EER EEREEE BONDS he Centre Democraf == A VOLUME 62, NUMBER 30. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1943. SUBSCRIPTION-$1.50 PER YEAR ome ———————— I ———————— —— Heavy Damage in | ov [Grange Fair For © we ce 48 Candidates For 2 Violent Storms 4 1943 is Cancelled | Offices in County Church Destroyed, Large Barn Unroofed, 1 Committee Moves In Interest of War Effort; J / "WP Many Party Contests Indicated As Deadline Much Other DesSauction in Two Storms in First Cancellation in Sixty-Nine Years of For Filing Petitions Passes; Many Boro, Less Than Week; ® rmer Has $600 Loss | Grange Picnic History | Township Offices Without Candidates In two violent wind and electrical ly, but brought approximately There will be no Grange Falr in dod of storms in less than & week, an un- § loss to Christ Beezer, farmer : | 1943 ing" 1 usually heavy toll of damage in Cen- | re ! near Bellefonte i ¥ For the first time in 51 wears there (On and 1 neampment grew in tre County was reported : GARN UNROOFED dh. will be no “tent town” on Grange | popularity, Grange Fah The first of the storms, last Wed- a Park. Centre Hall, during the last week's outing and upwal of 600 nesday night, caused the destruc. High winds which accompanied a week In August tents have been, required in recent tion of a Stormstown church by fire severe electrical storm about § o'clock This was the u ? \ and much damage from heavy wind uesday night caused $600 damage J ‘ ¥ aw bos . MEA a il The second storm, Tuesday night of |! Christ - Beezer farm near Fu oi Grange Fair Cormmiti this week, caused less damage, gen- Roopsburg, along the Buffalo Run whiny t the Roops- g last week The commit h overcame some tall hurdle { the annual encampment 5 sr be war condi i nt: va : VELL ww ouuse of war } RAE : ‘ : WF nang : an 3 ‘ nlinued — —————— Ho-Hum! Spicer nd dronnid it © tokded to the 2/¢ Robert A. Schaefer dons. felt that the gasoline and Whe yyy of the county's home and | The Late Cpl. George W. Compton Caught Again and hig} way a gah the m. win a a aN uA more tal this yeu to the wa marking the culmination of year's High sirect. Bellefonte, this week rah 1, 3 or E | = SCOUTS CUARDS Sent Back to Gaol ; ture so powerfully that the bullding ast } vas takin ! tar boys and girl k Iv k Orps neaoqua ik I now is far os plumb ccursion i v h Atlan ne Comin sae WAS Shipes | hich all granges of the county par tied to the Pw art and Pur Rains county property, bo Police are getting a little weary wind knocke it N wit cean vin a N blimp n which | FAKE | le that the fair HY 8 gelpated a favorite Vv hunting oul riifics as next of y rovide that filing | ! . Al HUGHES POOL of chasing after 11 Spicer 16 : he . : fon ol 3 oh in ; rew men 1 i ri IY Ci ty Of wal Vil grout { nity itician s mi { het ius hand h is v Y red ged or reluriu i aiid ‘ dow of Wingate ! rapidly is becoming home { rip) of : i Centre county remost Iugitiv 3 {bea B il 4) ¢ Her ot toch 4 v 3 ETOUR, geCiiare Hat pla n unt $ nd POO Lid if 1 y tion in « Bout acific Be Lie ru 2A . 4 : . his ability to hide equaled his abil- | arr Faszer was standing in the November 12, 1942, and received his | fade for oti nd larger Grange wheels and shooting galler of tember 25, 1942 A Lig ist ‘ wis- Announce Weekly Sched- t to et out penal inst Lion . . - ' : i HE SMT A Cconaition 1 arm imolen it ay § THC nt fy 1 } veer v , ! Ld hi i i ’ _—t . a Spice: would be a hard man to keep | ichen ooking outdoors when Ue (Ft nbridas. Md. From there PHTIt such activi bod Old dik) displa the lat 141) nd the Presidential Unit vill draw for posi ule; Well Trained in track of ha 4 al I tw 4 ant | ‘ : y I nnual : ue t 1 » { mobil tation aws { 1 First |W Sod i i Life For the second time and month Spicer early marning escaped from dustrial School at Kis-lyn. Belle! Police Chief Harry Dukeman State Police at Rockviey fie CANNING SCHOOL NEW AL CLEAR -Saving Tactics fonte, recent 0 Hine gave Spicer ample time t » 1€ | od ne damage th tructus I jellef ntly » n and then late Sunday 1 3 y wwzer after placing washtul for a brief visit " and Closed in. Spicer sa them and ing into + small hole which wis 1>- Pine Grove Mills Pair Al WOLF STORE SIGNAL IES il bolted through tempt to get a Y. © a » ipl : I : fla; dow “ Pp ch 1 r fie hi a . » “ . “ pre / r . : : evoive Ho u il hreateneg to itzell wotifi f he 1 dd y . oa ud . i n A I's fics i ‘ 113 : wee he halted ict . b 3 Sent wi ish " 5 i ie. it K H A irining Demonstra- sults of Hour-Long thie Pirst ¢ | ; Fie shoot wr tole Ji , offic rs he lal Ki YI which ilioct tha ( tock rs ner hotel propre i Xie Love . : - n . i ¢ wi A } 4 told po ee offices h vhich pulled the folded roof a Mills, celebrated their golden wed tions, August 6 Alert, Yesterday ed catatandiug: eallantrs 100 YEARS OLD he niere Ove what to do wit di Die day was r rned t an ere ! 