Page Thréé June 17, 1943. I ————— —— UNIONVILLE Methodist Church: Prayer ser- | ginning next Sunday and continuing vice Thursday evening, at the close (through the week. of which will be held the regular| mrs. Carl Flick and son Earl and monthly business meeting of the daughter Grace Bell, returned to Official Board of the church. Sun- (heir home the latter part of last day school Sunday morning Imme- | week from a visit with relatives and Mrs. Anna Heverly Friday evening diately followed by the special Chil- friends in Altoona for the past of this week. | dren's Day program at 10:30. Youth week. | . | | The Loyal Workers class fellowship in the evening at 6:30, | Mrs. A. P. Hazel and | . A d granddaugh- | R shrist, ’ " Free Methodist Church: hurch of Christ, taught by Mrs Prayer ter, Miss Grace Stevens of Bigler, Lester Wyland, will meet at the service Friday evening. Sunday visited several days with friends and home of Mrs. Willlam Orndorf, Fri- school Sunday morning at 9:30 0'- neighbors tn the community and at- day evening : clock, followed by class meeting and tended the Hazel sale on Satur-! the regular preaching service Sun- day. Grace Stevens remained to day evening at 7:30, with sermon by visit for a time with some of her the pastor, Rev. H. C. Jacobs | friends here Jog " ou hotne o his ; parents, Preaching service in the Presby-| The Pirst Quarterly Conference! ae rs. Lewls Heverly terian church Sunday evening atl of the Methodist church was held | The Children’s Day program 7:30, with sermon by the pastor, on Wednesday evening at the church | the Reformed church will be Rev. H. E. Oakwood in Bellefonte, with the district sup- |Sulday evening, June 20 Two more of our boys took their erintendent presiding. Pvt Flovd Miller Co. A, stationed final examinations for induction in-; Sgt. Ardery Calhoun, now sta- at Fort Knox, Ky, is spending a to the U. S. Army on Saturday, and tioned at Long Island, N. Y. spent short furlough at the home of his are now home on a seven-day fur- the past weekend with his parents, parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Willis Miller lough, Donald McElwain and Grant Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calhoun, and Howard, R. D Bruss. Donald McElwain is a son of greeted his many friends in the! Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pesick and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McElwain and community ison, Cecil Gross of Chester, are vis- has enlisted, while Grant Bruss, son | may be a little late with this iting the lady's mother, Mrs. Carrie of John H. Bruss, was drafted. Jack |. put we wish to state that Earl | Wolf Shipley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George | pynkhiner and his daughter, Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Day of Al- Shipley, also took the examination co. pick, wish to express their ap- |toona, and daughter Ruth made a but his physical condition prevent- ....iqtion and thanks to their many |business trip to Bellefonte and also ed him from entering the service at | gonqq and neighbors for their kind [called on friends here Monday eve- this time assistance and expression of sym- ning. Mr. Day's brother, Gerald, ex- Miss Ann Holtzworth, daughter of pathy during the death of the for- pects to leave soon for the service Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Holtzworth, of ‘mer's wife, and mother of Mrs. Both men are sons of Mrs. May Day Fairmont, W. Va, is visiting with Flick, recently {of Walnut street her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.| yo. Tingue of Bellefonte, spent | Miss Pay Pifer of Willlamsport, is J. Blair Holtzworth at the Holtz- | , couple days visiting with his visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs worth home here grandmother, Mrs. T. B. McClellan | Malcolm Pifer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bish enter-'qof this place. He returned to his| Harry Ekdahl, son of Mr. and Mrs tained her parents and her brother home on Sunday when his parents, |G. A. Ekdahl, left Baturday a week from Clarior, over the past week- Mr and Mrs. B. R, Tingue of Belle- (ago for Western Maryland College, end, leaving for their home Sunday 'fonte, and daughter Mary, came up | Westminster, Md., to take a pre- afternoon {to spend the afternoon with Mrs. medical course fof the summer sea- Any person interested in purchas- McClellan ison. He was accompanied by Mr ing a three-piece reed living room| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burkholder [8nd Mrs. N. J. Weickert and son suite, may secure the same by call- had a nice flock of chickens just James as far as Oetitysburg, where ing upon Miss Ruth Parsons. Price about depleted one night last week they visited the former's father and reasonable and suite in good condi- when they were attacked, presum- |sister; also by Harry's mother and tion. Also a Majestic radio, cabinet ably by a weasel. They had about sister Caroline who visited at Lit- style, can be had for a reasonable four left out of a flock of 50. They tlestown with Mr and Mrs. George sum. did not give up in despair, for they Cummings and son, Rev. W W Miss Betty Ann McElwain and have another flock started. Cummings, returning home the fol- Miss Hazel Lucas have been elected A sale of the household goods of lowing Tuesday by the members of the Youth Fel- | Clarence Houtz, up the pike, will be A son, named John William III lowship of the Methodist church, to [held this Saturday afternoon on the was born to Mr. and Mrs. William attend the Summer Institute of premises. All the household furnish- Lyons Saturday morning at the Lock young folks at Newton Hamilton, be- | ings will be sold and the house will | Haven Hospital Mrs. Lyons was the ee ———————————————————————— then be for rent. {former Miss Relda Woomer, daugh- The sale of the household goods ter of Mr. Ployd Woomer, Howard, of the late A. F. Hazel was very well BR. D. This Is the first born in the PLEASANT GAP | attended last Saturday afternoon in home, making Mr. and Mrs Clair spite of the shortage of gas and ban | Lyons grandparents for the first GRANGE THEATRE {on driving time, and Mrs. Cora Lyons a great- SHOWING | Mrs. Stella Parsons has gone to grandma. Pfc. William Lyons, the State College, where she is being father. arrived home from Camp Wednesday, June 23 employed at the home of Mr. and | Crowder, Mo, Sunday, and Sgt. John AT 8:30 P. M. Mrs. Philip Armstrong Lyons, his brother, arrived home on The Dally Vacation Bible school 4 furlough from Jackson we Two Big Features planned for next week will begin piss All are very happy over the PRESTON FOSTER AND PATRICIA ELLIS, n {on Monday, June 21st at § o'clock in { “Lady in the Morgue new arrival and also of the visit of the Methodist church and continue {he bovs at home together each day between the hours of § Union Prayer service for Wednes- and 12 a. m. for the next two weeks. | aav June 23. will be held in Competent teachers have been sel- and FRED SCOTT, Your Singing Cowboy, in: a “ Songs and Bullets with “FUZZY” the Comedian Evangelical church ected and it Is hoped all parents will Merrill Pletcher moved hi: urge their children to attend. All CHILDREN 15¢ ADULTS 25¢ | {Tax Included) HOWARD Pvt. Donald Confer, stationed ot Camp Phillips, Kansas, returned to camp Monday, after a ten-day fur lough with his father, Ward Confer and friends, Howard, R. D The Women's Christian ance Unlon meets at the home of Temper- of the | 2'¢c Glenn Boston, Mass, spent a 5-day fur- of held i" the place | f business from the Mrs Carrie {children of the community are wel. | vw ye ’ f bulldir in Walnut street come whether they are affiliated Woil building + Iu: ‘ his residence on Main street for- with the Methodist church or not ' erly as t § estaur- as this is a community school INeFly knowns tie Maples Resta to ant. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lomison and family expect to move into the John Zeigler property which will be va- cated by Mr. and Mrs Zeigler, who are quite aged and are making their future home with their daughter at the old homestead in Little Nittany Lt. Jeseohine Masden of “Tampa Fla. and her brother, Pic. Paul B Marden of Waycross, Oa. are spend- (ing a ten-day furlough With their parents, Mr and Mrs. Harry Mas- den. Their brother, Walter Masden is in North Africa serving his coun- try there Mrs Robert MeCollugh of Harris- burg, visited over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Harry Regal Mice tly Schenck spent Saturday at Bellefonte | Congress is one of the necessities tof democracy; if this wasn't true {there would be no Congress Na . ADS - Now that some kind of tax-saving plan has been énmcted we Wonder who will save anv taxes Public Sales SATURDAY, JUNE 10 — Mrs J M Coldron will offer at public sale next door to the postoffice in Cen- t ¢ Hall Borough, a complete res- taurant equipment. Sale at | m E M Smith, auct SATURDAY, JUNE 19—The Commis stoners of Centre County, Attor- neys-in-Fact for Clarence A. Houtz, will offer at public sale at the Houtz house in Union townahip, one-half mile north of Unionville, Pa. a full line of household goods Sale at 130 p m. Terms cash WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16-—Wally Gru- enewald will at the Hotel Pa, horses. Sale will start at 730 p m Ray Carper. auct | SATURDAY, JUNE 19-—iMa) Relax Back Rests Rest your back while fish- ing, camping or boating. Sit in it to appreciate it. Only-—- 99¢ Carpenters’ Tools If he's a “tinkerer” or a mechanic, you can please him. Barn, Centre Hall i | i | : i at his residence in Millheim a full line of household goods. Sale at 1230 noon Terms cash. Mayes & Stover, auots offer at public sale at Lohr farm, between Bellefonte and Pleasant Gap, a carload of Minnes- ota horses Sale m EM Smith, Smeltzer, ¢lerk FRIDAY, JUNE 25--McClellan Ross- asuct Lunch Boxes Ice-cooled for picnics, tra- vel or lawn lunches. All metal. $3.39 Machinist's and Carpenter's Tool Boxes $3.49 and up. farm, 3 mid north of Mark, or 3 miles east of Tyrone, on Ridge Road, In Warriors Mark Val- Fly-Tying Kits || And a complete line of || | fishermen’s accessories, Only — | SATURDAY, { her residence, 99¢ | Baseball Bats-Gloves A full assortment. hold goods. cash. E MM. Smith, auct. Saturday, June 19 JOHN T. ZIEGLER (of Howard Borough, will offer at pub- lic sale at 2 p. m. sharp, the follow- stove; Ride to Work on a Victory Bike | CLASTER'’S High St. Phone 3122 Bellefonte, Pa. — Watch Our “Close Out” Table — springs and mattresses; 2 sinks: 3- J py Saturday, June 19 MRS. J. M. COLDRON will offer at . sale next door to the post in Centre Hall Bor. Sikh the following restaurant equip- 0 electric refrigerators, § cubic Heverly, stationed at at 8 o'clock p. | w-C man will offer at public sale on his | a.m. Lunch will be served on the | premises. Mayes and Stover, auct. | JUNE 26 — Mrs. J. M. | Waddle will offer at public sale at | 240 E. College Ave. | State College, a full line of house- Bale at 12 noon. Terms | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. large extension table; 4 kite tables: rmdio. work wble, oor- cupboard, dex, and other art i LOO numerous 0 mention I'he dwellitg house and outbulld ings and lot will also be ollered lor ale. Dwelling house equipped with walter and eleotricity Friday, June 25 1 wind cherry table sang chalm spring harrow. 60-woth harrow mill; corn sheller; grindstone, two bog orates, extension Isdder, grain | jars, dishes bag wagon; stone fork, potato shovel, mower wheelbarrow: 100 buggy, sel of bugey other harness and whip, two sets tug bar ness, set of housings, saddle cart whip SEWINg Horse palr of bean i ¢ Ben los 400-pound capacity bridies y " check lines halters; hitch« Siover aucts ing straps forks shovels picks grubbing hoe COW chains rake Lol hammers: oold ohisels: single res dounie tree digs ror bar, garden Wok and other wools; st the he W milk cana 10 Wo mdilk buckes Pile CUp i~Can loe and gallon churn, two butter Laval cream separator LWG spring lnrge wper kettle pickup truck | [eet each, one as good as new, Vul- port {CAN gas range; restaurant size, with # burners, broller. and grill, in good condition; S«<burher Nesoo gasoline stove, good ws new, used one week S=burner gas hot plate; large sige Red Cross Heatrola; 48-cup electric drip coffee urn; cup electric | percolator; 16-cup Silex electric {coffee maker, two electric sandwich toasters, electric junior waffle iron; electric toaster; Bunbeam Mixmas- ter electric food mixer; milk shake MCLELLAN ROSSMAN mixer; aluminum cooking utensils IB ofter 4 bi / hor ¢ {and dishes of all kinds; glassware; |. 20€r at public sale on his farm | silverware, show cases and counters: o niles north of Warriors Mark, or chairs and six folding chairs, tables; A miles east of Tyrone, on the Ridue Hnoleum; two pool tables, National Oud in Warriors Mark Valley, following personal property cash register, and many other artis [cles too numerous to mention LIVESTOCK ~4 11 Holstein | Bale at | p.m. BE M Smith Guernsey mjich cows, accredited herd, some fresh and close eo Guernsey bull, 2 years heifers, Guernsey calf; 3 horses, con sisting of black mare, § old welght 15600; roan mare, 7 old welght 1600 gelding Venrs oid weight 1500 some Boophian duck FARM IMPLEMENTS One a Or kel ‘ incGaders wrilCios V0 tion Bale at 9:30 a 8 hs bath collars Crow v Lae brid 14 SETH miik ®ran ie; Nve gallon sLrip ooole 1 Ix bute MKS off er pul allion and : sir DOW auct X44 Saturday, June 19 CLARENCE A, HOUTZ, by the of County, his a fer at public house of Clarence A. Hout 1 nion ‘town nip, one-half ile north of Unlon ville, on t Lhe following W¥ HOUS EHC washing burner oll COOK range writing des wictures small radi RAW other cherry seede ders, and other to mention Sale at | i } old 4 barre) years 4 HOU Oink Ib YOurs EHOLD GOODS... p bay wo a4 : Centre Ge H $e y IXiet will of Commissioners \ D Land larve ‘ tiorneys In fact I'wo h bed ! w—— - - . . John Deere ure spreade cut on nmer wit ang one fn new man he road 7-100 W with £ dump h TURNER'S AD GOODS machine inwn | Ove 1 -00rner’« Heatrol ceda ing machin warden PUBLIC SALE MINNESOTA BUY SAVINGS DAD STAMPS 0 on Term break fast barrel of two fron pots two wooden tubs, and many nuarnerou he premises PRACTICAL GI FATHER’S DAY JUNE 20 Slanan Crock nw art vinegar 0 ne Lal Mis yey Saturday, June 26 HARRIET ZIMMERMAN ingle bed Athy en kitchen cabinet, kit- chalr dining room tables f woking One Urner AWeeier pood and iia 24 library ture Hint H. L. HARPSTER ALCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 357% PINE GROVE MILLE, PA. hoy ania § LHTTTTTTTIE § 1 TITTY Pe TE a TT Ct TLL SURMISE I RIT IME JIE) " FTS PLEASE Yi HN Makin) § BLY A WAR DAD BOND anEsRgDWMINEE 3 Saturday, June 19 Mm GIFTS FOR FATHERS IN THE SERVICE ADA will offer at gence in Tyler Ing em HOU SEHOLI Eleotri refrigerator WoL HORSES! On the George Lohr Farm } xa ( | M «DUTT Between Bellefonte and Pleasant Gap ¥ Service Kits 69¢c and $1.00 MONDAY, JUNE 21 | Money Belis ATR OCLOCK P.M L FRANK MAYES] c+ oe Sor. workem. Tue lot. in hu e Toilet Set Real Estate Sales olors and wel hing 15 to 18 hundred ¥ A ’ Shoe Shine Kit $1.00 General Auctioneer $1.00 SPECIALTY | . Shower Aprons $1.79 and $1.98 Complete Tollet Kit CALL STATE COLLEGE, 2342 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding a the sale of your property. Father's Day Cards in the on the Fathers Fathers For For weTVIeoe Past experiences have proven Home Front that public sales of real estate | Dress Shirts | Wallets | Shirts | Work Pants EN GIFTS FOR FATHERS ON teed Wand ruara Wash Ties rnd Fancies and Whit enum € ali MATCHING Herring Men Hea “ight F'HE HOMI $1.69 FRON'I a abode. Fruit CH JR $1.29 and $1.69 $1.00 WORK SUITS a * Pants. $1.98 demand higher prices A number of Farms and several Residences will he offered at public sale in the pear future A, C, Juilding T. E. JODON Auctioneer Crider's xchange M. SMITH C. SMELTZER Wateh for Dates! Clerk {pert a SHEEN 00 EL Stn HE Se SR DU offer at public sale | a carload of Bouth Dakota | Henry | B. Pitch will offer at public sale | IMONDAY, JUNE 21-T. E. Jodon will | ; the Geo. | Roomful of Beauty, Comfort and Quality At a Record-bhreaking Low Price! Just Look at These - Stunning Pieces! % Handsomely carved two-piece Living Room Suite. Deluxe Davenport and big, roomy Lounge Chair. Both richly tailored in long-wearing covers, with guaranteed sagless spring con. ! ® struction, | % Two attractive extra Pillows for the davenport. Adds both to appearance and comfort. % Two modern book shelf End Tables, Strongly made of fine hard woods, finished in satiny walnut, % Beautifully designed modern Cocktail Table, Lustrous walnut finish on selected cabinet woods, Ld % Two white pottery Table Lamps, complete with lovely silk shades, % New style reflector Floor Lamp. Sturdy base and smart shade. pr Comfortable Occasional Chair, New design, with tufted seat and good-looking, leng-wear. kL L RJ ———mht. Sect Allegheny Street TURNER CO. og LE ES FETE Tg HE Sh Hien LRA i 8 Bellefonte, Penna. Ld
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