Burdens Whey =o “w-=——— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 2, 1943, ri INITY | CENTRE HALL AND vic r—— REBERSBURG WOMAN IS SPEAKER AT CLUB MEETING | Speaking on the responsibilities of | Christians in the modern world, | Mrs. N. 1. Saloff-Astakhoff of Reb- | ersburg, addressed the Gleaners | Evangelical Sunday school class last | Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. A. E. Limbert. Mrs. Astakhof!, wife of the noted lecturer evangelist and author of a number of books on Christianity in Russia, stressed the significance of being a “witness, ambassador and | priest” for Christ in the world to- day Mr. and Mrs, Astakhoff, both Rus- gian born, eame to this country in 1928 during the Russian revolution, and to Rebersburg in 1933 when his health demanded a change from city to rural environment. Mrs. Miles Breon of Rebersburg and these other guests attended the meeting Mrs. N. B. Martz, Mrs Margaret Godshall, and Misses Mary Delinda Potter, Lillian Rickert, Lor- na Jane Hosterman and Lefa Bit- ner. The following members were present: Mrs. George Sweeney, Mrs William Bechtol, Mrs. James Guise- wite, Mrs. C. A. Miller, Mrs. John Bhaeffer, Mrs. Harold Bradford, Mrs Harold Stitzer, Mrs, Stewart Hoster- man, Mrs. Alma Rickert, Mrs, Geo Ralston, Mrs. 8. H. Bitner, Mrs. Wil- Bam Hanna and Mrs. Roy 8. Jami- son LJ J CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: The Rev. W terman, Lemont service, 11:00: Sunday school Spring Mills—Church Tussevville— Church Sunday 9:30 Lutheran The Rev. C. C. Otto, pastor. Centre Hall-Church service, 2.00: Sunday school, 10:00 Spring Mills-—-Church service, 7:30: Sunday school 9:30 Tusseyville--Church gervice, 10:30: school, 8:30 Methodist M. Ham- mond, pastor Church gervice 7:30: 9:30 Sprucetown-—Church service, 10:45; Sunday school, 9:45. At these ser- vices the minister will deliver a special message public school pupils Reformed pastor. Centre Hall 7:30; school, 9:30. Spring Mills Church service, 8:00: Sunday 10:00. Farmers Mills—Church 10:39; Sunday achool, 9:30 » ® » K. Hos- Chureh 10:00 2:00 45; actor pastor service service, 7 school, Sunday The Rev. C Centre Hall Sunday school for The Rev. D. R. Keener, Church service, Sunday school service BREAKFAST CLUB HERE ENTERTAINS AT CHURCH Members of the’ 4-H Breakfast Club entertained’ their mothers several other guests a mother- daughter Friday eve the social Ef $3) church The club members ‘planned the mena and prepared and served the food as part of their club work un- der the direction of Miss Helen But- ler, instructor, and Miss Inez Luse, local leader These mothers and were present Mrs Hagan Mrs. C. William Boozer, Mrs. John B. Wert, Jr, Mrs. George Vogt, Mrs Herbert Arntz Miss Clara Sheckler and Myra Kimbrell The girls who entertained were Dorothy Boozer, Donna Luse, Mir- iam Hagan, Lorna Jean Hosterman Connie Brooks, and Joanne Wert Ruth Spyker and Anna Marie Whiteman also belong the club but were unable to be present A certificate will be awarded each girl completing the course. Plrst and banquet room © other gests to MUNIGIPA} MILLHEIM -— NEW SHOW TIME — Bhows Now 7:30 and 9:30 P, M. Admission 100 & 300 SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (September 4th) Freddy Martin and his Orchestra Susan Hayward HIT PARADE OF 1943 ANDY CLYDE COMEDY LATEST WAR NEWS ISSUE MONDAY, LABOR DAY (Night Oniy) FIRST COMES COURAGE with Brian Aherne and Merle Oberon ws ALSO Andy Clyde 2-Reel Comedy and Kate Smith Program: “AMERICA SINGS" WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (September Bth) A very good show, folks . . . by the makers of “Mrs. Miniver” and “Random Harvest”... now see... . THE HUMAN COMEDY | accept (prize ribbons were presented to Dor-, othy Boozer, Donna Luse and Mir- jam Hagan, and third prize ribbons to Jane Vogt and Connie Brooks LJ » » LOCALS AND PERSONALS Miss Eva Bailey has resigned her teaching position at Pine Grove to a position in the Cleveland Bible College, Cleveland, Ohio Miss Lefa Bitner began work at the Sylvania