EEEEERER INWAR BOMDS LA BB IR A A =D aghe Centre Democrat SAVING IN WAR BONDS EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 62, NUMBER 32. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Blanchard Marine ceiaent Vietim Pvt. D. R. Johnsonbaug¥%, 18, Killed in Motor £ rash Near Camp LelJe o, New River, N. (.; Military Rites Accora @ at Funeral Pvt. Donald Ralph Women Kill 55-inch Blaocksnake At Home The earv but harmless to an end Blackie in the ick when back 2s | the discomfort WAS in t efforts to kill been successful One day last Mrs. Duey. neari stenped snake which wa path near the Strasiek home. Dusy screamed ran to help her After something women batter reptile length and forearms COUNTY SOLDIERS IN WAR REPORT = Correspondent Relates In- cidents During Target Drill in England John=onbaugh “ Lr yard yy gv gT woe lr stietoned out and In Tuesday's Philadelphia Inquir- er in an article by Paul W. Ramsey Inquirer war correspondent, Capt George P. Curtin, son of Mrs. H Laird Curtin, Curtin: Lt. Col John H. F. Bittner, of State College and Capt William F. Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, of Jamaica, N. Y. formerly of Milesburg, were prominently featured The. article, a report practice, read *1.4.-Col John Btate College, wi the battalion, had tillery problem night before. In Bittner picked them as some enem i af on battery Bittner of commander of outlined the ar- 7, ywractice fr the targets posts, ‘and on page Two) gave mfinusd ielock T Accidents continued to exact a heavier toll of Centre county ser men than wounds last week when another county native Pvt Donald Ralph Johnsonbaugh, 18, son of Mrs Bes Kunes Johnsonbaugh of State College instantly killed ile accident nea New Riv vice battle was al autome y Lede N. C L B:45 a (Continued on Page Sip) CLARENCE MAN 1 VICTIM OF FALL Alex Dudish, Recently Discharged From Army, Dies in Hospital "CARSE Of Aug State Hospital of in Jur les suffered fall one week earlier Mr. Dudish ust 5 the result stiffered whey he SIINYy army he 9 Snov w Sh | (Continued on page two) Girl Injured When Car Strikes ‘Cycle Helen Mrs was raday was riding Bellefonte, was ated by Lester lege. R. D Miss Mary} n iin and of th Pid Las Ma artin Charles injured about 10 o'- night when a bic on West k by Hines of State Miss Mr. and Axemann daughter of Martin of ycie he street High A CRF Oper. Col- struc laceration shout thrown which uffered a ”o th face and against the rear of the was backing from a The rear glass was sha impact, She was treated by sician and taken to the home of parents bruises Rhee was CAr parking ttered by all the a Ppay- her Five-Year-Old Letter Reveals Italians Discontent Under Duce ars ago by known shoe Allegh y atreet, brother, Rjetro store owner Italy, A letter rece Ottavio Berar repairman of Bellefonte, from bh CHovanni Berardis, shoe in Castelmauro, near Naples, tells in clear ringing tones just much the Fascist government under the domination of Mussolini was spised The letter 26, 1938, apparently lini’s henchmen were censoring all mail going out of Italy. It was dur- ing the time of the Spanish civil war in which Mussolini's legions fought on the side of Francisco Franco, now dictator of Spain. They did not al] fight there because they wanted to bit rather because they wanted their ell out fl is de on March before Musso- was written families to have enough to eat. Tax- ation of real estate topped off 25 per ofnt of the valuation in his case, Pietro sald With the passing of the Fascisti as | a power in Italy, this letter can now | be published without Ottavio Berar- dis worrying of reprisal to his bro- ther. Pietro, in Italy The letter, written in Italian, was | translated as follows “You cannot imagine how are in Italy things business alone (selling shoes), 1 have to pay five liras a day for taxes. (A lira is equal to one dollar in Amer- fcan money). how . Here the taxes are so. high we cannot keep going. For my ‘My business is not 80 