September 2, 1943. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Rc Ls Mr. and Mrs. Edward ast Thursday moved from Milesburg to the Krape house on East High street John Flynn, son of Mr. and Mrs, | Vincent Flynn, of East Bishop street, Friday underwent a tonsillectomy at the Centre County Hospital |€ —Pvt. Donald Eckley, of North Camp Polk, La, is spending a 13-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Eckley, of Valley View. | Miss Elizabeth Walker, of Wil- | mington, Del. Is expected here for a weekend visit with her hrothers and their families, all of East Linn | street Mrs. Louise O'Donnell, of East Bishop street, is enjoying a ten-day vacation from her duties in the law offices of Fleming & Litke in the Heverly building ~Mr. and Mrs Buffalo, N. Y., arrived Saturday, called here by the illness of Mr. Qarbrick's mother, Mrs. Ed- ward Garbrick, West Bishop street ~Mrs. Philip Witcraft, of East Cherry Lane, during the weekend underwent an operation at the Cen- tre County Hospital and according to reports yesterday is recuperating nicely Mrs. Samuel Tressler last Thurs day returned to her home on East Curtin street from Newton Hamil ton, where she was acting as emer gency t the Methodist tr ing camp there Pvt. and Mrs. S. R and two children u ed to their from Corry where they days visiting Pvt Rich mother and other relative —Mr. and Mrs. W. Cordes 8 Jr. and two childrer arrived in Bells weekend for a few Mr. Snyder's parents WwW. Cordes Snvder, street Pvt Camp Chaffee, in Bellefonte furlough ter, Mr daughter, street —Pvt. Bruce I. Garner, of Fort Monmouth, N. J. is spending a ten-day furlough with his wife, the former Charlotte Watson, at the home of her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClellan of North Thomas street —Rev. Clarence E. Arnold ed to the Lutheran parsonage on East Linn street during the weekend to resume his duties here after a month's vacation at his summer home near York. Mrs. Arnold will return here in several weeks Sgt. Tect iifam T. Waite gon of Mrs. Prank Wilson, of West Bishop street, stationed on one of the islands in the Pacific since Peb- ruary 1942. has arrived in San Pedro, Cal snd expects to come lo Belle. fonte for a visit with his mother before being assigned to another post Pvt. and Mrs. Charles Bonig, of Cumberland, Md. were guests Mon- day, of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dubbs, of Willowbank street. Upon their return to Cumberland they were ac companied by Miss Lou Schiller, of that city. who had been a guest her brother-in-law and or and Mrs. Dubbs, for some weeks Mr. and Mrs. J C. Clinefelter and family last week vacated the former Daly house Fast street and moved the house across the street Krauss, who recently purcha house occupied by the Clinefelters, is contemplating making changes before he and his family move into the property Cpl. Ambrose Watson, who sev- eral weeks ago completed desert maneuvers in California and was transferred to Ft. Benning, Ga. ar- rived in Bellefonte, Friday, for a {4-day furlough which he is spend fng with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Me- Clellan and family, of East Curtin street —Mrs. Franklin Pennington on Friday returned to her home in Har- risburg after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Emenhizer, of Wilowbank street. She was ac- companied by her young nephew, John Polliard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Poillard, of East Bishop street, who will be at the Pennington home for a week or more. ~The Misses Elizabeth and Mary Mangino, daughters of Mr. and Mrs Peter Mangino. of East Lamb street, have both received honorable dis- charges from the Woman's Auxiliary Corps. Elizabeth, who had been in training at Indianapolis, Ind, has accepled a clerical position in that city, and Mary, who was stationed at Lowry Field, Denver, Col, is ex- pected home in the near future Aviation Cadet Franklin Gryct- ko and Mrs. Gryctko, who were nar- ried in Terrell, Texas, on August 14 arrived in Bellefonte Saturday night to spend a week with relatives and friends. ‘They will leave Saturday for Terrell, where they will make their home for the time being. Dur- ing their stay here they are dividiog their time between Cadet Gryctko s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gryctko, at the Brockerhoff hotel, and with! Mrs. Gryctko's brother and sister in-law Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Brach- bill, of South Spring street. Mrs. | Gryctko is the former Rose Ann Brachbill, of Bellefonte. 