ber abone INWAR dhe Centre Democrat EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WARBONDS VOLUME fp NUM BER 31. BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1943, SUBS( '‘RIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Bellefonte Youth 4 HURT WHEN Accident (ARWRECKS AT Dies 1 Seaman Thomas Crash in California. Home. Is County's Centre War 11 casualty was recorded during the weekend when Thomas Wayne Mil- ler, 18, seaman second class, United States Naval Reserve at San Diego California was killed in auto- mobile accident According by his parents, Mr. and county's Lg in Sram received Mrs. Thomas Seaman Thomas Wayne Miller Family Driven From Home by Escaping Gas Fumes from pipeline in a stalled home on Ea Edward Kol house last T kept the famil days The mishap occurred cabinet storage of food in the basement one of the pipes monia refrigerant the gas to escape The house R tek ing fumes t to “evacuate it was only LY time buildin During in posses of the family Kofman nan To Dedicate Shrine at Local Church The War § entered the service will be dedicated in St. John's Epise Chureh, Bellefonte, Sunday ufte at 4 o'clock The stalled in the church. will be open dally prayers. Any who desire the names of their boys to be placed on the prayer list at the Shrine are to feel free to call the Rector and he will be glad to have their names added to the others. The Shrine iz not only for members of the Parish but the public is urged make tise of it at any time At the service Bunda prayer books and war crosses, which will be sent to all the boys, will be blessed. The public is invited to at. tend. Ammaonia in t and being install of the home, when CAITY [] f roerino ior ireeng Was &ame- allowing ing broke, r filled! with chok- An ii f ed De but = ston of the } were M RRO shrine for men who have opal rIoon which has been e end of Shrine at th in- the south aisle for to afternoon Da Food Preservation Class Here Friday Timely Information on the vation of foods through brining. freezing, canning serving, will be. given by Boisson, home economics 8 40-minute talk housewives. in the the Wolf Furnitu Isgheons beginning tomorrow (Friday The talk wit fod during which answer any vation of All housewives of Bellefonte surrounding vicinity are cordially invited to attend the class. There will b* no charge or expense of any kind presser drying, and pre- Miss Janet expert, in Bellefonte basement of South Al- at ork afternoon tn con re store street 26¢C be followed by tions on a per. Boisson will the preser- (11g forxls and - Scrap Collection Here Tomorrow A scrap collection will be held in Béjlefonte tomorrow (Priday), be- ginning at 8 am. it was ahnounced yesterday by Karl BE. Kusse, salvage chairman for this area. All kinds of serap eluding paper, rags, tin cans, and al] kinds of meta] will be collected . Paper must be tied in bundles or packed In boxes. Rags must be tied in bundles to facilitate handling. All tin cang must be processed. Residents are asked to pile sciap at the curb in front of their home, clearly visible to the truck operators ——— ra. 80 far the lack of new automobiles does not seen to have wrecked the [Training Station at San Diego expected Wayn 4d tiller. 18, Victim of Body is Petug Sent ; 17th War Casualty Z. Mil of East High fonte, from officers treet the Belle Naval Sea man Miller died at 3:30 o'clock Fri- morning, July 30, 1943, {from multiple injuries received in an auto mobile accident on U. 8 Highway Route 101 two miles south of La- guna Beach, California No details of th ae been ler at day have official rumored that sev ons were killed in ti Miller's body alifornia accident received nere but ity per from source as eral other ne was Tuesday held, it accident held in C when an officiaily sumably same until inquest w i a. in- The body, pre- military es 35 Bell iefonte 1% reported with a ort east to cheduled to arrive train 8 vices will be held at lock Sunday afternoon with Rev. Harry C. Stenger of Bellefonte Meth- Inter side ceme- at the ment inating MRLLLE March boot” Naval Lakes } and y WOrK the 2 brief assigned © Jan iinusd o on page Siz) ODAMAGE IN = Rt AT CURTIN Home of Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Meyer Badly Dam- aged; Man Injured ¢ Damage estimaed at £3,000 resulted about noon day, when fire swept through the Bliss Mever brick home, formerly the Boges township school house, at Ci The Me ver chim approximate Mon- iv irtin discovered the near the believed have a spark from a buck The entire roof, third the floor by fire, while smoke heavy damage In the building biaze by Mra hegan wy, and caused by on roof 1H to been t-n-day stove and were de loot part of second sgtroyed and water caused “ert in irtin atif - when spring while removal of fur. The spring on Page Ste) of the head 3 a bed sting with the from the h (Continged niture ase Hughes Pool Being Cleaned This Week Members of ¢ Ce pany this week Hugh : Swimmir street, ¢ he Undine Fire began 12 Pool change the of silt drains that the all this yn - draining the East Bishop water and accumulation oO scrub the of debris Th pool and pool Aan » slowly and it is cleaning will be weekend Fresh be turned in early next week, but because of the time re. quired to pump approximately and-a-half million