0 Work to repair u oan ' ‘ ; ' " " ivi { FALE : : & lus * H y Ciara he is serving time on a burglary All but a small corner of the roof, were married in H ingdon July 25, ’ . . Youll to let food 54 rprise alert which began at 12:22 Tana ” Be la ast Gata . Congregation Holds Home Coming in Honor of on ari charge which covered wirnn 40 by 80 feet 1pa3 tor ‘Rith ned Yv'R de not Ma mand contd FE ahi . . : . rvriah DWH " ie 4 : mo iste With increased quantities ' On cne of the previous occasions, in si V | aw by th rt for a time they moved to the ‘ ith “enemy $ oing to our armed forces and our ¢ cer swam across McCoy's dam in M Por the most part the roof w tel at Pi eM wh sting over] d Wits rior 3 i \ : ! We { . ynd . Spicer i AL A 4 { f ; allies s going to be up to each " eizing a ; sable b id Occasion icy weather to elude police. On an- (Continued on Page Siz) th nerated for ove LC Ves: family to store as much food as x st theben 4 value " fF IRINY 10 Sore as 1 : 3 § es oR ¥ £ other occasion he secreted himself fore they retired ible for the winter months ahead in a small space under an ares-| They have thie children, Fred and " sr-radd ware ron Ld bove period sed ¢ 1 § " hg The tent nnual GInECOon 1 it's esch homemakers respons 1 ROUnGIng 1 Hh inti oe } i re ethodist « oii A squeady aL Gave an {A Randolph of Huntingdon, and L. | ghility to feed her family just ues. has been decreed to put an end mber 9. 1942. this Rel inforeed Di-| held 8 ay. July 25. 28 oO cer to look down ang he randolph snd wre Guy Rohr. of | well ax possible to keep up health & ronfusion resulting Trom Ue ; n not Iv held thelr taportant ' tn $ OOH yelr of something not quite right about the Pine Grove Ai and nine grand- | nd morale ner Aystem of atboutiving the end | gratepic positions ¢ sesiite jeter abd vicinity and bros TX ger ne ¢ : PY 11 ide hie wa e¥4 at ba y stalr tread Examining it clos Ie nildren WO attend { th Ma ‘ea an alert over radio stations led and repeated Japanese naval, 8iricess in spite : De a 3 ' 4 . Yiy il. 4 y 1 i homemakers are weighing ( it J i the shortage of gas- Milla Bo Solna found that It moved, and when he i rs i} : al § 4 . " nnis ” i yg. i vesterds proved Julie 9 ¢ stark x be £1 ries of | olin Lal Mill ROoert unn, 3 CE . 8 ros fd CONS Of Canning J. ; ARR h ard ia 31834 i i :io0 yen u’ " y lifted it away he was looking right . \ sb Ragin Bor 4 tint netor JH oh $id po ah : ub bo im nry Quigley, Dick Thompson; - v ny Bil QUECKE [reefing al OLenss ¥ AL00 aRAM . There i a 1 if 1 stig xi ShirefMler Willsar Shane into Spicer's face . . 4 a : ¢ ” ad he woken AY " ¥ 2 04 : effler, Wilbur Tier- M na arious pit and root iar uthet An i nn du nu : nen { an : ' JB gathered % 0H y N ' “ 3 y Sit } : ! } A ney i 10 § hard 8 Earl RACTIATG SCUl _—u-, Titan Employe Wins methods of winter storage i i th ¥ Vs rau m 1 : Xin ¥ . ! | services E. i. Plumb, Jr. is S-County Defense Group $214 for Suggestion Canning. of course, is the method of food preservation familiar to » 3] . . o - Promoted to Captain To Meet at State Col- spert Iitas eta] em- most women Thrifty homemakers ti | \ { { { W pWwards otal of $214 have Jong “put up” the surplus of » » 5 E. L. Plumb, Jr, son of Mr. and ege, Augus } June | thir {¢ weestions their own gardens, or fresh foods Mrs. E. L. Plumb, Sr., of North Alle-| _ eh Fis to 1 ' ; : . gheny street, was promoted to the non-protective phisey Of LIVIA mittee at the plant } it economically his year proach of enem ' as D | of the Sunday hool & short busi- eunesa I to 3 rion Wet- rank of captain in the Army Medical Defense, including Salvage. Vi 1 w one suggestion he gi {20 many a “greenhorn” will try her ed at 13 ‘ ¢ indicating Farmers ep ore ness testi rg