Products Co. in Mill Hall last Thursday Mrs, Miles Breon and Mrs. N. 1 Salof-Astakhoff of Rebersburg, were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hosterman Mr. and Mrs. Robert of State College, spent several days of his vacation last week in Centre Hall with her parents, Mr, and Mrs DM radford Lt. and Mrs. Harold Armstrong and daughter, Tatlana of Mamee, Ohlo, are spending a ten-day leave here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs 8. T. Riegel Mrs. Edward Seasman J J. Clark of Greensburg ing Mrs. Clark's brothers J W laney and Michael Delaney, and ter-in-law, Mrs. Talitha Delaney Mrs. Prank Long of Washington D. C., Mrs. Charles Soutaworth of Baltimore, and Miss Estelle Jones of Rockville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and family of Centre Hall, R. D These guests attended an jee cream party last Wednesday eve. ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs Reeder Sharer: Mr. and Mrs. Domer Ishler, son Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Miller. son Guy, daughter Alta D G Wagner Mrs Frank Long Mrs. Charles Southworth and Miss Estelle Mrs. Harry Tranger and two chil- spent last week Mr. and Mrs and sister Mrs. Kath- Mrs visit - De- $18 ~ and are Jones dren of Upper Darby with Claude ryn Breon Nancy Zellers, daughter of Mr Mrs. Paul Zellers of Mifflinburg turned home parents after a visit with Mr. and Knarr and daughter her parents wert and re- Inst Mrs Jose - with her week Bruce phine Mr. and Mrs John Shaeffer enter. tained these friends of their daugh- ter, Nancy, at a birthday party in her or last Wednesday after. Fatiana Miller of Mamee, O Grove Chester Grove, Jr Hackett, Prances Rover. Syl. via Ralston, Miriam Delaney, Riche ard Delaney, Mary Ann Garity, Mar« lene Guisewite, and Nancy's brother and Ronald Shacflfer. Mrs. Earl De- laney helped Mrs Shaeffer with the refreshment * Otlbert, who had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Harry MceCler weeks turned to her he Lewist last Sunday The Rev. and Mrs. H.W. Heilsley and family of Williamsport, spent nme wn Thursday and Priday with the Rev. 'B and Mrs. W. K. Hosterman, The Rev Mr. Heisley is pastor of First Evan- gelical church in Williamsport C. Carl Wharton, a representative of Harrisburg Fidelity Motusl Life Insurance Company. was a guest of W. W Kerlin and family on Friday Robert Poust of Ohio, spent the past weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Foust Mrs. Kathryn Breon and Mrs Mazie Lee entertained the Senior Service glass of the Lutheran Sun- day school at a corn roast and lawn party at their home Tuesday ning Mr her eve Cirace Breon ankie several weeks able to return to her College on Monday The Rev. C. M. Hammond is con- ducting a special service for public school pupils on Bunday in Centre Hall at 7:30 o'clock in the evening and in Sprucetown at 10.45 in morning Gross receipts of the firemen’ car. nival, including contriitions and advertising space sold on the flyers amounted to $1174.24. Since some of the bills have not yet been paid, V A. Auman, chairman, did not know the net sum but many of the fire. men estimated that at least $500 was profit. Those who served ax commit- tee chairmen were J 8 Boozer Bruce Knarr, Reuben Rickert, Stan. ley Brooks. D. M. Bradford, D. 1 Grayhill and E A. Frank The fol- lowing local persons won the ground prizes: Miss Elizabeth Bartholomew and Carl Burkholder, coffee-makers; 8. T. Riegel and J. B. Wert, Jr., card tables, and Mrs John Martz, a cake Mrs. Samuel Goodhart of Johns town. spent last week with her sis- ter, Mrs. W. F. Keller and husband Miss Lucy Buck of 8t. Paul. Minn, vitited her cousin, Mrs. Roy Jamison and family from Friday until] Mon- day Warren Homan of Cleveland, Ohio, visited his family here recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rossman Wert and daughter Oall returned to their home in Upper Darby on Sunday, after a week's visit with relatives here. Miss Patricia Boomer began secre. tarial work yesterday in the School of Agriculture Department of Ani- mal Husbandry at Penn State Miss Elizabeth Bartholomew spent Wednesday to Sunday at her home here Mr prained . was State who ALO work in the and Mrs. Robert Siegal of State College, called on Mrs. Alda | Bloom and Miss Jennie Bartholn- mew, Bunday evening. Mrs. James Parks and two child ren, Patty and Jimmy, spent Tues-| day with Mrs. Park's grandmother, | ton, spent Sunday at the O. H. Me- Mrs. Alda Bloom. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Sunday at the Paul Bradford home, ‘where Mrs. William Bradford and grandsons, Gene and Dean, spent last week. Other Sunday guests at a picnie dinner at the Bradford {home were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Me- Mickey Rooney & Frank Morgan §| § Two complete shows every show §| night-—=7:30 and 9:30 p. m. i Clellan and children of Lock Haven, and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bradford and daughter Beulah, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker amd children, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wetzel and family McCormick | Bradford’ (and children, Phyllis and William, and his father, Willlam Bradford of | Phoenixville, spent Saturday and Mrs. Fred Slack entertained the Ladles' Bible class of the Reformed Sunday school at her home last eve. ning The Evangelical Missionary 8o- clety will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. Margaret Godshall Mrs. George Sweeney entertained the Evangelical Ladies’ Ald Society at her home last Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Alma Rickert, Mrs. C. A Miller, Miss Ida Frazier, Mrs. Dan- fel 8. Daup and Mrs. N. M. Martz attended the meeting A daughter, Sue Ellen, was born last week Mr. and Mrs Vernon Godshall in the Lewistown Hospital Mrs. Harold Stitzer and daughter are spending this week with her mo- ther, Mrs. Mabel Hartley in Mif- fliinburg J. F Wetzel returned Monday from Old Forge Camp near Waynes- boro, where he and Russell Bohn spent the month of August directing the camp for Penn State during the peach-picking season. Mr. Bohn ex- pects to come home Saturday Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bracford had tter last Monday from thelr son Cpl. Robert Bradford, with the U 8. Army Alr Corps In Africa, stat- ing tha the has been moved recent- ly, although he is of course them wi and the remaing the same spending August 5 to August 10 en route Mr. and Mrs. Harry Relish made a business Lip to MifTlinburg Mon day afternoon Mrs. Sadie Auman and grand daughter of Coburn. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leightley on S8unday Ernest A. Frank, Jr. 88 from Sampson Feid NY spent the weekend here with his parents Mrs. Lavina Floray visited Mr. and Mrs. Emory Ripka in Millheim from Monday to Thursday last week John Stevenson of Allenwood, and J. Harold Durst, who last week for Knoxvilie Tenn. returned home Thursday becanse they find suitable rooming near the construction they expected to be employed Rex Bearson of State (Co spent Saturday night and Sunday here with his grandparents Mrs. Cornelius Houtz and daugh- Freda Jane of Lemont Mrs. E E Zettle Harold Durst I Saturday Duane Durst, son of Mr J. Harold Durst, was ii} days last week Mr. and Mrs. Paul and soh Drew, spent last Tuesday at Spring Bank with Mr and Mrs Pred : in Bel | nest Ben. to aK unable addr from to tell ere of left were to quarters lege fait ont isited and and Mr om and Mr: f Fetterol! | Wednesday . Mis Slove and fonte with Mr. and Dean N.C. is spending a with his parents, Mr Weaver Jack Dale. son of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Dale. Bellefonte. spent Thurs. day and Friday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Rimmey here. Mrs. Elizabeth Howser of Roche ester, Pa. and aunt of Mrs Rim- mev's. was also 4 guest there Thurs. day and Friday Mr. and Mrs Roy 8, Jaraiser daughters. and Miss Luicy Buck were Sunday supper guests of Mr and IMrs. ¥. P. Oeary Mrs Warren Homan and daugh ter Miriam visited Mr. and Paul LaPorte in Petersbharg Tuesday until