will Mr. and Mrs. James Sharp of New be glad to hear news from home | York City, Mrs. Bertha Eiters and Mr. and Mrs, Melville Peters and | daughter Betty of State College, and little daughter of New York, are!Sgt. Irvin Harrocks on Miss spending their vacation visiting with | Beulah Portney, Sunday his parents, Mr. and Mrs Plerce! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McClintie and Peters of this place {children of Pine Grove Mills, visited Pvt. Walter Houtz of Camp Pick-|the William MeClintic family on ett, Va., visited with his mother and | Sunday sister of this vicinity on Priday af-| Mr. and Mrs ternoon and evening. He left for|College, R. D., visited Mr. and Mrs camp early the following Saturday] Willis Houtz, Sunday morning. This has been his first trip] Mr. and Mrs home since he has joined the army, College, spent Thursday evening with we hope on his next return!Mr. and Mrs. George Fortney Mrs. John Willams and daughter {Joan spent Tuesday with relatives in Bellefonte and and 4 Mrs. Paul Durner of would appreciate if persons in community who have their of Davis of Harrisburg called and visit Aaron Hall visited with Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Hall on Sunday. He also] Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meyer visited with John T. Hall who has|Pittsburgh, visited the former's been very ill for quite some time ther, Mrs. Anna Mey {rom Harold G. Hall of Union township, | day until Thursday has some nice young chickens for Mrs. P. L sale and they require no ration| home Thursday after points. Call on Harold and he will Wee Es with her sister supply your wants, He lives along the |Orrls at Washington. D. ¢ Rattlesnake pike. Mrs. Paul Corl and son of State Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Lucas of College, spent Thursday with the are spending [former's mother, Mrs. Ella Gingrich Mrs. Kenneth Green and sons Unionville (spent Sunday at the H. C. Balley thome. Mrs. Irvin Johnson of Watson- town, visited her cousin, Mrs. Mary of mao- er, spending six Miss June relatives in and about and Union township. | (Continued on page Siz) | A Candidate From Philipsburg . . . {8. Goheen from Friday until Sun- day. Mrs. Johnson was accompanied by her brother-in-law IMr. and Mrs. James Bryson of Wat- | | Old fort, livestock and farm {m- | plemernits, including 40 some head 4 yy I of purebred, high-grade Holstein Paul Durner of Huntingdon, is vis Settle E M. Smith, iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John| gut Durner |PRIDAY, NOV. b—Joseph Rosage will Me . n or | Offer at public sale on the White Fred L Kline 5 of Middl River, rock Farm, on the State Highway Md., spent the weekend with rela-| jeading from Pleasant Gap, Pa, 10 uves. On his return home he was| lock Haven, near aviation field, accompanied by his wife and daugh-| day until Sunday. Bale at 9 a. m Bock farm implements and | wueshold goods, Including 40 head ter, who had been visiting at the! of cattle Sale at 9 a. m EM home of Mrs. W. H. Stover Smith, auct. W. C. Smeltzer and The Daughters of Ruth Sunday | - Bmelzer, clerks school class of the Lutheran church i - Saturday, Sept. 4 | some {Raup, Marie Hess, Bertha Cole, Al- {Graham {ham op {visited her i oll Orie Houtz of State g Hiram Lee of State’, Mon- Swank returned to her jooe {Mrs. Charles Graham, Mr. and Mrs, and sister, held their class meeting Friday eve-| ning at the home of Miss Helen Ker- JOHNSON'S GARAGE will offer at public sale on the prem- stetter, Those who attended were the teacher of the class, Mrs Prank ses in Snow Shoe Boro, the follow- ing items of equipment including White, an ev. and Mrs al and Rev. and Mrs. Donald farm and garage machinery sawmill, complete with plant and culo 4-wheel garden tractor; outfit con- were Mrs. Charles Graham, ®#Hne of the following: tractor with 4 . ‘rubber tires, plow, disc harrow, dou- Barbara Wink and Esther Gra-| ble cultivator potato digger and row ener, cutter bar and anow plow garden cultivator rub- seeder and snow w (8B in.), band saw ™ (4 in) wood rop head), drill tester; Weaver brake riviter charger; portable paint sprayer wrecker crane; parts and accessor wrenches, screw drivers radiator cleaners; els Hardware locks handles, . Kem-tone, and 100 numerous Geyser power Boeedix Ruth Bleich, Ethel and Kathryn Graham ma Bradford Guests 8r., “wh: p on ber with i Enon sa Cpl. Frederic Dale Mass, 1s spending a his father, L. K. Dale re Mrs. T. C sburs, motor sister, Mrs. HH NM mold M phtiary Westfield, wit of few days terman day Mrs [rom nday batierie Dora Odenkirk of Centre Hall, 5; with Mrs ig G. Goheen and