4A son, their first child, and the first grandchild of former Judge and | Mrs. James C. Purst, of West Linn street, was born at 12:25 o'clock on Tuesday morning in the General State Hospital, Harrisburg, to Capt- ain and Mrs. Austin O. Furst. The youngster weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces at birth and he and his mother, the former Margaret Wat- kins, of Camp Hill, are reported to be getting along nicely. The child has been named Austin O. Furst 3rd, his late great-grandfather and his father having carried the same name ore him. Captain Purst is stat- ned in Panama with the Air Porce general staff, John Garbrick, of in Bellefonte nurse a in Richards rdayv. return- home in Plea fonte davs' Mi of Mrs Linn “Bud” Coble, of Ark., Sunday to spend a with his parents, and and Mrs. Charles Coble Kathryn, of East 1 harles arrived ten-day sis - and all amb return- w of Mr {xt RIES on into sel the Sellers | | ber ‘nie Barlett, {Decker and daughters, Linda and The A. M. E. Church will hold a bake sale in the Republican head quarters room on Saturday, ith, at am Mr. and Mrs. Edward {of Reading: spent the weekend with Mr Shields’ sister, Miss Agnes shields, of East Logan street Mrs. Julia Hines, of East How- ard street, Saturday observed her 75th birthday anniversary at her apartment in the Folmar home Mrs. Lizzie Summers, of Niagara | Falls, N. Y., spent several days last week the guest of Mrs. Edward Young, at her home on Phoenix ns avenue Pfe the medical of Pennsylvania, with his parents, Rogers, of North Hugh Rogers, a senlor school of the University spent the weekend Dr. and Mrs. J. C Allegheny street Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen and Paul Emerick, all of the Penn Belle Hotel, spent the weekend with M: Emerick's husband, Seaman Emerick, who is in training at Camp Peary, Va Mrs. R. L. Capers and son, Rich- ard, Monday went to Philadelphia, where Richard has entered the Val- Forge Military Academy as year student. Mrs. Capers will about two week Mrs ley a away | Miss C urday retur ned Cleveland after having spent two weeks In Bellslonte with her Misses Blanche Poorman Nelle Flack of Reynolds wtherine O'Brien on Sat to her home in Ohio aunts, the and ave- nue Mr daughter and Mrs Ella, de parted Edward of Young and Phoenix avenue for Farmington weeks with vesterday Maine, for a Mr Mr and daughter two Young Mr. and Mrs visit in «in-law Bernard and son tory i the Cen. held in meeting reganization County board of emploves of Hospital, will of the hospital he rooms Monday i nurses in 7 o'clock oven th the county + istered vited Mr Clellan and Ann, attend the se Mr Charles and children, Molly Monday returned to their home in Harrisburg after a brief visit with Mr. McClellan's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGroarty and family of West Cur- tin street Sion B. Mc- Donna and Smith Carpenters’ he Navy, Mate stationed at John third class in Camp Peary, Va. expects to return to his duties there, Sunday, alter spending a 10-day furlough in Belle. fonte with his parents Mr. and Mrs Luther Smith at their home north- west of town Centre Sheckler and burg, are a the © Coroner Chale Sheckler, Miles COngTra i uiations County Mrs iter the Hospital, Monday ol youngster has been Mrs. She kle™ on nt Centre Cou Inky last week, The named Karen Jane home today fromm the hospital Charity Lou McClellan, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs Oeorge B. Mc. Clellan., of East Curtin street, is spending ten days in Philadelphia as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claude B. Wagoner. Mr. McClellan's broth. er-in-law