bad. T have no kick coming but at present the profits are not great enough to meet the tax demands of the government On my property which is worth 8.000 liras, 1 pay 2.500 liras a year It was not so bad last year, but now the government needs money for the cost of the war, and we are put through the ‘torchi’ (literally the squeezer, meaning the grape press used in making wine.) Quite a few merchants are going out of business ‘Everyone who has left Italy should be happy even if he is out of work. At least he has the liberty to talk as he wants to. Here the topic always is war. Everybody, even mer- chants and mechanics, are enlisting to go to Bpain in order to pet enough bread to feed the children “This probably does not interest you but I want you to know how things are in Italy under the present igovernment. It ls just the same as being In jail. We do not have free dom of the press; always new things to add to the misery, never for the good of the nation. I “1, for myself, would sooner be penniless and be away from Italy But 1 hope this condition will pass soon. If things keep on this way I will close my business and go to work somewhere else. The thing I am gorry for is that I will jose the good will and the friendly relations 1 have with the people from whom 1 ibuy and my own customers.” 8 REPORT LUGAL EAD IN PRISON CAMP Pfc. Earl J. Walizer, 22, Dies in Japan, Accord- ing to Red Cross TAKEN PRISONER 99 AT CORREGIDOR |, Is Second Bellefonte Man to Succumb in Jap- anese Camp Earl J. Walizer CoE] ! nd Belle. io Dave digg lo a the first be. direct ristmas radiogram \ wyeral writ- Ini t but uw Page Three) $ ba all wen na Bil Were ‘on tinuwed 10 BUILD CHURCH AT STORMSTOWN Structure Destroyed By Fire July 25 to be Replaced meetirs {tl NE Oi 1 he congre- ends of Storms chureh in the Com- ; there Sunday after unanimously decided to 0N As the recently was destroy. gation and the town Meth munity bulld noon, it was rebuild as church which ” OC possible sd by fir Dr. Elvin dent of the Clay Myers, superinten- Williamsport district, presided at the congregational assembly and the meeting of the of- ficial board held previously, Sunday, August 15 at 2 p. m., there will be a special meeting of the second Quarterly Conference calied to elect the building committees and to ap- point the finance and planning com. mitiees On the evening of July 25, the church building was struck by light- ning and completely destroyed be- fore the Port Matilda Fire Company, which responded, could save it, The both (Continued on Page Fowr) Blanchard Boy Is Fighting In Sicily Pfc. Joseph H. Behenck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schenck, of Blanchard, in a letter received by his parents this week, discloses that he is now in Sicily, having acedm- panied the first troops on the inva- sion of that island. Pvt. Schenck reports that the na- tives of the island treat the soldiers “swell,” and he remarks on the vast difference between North Africa, where he was stationed for a time, and Sicily. He points out that there is a much greater variety of fruits and vegetables in Sicily. Pvt. Bchenck, who is a nephew of Miss Orace Schenck. of Milesburg, expressed a belief iL won't take long to “clean up” the remaining Axis {orem on Sicily Local Youth Sees Invasion of Sicily From Destroyer Stover 23 from Seaman Sec the ‘nvasion Clah Clas is Bielly 8 nome of StLover ntt of Mi of East ol wil we first of the ion from a U which stood off the to protect troopshi from son Stover withe inva nd How ten 8 uman 14 const land na tbmarine whic) movie we Coast from encmy nity nip rapnel mm handed Hae of months y the #nem i depth charge sa trip he oy tion d the nig fleet at night Niagara Fall nd | man Stove alr battle from the gu logk Just like bigter scale When Wiively plane ng asked Well the auring al night tracer bullets nitanned on page Siz) <2 BOARD CHOOSES THREE TEACHERS Two Elec ted on Substitute Basis to Fill Vacdncies in Faculty § Of