Pees San THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. June 17, 1943, - . wo oe sly wardt | lat the cabin on the M. B Musser been pared to what Is believed to be cipal Earl K. Block reviewed the Reformad Such oy old an ig BOALSBURG farm, Binte College, BR. D fg fi safe minimum, it is Woped to effect nures®” report for May, the dental ™ E H A LL A ND VICINITY Saturday night | Whe Pirst Organized class of the! Mr. and Mrs Nevin Fisher and certain economies which may make hygienists report for the year, and The Rev. Delas R. Keener spent Neformed Sunday scheol will hold a daughter of Biate ( lke ge, spent it unnecessary to borrow on tempor. the librarian’s report for May. Dur- Inst Tuesday and Wednesday at food sale in the church basement Monday evening al the Fisher home. ary loans ing the school year the teeth of 631 rr —— —————————— J) Camp Mensch Mill, attending a con- Saturday afternoon, beginning at 2 RH Winsap, It, (0), U. BN. R., Ax the meeting opened Horace J (Publis were examined and cleaned | i ference on Christian Education o'clock of Washington, D. €., spent several Hartranft board president, admin. #hd recommendations for dental Mrs. Chester Grove entertained) Rebersburg Lutheran charge this evening in the Old Port woods. These * apy carrie Pultz and Mrs. J. W.| The Missionary Circle of the Wo- hours Sunday in Boalsburg. Her istered the oath of office to Law. 'restment were made in a number the Willing Workers Lutheran Sun- summer. He visited friends in Cen- were piesent hesldes the teacher: yogerman of Woodward, spent last man's Guild of the Reformed chureh father, W. W. Hill. who had spent rence M. MeClure, Jr. ' who recently Of instances. The circulation of the day school class at her home last tre Hall on Sunday Misses Mabel, Ruth and Darline pooday afternoon at the George met Thursday evening at the home several days In Washington, DD. C. was named to succeed Willlam Bschool library jast month was 1504 Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ernest Ho- The Young Women's Missionary Foust, Loulse Smeltzer, Agnes De Bearson home here of Mrs. E. H. Myers, The members Ac 0mpanied her to Boalsburg where Troupe as 8&8 member of the board or 890 more than for May 1942. A man conducted the devotional per- Soeclety of the Lutheran church met Inner, Rosella Homan, Inez Luse and Miss Betty Searson left Sunday present were Mrs. M. W. Goheen, he remained until Tuesday when Le A bid by the J O. Brewer cng) 70181 of 48 new books, some of them fod and had charge of the, entertain- jagt Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Richard Luse for Harrisburg where she will take prs. HM. Hos terman, Mrs. Anna returned to his home in Pittsbural wd, for furnishing coal 0 the ment at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Ralph Homan. These were Mrs, Mabel Foster of Aaronsburg, a busines colrse at the Thompson Beam, Mrs, George Ishler, Mrs, Nell | While In Boalshurg they chools Was accepted. The Brewer Mrs. Harold Leightley reported on|present: Mrs. Fred Luse, Mrs. Rob. 18 visiting Mrs. Lovan Smith this whoo! n. Fisher and Miss Beulah Fortney. of B. M. Hermann bid. jower of two bids submitted gh school credits In e Biblical characters, Hanna and ert os, rs. Ernest Homan, week 5 Pr riot ’ y a tor i the B ert Rhoad M ‘ Mrs. Fred Priest, daughter Janet, Mr. and Mrs. John Btover and the wis $4 a ton ul Ichabod's mother. These other mem- | Mrs, Ernest Frank, Mrs. Clarence: The Methodist Children’s service and a friend fron Williamsport A He risk , ' " bers were present Miss Margaret Otto, Mrs. J’ Harold Durst, Mrs. Program will he presented Sunday ealled on Mr. and Nn iltiumaport the 