Mrs, 1. J. Johnson Pvt. William Weber of Camp Fish- er, N. Mrs Foster Charl morning Mrs. E. W. He Harry Mus- Miss Marie Hess and B. P. Lon- berger were dinner guests of Mrs Fred Lonberger, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Join Musser and son and Harry Musser spent the week. end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ond- # rey at Derry. Miss Connie Lou Mus- : ser, who had spent ut Derry with Mrs. Emma Brou Myers and two Thursday with Mrs at State College Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bauer of State College and Weber of Camp Charles ed Mrs. Edith Mr Robert Houtz, Mrs. Philip and Misses Margaret Kimport, Emma Eilza Stuart, Kathryn Gingrich Priscilla Stuart enjoyed a pic the home of Mr Fred Lon i went Sawurday Mary many 0 mentior 12:80 1 known Slover ticle visitor with Sale to begin will be made ale Mayes and NOTE-~The OPA has r drive 0 publi Saturday, Sept. 11 FLIZABETH = trix ¢. t. a. Of the Heth Sn ale at the late r pst of Mlilesburg Route 220 ut led ser lied aie egal Wo vacation arent: i Mrs, Paul childrey Beryl ner returned el hm FARM IMPLEMENTS harrow, Qliver side-hill Woomer ver two-way sulky plow potato ralser; one-horse one-horse shovel plow t k= and son sie 3 4 kettles, copper kettle William Del No. 12 cream separator excellent condition HOUSEHOLD OOODS-—Plano Lucas, Bunda) ant + living room furnitur He Mr: / b ) stand i antique cabinet d-plece tabi Speier i i {ron aval ¥ a Williams teher LAL ang cras antique crib living 3 rug 8 by 15; rug 6 # by 12. 4-100 and ma tiresses ticks, stand manti showcase, oot with spring gallon jugs reyes : children's toys child's desk in heater 2 small heats e. Sry Lary ri iron arog ART berge at og ! pillows r “nx Cans; iI-burner wardrobe cl stove, gasoline » g ner articles AN All Las mtingdon, § Gu Mary Anne of H sts at & Birthday y, August 22 A. Rockey of the ROCkeS Rrra x X atl the home § ' FS Cladieiter, last « i The Grahan families held a nic Sunday in y Musser wo Those who atlended were: Mr Ridge Road the fol ing personal property LIVESTOCK 25 head of registere Holstein coattle consisting 15 mich cows, eine with 500 to 600 rind butterfat records fn CTA ge work: 1 bred heifer. 3 yearling hei! 4 heifer calves, 3 bull calve as the of and Cie M and Mu children Irvin Graham, Mr Musser and two and these are direct descendants of Rag People would be Invited Ww dinner! The Battle of 1044, In the eyes of more often If custom required the many Americans, will not take place men) in Europe or the Par East B Also Pde these oattle are blood tested Apple Pabst, accredited and brood sows, pike, 400 Leghorn lets; 150 yearling hens FARM IMPLEMENTS--Pull line of farm implements, including new Mc-, Cormick-Deering 11-hoe disc grain drill, corn binder, mowing machine; side-delivery rake, hay loader; New Ides manure spreader; cogrn planter with fertilizer attachmefit, two 2- horse cultivators, new four-section hasrow; other hagrows, binders wagon , hay ladders, new 40-foo0t ex- | tension ladder; corn sheller; scales grindstone iron kettle, sausnEe grinder; set of new harness new four-can International milk cooler new-ntyle Delaval milking machine about 16 milk cans, all good; 30 tony alfalfa hay. oats and many other ar- ticles WoO numerods WwW mention HOUSEHOLD OGOODS-—Also a full line of household goods, including new black and white coal and wood range, large Heatrola, Ivers and Pond plano; solid oak dining room suite chad bed ar re; tables; dish- an other articies guests to provide AST — WEEK-END AND LABOR DAY SPECIALS FOR THAT PICNK PENN-ALTO CAKE .- 31c Lady Baltimore 4 Red 29¢ TRY ». er ART ! ID suit there will be of- ule an Qldsmobile H-pa club ooupe 938 model like new. This car belongs the armed foroes E. E. Hubler ved by A Ciean~ une time f SMALLER SIZ} w of t Methods ne ville BTART PROMPTLY x36 DIXIE MARGARINE BISQUICK NIBLETS BRAND CORN ““ 13¢ FRUIT COCKTAIL oe Lawn 18g SPAM ves 30 POTTED MEAT WE dog DILL PICKLES ww 22 “Kitchen Tested’ GOLD MEDAL FLOUR MARROW FAT BEANS AMERICAN BEALTY B. BEANS PAPER PLATES OR NAPKINS BULK VINEGAR Keep Sandwiches Fresh with SNACK SACKS Al AM Saturday, Sept. 18 ALVINA STOVER HOU HOLD : oy H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales FHONE 357% FINE GROVE MILLS, PA. 24 lb» $1 39 Ib ide 13¢ 16¢ 35 12 points pkg gallon pkg. of 40 L. FRANK MAYES, General Auctioneer Real Estate Sales A KIPFCIALTY! 