gallons of water into the huge basin, it is expected that there won't be sufficient for swimming purposes until 8 Atrertist Swimmers arrangement appointment Mild Epidemic In underway water will Wiki OT « water unday 15 are in urged to keep this ming to avoid * Aig. Howard Vicinity A dozen or more cases tinal influenza in the Howard area during the weekend caused a mild flurry of alarm over a possible epi. demic, but by Monday most of those afflicted with the malady on the way to recovery and no new cases were reported ive or six employes of the Martin Miller quarry at Jacksonville were stricken ill at work, Saturday, and for a time it was fearsd that water or food had poisoned them Dr. H. LL. Ishler, Howard physician who treated a number of the cases, seid the outbreak was not of a ser jous nature and did not believe a single food or water was responsible of intes- were well sources of Local Brothers Meet In England Mr. and Mrs. ‘Elmer Rockey, of East Lamb street, yesterday received a cablegram from their son Pfe. Styrl Rockey, © fir England, saying that he and his brother, Seaman Jack Rockey had met in England The cablegram read ‘Met Jack here. Having wonderful time. Well and happy.” News of the meeting was some- what of a surprise, for Jack Rockey, 10. salled only a few weeks ago on his first trip as gunner of a naval gun crew aboard a merchant ship Pvt. 8tyrl Rockey has been in Eng- land about a year as a member of morale of the people of the country. ‘the U. 8. Alr Corps, . | anda reg Philade de liefonte, Pennsylvi radio station KYW h Forge Caravan in one i salute the town and IPphia HN Harold M Coulte Machine Skids From Road And Rolls Over Five Times fi Tonight the Valles ' n from Philad umber in val TURNS END OVER talaeis. Is oi END, HITS Keystone | ip in Bel POLIS | ua Ee i at he Duke Dy None of Injured in Serious Condition; Car Bad- ly Damaged Berwick iearfield to sident attend a about 17 ning when ‘ “ding aang Fo I on their \ funeral last in off and least or were 1 hu 0 ciock the car skidded over five time at woe telephone pole before lacerations « Caldwell re Came ang « Valley Forge Carovan i Salutes Bellefonte y Orting 01 In inary pil I'he bre Radio re admitt Hospital dwell rema Mr Hor: i ged during the Oo est CANDIDATES GE Mr C there na : dischar weekend pants ckage Aan ip-rig! pleted Tuesday at time si . vere Court House ufficien t Witness the from the ground nosed The rest on lawn linson home sod aged Two of the brought 1 ambu on } ig} made when the « machine came 0 of the Frank T wis badly dam over : 0353 The law ,BOh OR sebich wie's the malic the OE 1 inn ove (Contamued om Page Sia; MENINGITIS is REPORTED H Instructor at Local Air. on port in Buffalo, N. Y. Hospital Car Mey Bellefonte Alr summer, is In pital where bh fering from spinal Mr. Meyers ers, instructor port since early 8 Buffalo N % is reported to be suf- c meningitis who rodmed on East Bishop street, became ill quite sud- denly Thursday, and on Friday expressed a wish to go 3uffalo. A friend. who | wig driving to New York Lonok him to Buffalo where he was admit. ted to a hospital. According t pine specialists nilnged on Page Two) ‘Garage Employe Is Painfully Burned last morning his home in to Hane RI ac at Belleionts suffered sever burns one arm, Friday diagnosed the here. As meningitis gasoline exploded while he was Magnos ie ness A UNEILS. | tempting to start a stalled oar Health Officar W. W. Bickett {the Warner Company piant Bellefonte, yesterday sald hie knew of | The man was sald to have been no other cases of the disease in this | vouring gasoline into the carburetor locality when the fluid ignited. A physician who treated him said he received first and second degree burns, Kenne ant Gap. garage Aged 26 xk agitate the Deck 5 TH 5 The she, + ports received art BOAT of NEW CURFEW LAW BALLOT POSITION EFFECTIVE MONDAY Drawing For Places Com- Children Under 16 From Streets, Public Places After 11 p. m. ounoement yvumterday hate f Continued om Pope Sia) ars Youth Injured While Cilmbing Flagpole Hayes, aged 9 years. son of Mrs, Carl Haye West street, Bellefonte, suffered a the last Thurs bing a flagpole at the y uty $ arts ] gE 8uree CNVOOH and of rin laceratign day while tri 8prin of sicie clan The youth was sliding pole when the hook holding the flag rope in piace ran into his side. He was admitted to the Centre County Hospital treatment and was discharged following day. Gown used for for the | (Continued i M. J. MILL Bp BRIGSTOCK Shipments Continue With- \J out Interruption From Jacksonville Site MILLER ENDS 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS New Firm Operating Un- der Name: Bellefonte Stone Company Janned , Alt crmanent ¥ " oft no blast AR cans A Rin 5 Ar. Milk el ASSESSMENT IN FURTHER DROP $8,170 Less Than in 1942 in Spite of Drive to Increase Ratings Last Fall B Long ommitioe the expected interest tax a total Ong reported « " nanance assessment boroug} mills is 0 3 ang the 873.11 2 milis, $3.