and sister Mr and Mrs G. H James, of Harrisburg, spent the weekend at the MeClellan home Mr Mrs. David Foster Denton, are the parent daughter born Friday at a hospital in Ridgley, Md. The new arrival Is second child in the family er being a Bobby. Mrs. Foa- the former Miss Emily Wilkin. f Mr Mrs. Roy daughter of Spring street Wilkinson of North 19 Derry Kist sistant manag the Widmann and Teah drug was siriken ill suddenly about 12:30 o'clock Bun- day noon and was taken to the Cen- tre County Hospital in the Widdow- ambulance. He was discharged from the hospital the following day and resumed his usual duties, on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. John Cunsallus vesterday returned to Baltimore, Md after having spent several weeks in Bellefonte as guests of Mr. Gun- sallug’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. James DD. Gunsallus, of Phoenix avenue Mr. Gunsallus is employed by the Glenn 1. Martin Aircraft Company f and Md the the oth 13] tor fe eT 1 "OT and aged of of Joseph os er tore sO and recently returned from a period | of service in Australia, Mr. and Mrs Monday moved from one of the! Holmes houses on West High street | to the northern side of the former | Brown house on South Spring street Mrs. Marshall's daughter, Mrs. Budd Watkins and two children, who have been living at the Marshall home, will move in the near future fo Middletown where Mr. Marshall employed Mr. and Mrs. Thurston G. Erick- son, of Prackville, and Miss lotte Walker, of Lewistown, the weekend in Bellefonte as is | spent guess 5 of Mrs. Erickson’s and Miss Walker's | parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Harrison Walker, of East Linn street. The occasion for their visit at this time | waa to celebrate the Erickson's Tth wedding anniversary, which occurred on Sunday. and the wedding anni- | versary of Mr. and Mrs. Walker, and Mr. Walker's birthday anniversary, both of which fell on Monday, Aug- ust 30, Mrs. Melvin Dry. North Thomas street, was the guest of honor at a farewell party given Friday night by Mrs. Rex Lilledahl at her home on North Thomas street. Mr, and Mrs. Dry and daughter, Sandra, left yes terday for Gettysburg to make their home, Mr. Dry having been named coach of the Gettysburg High School football team. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Christ Young, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Nighthart, Don- Mr. and Mrs. James Farlene, Mrs. Mary Barlett, Eugene | Barlett, Mrs. Scott Stover, Thomas Morrison, Miss Alice Hoy, Mrs. Mary Dry, Bandra Dry, and Mr. and Mrs Rex Lillledahl and sons, Rexford. Richard and Sheldon, all of Belle. fonte, and Cpl. Vivian Baer, Wash- | Ington, D.C | Septem | Shields, | in| | to Dayton and daughter are expected to return | Fred Marshall on | Char- | TR a Mrs. Joseph Thomas spent a tow | days last week at Blairsville, as the guest of Mrs. Evelyn Morris Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rockey last | week moved from South Ridge street {to one of the H. 8, Moore apartments on North Allegheny street | Pvt. Foster McCullough, of Ft { McClellan, Ala, arrived in Belle- fonte last week for a visit of ten days {with his sister, Mrs. Lee Hocken- | berry, on Burnside street, | Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rothrock fand son Jimmy, of Akron, Ohlo, Ispent part of last week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J H | Rothrock, of near the Bellefonte | | airport. Mr. and Mrs, James GG. Wallace {of Mileshurg, recently received word that their son, Richard, had heen promoted from Tech. Sgt. to Master [Sgt. He is stationed at Randolph | Field, Texas M. Lewis Newman, rigger second class, last turned to his duties at Clinton, after spending a 15-day leave his parents, Mr. and Mrs Newman, of Milesburg Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Showers, of Philadelphia, are spending a two- weeks' vacation at their summer {home on Purdue Mountain Mr Showers employed by the Bell | Telephone Company Miss Mary Teaman and Mrs. Frank Hoffman and daughter | Beverl all of Reynolds avenue