16¢ w23¢ SUNSHINE KRISPY COLONIAL OYSTER CRACKERS CRACKERS = ]19¢ = 18¢ Cartwheels Nabisco Ginger CALL STATE COLLEGE, =a "w the benefit of te sais Ny nol have Ww i Lave proven { real eclale A number of Farms and several Hesbdenoes will be offered ot public sale In the pear future Wateh for Dates! | Shafler Stores Co. abel | Mrs Charles Graham Hel Graham, Kathryn Grab Graham, Esther Graham Graham, and William Ol Boalsburg, Mr. and Barto and daughter Jan» iGrove Mills, Mr { Mrs 1 Mothersbaugh and children, Lynn, Bi Now Is The Time fo Think About Your New {sontown, who spent the weekend) jy. preddie. Doris and Mabel {with Mrs. Byron Keith at State Col- Potters Mills lege. Mrs. Johnson is the former) a. and Mrs Earl {Rose Woods of Boalsburg Donald of Centre Hall, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Nell B. Fisher, accompanied C. Musser of Manor. and Mrs {by Mr. and Mrs. Danie] Fisher of Richard Ross of Pittsburgh, were | Washington, D. C., spent Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo {evening with the Harold Fisher yo i orsbaugh. Sunday family in Huntingdon | Mrs FW. Hess and Mrs. Fred | Howard Swank and son Tommy of |y snberger spent Saturday evening at Middle River, Md. spent Bunday ihe pdgar Hess home with Mrs. P. L. Swank | Mrs. W. E. Kline spent Thursday Mrs. Elizabeth Houser of Monaca, oy 11. D. B. Thomas home {was a guest at the L. K. Dale home| p...nt visitors at the George {from Monday until Thursday. 8he ye. kis home were Mrs, Harry Hou- {was accompanied by her son-in-law, |... ond John Vogt of Monaca, Mr. | [John Vogt of Monaca, Who SPenti ng ary Roy Ripka and Mrs. Lioyd | Monday night at the Dale home IRipka and daughter of Pine Grove | Mr. and Mrs C C. Meyer of Me- | tills, Roy Markle and Mr. and Mrs. (dina, N. ¥. visited the former'si,c.ri, Houser and family of State mother, Mrs, Anna Meyer, several College | FOR PROTHONOTARY “Se “und ars Harold Callahan nil 1 “Kline a children {daughter Dolores, of Middle River,| gy... supper guests of Mrs. W. E.! Pig visited MS Salahan's Parents, Kline, Saturday evening. A niece of | | r. and Mrs. H. Balley from { Mrs, Kline's, Miss Evelyn Thomas of | | Fox Park, Wyoming, was also a sup-| per guest. Miss Thomas Is employed by the Government as radio tech. ‘nician and has been stationed in of CENTRE COUNTY HONESTY of PURPOSE . . . SINCERITY of CONVICTION . » CONSISTENCY. These are personal requirements of a can- didate for public office, Ross and son, In 1940, Bond C. White and James L. Adams both worked openly and actively AGAINST A THIRD TERM. Mr, White now seeks a THIRD TERM in County Office. all Sweaters and Jacket Seled Them From Our Large Assorfment! ’ JAMES L. ADAMS still opposes a THIRD TERM and seeks a FIRST TERM in County office, without a promise to anyone for anything. wee VOTE FOR —e JAMES L. ADAMS FIRST TERM “Most Worn Garment | Own = Tee SWEATER Worn often . . . but never worn out. An expert- ly machine knit sweater to wear while garden- ing . .. for sports . .. at ease, or ‘neath a jacket on premature Fall days. Small, medium or large. Choose several at this price. Republican Primaries, Tuesday, September 14, 1943. i Charles Coble of Bellefonte, and (Continued on Pape Six) Public Sales SBATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11--Wili- | jam EB. Clark will offer at public | sale at 120 South Pugh stredt, State College, at the Packard garage, hgusehold goods and some an- tiques. Sale starts promptly at 1 o'clock. E. M. Smith, auct SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18-—-Alvina | Stover will offer at public sale at | her residence, 11 East Bishop | street, Bellefonte, a full line of! household goods. This furniture is in exceptionally fine condition. Sale at 1 p. m. Mayes and Stover, aucts. P. M. Dubbs, clerk. BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 — Mrs. Charles M. Thompson will offer at | public sale at her residence, 109 South Atherton street, State Col- lege, a full line of household goods and some antiqlies Sale begins at 1230 noon. E. M. Smith, auct SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16--3rs. Or- vis Shull will offer at public sale at her home in Miliheim a full line Cloudy Sky? Jump Into a JACKET Here's the all-weather jacket that scoffs at stormy weather. Wind and rain resistant with fly front closing and button cuffs. Equally right for sunny weather. His jacket will be the most worn garment he owns, $3.25 DEMOCRATS $1. SAM POORMAN YOTE FOR THURSDAY, OOT, 2l-John MoCoy will offer at public sale on his farm one-half mile south of Sportsman \ Business Man 2] Years Business Experience! : FRIDA will Hill, south of Centre pres Tg a ements. sale, Sale at 10 a. m. auck, South Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Penna. FIRST NAME ON BALLOT
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