vr lion ter. Haul Hackett to 5. Dave Administration Corps on July 14, |G8rdens Volunteer Offices, Child ¢. nother $60. and for the third hand at canning for the first time planes overhead, at 12:45; the blu Unpatriotic Slurs the Gr [ I Dean. Dal itch to 7. Earl Capt. Plumb was inducted into the Care, Speakers Bureau ing Con- and do it well, meaning planes leaving, at 12:56; the P of the previou meeting | Rockey, Rich 7 to 8, Tom army on June 9, 1941, and spent nine Sumer Interests will be discussed at wrs who 1 ived awards in . You don't have to be a super. red, meaning planes returning al were read and approved months in basic training and served “0 eighit-county conference in the , h re woman--or an engineer put up 5. the biuve, planes leaving \ i s reported on reliable au The election of officers was next hursdays, 1 to 3, John Woods 3 Nittans 40N n State ‘liege. at CRs +4 ‘ - . . ah . i wm 18 " ai d the h me young far rs / T ; as a member of the cadre of a train- Ni any Lion Inn, State Coliege. a illiam Hau sell Au- foods for home use” according to id the “all clear” at 1: rity that some young farms i order. resulting as follows: Presi- | al: 3 3 rr Hadkett ing company at Camp Lee, Va. He © a. Pp. m. on Wednesday, August 4 man. $5 Elmer QGarbrick 5. le Miss Janet Soisson, Home Econom- n Beliefonte off said that Centre County who have been dent. T ros SOCTEAT Lynn Ting 5 to ivde Corman attended Officers Candidate School The conference, seventh in a state- orman. $25 Harold Bennett, | ics Representative. “There's no mys- [approximately their draft boards Sreasuter : wie | Ed MeNic 7 to 9, Tom DeHaas at Carlisle, receiving his commission | Wi le series called by Mrs Worth- ... Dean Noll. $i telm 3h tery about it.” she says. “There are wardens engaged in essenii followed 11 as a second lieutenant on May 2¢, | ington Scranton, commander of Civ- g10. wages ters. $5 lair Car (Continued om Page Siz) workers turned oul nin work, are being made the su * | services 10:45 a. m. with th Frida) to 3, William Mills, Rob- 1942. After serving for six months illan War Services for the State Clifford Quick, $2 . posts of duty f slurring remarks by thoughtless py,oiq A Downing, Jr. of Pleasant ert Dunn; 3 to & nry Quigley tos at Pt. Eustis, Va, he was promoted | Council of Defense. will be . it who assume a War is WON ga, filling the pulpit. R Down ick Thompson: 5 to 7. Orvis Kus- to first lieutenant on October 21,|by county and local Council of De- Former Howard Boy were reported a various agencies solely by those in uniform. Prom... n5t an entire stranger thi ibauter to 9, Merton Webster 1942. The Bellefonte soldier went to fense chairmen and the heads of Pleasant Gap Man .s were dis hed from the control] What we hear, some of the Iarmers |... .on having served the Half Moon , mr an.” re Camp Shelby, Miss., with the 98%: their non-protes tive committees . Visits Home Town center to take care of the incidents | have solved the matier in heir OWN | 4,000 pefore. He gave a very in- a vs. 1 10 3. Dale Fritchman Evacuation Hospital in January of] Counties taking part will. be A Escapes Injury —————— One was the sending of an ambu- wa) by pounding a lite sense into teresting talk This was followed | Robert MOBIL "3 to 5. Curtis this year, The 98th then tarnsfer- coming. Northun werland, Union, Centre county's dean of local jus-| lance to the Dr. J. J. Kilpatrick res- | their tormentors in the o id-fashion- | gy4h, the administering of the Lord's Wagner. Rich wl Capers: - 5 to 7 red to the desert training center base 8nyder, Centre, Clinton, Cameron Howard E. Mowery, of Pleasant tices. ‘Squire A. A. Pletcher, of How- idence, East Curtin street, where a ed way, with fists. But there are a Supper, which concluded the ser- Jory Tier Wi ty Y T Sort 3 A at Yuma. Arizona, where it parti- and Potter. The State Council of iar . wd injury late Saturday ard was agreeably surprised last “bomb destroyed a water main | bumber of others whe he state to vices Jes n ol A ney. ; cipated in desert maneuvers Capt Defense also has scheduled a Bomb ; it wh oT} hi ar overturned on Sunday evening to learn that he causing injuries. Another was at the take such action and who have Fe Among those present wers Mr. | for t cat . : yr : _ go ong