spent the weekend in Elmira, N.Y a8 guests of Miss Teaman's and Mrs { Hoffman's brother-in-law and sis- f ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pischer entre Lt Hoffer last lo Fue departed Bragg, N ‘a % logheny two week in child in with his mother, Mrs. G ash fer, of East High street recently received his the Pield Artillery Okla Miss Je who is Mrs. N. €. Valentine, of HE wood, Pa, spent Tuesday in town {with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nelll, of West Bishop street Jesse H, Caum, manager of the local offices of the Bell Telephone Company, expects to return to His duties next week after a two weeks’ vacation Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Robb and son, Donald, of Detroit, Mich, re- turned to their home there Tuesday after a several davs' visit in Belie- fonte with Mr. Robh's brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Hares Murtorf, of West High street Willlam Hoffman, of Bellefon'e, R. D 2 returned recently from a three.-weeks' trip to Illinois and Town, where he visited his cousins, John Walters of Stockton, Tl, and James Smith, residing in Towa. Mr Hoffman was accompanied by Mrs Elsie Marshall Lt. Elwood Purst, who has been on maneuvers in Tennessee, arrived in Bellefonte Saturday spend week's leave with his parents, former Judge and Mrs. James C. Purst, of West Linn street. From here Lt Furst will go to Camp Atterbury, Ind to resume his training Centre County resentative, Ralph C. Blaney Curtin street, last week attended a meeting of the national Sigma Nu fraternity, in Chicago. For the past 15 Mr. Blaney has been in- spector of the Sixth Division which inchudes A unces parachute week ree Okla with George to fn Extension Rep Fast is sister VeArs the Pennsylvania Chapters A son weighing born aturday Hospital, Bel Joseph E North pounds, was Ait tha County Mrs fs apartments street. The boy is the the family. His father is a I of the State Police at Rock- view sub-station Miss Virginia Cla Mr. and Mrs. C. G Curtin street, expects this Iefonte Tierney Al- Art Ire to and Have Tuesday C.. after Bellefonte Earle Hof- Lt. Hofler commission at School at Ft, Sill James for Ft pending 2 rk. daughter of Clark Fast to go tn Phi! the of Flushing by the Civil Soh in alning school of intensive sex communicator her parents, Mr Wallace, Miles- ane Wallace, of adelphia weekend to enter employed / retarial for a grad School train- A ONe- Aeronuatics and who is he University {iss Clark High «t ing YEAT t Temple A aircraft , with G CON re Bellef of usie Mr nday James pent ros the ont 1642 attended Teache ana in Year burg nState Pa exiplos ed ir Indian Indian & heer he St Anne Montgomery stu- t Providence D.C yesterday to a Hospital Belle spend the month the of he irs Mont - Linn fent nurse a Washington arrived in forte itton Nathan C. R. Bulle : completed his basic training « Marine Base at Parris Island and recently sed audition and has assigned a of instruction in the field music school there. Students at the school first are required learn to play drum before being ins some other band instrument learned and stroent 0 al home Hassall East f September Mr and t 1.nn parent and NM Lint nt gomery fami of tree! , ® pe an George Junior King, son of Mrs Annabelle King and the late George A. King, of Bellefonte, R. D. last week enlisted in the Sea-Bees branch of the Navy during the recruiting caravan's visit here expects 0 io. for NR I /h- given h been ypsum been to course to the and bugle 4 ned and friction Bul baritone as Bellefonte Legion Mr. and Mrs Bellefonte engagement of thelr on leave tod traini ssi men i emploved plant a young man the National ny jer to piny ne AS G fhe member of the Band n at Junior Mrs. E. C. Burghduff and nep- hews Dick and Jimmy Rosenhoover, iy af Hates tephra vad at] of Balision Me, Accompanied es lis Claire Pvt | Burghdufl’s husba: yd, Captain E on of Mr. and Mrs Burg! his post of duty at of Bellefonte R D. 1} Dayton Ohio, Sunday, to be with _ artes ig? y Ba § { from iim there for a short time. Captain I came Phy- Nef? Nef? Rockey ate Col- hiss ru