cience, pRography, and mathemat- Lies, Ale On. a suibatitate tencher bese fii the caused by the Haye YRCAancy B fo gnation of heen Le (Continued ILLNESS FATAL ORF. K. WHITE Philipsburg Dentist Was Leader in County Dem- ocra tic ‘arty IBGE, maki November iis ang 11 cava. LI Te 2187 v 24 woh AEWA eesived hi ¢ Fy MAA aii education who un ‘ontinged on Page Threw) Report of Son's Death Is Error An unfort but and- able confusion in names resulted in a Bellefonte mother receiving false information that her son in had been killed In an mobile accident The mother Miller Pvt t Pr mate underst the sei- vies Autlo- Mrs aireet Miller, is co ia Thomas M of Burrows Thomas D Bragg, N Mrs. Miller call during 1. She was sage that on stationed A received the weekend of August 80 shocked by the mes. she doesn’t recall who was the other end of the line, nor does she remember the exact con- versation, but she knows that some. thing was said about her son “be. ing killed in an accident.” Unknown to Mrs. Miller at the time, her husband, who was down- town, had received similar tele. phoned information The Millers had been somewhat disturbed about their son, anyhow for they knew he was to be moved. heard from him a and hadn't for hence they didn't know where time he was Although frantic with ety Aanx a telephone | Mrs. Miller, in an more Information Thomas Z Miller family High street. She jearned their Seaman Thomas Miller, San Diego. Cal lied In a motor ident telephoned or then Son of Ace whose son, C4) » coine ml. Mr | and Mr Miller both had named Thomas the names of middle initial. The only in the names of middie initial idence in name Mrs. Thomas Mrz. Thomas sons in the service The only parents and M anda Z ] Teren ogy in : ae differen their sons was the Strangely enough ter the Thomas Z. Millers learned of their son's death, the Thomas D Millers were informed that their son had suffered a sunstroke at Ft Bragg, N. C.. Monday of last week and that because of the sunstroke he was unable to be nsferred planned. Pvt. Miller is still in a hos pital there, but was able to talk his parents by telephone Bunda) night. He is recovering rapidly and expects soon resume his usual several days af- i ax to % 0 « duties " Ssssh! That Day's s Here Again; Better Be Very Carefui ————————————— aii. Don't look just now but that day's here again, You know--the day when maybe it would be better to stay in bed-—or no, that isn’t safe, either, for the plaster might fall on you. We don't know what to tell you to do-—-so perhaps the best thine is to go right ahead just as though to- morrow isn't any different from any other day But it is, blast the luck. It's Pri. day, the 13th. pm ——— Entergy Service Schoel Edward M. Barton Fle, eldest son of Mrs. Hazel Barton of Union ville, has entered a service school at Creat Lakes, Til. where he will re- ceive training as a mealsmith, Ed. ward was recently home on a 9-day furlough after completing his boot training at the Great Lake: Train | Ine Station. | Bellefonte, New Uniforms For Guards at Rockview uniforms has been se A new adopted for the of Rockview penitentiary, it was an nounced yesterday by Deputy War. den C. C. Rhoads Chief feautre of the now uniform is that the old puttee-style whip- cord trouser is replaced bv conven- tional] khaki army-type long trous- | ers. The new caps will be khaki col- t¥pe of guards at Is Commended Robert 5, Walker Weis Store to Open Self-Service Market ¢ trated | aad TYE VE Nee Yee WATER AT POOL PASSED ANALY Chemical Tests Show ple Chlorine, No Odor; Pool Being Refilled 0 Reed requires the Wa ~ 10 fu] germs pool parts.” The wate; Sis si od ung n ical contain engineer is to nine quoted as saying (Continued on Page Four) Electric Supply Co. Opens New Rooms Poly Company has “arson Sand Plant Am- As- was The that the Destroyed by Fire 3-Story Concrete Bloc Machinery Gutted; is k Structure at Curtin Falls Through; Linemen Sever 22.000-Volt Power Line to Protect Firemen “START CAMPAIGN DR