Plumb is a graduate of Bellefonte Reconnaissance School for these the higl $ ar the Pleasant Gap stranger who called at his residence Wagner Mill where another “bomb” | About Teachac oo paint whire po and Mrs. William Tressler of Belle- sgn - — a ny High School and the Philadelphia counties to be held in Williamsport ateher was Robert McCaleb, son of William caused heavy damage are reac) 10 give WP rang and fonte, of whom the former celahra- . - College of Pharmacy and Science. on the evenings of August 25, 26 and The driver accompanied by his McCaleb, a former well knowin resi- isis A —— | entey Le yg . b Helae . Ino ted his 100th anniversary last year Price Panel Meets At the time of his induction he was 27 father was driving toward his home dent of near Howard, who died there . . | Sacto hen ot hues priv ering roel other persons present were: C. C T Di o t assistant manager of Rea and Der- Explaining the purpose of the Au-! when the car ran into a ditch at the a number of years ago Local Girl Begins Fey I oo Belds at Rome ‘Aus Aon Shuey of Bellefonte, T. L. Crust of ° ISCuss osts ick's store in State College gust 4 meeting. Mrs. Scranton said: | jeft of the road, State Police from| Upon greeting the son, who has| T ith WAAC | without food 1s no army 7 | Philipsburg, George C. Blair of Wil-| samo of { ’ ira The various branches of Civilian the Pleasant Gap sub-station re- grown tall and handsome, the raining wi | —r—— i ——— kKinsburg, Z. B. Gray of Williams- | bit 3 Das u Lae War Price Defense not related to air raid Pro- ported. Damage to the car was about ‘Squire's recollection naturally went! and Rationing Board held a meeting that were in season and could be minutes attended Several port, who spends the summer | Se 4 on Thursday, July 22, to discuss the Local Spottin Post tection have been growing steadily ga } : » M Miss Beulah ~ Smit th. daughter of months 4 il re 3 v4 : 2d SOULS t av : ! ster Pr » n ; or Se Miss ¢ ! iter ¥Y ont at Fillmore and his old v 9 i had back to the time when the McCaleb's ouths Held In ’ . y program for holding the community : in importance. We hope in our ser- . re residents of the tow! the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of Belle- . home; Mrs. Mary Crotswaite of Oil , On Inactive List es of conferences to further Were residents of the oun. UPS St fonte, who recently enlisted in the Looting of Cabin City. and Mrs. Mettie Ray of State Price line especially for market bas- ——— ¥ at . w LG " . i ; . Haws Rdwans all “ — enh n and coordinate these War Ralston Derr Returns ren. Robert and Bertha MecCaleb, | WACS left Monday to begin initial Lo -. College, besides others from War. Fel items affecting our cost of liv- Because army officials deem the Service efforts.” H Al . ” . 2 lio tha The 41 | training at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga Two Loganton youths. Allen R.|Tiors Mark Stormstown Grave Wg Members of the War Price and al ond > * wer v il 1 f s » i - i ( J i 8 «On sn i hn . i, ww I . ap threat of air raids os far inland 88) give council of Defense leaders ome from eutians Didi a me. The girl} ypies Smith, 21, is a graduate of |g re. R_youl jen R.{ rch, Matternville, Waddle. Le. | Rationing Board from New York and Bellefonte only a remote ssibility found friendly shelter wits Harry : Embic, 18, and Calvin H. Herman, ho , . pl onls ony 2 Tom POBSLIC (Continued on Page Siz) Sou Leathers of Mt i th bos ithe Bellefonte High School and be- 16 are in the county jail awaiting mont, Boalsburg, State College Williamsport were present and out- at this stage of the war, the Aircraft RAN Ralston Derr, American Red a ng oO . Eag 2, ang hot Ah fore going to Stroudsburg six months ApPRATAN . tn - rt on burglary Pleasant Gap and Bellefonte. All lined the work of the Price Panels vice in i b 5 *¥ “ . 