daugh ter Harold L Irvin O Miss 8 tn radunte High hie o School in June and been employed at the Parrish Drug store, Bellefonte, since that Ume Pet. Neff. also a graduate of State College High Bchool, was inducted into the servicer on March |. and has been in lee Angeles Cal No definite date has been for the wedding Miss Jean Caum. daughter of My and Mrs Jesse H. Caum. of East Linn Friday was graduated from the home sconomics of Miss Caum en- 1840 and ur to Bellefonte Sat. | lene urday to take his wife and nephews Cpl Vivian 1. Bear who recent. Ivy compieted training at Hendricks Field, Sebring. Fla, spent the latter prt of Inst week in Bellefonte with her mother, Mra Harry Nighthart, and Mr. Nighthart., of West High street. Cpl. Baer, the former Vivian Miles, of Bellefonte, reported to Washing DC week fr - enemer ’ stationed for some Lime fet street ton early this ae hens] ¥ Penn State College tered Penn State in the accelerated course completed fotir vears' work in three years, ats tending the pre-session, summer ses son this summer order to tudies Pvt, Vignutii early last week returned to his duties at Camp Md n Mase, after a sever- | days’ visit in Bellefonte with Mrs v ignuttd Pvt. Vignutti has been tati at Camp Miles Standish re-entering the service about During his he Cecil Srey os Standish i 5 and post.session oned in complets ince «ix od time to teach this fall. She hax ¢ ¢ first per- voce weeks ago of A on home economics wr in the Mill Hall Hi The graduation ast Friday pletely devold of ceremony Members f the of tended school as usual copied posit ar service underwent Ft. Belvoir, Va The YMCA howling league son will open this Friday night when the first two games of the season ill be played. The IOOF team will day and when the day thes meet Tony's Shoe Shop. and the were through. Diplomas and grade Titan Eagles will play Holters Radio sheets will be mailed to them ats team. Fourteen of sixteen teams in the League last year have indicated that they will be members of the league this year, it is reported A birthday dinner for Mrs {Ingram of Hublersburg, was lon Sunday. August 29, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J {White of Julian, Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, Miss Vesta White, of Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. White, Mr. and Mrs. John Glossner, Mr. and Mrs. | Blair Ingram. Miss Jennie Glossner, | | Betty, Shirley, and Bobby White, | { Pearl Kathryn, Wilbur and John | {| Glossner, Esther, William, Verna, {and Chester Ingram and also Theo- | dore Young } Ensign Samuel Bricker, of Wil- { HHamshurg, Va. arrived in Bellefonte | %, Bt {Saturday to join his wife at the fers home of Ensign Bricker's mother, | Supt Mrs. J. M. Bricker, on Reynolds ave- | Mar, Inue, Yesterday Ensign and Mrs | | Bricker departed for 8an Francisco, California. where the former has [been assigned to duty. His sister, | i Mrs. Lester E. Teeples, the former | Ermintrude Bricker, of Springfield, GM | Mass. arrived here early this week | orn pute of 800 Jamilics {for a brief visit with her mother Chester, Pa {and brother before the latter depart- | — ed for the west coast. Mrs. Teepie 3 WANTED prt or BR { husband is in the Army and is NOW peliefonte High 8c stationed in California. Mrs. Sam- | uel Bricker is the former Betty Zieg- ler, of Bellefonte, Forrest W. Tanner, of Lita! Neck, N. Y.. member of the mechan. | ical staff at LaGuardia Airport, New York, has been confined to the home of his sister, Mrs. Estelle Swartz, In Hazelton, for the past seven weeks because of a heart condition, Mr, Tanner and his family were en route to Bellefonte for a vacation visit with Mrs. Tanner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emerick, of West Linn street, when Mr. Tanner was stricken ill. He managed to get as far as bis sister's home where a physician or- dered him to bed. He remained bed- fast until late last week when he was permitted to spend a short time each day out of bed. Mrs. Tanne” & in Hazelton assisting in caring for him, while the Tanner children, Carl and Annie, have