Saturday of last week Ci. Fred Dale of Westfield, Mass visited ushand, M and Mrs George Rimmey, Saturday Miss Barbara Young of Bellefonte HE 8 guest on Saturday Mr. and Mrs Miles Decker Weaver of Fort Fisher ten-day leave and Mrs. Orvis two his sister and h suppers Miss Effie Confer of Spring Mills, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Con- fer over the weekend Dean and Wayne Rishel of Coburn spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Lawrence Hartley end husband Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rishel and daughters Dorothy, Phyllis, Marie and Leona, came for them Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Mrs. Willard Hettinger and Mr A. E. Emery entertained the Meth. odist Women's Society for Christian Service at a weiner roast on the Het. ‘tinger farm last Thursday These were present: Miss Elizabeth Bartho- lomew Mrs. leroy Krebs Mr: Blaine Leister Mrs Paul Breon, Mrs Carl Burkholder, Mrs. C. D. Confer Mrs. J. B. Wert, Jr. Miss Jane Spy- ‘ker, Mrs, C M Hammond, Mrs Florence Michael and Mm C. A Spyker Mr. and Mrs Richard Mann of {Beech Creek, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A E Limbert on S8un- day A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Domer Smeltzer Priday night in the Centre County Hospital. Mr Smeltzer, inducted recently into the {armed forces, is stationed at Camp ' Bowie, Texas | Mrs. Joseph COasher, nee Miss Elaine Bnyder and twa Saughters, Patsy Ann and Joy of Harrisburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sny- der Mr. and Mrs. George K. Rimmey entertained Mr. and Mrs M. Ross- man Wert and daughter Gail of Upper Darby to dinner Friday eve. ning. their sister, ——————— A ———— POTTERS MILLS Mrs. Doris Thompson and three {children visited among her sisters at Bellefonte. Miss Elizabeth Fisher of Hartle- | Cormick home, Mrs. Mabel Sweetwood and three children are visiting her relatives in Mifflin county. Dale, Rhoads, wife and daughter of Pleasant Gap, spent Priday eve- ining at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. Pletcher, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McCormick of State College. had supper at the OG. H. McCormick home, Thursday eve. | ning John MeCormick, after spending tenn weeks at the home of his grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. McCor- mick, returned to his home in Ral- jelgh, N. C. on Sunday, | J changes have been made In the fac- maoie 4 project where several g PINE GROVE MILLS | Our schools will open with a full corps of teschers on Wednésday, Sept. 8 at 8:45 a. m. A number of ulty of the elementary and junio I high school. In the junior high, Prof James Frye as principal replaces A Brooks Corl who has been granted a vear's leave of absence, Mrs, Stan- ley Cobh will teach mathematics in the vacancy of Miss Eva Balley who goes to Cleveland Bible College. Mra Ruth Smith Is replacing Miss Dor. other Gaudiose in teaching English, spelling and history. In the elemen- tary grades are Mrs. H. Markle, Mrs Helen Egler in third grade to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss June Rogers; Geo, Dunlap, fifth: Miss Nell Williams, fourth Miss Mabel Pressler. second, and Miss Mary Burwell, Ist grade Miss Myra Miller Tuesday at the A. L . in why inst Bowersox home A guest Allison arrived home Thursday after spending a week Vi sister Gap of spend several days Mr to Georgia with his parents Miller, Douglas, lou M1 avis t Lear 3 aviona B Daviona Beach Mr. an ——— EE HOWARD | Mr. and drs. Thomas Husler of | i Loganton, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mrs. Joseph Allison and Miss Lots | foster of elon spot k, day re. [cently with Mrs, Thurman Husler's sister, Mrs, Kline R. Wolf. Other visitors at the Wolf home were Mrs, | jvn Bruce Kurtz and Httle daughter Judy of Myerstown, former residents lof Howard ! Pvi, Robert Wold slit | Lock Haven, spent one day last at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hayes. Mr. Pravel has been recently from the HUBLERSBURG Oscar Kling of