4 hy plot . aa 3 Pa : Warning Service in this area has Cross field and athletic director at pry ori ie No! Said vi in | a0 was employed at the Brown Boot charles are hopeful of being able to have {fom a national point of view and been somewhat curtailed. The Belle- Report Cpl. Ebeling Attu in the Aleutian Islands, arrived ting nt, I ry nut | SHOP. Bellefonte, Untill recently she The uth. srvaigned before. Jus- 1%" old-fashioned homecoming next ihe necessity for both merchants » station has bec laced « i > Ole }s dat. | BEL 0 the y service " odd . bmn admis Na bath ’ and Consumers » y nd R fonte s on has been placed on the at his home in Pleasant Gap, Sat was employed in the offices of the. of the Peace Harold D. Cowher, Vear and consumers in each community inactive list. although the crew of Victim of Malaria urday, called here by the serious ill- later was the victim of an unfor-! Woolworth store at Stroudsburg of West Bishop street Bellefonte sm—— - 110 adhere to the regulations of the volunteers who manned the station —— ness of Mrs. Derr. who recently un- | tunate accident when he was Kicked | . 4 A : : OPA. The local board is prepared to ; . .. | A granddaughter of Mrs Eva | we i guilty to stealing ar- . are being kept intact to resume nor-' Mrs. Nora Ebeling of West High derwent an operation at the Centre [by a horse The Injury caused a Per-| oo qeon of Half Moon Terrace | Priday, pleaded guily lo sted ing a Mrs. Ward Resigns receive complaints of overcharging vd fe a . . J ane ability 4 ; iticleg fro a cabin. They were held mal operations on short notice street, Bellefonte, who on Saturday, County Hospital. Mrs. Derr's con. | Mahe nt disability and the Young o u.rinte she was a member of the | Tce 1 ry eabin, The) Vi Ch . hi and requests for information by tout bau ice- QIrMAaNSNIP merchants for proper procedure in This deactivation of portions of July 17 was informed by Interna-!dition has improved so much during soldier was released form the amy. | gpefonte Banjo Band when it was Pvis. John Eisenhooth and E. B the Aircraft Warning Service will tional Red Cross headquarters at the past féw days that she was able Robert eventually recovered from! gganized, the United Brethren B: oY of the Stat Police at Rock- | ——— establishing ceiling prices and post affect great savings in military per- | Washington, D. C., that her son, Cpl.| to return home yesterday afternoon. his injury and purchased a property | church and the church choir. Miss wing said the WOR nd . juvenile Mrs. Lucille 8. Ward of Bellefonte. /ing prominently in their place of sonnel. facilities, and money, it was Ernest Paul Ebeling. had died in a Mr. Derr. former principal of the in Altoona where he and his sister gmith is a sister of Thomas Smith, eh May pr broke fut a cabin ROR has announced her resignation as; business said In the areas not affected by Japanese prison camp in the Phil- Bishop street school, left Attu by are employed and live happily to-!18 who is now on duty on a mine fry oo 1 1 by Joba > Dros po vice-chanrmah of the Republican It is believed that as merchants this rearrangement. redoubled efforts iIPPine Islands Priday morning re- airplane just a week ago Tuesday pether . sweeper after peveral months’ train. A a £ Hollidaysbure The County Committee to take effect im- ang consumers become more famil- are in progress to bring the system | ceived further information from the on the first leg of the Jong trip home , p—— ing at Norfolk, Va. and in Bermuda % ehlle has een turned Ver to the mediately jar with the reguiations on ceiling to the highes. standards of effic- Adjutant General's office in the War and arrived here after about five His address is unknown at the pres-!: ave ne a i ord | Mrs. Ward, who has become & can- prices and points that complaints iency Department at Washington days of travel A. M. E. Ice Cream ent time jJuvendie coush 4 ah didate for Centre County Register, of overcharging will greatly dimine — . » t The War Deputiment letter reads — Mg Social Here Tonight a —————————— Soldiet Returns ‘o Duly mise, has Seated from the editorial ish in part, as follows / : v ! istaff of the Gazette i —————— Bellefonte To Be The casualty report in his case Screams In Night : Church Needs Organ | Pw James Gummo, of Ft Ord, ——————— — Wi Aver - t Hon red Ov R di hows he died at a prisoner of war Alarm Residents Tonight (Thursday) the annual F S d S h Cal, who while Visiting relatives | , \ yy VOGT INJURED mn wards a 0 er ago camp, Philippine Islands, as the re- lee cream and cake social sponsored or un ay C ool Jere Pophisig Pu Big ode dr fl WHEN THROWN FROM HORSE Catholic Carnival m———— isult of malaria, but fails to give the Residents of North 8 