been in Bellefonte with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs Tanner expect to come to Bel.efonte lax soon as Mr. Tanner's cundition | enables him to make the trip. teach tral at HOR ~ mality eit ir ended 2 (Continued on Page 4) Help Wanted Blair given WANTED WOMEN--18 10 50 years Electric Products Hall Sylvania Ine Min Workers now In war industries not eligible. x33 WANTED Men to cut logs in Litiie Sugar Valley. Also contractors to {Sus paper wood and deliver same oO road or fo make delivery to mill, whichever contractor pre- Apply to Mr. O W_ Swanson, Whitmer Steele Company, La- | Pa x30 general Oall x35 for wages f WANTED —- A woman howework Good Bellefonte 3130 WANTED--Man or woman for Raw. Write PNI-34-8A, x35 io go © Write BV N. care of Centre Democrat, If inter. 33.4 NOTICE! OUR BEAUTY SHOP WILL BE CLOSED From MONDAY, SEPT. 6th, te MONDAY, SEPT. 13th Inclusive, CONFER’S BEAUTY SHOP 26 East Howard Si. BELLEFONTE, PA. Have a good | home for | ——— i ™ na I Sr —————— Wa Co ——————— iM m—— ef ———— TE Sr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ] Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week, That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- partment has become so amazingly popular. Considering its low cost und the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com- munity Bargain Counter, RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less 25 first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise- ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word Is charged REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word 1s charged for real estale advertising sale or rent, KEYED ADS All advertisements that request replies to be mailed to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise. ments. Please do not call at the office for Information concerning such advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name of the advertiser BUBSCRIBER'S ocrat whose subscription is vertisement in these columns one time, free subscriber will be charged the regular advertisi can be used six times a year at different intervals cents for PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to paid up to date, I» The entitled to a f charge 03 ng rate. Centre Dem- 25-word ad- Otherwise the This privilege WANTED and two Apply at Big treet, Bellefonte in kitchen, | POR SALE--Al waltreeses ond W South Water | Loganton x36 Lady to aaxint experienced Trout Inn > Pa kinds of coal P. McCaleb POR SALE ens, Bel Dial 20-R Potatoes truck R Ward stating on driver Truck Past xa WANTED Apply ne exe Experienced writing two Altoona, Pa and referend elon te in 22 Corp eriee - POR BALE with 20 krant WANTED feet modern Experienced farmer farm. Must be mars 1 farm supplies. He Write J ©. Senner, Dover New Jersey xae for po ROOG sRinry provided R D1 FOR timothy Ww ANTED married ncluding Near Lock An for eXpeTien wodlern house Have: Hard ona ren yLher White and son elaker Lo] ense 3 Write icks Co ried oouple POR SALE cannel Watley ar WANTED Men w mine props, J by the suitable FOR SALE t job. Inqguir ) 7. Hol and sprit Fleming ! fire of Bank street Cut paper tract ns A " & 'S { G. R Bellet YA 21 Articles for Sale — tripe Lemont. Pa ) FOR ger practically Rowage, R 8270 BALE International power lake-off new D potato dig- elevator tire of POR BALE 1 COT A H 1038 Int A. Blover dumn FOR. BALE tr POR extras sel ealyeg SALE--Three new wide Miliheim Home made of wheels Pa acter with EM. Store, |. 