1atter’s mother, Mrs. We on Wy Board Adopts M y J pin Hartswick sub- pefore completing th ir high school Alexander, Mrs. Roy Dutrow, Mrs. Kathryn Breen, Mrs. Ray Mark, morning at 10:45 Sunday afternoon Altoona were Upper guests of M: S h | B d et : foc 3 hile: Jeon! on the pre-| course many of them are given Ralph Homan, Mrs. Fred Luse, Mrs. Miss Bertha Sharer, Mrs. W. W. Mrs Leroy Krebs and sons, Jerry Miss Nellie June Knarr spent sev |W. H. Stover, Bunda; ; choo udg ahi or es og gH o the courses of study in Army Institute Ralph Luse, Mrs. Arthur Thomann, Kerlin, Mrs. Hamld Leightley and 8nd John, visited Mrs. Wilhir Ker- opal days last week with Mr. and Billy Patterson spent Mond 'y per On | commi tee of he Ward clanses. Mast schools and collages Mrs. Clarence Otto, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Rov Dutrow stetter In Zlon Inst Tuesday Mrs. James Gilbert in Milroy, and “th Robert Bauers at State Col- Fontiusi From Sage tme/ ht BC it SAPS An GH Wa) 'o are recognizing A Rhoades and Mrs. Roy Jamison. Mrs Mrs. Newton, Emerick, with her Pvt John Spyker and wife from Sunday with friends in Harrisburg. '*%¢ ; bien Ebr sien tvtime 1 10L alarmed « he matter hp ri BY YACHT ne sehovt reported Kathryn Jamison was there as a granddaughter. Wilms Houtz. is vis York visited Mr and Mrs CC A Thirty-eight members and guests Mi and Mr pl oe Shas: gy r it wi pointed it that even * ALY ; - guest ithe her son and daughter in Wi Spyker from Priday until Sunday. of the Christian Endeavor Society '®/™ d 3 hinios 0 og Wir nd pe 4 yough stimated Xpens have n his repor Buper vising rin. for Victory: Buy Bonds Vinton McClellan, theological stu- lamsport Pvt. Spyker had a fifteen-day leave held a weiner roast Thursday night dny o! nel gel endo hon - tte ama——. > § —— a dent at Gettysburg Seminary, is Mrs. Dora Odenkirk spent several £0 route to his new station at Camp in the Fort woods. Afterward they "/7#Y afternoon. ‘The guests we Davis, N. ©. Other weekend guests . ‘ . . , Joen Hess, Barbara Mothersbaugh ry AS § v pastor the vs 1s ree) vith her 8 went to the Robert Rhoades’ home serving as a supply pastor In the davs last week with her sister-in ' 10RD Williams. Louise Mothers. at the Spyker home were Fred Spyv- for a scavenger hunt law, Mrs. Robert Mever. in Altoona A rR BCARVENRS nn : np . - | er of Chicheo n RR Ths . N | eh. Ina Gene Belch, Nancy Koch ( The Centre Hall we man Club | k hs ng aut Aancee Bian These member of the Garden wy fhe Jr Cun Bet Wilhur Houlz Outstanding a u 2S Harriet Cady of Oberlin, Ind, who Club held a at 1 OTR n y , niente esdns vening ] ! an picnic at the George planning a pienle Tuesday evening and Mia. Pred Lonberges CENTRE HALL June 22. at 6 o'clock at the Grange 1° spending this week here. and Heckman cabin east of town last dune 5 aL @ “ : ‘ty; Mr and Mrs. J D. Blenker of Lock Wednesday evenine Mrs J M Mr Frederic Dale visited her hus. ad lis Ca £ and Don t ¥ ak Sime hed ine MOAT TE sree | In Breads, Rolls, Cake uts. om gin were received The Board, upon motion, agreed 10 accept Army Institute scholastic creel A ’ were guests 1. eredits it was SHOWING Vinton MeClellan also spent Kirkpatrick, Mrs, C. A. Miller, Mrs. hand, Cpl ri “teh tame & , ~ : Sunday at the Spyker home Edgar Miller, Mrs. Charles H. Light, Meld, Battle Creek, Mich, recen Saturday Night ban i vl Mr orge Dethler and three Miss Jennie Thoms Mrs. W PF Mr. and Mi Hugh ¢. Dale and Any day you shop, your A&P Super Market has on Mrs. Milford Gardner Keller, Mrs, PP. V. Goodhart, Mrs. J. two daughters of Oxford ere 1 nt " hand an excellent assortment of baked goods And every one of Hs bakery treasures is made with fine ingredients to