EERE ERE. INWAR be Centre morta EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING 18 WAR BONDS VOLUME 62, NUMBER 33. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943, SUBSC RIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR 9 County In: August Call (A Board 2, Sy _ Navy, One to Air ¢ College, Army Men to L alt n into the the ¢ Altoona it w Centre co hoards will nrmed forces in of examin induction « announced Board No send 23 Into Navy and one 1 3Tm will ntyvs tw d eng a tot result Ations giv nter as a total of College Army and a total of Those District Head Samuel D. Rhinesmith Samuel D. Bhinesmith, of fonte, was elected con of 23rd diswrict of the American Leg- ion gt the annual State Legion Con- vention in Wilkes-Barre during weekend. Commander Rhinesmith, active Legion affairs since the organization | of Brooks-Doll Post in Bellefonte in 1919, served as Post commander in 1830 and has been a member of a number of district and State com- mittees He assisted in the and management of the American Legion Ji wr was one of the leaders of wn group responsible for having the or- ganizations state headquarter moved from Philadelphia to Harris- burg Belle- Apr the Mnanaer 4 he in organization Bellefonte Band the Legi . and sme Ml —— Wounded Soldier Is Expected Home Soon Duthbs Julian, for fA Mrs is PX Sat Bessie Dubbs pected home ical leave Sgt Dubbs, sev Di both legs in action in North / has been undergoing 1G the Valley Forge Veterans Phoenixville, Pa According to reports, Sgt in charge of a tank during was standing in the turret machine when it was struck by enemy shell. The shell struck th causing a fire which tank's motor flared up under Sgt. Dubbs ashes- tog coveralls before he could leap to safety All crew escaped Bat Ralph son of RD 30-day of med- WOOT erely ned about Dubbs action, of the an members of the nhurt Dubbs hag t service: pvt. Charles Dubbs England. and Pvt. Thomas Dubbs, who entered the Army lost month and who is now at Camp Rucker, Mls. other it is reported in the now in wo prothers Brothers In Army Meet In N. Africa Mr. and Mrs, Clair Pleasant Gap. thig week received letter from their son, Adam ing that he had met his Martin, better known as North Africa Adam gether only both boys union (rates, of a report- brother, Jim.” in were but to- that re. that they ne-half hour greatly enjoyed wrote the en ‘ends 23 to Army, 13 to ns: Board 1, State Allocates 9 to Army, 3 to Navy. ave August will leave New August 28 Board No. 2 contingent for the recep- Cumberland on both boards tion center Saturday, The follows Martin E. Goss, Paul D. McClure Robert LL. Schenck, Howard John W. Bottorf, Jr.. Bellefonte Maynard C. Butterworth, Philips burg hn L Calvin at Philipsburg Howa:d Shultz, Jr., Milesburg A. Bathurst, Bellefonte William E. Bennett, Port Matilda Fred W. Hall, Fleming Wwilllam M. McClellan, Bellefonte Paul A. Taylor, Bellefonte, acting corporal Samuel C. Logue Lee 8. Fink, Port Matilda Russell P. Parko, Philipsburg Donald G. Neff, Belle! Carl L. Schreflfier, Howard John F. Moore, Clarence David J. Parkes, Philipsburg Lester L. Rhoads, Orviston Leonard F. Gearhart, Philipsburg Lynn H. Keller, Bellefonte Claren A. Martin, Julian Joseph Pletcher, Howard Julian onte e A The following No. 2, assigned scheduled burgh this F Frank Lemuel Fred Raymond tilda Harry Joseph R.D 2 Edward George Martis D 3 Ira Leroy Thomas Shoe Paul D from Board Navy in Pitts- men the are to req Wir Por ’ Summers Woods Rate Ma- Bel Bellefonte, Woodrow Davis John Knapik lef fonte Belle Jonte R Snow 8hoe Budinger Hall Bowman Snow Jostph Hajzak, Osceola Mills R Continued on Page Four) LOSES HAND IN BROKEN CABLE NA OF GOAL Thomas Carson, 34, Dies, Companion Injured in Philipsburg Mine MEN, EATING LUNCH, STRUCK BY CARS Chillis D. Moore, 41, Es- capes Serious Injury in Accident, Friday A cable drawing a string in the Glen Coal Company South Philipsburg broke Friday and the cars dropped back into the m killing Thomas 34, of ose. ola Mills, and | Chilis Moore, 41, forme; Ridge rv ident who Hipsburg R.D The in the o'clock Friday Of Cars mine at Carson njuring Sandy now lives at Ph were reported sitting 8:45 rip bil two men mine eating morning ol the cable ute to sleased by a broken ts CAIs enix slope was re and carson body raced down we slope and in Moore sald B | tilated Both Hipsbu F victims were 1 hed the Hospital in the IMpans ambulance of Phi ate Hope Moore's brush rg St onsisted mostly erou was investigate Centre Ci Sheckler coma owne by CG mine of risatl The mine 1s brothe Carson was a son of the » Carson. He U ire ig few Alfaretta Bish His moth- ig Frenchiown do two