2 ldmiited terion Pa P Mu Sia Pon one Als Meeker used wood 44 SALE Por da plows that arm worn « Losch Supply Compa ¥7 ; parts tha POR FOR SALE 1941 motorcycle like we. Rabersbuerg Las POR BALE--A 6- husker, in good wiads, Bellefonte BR ® re-cleaned timothy fnguire of © W. Durst, Owen Phone 175-R-23 x35 — water oof © Smoot Anrk quality used by U. 8 pgovern- ' Now available today at Loesch Suny Company. Jersey Shore. Pine for garame and porch fSoors stens fire pacts, arches manholes, chim. oie As long they last with priority, a1 each at ' ne » ped D 2 VE an 1 LT) wid xA8 FoR SALE Ciallon ues +0 Business For Sale FOR BALE -QOeneral ment. Excellent J Bohm, Lemont, « ope 4083 mixed Hos Pa X35 FOR Sots SALY. buds Thomas Eeoveral Inguire street Jacey Bellefonte store and soup (ey Hate XE ober! Pa. Pt SHAY We stoves four hrooder Pa... Siar a1 Sth Pa tour $4000 FOR SALE Sve hrooder coal brooders and DZ Amglin, Woodward rons one ol) POR SALE Allee God Bellefonte mre Restatira jeliefonte PFO. SALE At with 30-galion tank wis, like new. Paul Beilisfonte, Pa wket-a-day sliove pe and coup Blair. BR D x36 SALE 1837 MM two-door Ex sient rubber ws PM. Sm Bellefonte FOR mouth ORC h C 4 ats eet Are A i4 A © stilt, size 16, knicker Woolrich plaid t omdition POR suit wit BALE sige OO Bell x35 yew reasonable in 200d all 2178 OR An 10-11 miil Phone SALE and a feed Pa + $ h oweat K Bierly, 2143 fh On ram gallons a BALE One hydraulic water used aix motiths Capacity per mints In A-1 oon E Buck, Warriors Mark x36 WANTED with | Pric AJ Pa * must Shafer pay cash toons S&L ition Pa POR SALE--Bicycle like new, not used more than three weeks Han all accessories on it. Must see {1 to spnreciate value. Phone 36-R-8 Mill. heim x35 2015 . Bre wd Ave WANTED--To buy a male coon hound Biate age be salient trailer change No Bradford Karthat iw, Pa Ww AN TED wm ron SALE Frame barn on rear of Mrs John N. Bauer property. West Beaver street Purchaser to tear down and remove lumber Phone 2168 x35 ron SALE-112 rata killed with on Schuttes Rat Killer. Guaranteed harmisse dogs, cate livestock and poultry. Schaeffer's and O. A. Kline Hardware Stores x42 FOR SALE One Parmall type “trace tor, model F-14 1830. completely overhauled, on rubber; with cultiva- (tor attachment. John M. Marshall Pine Grove Miils, Pa x35 POR SALE—Man's “motor “bicycle in very @ood condition: also a small stove that you oan ook on-—just the thing for hunting camp. Palmer C Bierly, Rebersburg, Pa. x35 | FOR SALE- Cherry corner cupboard; manic drop-leal table; bevel glass mirror. lady's winter coat, size 40 Inquire of William Hoffman, Belle fonte. R D. 2. Phone 6135 x35 | FOR SALE Second-hand potato dig. | To buy chickens and old Will pay highest prices Must have some at once. Also live. glock. Albert N. MceCaleb, Loganion Pa Phone Loganton 2622. x43 WANTED - To "buy scrap iron, 60 oenls per 100 pounds, delivered our yard, no tn Also old automobiles, trucks, newspapers magazines, rub- ber, metals and beef hides Jake | Kofman's Junk Yard (one mile west of Milesburg). Phone Bellefonte 2422 our young " Roomers Wanted WANTED Sen roomers by the week Apply at Big Trout Inn. Bellefonte Pa x36 Sales Mart PARMERS Penns Valley Sales Barn, Centre Hall, Pa. holds sale every { Tuesday. Bring your live stock and I poultry, you can except good prices 8 T, Reigel, owner, manager 1-41 i wer. No. 1]. six-foot. 22-inch with (extension elevator. auto type, 4-oare riage, in frst class condition. CW Behrer, Pennsylvania Purnace. Dial | Warriors Mark 130-3, Live Stock for Sale 238 | POR BALB-—A SOW and seven Digs. ——— "1 pire of Blanche Moore, | FARMERS -- The Clinton Auction, | Pa Tu Mill Hall. Pa. offers you an op- | - | portunity to dispose of your Hee. | ‘stock and poultry by competit ve | bidding, every Monday. Get your check as soon as sale is made No tale, no commission POR SALE-—10 nice Digs, x weeks old. Inquire of Clyde 8. Confer. Spring Mills, Pa. RD 1. x35 POR BALE--A black Sy 30.8 sands I armiags June glamor ous star. Mon and sireet, Bellefonte, Pa. eight now on all . Geo. N Pine Glen, Pa 7 Digs poland POR SALE ith Chestetwhi RUE 0 ie oman ‘RD 2 (N Xk) ch Implement Co. Also a new 10-foot Dn S Fordson trac. Phone oor POR SALE-—Three registered Are ire, of Clarence Miller + two 1 have " ahire Ina Pa. Phone 173 1st D od bo ' * SALE-Right pigs, weeks | old. Will have pigs for sale from through 0 Thquire of : | Anus ele Saht | bucks. | iv lambs, J Pa POR BALE shire ram ID. 1, Beliefonts ¢ purebred In Hamp Hartle, RB x36 POR RENT new bd rooms and Avaliable now Mary 147, Milswburg, Pa practically bath, porch Smith, Box 1 61986 x36 Apartment Pe Da pigs In- Bellefonte oo POR BALE --8ix-weeks-old quire Glibert Smith