timedtested recipes and sold Kathryn Breon, sons Ronald ney and Mrs. Heckman Mr Light from a visit with her daughter, A STRICTLY, bakery fresh! Speedy deliveries from T i p rs | mison, wi . y y y J ! » 5 oie “5 ¥ “ = TWp Big Features hh and | | and Donald, Mrs. Clande Wert and and Mrs. Bradford were In charge Walter A. Bnov ' neoly rk, N ES avaurn. uiiy bul prey’ ploy Bi a LAE Marte . a shot f +4 niartn ly "eh ram n EAST SIDE KIDS. In Sy M a 1 .ov made n ih ping o he entertainment consisting of today for wholesome, appetizing Marvel “Fariched : rip t " town on Saturday contest and races N y ) red Press L 134 n 4d Rolls for tends tempts a Parker N Miflliinburg or nda — » reads an nder npting Jane "That Gang of Mine” Ede § A re AY — rie inner gests of Mrs Mrs DM Bradford and Mir dng ht « ‘ } rs. Stell Cakes and! Donuts. Petter bakery valpes are hard n y ¥ 3 ol . Rat ve ireon and Mrs. Marte Tee Harold EE Bradford spent § vturday Yivid of Wingat | N Wit find anywhere and NOT ONE IS RATIONED! Hmmer emni nent t th wittany M " . and TEX RITTER wo wer Marian Johnson of Potts. 16 Monday with Mr. and Mrs Wil {oy r ' n Shaw Lion Inn in State College, spent last in . J. 1. Reed of Philadel p el Y i g \ i Vill nd J inde] ! tell n ven ara Sweet cont y / takers Your Singing Cowboy, in: Wednesday at h ro Wii bur McClellan in Lock Haven a : f&P I Fhese otl-of town persons attend- visitor — ~ 4 vad at ) For Father's Davy 7 Mrs. George Searson. Mrs. James Mrs Fred Horner entertained : Haig RAYE OF the coun ung amsshrn, Bes, vies (red, Horner entertained the unera of Mpa Helen Ta tholomes Saturday a“ternoon: E 1. Middietowy . " Mr. and Mr iamue ferman $ home last Hah . n brady peni the weekend al " . Rio Grande an) avul Af ah ne. at be nes ne ray I v day en Bartholomew of Altsona Mr. and his hot : 3ellefMhte last Wed y. na fod dA be ™ Mrs HL Kittleberger and Miss Mi Ww. H r. an r f CHILDREN 15¢ ADULTS 25¢ |BelefOnte Is hs ow OM vy A. Spyker, Mrs. Lovan ; sn Kittleberger Curwensville her w and deog) ne : , - - et The ! wran Pri iship Bund Smit) Mors ! A Alexander Mrs (Tax Included) mabe. mlman bdrm: ‘ , Miss Orpha Ciramley and Mrs Ma- Fred inher ger r. and A a an y h | nsh Mrs Lavina Floras : ta i ceaitt wvintt " ‘ Dutrow. hel 2 basket pien han | " n 4 4 ug WM Poster, Millheim: the Rev. and 8 Btit : A Hi hilip Bradford and Mrs PV. J E Hatem. Senbary: tw Rav family. Sands IN he influence of moving ' childres chile " MALE SRS ETERS UE A ITT TERT § 1 HEHE HH ALLELE @ CLLEEE SEEt @ EERE TESLA uti 1 EET § RECTELEEETES: 68 THEI 8 picture ha the top of discussion 5 indin 17% r WW Fishel! an "H : org ony it y AY ER ‘nmpbell, Clintic Other Fresh AEP Baked Goods! A Final Resting Place | :ce 28 Sonn airs hs ov |e we adv 10¢| CAKE AT 8:30 PF. M. res " inion Rai po . of Pleasant Gap, called at the Le P Wetzel, Mrs. J. W. Bradford. Mrs. visitors at the Dale-Mef . ; Krebs home Saturday afternoon. J Harold Durst, Mrs. George Swee My . Bonine |} AT THE GRANGE HALI vice Sunday evening. June 2 oS Feature These femte and Mr rman and Mr ina Noil, Pilea dase ter. Mi ya Bailey . Sue bent i . n Ten, Weiner, Barbecue Tws layers of " : +} E 0 Homan, Mrs. P. V. Goole it rian L : worthy of the love, e steem and i } at and . Ary ih : : aan Hanna went te Soka " ow 0h dk » "red vanillin figroved i Mr. and ward Brown and ginger Memorial Hospital or ale : Qtowves g nt Fresh Rolls .