PULP WOOD * armers and Woodland Own ers Urged to Aid Gov- ernment Needs wood! shortage sit in Lhe tig Ra FL . Band Concert At Pool Here, Sunday vanda Mrs charge The pub f the @I0is gi Lhe group LET HIRE DESTROYS URVISTON BARN (Structure and Contents store room owned | and formerly mer, on West of present store room. new room will be used for the stor- age and display of furniture The room will not be open at all times, but persons interested in ex- amining which will be on hand there may do =o by calling at the Electric Sup- ply store occupied by High street, R. C Wit- Just west the and the v Karthous Soldier Wounded In Action Mr. and Mrs. Richard Viehdorfer, the household furnishings Burn While Owner is in Hospital unknown origin des its contents on the farm of Percy Walker at Marsh Creek, Orviston area. Sunday afternoon Mr. Walker i= at present a patient in the Lock Haven Hospital suffer- {ing from juries received last week iat the Orviston brick plant Fire of a barn and troved Members of the Howard Fire Com. | who weit to the scene, saved | pany, several outbuildings located near the barn All wheat, hay, and other grain stored in the barn was lost Firemen pumped water from a ored while other features of the out | of Karthaus, this week received word | stream on the farm which is located fit are, brown army shoes, a brown belt, and black string tie. Suitable | jackets for winter wear are now be- ing selected, it was reported Ee ——— DD] HL Becomes 20. Year Veteran In the current issue of West Penn News, publication of the West Penn Power Company, the photographs of | a number of employes who became! 20-year veterans in July were pub. | lished. Among the photos is one of Charles H. Smith, a line foreman of © from the War Department that their son. Jack, had been wounded in ac- tion in North Africa. No indication’ was given as to the severity of his wounds i Held on Check Charge Philip Lotich, was committed fo the county jail here Friday on a charge of passing a worthless aheck He pleaded guilty | when arraigned before Squire Har- old D. Cowher of Beliefonie, and was (eld for court on $400 bail, 79. of Philipsburg, {at what is known as “Pole Cat Hol tlow,” Marsh Creek Part of the same barn burned wo years ago and had been rebuilt, Loni SE Hunter Arrested Arrested for hunting on the State's game preserve, Rockview Peniten- tinry property. Charles A. Leach, | 35. Reedsville, paid a fine of $25 and costs. He was apprehended in Lew. istown by Samuel Reed, county game protector. and members of the Rock. {iw substation State Police werond. time since Peard - DRAW JURORS FOR SEPTEMBER COURT August ('riminal Court to Grand Jury Meets K | J Begin September 13 GRAND JURORS Meet Monday, Aug atiida RI oliege RD Bevond Section A Elate ( Barn Damaged by Bolt of Lightning VOR! Noon Air Raid Alert Held During Weekend Ae Aa ne workers a KB siike a Al CURTIN CHURCH History of Congregation (Goes Back to Revolu- tionary War Period rp us Methodist church, oldest Met societies in the Bald Eagle Valley and one of the first established Methodist societies in the state of Pennsylvania, will ob. serve the annual homecoming of the Curtin chhaeh, Sunday, August 15, with a special program of speaking, music and renewal of old friend- ships The Curtin society first organised as & part of the old Northumberiand Circnit of the Baltimore District, May 6, 1781. The circuit extended up the North Branch of the Susgue- hanna River from Wilkes-Barre to Northumberland, up the West Branch to White Deer Hole Valley, thence to Jersey Shore, Lock Hav. en, and up Bald Eagle Creek, west of Milesburg, thence over to Penns Valley, thence down through Buffalo Valley to Northumberland Over this vast territory traveled the early Circuit Rider, visiting the gick. exhorting the faithful con. verting the outeast, and preaching the Gospel It took four weeks, with {Continued om Pope Four) Curtin of vod ist
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