Altoona cent among relatives Mrs, Calvin N Y VAN here a re. 1 tor in Williamsburg, Suing arms visiting Joseph Allison, M. M ( tationed at Camp Peary, Va Mrs. Boyd Harlan visited with hey Mrs. Lee Justice of Pleasant Thursday and Frid Mrs, Stephen Pezick and son Cecil | New River, N. C Chester, arrived ‘Thursday to | 10 ih with hi with her mother. (line R. Wolf. Mr him home and and Robert will Orilean rook Junior Young went to of Flemir wit wits Lo nee rosom who is working in Mr family of 8ta'e ( joned tat St Week had a short fur of hi Fd Mr. and Mn mae ® and Mi mother mrent y ! Vonada Wolle accom remmaay DUsine Carrie Wolf Earl Milley retu nfter a My Howard, R ill on ne sent to New La y Mrs. Walle, widow of Ellery D a t her pRAsed away al ‘ Harold Shope returned to Fort yl ' y T bod Ruy orning ns wis Utah 13-day fur-| " 4 M oo) charge of undertakers, Lott Nef! and gh with { y : Mi and Mrs. Co Erma Ih panieaq I here " » 3 turd A of Baturday MLUTGRY Pvt retur M1 ahd Mr Waite, | 1.0 N M HER were I Monda a with fy placed in M My motored aha [1 ( non Pie Was nd aller a ans frie and nd nd his pare: Bho tationed An famils famil Heverly Dona le Bunda fore taken factors M1 corp ' viel n re throug} short furlo igh Mrs. Pr d in State College The Tressler home on East Main street is being completely overhaul- ed, interior and exterior bricktexed with buff color brick. It will make a decided change the | Davy Dennis home in nme Grange meeting 13 at 8pm county extension Note chan The next regular will be held on Sept Miss Helen Butler agent, will lecture time on account of tion to be held In Sept. 14th Mrs. Hugh a dinne; home In of mpleted in the on of primary elec. community Fry guest Rock ft week a thr State Teachers ec weekend of Bmethpos: nday ‘tf Mr: LSS at wat Springs course at wnt th grimy camp s and st with hey ishand at an nears umberiand Miller Blanche spent sey Tr Mi Altoona week with her Lad g twin sist and AMY Mi visitor the hom Ward in Mary ast | of Mix Baileyvil . well { Netwo Hat farmey of State Cx red Lege Went als week in F arto of a U camp In South cant fur gene Carolina, enjoved « ous with i home f { ew day Gene % Mrs Marshall Bar- Ernest, is also serv. ® foroe: the son of Mr t His b ing with the U Mr Annie Ronan her home last Batu past and other armed week in { st { ing her daughts Eider and family Mr and Mrs John Stover were Centre Hall Friday John Dutrow [une Penns Valley farmer Mrs Clyde Dutrow the John Ferguson township The hum in attending the & Pramrupent At Mr a rye! rants of former al an and Homan resided inte ail of the silo Bller is Deng heard In our valley this week. A good crop 14 being harvested and the milo will be filled in a few hours. RE JACKSONVILLE for Sundaes H Church Bent 5 Sunday school, 8:30; worship ser. following with 4-H hoy: and girls part Mrs Jark Mabus, Mrs bis and daneghters Jean line, Miss Bete Aley of were weekend guest nt Aley home Sunday visitors at the James Shale fer home Were Mr and Mr Froest Welzht and drusghbier of Bellefonte vrais Smith of Nisgara Falls, Mr Vonada and chiicfren. Mrs Mrs Milford Etter: Mrs. Lucy ( RE IVIOes Yire joing their Dick Mae and Cato Beliefonig E the C IAWAY Elseniauers wreck were Mr Mr: Willard Noll Mr. and Wayne Noll, all of Mogado Sunday visitors at the Robert Con- Away home were Mrs. Fred Kessling Mr. and Miz Milford Etters and children, and Mrs. Lucy Conaway of Yarnell Mra John Dunkle and son Paul of Mingoville, Pyt. Myron Hicks and hrother Joe, of Milesburg Rev. Guelick and Harry Beighiol of Howard, were callers at the Noll home Sunday evening Mr. and Mra Philip Neff and chil- dren and Phyllis of Concordville Mrs. Chester Neff and daughter Lil- lian and Mre Richara Compton of Howard, spent Monday evening =f the Miles Bartley home Foster Shamp spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Winifred Dirty and husband Mrs. James Bhuey and children, Raymond and Louise, Mrs Margaret Chase spent Priday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Eisenhauer Mr. and Mrs. George White and children