- nn TEE 8c EACH 39¢ ake, find snd topped g : Mr Bam with 5 sich vanilla cream family dinner rday to siniete the reauirements se. anh i a bs irels i L | } i ‘ Sas Pa ricer fedmg Dad snd all the reverence you hold for those who Uae Sueata had 2 iy ginmet or ~~ 5 5S MM ' for entrance in the fall nursing class Mr Lawre tamiils wit 4 ; a A J we mer al : reat of the ' : We nad . | miler of Her mother Mrs William Hanna ; Dated Donuts Don 14c “go for this ove! are near and dear to you g rospect Par ' Mi ars ¥ spent the day wit} Mrs. Harold : Harry Leighties Middle fi I \ Lelser In Lewisburg frvey arid Mit 3 : H AND Misa Jean Bartholomew returned 1 — i E Iv and Mr. si rs. Mer Ker Sunday t rf Cit where the Bar. fa Bunda trire mi No Coffee can give yom mare good cups per mi thnlomew family has rented a sun snk Pov pound than ARF Coffee \ iH" . " . GA DEN OF REST” ¥ | The Pre ia IORATY 80+ mer cottage. Jean Bloom, daughter USE COUPON NO. 24 TODAY © R [ning 'n the church for th t- APC along for a two vaca tor with Mr. a rs. 1 nt MILD AND MELLOW ..3 O'CLOCK R ! MN G S CENTRE COUNTY § | [mummers wey os So's S000 0 nn | COFFEE 4» bor 21€ NS fast with this delicions Memorial al Park “TR i me an, ei ats Gos i te mee Fe | Red Circle 1 24¢ | un DO EZ Bt mm a week aE Ta - hy . hia ms A - ris ” na Dale. Mr dear } ! 1-Lh re ‘iandards’ Tr7 INC. 1 ' -. il 3 ONRGAY eVeEning fwmald aun Mrs y it Mr Bokar «= » =» Bag 26¢c one today A ; ern Star Grand Chapter sessions tev \ K Hoaterman is at Teddy, son of i Jor. arr Ian - san fer. Homer, Mra Leo y : Mr. and Mrs. Ver- tending the sixth annual Confer- White Mouse . . . MN N . non Clodshall is visit hie grand. tan attra le " . ward Bpolis Mrs Wilbur HH iy S T A I E C 0 L L ofa G E : | Pp EE A T: ing | 4 ence of town and country pasion — Mrs. Robert Be i Coffee. 1.4% 33e Evaporated EE EE ER © 8 (mother. Mrs Margaret € all on the’ Penn State Campus this Mrs Pred Louberger a MN EE i at i a, memmnd | The Friendship Bible class of the geek Fess, Misste Nlargaret Lie “ mma OCTAGO y aold ih | - —————————————————A——— a a The Helping Hand Lutheran Bun Fliza Stuart and Priscilla Stusn Enriched Flour Sdal « + + Amel MILK ' ! TOILET SOAP og Foe a Soft-a-Silk 5... . | 10 == 850 June 20th Is Your Date to Remember irs. W. A Alexander, “Mrs. A TH. ibaeh family at Potters Mile. ——— Edumor Bmx... pir dniiy aE, ay J 4 and Miss Florence Koch of La Baker Maid Saltines. . . rrr N.B.C. 100° ‘ Bran. an CORN the Grandest RC Want a I cis FLAKES gg augliter Jonnie dre ’ fe llefonte fsitad Ru sad H 5 ~~ Rpag hott! i | rive XH A . Friday evening ™ roni. y Ane Yat an. Mrs Pmrsstt Brooks and Mrs Bgt Robert Ro Camp D ' f J#H 1 iimk) y a recent visitor wit J —— he = 10e he Lutheran churth service h * and Mrs. 1 H. Jones of Stats — - Hires 2° Extract to 730 o'el kt. When the : nilege N sn Hiring 2 siA af N Yukon ? RAJAN program iit or ree! ard Mrs rar ywe | WA Beverages fim we Be iy The thirty: et irewe reunion Ars im avs MeClint ic i A fh tana Hediuled for 8 itiday +s 16 at with her son Hugh MeoCl . ' Plain Olives - Eon SAUCE Grange Path: has been cancels family at Pine Crowe Mills from Pri a Mrs Howard Oilligan., with F day until Saturday Morion's Salt. . a ten children, PaticX and Mre. 8adie Schaefler nf Bellefonte : Som 8 ] tan vith and daneghter Mra Albert Gilme ; Fit Insecticide . . . . a nti Cc spent scveral dave ast her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DC t. and daughter Busan of Philadelphia erling sent Wednesday at the Edgar Hens Lava Hand Seap..... FACIAL TISSUES Mr. and Mrs (0 W_ Avieon wd home - mal fanghter of Plattsburg, Va vis Mrs Cirant Kine and A ght : . Borax Movi aa As and Mr: Harry Potter ord Dora Mae, were callers at the Res family this week T. 3. Jones howe Sunday afternoos 2 Cutrite Wax Pasar. ‘oy Mrs Francis Snyder visited fe. Mra Frederic Dale of Pleasant cently at the Flovd Snyder home. | C30, spent Friday night at the L. K "Soap Powder ocmee 2 % da Lt and Mra leonard tigen spent Dale