- or of $25216.18 on Pape Six) Filing Fees Will Pay Nearly Half Cost of Election received a total of week as canlidates for borough, and township office filed petitions to have their names | placed on the ballot for the primary | election in September The filing fee for all county of- fices was $25. and since there are 48 candidates for county office, the to- tal receipts from that source were, $1.200 No filing fee was nedessary for borough and township offices which do not provide a salary or fees for the incumbent's services. Piling fees | for certain borough and township of - fice-holders ranged from fifty cents to 82. Fees of this nature totaled £20550 in the county, Funds resulting from filing fees go into the general treasury to help defray the cost of the election. Since the cost of holding elections in the county averages from $50 to 855 a! precinct and since there are 84 pre. cincts in the county, the total cost’ of the primary will range between $3200 and $3500, it is estimated. The filing fees, therefore, will pay one- half the cost of the election Centre count: £1.406.50 last county, Photo above shows group of 79 {men from Local No. 2. Belle- The filing fees are the county's! Board property regardless of whether the [one Who on Saturday departed for candidate withdraws or in any other the reception center at New Cum. jevent, for under the State law it is) berland to enter army service. In set forth that the filing fee cannot addition to the army group shown, be refunded to the candidate for any Board No. 2 in the July quota fur. reason | Pied 34 mefi for the Navy, three for the Air Corps, and five others who went directly from the induc tion station at Altcona to the Army Photo above was made just as members of the group left the YMCA, where they were served cof- fee and doughnuts by the UBO, heard brief talks by Rev. Harry C. 79 More Leave Bellefonte for Army Service Six Plead Guilty Coleville Man At Special Court Sentenced on Hit-and-Run Charge: Howard Resident Jailed in Theft of Guns: oe = BS EXPLOSION INJURES WORKER - New Safety Rule When Miner's Lamp Ignites Gas bamber mestone i mine £xXp reer ive Wamer CO la new en the ompa ue safety? aged in : provi development 0 use electric only lamps rm. —— Registration will Close August 14th ill close the Priman Onmmis in registrations 4 sioner ann oredr to receiy as well as changes of party place of residence, the Com office will remain open afternoon and evening closing day. August 14 Persons who register ug time will be eligible to vote Primaries ers day a ~Buy Bonds for future neeaa, Results work Youths Admit Cabin Robbery ed on pege Fiz) -. HOME MADE SOAP OW AT ARMIES Deprives Nation of Vital Fats; Poor Quality Product Is ! College Woman Gets Six Pairs of Nylons for $3,000 000-4n Mar nity addi y work for victory ang time get chance yions. There were st 91 bidders get- The to ill A EAamMe hose $75 - Tire Shortage Here At Serious Stage Bell Ww in Apes OPA office, point- reasing seriousness of ition that quota was 160 Grads he quota for August is only f4 new truck tires were this area while the ust is only 43 reductions mean that thes Care be exercised to fires for essential war in. tries, and that many applicants probability will have’ to ba down during the coming board officials said efomnte rubber sit reports the July must 13 ads turned wreRs “Float and Relax’ Is Two Chief Rules at YMC. A Swimming Pool 80 you cant swim, oh? Can 5 seem to get the hang of it? Don’t give up hope, yet There's one more chance for you but if the instructor there gives you up, you're dead, insofar asx leaming te swim is conterned The last resort--which increasing. ly is veCuming the first resort for the Belle. fonte YMCA pool, where since it wag re-opened on April 11, 1928, a total of 1088 persons have learned the healthful sport of swimming The instructor is 1. C. Heineman, [YMCA secretary, whose rugged cone stitution and even temper may have Stenger, Jr. and “Y" seoretary L. C Heineman, and received Bibles from Bari M. Cartwright, representative of the local Gidedns. The men also received various booklets and pam- phiets prepared lo aid them in their life in the armed forces. Upon leav- ing the “Y" each man received a box | hmeh. (the 1088 how to get along a ot to do with the fact that he's never given ap a swimming pupil as “hopeless.” “HM they stay long enough well teach them to swim.” Mr. Heineman promises with the assurance that comes from having taught most of in the water During July. twenty more young. sters learned to swim at the “Y" {pool Mr, Heineman reported this! week mer’ In order to qualify as a "swim. at the “Y" the pupil must swim the oath: of the pool. which is 70 feet. Mr. Heineman said. Most pools where swimming is taught require pupils 10 swim only 50 feet to qual- ify, he added, While by far the greater number of swimming pupils are youngsters, older people are welcomed in the classex. The oldest pupil ever to pass the course was Miss Hill former in- structor at the Bellefonte Academy, who derived much satisfaction from learning to swim at the age of 68 years. The youngest children acoeptel for instroction are 6-vear-olds, al though Mr. Heineman recommends that a child be § 10 10 years old be- fore beginning. “When they are a little older they grasp the teaching more readily.” he explained. Mr. Heineman said some pupils learn 0 swim in three or four les- some require a few more Jes sons, and still others require months before they have mastered the art Continued on Pege Sig) Er
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