and Edward Rossman of Salona. visited at the John Dietz and Florence Rossman home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Noil and children spent Friday and Saturday at State College with Mrs. Elsie Noll and the former's brother-in-law ‘and sister, Mr. and Mrs George Henry and son of Chester, who were spending thelr vacation with her mother. They also onlled to see Mr J. D. Neidigh who i= somewhat im- proved at this writing After ten years the stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chronister at the Lock Haven hospital early Tues- day morning, leaving them a baby igirl who answers to the name of Mary Elizabeth. Mother and baby are getting along fine Mrs. Claude Moore and daughter Eleanor of Howard, were callers at (the Noll home Monday evening, | Ladies’ Aid Bociety has been post | poned from the 4th of September until the iith. Please remember. ! Mrs. Mary Dietz, Mrs, Sumner Noll | and children accompanied Charles Chronister and son 0 Lock Haven. Sunday, to see Mrs. Chronister and | ‘daughter at the hospital i Mr. and Mrs, Eisenhauer called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frasier at {Bellefonte on Sunday evening | | The sad news reached here Mon- iday morning that one of our old friends and an old resident, Mrs [Ellsworth Weight of Howard had | i passed away We wish to take this | wav to extend our deepest sympathy | riends. : to the family and I iG 3 DAY WEEKEND AHEAD! Better Shop For 9 Reals Now! ef evs rything our member for the Market day Labor Save YOu an E long wes Remember to Pas Monday fhm NEC PLERTY ALY closed Ome shopping to and Mondsy for # meals Your is ready and waiting with big values in fine pencil and paper shopping list And half-n week's Sunday There's nearly de! For Saturday Sao plan now ta shop ALT Super Market for ample stocks foods Get your and plan a Smenl at sper ail in and ALY we're No nergy Kas now g in on “ 1 ur re INVEST IN VICTORY--BUY WAR BONDS NOW! Great Atlantic & Vactfie Tea Co Flainm Indeed Morton’s Salt Cake Flour sve. . .. Pillsbury’s Flour roe & Dixie Margarine Gravy Master "0.0 Peanut Butter "0. ... N.B.C. Ritz Crackers 24 Swiss Cheese "7" .. » 48 Stuffed Olives . + Su 480 Prepared Mustard w 9 Daily Kibbled Biscuit 2.) 16¢ Paper Towels 2 .. 2» 17c¢ Laundry Starch += 15¢c Simoniz Cleaner ....»~ 49 SimonizWax ...... = 49 Fer Canning or Preserving SWEET, Juicy v1.37 i-13 Juley peaches Ie Pkg Fibertas, from the peach orchards direct In ven Can ‘en and save pre clows ration points this win : 4.69 Juicy Bartlett Pears 2 + 33¢ Crisp Celery Jn. .. = 19¢ Sweet Potatoes 2 1. 23c¢ White Potatoes mn Slc Tomatoes nv. ....5 1 25¢ Green Peppers 3. 25¢ Cucumbers 5 ...6 25¢ _ pL Swan Soap . 6¢ KEEPS SKINS SOFT AND SMOOTH ‘P COFFEE Lux Soap. 3 «-20¢ Le NO ERTTER COFFEE IN ANY PACKAGE AT ANY PRICE FOR LAUNDERING FINE THINGS Lux Flakes . FRESH FROM THE OVENS OF A&P BAKERS! SMOOTH. RICH CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE.. 39 HARYEST MOON COFFEE CAKE 20c MARVEL ENRICHED, DATED Sandwich Rolis ~9¢ Weiner Rolls ~10¢ pl 11 Fresh, Dated Sandwich Bread JU 16¢ ¥Fariched SUBARED Boston Brown Bread Hive DONUTS 10¢ Marvel Bread [77 Ia oe 15¢ Swed, inch Ang Page Ann Page Winshed derseyn Hed Ton | = Nee, 1 Ih Phgs Horne fsrown BABY GENTLE Med. Bg Cake 3 | Lae. M 3. . | 23¢ {2 247; [251 counts: Tes i ji SUNBRITE CLEANSER ce Be CLOROX 2 10c = 19¢ NORTHERN TOILET TISSUE 6 - 28¢ Point. Free Fresh Dressed Sea Trout Daren QUARTS ... . dex. 58¢ TIN CANS ... dex. 5% JAR CAPS .. dor (Te GAUZE TOILET TISSUE 6 + 24¢ Sea Food! Carp , 21. imriched © * Lent BACON Grade "A" | 41 Cc * SLICED Freeh Pork Samsage (6) TO Liver Sausage (4) ...... Meat Loaves (4) Cottage Choose | Eight Points ih 31 . 33¢ 1». 35¢ 20 SLAB BACON st ym 316 * CHICKENS Fresh Cut Up | Frosh, Fully Legs... 1b. 70c | Dressed Breasts . Ib, 75¢ Backs ...1b. 3c Necks . .Ib, 3c Wings . .1b. 35¢c Ant Leng Island DUCKLINGS ™». 30s Freak mal FOWL > 4c week John released due to ill- gion, and- spent
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