bro- la Mills, and ived by 1dr *n As Osseo roi rgh worked at the mine Gene of Pittsbu Thomas has only for a few months He normally went to work y at 7 o'clock in the morning bul he Was called out to Five Philipsburg Brothers In U. S. Armed Forces Robert G. The five brothers 5 of Mi Mrs of 719 Spruce street Guelich hown f Paul 1 Philips- La an Ng wm fig memoer iting forces January Jack Guelich —————————. Maynard J. Guelich Fighter Control Squadron ley Field, Conn Bran- Richard GG, Guelich Paul LL. Guelich ente ; CHoo) FEW IN SERVICE COUNCIL TABLES LEMONT COUPLE SLEK TO VOTE PROPOSED RULING WEDDED o YEARS Only 38 of Hundreds Armed Forces Apply For Ballots dreds Centre Ail county armed 38 qualifie hough hun men forces Woln« in the home abroad, the Alig only at pri- ristrat Belle for Milita 24 Demo- None £4 thers are leans gd oul »~ ations came from adh or ahment wen asl sealed mailed the appli 1 marked in the command sealed and mailed by the ing he marked ballots will remain unsdl one week after the official election count of the pri- mary vole ls conducted. These re- ers cman - officer. T weaned | work two hours earlier Priday mormn- turns then will be added to the final I-RUN CRASH = to work at § o'clock. po Moore, Has 3 The injured man, [wife and two sons. His wife ls the merly of Bellefonte, Vic- tim. Driver Jailed victim was his Jef! hand at the Hospital, Saturday af- motor plead - of hit-run and While his nder amputation willlamsport ternoon, a Newberry ed 4] going of harge 4 defendant B.C Webb street, is guilty drunken drivin The 2203 the Lycoming of $2000 bail His victim yf 1215 Lalfay " the Dean Hamsport, and Askey being held oun jail in default s Paul McKelvey, 35 eile Parkway, manager Phipps wil- 1 of a former well known pastor the Bellefonte Methodist church, He iz a patient in hospital] with his left hand removed at the whist, and under ob- wervation shock and possible head injuries McKelvey, stor= in the for gon of the late Rev. H A. McKelvey, and Mrs. H. A. McKel- vey. now of Montoursville, is mar- ried to the former Adeline Sampsell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Sampsell, of near the Bellefonte Airport. There are two children in the family, Joan aged 15, and Nancy, aged 6° McKelvey was riding his bicycle about 9:15 o'clock Friday evening east on Third street and had reach- ed the 1100-block when an easti- bound motorist struck his wheel, (Continued on page Siz) WCTU to Hold Local Institute at Wingate On Priday. August 27. the WCTU will hold a local institute at the Evangelical church in Wingate, The afternoon session, which will begin at 1:30 o'clock, will conclude with a corn boll at 6 p m In the evening a rally will be held at the church, with the program in charge of WCTU officials County War Finance Committee Prepares for 3rd War Loan Drive At meetings Beliefonte this week, preparations for Centre county's participation in the Third War Loan Drive, Septem- ber 9 to 30, were completed The Third War Loan Drive will differ from the two previous ones in several respects. It will be conducted by the War Finance Committee in- stead of the War Bavings Staff and Victory Loan Committee as was the case in earlier drives. The new or- ganization is divided by State boun- daries instead of by Federal Reserve Districts. But most important to the average citizen, the quota for the Third War Loan drive in Centre county is $2.550000, with no pur- chases of bonds by commercial banks. In plain words the $15,000,000 na- tionwide quota for the drive means held that every individual in the county in Altoona and: who earns a wage or draws an in- come or has accumulated Jvnds must invest, if he possibly can, in at least one extra $100 War Bond in Septem- ber. That means an extra $100 bond in addition to whatever regular pur- chases the individual is making. It means ‘hat the equivalent of approximately two weeks wages ex- tra must be invested in Var Bonds during the month of September It means for most Centre county families paring every expense to the bone and converting the money, saved into War Bonds. The Centre County War Finance Committee is headed by Claude G Alkens, of State College, who was chairman of the former War Bav- ings Staff and who with Mahlon K.