home : arms time recently with his parents Arr and Mr: Guy Btsarns § snr . Pi - afi 4 at visitors 2 ick Your Fresh Fruits Mr and Mrs Wallac Tigen of Houvserville, were recent Mrs. Virginig' Miller of Philadel- 2! the Edgar Hess home » d : » et Mrs. Philip Williams has mover / —— and Vegetables in rhia, sent the weekend at Surf City with Mrs. Hattie Meyer. while from her apartment in Foster Court ) : R — s : v TE 2 7 2 . pr Apartments, Stats College, to the ’ , : N A. & P. 8 Vitamin Mrs. Bartholomew sad daaghter were al their home here heme of Her parents Mr. and Mr : »” " Mrs. Darius Waite and daughter, Riley Hunter . - Garden 8 Mary Eleanor of Port Matilda, spent Raymond Musser spent iast week 4 a = . oa Saturday with her parents. Mr. and ¥) 2 1 3 ; he gv TN Mrs. J Elmer Rover Sime Lbs. id AR) ain L f Lettuce Gown ® B® B® C Interwoven Sox cl a HUDGET NOTICE UN | GC | p A ea . . The budget of receipts and expen. Solid * Manhattan Shirts AN Barra rary LI INew Cabbage 3: ...2 ~17¢ . hel Platrist will be oben or irepestion MILLHEIM oN iE } at ® home © we Becretary es Sport Jackets “ 4 ter Grove, on and after June 21 t ~ NEW SHOW TIME -. - Calif, NN CHESTER GROVE Shows Now 7:30 and 9:30 F. M. uicy emons oh mena Dm ® Pioricer Sport Belts he Wn : . Admission 100 & 30 po We oO Grove Reunion Canceled — — CANTALOUPES “ie Xone... ' 260 RED RIPE TOMATOES. ..... 2 “™ 37s . All Wool Sweaters pa w The annual Grove reunion which LAST TIME TONIGHT CRISP CARROTS Leng, Smesth 2 Behe. iTe PASCAL CELERY Sb Cannan ”. ls ; 3a schaduled in have Sean TU at Thursday, June 17 Onlir, 72% centre all nn Baturdsy. has n . 9 Wembly Neckwear Great guy your father! He may be too canceled becanse of war conditions. ij oPm Garfield Harry Carey ; ' UNRATI ONED! Wo. . . y The reunion will not be resumed un- “AIR FORCE" A&P Meat Department Values! * Swank Jewelry and old to be at the battlefront, but he has taken til after the war Obie curaplete hrning - :30-only Wallets his post at a battle station on the home mates mp Sl. ] Eat Back 4 Red Points ———— ——— fr ont! Serving as an air raid warden—giv- SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY l M (June 19th) Lb. ® Straw Hats ing of his blood to the Red Cross—planting SPRING MILLS | REE. COLE: SHOWS Smoked Squares _ Cc ramen for Victory—working in war industry: you GRANGE WALL ~ SHOWING 6:45 - 8:15 - 9:45 Naddock Fillets. ....™ 30¢ * All Kinds Sport het he's helping win. Show your gratitude Tuesday, June 22 . [17Tho laugh sist af the sssstn-- Sunnyfield 8 Red Points ramen Shirts for how much he means to you, and the AT 2:30 P. M. STAN “LAURER : AND li d ] Lb. 43 Salmon Steaks... 1 40e » Spun Rayon Slack country—by word and deed! The word— — Two Big Foattires —— | OLIVER HARDY in S icé acon ma c Me Sui your Father's Day greeting: the deed— PRESTON FOSTER AND | “AIR RAID Red P Halibut Steaks... .. ™ 30 uits your gift of something fine to wear, PATRICIA ELLIS, in: | WARDENS” | Fresh, Loose 1] omits ® Jantzen Swim Suits “Lady in the Morgue” | Noting g Before Ever Like 1t: | Pork Sausage “ae Lb. 33 Boston Macken. . .. =. {de » nd FRED SCOTT, HE “cme FRESH LARGE Wool and Rayon BOB b AV Your Singing © bl in: WEDNESDAY jan? oNLY § SMALL TENDER WEINERS Rd a Butterfish. .........™ ldo H June ¥ "Songs and Bullets” | tyrone rower | MEAT LOAVES , Amend | |. ...... > Re FRESH DRESSED . Sai kaa | MAUREEN OHARA: Sea Trout... ......" 23s Manhattan with "FUZZY" the Comedian "I'he Black Swan” CHIPPED PRESSED HAN Lo ......" 0% BUND WT . Broadcloth Pajamas BELLEFONTE w | | jon LEWITOWN Re mend 2 PY | (A Technicolor) PURE LARD mas vss..." [8s | Blue Pike. i..." 2% a.
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