D2 Zion road of POR. RENT A ApDarunent w Oto FF Corma cull 2201 four - first floor Inguire of street, or 4.11 room bat! Bishop i th POR BALE--Nanny Quarts per aay College, Pa Ave milking two N. Musser West Oal- x36 pont Harry D per POR 14 } ha RENT ef TOONS 126 No 2180 Purr ana rth shed bath Thonnas apartment, Helen J street anu | Dini arney Three dary Cows ont bulla, and team of horses of Claude J, Corl, Bellefonte x30 FOR he RD I BALK fer 2 POR BRENT -Unfu of Lies rooms floor brary bu fonte 3131 nished bath apartinent FOR nad A team Year SALE 1654 team , complete outhit Have no 8] a R old with well VOR Walle, Port th x35 ly new vw RERT or pred ed Apn Tx ‘ ’ “ Bean and Apply 103 Letont consisting of th Enclosed not wat East Our xah rime! help bert re }A. 1} ox er sSuoM A treet . Doge Pets, Etc. BALE Farms For Rent. RENT en " 1 POR Field sp FO Cregg Ow! of Boring inds » NM ne nw see them Pa Rn and Howard, run D 2 x35 ire RENT Wew nt war PO” FOR BALE CYR RENT 44 Real Estate for Sale POM BALF — pen » Have nment Address nN fe Lg > 0 feet of PURE, Repairing az of wash. per brushes Fiertiris 2038 1-1 v ir May via ~ makes Fame Orwens treet. Dial MACTHINE bo 5 pou EOAr: WORX lawn mowers Geners! machine work We also have in stock CRD BCTOWE screws key sock Bwarte Bellefonte Phone 1-11 jon. located main highway ie M. Nason, N N ire i slat along ™Nn a aah da Klee) net ete POR Pa Pog SALE w 5 from Borough Beven room barn and other buildings Located | siong main highway Good vein of oom] Well water IThauire of Prank Jurcik. 717 N. 8th B5t Hartisb Pa ww house Miscellaneous ET _- ” — Kel Be ire proms pr E35 n Errored M ¥ ter oer POR SALE A wvaruahle 280.acre | four I» v 4 DEAD STOCK Lo] ruidered one of ng farms teres ayes Has bees Coy refer toned Defense hold a 4 " wil} Assy Ser ver ber Pleasant Gap CRUISES rs ~ Ching you ndiges Tlie e 260-3 BCT 73 acres of n, oil equipped Nine-roorm al house ant iv The cider be ODE! Dress at Sept Tih from on Tues. of each week, On ate alter 4 o'clock proprietor x39 PRESS good arge dairy barn dalry OWs a heviame and plenty good water Both of these farms are wired for electricity and power line has been approved I would sell a complete line of farm machinery with either of these farme if buyer would want same. Machin. ery all new, only used one seasor D Z Anglin, Woodward, Pa. Star route. Phone 41-R-4 22-4 . et Houses for Rent POR RENT -Pour-room dwelling. all conveniences. Best residential sec. ton of Bellefonte, Pa. Mary M. Pan. hie Phone 740 35-41 POR RENT « PFour<-room house on Halfmoon Terrace Equipped with Kitchen range and room stove Run ning water in house. Inquire Bear bara Waite, Willowbank street, Belle. | fonte Dial 2432 x33 POR RENT. _Bix-room house with oll | conveniences, on jot 50x00 feet. located at 201 East Bishop street Bellefonte, at intersection of Ridge street. Inauire of Dalse 1. Kelchiline. 200 Bast Bishop street. Phone 2249 Bellefonte 38-4 Apartments for Rent FoR RENT vation then " " siny 14 head . other dave will oper Edward Harpster of The Administrative Coun- Locust Grove Evangell- in Georges Valley, will on the church lawn on ung Sept 4. There will be music and a home talent program NOTICE Quarterly meeting of Friends will be held at the Priends’ meeting house near Stormstown on Sept. 5 Barnard Walton of Philadel phia, and Priends from State College, Grampian and Pishertown expect $o be present Morn ng meeting will be- gin at 10 Afternoon meeting at 2 SOCIAL cil of the aTreh social even Enjoy Fresh POTATO CHIPS ALL THE TIME HYDE'S POTATO CHIPS Made in Bellefonte Get Them at Your Grocers Re Purni ished apartment, | { Heat light hot water and gar®age | Sefvite Jociuded Ideal location for | sch eacher. 32 Hast Linn street Bellefonte, Pa | Victory Dance Hall South Spring Street, Bellefonte Will be open every Wednesday, Friday and Sat. urday. Admission 29¢ including tax, Wednesday and Friday. 39¢ Saturday night. Soft Drinks Sandwiches Tee Cream NO INTOXICANTS WILL BE SOLD OR PERMITTED ON THE PREMISES, GLADYS TANNEY, Manager » a
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