| Robb of Bellefonte, was co-chairman jof the Victory Loan Committee | Bellefonte as s00n- as ‘Paul McKelvey, 35, For-! former Nettie Lynn, of Edendale an————— ROCKVIEW 10 GET BIG FOOD DR £50,000 Dehydration Plant Being Erected; Capacity 30 Tons Daily A $50000 dehydration plant under m Rockview Peniten- eventually process more y $1,000,000 worth of dried foods institutional needs, the of Property and Sup- discloses this annually for Department plies at Harrisburg werk The plant, reported to be the first of its kind bullt by a state govern- ment, will be compieted in the next 30 to 80 days, declared Paul 8. Wor- cester, head of the department's priorities division. which obtained War Production Board approval of the project and priorities ma- chinery. The department also di- recting its construction Authorised by the 1943 legislature, the unit will use prison labor to pro- duce 30 tons of dehydrated veg- etables and fruits each day. proocess- for {ing crops grown on expanded insti- to 600 acres this year—and in the open tutional farms—500 more were planted commodities bought market (Continued on page two) BE ufh— Redecorate Interior of Undine House McGinley Brothers of Bellefonte, last week completed the repainting and redecorating of the interior of the Undine Fire House here, while Ralph Eyer, member of the com- pany, has completed repainting the floor of the enging room The engine room has been painted white with blue trimmings and the floor has been painted steel gray. Other rooms redecorated include the’ {reading room, office, shower rooms, and reception room on the first floor and the meeting room on the sec- ond floor Canning Center To Open In Bellefonte A canning center is to open in a pressure cooker arrives here, within the next two weeks, it was announced yester- ‘day The center will be located in the kitchens of the home economics de- partment of the Bellefonte High School, and the opening date, sched- ule and rules will be announced in the near future. Mrs. R. C. Blaney will be in charge | iof the center which ls sponsored by | ‘John B. Matis, computation of Lhe vote, & BY SATE laws Er ula aa Jack Watson Goes To Camp Hill Post Jack Walson Bellefonte High been named a White Hill St at Camp Hill and duties of his new position Earlier in the summer Walson had been playing professional {football as a member of the Wilmington, Del team About a month ago he % struck on the head by a pitched be i and since then he had been TeCUPeT « ating from Last year director of U Berwick YMCA and before that held similar posts in th YMCA at Clearfield and Tyrone During his high school here, Watson was an all-round ath- lete, starring in football basketball and baseball former Sch well knows wl athletes as the injury he served as physi Ww o career R —— County Soldier Dies In Battle Ann Packer, of Monu- word that her Arthur Packer. has been Killed in action in the European theater of war, it is reported The news was contained in a 2t. ter sent by the captain of Packer's infantry division, and the message was dated August 4 Packer formerly Mrs ment son Mabel has Trecejved resided In Wil- paper carrier in that city Four Granted Final Citizenship Papers Four persons were granted U. 8 citizenship at special naturalization court held in Bellefonte last Thurs- day with Judge Ivan Walker pre- siding, and with Joseph Contigugli, U. 8. naturalization examiner, of New York City, as the examiner Those granted final papers were John Angelo Catalano, Bellefonte; Port Matilda, R. D.; Zelado Carra, Clarence, and Harry Wasinchism, Philipsburs CLAIM COL TIS c AU SED DEATH OF LOCAL SOLDIER The American Red Cross has in- formed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wit- thér of Reynolds avenue, Bellefonte, that the death of their son, Pic. Ear} J. Walizer, was caused by colitis Walizer died in a Japanese prison camp Since the report of his death was received through the International Red Cross from Geneva, land, July 27, 1943, that date will be considered as the tile of his death, the War Department inform- ed Mr. and Mrs, Witmer, POTATO CROP REDUCED Pennsylvania's potato crop this year will be at least 20 per cent be- low the average yield of the last decade, the Penn- Mr. Alkens has named Harry W. the American Home Section of the sylvania Co-operative Potato Orow. (Continued on Page Six) | Betietonte Woman's Club. nig Association has predicted. in | year | Mechanicsburg High liamsport and as a boy was a news| Switzer. Members Doubt Practica- bility of Closing Busi- ness Places at 2 a. m, jemand i places, and the side for further ipecied nee Sieg eon : 51 esol £5% ven Went money given followed the laving of s through Lies (Continued on Page Four) and are Beaver made will be paid dels to the borough he opening Bitary sewer Lhe Dropper IE give of County 10. Broadcast Sermon Mutal ‘Broadeasting Com- of New York, in ils regular pro- relenses this week the her for their feature 15 Broadoast fe Au- be the Rev. Dr. Russell pastor of the Redeemer Ww Over teork at 