by members of the Bellefonte A. M. SRG SE i J ¥ P as 3 oh a— ne ian Mets of this Week July 3, exact date af death Efforts to Obi who were of, Nort rn IE church, will be held on the lawn The primary department of the a While Walking in: Cofevilie, ane Jane Vogl, 12- year. -old daughter | The following pérsons received : suc on have not been Loreams and calls for help early of the Miss Helen Schaeffer resi- Grays Church Bunday school at lisle Barracks, last week, by °F Mr. and Mrs. George Vogt, suffer- | prizes Saturday night at the closing will be featured on the “Valley Forge successful. Sunday morning learned later that dence, Bast Curtin street. The little Stormstown is in need of an organ at Car . agp week, 2 led a hip injury and severe brush of the ay carnival, Caravan,” radio program sponsored, “Prom meager information avails the cries of distress came from a Church Bas less than 25 members and would like to hear from anyone Jertice Stier, W. W. Hampton, of |, and bruises when she was ro] a a nivel, sponsafad by the Adam Scheidt Brewing Com- able from the Japanese Government,| woman who was having an alterca- | 20d it is a struggle, most of the time, having such an instrument to dis- ane. - {thrown from & horse on her fath- church, held on the Undine : pany over station KYW, Philadel- | through the International Red Cross, tion with her husband in a car on | [or the congregation to keep the pose of It is believed that there are eT ter's farm west of Centre Hall, Mon- Mrs. Michael Kresovich, poll phia, from 11:05 p. m. to 12:05 a. m.| the War Department regards him a3] North Water street, near the Hippie | | church a going institution. Punds re- a number of homes in this vicinity Red Cross Nurse {day evening {Joseph Parignola, North rahe: Newspapers, industries and prom- being dead from the date of the dis« implement store. Chief of Police | ceived from the annual social go a that could spare an unused organ | . | The horse she was riding across street, and Mrs, Amanda Grassmier inent citizens of the town have been patch of the reporting message. The Harry Dukeman, who investigated long way toward defraying some of for a worthy cause. The Sunday To be On Vacation the highway, and a car driven by of West Bishop street, and , asked ‘0 furnish information for the reporting message was dated July 9, the cries heard about 1.15 a. m.. said | the expenses and it is hoped that ‘school is willing to pay a nominal) —— [Kenneth Brooks collided at the Moerschbacher, daughter of Mr. and broadcast {1943, and therefore this date has he halted the couple on North Water | there will be a large turnout tonight. i price if owner of organ does not care! Miss Bertha Rimmey, Red Cross driveway in front of the Daniel Mrs. Carl Moerschbacher, all of Bellefonte wns honored last year been entered on the records of the street and near the borough line In addition to ice cream and cake, | {to donate it. Morris Lute, Port Ma- | nurse, will be on vacation from Au-| Bloom home on the Vogt farm. The Bellefonte. ; : by the same caravan but the part War Department as the date of and learned that their differences salted peanuts and possibly some tilda, R. D. 1, superintendent of the gust 3 until September 1, and Miss [car was badly damaged and the . of the program referring to Belle- death.” {had been adjusted. The battle, the | other refreshments will be available Sunday school, will be glad to hear | Jane Keller, R. N., will serve as sub- | horse so severely injured that it had! The trouble with price ceilings, fonte was cut sharply by sn appeal] The letter concluded with expres-| Chief said, resulted when the woman | on the grounds. The festivities will [from anyone having an organ for | stitute during her absence {to be destrdved both as to commodities and wages, made on behalf of a Philadelphia sions of sympathy to Cpl. Ebeling’s contested her husband's ability to begin at 7 o'clock and will continue | sale. Write him or phone 3700, State] The office hours will remain uwn-| Jane's injuries are fot believed tolis that 100 many Americans violate welfare drive. | family. janine A car, | tarouen the evening. ; | College. {ePaned for the vacation period. be serious. | them.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers