Page Four = THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. June 17, 1943. - | ” ! | ' REESE, VERNA ng rie y estate havi bee ted to the AT i REBERSBURG Commencement | fier, vi | Bookkeeping Prin. 86 gin Uae havin, bot, runes, fo he | Any perin wishing more nforma- above natoes ecedest, ave ben [George R. Meek to the pupll in book - tion get in touch with the Becretary. compl . the said estate are requested to make mplied with, and to determine Exercises, June 221 BA ABA AD o [Keeping who kéeps the haute. sot immediate payment, ana those Lav- | Tight to reject any or all bids those entitled o-dnherit under the , ELIZ ET oO nner not I 1 fing © or dema pod rast id FMOON TC » ald # | nd Te " Mrs. Kenneth W. Breon left on spent the weekend with thelr pas a W SOIABICA JANE Hooks, ( ner Not announced) ng claims or demands against sa ALFMOON TOWNEBHIE sald Last Will and Testament, and Tuesday for Fort Worth, Texas, ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blerly [This year's class Is made yp of 68] SMITH. FLIZABETH . x estate WW present the same without : First Year Home Economics Prize: guiay for Et to DONALD B BCHOOL BOARD such other matters as may be FY, " : . ¢ y XN GEO. 1. PETERS, Bec'y rought before . 4 where she expects to visit her hus- ng and Mrs. Harvey Brungart of BIIs and 53 boys, with 22 of the boys | STENGER, FLORA pi Be A aan M. pHs loli into A gosto “ Ww am. ay ht Yetoge she anid, Audis band who is in training at Camp Miffiinburg, called at the H H RO now being In the armed services | SWARTZ. MARY hat uh &e , H ; "Ro i ¥ i Walker, atiorey for estale po IN THE ORFPHANE COURT OF Ihe hearing will be held iu the of Bowie er home on Sunday " SWRITZER, BMILY ME XE ae | heanapies. | - CENTRE COUNTY, PENNA flees of Fleming & Litke, Esquives . s y LIST OF GRADUATES 1043 od : hog (Winner not announced) m 4 Heverly Bullding, Bellelonte, Cente Mrs. Cyrus Moyer and sons Lyni | nrg Russell Sreon and daughter | TEAMAN, MARGERY Gitls' General Belence Prize: $8 BIDS WANTED In the Matter of the Estate of 0. Penneyivanls Tuesdi and Wayne, of Pleasant Gap, visited | joan sons Dean and Larry and BOYS THAL. QERTRUDE aver » Mr: 'M I’ Rh r oX~ Beuled bids will be received until Pauline Bronoel, late of Bellefonte ly 8. Arvap > arch iy oh Wg ' ACYN wr ig gE. B ge, for - pi 4 - ‘ ly 6, 143, at 2 OClock p m J her parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Hest Marjorie Brungart, visitegq the for- BAIRD, RICHARD Nt ANER, NAN I LE cellence In General Belence. (Win 8 Pp. m. July 2nd, at the home of Borough, Centre County Pennsyl 4 yane of performing the duties several days the past week mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay, “BARNHART, KENNETH NE A] aL Secretary of the Hullmoon Town- Veils, deceaseC > » : ner not announced) Re Mrs. Charles Miller has been on |Vonada at Fiedler, Bunday after- BARRETT, WILLIAM WALKER PHYLLIS “ ' nce Raat Prize: Two ship Bchool Board, for transports Estate No. 18720 . vhich all persons interested shali be the sick list. Mrs. James Bradford ncon BERARDIS, ROBERT WRIGHT, DrTY pr TS Do | two of $2560 on of school children from county Notice required to present their claims be . Ag . Sp 4 p y 4 th iwizes oO 0 ERC, RIM 0 of “4 ne to " . nd Port 4 rile ! L 0 presen LIME Cigars ot ho Hal is Jouve fae hen Bic. James Klinefeite; of tHoux BX TTORF, JOHN | . given by the W. C.T. U to the ne 4, entennial ie Port Matilda Notice is hereby given that the un- fore such Auditor Or be debarred mother. . a . " 3 . “BRY N. DO D | . ] “ino rom LowWnshiiys east-end ww a 1 ET ge ( 4 Al. CHT y NAT of | ! dder spent tl op TEAL: Iowa, ad Laother, S475, Lyda CAREY ZANE Commencement Program {reshiman boy and girl who write the |g ornuiown, Centennial and return | or ened his been appointed Audi-| from coming In Tor a share Of the Miss Violet Kidder spen le Wee Klinefelter of Millheim, and Mr. and . “4 X best essays on & temperance sub : or by the above named Court to ms- end with ‘her sister, Mrs, Donald Mrs. James Ziegler of Rebersburg,] "CONAWAY, MARLIN ject. Won hy Jean Tucker, Henry Wo Btormatown certain whether the provisions of the M WARD FLEMING, Auditor Beyers and family at Danville. {were Bunday supper guests at the C CONNELLY, MELVIN | Quigley and prize, Grace Brooks The Bchool Board reserves the Last Will and Testament of the Glenn Weaver, student-pastor at!A. Page home | *COX, JAMES | Prelude High School Orchestra and Donald Krebs ! 3 | "N wey oy id ul v Nass # » » the Reformed church) visited his| Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bonner of DAGGETT, FREDERICK tProcegsional Class of 1043 Home Economies Certificate of - " WU other at Fern Hill several days last | Churchill, N, Y., brought the latter's! PUNN, WILLIAM | Invocation Riv. wm. C, Thompson n Two certificates awarded by m NH R Re ¥ , brought the Jatters| ,oyiNnmzER. CYRIL | Introductory Remark Honor: ‘Two certificates awarded bh re n . " simi] he - week. The latter has been Ill but 18imother, Mrs. Carrie Detwiler from 3 A . the Homemakers Educational BSer-'¥ improving {Bayre Hospital, where she was un- IN LER Lh Yi S tLe H Nt Bop sxtberyes vice for excellence in second snd i Miss Doris Mallory was a weekend |der observatio: to her home In DOV LAL QBEPH 8h Bilaet neh, third year Home Economics work. 2 visitor in Monument {Smullton last week Miss Ruth Det “ «Rp o an Musk Belactef \ ho! WL (Winner not gnnounced) : , . | wiler (4) Philade iph 1 and Mr Bon- HILI ARD, HI RBERT Addre Dean Russell Galt Nurse Training Behorarship , ~ ; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crebs, Misses Wy al "| *HOLDERMAN, ELWOOD Susquehanna University 0 oy 0 of 81 give "by the The Duplex 2in 1 M } r VY | ¢ i Yeh | { upliex 111 1 YMIAiress Doris and Violet Crebs and Mrs | ner are caring for their mother HOLLABAUGH, KENNETH he Values of the American Women of the Mo Awarded . The Sleeping Value of the Century James Herrold of Selinsgrove, and| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of HOUTZ, ROBERT { High School in Wartime Emily Bweltzer and Anna Be le | Auditor s appoinlunent, wo | The Cammencement program fol | lows ry ry { 1% Leer} (3 ail) al — Lt. Thelma Crebs of Des Moines, la.,| Miliheim, and Mrs. Corrine Smull of | «JOHNSON, ELWOOD Musi Instrumental Group (ipo called at the A. J. Cummings home East Orange, N. J, called at the, ROHLER DAVID Presentation of Diplomas Walker Ligh ne i on Sunday {homes of L. A. Kidder and Mrs.| «LEITZELL, FREDERICK Horace J. Hartrange | Amer hols renip given by BRO Ka- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hosterman and | Maury Hellar on Sunday *LUCAS., MERVIN president of the Board il ge Ki ola hip on 3 8 wine family of Centre Hall, called at the | Misses Audrev, Jean and Martha *LUDICK. DONALD Music High School Orchestra boll Post No. 33, / SH an Legion M. W. Breon home on Sunday eve- Bloomquist of Bellefonte, spent the. MANCHESTER, HUGH Announcement of Prizes (Winner not I) ning weekend at their summer home at McDONNELL, JOSEPH and Awards Earl K. Stock Wayne Weaver is recovering from Centre Mills *McMURTRIE, CHARLES Supervising Prin. of School School Chorus a tonsillectomy performed last Friday | anyone desiring to purchase nes MITCHELL, ROBERT Benediction Rev, Wm. C. Thompson . at the Lock Haven Hospital hav please contact wy MONSELL, WILLIAM IRL : / " Annual Dinner Mr. and Mrs. 8. Z. Hubler of Mill- ) : " : vi ‘NOLAN. GERALD Postiude High School Orchestra heim, were Sunday afternoon callers = ™ ~ yo ny Na ibm a py OLSEN, STANLEY Prizes Awarded at his mother's, Mrs. Ada Hubler Here Nataan Joony at Nin PINGE. DONALD The Women's Missionary Society |’ 0: y Batlict HOHE & *PORT. GEORGE bf the Evangelical church entertain-| S/8gt. Earl Burd of Camp Meade PORT. JAMES 4 ow ed the Mission Band and Little Her. § H he 3 Kend § he home! *RACKOWSKI JOHN General Excellence Prize 810 giv glds on Friday evening in the annex ©f h Mr. and Mrs. Willard RIDER. CHARLES en by Retall Division of the Belle. of the church ard RITCHEY, WILLIAM fonte Chamber of Commerce for ex Mrs. Robert Brungart visited her . and Nei aagen of ] ‘ROBISON. GERALD eellence in the general and scademi son Earl, at LaGuardia Fleld, N. Y nt the Rend with their sister *ROCKEY. ELMER subjects. Won by Mary Swartz: hon the past weekend i WwW an ROUSH, THOMAS orable mention Amy MceCOoy, Sara William Martz, Mrs. Paul Martz - *SEPRISH, JOSEPH isan and Prederick, Daggett and daughter Anna Mae, of Tussey- SHIPLEY. JACK rneral Excellence Price. $10 ville, Mrs. Kenneth Mahaffey and 37 Leave Saturday SHOPE, RICHARD n by the BHS Alumni Asso daughter Susie and Colleen Grove of SMITH, BUDD for excellence In Commercia y don spent Sunday at the R For Armed Forces *SMITH. SWENGEL jects. Won by Geraldine Rachau W. Smith home. The latter two re- . SUMMER. KENNETH honorable mention. Frances Dunk k mained for a week's visit (Continued from page one) *TORSELL, RICHARD ree Mr. and Mr vle Wolfe and'Lester Martin bellefor ‘WATSON. ALBERT daughter Lottie of nsburg, and : Jame hilipsburg "WATSON, MAURICF Mr. aud Mrs. Dean and nald T. Marshall Philipsb WITMER, ROBERT *h ah mitten . N ily of Greenburr, sj Sunday ¢ nald Kiinefelter Bellefonte ZERBY, HARRY aranhicyl aay. WOM bv =~ NiaF lible School the home of the ladies’ paren Mi: anes | Jend N inno ZIMMERMAN, HARRY p A : Awe $ : } and Mrs. H A Meyer : erald |} ny... "hill TR *) Indicates pupil now in Armed Miss Betty Page | wndin th AY Ax hilipshure week at Benners Point in New York State ' GIRLS Mr. and Mrs. 8 G. Ziegler r.| George | cn Hefon BARNES, ALICE and Mrs. Paul Winters ¢ } al rvs L order Moshannon BARNHART, LAURA vin Breon, Jr and daughte: ) "Wis x viann Mil Il BENNER, LOUISF were Saturday business visitors in Ton i“ Bellefonte BENZIE, ANNIE Lewistown nomas B. Leitzell Port Matilda BERARDIS, EMMA Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brungart and | Donald MeElwain Flemin BJALME, ULLA two children of Coburn, called he Thomas E. McMullen Philipsburg BLOOMQUIST, MARTHA | homes of Paul ‘Wert and Ray Brun nes W. Crownover Port Matikla. BROOKS, ELEANOR We also have a Box Spring to match, rt. Sunday rederick | teed Bellefonte | COSLO, ANNA ithematios Prize 5 given by th Ws i : or and Mrs. Paul Brig! nd ' Paul Bryan ceol ill DAWSON, BARA he BHS Alumni Association t he! +! priced at $39.50 daughters Garaldine and Yvonne, of rman ralskl Philipshur DOBELBOWER. ELEANOR i | his ma £ Either Siogle or Full Size Sliamokin., were Sunday af n \ ghma Bellef DUNKLEBARGER, FRANCES high tand in mathematics for . ) wo ‘iad fit N 1 mattres|ses are ti callers at the homes of Russell Breon Fred K Kellerman Bellefor ECKLEY, JULIA four years rk Tie. Frederick Dag Legal Notices ; nese | ly 1 Lu mMatiresses al nan and Calvin Breon, Br {arold [ckes Milesburg EMINHIZER. ILENE t. Mary Swartz: honorable men- , vith bDetler than the average damask 1 CRing [hey id Mrs. Rand te of FISHER 3 ; ra Rizal "” . oat li ro Haven Raliec on the formers For the Navy PI vy rH | OL amb yi ADMINIS TRATRIX'S NOTICH ® an Way assuring maxmmum resiliency an arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ertle on Michael hriston.. Port Matilda FOSS, LILLIAN sHS Alumni Association the Set A of iE aS, A mattyre i’ rn well on for a I time it’s that lastinglv d any evening [homas R. Watson Mileshurg . GETTIG. IBABEL BH A ni» » hie tant in #hio Sette Cons decent. A mattr you'll sleep well on for a long time... . its that lastingly de- Mr. and Mrs. J. Bliss Aikey of ir es . : Bellefonte RD HERR IY MARY Frown and best ‘achievement mn letters of adminstralion on said Bellefonte, were weekend visitors Robert P. Oswalt Jarence GILL, WANDA » te 4 estate having been granted 10 Lhe BTR alters “sister. ME. Ken. ‘Homer D. Kruger__So. Philipebars | GOLDMAN. GLORIA | Chaigletsy a TT | inasmmahed: ail. -oateos lndebied ti Breon | Leona Shlain Blanchard G ON, MARY ! g : mediate payments. and those having ne hfe Bieriv and wife of Bal- Harry 1. Etters Howard RD 2 HALDERMAN, HILDA Activities Prize: $10 given by the cj, im, of deinands aLEInst She Same tfmore, Md. Mrs. Charles Kreamer Perry M. McKean Howard RD || HALL MARGARET [BHS Student Senale 10 SHIGE Who Wi oe iia ar and daughter Mary Ann, of Harris-| Jerry Leather Howard RD 2, HALL. VIVIAN {hat attained the highest point score SUES to SERS 1 BNET Burg. and Curtis Bierly son of Mr For the Air Corps HARTMAN, LOIS for participation in high Rhool eX- 3" Ww Gettig, attorney for estate and Mrs Staniev Bierly of Millheim. Donald E Knisely Bellefonte HASSINGER PHYLI is fira-curriciisr activities Won 9 x29 HAZEL. EVABELLE | Amy McCoy." “honorable mention. | ™ sy poisons NOTICE. * HILL JACQULYN | Zane Carey Estate of Gertrude CGarduer. late HILLARD, ALICE Milesburg Senior Prize: $5 given of Howard Boro, Centre County, de “ » a gh HOPPLE, EDITH {by the Milesburg Waman's Club tc CHUMY aM amaniasy on 4d Bove . ’ X 2 " X int CS MARAEL 5 Select A Practical Gift HOUSEL. LILLIAN ine Milesbure Selle JAvIag". Whe | Sevier dasamantat ou Ras ibove | SC S——————————— . ‘ KELLEY. VIVIAN highest general average Won b : 3 ; KERSTETTER, NORMA i Richard Baird A KRAPE, EVELYN | Boggs Township Senior Prize: $5 RRAPE MARY LOIS given by the "Milesburg Woman's a KUCAS, MARY . Club to the Boggs Township Senios ; ' KUSHWARA, HELEN having the highest general average ) KUSSE, JOAN . AC Won by lene Eminhizer; honorable \ ’ Ww 7 £. 7 ZZ Cas oy mention Anné Peters (3 LL E FONIES § HO Ry Ac bods ly : SULLO, ANGEL ) 7 4ad vj J cong 4 BLINE Legion Essay Prises Approved O. P. A. FUT IT RE Te price $54.50 nm Prizes 10 be awarded are listed he rn iw HETIL ETE ER _ TSI JOE the high - by Amy RO TREE I DR TOOT NRE UR RN NRT ORD CE ET TNR YR AR BARI RT SIL wimLael TW ven OF the TUT There's no sag Zing or shitting. This DUPLEX “Double Decker” MATTRESS was originally featured in the Popular Science magazine. BRACHBILL’S Spring Street Bellefonte, Pa. £ ined | Imma ed Ee Ce MAY, JUNE American } i f ‘Pri f $15 and 85. 4 gift of PUAN TH 4 < McOLURE. SARA Prizes of $15 and $5. the gift of —— THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — 2 44 MILLER, ROSALIE Legion to the pupils writing the best . . fs on t k a Thi _— . cw ’ nf n ‘ “ NER LS y are NAR EE HELMA ire We vy ery Baris, Jeate SPECIAL SHOW FRIDAY NOON (12 P. M.) FOR DEFENSE WORKERS Slack Suits PETERS. ANN | Purnell, Frances 8noke $3.95 to $8.95 rORNELL Joatne | Ahad choanbin: A coliss THE BIG ACTION-ROMANCE OF THE YEAR! REAM, RUBY Alumni Association. Awarded 0 REESE, EMMA {Plora Stenger Fels BATTLE STATIONS! Ty did 4 : Stand By for Thrills and Adion! __~\ ’ 1s, Adam - = #35. 5195 Friday and Saturday » —~— Wings $1.75, $2.00 & $2.25 Mohawk - - - « < $1.95 NEW TARZAN THRILLS BY THE THOUSAND . . .. ecteries J] Tarzan Lured By A Pagan Princess! 55¢, 65¢ & $1.00 vu, Sy "” Pajamas \ —r $1.95, $2.50 -— sobony WEISSMULLER and $2.95 FRANCES Gifrorp a AR FY JOHNNY (Boy) SHEFFIELD Bed Room Slippers FF» — six.aon comm: — # All Leather ; 1 “BED” CLASHES WITH THE KILLERS ! $1.95 to $2.98 op-ed? vBirry-—in RL ; i P. h DEAD MAN'S GULCH la t storming TYRONE POWER » ith Anne BAXTE Hose ER he With Tynn Merrick - Envmett Lynn, ya cr SH BES _, ToT miata 35 ne uw A D . | | MONDAY Lay TUHSRIAY 3% soar | Monday and Tuesday * - ” 4 on; il g— R Dana ANDREWS 2 - Low Pe : i Ann Fiddied While Melvyn Burned! Handkerchiefs _~ {}] Frank Graham—as It's a Riotous Comedy! § : COSMO JONES MELVYN ANN LEE . ; ; 59% and up in the DOUGLAS SOTHERN BOWMAN , : y wv 3 Returned By Popular Demand! CRIME THREE HEARTS FOR JULIA EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FATHER'S DAY : | SMASHER Also— (Slapsie) Maxie Rosenblootm—in SUMMER SUITS $15.00 Richard Cromeeh EE Edgar Kennedy William Mant Little Jackie Heller, Parkyarkarkix, Moreland Henry King and His Orchestra. " . Holden THE NATIONAL STORE NEXT THURSDAY A TRIDAY : S. ALLEGHENY ST.” ‘BELLEFONTE, PA. AMERICAN EMPIRE Coming Next Week for 8 Days—Thur, Fri, Sat——“HUMAN COMEDY"——Starring Mickey Rooney. Wednesday Only “MEN OF BOYS’ TOWN" STARRING SPENCER TRACY.
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