1} morning of pany Jam announong OY r Sunday gu 2 will F. Auman theran churcl ork. The progr WOR 10 the #1. hi ne Sunday Auman fs a L aiid ia a 805 of the la as Auman of Revers. Mrs ) Son Scarsdale, Ne released 30 to 13 each 18 native Centre : ta Mr Om aeam eimed GREY FUREY GOES TO MECHANICSBURG Former Bellefonte Man (Gets Coaching, Physi- cal Education Post Grey Furey. son of George Furey, of East Linn street, Bellefonte, foots ball coach at Enola High Schoo] last Monday was elected coach of to sucoeed John 4 ] «¥y TY 1 * y Fred : t rederick. who went into the Navy | ten days ago Furey. "a graduate of the fonte High School and of Slippery Rock State Teachers’ College, will teach physical education and coach football At Enola, where Furey coached both fdbtball and basketball, his Panther eleven last geason lost only two games, to New Cumberland and Lemoyne High. His team defeated Carlisle and Susquehanna township both of which had outstanding clubs last year Furey went to Enola from Mill Hall High School and immediately produced winning court and grid teams. He is expected to take over actual supervision of the Mechanics. | burg gridders on Monday, August 30. the day on which candidates for the team will begin a training per- iod at a camp near Fannetisburg Furey is married and has two chil. dren Stolen Bicycles Are Found in Bellefonte Three bicycles taken from the Miles Street Bicycle Shop in State College Tuesday of last week were found in Bellefonte through an in- vestigation made by John Galaida, Bellefonte police officer. The bicy- ‘cles were taken by three Bellefonte | (youths who repainted them in an | apparent effort to keep their theft {from being discovered. 23,000,000 bushel | Officer Galaida recovered the bi- ‘have the three youths make resti- tution for damage done. Mr. and Mrs, William H. Houtz Honored on Gold- en Anniversary s of mar m H. Houtz Fi lier Dey we ng WwW {liam : Jacob Ted in Su . present {Lemont twelve Bgo time Mr. Houlz was em- the College until hig re. WO years ago Ho Years Prom that ploved by tirement Survives Bombing Of Ship Off! IK, S Bellefonie: Death When German Bomber Blows Clarence Beightol, 1C ily Escapes Up Merchant Ship During Invasion of Italian Stronghold; All Crew Members Saved Torpedoed off Axis sUbmMArine Port of Spain 1942 wm bombing i Bone, Algeria tary supj First Enginee; of the U. B of 1c unaQer for member ast week 1 where the WAS serving was port of Gela 18! ing in t} ship had hits Beightol BOTY ! Be oH Howard his bred ave of wife West ing Coast of pent absene 1 r MMilAdreas ormer XNaaart Beliefont the High * Bunday h where h street went port WW preparalonr Chief Engineer n Dope: hip bound for Beightol s port in May hip. The ship ©» supplie directiy Car KO War WALKER FF. A COLLECTS SCRAP Youths Aid in Farm-to- Farm Canvass; 21,300 Pounds Total to Date Mr. and Mrs. Houtz have one son, | State Oollege. Eng four orandehiid. ren and two grest-grandchildren + They sre members of the Evangells "Ure Parmers of America For 18 years College Houty Houta of Lemont Mr. Houtz served on the Township sc board, Mr ie 73 years of and Mrs was cal church HOO] BEe 2 in Februar On Saturday Eik's Club member Houtz with YETrsary CREe press fit evening State Co which My honored Mi: gilts and » Many of their liege Houtz is a and Mrs inrge anni- friends of were PARKING METERS STOLEN, DAMAGED Two Muchines 1. Lifted Bod- ily Out of Ground; Found on Academy Grounds During moved two of complete with bases. from in Dairy store The posts their anchorage the curb Chief of found one of Academy lawn The meter. post, tact but the glass the weekend someone re- the parking meters, posts and front of the South Spring lited bodily in were from the earth along | Police Harry the meters On Monday morning and base were in. wag broken as Dukeman | though an attempt had been made to {of Bishop and Spring streets i | ieycles and made arrangements to | et the money out of the machine Belle- | The following day. Chief Duke- man found remnants of the other machine in the yard of the former Clayton Brown home at the corner The meter had been broken off and was missing but the post and base were intact. It is believed the meters were taken for the money they contain ed wi Ml ——— Two Relieved of State Positions The State Department of Revenue has terminated the services of Wal- [ter E. Beezer. of Philipsburg. as Cen. | tre County investigator of deaths, | and of Samuel A. Bierly, of Rebers- burg. as inheritance tax appraiser The Secretary, David W. Harris, has announced the appointment of their successors as follows: William H. Stuart, of Boalsburg. as inheri- tance tax appraiser at $1380 a year, and Hobart C. Thompson, of Phil. ipsburg. as investigator of deaths at’ '$1380 a year. The appointments to the two of- fices formerly were made by the Auditor General's office, but recent | ly the power was switched to the! Department of Revenue, supposedly | for political reasons. The change in the Centre county! tries {offices is effective today, it is report. ‘ed —— oy The production line is a war front ‘and victory will come sooner if we | recognize this truth immediately. concrete | Pe-Ro | street. | the | i '} gar: Hous. of Wess Qollegs AwSHle:l A sotal of 21.000 poands of sorap;. Walker Township Fu. collected by wernt war recently Th AF collec ECTAP drive orgar ed by the Walker Farmers. The dri spring. when much idle iron Walker townshi plan home and tra from 1100 was Eh Towns Was reach plies were and the April arrive § other at entire day gatherin at individual farms truck where they and load scra May 6. was scrap. Old ire ever possible cently Most mits bulk of it was Consequently quality, carded of ron the scrap collected probably becs } collected from farms the iron was of good coming mainly from dis- implements, Of the 21.300 (Continued on Page Four) - ise Kiwanians Plan | Selectees’ Send-off The Bellefonte Army group will be honored at a sénd-off sponsored by the Kiwanis Club Tuesday evening al the Bellefonte High School cafe- teria Ralph Champagne, club chairman in charge of arrangements, an- nounces that the club will meet, and will hold a “Ladies Night” in addi- tion to entertaining the group of selectees The ladies of the canteen class will serve dinner at 7 p. m. and the Leg- ion orchestra will provide music The Rev. Fraucis P. Davis, of the | Episcopal church, will speak. Jay | Robinson, Port Matilda ventriloquist, will provide entertainment Roy “Mickey” Adams, of Pleasant Gap, wii appear in a program of magic, an accordionist also will be og i PRISON FUGITIVE 5 BROUGHT HERE Man Who Fled Rockview 15 Years Ago, Released From Sing Sing Willlamp C. Young. now 4] years oid, who With three other Rockvies inmates escaped from that institu July 26, 1828 in the Cen. county jail " WATANCE CRD" IOs OF tre ho fled with while the Warden will Bemonstrote Food Preservation Because of housewives, the gemonstration Wolf Purnitur ed here The return methods ick freezing an be in charge of Miss home sconomist. who the original “school.” The demon. stration be held in Wolf's oon] basement atl 2 o'clock Friday after. noon, August 27. All persons inter. ested are cordially invited to attend sini requests by food Epon many local preservation the sored by store will demonstration of canning dre Janet was here of var. brining tion, will Soisson fous d dehy for wil Milesburg Firemen To Hold Festival The Junior American Legion Band of Bellefonte will play at the annual festival sponsored by the Milesburg Fire Company to be held on the Diamond, Friday and Ssturdavy of thiz week. The band, under the di- rection of Vito Pera. will furnish music for both nights A variety amusements Kinds of refreshments will be sold The public is urged to patronize the festival which is being held for the benefit of the fire company #nd ail ¢ of Health for Victory Club to Be Organized For Local Industries A Health for Victory Club for the wives, mothers, sisters. -and land- | Indies too—0f employes of Titan Metal Manufacturing Co. National | G¥psum 00. Sutton Engineering Co, iWamer Co. Whiterock Quarries, and Universal Match Corn, will be formed Thursday, September 8. at 8 p. m.. at the High School auditor. lum 10 help these homemakers with [wartime problems of food buying and preparation. it was announced today by executives of The Health for Victory Club is as | important to the nation's victory as [the production of war goods,” these {executives said. “Our men are mak- {ing what it takes to wip this war rd are working hard--and are do-| the indus ing a grand job But they've got to have help to keep up the good work For one thing they must always have the right kind of food, prop- erly cooked, for breakfast, in the lunch box. and for supper at night, every day in the year. “It ix common knowledge that 40 per cent of the people in the United States are une der-nourished. “Health is essential for soldiers of production, That's where the Health for Victory Club comes In” it was explained. “Its purpose is to provide homemakers with the latest infor. mation on how to buy foods wisely, how to plan healthful meals and how to cook foods properly to make sure they provide the best nutrition pos Continued on Pepe Five)
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